4 "Th"ta4. Chaîes Ofd~ catRihbmthé, ol "I ia hesI Cocry.Iy .js awi is ema have ta vhoever tIey mo~ hink thbe mle Menut, anio n. quite ast ofi.Q lait teaner ai vonld Dot ge te .1 =Minetg, assid aM daysat Cmonah e and moka iheïr ais unt IhinRi yeno letiy ount", tichaofiti, imlo dome it semidlha man wvt the h nty nme aid friand c0f N taolaC im Riov d dedoataC 700boreM that hre ta eouey1 restarang yen ta yasa racionue. Foc ,ui Piip Chihroeno si &DY loteront whalep ot ofyoor tutaritano Il vtould cerCahalý atance ugroad, I"if a* Sut in auy caue il meý plan is IRehbst'," Nefoca you.slarl, uai hotter giv sae a] teact frCiyo, fo.Ir 1 lestoourprid i n Autralie u f00th Ci iora Eglaud." i abould Se giad1 Hsrboe ut bt Idont0 buoy tRat y00 are tho rome ta, osnA, toc wtabed aie ove, stCi laud,auod do you bnax dad Iink vo Vers vi voro i Pilibc." IIDid you ?" Robert Whal meuda70 huth " Perhapeilnras al ii replisd, I"bot thare oi uied ta baug shot Dc oued ta thiub that ha atouar docr soouarer I onceeortviecthCiSanm biud ou Il the vu7 ta f course, vo coolai Dot os ingas, and il May7 Ru accident, but bstb si fanctad hai vo vereq likly jevas oly asllj Seiug trauge inujIssadoa 01fcouse, it a i Ilarbul csptsei. "..IC. vutahed il upset nu. ta mano in tha uhiuy bat Co by a chusa ni Norsou'e, ý ainsi prove haI hoa i aginai yen are peopleoi and tbat vRan Mr.. On ut Once seI'ta vork on 0 fli noCt hia Mocsu,, a taasncectuiu viscaber Utlt Yeo vera entitlod aud vbae niopu vou va. mastaer."1 "Weil," Misr Peytan ue rrryiog suy aoceÇ to. YOo Mauy gnosas, as uuyoliS.. htus. il vnch, haI io u mere Ion uosacpractical. Nov, thaC yoo hure mada n# Constance, ta gn by tRie andlhbatyoo oruol taë Mulo tataes thia FreneRo aomoo a veu cao. I l Sor youCtp bers in Hov do you go ta -S.R '" sa,is ePyho." "Sea.visruthe nae c e Robert." "Oua Sailo tht eue1 jîtindalleritoenultmng thbm "Thonu 0 iai htte Misé Peytau aid decidu have tlogo, theBocomero teandaiIwooid aieStg ut once if I a ta Imeý diiYduilYiug oar.iC for ý,ý dasn. foot look tea&fL1 bnov yooa tary vhan voï Sud noev ht yau mip holore long; lm, .9,s Sooîit yen hrs nu puro sigbl, if possible,'aRtahel theo sautar, I1ahoula iodai gnomide becaur en'eu oI I roughC NRoet Hahutl nin thea areh, sda o itthu 1 eupertun i m lm ydea, togh an 1 --c'y jost aI Cmlt. nH. yau come a tYouro ovu &"Mat lienain I bapaeg nuil beanu nprotenalf tifYeu lot aie, tts yau vo avay vit YaoU. lutne aIgain. Robert, I ippoo 'I ber dûw oge ta 'haEp suieo bei "atuyIl' ajc "Th ao uunI thé o aiai IeIn st,'iu Il ibuk i mud Rlktto ta 0 do#J h.Wby, are but imens The.ln a emplny ade o te, ta tm keeping mte tRe, Corbyu, k of attr rarcîve] [n tbut, mmv ho ie abshy hS Moe ta-Ej ai vben ad, eaga 'Conutai resl, an( ausd it, n] su bepC' 1 replo., onu a me~ bed, Voe MatSuC Cl bompioýi, OUR pre aiiod the, îes baud1 the peu suspecte ais Batta king in Ih Chu, t saau roiy guoa âma. Le r siuc insteamera )ver ta Ai me, eerr direcC b' tr tarie, 11oert ce. oy Iha,' the~a o thcee dear. l ae ta ma, mysali Mta yova 0 giiy te i te help dem i iho liSe y vie11 neau Conqo b arelancillug 'mY Zsto ueby a ý»w mauWho Tb d- a nstlg butattend ta ay vooujd affogmuses 70 camdovos boe.i eh kir, l "àlaB 0f ie hten - m diabe DIa n saureraly eobauanaie" e Are mod fl B tam1 owi~ ider it --yon, li e luat paWsowouoght -kW 'is l . er g Glhut 1-ihey teaaY gor, CoasceS,"HuIaiae,aboulaI, 0 etorse. a" W*'i1eW. ~~ !~vA as o arè e gor, vsre menly folnvasng Sfgay e"iha"dia et tamalabo helé eo. 4 à0 th ilong distance the esampie YOD ntlsaes liieand »"M 9h.9hl 1esa~ee tF, ns. I 1h"k, aunt, vo anay am veil tay Inch taanDY et 1144 200fi11eaa~aa vpi b e ~ ~ alts 'ocan hereloc the nad eêle, daja, ai ihasdy PWnsW tomhPlanai, mai tué nm0il,.i" a t'i'- for geitig bockt. ecg., and 1lame qusta IlWOUl, vh am ar o7 dolsg la4c n4oJeeed.ee gi" ed: i h.eaa Plano once YOD vilii cent to ruaup tean000Or mstter, Jim,i I may 00k im que@. t te ho roundq nlu;auaIbatn tMsa. No, ] I cvlc ff.-"fo "àem jhteat Ilta P~yuosu ~jjge Dosagi Jsim cpselJ, lîe oicaa, Ois aldsiteueebpa I~a dpan alveese nocn 1 "WeU, m m4, 1 b j éat v* " hat hpsold wvolte dog bot t lklsgMomn, n teues."he actais aboli hoth vont te de tht;bai4a* stIepsfor thb, payaient ni maue.lp. tioaagsbednenera, bvuva, ~Anld lsuqtla b4'tbo At ihe cOnsatanca vil l bAe àgond mauy thmngs dataon, and Chat sort nf ibisg." a" a mont alogelar one. Wbat do nns -m m n Fed by ta gai foc her voyage, audioe me about, I"Thon chat ons Barth, Jaso, neyoa tRiey vet Monage fIsaf p pomac 0N'cti mais Md l jil li mahboerin vèg Onspl0m oying deecative peuple for ?wby -"Taosm eils h a leyt u Cruv s lc ois e ec ta spact thai ohm and ber friand coulai am yen making inqutrieshobot Tomn reuaieuss, I choieda «y. NovnRi, ibé -WJs oclvei hthgu 1, an mcme to mis AodleyBSesast, ingtesd lMormon 2 hoa,,ear u * H ~ ,vii a l'vtaePri0 ud met ofofnigbisg ltislodgingn foc tRie ew days Jim Ferris tank bie pipa ont ni bis h6ejintaAusicella, tisov, .uloSi e yer bot' ::4pe:ie = an acOc- Chrfy illboieover. So yon and 1vil, montSand staced bard ai bis ques' *ayhabel wlpcôablyde bomr cannsass easno-cauedunare an of m, 700 say, tay lsnaemontif the end ni tioser. I dont caally know vhaty.e in MMematier. lé vead nethé .pâelltaIndienvlagemisaudr1gmani g ac iY bave the vesb, snd iban go spiteavon ta- mess, BoLi We have ecpoiyed nami, te jet tam ktonyCstlenn cbj fyn iSttwsiit bsag g0 eiber. snd it in osderatond, onstancetactives; and asta Tom IMormon, I1îadead, and Cbat, tearegleter o te "o frtersaata Charlons9. k'e us in. O .u-.aes5gcgr Agn, N.P.R., iSt. ibal ynu sand Madame Dupoctisare ta nen'er boacd theise a ea in my flUe m&rriage bing jon, bis eridence ha Pauli, .Ilin., foc copies of the band' Con- coma tais etamn wbeu you orre, au for mas 1 uov." becnme ni grei imporain." SOMalY illuoirated "Wondeclaud" bonk, ir; Wlat iras viilYOD vaut ta go by te. IlYedidu'i ? Thon arbo the douce IlYesIl Farcis aed, "Il yenbu& vouyeloatu' PrsdAlua ndc k My day.Riober? l innonuegoug oarie eu itiSe, h10 P" are easming ébtiiwhaevecbas Batt thon nBecaary. Yeu wiii nuly asi My dear felloar, I abolilietaabli e ii hee tectvea ai vnrk Jtahboile.ta ev*W.-iH. Wade, nf Wnodstorla, bas I ua-ne$ed the retarsbip nf the obureh YOD iane te drive, irOM Paddingisn a-= sheip Von ta gnos pahapa vbnn i have Misa Orbyo, and ébaItla by nornmenus 0 Ascension, Hamiton. Ire taWaterio." ,orme conception o01orbat YOD ara tarir. pred. .0f1orse, if Cionne r bth mCRe " TRietrais ieavno Wsterloo etarsee, iug aboute. At proeni I ummotarly in people vhn have tai he lakW, ibey Fer Orer Fi7 Vums M a iSe Psytau. sa the four o'loek fcomt the darh. I gulbnr. isowver, hai misa are esdeavorilig ta preveut hec r01 onh. rr ua loft bore viii takenus op tiCaa. Gorbya bas come orer, buaeahalpoan a iba bo nsid ~ "Very wrii, t4îou, wrvil have0 j. yYond bas asetsaot lSocse4spia . bavaesy isiereoit Chat vay axcepi C1. hhil ad ba..karo, 11.n1. Mr, dinuer at Saif.pasoî Io, and iuinbe "Thut is o, Jira. Shn Sas benu orerPbifip Clîtacres 4«C aiitsL.,.o0 iat 'tmeaulime ve viii go for a dive, We bore souci7 five mrenthe. Shn eame Nov, aoiumlug hatM imy too. tb. 'at viii go Sy your pace, Costauce. 1I mv daynsitar yoaa spoloieotme about jeotoc a msot he rigbt nue, and Cat ei.iiau sbnotitaros uuriaoltrae svse @bould libe tb ses0 is oCorhyn Covri of her." Coabyn bimtanif dliiDat ot ontuth. alf On.. ,.d-I iuOin-lois-sthei ng- 70.." Wolf,suodwvisat huve yoo beau do'.lise pernne novinqniring foc Momns .y t th «h4. .t. uvlncI..a dn I' -ig "maylSe norme nna ghn bli for yuanro 0*uInstn.o the i.rarln -th. .1d. W@M taco, P.Pi.'lau-d iu 1. PltcJld vsATE CoavXII. "Weil, Jisa, va bave doue a ger teau on gizaut of the bustepSI, 80Stom teie, asdu m .or ue yail doLWiluithruontro Afller eeeisg Contstance dovu ta tbe desi, uud vo bave discovorod vbat, one tae bon Cocbyu may bave con- ai enad .% (rabýi.ant-r, auna. ao. . l adies' oais on hoard he Seat ai in My nind, asaouits to a certaîuty fidad it, or nome pal nifPioraonua, vbn, r'inuaori. loos nunOa. tonthamptau, iRobert Hrbut aainued Cat tae girl'@0 moiiîrarus saacrlod te bearisi of Corbyns deatb, soes hie vay e1.ngue qoantition of coalad lin arCe by te miue ocioc trin te towva. Asd1fr. Corby." ta maktog a bandanoe tbing ouitnofRia racaiybasandiocored in Ana- bc ho vantup ta lovu lieta onght oyer "lNy 'love 1YOD dont my co," Jtm pcovisg ht Ie dasghta intealsgal CA',in. - - id 1Ite incideuts ébat boad Sappeeriine Vacin exclaimed. " Yom entondame. boire«se taOochyn Courct. That Car. IdONT TeLoue ut 0%, on fro-ciasa *ily Coualen Cochyn comas taePnglaud. Confonît it, Ibis is a serion business;' Ceilisonas, te me by fec tIse soet morlgaga nf feait projerly.-D. W. ad Evaryîbing trud genso voit ili il vas a douce of a bsintess. Wit a moment, iksiy solution." CoîirsaîL. f ound tisai the irai lied benu abtat. oîd feiov;: do mot uay uuyuhing mr; IlYaS, I suppose it ta," Jamaa Fîsi - 0f cd fcom the cogitar. ThisetaIthe tisa. lt me tbjuS t ove." uaid mic ogtfuiiy ; I"Cia sida a B T ' -ch- ha Sud nnhnsitatiugiy pot dova au the James Farrcis vusultlgetberColine. mnté Complicatldbosisees, lookaitit LE iere voat ni Algacuon Corbyn ;Sut ha uo pacod for tha neya, Inu commendiug vhiois vay 750 viii. Have YOD auy Ilonger fois mura of ti. Nov Ibai hoeConstance iirhyu tbgo tb hia friand, objection ta my telintta he tary ta eryleame tht omene la bo ben taie hoSadbeecactinâg iteiudly vinic Olithero ? IbluS hsta s uhave To terl n uir ucalaed Nursery Stoel,.- Dr vorh frosa theli,trat utinqoirieo a te nova Socr tpeaonod 1iad nepr o ad nme ha nught ta kuov boy abs Steady emplovioentasud couna ol trinn v taq. Hure dose Surinnos ion aiiad boeumade about Mocsou vithis s iortl.a mosasut dcesmt tJittvodh o t aua icon.Ci S eutorlya. LhrupaooitIi,îll rC nigbt of Mar. Carhyn's dautb. sud Chat he moult. Foc r e inuotensalie t o! thae csrcb vSich Iepp m yo asan. Send fo r er. um to -0 na... r yo, 1- Se Sd Sers vwilhont nnoukinz. und tlîhe sai, goiag ta moska for laora itaovor, no. àa vataised sile in London, theasapectlofIl"Wei, I er no burin in beuring tReia bg coaultadoua e fYOU e gailagai CHASENBROTHERlS Co., ,sa the affsir Sud cbunged, sud it var qite atory, No."1 preri of the mnarciage, teRe is auseosai oaira. borne, Ot ai. pcobable tSst lise irsl art of tIses I se no0beraain il, or 1 nhold moi of the anutter, Sot if yon do uotC md rSk saataciouoppounboaud ean ta Oh. Suve propouad tb tl il yoo; in auy hier sud con gtC olbiug ont nbloc,. es, tain posessiouniofthe oue uberote case, t viii holi7 ydoly telay it belone amBunre ébat Clihera. iliehoglad te $500ooeo (> eY proolof tbte muriage. Thot James yon sud yoor fsac, or solicitor ta thebe ccgisoébat ths eug lady bas aToL N'vr OR OW ta Fecris coulai bnov ssything ni the ea", for the ceuiderruiouni ofner iSher moral eoimu, althnngb uo lagal T mLa xI AX RTW let aflair hé rege.caius altagsthec ont ni cliat. Of courges, if yoovece u. ose, ISsu @ah. vould bave asithe un. PBCPERTY AT 6 PER CENT. id tha question. orropoloupeople, detriceud ta do. doubtedfly uagitCimàM arir ibs Mre aosn'- araragda..rr,..od es.I ISbavea gcest Miud taesommt jin ontjustice by suy and evacysanabcd uoncle.andlcoaucertaiuly promisesyn aarm« ak tu1,rh«-s fer.Partiac.iuPlu ho ou the oubjeot." ha uid to hinsunif. 'I u hoobi 0ot show mcy band te you, Sot bafoceisud, insbissnoms, hath i ha -"Jj -oue -Icln-uî sa nre rat.. iasd Puy .1 r ia morgae Ifante ru o,. An oria i r 'oa @opposeail vould hoesasmontuproies. or Yeuu d yoorclrient StS deuireoéChtClie reudy teaugcaa ta aDY proposition miîct. îoniruta . "-Hrcf.'rr no sioual pceediug, Sut Cto the hole rigitSl aouta iehodoue, I do uot sea vS7 thul ase sosata 700 fair, juet and pintuiel i'urtîin. E R tYOIe t. affir liunupcoîossaonuîal ac ras I aci1saould uni do se. Iushouid nt bave honorable foc Sac future provision. 2E. .S. ii t, c onocrurd, sud I dont see.anythiog doua hin is e uffir Sud munitCaian a Anyhov, I tbink hae nngbi ta Se taRd Toronto os aise ta do. 0f course I uhold mon tlabo Meut msytrionu tom, and I Sud not the lacis." 6% 6% vi t sncS a stop vitSanoy one oise but Jisa; diseovered Cht someoou iusamyter. "'Yom, I agros vith van hat lie bad- - orî aid SotliSe luthe seul of Somor, and vooldaiouily sud pechupo oncrroptously botter Se talai, James. We have no- 1 . O C SH a i, errer have putie iuto'hia thiog un. vochiug uguiouC un. Nov, I1viii tel tRis0to conce1ýan su am e orkil r, Ien ovrytSiug huai Sean pacîactiyyVOo Che f&cin." opooiy, and aiSe ta mot the eau teta tue W ILL NUY A Ca] . trightiorvarai I rau sasSe urithor lRobert Hurboîtison relutad tReia tproper etattaracuns. le voumbi Fn e o Inbond merctai n i C, sud cn eano ohiug jeocouey dovo te NatS, tise dincorary ofni tloe tair.tbat lie ohoula iehokept la Fine Bed Boom iSMit Vy te lie doue SuC tb orR imisai e eau thebo ioliCy vhern Constauce Poefa6igooraue nf tbe prohability nf's tarm *lI onu Ct hrowanov lighC othe mattis.. I viiiparenta Sud csided, te interv,.lsvitb suddniy barningopen bisa. Yen talai $r ýy drop lita i ne in the momnie0 and agirthe cergymaun, aud the caceipt ofthlbt. isaadyea oct, hai yon boadrenom- . lDr in bim tehooisian sd umok@ s pipa vith paeo of leteon. Ho related howa maended in sCorbyn te plash.anlf inWfL 0A ainsi mine ocicck ta'saurrov svauing, psaurh ou theo trst latter, vcilten au My bondi." Fine Bireh iSidebaoard 8if hae bas se elSer aae lsom t; sud if beur.or ivo sitar the carrnage, lied I"Oh1, yes, I talaibinm, andI ha repoat. ltae, VmROo. Sie s, ta maSo un appoiotmaot t giron lise ouiy ciosc ta thesameosadvat Rh otaaibarne,éCat h. Cary D.giva e au bn ouc utthIe easciint ime S.e marciage, isov oun earsliing Ibogegiatar vauted rigbt te b.e doshe; and vae, in- Poney Oak Rockers, co fix." t Fokestane il vos round abat abs dosad, ganuluely diminumesd et tIse The e vuws jui ulikiog mine ou Pageonou hich he marciage boadboau, lbnngbt Chat Rie nrhttaepomaibly Gento' Stuffeai BoiSera, he follovingeaveiug vhen thara vas isacribed huaibean, uout.l, ov ie Oientearigbie i ftaidlau kioaysofncyba inda. s kuerk t the oner ami. of Nohet ora hIdoot irorMadama Duport tRial gicl.vaaaunbod iChabono, for lSe buai iloued thts let Mr. Corbyn had bhua for -orma menthe (Teolta contiane-) Windov shades 60. &DY of bis Temple frieudu vaiight dop &sitar Shi asrlage aoonpauteaibyea Cornion Polon île:* a in. ~mRbsai he Rita sconut ouiiege, Tet« u9u IlWeil, lob, boy are yen0?",Jamsoébat the mm'$ lIetty had Seenso.bc'Un At Chas. J.ones<s. Ferris asbod cbeerfuiiy, -"snd vRaI iuridsotly obtaiea, boy Chat cdue Rad Of h. Labaon alteR CoBMpoy i ta --- tRio a rtieih y0 ? andvisai mesaao na fogowed ep,lMd abtheeolt. nov ai Toronto. CaseN a -Y a licp e CAmiasu n Chtia sayeterinua sommons ta siduigbt I"My icoégu r lW- yoare a gae,," COnantc l m ier tluma - 47ce balt niwem uA ksr 1 confereuce 2I . l àW ?"h o mà.o UIbrgi k MON eMI a Iusa am eli nough, Jiai, Sut 1amns . cd, ui te id a.iChat 700 veeuntont Il-,aYiPP or09 nldeumd v . ho ÂTNU II U. >vorried, sud I viii telYo alshot Ihfor a ditm Tvet id euicaerA..ina v law d ibsanavm arro nsu, mka0 mot vbau vehuvagotîuirîv aettled. Tlsac'n yopa heelaihave vOrksd ail ii" u, ontnbkcuulqft s c. p se 'bacon er hc s aiaou church. <M Doue". theibm utas n i ttpreant ce vergak, riU g0 wacden if ynn Ike i. TSoe n i asox0f iad m "Ps ar s nPthOUnd ed b ialiaciso ~ q igure, sud gond Ceue, belpi yonrael; g»seié'k as h. latter the nuly cl b'Oma fraie aie Rre oas port aimai biakeup,u lA A v n titg taerp Iebkmogim cusiebldaas dn "Port god? -Y4 daim P~ va vnt poi~ . fUh>0tiWkp4, 4t eh "Yom, vecy lutr." ragteaMahir imis by tdJân i<~gmp .n UN "Thon vo vill'begto vtwth Cai,007. ehis ibat$aRewuvas mrida. E£,Pm Roe aaie gplu on thm* boye, lob. Nov thoen, our pipm es 011,v"aW" iorraed, it May sot have oàïi bodaIlah mmer - n. aesiraig, Ou. gRandes sareaIRo, t - tMtmÎ slnktus TRe a107bu t 01 OèUaVotg0 ?O & oahaI" rr MaectadluLon.d O*m aratRier la a qbler ae 0'"eRa, on hg:-", dseesPa5Obu jtan: Yo a u npot me laie ay Con vhls h. vali wfe i. a.î.meisof the cca ~ t.aspn "Tnu fcmgte, My an iuma J" .iioeiioec Se mhuteaie 1o éblUa~tlat ete pýBt n oflthe ahele y oehaia ima "This Orbyaaliic. it, 0114 èe 5am. 5 g I. crock, 50o; 6 gal. Crok, O TALL AND WINT -0F- itigTrouerig »r 1 have spamial lipe sici oml lingn abhat aie.vm~a Furishngsinendless v h Uudt'iiot RI)i i ve o n 0 ,r1 uythiog yesonunt. VieT i icel ar cie igliil nd scoîis guRautcd Ictifk~ LONG ~Ô. THEY WILL. SURPRrIEYO; LONG BOOTS É'ROM 50C~ The balance of Summer Gôodo to ho aold o, iiita. o- UP oO . lA - .. dwihF A//TO/y,...... .tk hs #-Fa")VETSI/ fhory. e oIjy tejrî .ào .-L. nat3 uuiaag. ,îi- i. ri- o itlic '] t i " '44. W1,11 f i A .auiîî 1- l-îîo . I .1d', 1)c il j,~ &t'ka" aî., j.,,, iiiil v oft bOau . i ,"'c Pteiaiu. iiiliOnli bu-,ic uo14--%; a -1as. au urod 5.'toi -fflceofa, lIv Lia, nid sv., 1.0. MALTHES0N pot Hoobrs,lbd. 1 LLIOTT, B. A., J o il NB. ta urropied hi i]iiiiî ailrv las sen o v o Ii s. 42-il. C Our pvioiiptli 0illice lPvl Onoacerr , DR. Kalti, piîî".,. Miiiimr Ii Mo t,iNoilai'ip, il'..vI isr tafluskof tleîiiiiii,). tIDJAW S Cd. F A.H V.PrutBo.r), V A Li'.A au l o t l. t.iimDr l' St.,LMilton, StoC.rne. OM làfSt. , Lt gr, 48tareg.ICOMMEBRA. Ecxecuteainta s Sperior Mssener aC the CHAMPION OFFICE Our Job Daparlaient on repletse (15LI n large usanrlment of plain andi niamenlifuasi, type, ornsment. 6bordern and desiga sitable for arda nd circula , o n. S ti kiing ype for Poster Wiirk. Pricen Moderat,. mý ý lngl -g Poîîring un the late We'ave te hiotDesUosi I tsa lata Glanit,.., Wool Corde, Velvetoen (Crdo 1edfoý, Boues, Camieh, Hair Ernbroider.,Cat., a Hl De&od&fs irlage varietY. Shot Surahs 40%, wol, DaeGd.oe Sc.10e, 16e, '20esand 25ct, lievej ýemh o ble't MesneY.We have made à tsrii 10 tho haý tylish bird cheap homos Goodi andw . . . . . a ua n d M a l # g u U p a ± o~ "od *ndchep. -' et Cotha aid Ule n sprofia o ne~ & ~ t fO * û h u s e UI t fo re g n .........mporte M 'mtok O~etigs and TF C t* lirge varl WmFalsuf tui f!inth NT. HAMIL TON GA OiMonley J.Clii -HARNESS Sin, MANUFAI f ldNet derrto the, SMAIN ST,, 1711Harnesa,- Sadi - ValOisesWh: i.Bruî Put. and O1Z inds cif thpo1yrv But ]b 1Mi ana Amerlo.> I MaruanInaailaae "-eapivuya 0fr a D. D.TO md 1 SM"E2"ý ,ýGuiàe. 1