DR. huAi WDresEs eand Mai*f~ oIn , on! au km. Ande00 AU the.- n te t >î , , ar h1tO cm Joe li eM Ilele, l>at IN lEI .iameul opotitg ,iiîId dty mn 31r. Fe wil b OlPg to ticei M itte. se0 thie pool-, 1f Dry vo, t Et ive iliio ifoiur ~ON er R ileý to com- tio;i by you of '*t.a.ei n ath ,esratter- great distance. goods for your ledt, the profit who conaider "cear for the le flower gar- tt the iowosli -I 'U4L~ es o ohin o ro Out.0. ----r. A&twl them*iibe wut~lb we -1b s ~27e.prd M seul- it=t ierme i ibn m4% 1-9dMd rte. oUlOim h dgooou a. 0 u -t- - Il&. GIyon oo orro . Si- Theofth n m d i e s ofdutheaiAte Newroà "à" oe~ Wolfeoma mmtd anUq w a Iit l . mu h a y&% &fr3 01m o m -..--#....-'" co t. b£JrnsSo.~m *u gtowmmto it. o rO0oatd. fB t. L.oaà1 d .w l êS o A 8S l b o y T e &se halloba. p. m f m mhm N't0el E TB;B I 0 y moIfiniroCii tiglon a ch s d a o om d ldoin<oeg Fnldanhrne un Boros. lt. CoumBa.oi,,-eqvd:~ t: io. W l pMLrjlp SmnobilCoulerru. k hod emba. SenoO O L b âw fi. n niWaliat. Ef-or. .mdndIerno A s meens moO.iA 8 misVome. rerort osohlait a bphI et attuni maon r ptmden hoif r mrein g ploy 4 db m or 75.* Vim aft ommd t lti ll. 'et ClayLNOorOTTEII, fo re the M rwi ï amertpurminte OWl inies. o. B acbnOLry ie r ' '4. bass noma'leta'm 1WYttoo uk wu rejopum h. aiymmmd batoi h1d ARM FO worh tbyharo o m&rt d m là 1W «m o f 400 .... foft î& c kma miN-WB.igàie ---la Proea ulmdaoéo ~bthe -bi - SALfEVEYBODbSAYnTeI IS: FAC ft Ot rb i l ot M n A e . rd ri ir oiDrak n o s0 I au lu forq1,8wa rg, t oi l . t h at A S ie as f B uit fMo' n erhro an r w otto ee a eatrloir Sitmgo te d.~ ih.i7~ fioe*wJohn ia, O - o M u 4 o to ni ri Whou I 0&4,nop. Lîndsay's r ap hehapi' ilb odl __ for thes. monwu Attesai.de rh n anyoth o abeve for O ., re 1 $. 5 eer. nta t m r b b o f ibo o hop m m d o rt , o e y mlsr0ou W a h rlm b om. oCent rs n tr al s n e h 73.T W&.z E ,W i n C n d byapireudmme. che.an em» wak.Te %bM o --- u i. Ottawara. roc;tw Red olumin P or, er-t.ySx ~i o 2cA HS C EpS O E S O c. m mie .BdU G GYw mfrr da1,ath a i o r o n WTe lsrbrfo nebelm' teromudod cho, go l -Thbdoimiro e mci air- " rs, a u u alFARM F mugORhrSo~Aout HisoS!A AC OWOn le ibmotht rot toa. mgim O Ilr o eolTe-o erylego M. SodrWabi gt a" orn Trbo i mbl uW mbmimr oaitemto. Ao io -ffi jr lu mm, 00-Ce.s f dove h atL n sad, -sO m n' n e"h r n r I li o n , W b li h y m m d O O o i l lo is,5f ll m i c m e . h n r e o n m b c re u oabngth pr i d u ie O hîpm-Cr. lmg& imoesSto P udmprm.'ilimalmsowbt maoctmê.-a t lor a h&p4mmde-a omformthro. - ______________of_____ Pu l tr- a d r tethe FORlthe. To. Dundud houerstockiot wcIM Mn- raoamon -Abomt oaz y ar mg - a'imn.a24g onofea ot îb grou Itc t m ib î W m 1T omf M E m e ny a ole ho6 f a u co n ; y m m ri a ia bletd 1 r7 e Itfailneto Whitmon UicîLirÂr Lcuozltgo toi r nd so" t srac tfhe minultroho - Iamst n an -ideo e e nTh O « v et -11 a Y S X r fo 5 . T M S C p lt ao im StudyTh ree-rm 50ae o u ud ui ais. ro m bsm itoh wu fo etI l Place. ysorit tmmd Fofui totlher . P ST RE mmtb, mdo - el la tan iei on lteFo o rv hd -17-8atormmrly t MultoMdon une bout grhopueaib riionitfeihprf.n. Mc- es ome t bmCo mecil iynidou Modi Pmlur cuali TE udooot bi n o lu bt e e m me ya a tbthe lre : AscOm o re v &o ira N OT4 IC N h a heot O tu, frk oo eî hr m metA di d etoe tig h h rsptgtmW uLb rmes frmerh0 en pice in a charge of ibm botol ont mmm- Prpoai roi ros imhou ud ouo . r O.A.ai y roet colî towshi. f o pinammigem mosudrtotaeibm n ircnes ibu O ttntd teuamapl iccodin lu bm _ arrnta.'dimg h i iimgedibî bofr. lndmib it tfdea.,2, la ont ar t o nseo unr . l OHa m ilo n, t l e lp hi 'l ti u e t b a a or fo r 1 1 to .o ls d t. o rhm b d i m o -Ilter Ou tPtr t e .r 15i.vaW tron e n a t odn hr h he tt i opdngionds htner mise s o orfutoe HîmitOK, t cotoniirofaîMiltoni h rVil] Oc of _e DH E N A$F0L L O te » ou Cdoirorsîo t ttc abou. fron Cmei vio oshtiaoble ade Ugoo.d grtdt ton-mm ____ mur Cthe ey ef tii. ~~th llenvballimoliUder-eiin ttreir n2hsidtLa. 5u,. Me IN na.test- teu« oflth e Ce iak l p ad uHîn iyltou ud t l onnetéd oo fh@ r c aliabugber bu làS tr td brý o h o l nd on O5r - 10 T IC E . aiytuî o nmeblee r nd-tKn] &th sm hig Tehlm ew u maftngopwtbi lepulrdag s otilfoisedt stin ulhihna ." m. *.ut lit M nm en. ad eoplibmofreat erumt augo i-cfteba lul rrl à u nf n a etdbioffen ft.M . Mc m n solr.ean co e ryTaees oivear onte, l uias ît e rto eRamliIantheuetin g crdbut t e sanoalArms. iloeueardce Onhet doot tootrtacnethetooepau $1500 toth-$2100 for a11 olecrlu deamse.m l buAItmmoreWirdwn iethbePOOnt-=lni les ttmn frU dg fr a wou md hatd prericbod y lockod op ib o mo mI M . m fÀ t. L .M o u . ilRcknowledge that bye. 1 .1 iorvicescomhUnder P tien rte Hamilt-nPdilSOcon.ebttsactTon and Otligrt te reMoLLEabne S litlaneiDoteromainsandNwA mus 91 Slephe agass Colin ifell e ibm e plo mae#ilT. - 9oî I uto os 1(X Thelgiin bettocSu eph uduHamilonSand h lt b Teua uv feoudnof E eior e n. hubast tee nmMti t be TRoi O-Ytt.od oîrboo ý?otîlIe's, cor. King & t~~~~el itefor dmo sfNtot aln e u.bevmd.yu e md iay that Ibmtgesof ucheid e amms amontin carf e be of frofGndtoilt- =et bardy- ut -lecuorbrk Re. Rr.Dr.OrM. f Trotoprmobd 10, tîotluetua b~it h pory terbavehemdotons . enholy ]m ad e t.Mt n#fn »m-Dtthe O.ti d ,il ObI tfr. oý, s haS ed o ote or eiuto aepîo osi hi okt 1, ot (*corgetearm a l bm tenthemivamilton mno e bt.lifr ardau o rne 'rel iv yte-luy teowluait i tenyminetoi leo m fa T ioue t re W oia !lyet w a-om iao o o -T I il a u cutele m eno f Th ereeare2oth e no b oy $ 15r,0ute, S t . ' S t r p 5 5 r n n 'C h u i e l e c t t , - - -ea e n i s 0 t l i te l > l .Mte.mo r ee o o r o l s u d o î î t o u o o u ,g S e t e a t i lto p th e 2 . 00no r- te w >eup optlart0 Oitaloiigoi:S n jauferornlg b lume's the.eu .d...o..w~hnc ti Coin h ironrmitoorie ...u00 00-Stt Ocouifu s tite betot ofledg tha iba hd çodmpe*les om np T on.rta uibenef ot habemitu wen remousd en Aeircrete r i l im îa eeongouto tdocgid tpi u, 1 eOg arcz, i v ire bt amneurarae n s triet l iby fore Biet l eld ut Odoorfr- Wu re'rMake r TOWNSHIsuiO TRAFALOAR.s 2. iv toMu to neo o f T r iii ite ibra e d ntino u o boom eruap u leo u m, LE i T hOBLD b wu e. dd et eab ho rgedioe.Vtn, aMr-Os4d0rd2OM.Feld agt n bi uç brte ogIlrtRao r. ucilomeer, ee irare dt i ered y. wtbotiug estmnmiereAbby. o$10.()Or Pbtt day. 101 S t,-àa, W in. hugmboiras ppsod. A bo hir L rn ai aul il at bbgloth orot. Wesm nTh tbeyIOm Adori ltOhI tom.Ilermaswry veo aermm a n ,~~O e ta.cncesio ofte LamO, S L .- a n h t a l e ad ema.. "-cy M at he ,et 0 , 4 0 n d 2ce50 a d flu h i e o g i n e Cr oît e - a u d y, OtH at.1 9,«.I O S . Â T E T O a T J M s B . it i antlie ootmauof he.tM»pproidedfortheoccaionth On 60 Hyad y repcivair Heaverrces e e stlation ade peet, a h udmindbubMint Sar ccdbotm, ib .1fru . 0f Tru m mmd ibot thi leMr feronO ttiovanhy CompeanytheamrBto dcrnî anIM ai 2 sttin e o orb h att ftelt sLOIAs i h s 0 (t k f a u ' ,con. i NS', TesaIgair, the ler. Me.- Hmddow, of Miltlun, lier. nt cf ubu rivteu if. ort et. edp - tediyi b éP e crer.StraO t 82 P and largr mchardiWeillRoberitsou, i Puollmc. The musical trepby, ihe frot izle fer aggrrcat, ai t L sia h 18ooW pm a. 2OCo P . nth rmss trrd, udcomoaiet to :frgramm eoumieffl 0ua plame solo by ibmeI&t, smatchet of thea)ominlet Rifle have dimd of choiera in a Parrna î Tbhia choices S-mre tarm, mb good Miistor of Mliiitm mmbora of tbe Hunrdso heh Ot atrd' ein i te tao tht lb ýi mdà ée yMus oetZ m#sd Ph i. anadian Miitary Rife Longue. Thé Mexicopaiittaf, re ioo; uah Yiudprt cfthe pooaror poelei motiyatien mCouvnietylctdT atleomecalotl; fstvtin n dsus.The reciatlen pint Vu ably rendened trephy in a yen-y large cnp of bandaome dylsget 0 iiDend Tîta're itn xcele teily o id ande 1dàsa hrda y, by hy im Weiberild, cf Toronto, irbo design audis equally creditable te theo --Mme ýPnltrtY Muettlu told ttoclose the i Itth . mnin t Gî atrieib uiue bbbrliboralit>- et the douer and the ILtso f ibove enttl. 7 pui. on eamb day. rcltcsepcmy'îîtHe l&miben.,the Meridan 0~.. fHamiI. ST AY DTzrao-5 par cnul to ho paid ni Jrcttos s ff "jrms e tont. Pt,. Heavet may ireil be prend tinte of sale, babmmce en easy terms. ibm Baby "mad -*The Tay Bridge." Of IL.Con l imprrne e ietn. o Pruc$asn0yluF00OO N.-Mr. Ilaynet-Rmsd, Tbe sonnuai matches of the Miltot ocribor, Lai 12, Cou. 4, Neson, iu jolie 108 Duladu t, mptln, .W.COK at, ibshaicltd an GRaCic OutoCCOtCER-The con. Rifle Club, lu rounnetien witb No. 7 uast, a Yearliag beffer, The oter C oollt, , o l;1~ .C b hurcb bere dnrlug the cert lu aid Of tGrae Cbrcb om tbe Co., 2lOb Bibi., mil omreoff ou Fri- is rrqnmbed lu pnove pcopociy, pmytug and irbo bas rendent! second! igi cf the fais was in cyery day, list inmt., andI miuieluopen lu ai charges and laie hoieriy. t J. RAREot MILLER, stote mpariîb, roture- *iY i greiane uaeeS. The bousaa. mm rneticompnry, au n mmlrs JOSEPHi STOKES, . An toeor, Streetvm, be 00hiti. l comut paet!luibotimn md ~ b.dt, t lI yar iIltontonalof ibm Caua. 17.8t. Noer LP. 0, A UCION0 Al E FPA I - - rrinty olle an Woulasturnd say, ein unale e ob nolvilians. Ihi 1t5 l e ho oped thab ibm iood, jtst au ho ira.so»I. eYen stadng tnom. The remeipte peoplmet Mitn mil motribtt, liber- FO RaSLroi-..J ) ra7 iystation, ichomor n ithiem oigbborbomd et8150.00 ally toirardsthie prtse lii mnd on-. ORSLE T W 01?P cTRAFALGAR, R TS peu hy a depolation et mmd moult! bore beau much laraer ifCorage tht nirkomen ofthIe Cmpany, A tiotra-mb,7 imm dmmlllu1.w'ltioCou*y Eton.t, be have made smncb good reorset ikilCu »d wi Vodmbaol aiicbmaboines cemgrmgtilos, iro Pte. the bmal snld bave ccommrodmimd bheOttawra ad elaleirbre. Eyery mern-t. rut i-es, paape remesamidothor a--ali VnewWIl. l ofesd fer soie 4>1 lugl! roird. The Itrogrammewuranmmex.berof No. 7 Co.irctreeive 20 rond@fruit; 0dm MVirsodliruraere.elaaid ru W tof Ustiereluiblug, rlît oe. TIiu perfocmors more :_ ut ammnniîion free.ibaron. hg o m cteor, mtuatoonMin cietMatou. -rar o me, ertseFor he ur a lre Cldrcl, epam, 1r.W.E. - TViMi. Strnet, iritb fluaesl'de trom u innot lieI a i tb So A so . lr'uvetsefr prOur Store îa replote wîth h'~~Ou Town Hallm.oyCit.c ealm, f. .D Fer ternis mmdstarileslarm pply te »dO'eer â OB o -Wy . JS*. B 16-89ld BRmtay nioii I om, cf To- soit.oG.iD. ri:. O.teMtTe.V dmlatpt.ad te mur bueiness anti in no other hiegos ntesvra but-Aegr..ltt i lic o ato, piano, Mr. I. E. GoMma, mcornet, îSm,-Tlho Miltonlon hall iras very Oct. 161,8'9. le.J maitou. siatietbm Nensant calng atenioit chorIce goos ini teaeve Or and Mnm W. E. Ramsay, mmeaps at, ucb crcirded aitthiemomcert nFia -b ih h iouhait .fiotWay can lreaotly agent bere, O as & F io ieasi iganIul ota hr a orce-day.NesurvEebof lthe itownshiptrodue ou4-<3uETe ssOtm enin eta i o u la salait un theliii. mmmdpi, mmtc S noaa rgeon as rdes. D lED. lsm5mr, a ieefte" , y dUts s rui. Dsyives su ihlcim beymmd the faultIt s hewumnluie. won,uc nout, emmmyaupleuoing sigbt. Oms Audeon, a ged 69 ysars, ganOmheml -Mo, tmil'e"YWfrhvm 'cO to!O -tae1w r, eh4 the cldimousibo ru m$hi i a bu. mbutthIe plea.sn mmmwunomhai rnacrred .017on .5. 0mages r "a j Frtohari elî ain- by té,pl*b mty 1 ohiag t airsouiothbng impnhasemrlle molmemd d uga.a1r m beuorshi;t=0 amo a I.17.mmsita. nim Thieb tea e in it. sel atd em as WO Tk ho ~~~~ ~b attaquelo, sHaomImmnid "esse,.oasaàw, be olijotima uaeisemdaa.m~lbiai sotuw m uos b ra" am Pf- *oau,; o.mid t lite tvertise. Des prmetlle a a id ul. 1r maa ghnoPeope amo, mpciaiiy 59 la Boa. m Oro hasosa oaj't ck M . BHie os Wor ma l. chanceêl of..r,-r.ieusmithelas,. moinO*9.a41 i u m o ' p o e ; b u a m 0 t e n M . m W i n tm 4 u O a k,ît o i a l l i t O u m d e c . iu usabp l u sai ri e a m i 1eir-om m a n me sy m p thes51 0 amaig t n-uuai Tmibuasibi f- i or ultibe wa bu maimbleoISnur tia" ibmm pncmtlm,.w w 1 ilor.1 thi tPo-ted'i%>- saomle. -Kmsi oi ythsallng ie it Trtdmmlm o.UBU m. t ply sm RT [n e t s i u r e i b d M Ul te f i~ te m p y th e b il o uF O R _ S A L E almin #wnm Iafl me a lait"v )WNSMP Feadqua,- Mr. se te a M" m at l "bs mmmlmen . utl e M-esie uteipra. aï f ti e s ' o d0 m m m : - W e a ýj w , ips ude4 l; Ni m %111.# 1N, WR R a. [7, 4.ton A Fit ait erthl Harvey farro, lt poid bnl ieceod s ploi 'lie Oe Miile., i Oct. 19M 12, ilot ber peste lier cretof e paît îumi va] teenl teiortis ignoubly rine oout la Sp.te ir tloretse Pgntztef Frest aB vms in t, net ofhRoudm 5î.le,iimd. made ityJi Propu.m a siot,îq utitor gem eget tw thi, wek -otnaità lue tni Srt l l soli Cam 18l1b. 1 q j >7 Il oi i s I I