45e; TO LOAN lin ÂXO - PfMPPERT'Y AT 6 PliR oi uOaer onc dan a5 scco.rankeccs. T - -t .Oiiînls !Nb. C5lb ~ssms' ii'. ~r' WATCH ESn, o-scn anmel mît a aeanenaibe profit -ese Mcnnfactunens' cnt, sot iR ARE BELl BLE ANDO . -Accurate TIMEKEuWa ai 55.. .gt i,,.. ci,,. locdsN..ssOGC l -c ..,.,,,., i - PRICE, .- 5100 SENR 50 CENTS c-~ 89 King S. Wet, Tnnn*io'ze tJponflecoipt c4 villa yensu asand dressMme fermard yen Agmets5Outnt «se OùrGre&ý'>m Premiu. @M Lis 1. Y ONEn IOULD SE Tffl LIS'5 OPHSNIoOME PBIZg5. Wl IIHARE cuVER IN MANT.X CASF3ES BELOW COOT... WeWanlt les IN EVEhIs LOCALITY __WBiTg.ai PS, Til b Iss esfor Ihe Yousg s, TEGLOBETo WEIiK GOE.vos. - &sapa. tIiUIec le Il 61e $ HALF-YEARLY çp The seoçt Iaeretm gC Sp 'fhanCaceasj d0.0.., r v. a .luabl IL een tL mii taos. do ... . ....... Os ~4#KE~ s ,2o 1 r oboring Milite a '.d J a faced with ~ s.eeIsse * toe 1wQrI0ag Mîttoever <#Ov.M 18Our imitation omn ues ce o Oas s. Ossasi ne.. *>4àe <>01tanned '*"na sisase suea~ae * _ c î~it.é&a op c ed with hog- savIIIOSMax. nase,. s fior woolleUMtt.s ii 5es Ofecsmadrsss s.Wa5. sasss . Vfl PbJohkn gauntlet at $.0; e.ha tia n nh choe. a nw- wtr A HIDDEN FOE bes. ~ - HENTY, b AnIsee "al.s fer Outenlmne, d nl0rs! ~t asse~Iîea. We have Stirpass.O felmer efforte iii the robe lino. AIsu P"'2o lseecrsor I~ ~ ~ ~~nm .stass. e ' o f 7 h s of bu i aê"01n we have aucoeeded by fOonlmmsd) sm e s npa ss umeac ho bu 86 d mall profite in plaing h- IThatpoelog. Me. Beo pc snaessnsanraaslsesess: or. ou e on!8 At 87 we have extra large -Tas.i beniea e pesetat Lssba pse anr seg. s. an V078l'~~.è*1ê ýs* have, intwo size chanot dcYrssk tala mernlng. Tisin È55flr UleO ' O ý AI 1.50 eaeb we offer apaanPi- change intahIe taeperatene, osecasees se ings fofr robes. At only 816 w an I? ___________ lo 'adut 820 we have naturel il011s, 0te Maieineesquita hlmy. e. -, . black n mà lamnb otefroni that price Up lu 822.00. " atasaaa a551 ilgafl aIl. Constance, but 1 dace sany i m chiilp ,nlseec:a ssiz te.aL..I Eor e afnet .&tar heiug liacce dcya i latctmiser- caoJeI.flt..P0BB chele ain, but I de't titlaIil ho b âf ne Wiwya im at> oXcOiling the Vahueo£ the year able ta it in il vS7y long." rnfsnm¶~L.ssss 5s befoýif'oqiJJ, Wiitnover hefore bail o hianket fr on f or yen t " h p antmtao asesa se m tns st u aabb m"gatV'whiwai lined. Thie year we have cNtmha bit 1" Ihmuep saitoti _________ it. y' la Irue, it je not1 as heavy as - our lined blauikebe 'No. han lqe ee, mee 1 aieni IMATH9SON, t1'.; each, but novertheless wold ancwèr every do cap wmas." Iesg B-rlw p(uj_,.e le the stable je flot too cold. HoWever, we Allaset hcling fer c fem mintas oli, dJ. bave hors. blakets et ail pricee-trom S50c each tb $5 langer, Pbilip salelied cmey, cnt eoter. LtHanse.Miltan. 88-t uah.0r $2 heavy loth, fullluîied, blanket io an ex- cd ista Conversation mta one of tas POTT B.A., cellent Oteo. Unlinèd jute blankets at 50c, 75o and $1 LIOTB. ..b Al-,wol blankets 2.0 $,$4 and $5 eceb l'Yeu lave seltlaeslatag ht s., e5es p.ous. 82.50, $3,nsgma &-"wh s seespint by fDessau Ciroinglas mat 15c, 20c, 25e eaeh. Ilng blpssmsallsmal own)Dewa'& BwkI have beeu below, Constance ?" Ma. ___________dares Duport sebet ehacply. $y r, Len. 4.iÏ In cal il"No, conlie, lbuhnonyer salt ome ITOHRLL, dur weII atili flows et 13e per gallon for the best al I aL'Ha han jouei elped me heme cnt Jssssrse, Cenaian il, eitaer for 1 gallon, e gallons or a barrel, We have 5 gai.sen me faicly scale, »dt ton eies cane at 50ceaenh, or wu ailhave ear farmers' IlStanley" gaivanizet cmcy nailtîmant bIse taeialp metome Wll. Milton. Monsp te steel ceaal O, wmbh le aiseImldo 5 imperial gallonse'cnd have a top again."ý Ilîvon» h ich th tram off thec il. WC iii fil these el0000 lihe int -"Thot je right, cep tear, ose casnt CHISItOLM, lime il ètly 10o par galion, ho bn creful ilh strangers o, Ynocs r, elle., YorjePublie. In Table Out-lerrr- e dont snm mhoiene ancd ho tees r 9 ow* aels ntknemmbo eeare, -andthrino au omsu ars. This epariment of our xecits,>lipg businees-in mel inoket cller. Wo nugalle5 ton intimalo mita people. ar ta Blcs ofHasailon. hava boives cnd ferlas ail96c, '75c, $1 unti $1.25 per j toz. Tben alIn a oor position yen carnet ho ton EDLA a e. $1.75 par j don. wmecao gise eYODtienne transparent, smntb, bandsome carefol, Yen sea me hope ta bave pou IDLAW & Co. ~hem handled boives and tomba erbici are se mnch sengiat after, That n e so rbnCutefe b &Solietore, t 81.75 par set for the dessert ase and $2 ferte table lanivee. OttInmsrsdICebnCnthfr apeial blass, 34 w.î. lasives fir kilahenunec mc- "aqetaI eant 10c. Odforas oîc ri. logcnt neoobt pou iii malle a b. Entrass. e, aasge White haùdlcd toc, boives (witbono ferlas) at 01.25 par jt dooe. Silver grand mathton." ferlas $1 par j td o tn table spoona 25oecri. Thon in epoons îiaaî I ton't ocre about baing mistressof Wss~seLaana. QC. are plateci in pnre ailcer me have theceal t tese pines: teIna $2.sqi Corbyn Court, cnt I um anre I do net Xareonandet $8 par don ; dessert sone$4,50 par dozen; Forke $4.60 tee; misia ta make a gcand matah, Annelle." table apoone 50o eaCb brea bives.85ce, 50c, 60ecant 75e ea.ie; Constance sait loly ;Iltat ta une aI DICAL bisat boards from- 80o ta Sî1. Wceecel lu eu-vers. We have on ex- tbe vory moral Ibings about cenney. __________ corliant fine of calmera at 76c par pair. At $1 cnt $1.25 me bave etsg Yen neyer boom mbctber people cars AcCO L, borp cnt Esfalo'bor carvers cff inent qnslity. fer yen for poarSif or fer peur meney. I mcclta oprovo tact ca moter msu If. . P.a. 0 In -ack l-hlvénecmarie; if I cas dta a, I ebolt ho 'rce8 te a. .acnd We rougbjyesatimata thactalIbhis secaono ofthe yeux eue stock of pocke gi tob mme harle ta SI. Maie, and ho 4N. ce.boves munit reaeh the great flgure of 10.000 bives. We bave Ibose alibel as I mas hofore, I dont maaît i Mis aumiÇnsasarell &ailpines cnd cil qualitien, ant il Je impossible o tacribo een te leat. iami M"el iag iras. IfRyon vanta lboite, cmtec usand et ll-o effer pou pour the vecy louaI ta go to Corbyn, odtaho ehoice fcàpaunllUal bce Ch, 85e carb or 50 eccb, orabigiesepo n aire«. I um quita cure Isiauil DIER S isa te g. So.. leveller' smples me bcve conîcin smme rare bar. ho faiappier mithont the aseney." amSuu W" W* M M "poolussel. I"Meaey in c eey gendt tig, mesc $t., Mitan,neoitor ,,'~sr petite," Madame Duort sait, nentenli., àStore. LI J'JiosfJ.' slp. I"Yen do net kboumitea actan.-1 rivale offic, Charles - We cae rsro.VangeQI, chaînla ballon bolbscinsers 25 , embroiderp tages pet, but arme day pot mi ll àJ s.. ~ ecoisserol ie; laap =0110g msinrMe; herse eiping ariennes 75c; aine te hcve careicgas cnt malts, cnd - ___-cloUs sasers 15e. 20e >Me cndt 85 e st uality etlsCams (ovecy pair aeyhn leyucnwe o. $TUART. macraaset 0cIm,850c, Mec cntd'75c, acord<~ing toaille. I a evereyoinmi a for." fer In Yc u ilverware.tS.IW,À1aiteanI ot'rt snsnt d, Belli botter alsAlet I d on l mcc an $ouW".e Alîbeseglatlsis tepacament la cesepacativelp c nem une, yet te saleanytaing Ie.A oblynmn 1e P" 0e 4, b. ave alreety mate il an important one. iver pepparers Ic; salu laling about, il la ritienlons te thini cats 25c; naplin rings fesse Ibo spmrts; piclale oets at $1.26, 81.50 about il ; ilvill ho qnille lime fer peu ad ntiS scolmve butter tialae aI81.10 cet Il2eebh; silecret eltbogin taplay the Drageo n aee UN KILTON. sancds, qnn c Il- ple t, $8 eceh; ilvercke tisiae 62.0>ant $8 eac.l. oncor flue yecrs. 1cm onîy c yenng ,-easr Cosn 4.11n5 Our acrtoas.stof &U iaesegoote insvcrylarge. -Theyseakeefine mettisez ast .>ssaaearor Chritaïas pèessl. Tiae quclityof sur silvermars e guceantes titirl avep eog Ir Ca i2euaii the. latler In Axes and, Xcut Saws. menthe, andtho Ibesabln te ta inla - We ars un tep of everythiniz ant ne doubt about il. Our Stalep hiate peu vers but a oiilt madu me mers cI zest aeg bolens bâlâettberamalle by Siaeley kDietriela, aofOeil0ant hames, 1 home Coons e t lakupen pou 8as £TAL ~ Îivspalts.,.lelpaDefuel in aeti6ngohesstefoc euectOf.ca man ince, and ester people moult id aboutneverybay tnoep -the aIent unie;s»ILveo en tneW Mr. ..D.ke 8., oo. D. 8th.,rie tosesama have nld fsein <senit B sro sc;ctwmn nlas e L.. .,0.D.S. aora,. lagr ". 5oan 80 uh Aehanties aI 80, 100, 1le, ss2 roe0"0 cn 8e eb.Dreeh panges due zests"WB 110 e&cl.Pla e eeesa' brioiee W.eO,*b515y, nor0h10.5.> I- 1béliersho la gslng ent te fio,.one; ýsw5o *th,$ e . Our. 8AUStwinuos- sseelang of"iaset ho Audreia.*"ý ms' Furnîlut res j"b %tb'* ftacne e. W. have tme largestorcs, 'sIlase t bo a D aa sg Bsa is hm îtowuy ofn mea oia-W. ISUâ1t'wt btwa o, dena nt horse elaing of every descrip. penîs tbolame," ' las see ia ;lOvest leho ardtlimes leannsaccosl andt m e m t N.o. AnnssIts, mlpulae i b t l 4s~s haceqn l 5eezeaI a5,e. me bavo tne D !N,0Rbw L. O. odOiu To 0 motter tewsai »55855f. ~ltss clSspl e esassin tg We hav.Confidence, IaI ~~ ~ mben l'ethégunctigo ol nt eep olaIatO4 ~tssl~Ies. W'ba d llttepl hallet iten, i n epj TOumrre ls Mmes »1004 Y$" choki 'i;bdedi*y1y, b ofVtt W Wluemfle n wte 1»o h no2 Tb"., m-e et LL h 0 aowR9àO o4mitd es2udice abÉs *7-mt b " 5in e . ±v.,J hns . . v -ý .. e 7 ù slec e - sall é blajols he ls.Ate.Iocaceau aiu we stsete , f pliraler a fle P~k a ~astat an vY Wmiiib> Mdesil i coutrne,1as olfiibave asqucitanne fest enesag, bul as s mul e se&eqealaencs ley 2mk. are jeel Usos M"O ts monSl hc otaler mishuel, Mmesn rmty engb 10t ip-klate c gIri "uhu lis is n"e, but vos e suveep elunla tslagoa.,, "Wlay sisast t mmi.belp ecb other, Auboue.2r Il"M's m rmet eci" teaCha tacer, 8ev-9a«-genls eenba, llade, mbils Constance bat beusiaténg ajoane, stop. pet i t Ieï a l est abatber ib abe muca, ,oril they OassIt ~lbar as. >etaervrap; bat bar -Taà nle, 1 a-e POrfeely ensfortalle," atboeo go tedoit e tula isennageap aI-. lesepts aI Conversation. Nomthe Ime poung Byffceta, vbhoalasbrecoeret Icon teir sa-sicbneuasmesos p sot Sagas ta cbat tu Madame Dupert cnt boreif; ant aller he bot amobet a pipe- or v, Pbillp canuse, iithUe parly, cballing peineipally mita An- nelle, vile c a ePUM nuvr.aale vent an belmea lac Ime lads cnt Cen. stafce. Il1Ths h bau ea Picassent morning,-' the ltler saidtuleAnnelle, as lbap ment dame ta lunch. Il beaua "sr tuil vsraforthe lastthree tape, bot nue I lteb vs s hah p'eallp cnoe lae usynge."I "Itwmlle botter webailaeccceer.-" Il m iii gel varcer everyhene, Con- stance sait, " Me, Bromn tabla ce e mil ii dt ilt dmnrigbl bot by tbe lime me arrive aetiGibraltar. loeseli] me ahlhocIbere by i.ceerrev cveniog., Tbey bat, iodent, splendid mcalbec au tam vap -to Aixautela.AIt0,1,. raitar aod Malta thae cabte pasueupere, miîb the exception of laiesegineer, vent an shore tagather. Annalte sug. gealedthbaltliai aIbs aboui hoc sent ta jota tac pamlp, as taep moult otiae.1 miseb hocbllgsdtularimais un 'hoard.1 Rotb mes quietYung veseen, Who bat beau suerai yeurs in lacir ms. Irisa' samine, cnt vers ne drawbck ta Use pissurs o efaprtyan ahore. At Glibraltar laep visiltibte (Oaioer. ieu, maibet eut ta Europa Point, more, teigistet milbtactheaecei.tropieab foi. âage, cnt mila thc geedl heaiges ni omerlet geesojume astdrcactus. AI Malta tbep visitait ths Cathedeci, trepe outI theald tevnandtsamthe seMosiffl tmanls. matethe toue of the S.lortiAll u,.t Tangerinmoranges aqoleu as.a boelt lacesudtsilvor A149- joeey metcereS. Tlaey batl *%nos eà= zboMtle ime Alsiacte, ietlae,g. msbella cotat k*cnkè,tql Md as "Uss elve isqlý*4"i 'tp npeinla la.tain to hec. 11s»n Pmfl tePeint De Gaie ff~tlfewwAtu sibcsbtace hastlula Use, !et Seswumes ypsipesve.1 Tb.. Use pmpessgr-SôeautfleCai-. sella laItla ga pnby Use nus& âacen, sa I fl vua asbound fleMelbourne. This setucet the nsmeaof1nie mesmn-olase pes enger ihoseven, a alsange vhich, Pbhip regirdedthi t satsIacien. ýMadame Duport mcas lac oul une ta Use formant saison ubo bat net enjap. adthlie voyage. Wheu abe batl asede Ushe' respcnsibllp ty of aespcnylngc Coetelce, oh@ a.bd lasbl snly cf ksInfait-e y an aprobenletgirl, Som i" ctnreocasseatutebar. ohm fit Mt laafl tcis. vas wualling la Irpe ww, W thelasult UsaI she vas Ibsa oiomucsnely mIta me ubese Aniafxe#s, acklaevl ta lbesa Mau, cmslalaiy srm*& Mm. cOstin. pmay piti. Wbeobhém>seAssette bale*e a »ilma. Ht idos pola1 et hWa puel leya esl - in vuates bcnu.t uW lsbat tassmWs -m osesibi. as f&Usqbl ~ YOD:t*me e o caes~est vsyj ~pstte do-t1bi~t -am t *asel-bb;gm .Il thaseelamtesi 'uos g cm. a elg lmn~ ~ m Il day 9-Y iwtekwroax, ion thaît d >sie uk wm hetcy erein la lbcâbla elietao a. nw4t." baséle l De pose laeem, Censtance, I1Uenla tetip ga, ilddDtlland erIth t cw .&Bn i e "Do you," Contance »saintaeue. ifOoIbWain isc oler l isa Ne r pise. "Whydo yeunttaogeltritdcf Vîni a lier Quceasian hey abise, cualie i" Ident lnow lad, 1 hove not ' IIWeil, shear, 1i bJeail ould bave Ibougit M" & bout l, Mine Resn. 1 Bbetter forte Youngsean if hc atedhavo e b1en adatae Ia is ea golg on ta Calcutta. yen MI, ld sha9"ho feseti Ioola aboutme." D Onsienne, ho ta throme c great teal II We areboont for Svtny n, m, ith pOu, cnt thora ia ne teebt Ibat Ascatte sait quietly. .det yen aee -eYprsllp ant taalg." "Iaceglad inteet ta boear that"ha -Tiancla ose, ADUetirat la qnil saitlua$lune Of sueb lively saliafa. sacxpeel,,"Coriance saitdcmncely, lion tact Constance looW et n acd. II Iten't w e aflatter peu, my deami oiratioetallacting. II That miittho bot Ihmreia ne touhlt hat yen c- s, plecet anide. I ba o iea tI Sad tilaIsquile citent that tIm Young shou,, have lac plecence ofyeuxrcoine. sean tiinha 8 tac. My deec.pyou abouit panp bayent Mebourne. Yen are going reflat. l moult heo f ail mtafeetunes ti tay inte lava I suppoee 1, the gecataut for Vout le fait iu love ila "Olue plana tenot pel flnallp not- c Young man mho io c uehoty, nI mhom lied,"Madame Dupeortsit quictlp. imc bnoemnotiaine oscept ttlie hje ilcntPbiliipsam tist a olmud nI parsee secmnd-cic o peneger going tn A17 te subject fucliae. trala,"Wbo top moere % meela eut frnm "Atd YOD tbinia 1am fouline bin ove Copin hao eoIl ma clouely mno.- miîb bise, cuotie?' llght nigiat. Thcp more standing eît e "I 1dent kboom cpear, Sometimea bulmaria togoîher, mhite Aunettaemes I Ibinla thal ynu are, alîbongia pou ta hall doiug in hbertdock choie, ilbin inet lanom il yoornolf, Yen talla ila elght bel ont oI bearing. Heoliedto bise1 anet angh ia mlahim. sait pou bail ceeant ta sPalaunlil las voyage mas boome hlm for peana. I hcue mateet oeslp over, buttheîaoiot beanly oallas Yen losely, asetancep dnty, ast sonne« evcniug c&D ibe bepe ho etilerlaneet limes I Sfuel surela;îou libre lir. tisetaI as enet indifférent te bim Somaeliene1notice an expreession m* pcenptat hlm ta art upen tbe mmeet.l1 youÎIface tb,4I do e nont , nd l "Ihave net agreaîtcai@tofleepout il Menues terne that poar veice la bard baide cep love, Miss Raban, but et ant yeur langli unnaturai, ant I bsetlp louat I eau promise YnD tacet pou abal recognise yeu. Il lrenblfaee cerelp," nevor fmi anxietiee eflite, I houepro. "IDo sol let il Inouble peu, contie, I perîy in Englaut fronce vicb I eau have no mare itea ofn cacping Mr. Scm anyhom dmam an inoomo enfilent ta Browmn than I baye o!fccreyiog no.If live uon in comfort, if cep ome efforts he mere lacealp sean in the monl Ito10euolont c pcb foc mpnolt abouitlai.- moultunet Can isem" AI any rate 1 eauo nfor J'on a deop cnt Tbore van a teengtb cnt onrnest- bottent love, You boom noihing of cepi nosin tbe tane mhieh csurgit Annette peut, or mby I lefI Engicut, Thal I aI Ibeir trut, butliber surprieiforethe muet foerte peetak ut ar axessent exoeetet bier relief. She bar. oe trust, ced 1poenkt cala pan ta ts Ueli at frace te firettaken a eiroeg kboom oougia nf me In feni sure lan lilg ta Ibis Young mans, ase t ilsecedn mateveris e ro essrtonfnImyleauieg1 te bar tbat ila bis piensant seanner, Englandt, igdgae on m bla bsarty laugia, bis feanla, honent ex. prtin tbus iti cen e e pression, cet hie fine figure be mua juget Constance nIent immouable white hbe te sert ni mau ta in c gile love, mas specaing lo ber, Sbo batl Dot at. This. erp dentdet epressionnf epin. toeptet ta dcnm amay teband bo ion. tecefars, mita regard ta bim btois batl tahen mhou lebe hgan, sie at net hercompletely bp siurpri8e. lonisà ounrestoiumrt bise, butlbat "l amce vry glct thct Ai i0ge, Con- stent gaeiuc over tbe sec. Env nber- stance, vsoy gldto ta ad poucae 8ndrem ber hand cmcy enddeuly cnt sage and pendent; bol younourprseome, lacet bise Bat tbie Young cmao been mealtby sotd ".icArepou cuco hat ib in an bonnet Y nI gond familp I nnIbh I aboutit love ou oSer mn-? Are ynu qosta cor-a baventbing btu ap aginsî bim, foc ba tain Ibat yoc condoct bas bhan thal ni Mn oInme ho ho nue lied enynno a tene goollemon-Ibat Ibece is nondis. j celgbî like, Yon are nnh a coccielle,' geccoful action jenttho past 2" Constance, Yeu bave nouer been ai cil Hec vaic mas cloersotdbcrcl, cnt libe Ihol. wby, tbeu, ujuco pou dis- PbiIip Cilîbo stappet baci s e if haef ilas lais Young mnuon mmd an ail boatbeau cuttenip atrucb. I tat, bave pou bean an pleuaanl ila " wiectnopou moeo net ieaveos,u bte, ? 1 do net sMy pou bave esamue. Mienbieau, bct do pou miaso ?" P aget bise, I moul t nIeuon hiala, aorh I"Do Yen calil te mnuteof ac a tbing, bol suroi peu mcent bave mesi gentleman toayadulprtan m viacl bis bapes have been. 0f cennse , play nt a ouble pt, sot we kow tât j isabsud ad thïm apos; andto tacve ber overy moue-c Miss Cerbyn canent maroy a Young meent dogged by upins, cntdmwhite pro. S Ieav mb o bas peobcblp crue hongia ateuîieg that oDiatlewlt c fortun cnt ie hoing belpet nul bp lis voeu againut bn erin te r m aita frbandse b AuuInallcia o gn cfeech & bernlenan liesrt t ri odstryWtheil thae. ut a kowsnotingOf hi- eue peonf mbicb mnld have put bac inA cnd guesoes parbapa thal yon aue 50,ng ynue place bp mniilcting o cegiter in s ouI la tea hFrencha os music in Aus. achuebueneand telnbr ooWs tracha. I Ibinl a lWmithoue a lithe, il buonrable andliossben? an juta clitle cause ite epcoarb pou." lesSot frece pour gise tacîele aise nio IIt.v iia a e t a usîn nie, aa m e gobas ouI, b scscch tee lias one livi g ha @sDupe l. ith aju ite o zle b a e ii ito s te ber seetbo e0p s arriag e, tlad e l Dupor. I-donothinkbathwilpou abouit tcire a flb o nms, and gouac conceiain." oe n tee siscsip vitb ber ganastluel ..'eU, cep dear, peu bombasnI bal foretal ben la ber sareb ? M'as il a n il dom nlMesse ta me lilas peu teactgnlmnpet ryt iýirlvj ta wa tht eope mgh thnk u ' anlafcl i a ou tjt slseeeed ingain-.ha berlesea»dtetagime pain te&ayone. iga&Il YODsigIt last ab leiti el b deoast uesetaud Yeu." bmcPI laala (ot, Mr. Clilaeree, taet te ..oYe miva untsreant some day, 1I bat"enYDbaeaad peizdk conrt. 1 lainl Me. 8cm Brome ant pYU oune ssean baoreMas og n ordb ba bnom mhalvsare-taae. cant thatl iknem pou for wmad peu an , Coastace esebt haveohanbint in-.adsot at sayou sieeiho, andthIbt ni dent lbat abe eut noed thl~oeeang I boom that pear pigeonenface atin tevalien oaIerhe clor pameangen. Sac peurxasu-et flrankascie ers butlac laet isteet mnarket, aent bers ha masmhib bhit (neef the momnt mes coceae aoftbieeail. hum Iose viblis on carI te elime Annstte appoèerd spun bihp ClUseren eloot as ose lha. tdock bis attenliens ia"ei gene an la- vildnret mbenConstance fil hagan csmeg, osai heovas sIldom absent te penn ont ber actolIsa gi frise lame sit, cnd "hbat cmltibases hîm. b atpobes aItet lnatard, Po Sceg l rnlyd g ea cnaiemonregard. mea tons, bel bervu-i-ecaientt ce inp bs lntesies&Wmm bs sser asea&me0ce, cd - "luebs Mcli hbtalaCern. laehos vua ringof el p nd set gala a# - hXYi it 4 ~p t10 lho sait, la 5ev, lasel. lsgu.as ppàle5beêl denl esw» "e hm bt inlelset d "a if ta lb stalsIs1lnsm" seiet. as LPTe'~ictes.seKh . U.OMme ~4~s- ~WUS ce, lltme pad 1 "3«sim U c# ube s Âmm i ta iZ:Nem5 Mi oelacrecr4iiuss à yen "on a .pmm po« bero erMZ fle b gtu t m ue atbesk"a Ilean Wou pretoled love for Mise stance Corbyn, I1ameau te >yen tiaclit a faine, that 1 did nol lanoe that Con- stance Corbyn mwas on board t"la hlp; lat had I lanome Ibat yen mere here I monld have ahoniet yen mis the peut; for froce remos komata myseif, of ail wmen in the world, Constance (Jorbyn lal the lst1moult mscr. 1 do mot expect yen ta beltave ail litas. I don't kom why yn honit; knomin? onlv wl styen boom iti je esînal pou should thiiah s Ven do. May I Fetunn yen thc compliment yon pait meon My actang ?Yoo are onageiicin, Misa Coebyn. Yoo have mon hante dome. The hno2pineaa cf my lite hbas beenthe atake, aed I have bli. I felicitate yen on yner tciumph." ese neoed his boit ofniber arm:ant waiket ait. Constance atood looking altar hlm, as if tnrued bsitoe. Than ahc andely caigial at the rail, and stand panting aed catchieg lher breath in short icas. As -pet ehe muid ot talak, mnly ohe, mêmedt t- hear over and over again.,hcepiec lime milh the bcdt of the engins Ibrongi, the.ahyligal close behind bier, the merde, IlI omeor ta Yen Ibat i jefaine" I Iemear b yen thal it je faine." At lest ohe tncned. cand wilh diffienlty etaggered ta lien chair by thc site ni that of Madame Duport, ced aiment fell niteways linoil. 'IDccc b ow pon nstactled me," An- nelle scid. IlI do believe I wan mlcep. I Ibina itis lime lo go below." Cnstance did ot anomer Madame Duport pot ber acce on the girl's arm and drcw il InvertI ber. There uas o rsepoonive movemeet, and thero was something ie the way Ibhe r dcoppcd acac eleed il liat oa tart- led Annetteaa be lo oiber feot ant sloopcd over Cenetance. IlWbat is il, my dccc; is aoything tbe malien 1" Tbcce wao n o ply, and the mooeiigbt sooedthIal tbe girl's oyen noeeclesed cant ber face seadly pale. "IMon Dico! tbe cbild bns fainted Anetteexclaimed. I"Whect con itlibeJ Annelle, in the course of ber sevice, bed oceu Iintiop vomen befoce,nd won eqoal ta thn emocgeocy. Sbe ment acens 10 Ivogentlemen ubo mccc smoking andtatlbing sane littho dis. taece forward, "Pardon me," abc oaid, "bot my niece e eouddenly taken.iIi ced bas fainird, 1 Ibina. Wonld ynn kindty cend yoor aid tb belp lber bhow Il jo solbieg, and s ee iii 0coe cecover Perbape il io the mçoon nd the oigbl air, bol abc miii be'bent in ber cabin wee 1Icaocattent opon ber." Constance mas cI once liltad cnt ccriet below, ntAnnettaeolnd the stavardees thon tôok ber in ber chbie ced laid ber in ber hostie. "lPoor ponof icty, ýhe ntamcdess said, compnenionatly, an acia misea Aenette tbmoo sthe gicle cblthing and sprinhie mater on her face; "cead ebc seemed somwellcandtrng too." "lDeobteso il is themmenntndthe nigiat air," Annette a it, I"cnt il bas ceen bel cnt close to-doy. Il miii pana off, doniatices, cnt ab ise mii herseit agata ta.morcem. Gilse csebjeet ta thoua thinge. Thana Yeu, bae elidecare- eoving cnt abe miii enon recovor. Il la bottar tat abcho aul itfon none eore but myWef. If abe noces anyn ele il migial etactie bier, and itlasbol- aer la fer ta.nWirbtheisehonit ot knm latchehobufIÀntat." lPechepe il moit hole bl.t" tae etemactosa sait. I" i miiimakla erbac ic cep of tuacd nt tafIltathe dene sn fewmitnt«s; liaO mili do ber gent bren abe comas cont." Thrse 7ings. Tbnee things toacdssire-Intellertscl power, andnity astcefaoce. Taemalagalove--Courcge,a'cnte. loss lsings le i*-Crnelly acre. tbbs sinste- deligai ta-Frana. Md be1lnisa fe Reus to " or-Baer, ,%Y» tubru =tnio Io= M10bomlaba. xi3 fal ~ l ihm 7 ea n e e e Cesepalstane closes -1.. -~ 1- 6&0 MONET si, VRGZ si CIO Irt il.là a s.tud.y A I)y 'b.Wi -v i9m,