~i4 j1 WbMa tepb4i*~ dii s eueatue. rateparoceueo ae thte veisc' ]=e.T=etu tuemoda mruaces msa Eistt, the ton ou hr te Sae h.a.ceypn votera'lis. Mr. B"II prenoediage is h. -.4tw Carhaer ad sa e la un Meur. lanaat Daa hell ta attend beon lb.the Jais. la hie obaboeate. uhy I& recsai Mdai catla behbad. An aider wuea Juige for a ressuai aadfea MoGibboxs appeacai for, ils, sa hie solicitor aad wueag acrutsuy uhe anau rier givias a0,urjorlay ta laver lau, no0suto belng alsusi party. Mr. Ellioti.teka ceediags la Mr. Carimrea Ssn uat urn Ssamy ubk)i uoatis, but Mr. Ellicît put iik dieburuseiete ly (aa bo le ualary) and the majority of, accueril biag inlaver 01 l orderci Mr7 Uott' biUl te bu ot tha toua fonds. Mr. WuGl preuaated bia bill c1 chas cosucil, foratndoatre on tbe arrntiny. l-bth us la pay aaypari cf th. bil. commeaced proceediugtla the ly-lau and had au nuai on a oumbar cf charges MA the sommuons, restraiaîag t tram isauing or eliug the dl The ijuac tsou uas returua.bla da y. and a numbar cf the deionof oeiug Scaure. Wiu the banus after having rarriedié part cf th" agreement in bau the fatory and hadjifu tlla brid a numbor cf meetings procedinge o we oueacai ided that it wold be musà deairabie la bave a utilercid than bave a iiugorbig and eq iaw sutann baud, with apruoff having the tartary rlcaed,g tagothar au Monday aveliq paseed the bat, raised sui.e lasectilo, pai the coula ocaal the seatiny and ihe roulsi M prareedinge, so that when thea tio rame up for argument as 1 the motion la continue the iaji (as wau naturaliy ouperied) uhi by rusent inla a motion ta mot and the action was diomhq Affr the Baille. Noce tat thce mobe cf hd clarud saey i lajubagiuisg te parcit that Cievelaudus eletk mareoi a palterai cyclone tbe tbing ciosc, audthe impressuit OnttheboSiates appearu la be i revot f the mauues ram the1 the MKinley Blii ceeulargely ible for it. Some ue weua«W cr t.ceo ago latebai ha attritel crrahing ddat aofibhelicpcblicag and hie rapiy cenu that wbcu aun toadai np citb umalipox hbe bther onqurcgboc e hoti Il innalivury ceel u l augh at,.hi matior cf fat the ubjeri poses hacuct jteront 1r peuple cf I cf palircai tbîngbt, and uWin rarolul orutic-y. Itlalu ucuM that thu Demoarnin aililha ablel canna a dcadirrb lu tbe Senais,i presoutativen of the peuple'$ no, aud thora je a chance Q virlaricus party wiii roctrul that lac, by the vicc.prmsident'a anaii the Deoati aili uaebave.a ailt ibir uwu usy, ani thare au ceo hibi abiti ili uotba le fore tbe tariff bas in bhaie ceieberu irimmed lu snrb acea naval buecen before. It wil Canada. A Sldiar 51,51 by sa['sucea TORONTO, Nov. I.-Lasu igit 9 'loek au alterration laok ph irveau a roupie of men tram 140, pany, Canadien hiagimaci cf 110 and a policemanu, in chich I Tirbuer, une cf the coidicru, cas Tirboor, arrumpanici by Wm. W and William Larnar. cere on1 arai rconducrinq tibomoolvos li rderiy manr, Itlasnaid ula Capbel,ofNo. 8 Divioncuhl along and ordored thun a lag Wbeaier rafnned latumply. SI aSfirer, fer reocutratilg foë moments, pcceded tl akisba rustady. Thie atarted a sauf& Tiakner inlarfared. TogetiserÎ ecidieru attackai the conetabi thres truasied viuienily forg Wehen nuddanly t he Sharp repq piutll eartfod the ueighbrhoq puce Tichuer threu op iea ad, '"MyGoa, 'm&bt in th William MFarlanc, 810A treet west,avwuan ayewiisee affar. Ho a avuuttis ,luhie Whub henosstin c #e a Utace or four naidieru uh. ceea u thore§at. --I thoughi laey fadling toether," saihe.c, very lttia atisntiou la thesu netlced the paine officer. PA taise I au a bright fls ani the report oa r rulyrsud hurrid ttalaietsreet. "Te * aTiolmer laU b-â thinh that the ountable wu.' ground uhen h. chat. tiui very dstiuatll," nid Wr. WU eonclusion. Dr. Lap@hey% uha aies. ql htth csaha le tn;teeyulllisrnteld mm fer lIm0Reorertee"tb.y bave biteerto a"Oue Oly te, aOumdaylI ua rpsrace sy eda Osa. àntebe"a aproposition lee »B oct lae teec. Itutod. tegoasaNdmanu"nau b o1er, ami I meialhinebtee ma"te a vec. l hs.marnatime tee Inspectes. 1 l beevacat, Mdi Iune1 tp ls t h fir etu, aadi= I 1 W. W iD noedýte laoutlate te Tories, s I uebao sud brai a XLserai.bait 1am bauad la have a hIII e I e ibrl ibisosstypr teavrey r g on la retir he'Reformer " as ibey batt Ato inlateeset, euS lbey ull baeon harosure. lemnatel11ju, if smmthief la net douc e aal-&y the ll.1ligteth.beau eretahares byReyashd'aa!Ppentmeai, Ballas l bas~l esl oy for anothar las [yerna.tha ain o ul y fec ~ing in- 0h matter, but tee feelng of olersesa- mail. I have unîtbes thie bernuset 1 havebse tob tisai; yen ai Seat Inversa cm AI. Hesiersea. but atteruerd. usad your Influenemite tee Oabville con. - tlngeon asbalf of Seynolds. tieapeeiuily youre, (Sgi.) R. Werr.. ToRnaitv, Ont., Nov. 115h, 1892. B. White, Eg.. Pablîerern" Preprictr cf 1%0 .Miltonu fRefr,," àillas, Oui. Youe latter uftihe lbh, 70. appaint. munio utLicsse Inaeaarfer Sltan. duly raceived. aud I ucl oS ,bave replicilta pournkinid nuwarranisd atatecienla. if Yeu bai net deemed it la ha in pour iaisret iat it sheuli ro- oeive publiriythroughyur papr. le deuaty reave of the Toue cf Oak. ville, mail knbaau nactive sud cen- istent.- Reformras, and wueaappolie hp tse OntarieocGoyMen&n lu the mouid may-eon tise meijiereecrmeda. lieu Mf Mr. Rmary einsos, te hut Beluette anidate, ceho, under bis sue bond, atated testthe appusutment ut Mr.BReynolds as Inspector fer Ballas uruIdmeel hie cordial appruval. Te tbià mtter teeolaattachai a latter fram, Dr. Robertson, out le.ayn thai ho ageed ceresnl: t ibe Principlo that Wr. Sauxvre otaesou's - recommaesdation choliha acnepted. 1 urne cosulted loy a mamber ufthe icaverOmeat Ou raprture lossEng. lad tis soammer, and ,sistd te.nthat HBaderue, Of Omaglo. I tld Me. Rteynelde ced aIl otheen tht, tact, t Mile ead, boih la Mr. Seadn suad t lise member cf the (lovarumeqi uho paeý la me. thal t thouglot 5h. ap. intatunt chouli Dct b. mad ie tisut 9. appraval cf Mr. Henry Robineou, adtisai bigseecond chaire aveuli and bhulh provail (bis Pet havisg bean bie as). 1Ienly ma. itphis!a1te Plaethe jacte before suy frienda l Tu pune peroonal braS, teem oniy ay ternI tee aplat vas la' yhabeeu maitetei quis frai '4s pur eue sun, andimelong a sa a rueo a Miltoncotinue ta oppose ses. siother, 1 ahunId DM look for bauler trosaal. Ie"uuyMY -homea iréSieau. frola Wai la uSiy suerthe ucet nlubaa attocised la publia lite. Yeumli peroname if Isauggeat teeS eiel- te8Ihe l*tie o ssecIca nia puecrned tehtetin M.ila &te ,-etrlu te Reformer,uae ast one thâtwbul preail %Yai Usae IsBY- e. ai eul- lemaka a*B seru, du MM min p»arvidem . o I l ha te dem stt twpueht»i4e astej ass tissa . 9.àasig e.reao, tomaf liYomPiPer wuemut ubffl L % J u e- ý 1 h sty i g ,u r ITh. P 1h:,. 411be1. TiseI laodMe 'amIpe .a - _ a I ray, a asO la pa ma e a rapli aompletias, "ai li w"eteo.peoteito be reafcoce la e t he ueroalot îtatactw"i, en wimof he iifret depart isthe cauàe, 'rhô ahi quartera wmas caelau. lii.vestiieted aad tacauve tes" ment eiém *oslp for thaela inbt the 3INDER TWNE!1 BINDXR TWINE1 Headquarters. in M ilton at AT, LO1YEMT vA&I R iticeS. Sole Agents for LARDINE - MACHINE - QfIL Use no other;- it is the beet. Flennel Shirtme .4,,.>' 'k '* £WEAR q l bbd cHoe, ail s~ iiaRbbâd-Udre ~~~~Hf eMmebl.aeatWOe v, C BiUe ombination et #2 'a unlI e.st~uU4ua o o ed iessl stse aatnna Thmn cm te 2,34 EHaitn se o he Nov. t, uhbon S" hbai mitee Unieswu avilte lu surdoi. u n 2.0ten rthà ngtiai1hlitope &»oe qustona.tauis atee age. a. Plomhug atcA. The Baltea Mashldboard .seecatioa DbeI theri e = mnui o*eemantch *aTemaed stas5.ou pc m.W. Mais. Thotymeoourieea4rpetilars. theo dey ue ânethe land incide and the P ,i ogthl 1. iaireer oeen botter ploulag dunset ia7 match iban ui .40olseinlot chtintsl.. r. Mals estertalsed lthe pîcuman, jailie, viitore andsilclre ta Sirst.clsstyle. The tlloulag le a liai cf thee ecieuull le ThoasaMobean, Scarbara......515 IEduard Smllie, Nrval ..........1 H enry Blati, SaýtosviIIe .......B aAudroe Mn, lGuelph Township.. 8 loin CLaa. J. H Busesl, Bnbp .....i..... e1 Jobs Adas, Eden Mise.......5 Hector Bruma, Esqaeelng .......5 Il Bort. MeMihig, Bampton,.....510j i. Charles BSmite. Omaghb......... a Henrp JcbnalanEiton ......... 5 * Boyu' CLAMs. Rolad Jarvia.Bocyna ........ t1 A. Bdood, Milton ...... Firut prisewu a ardod ThomaMe. Lean for the boat creun; pe. given b r. Andarmcu Camspbell, ramplan. M. MeLean&aes ceeu theafrot prisefer haut fSisb; pre, a pîcu eivel, gives tbp James Loy, Elleusmere, York Ce. a Mr. John Adams.ceeathe e spou. Maninluthe fiel,mwonsae n rie in theb 2sd cuemindbaiedbis riige I finiibed 1 f au heur hafere &sp oteer e plouman. a - - Samaihing froeb-Mud.t The silver msddisg of Mr. Ptier, V section fremas bers, ceeu iuly reie. r braisi lest avecb, wceeaboat ftp gante., prlnrialiy trom Milos, tec. peunesicu o thel bouse and tepped the I ligbt fantaati ountil moruing. Bave in Dcothboard ubat pessense me sgivon. I Tbursday, be.'sg Tbasbsgfivtag, euei village cees norpqniet. Thase ceboa ouh sDot sabot uat la Toronto and tI elsembae. s .Dr. McLarenwceeu a ione bava]et ceeeh. WbilIo aismpltisglalitbifresu ta mcvng trahnui Ch aitbuugb snot timai la stop baie, lachaned sp) hie 8 valise tippad im Ànd bc fll ea tise plattcrm. Os exainsattnn it mas fusai thet tavo Ssgere o! hie riglt baud were disheratcd. Se. 5ttbCIaes-Jeni, Noeoîl Au 1Shae, Mabol Roberteon, EliselAu Jr. Stb Clas-Etel Shopherd, 1So-erd Grap. Edaa Barber, Anaes >Wilson. Ceise 1 be. 4th Cisus--Aaaie lmts Aunise 1Wlaonancd Florence Pckeg. .c 1 Jr. itb Ch-Brbra EUiotit,Bad Ellicit, Aaaie Lindsay, Rais emar Bioiel'auyWsfiaie Spda5l, Jeunia Anderson, Camp. Je. SeS Clrna-tbam MNai, Gsa. PoSte, Lbae. Michell, Bobé. B.moaa*. S. 2d lhi oer Armutrong, SH nis»»"~~ tnt. 2ad Cla»uwvy Siae 14»uk FaimSer Lottlie t Y»&m.Pei Daley. 11 Jr. tai Olae-maals5a Tbee Hume, Daisy és. Ses.e1" 0s ir lmaO*s"ls' A . A GREAT_ýNA P. Our bayer iniTorontâ hMh4nollt1uibw i * Iewea n immense re- du~non rteg4llr pesa eltock of SitsaMd t 0 o0 ieand-Boy s Intndig pi41ss0Yf Ige n i eg- o syle as ordered clothing) should 004 Yt. heep tstore of Milton, ohtese deys. jectory Cottonu ell-wool, 206 ?4 Yards fer ~tLmen Dieper, awTick, 15c 20ceeuh. it sait$ Zoyr LÀ CALL ANDO 8EE Happy Thought, John Bull Kitchen Witch RANGES. Radiant Home Art Garland COAI. 8TOVES,i AT IZMID PMu MOEXeM CL3ÂINGSALE! Là;Am5Ai) QsRULMMe,- During the- ne~t go0Deys we are goixûg to treat you to one of our Old Timi eteiiine Civarlng Sala. This will be our firut ince we rtIrnjed to ,Miltoji and we are going to offet you Dry Goode amsiB6cta & Shos et sucb rsduced prices that you wIl reinemnber this 'aie, for a long time. The fact of the inatter i. <e a*nrarnpffd muet raise the wind somjehow. It je eeid it . no digrc to be pt)r,- nevirthelqss its very inconvenient, adnsi t18ep remedy Our position îe wili commence on THURSDAY, SEPT. 8THI to offer for Herd Spot Cash svertbiag in, the shape of Dry Goodsaend Bqts4&Sboes with i h _ walls of the store, at net whiole" leSf; thee je aIs a number of lines thati we will take a gos deal Jeu. than cst for, andi bear in rnind yon cen get FAR Goode et the sarne reduction. The origine invoices will b. laid on the counter for our guide. andi yOur nspection. We arle csolcnsting on e lively timje and wonid advise yon to corne ealy. - We nover hasi a cleerii»g sale yet that wasn't a rouser. H~AI & 0., Op.Town Hall. Rosé CÏ -Vaseline, Vaseline Ca1rnpho1r4- Chopped Haaue t.ou iiuHSana' Sure LIPS P. i..-We havaal 1h. lâ:aï Wadapeinalis reompla, 1lüd Cure AIl, Cocgh syrsy* *o Staionery of eveey deecription. Local X075w. if yod cat 'aParler fuil go e l àc Ptraser'». ' CoUr O Cuvil Miiimot on TII*~ day, 251h ilssi. Mn JAn. Ltieary bas made abuq* 000 appin barrais tuzs ecascu. If Yenucet-a Sidabaard go la Je. A. Fraze'. I MEUnoS. WINN ît Son mare paid tisa 85-OW0 on Wudîhiesday, and the maSter arranged and Sieaiiefarcry, arr.~ prtad by tiha Mayor. Have you u»en ilîcua uw Hangtug Lampa? Peuple say tbay are rbeO.p-." and the pretty Leonade sî? Latatt ideas ai Bastadar., Mn. JaHNMITCHnELL, of Trafalgar, babanm base coani lat bubei fer urarly tua meehe veth congetion and uYipaia. isut oiaugee and in afair waylaereecvery. Nnm sobeuribars ta the Cnaupsoc., nn in t ioir dollar noce. miii re. cuvae the paper for tue remaindar cf lihe year free. Lucvrui.-Itov. C. O. lbatn, ut Kingston, ceili dalivor lus papular lec- ture oa "HuimnNature," lu the aibhodint Cb,,aol, Milton, an Monday evening. Nov. 1nit, '92. Admission lnNReoLuOAuNet 6,.on firniclasa mnorgage of.farci property.-D. W. Saerinq.-Tiere areia nombar cf difféent aeianmet inluteen ceeebly weodings unul hacema wiii, iternel if they wrerwirde publie. We- witi millingly puilinh tîseir pr. ceadora, if sent te us, Ladie' Weel Hoca l20r. pv. up. Chili- rsu'n and Beya' hcnavy mnes-a full range la pick tram-at liauteos. Tan Martin StL nlaue.areb bridgeïis nearly rampîrii, anud lu robai the baya aveli ral ou a - chan O," baing three foui widerai ene end tbau theauther. This lu net the reutracloau iiug. but of Rmm mmbersofuthebacauril. ciih ethers, wbe hald a icnday inupeutien aI tbe bridgc and by, the bard cerda used must bave hattered the nue-cd nitb epaul. Huo uBBTRmNT.-Containiug S rou. Hard and moit celr. (Fcrmarly oce. rnpied by Mru. Rubis.) Apply la Oea. Smih. il-tf iTrauneDfroc, thscpremisues cf the nhurribar. lot 12, cou. 2B1N S Naisn oO..lt, I tie s al ile yearlingn. Tavo of the nisneu are dark raid wlth wihila au face and the uthar a ligt rei; eune eifer indarh red witb sailefacr and the other a iigbl o as. Any infermuation oethie uame avilI ha' tbackfliyereeed by the unerignei. -JAS. MeLvearo. ibride P.O. New Canued oncd.-Peau, Cocu, Tomalacu. 10c. Salmon, Lobuses, Moa.raliabla brandealatayu la be hadaet Bastrdu's. NovICE e voSUBcRIEnn.-We reSpeat- fslly requmi ail or sacuriharu ce are in armais for Bunhcrptiln ta examinue the figures os ibeir roupedtlve paperu aniaascartain the amuserocf arrearage and remit "mabe l or ad. droua by regolaerai leiter. W, inissai la adopi the can. h ytem on the irai of, Jauuary, aLd ail subocriptiras muai be paiSîtar in avance afiar tisai dais. 0,v.eýu.Men'sflii.Nspaasud Savede *Buckbandi-,aarge lise cf Wacm O0 d je aithe louesi prae.-Buteio & Ce.. C30CUL ENvvsTANraoeaa.-Oennî a.veung 1aescno Churrb Y. P. A. gav ââ open unieritaielsûtinlalir hall lhe preeiat, liav. Mr. Brnddow, in îl chair. Tise Misses Liudsay. and liberi; ans parfeemed an 'iastrmauisl i.a* eega uere rendere& b 1is aeU D mar. ssMitchlland Doerau Mjr. SRnddcw, and marefolloued by id vocyamuaagehraifta ho a, ils tryoournut amy bicd et Furais,ý 00ote Je. A. Proseri. TouenOoeeri.-Au adjcuraed MU&i sm ag uo eld oa Toedail enizg. taimec.. Ge.'Wms &SuBaoah pliI W ahte asft M ieragoug on uhmb a by.iru une as el themeos5,0 an& recmmeadi 51,000hbepai teibosu frihmith. O y-lau appcsatiig Mr. DavaSOi l watob» arendt = daind ahoeineoee t b. â TU Iy.eVmetof