Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 1892, p. 3

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'id uit Ilt $ ey Balte ant r~ta' Flannel IWEAR * lSparntate ta elmisiag. iton. ing to 'edtuced g tîme. ise tilîe O Ioor, edy 0111r of Dry ore, at for cir acivisce utc-r. nd Boy s e as ordered ýloLjing) ore o f Mltott, gain Dýys retinîs in.alI linç; of s800 on theso daj'a, ~one tnd inveel dSerges Drea (3.0ds aavy Factory Cotton innel, all.wOOJL,«ÀOC iaper. 2j y 0d for ;8/4 Linon Di pr. 8/4 straw Tick, 16c, asors 25c eaiîhd1 ~ICES. id Bippera. A 'every pair over1Le. il Men's Suits Berlin and 4 r çpad Creamn Un h eCamphor Ice lin lait i 'orne, &c,, ilr e bs.mss itoogit andaaa ea a t a sors Lipa, Etae. Iar#an*", te .-W. have mU the IMMlita $e' , o eU mbu rimlute om." po "le' prirata reuiptncloîing Mea ule m Jéea« m *"y n w5 oLvethre. mrr o mel"ap lAil. CougL Sirop, Worm froe. BO. 686b; *i* al ,O*au tmoiien- wS &rlaa"sma Mor. ~. fiei."-~ 500. nh FItene- blats laaaM Ram LsI Utionery ai every deucription. cor.z ing Y- ______ titan"" Oa l TheJ<caery Calendar T. E£nuOmuan.,We pnblielt in for 180. lW. e eposirthe Nnmhar a HfIGOINBGTHAM & CO ithar colai . a= pearres b esrty eme. ,t i n less h"eda th ao i . m n l Oa OhM t acyLter socpta Ly411cesaiel uj ., oueîl=os aiewth CahadeArtisu. otattar allosel te drap. au--m arlb cmetitaalof heame a grc Yau csnoy s 0 a 8.pc. l)is.ner OU fe r nhOnt. It int âtriet-1 8800 ml ateroD. i #Sca £ isg Cuomtitasavait offrel Ly The n w nta P&rlor Sm-% go taJas- TLsea neoe Watar Siote ai i.tru.Theiaoadig prises are: ~mas's eek are romly fine. Baae ~Ua ptar ofShoOSma pou, carniage adI troUNI aoiilà lmeet o Tuea. thora ?-at Beantadbo.. ,bêams, ma oye. ,000 aiLar vslnaLla t0h lit. 0fr îLe evecalsg of 'PimiâneThe Aoentriat'aLbrightest JoA. Lauotoo bs rmaeso t thamnnl Thakoi i adem '4%,o. îr.îe $,«0ncaeuhoeilhli attai rloIbis s Ln aa in (eth ode g w Pe tlti h ah sarIin a troctal nu sasSileLeard gtataJ. s npper, vaby 1.itilde.m ee rim iteraf amr'. omtat er van the lsst. The (hwsrds 'The Cou&- sa.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wé Wir . o ea slîe o aratel vwiii..gran,frirnt, àtSArontarat." #600 cilSLa egosa Wou. WiN t Soir orepather tabl saOurioers, meking s vety a kt the next largststthe partisand enWansdyad hemttrsd eatifl idslay. ev. 1Mr,. focnir themaxi, a gad piano,1 and final aatisiactary, au te- cf Acton as, evaslecture, ttaiaag 400 plaa, itnar asets hy tha mayar. ~ ~ ce suaI" ring bcLacsoLt yosa baril' mlgtagoIsdnle iota seuo thasa aOc HsogingMscllelos o iienb e stas ald aa2,00(5 otLer prss uin p? Pople gay they are chsp- coir sdsols yBMi olcuscc sndîMr. h. srlar.ofimoit. Thd Atriculturitt pretty Lrcsoasda Sets.? Latest Ka.lssaelsa reputatianifor fair la lin MrKdos GNS' b. mIýRil a le toll'sstalisLel aisollihi Lt aatIo'. GNT' Utscsu i atises. I journal. EMo mpetitor muet encose JoInc MTCHE,toraiTrsfalgar,-Lava samn e s.I ame.Mdaig stmcent tume dollar with (haelHotaifsards, cohicli ia beu mafinal ta is Lad for clear. Roery sma l(3ovslta lquU,. ciS entittlahim ta Tht Agricltrst- to es ih cu £goatioo aal tiets. Cal'sud Msur. Largsius at Wu-. s hmaîomcly ilIussiatel HaiMailss. easry tonaiIsastinsliBss'.20«08 ine-ise i menthe. TLe falltsiag rr.oee.PROr. W. A. Bausa, barse edurator, latter fromLord Kilconcaie, tLe Gaver. suhocrihers ta thea CHoSdpcoN, c it t oureadoatal haro.l,, ili giva aor.Gen"fsl'm cearmy, spcsks for7 ig in heir dallar sac, oill re- mau hiitios lu Milton on Fildsy, itIteli: Ohe psper for thet remaînler oi Nov., cammenctsg et 7.80 p.,, show.-e.oar0,. sc Ires. mg tLe soalarfat iatelligance ai tha Ott-.,aot. 6h. 0,.125. im,itv. C.0. Joltnstoa, ai hrs hean Ilhbndlad. Admission sot... .111 g-gla s et pI,caate.......s lan. sutll eliver lhie poputar tac. ottty tOc. H. D. Brab ccitt tatare t If,0 asle 0 opo.o.la un Il Romn nNature," ( liettesaetire s Bo HrsDeitistr a' To, obr,7,ccnt a, îliot CLorcL, Multasi, an Maady sul loothacha ta IumbaLisaletof ai îLCOîUROîE, AODC. ~,Nov. itot, '92. Admissonan chahéLeocas a s pccilty. OU To.t.EtarfyTl, CaendlaaoAe.ol.t, te Satrdsy as o Bay lasansoil;Lac St t PeracoOeh, Ont. My va Looai 8t%, os hrt.clmse giren as LocemacsLip. Oriltg is your- oge oc lain property.-D. W. horaas and hsve thormirsisntd. Qosgole Hall on Thsohcgiving Day i 58.. Trahie tanIoe howittg Nw Pur won tLe ltshy footal hat Lmpioiotîp I intîss.-Thereasre s naraher ai Capa, Chitîran'î Grey Lamb Csp.s etaiofCanada tramn Matrcat hy 45 to 5, 0 nt ocitili mutina iin taos1$2.50 easah. Persa Lamb, SothSonsand tLe Occooda jusior lefestal thee V ha1Iotngs wol ta rasa Seal, OIe, Beasvapssd Anrahait Hamiltoa junioro hy 20 ta 2 for thLa îiszlrtiitbey sera made paLlie. Caps-Car. ling & Jsmes St.., Ram. junior cbaacpionsobp ci Ontario. i iQ oilingty pnblith thair pltO* iltca. It il;clcîimal hy (ha Mottreal Mondea Ig i sent ta ut. POot.Tuv SocaT.-TheannolusIel.t that Clevetsnl'n victary wili hart tLea es, Word Rare 20c. pr. opCLitI lai fLte Miltoat Potry aniîPet Stock Lihorals acs the Canaten Goveromant1 nIBays' beavy maks-a full Socirty wuao hll st the Walsce Hanse oil L e ala tu airakefaivorable reci- (pick tram-at Bssitedo'a. on Tueslay niglit, 128h iSat., han ths praciti taiy sotthîe ars Admiais- lisein S. atue.soh hiîgcailtoeiig offipers seraetrlcted 1r (Le tration, mal thon ana ai the Lihorsîs' cMprti t.m stoehsbridheLyaensuingysar Baon. Prus., Dr. Freerna i chiot platiarm places silILa l ispoael calets a d' skae ."heiuthrysPros., John 0. Ford; lat VicePrus., of tier1 otn a nIl î ths"bn hthher. John Bradey; 2nd Vtoe.Pres., E. F. eMna atal phih iderot onendutrsctheaigt .Esrl; Sar'y, M. E. Mthell;Teesu., roMondtaîe e, otet hs ulatlesnat a nehers ntai tar oan. .bitChas. Jases. Tha e.tng sEs.thea o?'t h fetta ttenx meha r hallha Scul . mlajourned ontil Maaîsy nght, Noa.,Sssiaon af the luebchefaLoaturo Mr. snhohl aySîL ie Lrct i ci aistîte Bannait Rotai, shan tLe Auge,:s promiseat Conservstiva, oei rlgoau yte adwrsdircctoras adcommttee. il, ie ore.maTa Svota ai sant oi canfidence in ,Muet Lava httarel thr aane end el. Tr atstaafor the Shaw this y asDe BauaheryilaeGavaemsat, mol lImwl. ilI Lae 27h, 28tb ald SO Dec., shas an lh hsupport cdaslarge coatr Zv sRmNT.-COUtâtiig 8Stornem. the largn exhiit ai paniltry that as oi Libanaisso wl an Cosseilcatha f mol sait sater. (Frmerty Oc- laver taku lc aL xoatc motion May carry, in shioL avant, it taà by Mra. blin.) Apytbm.teselreeute pouca iLaevel, Mr. Asugae itl iehacala aopenf APIYtioam eita. etha os al ta torma ane.- ALminsitratian. 1 âran trace the premicssai theabsoua liLraltySpport tha show his SUcco TOI Cocs.-Naowsou & Bey. ihar, lai 12. cas. 2, N. S., Nelaso, yesr, as it ta genasly atipatal iLat len, tss tationarsofa Toronto, hsve L lt, 8 stearo msnd 2 Liies- the provincial ahaw of naît ysar wsGt soal tha coonty ai Oxfod arlt rpayaentf a. Twote (Lstemrs»sce Irk cama ta the issa ai Milon, shiah som.ofaua aaccuuntfor sationary aupalial Mi whita anifae mnd tot aibraLces sa(iccernoet grant aif8#0.00. îLe carrcgtacourtarffluera, Jalgo MO; nue heiter i. drk rad itu This aacity bas beus rsi asd toremoat Finkteansd Mr. Jsmec Cssold . Ths tac sa îL otera lgLiros. ith ibcir haw since, ita arganization. tuit buS Lacseut doen for trial Ly or etio itheame sit ieha Ove yeasr&go, ald with tha insnciat Jalge Hughes ai the naît itlicg ofth(li t'liy r.aaîvad h the usderignal.. ssiisnci the taoad the memh.rn St. Thomas division ort. The lis- Maa.vcsdcx, Kithrida PO. ci the oiety the savancement ai he biitity ai tLe caanît is disptaI Ly (Jassel (iaals.-Peas, Crn. imncy oill Ilpiitsceandsothe h. causcil. Provinsete 2888 simla lau, loc. Salmon, Lohtesexhiit woeclbcta scredit tethîe towacs 0aui sera pasredhy the boar ai relihtelbrandm alway., ta Lae the sacatty cnidetilly Cprtta publie alitarsat Lst iucathen tha Batedoe. place a priae itiblte iLs a uitara caasty amuei amitaessae ta psy for I as~~~ ~~ aScoacs.-arpetthat claot le surpasses] Ly 557 mstal tih shirt the julicsml sork kiliqe sacRiaits ahcihr sectrgassisatian ta Ontario. of the casstyit ans, a l ithîe la arrossfor enloariptian ta Nis Faurro-Baisisand solrracs, aiina aytglgnlmntt b.ihe figsres as their retpectivea8 ILa. fer 2C. ; ses Fige, 4 Iso. for 25c. coasity sall hava ta foitîLe acalnatin suad maetais tLe mant ofNe.- P"l-this iaDsnagoas-man asiioteua aged @sstialofaicastis. ieanlaremit anmetu carms.l.ieagotaet Baeda'. Theaautcame oitistest eecil ha 8ragtstarod latter. We itan o GRao mCCuBOxc, Miton, abos,' ataheal cuL intereat Ly Ofictitsoln pXthe aash sysieos the fluet ai sa Thaokagtvisg Dmy. Service asc thorsaimliavoir iLs Prcvice.-Woal' "a, &a Il uheafiptions mut ieLa el in the marelsa t Lli.pàant 1 Stok Tila in la avane ltor thst dais. 'clock. The cdiw-b wsimpty Lt ca.-Me.a@KiI,Napsssd Sweeaustiially deralttl sith tha ImialUTISSLS 'a alarge line. aiWelGao& lo 9c,aeaîr' . Mcîteaw oss. Th'rae aist pcio.-Bauteda l Co. cas gn .,a dnua orhpa a, uriosSale ai Valuable Fsral Pro. Imt nax ChureL Y. P. . gave sd tLankagîvn ta th Gel f pro- rl L ota Lot 9, Oan. 1, N .S., Neln, 'a~ ~ ~ ~ons eseils ttaOer al v nito sd na heaty griceofThaie. yl la e sth ot alfthe Lait o gta ud, l s. M r. Badlac, in the J - . .liCollu rn. A. ., ai T ornto, , Co. 2, N. S., Nelion, cantaiaisg 100 TIhe lMinsay sud Robert- prechl a muetimprmesa"amron, acres, t h. Walaea Bou, Milton, as promlasn instrumental Ist ; shaniléîen wllIlie long remeehc.TndyNov. d8t251 iSoclock p. M. ce.eaderel hy MsaNe ae. .A collection sas ae t il sfcz SMiesileMitchell mal Dwar mal ai (h isnd for mrnaldth Al AsailSle ai Timhar (15 acres), Wla, and veet aelLs ierg. At h. towm a lliiinheaven- eingthasut hali ofLai 4 Cu. 2. th et laammn Oh.o m - Ealumàaa-ptaenmalosk. fSalae oh. g i .- .A Ïly, il mmes nt . on Welae.lay. Nov., SScI ai geon sas mup i roueae s - fricZhall . J. Lianor, Proprrietar. Mli suan kisi ai Furoitaca abave ss aa ic elrlY Mf ill ii ateM ok ~m. . mad ehghtd adience. Mr. MOCUl-ins- a ru aascs.-Analsona m at. rcosise.'taai rtlmaph eaagl9Of FOR SALE sdonilO Tnnda evenieng. 'A as ofatthe 018e.h Englà"% s A brick houe (with nuta, m)ass)sd « oaheitte apintel~a t-al 1. a en Saityfor the Paie ia subiaeaosh me fForm .Ge.,wtacaà ohSa coin- to.f age t apià"m h. Ohtedaiurgem n h ait sl...maiseca ah-Uhau-il eba ysl a's opmenl ta grant Ias préénas. 'aZ1a.wO ma ch a 48,M0Mdalrmmmenal tLt Le5t. aatýcaseel *0 Ib»,a.lthe.ierthclth. The EgtsOhs ralsed éDM.FREMMAN. "faptce.tag Mr. Davilcon ntght. espeeîaly hy thas lie pi ~I.a ml s xta bla ~la.lais, a Bs.aMnmi Iv. eU i a. To Imos.cami rmI ~ I ILUMfLEf,,t4A R0ERTYI b kW ais msnw oif Ang ur Be Stre and Gett Irathoice. MV PIO.8..OMPRE ITMTOffl TO. RgfuaPromgiyAttead.odte. BOR8N. NOTICE WSF SIIS ON. 8nupau~.-AtMilou othe lthtast., th wiie af Mr. James Shepherd so ttal asrtrsaft.pms.i s. LINDSAY.-At Oshytile, on the 15thaa% mi5U ObtOSSS imat., 8h.wie aiL. Oeo. Ltaday ai DIED. Tu o pda.umte 0m Mcaec.ea.-INmmemwepmon th, 7th S 5 .âharw. miessa cl naSt., Marrieaa. oaa>mn0olJohn W. DUM 4 UUMM S<b . D. lm5. MSSIss9d. - à Ws. A. AaSXA LÂwsOO..y4t tbo homeofabhucasbad. DI>iSCAI5 »WAB. 2Va M%.W. l0, 51, MUO m t» b The5555iSC5S u h.rodtontamldem Nccqui.a.-0n Tae.day, Nov. 158h, IN TUE SURROCATE COURT sitar a iagertnailpsssEmmIma-k- aon, beioved oeilS af Thomas Mc- --OF on.- Quila, Torenta. COONTY 0F HALTON. In the matter a u Gsdm 1hpo ýESTRAY. the infant child i"Geor hireman Came io the prenmises of lot 9, co. Thmdeaa 7, Iius>woy@., anor &bout middla of tt.U. t.hy glsSi" .rtrtccprt Au lat, a ,ed tuc,, 8 YOM raoht f L tt4 ment.trtt acaUctoc, m wihwîestar oS iarthead. 0.-ner etnCty o f Balton, nttaSSSa art oaa baye Seue on proviag property aad Tte.im. oat. Tau*lp ocr Nuum . leth. psyang aipass. rad.a~d... at. ROBT. J. CAMPBELL. AMesaarTic-.,tMenttt id fGo Shai- _________________-o55Thon., dcsaad. WOOD OITars aWAT?, WO D-Dt tGuelph,. me arda of October. 1M5. Toadura oil ho Mraod Ly th ___________ aaderaiadop ta Msday. th. ttth ~ ± Wo.a,.. risat., for 50 carda ofaita- Noa o IMM..l_01 S cI&aa green r. Wooad, ta caSaiSt of beechl, mapta, hickory or ironwood, 4- leet longad Lady Wooad; aubleat ta oiml svz p t L8. 0., 1cor inspectionad approyal ofthîe gaultr; c zà . t .- Z- ta ha delivered in the Mitan galyard nmaSt.the ecatt.of Cu] O.c, I c h -co or etare the firat of Mmccli, 1898. ITO"fa.ffot5rd. tnemoaa.C.cuaatr.inte tata Tendars ta La marked 1«tanders iorB cfcy51ic. de,.le t.Vlaeo Wcac' and to Lca ddrccaed ta D. W. bfdthe ou ceaataI, anr rqclrd Campbell, Co. Trosearer, or ta lt ayet, e"« 192 W. VANALLAN, aad 5S.oe, M.c.mral. Milton, Nov. 8,'2. 21.8t.(isoler. aCrcfa0a trS-î...îr idcc th. &d-1ba"taolaOf Utfr.rt cf ttc mld d,- -cdm.ttacl i- egof 005cr etanuiand FARM FOR SALE d-".'f«dtl la Esaeclag, Co. oai Ballon, oatost. ta.th) .db ang af 170 aces,. l6OaLe.red, Letag AMtaU.V.i 5Le00hrby g1we httmtft.r.Mtd lttder 0Namt. M .ta . .d Ld.tbtt,;lr Lais 8 4.eaa t1. Sai a doL alay toam, Ni rrca t th- --et- O550 f th .Jd dé- ana tna sgodtate ai cultivatica ; guI c.cdmatgSthc perd- cetIliardah . h=80 feuce"; yoang orchard ofaibhot 1600 a.0 h oa. db. 111ot t.o11.01.fort. trees; t - gal weillansd s sevar. -'i mute, S ethta5tO»YOProra lsls re.There ame a roghetcast t Oaa cf Sot. dtatcto. baoue,vocoal outhaidinge, drive Shed, Sa t d tcOa. tac. lttday cf Olcabe. wack Shop adsolodsadao n 8he pre. A. l.bO mises; 24 acces.11 chetin thegraaad CAMOALLEN. CAILL. à iOM, ad 80 ares in graus-m daairableatrà 1_5t0.. Olcotar for thc Adaclt.t.a larm. immeaiata paosets i iluira. Far iarthmr partiaaiarsaspply as pro. mssote 0. S. ALTON, O L l lO-ti zelw. P.,o. Farmn for Sale. COAL 1 The aaderslgned, FExecutara ai the tt einmaTuca,, ofer for salethe The anhooibop eg ta isiorm tha oftLaia Lot 12, Cancessiton 6, psqie-0 NU11i, ma, vieialty taat ha Towenship ai Trafalgar,. mataling 100 baiguée&M b~.oea iim . acres, more orilm; 76 scrunar cul.MImg fr tivmton n he blasse wLl tiaaered. H7W. . erlaa, There amaoatt8h ppacyiraeUEc aiaraieh 8h.theeot hoc&.57teecamm yan Rd and- Soft Goal orcora a te ra erty-Ling4mie R. Stationa. Passesson given April lait, 1898, with prreilege ai isil plosghisg. AT T ýLOE8T RATES. Muethbc sl.ta cimse n".the estata. - Far (arteuiars apply ta ther ui5js9.T.1 Yrsd HazyROBINaSOcN, Omagh, leîae d tu JouxsieMDoOoÂLL, Miltan. or Rwe0,Ml tet Jo..roCuccocoas, loraby. 0.4m W. J.CLEMENTS. Sept. lt, '92. 18 i __________________ Not4e t ~ ~JOHN EZARD al. _ ý Errrr m rrmc rrrr sJ o.WBs L«NIF atp Uni A f LUMBER YARD. _ésry Vnitemtlayion hua. I.,Y eeUim H¶ un a bi MWens 'Moê Otb ptoStOf3. Iias comen#ea tO(Ilear ont an egent-ire room- full of Lonig Boots, that wëre lefi over from 1a4 season. They are slightly rubb'd,.,but none the worse for the ZSTAL48ED m TE~S. wearer, and will be sold in ibis way: ALL XIP, both back and frots $8.00, FwFR $3.90 ýRIP FRONTS, Of $2. 50,,-eormerly $*3.50 'Grand Stoga Boots, new gOode, *2.00 apair Grand Service Trop Boots $1.45 a pair. THE ABOVE ARE DECIDED BARGAIN«S! Any who need Long Boots at once may -cai and see these goods, they will be sold only for cash down at Lindsay's Cheap Store OVERCOATS The cold weather should make hot blooded people think about their last yeares Over- coats. There it hangs where you left it last April and looks a littie shabby, sure enough. Now $10.00 is not too much frr a real good- coat. What we mean by " real good" is a quality that will give you the same satis- faction as a coat you would get- made to o rder for $18.00 or $20.00. Now we wili compare our $18.00 Overcoat with any $18 coat you ever wore, and give you two hun9, d.red coats to choose from. C1othi4ng Manufactory, 5 KinglStreet East, fBamilton. BASTEDO'S STORE 1S THE PLACE TO DO YOUR TRADING Reliable Goods! Reasonable Prices!1 Men5s Shirts and Drawers 25c Up. Heavy Grey Flannels 20c up. Al-wool Ban kets, he avy t iUed, $3.00 pair Up 4 Spools ark's Thread, .l1c. Sheetitigs,,&c., cheap. New Geo s constantly comning in .e1m23a -*~GRAND- VALUE IN HOSIERY«- We -ar eshaoeasg grand valne -in Cashmere and Waalen Haaîer'y tn ladîis' nd ohildrens aices. -MENS UNDEBWEAB. GLOVES. -k AuwolS r. tesudr aeÀ e.ine BisaIs (l.eoe iGlovsa20, Spaaidid lina2and8 ol . bltiul,4es15, 20, 2Ur. !'lgztra heavy Bibbea Goodi ald ~ .g~i n Gea ladies' '5..qîmMo i . o« 0 Ohirte adDrSsers8l. 5 -v ilGoa i yçvihovsitoýtapWaour Goal 1utlity ntioS. Toîr, cboe. -~~ ~~ la(ea5 o NeC Orly oi about 2M paitsrea.ina plimd m- l-s. "Iiallty. Ti . e- **wcliy, se aee hooisg ita lacI jêl

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