Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Sep 1892, p. 4

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0anu .. dnt*Sla.,rln 4'mWhtt70f obus, RoMbe," M Dm sinous b.tir-I have got a"an An encm i enàanaimnrpisemd pin iii seqth o anedont"hW u gina abonneéseonlbe mon un eho aponim e doua.#dca. Onabn ni 1anutinnt~Ihae nnk gt inno bt tosulveo"d ta dior, fo boretalnmttht ho beve s e .caL item uléindoultsuprsehotavare sure bingohe tamhi erth ol guEcntoe did tae mad ien antI s inmpaneionr.aidM oby nt n cain nIae potoyt hoi@ mn uthatmui give omnta ieninforin badvRoheri thon ered the atry hm hboo. "Bt ht la igao, idad,"oMut?' tanenid o sehnLad fne ofrigit&provdno ase se hava ni ta ld nt thmonoheaiaondaioant andhobecttonprt f the atoalasehi salti.n"Hseevelr I ieogxo haMo tn mwon ara ati cfjxfd tuefaotte ian'&taonmnthonfer tihninsmseycnnecdsu Te ciondm sepayf Leafatiati se moda attte anhesefinhiag teri na.se, seamy ad1semagie hatpeop ladtheoat&earaehonavsotaOiford my if olie, Miae eayschotennoye Ummor inoae apreed theoteot hontc ag, olltagemo eMay o tn.lân}if, an dotta i net an otot liveing toe DOWwe ay , ndho so un mihi oy, " oe mama t onvi n cha had &lval Mien Poyton snid; -11 dont thini pan seeld ovr Lava Leard ef ita in titis straga seay if ha hadal Laa aliVa. Anad nas e ît uschange the nabjoat and have napper. I ase afraid hatsea vill Sund Ma. Ahlanas dinhesnoe thebttert foc standing onelong. The meal waxea very chacafuloe. Robert Harieut and Hilda sere in high spie. Mima Pnyioa, atthoogh ohe Lad ierhtdden any allunion te the aubinai, sea evidonty flltof it. Contance, ithangie tLe happinut ai tLe pari7, wan tihe MotBslant. Sho Ladl latatV her. MUbaoata giveap hepe. She ws Snndy, Lad thare Lbenaunything ta sewreh for, le have dnvotad her lite ta 2the purnait, Lt wsen iheae anDo clos -ta fottose op, ne ciao horaer faint as ta tan direction in sehieh the eareh sboutd lie, nothing apparantly te do antit chance threwsetahing in her WaY, Se aiea Lait ateolatatv pouanoînna. Sau, the very vogua hope sith sehiah t.y Ladl comeadoua te Bath bad bea Snaenpoctadly realiand, and thoan swu Ignin smmethiag la seorh fer, and aclue ta ta ioloseed op. il might end in nothiag, Ltîat boni it led tamaehaéro for the proeunt. It wunlttnaairarto 0 taavntter tot on a moor. It mighi rat, n y direction. It Might end SaUPtiY-i a dnnrtnd hcepfotd, il might tond te ahltar and renoue, ai Bay rata it WSeaOsethixa ta fiallose and gave ground fur ronoued hope andcoe. tINow, My dunrs, see ana rene h iuhjogt," Mien Pnyton onid at bat. I thlItk ta Login with un ought ta maya &votaof thansta IRobert for Living ahn anceeednd in dincovoring nuel, an "But it wu a àident, pare accident, SUnt," Mildn naid ;"'Iwomunnet tpaRf ap hy pretaîtura prnia,.it silI ta qabta time ta do thatn shen La bas moe sesotaing out of tan discovry." "iI dont thiin that lefair," Constance li,"Ma. Harbut han oxnctty cenriad ýît Mien Poytan'e instruction, h a sa ta traduan the nnjnct an Miten an hn bu8 i ordar thot itemnme chance ~Word Le might obtain o lan. Thin Le h- onelecta e oai anc Lop«n, sudI ,eatity agron sita MisePeyio." j oonas un are tua ta one.,, that ',Uy snid, "see aY conider mymotion ..l, fer. ." aotrd Ratat Mid. .itbhm beuaIstie 0 rs ureanne. Lot pan sMe--bar tha% the muai pronti. Bdsdteotive -M anatvent-n nia., te -j sea *t nt ne ffemË,it08su ld aonring lotas hetrainota fdut ani ~ a uOfani. I shoa n " ant tho mt» ciuthese siomy.âm m.o t0 fi lu1 fo L tan ni, t tel Bt Ca Oe da Mn rm atm gan an. masl unba .I dmei a naau y taUmmeo y ad& l te M euessino . a, .. ml&'mal - n Iom sn lot. e to am elogl ella de * oiemsyné ise Yw&Y a inge poiin niesaes uforel Ue"lau sa1* 8 ."Yenose, MnePeyton. sl haveai. 011111119bleUtai " ý4Aie CtredYOyeptai ta MiaeCryn, Ut yL"<nseimWC&.ot~e difficlnity taefleoiing soptiine tibmTaso èuosu e ssoul uWho arseoM Oacomprise t imanCtifult de ta xuaMmu a qali opreti. Nitheroftanprtn Bo anpale condo more tao naedtaon. "KoelathItam lietua u orsef seivos.the "esaeuWalid on tas eauIMO, 1 , It t" 1 direilt Lor-malln or fenale- and on mIl1 hU.6us ait nasa11e11atàtKo ni.atn aiy ta brahan hy thoentI' uss hert ta tglnig "g tsesot i tg bou e ita teconost of his enaziy-eand oM tae M ie tint.forabta Loir. Rither M. Ciltaroe or Miesus anlal oag a f ta,@-. ue.etoManame <lrbyn ta the auneroM tae estate,and Tas, ypamorigtlle ta saian tarnlng notillerof ttam mana Laek taeentail avec saother ppg, "Is enleta ast ta re atiitaey havea mon Mf tuentynnae ta nent prs tlit. I con Sud out tyemoread, or, faiiing sens, a dangbier oatiy wse o t atl il ta o np ta. aio tat age, or foling chiidann altageth' portane ta yen hy tarning tate 'r or, the consent of the nsniheiasebanyer sagmoks ." isats tpsan homay t.' "lTbonk yon,1d mts t rsn &y~ "Bat yen yoursetf naid thare migbt that itfilMofa&y fpnaeqsene.Lut thora ta acnme sort of a compromine, Rbert," ta nover any nylas sehat mny ta nu- Fe lan Peytaanid nbarpty. fMtmnd shot may not." VI "Ye tance mght ta a compromise, IlHa toit st tien taginntng aifte long Lfft one net ai a legal naine. Thus Ma. vacotion," Mc. Trentu alnndato, hk Cilteace migiet ogre tu iceat Mis&naoseafarter seareh. Coahyn an in cun nla d teo chnow- Il"I sta mry mach obligeadta yoa. Ma. tedge the reiatnnehip. and aven ta pat Fanemon, for "t trouble yan bava lonpprthe:ockno:lndgemnt ofis talin. The fariher patlcotan I sish absouteconvctin tht amarrageto fnd ut 1obsl nodut eabaleto t liaIt paceo ttuanahec parents. 1I Ianefrose servante seho seebLre n. grsnt îLot thinseold pac hmilan asita the man.,, ny ingulapuition, and if Miena Corhyn la' "lYen sili land noveraILare wbe ta tndod ta tattla doua haro la Bath. it see inlathe collaggeampioyseant at thot seonltbtan aImant impossilelnposition, lUma. The colaenporier hon taon for natnrally ovoayone soul ait oIt baseheovor tairty yean. sd bha ulî ta Ot ifailesere Mc. Coahynn douphtin, ab le Ltaglyn yen a tint of tLe othen itdid net nucceed ta the ctote. Bat 1 servants uta unre haroesith tainsean, botLae it that Abelta&nne intention ai re. Mamaon.", nl sding hee and might avuntanot dis. Robert Harhot thon ucat Loch ta à inclinaI ta giveauanodrtakiag chat priera ilodgo. a eeuld ahsain altagethariroon viit. -I1seont ta Love' haif.an.Loac's chat te ln ha part of Englont. sita yan," Le snid. Ise antan ta i. le "Snelb an andorniending an il formation that Mr. Froaman nyn yenu 1ouid give bar the moral satisiaction con prehahiy Inanish me sita, aud ai 'that eele dmiran. la othor respecteannour se amrnady ta puy yen foc &ho àmatieanseuld remain as thay are. îLe trouble ai giviug h." mad Dealsipped a talmght aneqoce la ttc aurreeder ai Larcoaverigalt thetaman&bond. aowa righie, Lot abe coulaDont bind ae "lAU rlght, air, 1 selli annuer any 10hala, utc, itter ho or eanaîf, or Ly question 1 men if ILla in l y sea and 'their truntees, or, if a femaîn, hy hecarat going ta do tarse Lta any mesere Lontand, coula toto op the cagenat the of tha antioga. Il itla I sny franhty spalt al setirh Yu lîy it dewn. Ia îLe Utat yc sont get onytting ont ai m." n aine say Ptilip CliteraoLohir might " NO; My laqoirien concean a sean *repadiota thisa anooseedgment miad t e an o mo. a et Leit o nce, seho lmît *Ly ita, eiet seould, iu faut, Lava nuanmle tseenty yonrs ago." ategalute, &aduld e mnrely ant -,Yom doa'ttmaaThomas Morsmn 21 iexpreoin ofixePiaien. 5h1, thatin the parier autad. r the Uine apen uc lîat lial, t Boomsn .Yan, I do; Lut hou la the seorld did ta 'ma tht a ncompromise taigi e ayoo guno thot y" effected in tLe avnnt, ut course, ni fai-It "l i, ia, ahere wsanmotter pari7 1iag ta land ttc legal avidoace of uhiaL antieg qautiensabaout Tean antanthree 1sea are in seanah." menthe Lc." Mina Peyton wan Bilcnt. Tteua diffi. I-yen, dont nay ane, cultientbal net nggoted temntyra "_Yes lie ameoin horoonemorning; 3ta tac. hLe saurather a neaqy-locking aieap, "Well, ws eead net dinausu il nas," iti a ahiay liat. 1I sa nding st nte saiatruptty al lant. "The greot tae gtaay and Le naid. 'Poctar, I paintt fndthe vidc; it sec unt tahaveaîouseerdtseîitayou Oennot do thît un eltait oear thin about a aen nmal Morma taLe uasea 9igmarole entaitl uionon." collaenservanttherahntn twenaiy yeara e Robert Hîrtut left tLe naut ncoring ago.' ' Wel,'I gola, 'if yen seont ta ' y an earty tranin. Lainttc altea. hnou &bout ita yen Ladllotter go and JnaonaMia Pytea ronived a tlîrat eanabiaPepeaed seit them.-they iva iroan him-"lSucceui t tea certain ex l. Wenot a o aI e umc .tat ; dont axpeat me tIt ta-morruse;a thry lita. ,I dont Laou shat yen I amta moiag inquirico." seant -te hnou for, sud I donttar, an 1 Itsean net anili litres actueL unte ttere iutselong and the sLortaif It., futîeuîng fiernoon thSt Robart Bar' He anemed a goal deai a.tain Lch. L ut cetuaned. The ladies Lad net tir, Hoseever, Le Ptonu a Lold aic andd nid, ced eut, LutbLad ot Pretaading ta sort 'It migLl Lave beeu anmthing la yonr1 or ta rend, tut their taîl turoed opon pochatif ynu Lad taid me sht I set.1 ntting otse thîn Rotartu roxpeditien. sa ta Laou. Yen people doua Lare are t".Ho mîght junt ans eau Laye wsetir," LO seo i od, that inasehat yen ara.' Mien Peytansaiid over and oîîc ugain, I'Weil,' aid Il.-'seu pad or net, if van t adu tt aLddn.Men do net alap eutaideomenegatan ohorp I tc aathe meut praveting creaturan abeut seil chuoh 70e et,' &adgo t ho sent itettari." acuning.", "Rcantuaikybh a sa a great dont ton " Thalles very curions, porter, tam busy, Misen Pytan," Conniencenoalgmit. noeL atoeLreofeInp ad, sehile Hila paltal eut "ît in at anlflO an'tbahosefrIgp prOtaiLiip en hansrittan, tLe latter d-I do net teint se. Thie nir poator siti Laye gene up ta London flant, and ws etoe ai tLe ime, dl in dhm seaua ot etgel it untitwIelelmOor ena nd Le nid bhobLadnevar set eyan an ocleci."hi-ta Loe, and seaona ai us la a asp "IL Wight, ar it migiel net, my dear. at tLe gote sea sieoud bave senl bise if ProLoly il uoutd ta put in teWest Le Lad beu hors.Molad nuto Coanty hagu and se abould LaeagatILitsert Of cieop nes we o oaea jse aea thia morning. sri, nd ennt c amne uo sntdat1 did motd itiab tae vtautnh' hava lot bina minethe collage titi us didnetsene acaen e as nt cros-e' te shat hL atn ap teOh, àmd ho pteted LMa business.Roe y.Laye fLad nid semetaing &bont bis Lloning ta ta go anmle distance ta fluadtin man or a datecieve ca, sud gave me a noaci. Lia faanly, &Bd Lc uud ntallit7 tyngot It sameuhem»marconshose it rathec talute L e to nat once. you if yan ire tterffteadu ta . ut Aton»Yrateamitaare that te han talon Le' ta tae aniserio.Jsji Lard atseorh."mim hegaie foc ie a o nr. Rase, UUa raviag at Oxford Robert Bac. air, seo ana ait doua nafrialile bt Lad drivean troiht ta St. onfsce. Hm bdiRobert looie tu ag._'Nase. Ha faund thot tLe Lnasnc un atas air, sebat a yen seanta hnsen&bnut coge, mdasean coaduClsi ttam Tam Meana t' junior paort it is rane. IlWU, I vont toanld is." "II &Mo ammOtraofithe Iner Temple, I w ,air, sehot la pan usoata in Mr. Freellunn and have oei. ta ta. hi- f-. i 1Mydie h o uk fItle -qira if yan sll eit t ind enaugh ttitn enyy eanane"m u Tom;butus me tae DameoMte scouut toattenisi uoores Wt5r alt i~ec senu s apea Mr. Carbyn madMr. Mot.ksay.seba wun tue, àsailindoS atl lIt. hai. I halle-vs, roaman nthenssesala a Lolnan."l Btwn od aboui taalit ta ive nmevory ba'-vec, ttn rt ahi. "W h ma. ose & -asgei& Ifda not anu utwonttac mas» givOaboutonoettt b" ifrmeation eouia ta intase nulm t gzlas pX7._ nnl_ teboks. b& t. y -%,abe.,a .n.ss - - a -r -âstitanaio, Bdm 4.â nenn Ir ssole e 40 e mttae. u 1»as mme Marn antplanttb* asigehethor, anang ta es cima a.9 le bussimarusetataOse at er u " T ee, Lo ife.ld, mU a perte-a ni . se ta nt yssane, "dnbrViennc M M r Lys Deeli, te ai ub Ia"nabuati-l use Leto teeLon Le lai e ad Tm -foratanWutn ta ta ne;teatbas Lad steritong the geOyntemtaen gMr oigaravona en ran ha un-n, o id th eipoto Lita h uVide Letglai ta hava Is e" b r Cu "0 h sema a&bot aMou o'a teuig se frta lng ptiasho th»dun;a h oi tasé blierdil tsiTiseu tothsstanli aolstap t th o sa. Ko Mai montai Lahd re taon ehetars thfaithoaiu dagonaygothai e oril avro ea d i tnth woilie lited agosa h hm htacui .I Tha oeie oMetonm*stafr mol 0uolhia rth bore Lad toi, nd ha ga ge.t mtua aRosaertsrapsmod osyt noyl eiu lsitwzayar tt, bt$hss i-hsot o a capa aid oac a otar Bot tae u idid oma suitm hmu ad htue anl "Woretwob. I bnci B o lehs sai " asy tta Atraoll;obaese. I haro ygaht onsaudebaravor ta ta, bfi hanant io tat teh M rinhgagbiLe und fois1i ita. orTiee r us an dutan ho sa hrodft itould n espt ac nger.I tangt. st ham attat.t g 1er hte amout a ole os eroni Idton Lid eu Oacynd c, bxsape îotlet. 1sea nt et Auspetai;ahaa sert." (To a oo nlaanDS Ied.thoh Binhop Sullivan, ai Algasea, liunbbas grantal a yor's Ipave Momabsene frean daty in eider ta reauparato ibt i. A botat sita filen am aes pacbi uili tab aed et theiead of Went- seorth StretonaHa"inouesian. Suggestion fer a sumer Trip. If yensihte teksata tip ofpa alige- lmproe»a e .lau rataeancarsia. I.IttosaI Ly aU principal linos ilatBo United States ond cnada via Boe Noathoro Paella aîtoltaaita Tmou- sien. National Park, Panifie ouesta nd Aasao. Tta trip ta mad i ult hge t dogaeofanseotintheBoufsi tVeau. haloitraiaenisof Nouthan Pâals tbonad, ubih ayd"on nr Ctteagé. St. P PotaiMsayiàto t 5iaalans mi tah alle o 0aaaIitheait obonge, amope"olal-on&lsei fras]eSt. Pont ond innelsta tai lausioeoPart. Ibo eeadup on rfenthe BomSt sgnilsita ta m undin toe svn taless lhaniff h théondeaiPM"&a Beantifut sennains, rivera, valon, Ia"m Mdipleins iIQae Ot oîhsta i sheeniite il ta." r Whossl seinlmintinaferitialln ittresis eali sita Bth etg sentM ofhegreai Nnewttusst, lp -Thase nisg gloa M of hetaig t.coph te orlLe. owI« jtBo rat tp tg e a arkPteBo boniM ann.n and ta 8- dcre 000eon anneis, !nn gas Indien viltganeg=aiaeina Pu1Mm.,terq& isfl.~ Toauonobu t iAlaflaa OUlrmr4 npbltnmês 49sMe Umm seu b parotase n ias ebstescao, rolaud &Zgo, Bothe nni ttoaal li4te fret, pain about Bo Mraab , .eaa paeltiy Le eu.NO our4.. ne par. 862i for baelt. A-hnu M. V. L"tON, 24 Mac nSmitA-sEs.Taane.On.&; To seti oua anenneloitNnrsery Stockh. Stoy mtyeanondatlotorri 2,ýiMrp.,d b uhsinssin a ilod CHASE BROTHERS Ca., 6maXi. Cltabrne, Ont. $14.00 CASH WILL BIJY A Fine Bed Room u.it 201" N0a1 Fine Birch Sideboard Ganta' StaffaI RacLera, andsIl ai hds ai facy tarniture aluays on tond. Windou Blindas SOC. Cornice Pains 2ic. At Chas- Jones's. DIPFERENCE The Franh S. Taqgart & Co. WATCHES ara sebi et a reaoaae profit upani Moafonatarean' met, and ARERELIABLE AND - ACCUrato TIMEKELPERS WB MUI;.gtinui-tcxN.v. Mot nit J-t .14, d t ita-. 8Eu/D 50 CENTScou FRANK S. TAGGART & Co., 80 ig St. Wsst, Toronta. CARIAGE & BLACKBMnu1 KaITINMm.T ILTON. TO JffAN IN JARX OR TOWN PECPITTAT 6 M OBCET. s .rlnim n -t- mn =nn t -tn. P -- r eroa d .mr ae. Alid n. nWrn u1%r,PpHntje uit. o-Ilanc 1» Ad""inlnn ta.lis PRINTING iExcntad su o Bupariar Monnor at the CHAMPION OFFICE Our Job Depoctmonl la reploie seithao large msàenotnnt of plain ald orteontnl foaélantype, orn&meal. ai Lordea and idesigno suitabla for nord snd crcuaa uoat. triking typa for Ponter Work. Paloan Moderato. A-U seort turmed nul poý2 oni time, andsislifacion gu-anntaul. iLLLEYDS Or VO01Fo PJOirrDOIS. àamis. 2pilo4erook. 2rc; 3 gai. Crock, .35c; gl -0F.----OI LT F- Zuitings, Tr userLugs e 0v I have epecianni n taSratah Sutliags thaI are ve 13Gents' Furnishings, in endiess Ia Uadedoitieing I cen give yen onytaing yoou nt The prine are right andseorh gnnrautand. Cail az Seo ou Long Bo*t THEY WILL SUIRPRISEY LONG BOOTS FROM 50 The balance of Saîmîner Goods tohat1 At THOS Wi~ WFal Stul Pourîng in, the olI&XKTH~GEORGE We bave the choicest Presa (3eodu in ail th ineluding Drapa Suitings in Cheviota, Home Granxites, Wool Corde, VeIveteen Corda, Eduoles, Cfmelat Hair ]Embroidered Costîît Dresa Silks in large variety, Biot Sàrahs Dres (ippr 50, 8c, 10,Oc, 90On~o and 25ý worl~dite ttimoney. We havaeitade qo~oh4ve stylish ana cheap »risa Gocul Drues sd Monde .making in full Operation. 'Mà a Wi.IgO vrietY, o î bm cep. Ka ÇW. lhs, Jacket Clotha and Ulaterin i -te lateat noveltie4frmti Ma. M~, A nieot-of p Wy im in- rfullah ow utOur BhI*ombrand lot* Ffid bay .sui r 54Orcoatîn FcMXtvear ià a .7HALTÉON, 0XT. NTON, r hPS. 4,viwTtn.si#.i ............. 75nat gasu.*etniof r liai i io introni t tiiagf I j-,ep-it daeLUb.,Idnon«- l oim an-n et¶d ~ii-- ...-. suri sCieUr.ntope -i mnrid. tth.lt i.i. C t. -L £ G A L . - _ _ _ d i , ta tionr'7. te. offi, l Is - t;,0 -L Al âat Of- fta tf. and .oer, MA-s 0. MATIIESoO,, -ELLIOTT, B. A., &C., )(oOn-i, puld«. MnanvZr-Turo ans. 12 tof R. MITCHELI, r, (iaooapsuoier, &r. woue Bal, Milieu il,, ot TOR CHISEIOLtI ~iitor, e., No ra,-, 1, Ldeur ta B&antfîUj . ILAII>LÂW &C. OMt. Etr'.,' E.hg MIEDICAL - rMCCOLL, nJ C. aP \W M f ~-From 8 tc~o '1 a ROJ38 R P. .m.o îail] St , 3Mitlca. o.u t - laDrug Sio. Lomr and priv. clii.-. Calo. t Office.r P. STUARiT. bit,. u.i., , P.a. IfO () ZEKÂN KILTON. nie, Tu.. or O... a. -alcon. o.. lueanuuedotoco, i atisaîn.',, C.a o .0. ~ss~?id aoc la,,,. L-D. S., D. D.- 8, PaerFuruiu- trcoore "Mdsita .tadnn.,. h L. D. S., baDna nBloet.h-,Ii RfRI6', L. D. -S- OAlCILLý. t s iant nul tht]d and cernl eotc ..,l ictpuO. i s. c ýMoI HAR (Ond MAII Hi aia aul Hnana 36

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