4~ 45 la-the biléc lsle in msa ee duei séu #t. am»et s.aese ami . ate ruse Bay, Wlasa.ete, as ueemsd bel Wek scl.nkW. rme ady"be m. W ati ier, becm acople, lia Lg, ud aiherhtsetic pé, à sempm e litem .. mhfle cihçQwae,4nL twe.eaMh«pehmdm... idm vas 0 ...lady »ebut im @&i. mvc ereeuaete b e au omltb e eVe dtia lu tstfoirs: tioierle.fr ircacm rce imot l- _____ha_0& hdi F erchai .e.t o t e " cm.c.e crime,. star Peeqn prettier. Aelter in < tb@ topofa.1 w jar, whhi. j full enough for ebo of charceal *11h mati W.ou.&IIlama wadtiingàla prn!ni =11719 grolgpm dom. lhrougb PC antibloeemt conoeJ th. top.. enaer to manage til A lauge carrotj careflly hollomein stroxug euough tua e maL,, a ver7 omîtt 1 ne,. !The. louage outeide anti quit. thr. atriuge by wmi in thLe wladom are fa Loreti for h,,, et, the top 0otheLcarrob inc h elow tLe edge, hlttng basket ie tlM nearly up to h. I pios of ciiarcoal mut ho reeti eda1 il, for if allowed t, foliage mut tr, y. Leauty. AU maler lx growing neetia repi day.. Roleoca Wilkinsn Ind.. aaye. -I have asti couditiou for tIti vouseua, Weakne I th*sgo,. 1 of Souh American mes more gootIu duc. rintg Iever did é aviseey meaky1 valuale ant Ilovely t 111hegrntt id A trial htll, mil c rautt by J. H. McCM Thle liet This le a it o -ta girls. Qoti, mben Le gareltoit nme right are Loondt breect, rtght tb refuse te am qil ton If yo o tIl .l"Putthatame queo elas, anti may Pot anser or Impression Lad efint on itIf or Stf Yohave nright your ohitti auy 50000 anti uhaCjptueCM andthîe pisytome tii miien onO je Young. Ton haïven ighi Ynur chui l tind, anti4 aay regard la happhn for the fulare. fou Lave nonrigbi ynur oilt inisnot a. I il shoolti ho allnmti1 reason nul, mth vo prnhlens eof life,, be ehoulti banomely neyer soin an imnr Ton omyouc hem iea of a etoher Lig a chilti, antiyel 111insp has a rjgl,î Bn iliomo il, Omo lite, andthîe jt iug funutb any of îLec y o, .or to utllqr a"" aotoImpertnence. T re,sui otiho respecte " are lbe righlu of par an 00etoît,,.templed more chiltiron respect than paetropc TMh, olany Ioui m 'Lmm Im'me write to nie about tLef Bns ouemoldt hinh Il anq iLaeaass.for imon OMn The w*t'. s aen.5 et. O at N.'hfm Ton m a i . elm sW M ntema Sbed Il 1«e 11-11. "t.ae nenebî.mg a n t n ~ c e a l a lse a it i hi x l a T h s i l l y T b e -1 W h e r e e b i s t % t a h cm ex t b s a li eua2iimaluya a «lm p< by msWe s.Fcaaet. detai. iad racerour.. at Hamilton la n more 1han %.g the labWt.OJL et Lis fmlLqr ant isi krW imigbl bave basa excapeet fror.the eMiant tteaalb. te OM ]Sl-lSuo hie elepris-g echacterof the sports. TOaLulemteg tilmry otaieieMassy Le men en our ejter cîr. AndthL.e iîatOrleijOb atiD enreeloli. inte en Det a tucisaun leTocot olembotesnet hbmdncing 0ffVicoer Mago, aheing ab ohalbc pro-e l ll Itit, ie bouldti taleIlWus racefIY ly vrieu i 'hm. aibec anti munet cIlte greSteel mater. The firsne wtbancf iehéjoualap e.lia msitancO te the Provincial club, pet" ilte 1.41London Aflenume t a' mich cacas at lie Wootile. le in Apritlel.ntiuM. UemnneMr- hbe fine or îall eaiva toledeabling the at. P alom UOel tuex&sOlme lta" mc- trctOselid hfoca belL home and ati&n a à t-OU Imm s le erlb.oe 1eôr J n omnr. te pis., bon« nlurain.. Magaine. i cle euseilltitmas tf àng Or a Oada mmng. h v ivof RiigeIhie 'tmtele fotubs ieeeanol ieîp bing of mutel ad. uMAYu>'oh5eeeiR w:deaiegagaThe i vaste.u abolleer. Bnloer Ham uevenlrt te lnelisete GrS nu$. iton5 ie.sset oniti nsm, rmay <conneStceeleof thIe Weid'la dasecp)lnn Oh, epon the dalermineti oppesitien ofthl e The G"ueni ýOen.t 1v On arico jockey clubban y&Dymheme ter Il" yJamis, he- waubem Fu ah. miternate rannieg o lb. Ontaclo style la exnoly malt eprcy e Qaeeai'a Plate mn Tocante ast iaitla. netue a mci. The illustea. utton. Torontoemili aot ho lukely tb fore. tisas Mc.by zeïmes, a sh ita c i Ji. go it, dates, vhinh includte h. u..a'sartse.ÀAnetr.te .greseâ celeg et bir" ,thle proper day ter the dtin omniey lathe ,,mrli, anti Sideeuy sioa othe Qomn' a.aThe.Mari. Douea imbu tue s smb.r of of OfLecalet binhim br. mmo.YOMcbea&remiesît iteniely) vee - boibn bebaîffthe - _f IL.m ae boehme stoie.ties l e hitLerte ithlermîe year-lle r.lidethe eto, g»~ l chater Of eerace, ant fi nng jei g o " esll eionisset et b.spert. ie Permiha.nllyab Tomcat, wL.rc lrgeandthe mneiw oal he lbascap Ov elIa7 basbeeaincurcati by IL.eaclb lseeefeill.A ecducteser. oh e of nt cLord Lrne'. de. eu w yla ____ y ir te iin Butat l ea caceng rem aa ze n bisriteone Spa.p asti Or etrouger evea ILma thie. Talai.0 it for 8POffler Ofnie lid e, RBed. The le gte tthIe pionasr cl uwl sickaslhor speudse emey wmter lan lcria, M. the liteeaabirthtiay, Hailonif atidbsm a a sctu tdy oftie.in. cd Ld L pat onîti'et neraseity jetogfaer« et thile edqesry, bd ave teheoldCi r r.eeting A3 as cy ameh :bthlai lteecateti mitb tri'n l Ray 10, & atae mLicL the climat, pute Pt.ca. Mc. Browneii conclu".e Lh ce enlofthequastion; otherienepre aeeaîeéemuinea 1 viaee.ceiacoulti COnpete ett h. To. 'imtei ePatinlg,' ilinetrateti miL arente raes tfor of ilg their repredtitunot Pictacas by Cnurbet, asmaitien qualifications lochber sa>asîy'e Canin, and ti Iene The fictio.nIr te gula.aste ho run for aI Hamilon a Dnnmhoiccdes the touctheotOctave un forlightltler.-Terouloa (loho. Thanel'Siarias cia&Wetern Ton,, 6utitW 6Oti Nole Mietus'(Pat-ee TheNovmbe EcucTc cn"Is a by Frou); the conuinofeBlila exllnorembior c.cu oesan a cya ma.ilng etery ni'-Salems l. e uelnt lOfn arliclas coraing treetge, TLeoo e' asti ain,.elnbry hl )Y a wid, variely of cultivale4 testes. Thomas Nelon, ageniîeiîlg m Tii. oundtilonu of '-New jmpaa' are Dangeries os. . treatet inl a very compeut fashion >y by F. P. PigotI. mbo bas resitieti lb. ' Or manY Yer., anti Mr. W. B. Mrri, The alnrof lie purebasabfOrmonde eliso a vecy cpriono stidcuant .F ý onuughboe0, corner o te oriti. .ustier, te ül«, 'BOlY wauou.' Ae interesllg &ad ntieadeaier lam uet oa.% Ome ed ugasiv, Paper hy Mc. Johnbi.it ieeti oet Paryiem Ten»., R c casn. s h Goth o1 industrle aPesce-lias apncliugvorij me lSpnsed e Amoag lias tht., hieteia Wpc'l*5aiii I letar.he psu o TiRemuanl ota&(OrmelRase, Lv #100,000, outiddiSg lOmo n emm H#4 or la:Of.mltiWL., titiColumbas gin, Lnrilmard; Dly, atiKfrrie. meni, 8ieLad' cSr iHenry Blake, th.etid Ormondie, a m ent I. SeDu il. ir let la paouliary petinnt tle ilme. 11 onie veeke mga tu Oeueeaf . T=c renvr ntr sci entitic if pauehl. eNAia a,,ttend * paaer., among mhich ca atlention anonnce t tea tewi eitub4teas 18 caie tu bMc. Rira.. Maximo-pro. ie intention tenagallte fur Oc sotis Ummeeof Aeriat Navigation,.mieh fflus anti iren ha leaenset of si.dearI 1 a ae vive"l m é i etliti tthep una, loetne tir. e n .1Tai*8d.i tidel r.ia m elI as te l. ioun otfaLndon upe ncbig all Mias Joli&a'Wedigmooti tudias a very B ns mge5flt, at th. em er. interaisting probleou of cligloan blaDr.yJ..a. Bons.mail- in 'TheMeetme of lmrai" ant M. Fer. the malter. A nasheLe daitSatasca imma igie 0er tmer ca~ e t ef ctltol insight in Lie paper CMOu 011 ras> t x hl ot~m he L 'French Literaler. iesmatu ovmei lal t s seIjVm et àtrOug shert elarie. anti6' aigu.,on=!1Itdt ~ gl <estive mino er ., ad oe ed:1 a %Z' Worh rda . ho] a m er M lluid"Vt B.. LPeiso, 14 z,.h eled bye Yeck. Tormue.,Spe ec;#$5mi nnmbeca, 45 emns'a ý;1j, ~ s for 8montlmi.l. Ecleelie anti any 4 The LhlgegelakSr dsie~ -op"- I bve peal ishe i i gs i n «Éîap 1.1qe Thas priepe are ngiet âmaL rak ga'uie 1LONG-fl7tL ABREY & TYRREL] civi am iftinng mlum,, Valuetr, e. Tmevs rriàTee.tiet. $oene i eeeJm.Sn.14.0 S Fine Bed Room suit ine Birc'Lî 8ideboard Paioy Oak Rochera, Gents' Stoilval Rockers, antiH ai lda of fancy fucuilre aaimmn nbaaud. Wiudov Shadea lIC. Coruice PolesIc. At Chas. Jones's. GalIl a Seeo OurL= îsosit325 LONG BOOTS FROM:590 A R1 ARE RELI BLE AND TO LoAs IN PARI PIOPIBTY AT 6 P nmey falRnM t b- Mt. pOt g prtalm pplicatte É. R. bun 6% The Franh S. Taqgart &. I BASG. MATHESON, P.. W. ELLIOT T, B.A. oectec.l. oi,d sbmn s-nrnaoo..i . Deto Ci InI *alMun*e TIMrvrrFti ýndomteit..f PUCE, $1.00 SEIVD 50 CENTS" ALOMfvm-nCi.l, FRANK S. TAGGARTtl The balance of Snm*er Gogdg to b. sêld cbeap. At 4Q8 ,WZSON'S PRINTING 'IMOH"~ Q W Execu tths a uerir We bave the cbociceat f.5 g id i i t aes including Dr«,Sua cj. 0 "C ii H t4 a tStle tl L I A as - -o Gm !rsnt68, W 06 r & - -OMrt o',l' _*s, 0 m es UponcitÛ ferveci yenAues .*e OùrGrâ4ý Premium =List WeWantAii IN1 £ViRy LOALET._wR x.~ Tha leecage for tlioe uag THE ULOBE,To Thol ami Il ltter plIntal emSad detenti olb lei, olRive 859 for pa..... . mnerre. Yess iew by. l= rdo î!mi f. su frc iejrcutiDaneuthen L.Qnlek faseey, , th ILcarrot. 5al,ou ab pleamal atomn day, id ced out, the Quick dinoovereati Ibalthe.bird I Isl epeadeti Ibm,. Rer Lashantileft ber &ail lIn the holue Propety, LuI very 1I11." wM ditianmces in eter payin ietiebte. Determlae obeu hall au e.. tirhMei.L.vunMMCha l qneer 11111e Lowtel a <SeenBay. Tbere à t ilh vler tound ber Luebac ating asma omda .eIl ager asti Lr.tentier.]le Wonsie Tii. maerpieet. 'Mc,. CharoLhe..rd or ber1 &roI ohob vl niin a fricMinute, thp. eu iqf tL. 8t. Jameeu manîe ari Pant loe.iemoee. oteting rery umêle comI hpa ta ar erectuceette weetetk,. Mg erery frac ln aom endeaorng te ce leu theb.hb baud waêl>aucneo Mm Cjbah' ou ofe mLleb, itlalgla, tLe latterpeeeee own!alley, platy. fron tieas. Mc. MOa&rthY, Q. C.9 acting fer il rfrmNcdefeace, aabjecleti Mc. Qu"c te aMoc nStonacb, aeaching eanieniah, bal ahe exLiLi on outil my ed a madef1ber ove ant i ttinet @ >t oae bolîle iverp macbmeq. BLemlad:-" Imj wbieh tione have bea'ba w5 Idî t aa s l et J ebuldha seiou tt 'n-n- OIa he e nih tl tLy Mlc a. Chumie *ImstiecîL box, «ai e.deniedth, L hàh YOL. mor." srYdand ti tletthat Quiek ad.,e y".oa. riitt ber iueeear Woodatu lyr. Wheu regneetet by ber heebanti - menti furnilore or fix the lpianoe re. Organ. 8h, Lad .et entieavovedt aleal ie.ma eue âgoin 047 macrieti Aller ber mau ls eur oe l m «e ayu cui, mintite o hue inGe tieab rLe au 'd t bon utIhere purobaeeti an bote m oWhile ou tL, treel lantGrien Bay ah y me biti a Qich mwho aahed ber tegive hic Wtlcrtl.ajob il ah mlotinedth.lieparoLe. Saneoi hsaidushe vonld. The promime w& 1Ceceveanafl8racm actelfilîrti, anti Quiob vasal .111 have a ber maaagerr.Noemropr relalbo tholid frnm liristet b noeret6"' 8 h. Le lvn therseea ber groma.u] Murce; grief ebiltic,. Ele von 42 yeo0 lt;L on eougb mdImele obltien, bal oaa vas dem. mughl te b ho nfroaledti mth le lettem .founaibý Mca. Quiob, ebe dinietihavug vritte moanti from it or bnowtng anytblag of til.Fu ouitol edton ocged hrlte ait tiovn mati 1oc ile hope il off, but ah, reluseti. anti Mc. J~ Street ait i dt n owh scInde that eoolti make be ditnt Lao Lioi d1ehiog; rniu»da&,.1aag I deBnet lblail n d at eonary" ShIe alan aei ah. oold SLUtan e, n et writefnrlhec than l asighm 'as.tasc, name. The hay liaI il milI favor f " îay reneia verdict a taae. Enlio MrhPi irtn tnn clt.enirSaJ. paria llaiel amf W m ohl o lanif r. fCallmti Lampa ,c M nde Mr. eourg Sit, WOit ,friais. r pa ente aie, t. ae50b moo gaibo lter h. a Oa a t r lne m p, &Bde el* Blmnham," m hora i. od ain m. lcd. C"rag SP L. om 1e alLedy, aiLecr Pa r.nt Svf $WLimfo Bo en. iigut n 1 d . Ye'lasyed eJ,,,sud Oireafrl I a 1-Lrof l"«m fronteofpbite ho__ ~re- ~ lumh cme e.t E.qo, (apelreynwcev,'mfrBol vMTw alMonu. Mo.t. ] k 0 pir cen .YE. MICHEHLL, Mr lii oreerc, tirPi. 1 M -To Lv owMlest RMEtte 't nT Iperceol. Ti~ r e i ahi r, i . , oi 40 etti. i T C-= tdb et FC ai HaanitE. bave ili rea , r. Q re. -- c ae $l s -ac '.o iltand3 Wi k: - CoAL ble MEDICAL )read R.McCOLL, , br à,01m. .a. Ins. 4HOos-Froc, 810o10 ame. andInJi Mf-, ùr MlS.m. - l .I Crn oen' O i Cevoc ' i.ev ~p.Cnm arr aeiNoi . c uishi M. ROBERTSO 95YNaa I ilana In ST(,Q~ eloli LIT. wr In Si AIl sudl l'ON. 8t,11 orao InA We 1 hanE t"eoe IV S Our' Ar :k, Milteo. ilm i at mrd à.office, TrerEteg&U ohm. , Op.N, M.B a D snTiLa mai h0t J~lL E. P. STUAiJ Ï-OP, L. ce , . We h.,. T .tC Y. WL OP.L.. tu taheomao Uim ehth a. ag.*.,,~ OOr ILÂLTON, ONT.i fj L APAIVTo# ios 0, - 7 :t,.a a., In' W DPFADVERTINNp. .t.................. . ...... ..........~o t ..........It . , .. lt J f ami« ~ f.,fiu te,., d.l,.qeb.e..... 'N O L Or,:nin u. O e,.ap e ~liI bu î:t i. t t .Jd4 ot t..t.,~~~~ . li -a f *n p .ta .yt t a ç I fboq A po.-n~va mott. t dt111 a i .1di.ly. I booomee cas ainnaulie éa aosuli b.u.pe*W don et th"lb'w F-MYEAL Th. iuiu ly 1m Puthé g astià 1 ma k- 44.Lý 1