on Tnesdy and rcuis e of (lron lr rlnr1e earryng, Yew York. Indl the doobttnasIM On Friday lutlaanimmme apiint lhe Corporation of George Wonn & Bonte sho the by.faw pacisd glylng! 5,O.<f O hold oit ho c mura vsrOs. Borne of thse contained in the sMOmnon by.aw was cariedhyh4b honusiwai tended for a ing esablihmnt already in Hamilton, sid thaï; the extsnded thee Urne for the of the factory, which thel Power to do. If the tocin rarriedot theoproviinsof sod contorrnsd 'tierelo bin cf the hy.lswu.acoording te, mient maenion ch Wbnn &o have snoeothe bhrdon teh respeotl; hnt ses sMeafr&ui& cmi rnshod thugi ton ho ont sffictrcaro labos te provisions of these tatt. brihory question, wu don'tiq sbe corporation la insay we Ghin charge. Whstevor out havo donse wilposibi, h hâto, te aiortais bow Gh oarrbed. As te the factory h afrsady located e am feiton lion of law 10 ho arguod o rnoritz. We havo boensioforrnod lb. intention of Gthetwnship 00 Trafalfar at il, sext nie Introdoro s bylairfor thoencn of statots tihor aod sohrit ratepayore for their approvej feotioo iJanuary noît. 10 bo bt ooo sentimentl in GI and that i0 thal the ratopaY1« hoartiiy approreofu the by.fsid subitred, toril ciii no don Goe col of hoopiog the roid pioper and botter condition. onshiug a colrarisooiofthIo tioo SuduOftho Priooeu t oRt the rondsanid uulvert8 w'voeo havo the oorober of statuto lab aodbhercont ot ropariaf roim tho paît Yser, 90 ibal the figuros ioold ho aniortainod &W Say, for ousropio, that tbeonul days wrrhd on the ruade thio 8,000; alibie loirfigore ut 75 c day, or haro the cut t $2,20 ratopayoro. Nuw if thoahriM moled, Irvo rond scrapors pue onetfor iachosurvoy and ese by throborses aud ho mrocs of 85 each por doy, sud 'ver deys oauh, the cool rrould ho #1,000. If thio rrould bo orq lnufitienolthero ould tili ho niargin lu wivb upn.Yvn i thetoul aonital ororuted,'Wols ho aîy doobt but whal oor roid be ottelr worhed audroadeoi abe Ibso irbal thoy haro bem the paît îraîîî ? Agil, tho ra* oxpeil thoir ciunilderte rs tboro aid priuiilliy eouîuu littlo clorrt or draiin thal 1he roquirris ve miuotes' altetolo ifsà rusd iîîpcctur wmo appois couniimuuri uId br reliorod Ji poriuial aiioyarcr. Thol coud give immeidili attestci roiplaitoftithid and bs arraîgcd îroicub!y. We o o ses a trial tir icrue l'vi or lisEm and tohi vc vry ratopayerrw satiefird rith tho change. À A tIonîly. Lest Salirdiy ilterigiru a SrrbPel outPopulitao.l 'van holdig au auctionimaleoot4 tiîy ut buuiehiid cfoctfi beob, Joseph Sîtîlifoe. jr.. ino voir oli vMe oine andidrnidiately bridge cruuaiig tihe l.obicoln cîtrainceo luthe ohiri ut il hostlery, ivhr tihe outRdems theobridgeogave 'îy and pregl nesriy fity people lulu the y ihaîrbo I s. Iti va Lsae utforiel Ibri:e cileîoeit furi towminoutesote whbi wero et in thc deîtis,l tboee rvbi o re. Thir tonlisq iify ho iiragiied in the dingor# eitiial poitiunsî lbry veoli. - btsa brieomeoont atter the (oe$ cd) rotten tirotori haut giron wc' ri1itating s livii0 huainias rgbt frave beni thoir deaG, li boîdred williig bansiehd roo thse rosuie. and but a te'v short; isad elased outil heijorsdesi rosooed sud esafoy lsidsd 01 fime. 'vistIerrry one 'v Gmobtol Ibhat no lires hbhe flond, ni honni brobon, or ijuries reoeirsd by an5700e. cosîndroni b te'cy al it firlstoly, wch ou yî abo sideration IbsI the ibsoni tod fnil rido and fîlly Il fot d piled ipis Goe relIertirohors ie rvMre ighl ir toi big hesu wi111 otisor sony imploei csre, srrouided by forty or and bys.theo tirtuera giiogi lznublusgthe living roie bosry mnirîss dltin lo idi* lytin pittissotto. ta miraceo Gsit semoroeserioci hpned Ibis chat 'v bm nord.bit tho ly friosdo fortnoste injnr. amO ? thldsabt tallir iJirios, nir -otn dtAt1 thé21 mcdjfool y soMd !bEÎ&Q p why boe moe ie.;jaonciBorar, rOofor Mthse,- M0 aiy; Mr. 1Pstce, Toronto tocosiP. lEdi <~ Mh.pt<me li mgon onehloc Goe ojebsose. arsocly ho oye oc.ifl ep - Tise wamoutas co t1e fmcide M.or te ndcit.00hth the ie~and gseal!u nit mrb tàdi» l niemtie isar lise sdifn otsafecronrsta tjeid,ê15 sroy rt, I ho be Mhoonod houa .oisd, ad. Oneolisir slertise h1a Cd ldssyboeb oif cied; Wc iut hW»-.-Wt llod »»» bu otaaayeapdwihod a"i utr aa"dtie r.BINDER- T WiNV - I ~~o & naisdltely on arrivai, ciii ho sianistor. ba bis liIhie lolisos badf;niaogled. otisor a us Gli ie eatin en"asso '0te 'vinenolnjered. Oth s G tin hes e tro Gbw Sd tatcisond BINDIER TW -INM l paepredicanen.-BrmptosTies. loethor couatries. An ininoitial dns ~tes- Cecler Iloersi. lion.reroeoing aul Gohead rcill -cocle elbGrnholHeadquarters lu Mltofl ft ,.Moosi>zui, Nov. 7.-On Rosons Mer..enty, h toDioe ct- riero_ reloon trom u Qeisee al lut ter at pnMo. Gardner, A . ater bis o uitW b therjuryet tise B o fetAgrituîre, P t il ti m t vol ,c the tiosisymiarge tm ïDiEponao portaion et Cansaicaionep. Ah a nr.g togln ms d sont conditions tole d. Tise=rur " s otIý if yosng FrenchsCnolns, iiete a esut .sm'pOnroi -__ ForM u aithestations. Hecmocrf. uport=d.11ao attie cors made~~i2 A C Mo elan ho spopef.trou. train isy tie thorné of Gieprincipal arguent, c selMaorMnh&ne sudproniriuet j, p. andin additios it wucarairoed tbma's I~S rer l o fthet Gounsg Liherml Clsub. Gret. a gréaomisit f mtie diocanc wuAs sconsam ho ieacised tisé plalformi on e rscbing Great Britatsi Greegi Cansada wnu seel hy hin admirer@ mod auid net enforciug Bnnffiinty rtgid rgna. T L W T (1 .8 ? IC th1 lise ot fmîle risonro boited on their lions ganelt adiisun ut Aroriras Ion- ihonidersasnd carriod te tGo station Osttlo lotoîthe omiinion. Br. (Gardner,- - itg ciitiz;%nu. In bis triuupbsl niarchin lareply.te0the depulalie, sid tGaI, tersisherems enrroddtb.chair ihe ailes a nest anniouso iiqriry, and aS l'ne t o abts, 'viie tise slken r-eoor of rnryoarefuiconiderstion ofîbeqientionSoeA nt fo Francoe'van caved ocr,hin bond. Fin. ln aml itiloearingo,the Board cf Agri. l alth ie chair cmi pot deen, Mercter culture bid ol u ded tisaItGo faite utofR IN I A1 TTr~ th toed en it and b'ved his Ghk. Tis th e ruenut oitbrsab s ong Ciadimi LA DI E - M A H N OIL if ;~0te sinal for a tresoh ouret.caIle cere inconitnt t ;rt tho tloebed cors eut a ilbI e th~ e neahiscirity colteuplitel h7 Use no other , îkis the best. io motsfieri si in lthe daysmo e.B nlrutisepensiof othbe qunr. - ffi derlarodt lensrmeotieonuaW bo10anilse lac. In ronserqiceoif tisiCL I iebsnhert. He liobeauperaeented isy dorision tise board ait thit it haut ah. CL N hobis acisao. Tisey bol trielte bll noitely no alternative bhttelu 'iîidraer an bien, bot thoy hbdilrrusitatod blu.tGo priviicge outihe liriortainnu Hof h ug t er (Great uhoriier.) HoeliaI suBoercutHtappyorfOuiT atittru.Cnriu ,Id curelly. but thin cagnifioenit daroon.-"Indeed," MrBrnderi ciîud, "thc tel statiOn w:sa greticonsolationsanhoieider tu thîtaffect bhn ara obn Johin Blli nTison theiobniowan oneiore oisrted a afoft aid tisoogi thore cmi a carniage ltiiihy Il. StAND )ein 'vaitiirg tise crrud insistoil epea-l{thn i ta carryisg their filien leader afong Notre uccToBR iREPORT. iC e W tc , .Damoe, St. Lawrence, Main aid St. Il Clees ohn Robiueou, iagie, A GS 0fg Catharinesiatcotestluthie roidncoDouoglas, Victor Camopbel, Maîy RNGS te St. Denris troît, follorred by thiusaidn Hail. kpe ibrorirrur 'ildiy. Proroleert inthetspu. 1II. Clai-CarltoiRobinson, Hou, -ad lant H orne or cession mre sevrri thouiaod rrenrlr Lindsay, Mattir Bran. Sarah Doîrgin. Ct naaia todenîs,rcarryuerg a trircolor ILt. r.-Flura1iruiiraot. (0. collc.'-0 - honesmond ioging tise Mrsilaise aid II. Jr.-Robuit Miller, Johu Mlilur,AtG ra d of other popoiar airs. Loiee Neilain, Rocir Neiiîou.Ar aln Aiteboessio moyer it grew unti II. Pt "C "-Mamie Lindsay, Annie il rioprined thoieaid., muclu0in Rirhards, Ernest May, Lillian Coip. CA IVS or gororal bands. IL. Pt. ' it-AibrI Kig, Aunin ,ho At bis boige Mr. Brier spobie trei ouHer. Edgar Cowjo. ro, 5.0 n. the baiuony. lIc îaid thal chle hoi. ilPt."' A '-MNinie oRichiarde, Gor , firguro bis enrîrojînftr Iboir prionu. dos Cbinhoiuu, Arnold Gaîbraitlî, AT I1UDYCED PRICE z tien, hoeo'ved il ho irnult and fîroily Arhur Brais. ~OEltNE td tk aîi ction agaiuot theco. Hé de- Jr. 'A -Aidr Broo, ChaniFO ON NTl Dot îlaoed hbu intii tiur ou-t Iîiog hisseat Hughes, Georgo Cuooiogharo, Victor R0 ta tise Houle. r- King. Srudiar trs Gt .Speechecoif 'velcorn mro itide by JENioir,v. Buîuîuo, Tichcr. piseacod f a rdboc. e -t Bayer McShane, Mesrsr. Tarte, Pro. realodfrsm. mitontainecand ihhora arud bea the inoh VIHE TOWN HALL .TO-NIGHT go0 grndualiY dinpersed, rheeriig ail the ciiihil outru ooeta b .KOE anI fne tasut fn ain ud theoofutseul, EZibiî fornthc Weila Fain. tisîîgh thît fea. tiuo od. Thcr, il] Id - hona ietuloni roppor, a lecture, ohaduir S- Prof. Sanudeon, oîoootire cuomis. pauiieo, readugu, ogiec.bu'ri ut sonerforrCnida at the Woldi Fair, parortoenO6ii SB. Adro a o O2C %P hbuanndrioed hy lMr. Aroy, tise 3re Ontario eomigisiuser, thattIho pro. CA DANTmtSA L . M W W sr vincial collection ut frit, uihucon. CNDA TM.I 9 ry itu if 000 balthbarrels ofspt.ioi.penri, lIer. W. A. Wnde toganoheu o enitrn bk etc.ansd the collection ut relabico, tiens as rerter ut the Chnrcinofutheb 'W roisrtrg ot1(oesu, loft Gimsîby Ascension, Hamoiltonr, Seodsy. i o'vu otr Chicago, The Ontario cou. TnîUnIJiversity detoatout til, is igoroent iii iearly fiiia car,nmot quie Scots hy 4 goalu lu 1lin thc inl itiîr ýor the ipocial tranta'vich a Toronrto paper tf the Toronrto Fotball Leagneri cio. alroteroed te the other div. The Nova M. Hugfi J. Macdonld, M. P., îayu Scolin coflection, ohiîh 'bai bea gu bis resigoation as e oror for Wiieipcg rtogether hy tire Gioyenineul-ot ibs iii bh hndel in biture net secssion. te Prorince, mas iondcd ah Wlfviile, N.. Ongonde Hal con the Rugby football us O TîenOdâY. . Il rooitî ut 1500loirs rbîropiunubip ut Ontariu, deteitiig Ma- rensd1barrnelnf green frurt, erbracuîgmuliton by 8u ponte lu 14 os Salir&ay. luerein100hte15(0 ut lsofappiei aud RbnLeobcNî o ra cýrs 0Tiro ihiproont is coingfîîdi Rrt n do d tiy he l astilo bouma rfigralon car, mhicb uiltop e n mthie other day. diol un Sntunday the brn"eh eîponirootîi fnrcoaîep. mrning. irai. NS. anid tInhoonuboardiaiorylfine bucolection outru.ngol,,Li., ilias. b h. JamerozHîgb. utf Guelphmiso B, troîiug the ripabiiitiei ut tise Maitimeebascreautie uty Cerkot ri n n m-Provirncsfr gromig Iboeaprodutxlrko. ofetonh lfro î y orelligo ta Fi'roNippan the icnrmilpruuned luteinfo vyoutl acri od hatrnd e. .liiutiiii. mirr ranugemntochim b in 7yer l.Hehsb ledeWto ubare tGe Quehor exhibit outarouit ofiicit ouitrer. e groeen ft ot&borrt ai cqosi qîaotity IM l u îounred trou Hamoiton, thai r luurd us huard ther enue crand utthe Mayor lichrer iii hure ni oppoîet ut cirle withniiîosent tbrou.«rluie e ce irsuhoecouno a canddate tir a Bd rsndCity. M. J. W. iigelo, pro. ar enuaIthe oeil ronicipal 3g idcuttirr.Nva coi Fruitlrow'v bnin.Aid. BrAndrew han decided Association, irai brou dnirgaîrd hy the ihat lie 'ili mot rus for Gheo offir . Pruvincial iveuvint te accocupsui, Si uny efthtie Auercan irver dot. e the rooicmaoguta uCIiîgo. Il isisse1%;faarshaye Intely beaen io Cnd ýo OuPetel &bat nuucono 'iii go rou tisai Gey are bing reue t i h LARGEST STOCK IN CANADA. sn Motreai oun ehiait ut the Quee oo oksnb, thcfî n stise easternpartitf On' id (lovrterrnn, suoIth tise sipuesl ciiI"aodisconstisg tiscuesI20 pr cent, s bi mnl ioohîd aiter. Whes the fruit thier itlrinsi vnii obing rery rourh m.arrivesnat Chicago il 'viii lie pf.aed in bloc pur. Ba bindet 'varebiso f tise.Col 81r. T e eeînton pettîun ngainut r t 'age Produca Exchange outil siar tise Bt m~ .~. a te fthlie opiig ut tise'Enpositon i-Loan, B. P. fur East Yrb, c..re o. 'vbrî t illiib luanitorrnod'te or np for triai cn Boiday e arbbnu b.. M fitoonge 0othe fair grondsandnued fors Obtet JrsieuBcyd. mol Mr.Jsin____________________________ m frinotirontefiie,.as roqurol. le onp MenedtGo contsaIlieio ser rd oup tise great diiplsy wcitch Canada latoormdthHoutE MSle o v i. ion.sutfneralfrits ngusbtie te pititîsdieuthisod fl c omcgiR H M T B E R S butie ent aisaf iter reri' ii'ticd. or -Consrued in hies ot. a urm Court Ei hIor onCmnadimo hesmerie, ... o Supreiee Cosave h mrot -eonds .ngar nstof etmal* N - toGe in nthe turs if berSsu yM LL ;0 Ou Muids7 Goeeue of RuIsons vo.M. ioes gond bor ansniait, or i MY e e . id The Corpoation fSoth Norwichis ne st; but tGo_ oruao ch'LLI E R tg argooil by Robinson, Q.C., and tDu. rmat runide if Ma Wolrkî le B@ Verset fte ieappelaent, and Mml rogvéluglha ab netial.Ter p .,.. ad'tu&n for tise rcipi.udet. Mm the os cifangor nitertorci cilla m Thes proncidingn n in cn r orvne li ne1 î ~ ~ ~ ~~a ofnli ethiibaiy'av e Gmruni. cti ho 11110dseeattaî. , ib. ail âo rrpity pro iitig tisesaleOetliquor ohratce uda ioslh a-hirrtail in eryn'vem, io nnor us, er - O ZalOod fcd,%bedb la PiaSOfe publioetertiunt Moie eaelyciup t l te "le âatogothor lus ery prnon ther el. than a placeofetpublic ontetiaîieot. Itli in nainet lip theappellent tGait tis ' ats- ly by.ismilbailasnproisibtticoblui il tise salnetfliquon, 'visistiela gsm îtareo e oprsocecaicoetsui a sa municipaittytu do, G ath o Shta su in tuefli msonParlia,# niot tseG te B N.XA.rtIt'vaiinel~s th yla , u tisaf wu els' brM0.s 's.G xtt's goco -A -lurge ioe at & 7-k a paut Indiaus splendid 1 A feull e 21,-23 and 2ô King St. E, flanitou.: Value il..Qenta weighs, a aire Met aUdexw 'w 961 jý * ieii. WoeS6k'*t2~,Or~5f*.. I~&$U~ NGOIBodY, »M iUtdew itnite .&Ar si o(~îî c4gw"ý MUC i$1 ChlIdiena sRibled i., 1&tfet hsavY Omel are 1.,4U ~WooI IRibbed.t 60c a pair 70,$1 nd $1 25> 01101 Iined C asb mere Mose ai «oc and I Ladiew' Wool i,,bed etepa Cashmere Hose at 85c er A 4dies' Wool Ribbed at *2 me, atnd $2 25 a suit. nto t$ ao" Of He3uIbUtdervear foc. l6 itewlayo on baud. Thestock in lirese depnrt eoilo iiiei CLEARING SALE!1 LADOFS AND GENTLEMEN,- During the next 3Ô Days We are going to tre yn0t one of Our Old Tin» j'enaine (i1eaii les.4hi?,,,, be otîr first sine %e'retr nd to Milon' and w, re~ to offer o Dry Goods and 'BGootsî- hoýes atsneh uced Iprices that yoti will remember this Pale for alo ime. The fact of the inatter ià we are bard up.and muet ra he wind sotnehow. Lt le said it je no diagrace, to poor, InevErtheless itB very inconvenient, and tu help re dy Our position we wilI Commence on 4 THURSDAY, SEPT. 8BT to offer for Hard Spot;Cash everything lin the eh f Dry Goods and Boot.s & Shoes withjn the 'walls of thre, at net wholesale c05k; there is alao a nunîber of *1~ that we will take a good dlent leas than coot for, and be ~mmrd yèn eau get Fal Goods at the saue reduetion.ht I The original invoices will be là-44-on the counter for onr guide and your inspection. We are calculating on a lively time and wotuld'advise yuui to coule early. We neyer had a clearîng sale yet tchat wasn't a rouiser. HEAD & GO.m, Opp. Town Hall. --TRADE :AT-- J~Go ,,at Ç4y Prices 1206 yd. lave 1 thean a la#G Woon's privaIS "iPtei' CgoAtU. qonoi s ~yr.ti, SYrnp, 0. 5lélieO oerry deseripti if yo &nt a Partir Suit 9g A. Frazer'%. BifsumofL tlie msuelsmsae Of sItise@ Waflaoo Boieos Tenray Slnd. Ms. JAS. Carruiri hie Pui tise 90-sure fartaif tise Bîsîlor0 Trafalgar, the price being $4,850. 2.00011Il.. Drieut A pIo n s uontis.-»uatedu &Co Ws notie hyour exibangon t rotteinroabiig $adbaron a&mon pilahies in diBferent seitin&i prerinon. Nî'v sîbecritore le tise COA sendieg in Iheir dollar- sow, w ieiyo tise piper fer the roroalo Ibis yoar froc. MOi&s vi Liai at 60/.onliritý niorîgage et farm priporty..-E ILs.CouS. Sniori, utftoe Fr Renie, Streeluriiio. bau îîfd bis bsiness le Mo.'Wro. Wehb Stecîrttowa. 'line ronideratiit about 82,500. Lidini' Wcol Huoe 20c. pr. op, roi'asuad Boys' heavrmalien- range 10 pub tfrow-at hneteaone. Br, .C. 0. JO rIvur 'v iii dc liv popelar lectore, ruilid B Nature," in tire utidiit dit the erosise of Nov. 219t. Ami i Adriuiiý 15C. If yen mut aup iud ut Fiý go teJas. A. Forazi'. PLO.oINGiiMuniH.-Ruroorox plongbiig rmaluh on Tiudayne Mr. W. Bsii'i.trsrr,' urir Milon thtia GIon0ecsericeofutMarqeJ Payroouibof $5.00 cul ho girený plînghrnan roahrng tire toit croi Goe fild. Us.oss.-Meo'sNid, Napa and S, Bnob and a large lineo -f iVarro f aI Ge o Icnt.pricon. Bintedo & É' Tmmpvo&raCb-iQVENrrnIO.-The suai conventionoif tise S. ofTi. ni bsattes cýil ho issld brr drisj first'velu of Decremhrr, rrheu expeled tGere wmli bu 250 deio1 Presst. Tise toms courui bai gri triemune if tise luoobal tir *Ot ToesRoiTr.-Coiiurrug 8 e Bard aidsait t iatei,. Fircerk Cnptsd hy Mos. htobfii.) Afîpl y Id Smith. 21 Ooisçxn.-Porfbcltion Longe of emàere, of Palorrlo, cilf -gi're al noncerl on Friday rrroiîg, Nov. in thete01perne hall ufthiat rI Mo. -W. E. Bamsay, ut Toond csehbrated rouir roualisl.anid Y Binipeis, of Toronto, veuilol cUilonal talent, wmlil abo partii Pregrammue. Admission 25i. Nec Cmod OGod.- Pea,. Teolc, loc. Saleron. Lois Menéle. c etibiiraîdn Iwiavs 1 bol"s etedo'i. Mez000 NDBrUiYSTOLEN.-Mn Kanosdy, a fanmer et Tratalgorý, ba hmars, iarnerniand top 1 ilsn'trou isnstable ci Wel0n netgof ut at'vn. Tise Ibiene Irmobel to Streclurille, bot wmi Veollm lie7 bob tfrou lIront noissdy bnocs. Tisey moust ha' tesdlto fomnl,ase tGOFtoob a1 OMMer' - ÇKuRosABvu in ait ail haroenu ln I su soling steC ie. HaryadllotoveBtenaIl là«i. aut olseurs heogatos a onnoly, i heG.Place et W. D B~ Whbo dépsolel for Ositorsia. T inapeetor wasan i tocs on Miua atuolissathé Commuercial Bolt1 tomas, ii.morieutu R. % T ise WR I no lo t b utl; m stllM' M"iae a gont di