i It message DB ot s aMount of sou ] uau pDbican tolloscres do not beitats to 00 appreval of hie buncoul tioas witb regard te OX Paul Pioneor-Prees il publions organ in thellî "He soggeste s. r.l privileges et Canadioa cariere of commserce States, eric'li ce of knooretae tejepfiti For hers tberocooir people involved ,heil those of corporations, Il eay btho caoptitiol arc eeposed. 1 Boiled down, the B gays, the message ebquà To Coogreec: 1 amo iocliood te thiv crica people boye mu take in giviof G. ('te old job. Or rlations wtbý are 0. K., but a godi do Canadao qo< If yoo are a00010 ditionofo!tte finncos,, Mr. Fosteros report. My il gire yoo ail tbo 1 fiod thtt rhiReoot thao sleoticg ore, atboit the Force Bilt. Ta, ta. fiee. lerber! ond 1,01 Bataliont OTTAWAc, Dcc. 14.-lt sien in ooe qoorterot Herert fiao lated a soc tattalieae citb a view atbottoall ofitem t This, iocever, i et o tao oetet preect aur uader Soopiio, norje troble oin ol directioi ofthe sceiece ero oib 25 per ceci, ofthlieetab teo ocnd ilocieeul, but callforcoco atony tic spingta e orforte contry. Ticcec be ooeeiîeeoe to draos giory el tice eoiotecri coneoithe ncool cicficelt baneda oontcrybttiion, it. eSi Geo(crge Co einciser eof iftia atter %vsi fielewstoi joîciece oolstafat ttc i ov ountry wageeatremi solc ec easo srions xn! e te ..eiioed. - tiocit ottalco rypoliti DeoIh Wortht ieciae. (Io-Lat yo rccecoomesc repiyeoild potatty.be ainister, Literai or Co toat tor ello imagneo Horetreill wrcet oea coctatco. Hli opoivcrl[ Eroogetist Hocer'u Dg Public liait. Sooc.oe, iCct., DOC or dance hlacdo p tetl and ttc publie bail his lb bell." Soclo erer te rords1 golist ilooce, one of the adliaie crgelicto, Croceel, incaîdeeoicgoau icoeon thesJeffersonAene oM. ycrai elEtiagthe ttc b, toiloerd tp reit tej talno omoocoreo ii virteouseinttr Christian te tereo,eold perit a reltt israrc &roddlhs iciseoofret tcgospel w) cooctenerodancing b blet cioca tic proeecion.' sentimetcrotatd apro ien,aud inany toecinel te graecltiooe te ti whcth iey ciae.o1are hi and eaculoicd teacr. Satan cMay hacc a Cieo et Sagcoooo teipulation, tatterie et leer32 eturce a ocbolsale cocdrens Hoctere jduiges inlaa ataoeitie feeling saie anrceii astce laity o ti W. H. Galagbrr, te se et St. Poli Epsceopal wrrttra a eattlcg lettel gayebeistottoareie a rete daiecod oracctally soude tel'l idrea tetail and bacniicýned dcharit3 Grdireol ,dge S. Tihe geand lodge eof the peaie ceooeioilsjeom d.Y ot andl te lcoit teor heoe Pbacrd.l i witiîter receptoe o brs, of eflleecteoo 1placeon W rerulell das llocos: 6l. W. iatrrrclc. Jonc Toronto;il. W. oeeociati soi', Oteogh ;il. Scribe,1 Wrhbity ;(L reococer,J lettletoy ;. (i.elai, I tIoweil, Port Perry ; C Nacy Williamsa. seine, Bolin Christus, Fleabeol eaaey on ticr board et te ty the dccli otflire. J, ceas Ouled bvte cletioes Flles, Toronto .loaolicn. Thce grand iedge mis1 ter ite G. MW. aeeociate san so hathe Coouee'8 lenciera' Enemi Ttc t.Iolriag bace teniooaircaeciatieeî teacteere eand relitrecelIN ae i at tey bayeq tbe tare roapetiag crW ebaracter, &. The _01 order omeri.- Tbèâs courées.ed9ouTsuu'teist 'i.dslia te sl cty e o sflSI les Jes. 19. se o t tbm stprefem a catoeIaisaats,U.Mahi*soiPple tis i asi dia- to tevetewe, for tsc lad biedgs e -1-sbc" sat tsoes5otve X th.-"uofromti th eetiawr- boUs, Psrk scddt $7.47 Lon 100 pounda nt'AeseEgt OaSytV Air Q NTH O L R Ummeea egss, -udaitt-oth iswttessfor tacllia Biver, ont., on Tsesday Mio eDuv os. embia er e meH O L R . tse St tise rtougt iu "ne biD." Tise Chap~,£~iau__ ssharge o ,eding Be-, otisr Chare so giest eus Ferrier. <Ot hi* nflice at Qoneho onsday. T. &Besacn' rlbs i ts, asNaagaveya, W«then surefermad te tocised. e le tthe isseeisgtis epcos nts t lthstasus etede To tisttS oiuns ordit-o illsti mtuIsatetpr asgatdce e T e a sat etod gironde Se docleet. tise grand jery examiasd tb, daT.Ts»ieluptiiea~le m 0eUnited lait ced made thesuuela preentussue. A milltiion dollars bave beae xeed. Bsdmned haàbeaesutsdauts i ss euceenieivlo stta inlunere farm buildings'sMenteba Pareslt.aeooe AEE> ergs e McCoLo, v. Baooe.-Thebsc"tinte s spsue ttieUiseBse owau5ase eMasleo f,~( m -pse 1 Àsa sefledrimsiersn Os ttsCPR Sletoerite0..eSu .. aidGovermaunt o o cst et tise iut Décombe7, uttisa raildmssoft Bs trerosW. H. MCIe bm. etGeorgeoewn ced 2,447,057 ibiset ofgouinu tie resiyelGaras revolutien wtut amomit teuser WGSrpW5 oisr tnrs...ea 0cnuabglto ia.lttyne prhthold rs t [ufBatur àaCo., ldaescg tise Put us-no. ,Ciarbsa. te Assis Sisanucu, <thor gju bsi ithedollar, abl o ffrtcasW,, wbcte BrauiotBon Bltordjutorcada MbO IlHamilton,wbobhala ce ld jsdgmsnt M. J. B. Armtrong, tishe li issownis tishi mporte tenus Camasu ther cm .-.'At th is Se t thé code, have comnenced a grand clearîig sale of the Same-nt îýs ra I acint W. H. MoCollSus for gondes up.sp- of ttise arriags fatoetee I usîils, notiseendtep SOts Novemicer, tisu OU od o edae1a. nehiftei eLutrpuc lee Hsratd pfito t isin een ise oeanosthse gre. ,ied ou Sceday momcies, adiait5. ycu, hwe e .resea e cty ri ~dessUsisso, onr. James Oisy, ne bar-i eglrprc dtitis tbiso caysoheessaiene yeanuagoeatGeorge. Manitealin Islced bas bae couet- ot ,OW i ber, oftGeogetowen, te Mos. AGreeu, PES OETEFLO IGbNS towe. flio lieer>r businesat George-lai t itis the c. P. E tets pisuytmIABonsuluL d&u, reIneWall 1 LE coOTETHEngreonel.NE ti~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tieAc anesreloeotOsfcfnltieeettnrlebaeda Litîs osnd gesty ot suffloosies 100 bahtes, cu-e, -A ueo b 1 o8nass laeialtieCoeo eda.ttstesbus tesSs tt, by Bec'. Rural Dean Mac- LOT 1-AII.'wool 45 in. French Diagonal Serges at 35 cents per yardl. ý bL i-ctattots,&c., selber oren. Tise aIîy Thc C. P. H. teamehip Empeosa of1 y uaimriamUse nzOT .-XJosep4h' WCithslidSeresAtndreetsser ard a b c bi eideceoffeerese aaon tebait et Mm.China, dheiseailed trono Vancouver' Peter Hart, thes man Whtise h aetwsi fEqeig e sbla LT211w 5i.CotoadSre t5 et e ad MeColloo ced tise jury arrived at thes for the Gelant ou Meeday. bcd alitise Stars aud Stripes. te tn gthe if99"atPollocks, o e towntsip etf asaga. ~upooesnCouclusien ttoat tieseinues s.uOlp frsigbt se couldcarry. 1Fort Scuter aItisheoutiseecisoettisetiar, reepa. due oo red on ien luMes. cCoîtocoe noas Thepetitioo agcinst tise roture et dihi Toonday nigisi ie Bronoklyn. ~- -- __LT_______cthwes,_atiu gos a 0cet er3ii-l e,,a tise con. aeloae,.tramv.e.nMt th eced , is Hu. J C.Pattereo or teeWSst Huronu.1Tisheeisjt reicle pà* usslrougis .D ED.OLT3A1-olSoc wes ettflgos t5 et e ir.ieio me examineOsony gara Hverct agai.nt Me.s heen dieniaeed ittout coutsts aî t.Mrsnitsstalear Hutnssos-N q a So wholesale price 75 cents. set ~agke Mn.ar cClo aiseobar tbe rrositis. ne on Stt241,tt moinyee tiaei.0fÎbzw.-Atin n oertan v t.Gri is Dcc.0 aand8etheua. 5d LOT 4.-AII-wool Cheviot Tweeds, extra Value, Bt 75 cets per yard. 10Pdcoo iejo ount. Verdict in a trrf !es.eletd te the Coemocns y 61ima. 'croeud 61paroget.. doue 48 per cmut. Fususcees-At Georgesatu. ou Wh.e nc n ema erets eysl îy btter items * of D MeGbt1 s teejoiniSoulanges ou ueoudcy. Ms1au ocf ceM25.000 nt r lon adAt Fia nieta, aveyfine qualitY, slfinish, beantifîti Shades,at t 6Cc. ncs i cntirtioe 88peren.ussday. 7hDeec uieeouo pIf.;te J. W. Ellicîtff tcord$11 . p cmomGcety as n for J_________y__:__peir yard, and a few pee of Black Paramattas at 40 cents. FAISece. Court adjeueoed. Tise meeubeeecf tho ee board oet rete8t0tieataJsei resen, Court resued on Whinesicy. adrisers in the Norîbreent assemubly., > oa nso re Gos' ilrnrat o STraxo a. (Suece-Thie cras an ap. electeel ce Torsday, are Meurs. Haut. W.C yesa Frenchs Ceente, under Wî- heeasO fertetlerFrnl Voîssotrer ptai tros a maglarates conviction. tain, Twreed, Raf and iMitchsell.. saymeu,01,bs Oi»dCotstnes and higl-icteet resGoodq nt greatly redtîcsd pricet. These-Ulte, wVillott ex- ofetth e ecamicatioo o! tise rituessen Tise East Simnenelectien protest, d 1 l g t ietie s ncuon, ie culte i se. cePtion, the gre ts-agîoi' Itlsdeatetee lee y -i iîi i c ie imprece tIcs Jed qocffid the covictio n tshichis ae de r e ehoirat on Dec. 'U EE der et Chiet Hetescy et Nece Oleans, sl.Oeîld tee them. 0 t Getieral c, ec imioed thecaeagaiuut 1tisas been dreppad. Tbia ras thea pe cicis rn oîtotrd by tise t nchieg o! rolonîcer ,tesn and rerersait the order dis. lent stectice protecî botora tiseort., 1%~nmere llae ilsbaediegC iic -TseACnte agaicet Arcibald Archbbiscp lBegin. coadjo r etf Car.KI& Tise Unitedl Slates saeretar ef t ate sdficiecy. re. TiseParîles agread te thins iaTanchereau, ett Qoobee yater. liii tas Sent te thecenuaboteiîlcty report b eir Jcdgee asuggestio na e thebadicision et day tee Home. via Newe Yenk. It i ~ eayrgioeteamc aaso isotaleon Csao h a a adhie mimsionrelates te the Manitbaon tielisatfiin t at t eise pone a~ ooiog foerJe JOcNCco.aNE.-Jud e Iiugs. sebeole. a the lagreement$ es. he si of tise cuiemiii reieoted te tisee curtticat John AubeCareboeoteFrentchier as sevsd bp botis counutees. 2 3a d2 t a itn tettlyCochrane, acocectyCnstablateua Aio eam hn cl enenc is on ose eao.Vncn.AtaCu»vtv .eut crco Btid by hlmaoonlise dIs oOcteben PrtArthcor O onday engt. T19 23 Pande.26onot. AtaSC.oE, atamilton.J fontwond tstforglil; ochanebadbee co. e Pot Mnda niht.Tbeboeetrenoe lu Sheffield lho comptasOeid ere vine a citted c! ter Ceobraasd ten rc . m o rdererela enknoorn, brt ic botbar. btLrdSteu îdigo idtl tiasa caeaprieonenet frcentdya Theot agioe .tae vaesetdeine of the termer ceutoreneaucd - - tfte tralein seio resoieed that Cjohranec Il is repocbed that bisa Grand Trust tatc n o tpe te restriet bhc arerealo! menti; at ie is tse roncthe onst.-..r torrewil i iaugrate a tact lionof et tamersele apr rt aepeeeta s and te thbbccooaty coftialtoîc. teeePortland, Me., ced Koropsa anl ctieem orto metwepreeat8i os bm Seca. oeelirlegeocroraaports. Sncb atlinseeocld te et great tlalaanoeooe Goa I ontti AULRSo ulntn h a euait toCanada.asudteina n eorter t eoia nog e Idle. coecnted te gacitor caubeteercliecbo route tbao via elîbereNewrekers eci . Lous Prten and Watlace Paîtie apellîccal kccp the poc,oeaeîrepgbt befotheîbo Hotrcal, reold ec doobt lte croîtpat- , sRish 7 pears et age, dore aadeaaeerig ustent te jdge cecd recemmittcd tejail teftor C clfotsurccbes oaaoio reeb C îrat ic ccisi bVoized ...go e pLanthoe, 10 a3 are void, Li Ml derabien, meaclime. Auorte iocb eiag made te scuDr. mns3Mch, earsund et Mti lise toad. O Gler, crio isa aCanadian, now ofiJonPUR!ST, STROUOEST, unS. ces ie n Snoaacidalydieerg.C E . I G b& ju ioLicbc ttIer cf Ctorer. IHopkinscUniversity, a soncf lie. Canean Ceeeiosm Alam,Assst.,.s hadb oitecilca nte neceiciect, ie Geler, and a brttcp et B. B. Gler, la.aa..om iess iîd I.',Be ca d Are. Sreilreccd Foceitp. Q. C., let e borum e 0MoGilitCeltogo wedica tacolty, ie Montreci Areaaitty LADIES AND GENTEIMN,- iiâtaîcdcd Kîcc For cIF. ,- Motreal le eald te liscellicg te cpply lito wrold TeMlonxcylN.6, oa areaoin ewrdteni"ýsr Tb ito oiciNe 1 Rylatremon e er Ioeceoe r 7 A N~Dnring the next 30 Dayls We are going to treat yoiî toý Tfbeo Templars of Temepracma, ereay ton. incances.X U A S N D XE I yde oeaor h er-etsnpah tTeMntb Lbrli eeone of Our Old Tirne Gennine Clearing Salas. 1131 is ii be ratiren ceeacb et etc memberu on-accouaI t ocsseaeaye - Tbe epeeceh etHuglisJohneu irtsnc returnsed to Mlton anod we ate gntng to gîoe..r.aîycerreceee eery Rdsrad b in Macdonald, H. P., ai bbc reospîles ty fr o DyGAT al craaenE ,ofe oîDr.ooeaî Boots -k Shoea at sucli rednced Mincie, rlee oeone cf us le cee affortsMm aIildccated ttatlte ic in taver xprices that yoîî wiII remember this Pale for a longu timo.i te adiaecetbecaea"oftotaltabtinec. ,etfrcipceci-.ty, and il e igolhe wa-cac s Thî~,le fact of thte matter la ove are h r ip anoutt aise the io 1c ie riSecerane longer grace Our con.menci moealeae-eded tbarde aîtdCTL RY ciitme;bttogiwwthYD fteeeig h anîtieghe ol.wtnd soînehow. Il les aid it is 110 disgrace tu lue ooor, oînccmcty moura trmlono, yet ceerejoice P. ltoteskea.'nevErtlieless ito ver'y înconvenîet adl.lcp eî0d u T inarlebbhceltooaodcuais h le rom tise aridanco at the tank rois. S L W R ,poaition we wil commence on blie tbiecelIeglreneenet Daowoy prelimieary riai te Cbatbanc il IV R A E croomo~ Ci tecced, elngiig Glury te Ged le thrpean tAgsPueabr b byEa.tocrards en."o c g e-l .dgee kcopee, %siea the moaey ty T U S A ,S P .8 H b nfCn hog irln n ûiu lus sicgisoys wcle amadabhimealt; btl N H R W R Tiîare tahfl foreron oble exemlethe::itneas Gregory, reliegae te F N C A R D A R ET U S A ,S P . 8 ni enter ccaeslake eetnnbl0nml evidencca le a bcd chanaceer sudhbu to offer for Hard Spot Caah evarything i the shapeof Dry dhri e n h t abtiaraeforhhe Cln-strnas liradGooda and Boots & Shoee within the ovailloof the etore, et ba-en fthere eofabistarcIe aigacaepressoalanete bic trottoinecu. îe hlal ottoal loantie flnstit ing. HetMay yeliterotniascee meurnnAt thc Loden muncipal lectices,_"et__wîOlcae od u eoîe iB tha n ua.,.fibr aof ....hines t ilî;o se otarde ter depateefromtiti~~01jis beidee electon ofmay0r, aidr. AT 1HE ___,. ~ olatd and came, itare ohappy eonsnilatieononeers andpsiul o, ral rouasteefftheyo i cari get Fali Goode Bt the same redoiction, .t.odanc tbfl ti ericexcampleoin de. osnc ectynteia rcrIe LEADI NG tI ad artien le tsecauee ot Our Mucler, tbene propla elit te anhed te yole on tthel. U u rgnliîocsw oli ntecîîe o u hal lie inlathe greantetercal future a IoecgqotecuSct ie ioeH R W R ab1adagoiu erio flvi s&on t 7o'cieeb evrynight in theAUJsUU? guide aund your insapection. Hiorvnes Great White Ttrorne. Shah Loodon taie a fre tibrnmy 7 hTl"~Taeo vy atiooîo cx roiuaeSindinbhafofMlonCuni.Shah 8$0.0 Iieburaiccd tle ottîslis eSRET -We clnataenF î oeag SlednttateHitnCed.elerie lightbplant 7 Stai theCityylte MAIN STREET'MILTONto Carnee aly.aigo ieytieadW111av i impre. No,.C61, R. T. et T. dlelded int fier rarde ? Shaîl ttreeoo ocneery stbodisbn H.îB. GABRI, alaiet co icelonare do taedock et lileoial A . B E Cumic.iUce preenîîeounciî cemmitteey We nover had a clearing Sale yet that oant )i l, ore hacm A serions taiig affray ceerred at 8.S. 5.7e. 1, uaeescscrsn.ya. Mliia, scuteren Manitoba. BHarry a portion c.--icc. Vaughîan tartod te mon seronsaGergeH AD & C , epito th O.RPR. Randat'a ferro citt c go, teîîlowinH AD & . Buet soci te. . Clas-Eliza Ch&potas, Alice rIbebt edtoogged i atecaig.Or RocRe. HuhtsrC. Vaughsan thracc tis gendcoenu adisgas.Op ow al la erecg Jr. V. Clae-Mary Reid, Jenis Raid, te igbt. Arthsue Racdcll, brotbee et theClcrgy Moud Monoie. George, thon cao ep and inined in bise ty. Rer. IV. Cls-Violet Grahom, Jamea ight, brecaing tha gua alois oerr il renter Fleming, Wallon Inglîs, Anna Shep. Vaughan. Vaughan thon prodochi a obasbar.- shclers tac c..Ane am terd.kieenduîattedotîtiscers. Georas cebit hnlit.Cins-Asee HomanWm.in noor dead sud Arthue is daager..l -- SIET 19ecrece Reid,GecvrldTtima, HerbetrFleming. ccnedo.-AGET tisa ie h Il. e- tta b l h1, As.. MC. A odc #9 sohool Lore, Auniie Daley, Mal. GrahamAsi et ccerred in thtoweenship ac Maggic EllîtI, Wm. Renter. of etSbereeod, c ycog mcenosoohi Se. tH. P.-Wm. Ramman, Rotent Recisea, tise cciy support et an aghiaB R G I Inglil, Anrnie Mitceoli. ather, tnequeetred a bouse in tisaesttie. Jr. H. Pt-John lirottie, Jaà..Rue moent Ibat dipisteria oecein and attr 1 ___ e!o Teco. trr. reotcsniog home ccnplaiui et .ymp. in Tîcer. ftesno clonse Etio Chap tomes othtiI drenel dione", teeS te bisSte& a Rn >pre o 'ndAis ubr, aigpsqed and savodays iterwaediedn ot es pthedexIeaminatîce tu tisecom arec vcing smcnred medical atteadanea le pet,brncetn aght in tisa high sebuola et NoDenacoldletfound te mahe a coffin,.R 0 ] 0ieeîioOnctario, tave acoedicgly ieen grant. "adhis poon old tttise, aghi a0 veare, okn Stvs pookh apn nos vnoce heno.li ad ti 1"rrhep E teJjjs O udc acd dcomeieae:ritbisTi byanoedarughtr rov te'Hall & Pazior Stoves. PR C S 0 eot.hopPol"ecrntatie sis ngsrnot at 1.B liecli M. P. CeOnsuce, Tomear.r The iailife utale et Pricci.as ,, eicc Ds. , ary C. ttisns tek la ette a ake ei.E .C. Me. A 5" 'etiOth fandtl. iao&Mh.otisar day an eeizehi $8W.<ONE DOOR WEST 0F TOWN HALL., >Àjyg>T oducton, (fo ,-Atkeso it tilt ie menuletd fs eu- -. baIllayville, lien.,Dec. 14 -AnotbeTattenisan ne eAuut est. dn!audiseg esCnatmilas seutbrecet et Coffayilîle inathe5#",0 aS ac&B symooset een H .M ýMni ninTeireitcey, yeterday, bateen gita intute s m susrd annmefDetect Dicisa, ut tis an*ifiaeXtsO rsde tsni hats .liodauI r.Ciomanpny, ced Deasy MarubiWise ttietadi !em Mn ios ce thse ne aide aud mambere o! these dussesa totssds Ae belere-isa Henar. ttce tiser. Tise maelioa ts.uceet Bu.Tengtt0r s. Eais. Tisucide et Burlingoon an -_ s 1 Q imlctou Sarr.aoecmicngaoget atiate nu baotmm he eama L-stua 0 oc ris.&Y KO NI G oseis. sta htnslaotsacitta et O eloboan t pssu e - 1c ecpe atr em t * iag t%.ra tsebaS tlis ancd eearvu a uersliainlbokoftheouk.a tiencager Choie, Freeh, New S tiseaosrs i-apagasDustroeuble ilu ' the pro. ba~e end in e lb, deaU e as.agtbahe 0~Wrt RANGES,,will offer a table of StvliSh, Ür ls lneadl t'dwh a- f Ire.Wri iAGs iEmoNs, PEELS, wltrnm d TSè stand a -pwa ers.c'heaetsofth RAM N,.T, M~.eo h opruit fuca In a nbt i taiei Soli f. eph n Fy Nc.me ,ye foi 'Irsse "C"ty ti.cisanbO bafi. 2 W 84, buut sa 9 t the eteck oUsatunit ofeistsis -, dwutsuath etm aidsssmje r e.C0 tyZ~.ieto 'T~f raQurter th.I~ » foii.Nôbby ~peprices Af - ,..DO Tf W"AIT 4 XMAS ~~ MtlenrFattier, Sicter. tret bleuet. Coe, Anal., iltiltd. faot cnvne ?Cail at lIer(ji1othami tt'RHAlI- ri À FUIL .î 31eENT AT7' Lt WESTPRit -DOLLB, ail ceucsaondl pricen. QAKE8. ait blir, cccc un l Tb'ES etfeeeycbeacrcption Xe<ASCÂUDS & BOULE liera- stylea. PLUSH 00033S, IVent lioo et sets,'ete. WP.ITLNG DESXS aocuy A1LUMS-Pootoo, Seciana P.ýIlFUXERT. 'Xeoitk CIIIL'MENS' 3TJ'RY 3 l'ices0. ALBUMS uliiieuo. NVe ooei1d lilete.atell10on uoep.cucuo ocr, boiO pa, o wl i,.. invuuieclo,ci, nolcbea Local New IflYo0a at a Scoebeard g A. Fracer'. AT cie ttoce loîuatcuiui3O Ni 1 ,uevvetedav, NI, Joa. > .0 . lu.' st , 00oi ilm D-0., olouîce hou lliggifi Cou, uîthllau 00ce . oNu\ouaq Jî,,, 31N. Snio,.m, eo f No cpi cluo' ece ii,ee r iot lui,, et licoleiol, vo, eied 1iueoperie',elahool oteot 7,1, c 't.nri the ioeilhoe f Mo EY oLr Sa 6,,d1 lnoortpec, ofoo trce pncbirty. icooU, iJciIc Y C. i-.. NV wueee.ocatchcciabcro! 9 loir berci giilby etof uehouils t aloil bore uciorbiieit of V1riieti corc,,oiaoof-liMinues looecl large seckt. Foc CI hoe Cliiiico Car( tit,uiBa 'kIe,, ,Toc Bohs, HyrencBOko, aloui îlit Booti,1 Meticu l Ii e, Miltuo, Oet. ceil bl e ldl uin ,lu.p ueblic 0.000 , iuoeol. Mope o,,. irOcrOt bo easie t Ie 010001, ouurur ereoblos cluce0erfcl' co, ma-iuri a.Io.incuuin0eo1 .g oOuue.loualuul orie- f thi6 lulaeooouolod loc ovv is, co uo leth.oM thu de lire É,, luuu reecu ecouer e ocuiuotr. le A.5 S. 000 Melocua S. o uonîu i, t'eureoellcoor toc 1,0' Cheri,ucna ilî'rVoll a r.o, ihn ,uuL, airiles, ce lue hofi ec m. li"uii' AO-rceiuO o oA( r-Atver' se'oilenut oce-'oreU, raeou...uguca lui' Opl ie.dl'yN,. ibel oVecuoocIo, enc ilidac iuorui fiheileooop.orsco l uVOgth: .,loi 'oeul lnoiuLri lon lo t tr-ocro rocd. île reo ouoo bd eareedlooa Ioe'oi oes relcere tic.- toeC'urt- tencd ooýnle Vo-oe onan ooooohtionao cercooie ur fit.si Soe ri loiisi clt Ilaikerc.biefr.iill sit'trsaouuiScarlo,Kd leoio lio, t Til c.,or. King sre.-ioilou i,M eit iie' leolp ibeýjrtiueo tOiet000 000il,, b aoeuiuat sor iouitcpeurlIc le i. the iuut e for ch:is, ling buolbit nceordi toor tei ol Ioio i iit e Thc broidpe O' et of lifiete t. u o ic i t ,, t e l , I t . Ln , mou. leSt clora. iiIbtaUti acioneba il[ sct1ador en tee coiececo Ocn yecr Xmnu ,, itiiiottOm & Co@ i tbntlip Porrderc. otc. Ttey ce ewn and uiemooatectercitY CHecRITr' RrNTEereccISEi.- oeal ecbtoiicer et te itetodiet eSaudaY ScI10 i clt l inchecreb onouFroiac v. The promgrammne, eo incig o acdrercicaciensi. tabcbg cure racgnd. Ttchee. M n 2Qc Nelsec. lne tindiy ccicaoateob ty piVi'nt an adoincan. A nocif cecccbrsefibr'/.oio fuTaennaco Hamilton, are copeebete t andlpoe abeoîo ndril, o:cc cerdialiy ioeiled aeuîcoiitli tîcceedsi inidhl o i iru nt cuocîce 25e Du0 yojî ocart 10 buy lier Set,,Cltiîca Sot, or