Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 1892, p. 3

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I refnsPmed.. Ev aui a Parler Suis go to Jas. Rif. k r ma the anotion saeof tarin Chrstin lace Housi on Toosday, Nov. Oakville en hodyenJ aCàiTEeoN lbai purcoe asad j utý I farm ofte Huallor estate. There vetU the price beug #4,8500. aid aul p wuo 0Dried Applei Wanted this fayerofet 00t7pey losln Moteo &Co.offiv fomwè - te by our asebanges thtthUe aident.,ew.W B king "Adhavoc samong the vmce.Pr@wedst,1. .EQesf a differeut setionse ifthe Nelsen i iVo,~.fe* len L- avis skvIb 0uodhU r*, te fiel, nualieM rupeto te irae HoUq lur!d IIý cupiel Smith. eters,0 concert in te Md.. ceebr&a progros New TomaSu telat- Hosa Renned" bay ae nigt o tractel tende4 ie eoriers tue CHAiIONii itheir dollar now, uili n.- aper for lthe remaindeif çLieu it 6%, on irtoclas f faimn property.-D. W. . STRNosf the Franklin matavilie, lbai oold is hotel 1Mr. Wn, Webbeî, if u. Trie conidiration vie )0. Fixa Hiai 20C. Pr. op. Child- By' beavy nitra-e ful hk froe-at Betdej. ) JoHNiavos sleuldiuer ie cue, eetitled IlHerne kte Mttodist Cberch on if Nov. 2196. Al invitod. cit anyk.biud of Fueltue L. Frazer's. a Moci.-Remembeete Patch ou Tueiday next un c'n faim, ur Milton. and ne eerviceoif Marqus on #5.0<0 seul te given te thse maatecg the hast cion i Meu's Kid, Napa and Swede lage hiue if Waree foodi lt-prie.-Basbedo & Ce. ong CONVCNTsee-Tte an. tien if the . cf T. ergai. ha beld bere driig thsej f Doismber, wee it la Lare mill te 250 delepatea t tosen coneoil hie grantedl ef te osen bl for tbeir SusvT.-COntaining 8S nemi. oft sater. (Foumauly ec. o.« Roblic.) Apply teoiea. 21-tf -Perfection Ledgieof Fer- lerrm, will give a grand ridiy eveing, Nov. lltb, ries hall if that Village. Rlamsay, of Toronto, tise xanie vocalist, aid Mr. H. fToronto, ventrilequit, dent, wilI aisi Part hantisa Admissien 25e. ned (joode.-Peat, Cern, 100. Salmon, Lebstes,. hIle brande eiseiys lteha DBueY STOLN.-Mr. e. frmer if Trafalgar' bid a birmane aid top hngg, his stable on Wadaedo# i eelu. The tbiayea vire ,5treeieville,, but sehis dl. q tint freonStreetmevl mar. Tluay muat hava ie. aval, a hey 'Seat a ng cif e»as a u eal saae. I ldf am s ellieg ab tte ean d (levelenIu qeoi seuebargalesat ai es INiP=aopc.-Mr. Taises. pf. Oaltyille, bau benaup. p1aanier cfiieommfor th" ha plate ef W. D. Busthaml sal for Califria. Tha nov r i ten n Miday le. v #000116 te big. John Deanr.' p iwuct but SIal M. 1v. Mme a goal ad efflel -mt Soosnvm Oi.S. 01 v.J malk nue 4. j I 40asdn getcie, 1" is usn prprlo Ueange.oa Me if ~ ~ ~ ~ b th leebe.1 eua u eue- Mmvib eoééle , 'ealetfsu mN kn.drfll -v=4t"ta. Il seulho non Oasvllli tTrenanrer, P*v. . grvwin lia tieailae. proceado 814.75. Craig. ~s zitv en4a 4 eosstt0if rPLim"" qilins-~' trelo se uv isivtug New Fur hunes,, lnoludhss al shM legy1nl. s 'M .Vî;LabSu&lle At a matsmeoeting bld lq h.e lg 0 taBesvar aid' Aetrihan addreumemtdelleai iy AId. iiu ltun -Our. ]King h Jone Ste., Ram- and ]&r. MoOoiieIl, if Csotaa Cljureh, lte Toronte. 13eoulei aid PNai'" eva0 id We peblisi ahelahre h. advertise. 111015, Soy' aMd MiaFaioy - ti Ment cf tise Oie RoIfYearly Làtr Weel Olves. i AtoTail ior. oospeutiiepf tIse CanadienAg I. King h jaieeaSt4 k tirlan d Home 1Magiaine. elr lu sMEes tsia ennsayitreiis robiffiOnt. 20t nUse ment hâteroet- CH RI ST MA S.D.êii5i ffoPet«l5on ' eolig prihe ion Iîîttrad NtîjUtîîîif pfaistnrist4 Thte le re hyaTe: andth puli-.MINofrît SIset puleinta ariaeaid ani th e peht.it hee need cer 2M oter vYleahle noutth intho--f c pe"meiano ler or fe r c ulurist's higitstn nrl oeeiha arot 5 nnder ersTise pWO i sh ieslul ha ail ha & roakb:. tt piu ts on sendeng in the larg. petvoînse i i~te5 eiI ees ootrutel enterpnies ts réa .- ment- eulhaaiipeSp 50 illha geven fet Qeoe i Iot-a66n5 jpà fue st -liai; tise ponole aid ilnistrating tise e. 1 oi et ý"B" if t rndpao Canîdion PoieIIUeuIb, haj»eto ut nnt.a grnd pane, eagerly loeidferrf.eve* i9wroot t 895 i g 40 l a d, ezmaie. evetsoWtele mi svr5,0 ther prisas in TonSzvoAoas.-OPeda en.theousMif, ul.The Agriolerisi cendarable dimauisontrai Ale n oumer tv é atIs o f. verdi. sehisi cinclnsin i sa th.y vomit ase s lise Rý tI~ e Tht Ariclur- fillivlug PropoiltMon tieMemrs.biii a hndoe on ltteahe ieM . & Sousto esalaits, freinaulut- il lenrue, tise Ooyer- ing etabbhlsmetishue. vs: Afib rite nS , Oemsenl' uoerery, epeate fer of liaoran, exemnption cif tueforlJO tisaI!: yearo aid #500 féan.iv. > ev8M Thinuse propoil bing oismnsntithtse O., 1 euer.anorne selan.J s. Mon8 tisir realy wvu reailet ameetingeof mueiridceu=yeeiiSi e tIse cimnmitlee an Tnaoday eyeeg, ar, Tmo."td e iuru setiet etiteil tis tbay vers ofald iee StioquiOalz. Li.C. terme vinld hadl nae, ai-us retruemuo nat. pu a 53,000 planct ilUen; Ohi they onderteid t'loee oa isnid LOWVILLE. lit adjeining Use prepoosi une, aid if tl'e mud, etthfra vaet, a gven Tise maiy friendi of Jua. Tuas, Jr., theycoud, wth réevate, b glviwsutalned msenljuiesahyfolIl theae le additioneet he olive puOPeOSIlfrein au appla tres.. vOlha plesaod Se SheyseI woanldrUid oteA aimý hairth"hoailona i tsay to rl5uvr. Juper Martes aattng 300animefor elin thé Mothiseuit huroishué an the sudil visrs tiesee . Moffait Seday mrinn Tisora vieDnevo.. deireilts nthe m . Th* aanarintOics vuinethe eveans, tise pooter avieg Se isld service.lanties ZminriOn adjeirnidviie intnl ebg. ehanoi. Yee eu y a 56c0ee Bd se 5tfer TisOaCollie, of,.etBurlingtata, 09.00. and leetrsand firmery if tsaplaces, vas. Ou These nevw,%atr eoWdie"dy evmd»Olig.oit Oi,neli venoi e reill.bns i àdo tem f-ab t BbaRat"SRMW w@ t a long Mfsand nmis happsnoe We1% aip h*gt 004 Bebfl it e mth es Liv. eeg Our lt oi erabrn fthq v ne Carnphoe Ie, v G mrie, &c., 0. Ie &R IttIhe I n e. .sah! W privalevteioptie incndin Nyj Cu. Congh syrup, W"so m"1 of evory deerlýti00. Mal IMOHN& e iary ,Plmty Attend"g te.f Nfâut.i~eOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION. ty etlni. Toneof tte. ta twoeniyr Mon.Sd.etnSsiaJutb MiU.to lm dy t0a5,.t idu tm sl vulnofo iriA nuwum la n bu v. i bmww INTHE SURRG06ATE COURT vuuÉ Usesaw e nuagif e;eili-rrz poiy. befig Ue mneli fUeet eu aifLo4t Oo. 1,.B., .Nelien, aid &lan tise isrtl-vaterly half of Lot 8, Coi. 2, N. &.. Nelleis contalehis 100 aorai. Kt the wateesteou. maton. on Tueady, Nov. Slnd. at 2 ooloet p. an. Anitian Sale if Fatin Stok, Inmpie. mone,, a. fDr. Zlinoiernai.Free- man, an Moeday, Ney. 140h. at oie e'cboet p. an. Qzo. Asiios, Anot. Ii reporteil Uai Siniser MoInnan "seilal DnigrapijstHIanmilton, aid thit liin propos e eoit e p tIse pie- Fevtoaie.oding lle-ts. roieo ora tideoiien, àilàh anrmein ithe probahillty tlsit the Cinadiean PaciiSe railviy vi» ison enter iHamilton, PRoM-At HrnS7, on te 22nd uIt.. John F. P. 1RaiInfantuo of John nud Mary ien Reid, aged 1 year and a menthe. Par sale_-or ]Kent. Tiseeane ottal;e on Eu Mary St. àpply te D. W. CAMPrEL. WOOD. Tenders vil» ha reoived hy the unnuerslged np te Menday, Use IStis Nevmmier,mhat., fer 50 cerdefu i et- olaaa gren lfireeviod, tecoiniet if beac, iaple. hicory eror fooved, 4 font long, aid body viol; sunhiat te ipotien aid ippreval if Use gatler; te delivrdin thie Milin gaoi yard. or erhfere tise fletof Matois, 1891. Tendes o e ha marel "tenders fer ooid"andite ha addrsmed te D. W. Camspbell, 0e. Treaaerer, sr te .W. VANALLAN_ Rin, Nsv, 8, 9M. 21-St. Oole. FARM FOR SALE la Esedal, (le. if Ralten. cenalal. iuSg4.'îhlaiedlaDg Me., tan odin s ilea, ve ed ve t s yp ml odaisala iepe nbhati ern felhoemat atronnilm wakd@hop acr l gia-deMonathe dslr =rut24 n ail poea.sineaSdud For êrhisn poutanls pply ecm *»- 0. S. ALTON, I î6.dNelson P. 0. F2rg.n for Sale. 01 s lb& f eo COUNTY 0F RALTON. In tse intier ithe <uardiiieiip if thislfaas'hild offGoarge Shirrai Thaine, deiteail. ,t cUihee ieeih ice.SuiSaie iee -itioe Ofith-niety o wm if tbioerrega , oaa.f uba T- of tiinN .A, teu co,~u of .1 of iee5ei. leStera if G -2pto,Ïb rsn d eum of r A .ee... N.Tment.UavfÀvT, i e14-m s1CeItsurererAppliiuo intiedAt Guelph. OMe Ofl deveOf Oiote.smi8". Notice o Cedît o ittirhnes. f dCiien ai,.e t OieU, Ieu et s And tGha,- iuys5tciie d . 1dye àui.' . . su . 1 c92 et héVIlIie et a .iieote% ssue Cofiy t Oitu,ru let Dai et Diaaoaher, 1892, t. Aed iv tic. cl 0, 5 t.5x..... carscellme cesIe A&me.., oeue. ei6iJ= 8ai oma . sOi th .am =teotlefuoe f the Édc -da tuta silreh,ý,A4. Md coi eu Incteeerf Oitth , àn.d iaDle uedmse icSt .7tse, dmi.nii.am A.d noue. . e b ici im SuiS nc, nid ic duy eries b. A. D Ni i~ uOAdeiciesnsi iceue cnie Sic.fuesi iniici O ,rs teu Oiid uStnamtosn. suie 1tOi&.y fet.ei,, CAeiCAs.LEN, C&HILs.& ROM. si-us. uSoliiis.or 5 h. duiiit GOAL I GOAL!1 The anbscrsber bioi te suforsu Shi 110ep90 if Moin aid vlosnty that ho h-s Pereiosail Oheoeil boiee«anfoente ely CTed On sy 1fr. J. H. Harriso, oell le PtoPep ori efernisis tse boit Hard aËct Soft Goal u; AIT QUASeTXT AT THE LOWEST RATES. Oei sheds at 0. T. Rl. Yard and Ilanldonoe. MOilStreet. 19.4mn W. J. CLEMENTS. JOHN EZARD kW llUMIER YARD. ~aZac. . SWý Ukbq .isegte uialenes-.- AN'DLI U Continue to, draw t kl0s h4 as 1Iinaboer ehe neWrtah dupgtraduî Ânin- abe ""rSai.to ,mettheiveaa b whothd.r t ithe towniorocity san bis Mar har4tiues frusmers and workidnÈ foika, SIIOf d" saiarei ~~S ~ INrOisý !AItNS IN DRY'GOODS' the o. owds aud sggregate a satisfactory business. A 10,000 DoIOar; Stock to! Pick U'rom A nimble sixpence better thlan the slow shilling is Lindsy's motto 1 OVERCOATS' The cold weathier shouid make hot blooded people think about- their last year's Over- coats. There itý hangs where you left it last April and looks ýat littie shabby, sure ernQjlgh. Now $1000 is flot'too much fcr a realý good coat. What we mean by " rea1 good" 18 a quality that will give you the same satis- faction as a coat you would 'get made to order for $18.00 or $20'.OO0. Now waý will compare our $18.00 Overcoat with 4any $18 coat you ever wore, andi give you two.hun- dred coats to choose from. Clothing Manufactory, 5Kin sStet asi, -Hamilton. BASTEDOS STORE 1S THE PLACE TO DO YOJJR TRAD)ING Reliable GQods!1 Reasonable Prioes!1 Men's Shirts and Drawers 26c up. Heavy G rey Flannels 20c Up. AfI.wool Blankets, heavy tWiled, no.o pair up. 4 Spools'îClark's Thread, 10c. Sheetings., &C., cheap. New Go4s constaptly comimg in ~QRA~4D Wroe. dssi*seg~raeil ýLUE :UN :HOSIERY*- tismai an&i Woelen Houer7 sM i lueamd Ui ihllre nuen EUüTtiD1IWEAB.. OLOVE».' se lait.Capismre Olovee 20, if t. M. ug, 1' ,iO. e.. i Ffr~t O~tceA ILI Fs n~I se ; RIto n oed the Our,1i rces '-4 e.'-. i lOcyL - I i f i.-. Àx~s. j ij~u I. -~'~'-' MMMmý *-,kýj v th* ý, MMI

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