Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 1892, p. 2

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contallfi efs. - tha, m ajoufty f 290. N At anthe kthre Mce béénmal, aari *Jallgér FeAMlebné1 por orthe Janiraie.j Séptemhéé 801.:T~ DR thé ea- nuere' 278 niaiséand oné *the gréaiseaoty0 have béée artsbé have be n = .,Mo y r.iaiaggrégtt numbér s om mitta" poedingly décrééééd. commt"isfor dru'ki and thé numbé, o sentence wuas80. Eu sa one o thé hsi cd1 5 17maneaédintitutios, Canada. Lant péar MMé forinmanténaneé01!prié 4 8/10 Cents, ibiIe thol -wus 7 7/10 cénte and à cents. Tae Hamilton 0peeéa ai thé *&not of hompitalit4 auttbretiehorséin saloa toeghé te bit the home t' poohete ingtead o! accomse te thé jail-at thé 0% ratépayeré o! the cosnity. thé Spéc. gaye on theé ne "Mitton le a thrft t ta ton toegh vent up théeét got drunnb neMilton i thé Mltonic air uwt il filthy languagé. Héef terni ie jet!. But thée,é thé téllionbail Donome hîm go. Aue théeBUte no-ivlpetoti: Wbe that ne ébcailnmonéy cold he got ot of hlm hée mas aliowéd teauée mare daim thé G. T. B.t the ambitione cil7.', seeémbthole non a cash lie. . . i ac n1 Ai a metieg o! thé Pan.: ooncil hlidatiTorontoe itev. D. J. Maedonéili o!i Çbnrch, accovding ta thé Port, thon eopresod hiem drinb question : Rev. D. J. Maodoneil thoeeWho bcd épobéen ont Portanceno! topping dronié mère cgeeed, ton, that seý othér questions, thé deliveér churcb sbonld- hoeScriptun thonght thât occsionaîiy1 ceca. O! chorchea more éni or it might hoe infra, Scripti wont hoyond the marh. with thé tatemen.t that ai W"ce.cai-. But whenn drinbiog wa a sin, as 1rt n ticsliv theoRmnéthing ansd4 bcedid net asent. Drinht0 sneand thé Biblé dd not Christ did Dot gay e0.I rigbt and proper te sa;, thé oché o! yor hothr" Mnaniteoay, "tIdo right ho tain and hocanoe on refusse as Idnîo hrefore VOn doi*, nt truc or joni. Heie te Position by snyiog ibat Pcl feainéd lrom moent irbén brother ont of respect. ta the prcicidices, but if ibat née ab en a'va Paul mooId donied imnaifl!an héethes Paul. ion, if lie mer on eau$ regard the ine quetion il Hacmé nay, prnyided it neye1 Consiy Jadge'î Criminal, On Tnéodcy John Cochrain Lcndnhoro wré indicied ho Kincemili onethe charges briohtaYer's'tonosfrmsJ.] buildinge, o! nhieh parties civén lait nééb. Théy hog mot Ruiit but on thé évidée fûwr 1tepennéetion g cnnvictod. Howevérase M them ie bd ove hore lésé, wiib a similar offoncé, bnd peared that they tooh' thé te niu a opzeo, li Honor tank Vîén o! thir casen and ]tt wth 80 dnyé sncb in jail et lh ai théeé-meotime énpnding Q &PPintientascnontyentati ho0oedthai htmema mii thé 16é UntheY have recoins cint the clémoncy abomo henP Oo t roblefor thé fnb Arnot Brchan, iodttd if dceont assianit on Mr%.'Hra Broute, ase plesdod nos git1 the évidooco mas coniriéd ci nnealt and gent ..ed te 80 biard lnbnr. The Rifle. The~ ahiftve ftbhé 0sè pf eub 0 léiééin tss. vr té d otén la ady f 1 8ttk~ ghé ééeté té 54. Club ci n d th& en é coutknlise as i éési 6 y lé st~ c= anl bjéteng téo bé ors bée iéde t Thé LeCh"iWs;éMd ceaoté té Ué~tés.àeq aoehUeselécsfmaégé. té EeiehéépSell Agi& lvé 80 outau.a Thé fshatt"tsh e léor mm e5ly là M sn éénr . E. P. déé hélte sahtsgt gentry 1ncilla nom éenn. fooMme i1M Itteél z .t herélasa,ényecré. At a niééélg sldaet T Ua thé tétal Elwerée tiéaniénngUsicelek , Cle5555ft5éér Adésesféeaimy a1 nédY Ummhé, lu, té~. ésé 1:2Ye é itén0 afg éeb sxi' - -d 5uîlitthé onéanfeele a "cif lu néafIad thé ssycbTh'~ e Utm étiVie. so. elné EsDo b sx te.M0 __M i cmng heh teait a m.r5sdbY a 0 ,a ee Lrdtesyses insP.éeéeotltsée.1 rpeicu. Lcd ent. réfime n ODebisi ra beth b7.1viB.Blire.n Pes, uh iii c#%- h1 snar é for Sale i. ho ktnd inA Boéto deépe ae B,.D.J.mantprerer 10,500 t!sn. rue M;s d 8 Iééfé toir dba e nCr ao Unt at n in dueram hàt ' JO5fl el.Méve slMeoeursija.8;etidéstg100 yrnoaUiainmnse fta azd Bléhésla aitélonnespeeiach1 ééééshéce waisy ity, iéabout té i1éva thé psipittégo, BOBSN. fséeédf ainPhlétton. acemrèohm- 1segu Namulan onthé 5égé.rsNs.-At Milton, os Frida, Sept. Thé eas té,0a reitr ié eThiséare os théeçénosr à 4 trem igton t The tourth month o! thé gréatHome. 901h, theévitfs fàr lc . rn àov lnl rtè aii_ wligbusbrn hd rvn "si trtke hégan last Thnreday, met o! c non. 1r.(e..B tVéceéfeédf iiéi éeshadvltghaébmn.hded!vs telced u O r apm1 4are Dow u 0clIMOI léé,thé NPé$mnésété'iqueé,ehéépcand pla Péms; lte il théi siced-et énar apcenlyééÀaLs..-Oe Thnredcy, Sept. BIrd, hétirséethéef« rial ced "i,o neéd.cdthéré e i aec aYoung trheirsbtMenerniChtt . sl«aseaié rbd O e h ety-m4mie 'dgetéd Thé foot cedmnorthdieésébai broli. =aPéb einMssCetn evénméshed Tb. éyndiécté lsigérpny-ht mr mnby thé es Out cmosg thé catteins thé'oin he, thé ie of Rev. J.L. Campbell bé iiiid Téydn éfafaér fesse Atitan am inile tesaCç. Il. itailtn d Htea~t ed Uéonn.agt09éo! a ss. about té Diieu t c ompéey iitb caBa station. poesnégiron Aprl Ot., in ty elgieni. eM IR. P~o . 0- hesglnthé Pre- ItSVrith privilége eOf piénghing. MAjID. sent lese viii héefer LOOtétt ély. bcnahé sldtélitéeos pthéeéttaie,. fithm Thé Né, Yorkhehalth offletélé havé MCLnn-COnev.-.On the ornfag 01 Thée ompcsi>y l hé c llcd hé Coni. For partileears cuit, ta étber réased liasong choiera bulletins, théré tise 291h elt. at 8t. Georg's rherch, I nirma emjiamy of Britiés Çolumbic. 1ss tnene sab ofé t4 éharing bésno rasesaime Réptemhnr Gégtae ythé Mev. J. Béell s!onofthe iigliét t"anCis Engiceél JOHNeMcDnOooxL,M ilonor in mhct1lOin thé city. JmeA etré, ot thé townshipM sg """"URa e istérst 1Jssre CUNeINHAnsHrehi'. (Isénéral Brehabér, léader e! thé o! Chingsacoxesy, lpail, ta Margaret ie thies ndertaxing. Sept, lai. 192. 1-i Bamil. British Ilonderai insnrretiosies,, bai E. Corry, o!fth village nf'Gorge. ' - Mier da, ésepeé by thé Govénsment tans, daughter uf!Brs. Corry, iidon: Md Bill f ore andushot. o! thé latJohn Corry. CL N E ShY ced (tee. Carl Muller, théleset ssrviving RlI5SLTom-JAo.-Ai thé reidece of CL N E srvida Grmnirbé teéli part te thé battlé o! thé bride father, on 2înt Sept., hyj Happy Thought, te tonnd Wétérlos Bcid os P riday te Hasoyér. ev. D. Strahas, James Alvini Hams.- a be.lét Hé ai 99 yéaré old.iltas, ot thé Reira7 Moisi, Bock.' 4 Wéid elh new"repors dsnieré that M r. wood, ta Ameie, third daugiter of onBl eétbis Glsotone hbas invitédanuéminet W. H. Jaga, glové maber, Rockokméé. n 9 Was oleiâi t r d abl ises. -F-AD On ah blnghisg thé chnreh it elles. ' lE, Sansa A Bridabéro, Pc., os Frida niht, KIG.-At Brampton, on Wédnesday] ice ic moral. Chas. Bnrton. afiér bing dreea s~11,Feéihliem i ce ic iith bénzine, mas set on Aré hp ce ie. Rbrt King, ot Hamiltoe, aged 28'.RAGS humas COMPanion aed tally bsrnéd. 3ars.RAGS uteg. J. W. Smith, irho shot blé wiltéacd 1ELL-At Atan, on tho Ilét Sept.. aiatH ont btée hilda throct, iras lysced tm uSorywiefHnyBlme ptnaDéemtré, Cal.. Friday eveig. He 2:74ea7Bl! Rdan on înrsocy tbqnbéd thé croird for doisg it. Mvncés.-In Nasgaméya, on Oct. lot -D Udrew ,Ellén Carki hlovsd ife o! John asé'. le Michloh oodpnodnonpgîytrihaMyérs, agedtM6ysare 7 mosthecand balsre-lockd u inLond n fr BYâgeYotik.A rt G arland ý se t Mb an old Muan ad réndéring bu - 10 day.. .0tesensible. Both mon bcd heue driehni ng" .MCGmeOn-. At Mittanen TuendayCA IVS TIsé record by mater hotirénNé'w Otaor 4th, John Mc(t hhou agéd i wttb York and Newr Orleanos ubée nbroir. 91 yars cd 7 snet et lm. eu hY thé steamïerEl Mrte, mhich - e. AIl madthe trip in 4 daye, 16 heurs ced A ADTE RC Mon3 . 35inutes. ATOB OE MONTE.IC eéf the Three meén nore lilled, n moman fa. But hée tlly mnsedd.anedseerl personashot i k i i e . b u t io t m rta l y w o u n d e d , p p . . ..aI 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r lrrvvlmeignené Fulton, lin., Sue. Second band Staves ct They day evrning. A I aPrice allnsvinfor gae. can.te»héa.e.in.. O0HN T. 0RE. hp Mper, Udtaio a shot hi' f roc. ent e Bipers' bo e d iiled bis notass two childrén. a ot aTheilinOeiof Ms.Harrisn wirfso! HEM STREET BROS. go nd PeintHarrison, toae ce h!tore' ainé rfor themOrse on Tuesday mornî 5but o- E È!or a the phynician eontnueéte éspéct ber I ah. Ultimate nocoverve balaie1 John Rtse,of Colorado, morth s06.0(1I ER "vas 0hbubbeaumnrdéred in New York sa he ity and .bd o $8,00 r 400. H bré hait nirtnrned téne a nst to reo M AJT E ,J.ýCC T Pthro The statistics o! thé Nae!ondîn rtbsr!tvo are nom publiéhed. The nh -St. nombér o! néreone, i,s4. the o...ber éas mnu oudld Oounses iletroed,510.5o .9v 0 ithe Ramnon Nu.e.hn ée amtedaicSaaisMe sum, Efft KU. ýwie. uebo,...oz ___ea___estdHats & Caps, '.'rLkts, vn.OelMchcrgéd nith rreating a é5PiféEss and advertised chéap feîrWa ecase Sen e!ne otbroah o! thé plagué. W LL-PE S ewNaman Shéoréid, a B&ptiatpéearh. r 1/-c: or éofBacides chapeil Arbacse rs , wuaé'i-O . floi dadStay by by isnhonhris. z vere lns, Pinkl Alle. h wmo aGe rlD y G od mdéél ée n niiy for som tins ie. nght Ucénda té ta bébéieabandoord. Thé Wéré Lihorsi Ad.mistrm(pb ml lmot tonn d Br o ! an oppressive oc eupation by BntirchIs trgéd ifur: for the ache o iéi h Thre hunred f th bes citzensWe Bell t closeét living prîces andde of 0 Trov ,Tenu., tocin a colnréd pésonsr o n otét teady business and iotl bboi.and rddledbis bdy wih bulets__e_1 ham sales held for ten days four or five titesalC en hre ihodyempigtegUllet ea înonth, hi Thrish gagé.irl i zoomptingSecure One Of Our cards for a hardwood pr.dosad spohae IéTobyears &go 64 000 fligtable, fres Ofcharge. te. 88. 1 a ora héré M ep - o o a k Irish ced E ngI htei 5 Oi a s p orier as f d lut eux rthéré mers anly 642,000.' [I M28TREtTtBR non Thé, e Uit d Staté (omupe]Y v. the United Stého iuint. aýtieg Company that Mr. Edison tas. CHAM Pr'ION~T cet1 dcsion s O N NE W F LL nelionst dollars, ti By theIlof a eo loor tethe ~é Fi~ hi mai s&toTrhé&UtHesu PyéeWe are ploeeu té! ste ctité~wOae.oee on2s~a dris a lé~ One Job Departiont ié replets p hs a éiraé n t heliw n ti n eqb 10uésn e r eipaedtécssWybul. c largo nrtint of plMI ain cd bthbin rioH réé of W.hwn _ret oe Lm. na One a mrefsjn Ornemetal taoéé in typ, rud 5i bsty uig~ e j atta O ý attention to acul fseWinw t~ofd~ga aeMiehael Damitt threv stho s*rse rd cds"a a ein titg DGI~ APT..1 e t (laéénvOUSa trilsy tat thée cip frculéer Work.srin Irancd thé «»Mémé M 8 ;e"qafiy1 Ilýndllégue in<l 0 vs t ~ lidraé2nd Ocutais rn re.o otmu3g wmt thé5hOU ls ABl vérin tued ont thét ol,11111 o1seors 1ss Wdi l ea ès te do t tu, dné, ce natssfaého lon pi rvosefrs CA5<Dun na I lejMli hifm je 'ai Stock P~ ail&WntMhtr1 rYLIantleç, Dress Goods AND GENftlï&I,DY GO.lODS, Comyring eocnt l lof t efiit eék vr tsspiv4.ans<, ThéelS Biâfeeyca eté99 fnétvéééalrvioe impotétténe Thei Xâh irnMtrils eneeugsialy large éaii Au, thé *noi"téeère shiabaSht pp,*Ulééaéb.hvgTiod.ooBegesse Boerges, Pany FromesCtumsn. Hnrét[ é VàeBstdehé.eedsT,é nv lke ar,e sIlleé. Aten tiôg : Mew B o p 8 li , o ae y B l i é r Osd"SBi , h etc. T hPlaid 811 k s a e I 'r is i o t y o é e e i n l l r e l n n î t é . A a n te r S i t f p a y o c v T i e m n o a l t é é y 0 e l é e u , s t , i . o n . Blnena L d tis sd ( pot' iei'ear o! evé Peiré ed qa'it. létisé Stlaidple Dép lSI leest e -nr ilaiiuslo é ést] ids igu. -AS i s to k imge " Tetééf D m The . sibtock été. , imp ont pric ne Titis 0crm inviteinepettion of théï gir mageiét stock. Léargeat, bosianél eheeot ttévy liane etoraibibitd 21, 23 and 2C Rigst. E, Hamiton. CLEARING SALE!1 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-t IDnring, the next 30 Days we are going to treat yonî to one of oUr Old Tiae Genine Claring Sales. This will b Our firt Rince nule retrneo to0 n we are goîng te offer you Dry. Goodtan(d tBoMtono hat scch reduced prices that you wîll roieniber this Pale for a long ture. The fact of the Inatter le me are hrd up and mut raise thej wind soinehow. It is said ît iR Go disgrace to bp poor, nevertheless îtt nuery lllconvenlent, and tu help rmecly orr position we will coinnoence on THURSDAY, SEPT. 8THP to offer for Hard iSpot Cash everytlîiîg in the Rlispe of Dry G ods and Boots & Shoes withjîî the wal of the store, oh Wnil holEsale cost ; there ia also a nîianber of lines that we wilN- le a good deal less than troot for, and bear ionîniind yo ý get Eall Goods at thîe sa re red ction. {The~ original invoices wAl be laid on ire cotinter- for ouri gi dyoîur insopectioni. We are calculatjng on a livly tianaîd wold advise .yoîî to corne eltrly. We îiev.er hîîd a clearing sale yet that wasn't a ronser. HEAD & C05, Opp. Town Hall. H-OLL»e.INIRAKE 'S RamesaleI IS1jOWO>TTHWING. Mu* c n Sale by 80-THA News. ofni Wnteeélqmo, bh d a<I nopnlftery f i né.en.t kevy tradeofthe toy n e~ lnttpoînn e rmot 0f ééhonl, bo tioasnn pilrâe ing onnonmlis nm w t %,on i-ctol le d. pmoprty.-D. OW lcwobithose that mont Stovn the 17.0-6 11, 1 RA.Nnon-Tlée foino teg km Imn~rment gymntqtutaHI ,tonehté . fséior Ilie-ient hlai!or' 0Calille,i862 rg etnon, 8812.1 PetnWeetR T Ton, Seti GéédOtor&_t, n d onostuc W MméanidodLu s roqoét of Oùeéip, dieu n 'T onde agédia Hewaaprnét efonrm; ancc d idgsennhnt nfthe Roll! styflé 8jiw ans hlOW nheim 190l9fséd Asnierican nni. lo laeop thiéab éJ Quningboneanal Boeh wJfy1 n ngintennd b) Township Cél~Kennmin s, t. (h.' FOR usési ,es0ty in Mdtnn n.'n. tie, Drs Gonsn, Boots oni (linoes flrst.epmBçsdym&de u2ithinng. loi ced, Fer Bab 1ed capn and lento ýF rawdsip»gé fgo Hollénnoke &- Snt'E Ouméé, or, eno! tho entonné ns Tuen,daé st aerolid on uoniN iryé. eyed un il Inné ýe sta, aN efniodtilicn égOwbeauhfrésnom1ti n ili] milà b'itedl op4i,éefiéu thni. earts nl lé bunid nd e a nI t lne Ou l'enin fithéa in teionudnlieooni bavIle e tid ieu ulls 'ýepartuient ouni' on n ;thé floéeu svounte 'À. îlomnt ire yon el b * i:LL.-A bapp St. Andreéno1R.( -Tssésdny,irben Mi of Péterboro'. ns " ta Miss Mary hAnq thé icto Silto Cnt1 ceramohy was pol v. Dean O'Conneol e o! tho bride,a Coty, iHamiltai e, ced Mev. P.. St.Peteen Caîhot brother o! tir y e aise present in i P. Siaven, P. P., Gai vle, ac eyié. Patta y.Thé hoantili thé ciltar hyta Dr. BeGraLt pétdthé groomn'

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