TS CALrIDOAR 12 ND PROVIEA -l d t ý variety' nBoots at $. ROM bOC.Api OS WILSONYb ~ORGTOVV Lliery, iGoods andj stibiffli tilt 1 om 5c '. uPwards- 'en Ihroji Our Cai- Otb al -j ide CIO~m 8t to Ite rotttngu ieîed dot Scutter, Wl tfîîlly sol !aeod t- .0 t' W.:.Iwo u...t....1 tato.,l-olot4 Jim.....d b. -id -4o j ,ot. t. . , 31o4 00wi T. MA 0,sot*. Id J. Woa. Mai00 .OiotoifabooW$ , l.. MsfT9 8S.fl4to, LAID auootSô par bst. )104Y ToO o.Nà1 Mrio-exdmt DR., LMI B1..4 tèreaC DR. DM O OtosyMoiS hoido. aoiIWw D).R. S stost,, Poliato. D Rts-pi. P. tP.iiy b. EtoOl4 *Ioa..duqed l B.GOLLOP,-L.j ==IoOtlio. Cbfy.Io-0O.r F.aas YiiS1.1,.Od mi .1 R./.W/il Offcti o lus nDe, T. T. HAIW as vn.etd PN, Pl ,rps.1 4, g If a.taopald VOLUMK S¶3% Fparmers' Hardware: Store. Ours ia not exactly a Hags*,Btore, for vs keep it full. stock of Hora Blanketa, Pw IÎrobaa, Harass1 ites, «« etc., and a great '+ariety of goçada tht"ae nlhadware t a:ail, W. might botter terni osouelvea gemerai merchants. We keep everything thateaýr premisa vii allov, Our » vrin lteI rasttioeladio be.ilg ..oby.q..Silvervare. rs -e m e mlvub«Kvé14OmIMbe i f-* « . only 26oesech are sefling raid1y' Thon ve show magnifi- w 1 .1 Pt. cent silver naukin rings at 25c each and sînaller ones àt 250 SOI s-i, a.b per pair. Child's set (slvur knfe, fork aimd spoon) only 25c. a -.if .l-O t. iaIt castor in silver only 25c. Pepper castor in silver 25c. wO - «m Piokle forku in atin lined box only 25c. White metal tea, m.sà.aos .poone 60c per dos. White metal table spoona 25o ach. Theis in ailver tea knivesa t 81.50 per dozen we show ml50as ie gooda, and for only $2 per J dozen we offer quadruple Ssterling silvet plated tes kuives. vhich are the beat qnality t,.~a50.ot goods Ma.nufature&. . *0 . 0 W. have a complete lune of sterling silver plated tes tspoons, dessert amoons, dessert foiksansd table spoons, while ifn knives and torka veb ave just everything thati is made. _____ Round horst hsmdled tea knives and forks at $1.75 per set White handled, tea kiives $1.25 per 1 dos. Wood handled knives mand forks OU e pr set. Ladies' pois kiives, witb pearl hamdiea and 2 blades, only 25o eaoh. Boysa jack ki. r.. r.lt.26... and tfamn' jask aives-well ve have bunado f _______ bmano 0 Io aii; hhey v.raa omplet sat of Iravelsers mpe ¶ O. S orneof lbem n or wrlM80 Md M0euacb. but tbey a&U cost noalike. 4,Oa ifronI oui Sic lry nay bla 1to1mre ruai, genn'tne, piorcing hrgain. if di. aî 7£ t b«e.witlin à nasble Urne. _________ W. veolly o.eprilonand the .. ipA . ho nl. matono. 88-Of B. A., ai 1.>. Daîo.a. ait. 42f.14 ÉLL, en. Mo.y te !fo.'p Puobflfe. 005 HUMaon. "a Co. knk. 34 Wel. OLL, 010a.. oa RT SON 'ART. tg.. oo.. a3t. 10.mil 4t.7 4ly ae.tCe.. [ltlesm. . D. ., Silo. Di: S., ob+.Mat. STAN LEY NILLO A 00O, 860King St W.a and 94 John St. Sonih, Ham-Iton. VECTERINÂRY. JOFINR.CAMPBELL Treuo a la i iiiiiiii ofDoneaAusma. Caus. psoepiy aifimndeh.. main stl.. ilio. DR. TELFER, Vooaaao..a.a8o.aoaoo. o a uos.. Au0 lilnn o s.sf4 .0otoIal C"00pomur aliy o1.I1met r00&.' a.sn.oaý- dolis. a t oi 00.00 .0 me -,IOu..Milt. , F. A. HESLOP. h. aosoavourinon on Dvi MOTELS- WALLACE BOUSE- mAlER".. 510100. TJu ýkicOpsOITfi.x,0oWN COMIMERCIAL HOTEL, MILTON. - ONTARIO- alim . s at vair. 14-a. COLBRAN HOUSE. 3ank of Lamilton 51000Off,,,, HAMILTiN. CATADA. Capitu au01pd op) ............ #1,250,000 J.4a Potoo. Ct"..t.eoy h.. at, A. T. Waol. A. o. L . . t. lo o J. OTotsoo., ,.i 011 s.9...00cah.,. Dto.ot.W i-d f t i .o I.ao f to tolt . 0.10 Brit.to a"4040 CoUeno.î f Oîotot tooaht SAVINGS BANK. 0o.oO.1. to , 0 d op-.aii .1 .sf .d04 l t 000. W. 00000. 2,000,060 il11W0 000 Bank of Toronto. TOHONTO BIONCH: Cor. Church & Wellington sta. SAVINOS DEPASTMENT. DEPOSITS rooIvo.indso s.of $5 aud apa .miInte te.o 110,5 thoena u,.ira«..r SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Spaooaz.RAT n..alo..d for &Munt@ rarnng Dot lesathon iho.. .ontlos, Mdl DepoËtomIHo.pl imaeu f onm.. W. IR. WÂD6WORTH. CREDIT SALES bu"àmopipe.010 lCo me"'. mWieii"à» bat" a I[F, " joRq0iLKiToItEpis.Tenders given for ail klnds of~ ~.éamcaoeiPl5toeuig. S. S axeoiine7ca s.coiÇ- à. yaIfZ hoi. al n nb~ '~MilOn. TE:ELL any po.iy ay .lob"e QruirITBLÇ R. ~~ Life Âssuraao If AR M SS, & ýA 'î.1s Ollm dsei$ *0lban s. D'A ro0 non 'h h. .ia*7 M. JM- e. - - . a. NO. 5. ' tb P.dun, 1. -,d..aW. I. nolo. 1414 Ob, 2. -Y -e bn i i M-ynj. oola th. ".5u tu he = " et ioOsha nUs in t. r 'i. t TH flZN KCE CNEl~lQPAH. NEEDHO A "CIUAROUEN." .-. N ENQUON JOKE. àbr ieovPie Noe EMhlIL...a ~uunnhggG.1. 75a 1 w m ub crue8lle swu là$ Iy pnoge in the ca.. lbe Elaba din wau te lchtif h18 1... it ot h 8f a leui sauille OBÉI anuk.a.ibu" baani. H it1a e k , -et AMd 4 noe o fta 0% -k A% " k erao. m d %l'on h . o »oodghf e àw 4h, sem ph a . 5jke lbul 10 iasi fentfly eia,. old ma le,,: mmid au. n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *to hofdy011.1opa. t t te l-31 mo'i lbmt* bd Ityw om 1.te b e lb 1ia Wdfaunei.m1ne 'mlesm a n 4. no. e m hameaub.ahisate s ta W I1 gOl10 oO o at. "I M milt m te "n bal* a"a u libres gji 1oor urpe i&o sfaofn u&i, lh t ta i,..na toast], I mli n îo i dooo b k parla. a ii t t ul an ~ltinaontferu 510hfieol boy bo l bA £11051 rinezha sa 47 H 50i. -"C1» li athi, bt tgh uaoow u --M loy b.aaonge-4f h. -Boby.a ingehoin laeoododnitohall -y Yeu; irol. T 'h.' oe toli aa teo amil. ilvu Ju, frl. Abbi Oti nwi o ~tein0000itljeto.Ooit . notgoth or ttot o, Ew hhnul 0 h18 dthb,, wu.ig k 0001au nlgooft..or went o doibt, uan,î. tiosooholpao opOlh,,j,,. oi oonr" djonld Mit dai no do. bienftlunInody 001010C onh i aei lk mm ui do . Il vthall bt . de-. lok.4 t lgithie , a oi oig h fint.vomit Mahbtn à angle p w bt h,,.doiü oî,pn' oopo' h.hoad, ItilBouoInolI'-lpface11TO 0010i, hZy fer unis. han q uitlat , aveody 01, o .1all hio. lo.oo.li.oonLb'toos ~h. gto bt".eho.oylt, loIoid1, et w s..odala1 u"l.Iho0- otair on dt fter ail l h là. a b obn iut oyaaot',.oo .air, 1, ,, n,. An o.gaaalPIs. rilol forIfl ,, Morok,.klb bogie ta ccueilli hjoluisait ..bo . or .4 p a oi u- aalo" l futo.S u ml "Il Y ns u ml y. i.b t".Ttroubl".tI maleu ofdn lqs .d.a 01.. poif ne utodl ih ami ga mapils ebutd. u cult did k"Oh , soif inObthe .igî.d.etog. dict "îOoîi bIh,' ,, oll. ati. l foa i W a hl 1. o f i der- te bav ahl a fu a ceO o.is t . hon.u" & oo on he . dp l tyo lo ' ho g i ne a cke l own ."v . . i È o d - o ,l o na o a s alom Z.g yumg- w btnLo tb.unoghtu ruAdhoif a g r l e fe al k o ci a ng . T hO1b gon y h wI ' pto au'o.go op o o rs" , Jon e, fai te a W i ioS l o 040,.,.yud "d clam m% ha ofie.Hfdia' * tc o. Â*niclb, diog o dItt,,l ogot' ub t h . ,oh .Ta.W 04g thol nt on , WhI o u bhila it 4. M oto. 1. ioh, ot.o. N GT UE avapoole. h ,, o nt c" t t op hear bt ho11 d0"' t to h.Ut ho. t-I i otB o.. w1 hi. k o r. i il O a u lw 1oaoLn fa t..R.it th .aeof i l a M n ah iitsl ul o res bu~,t,,, t., a b .odo i " se d0I t yl P.o ff 1,11.kg got lh.yottri.tlo e.b'ineI'nd th ti.ooahlih. yo.nbaveo.ul ni l iooon.iinoo 'h to .o' htoî. o pen .0 LU h . 1n .1t1bîc Opi ho, 1 ' til oithoât No aîfrdeào,,,oI. f oWh I ils ~ ~ ~ ~ fc tla.oog.o hoi oo,.ah.i foofanoto'me11..10,0,,It. th l ,17,, h.pioo.î'tb. ,Attt ttot,,d b.otbo Pi . %.",ClhoMoi, BN,.tvi.th 1.bo. uin. as. ud.h Oot hilà , lint l . fbst 181. bot lis go..dy nîbel & 'àlantO h, m udhtihtnul. "L 4l t ooiOl h, aveo.., and0,,. dm emd . Wu t,,hnkilf0 ,Wt Drsofhub1lotnbienm w ys Chmgin Mme here, & y carpliit boa.1b«,endoilletfy tookavb,&I of A. mmyonou .t mlaIvsin"Tho llY -- wélûgo.. «m A l aai ot hoaifonda»top 0 fo egrtf yi oîg.go pcinu tBoeo f mine is oo.oyhî,ohdatu til o Sogtsaano hard hof rlg b"ilho.oio io fioiianhm I.ce se .ilfor c181.18,ooTh, fnabol ida .. . i'tt Iis Li ipto,.. aht o ooIy o outo a n uci bof,,".ktio h18jo a,,d.kilo hodifn à os iliast ,2 ' oooor. icoti hi,,, oillliboso He ontl'ni 1101.18 go opatoi.o -1aiasse Misé10S ommiaorsosdO0,to. &bou o. a"lO, ono.touho.iRis lodobot h ae& o malmi t ne, =fo. lyo,.btP. le i ol A? Qoohr l tefii .ao Mayn o oor w o a oto oo .a n th o ght i hob . 9moiioe's f -t -%jl .' . k . ? Bl' d g gtt o lvl i! theato s ftiraboy nthnd ond i4o.ovol in W 'r bu th v.a s fc et c helm sokinapceraBllutS.off'i 0,010t a si. bithho. o hnli th Boe h- t lato aI...a s hogr, .Jh o a me n t .h i s faco f ào. 'note wi f iul eno t hfoiho. If t e it he a ' flo o o n unm rri d oh,ilo hi go Nboot it, îo y 1hoOoaoh18 poi.indooustionimbed abon'o aa.uo.. o ny tod toa heieietettebod t'. ,N Y eord.i0 iog o, bt , iot ______ te nolo i Ton.hien tea ct on i18 î1..ny. 1. b.th and.. ha.'. 141..Outl in a b to "ndoaotgbto' tanto u sinnes . i a t bsiag rf101 o . îo opi e "i n o. mot h ~ ~og y w th & cetit ;.. d CO., i gare i Lb . 0"", t i . , A go d . 0 7 8 o d o t t o o N . et oilaid &nd@fo ohi ok nd olloahthe e oo'udw,. utn onit.- ,ioopîoîg llblo 'I otb hatof oitr bo.y o o t taoi egigîoTe on î s . 0h18 0A liens oa e..i a oii bn t ont o1 o . - lOy-u oavemeo bt,,î -o'ooootg'ttyftooo H t,.t Ion a whit mule mi Hia b is d, ao ho fro ol o i th iltOIoa t t e,îloel to. . i, g.,; i0. t, b. , plue.ho ioo.,iewt dom hslloloft hi. gors nlooth. . Ioistadidotuhaanaoifn,,o.ub, ooold noirO. Hoer ou- onil ros t. h e sftuatoho oo,..&out t i d .oo .id t oald.n' nt ellec. ot AI .i .tlOt o ftn' h. royog ol.a14 nlpoot j pistai,ototbe,,asudt indeo,. hyoh, toob. t Edot.lpK io ysnl do poo.utti. "bo',p.,i',teoo. 'li . o. 1050themanD ick . îslty.otooofioaflntotai, o,.. iotou1d oh ontdooo.oAhet, hffO.'o io wu o, H t t yldonota lton omoo oOa f1 .iata.'. If tbis, fwooot.'ooot,,oo , tt0.. otonottg, td her l lh. o t frout.ja thVb oh .otli, ooo the 44,,'t h o hsouilletthandlooalO .% 'y o iZt e nf ta wud h on .loii.f't, i.oib,,,d thotkyhpoghooobhd 4. .dOO h to ooa 1h00~~~ f055d Oi00fh hi. Hot'. 1.1. Mnt 000000f,.. bIson14 go 10vokin III,.of..atoitotainiNew t, "ofriv diférnt eoooodaroioiith e o,' " «oil ooi.fk Pvai'sul'oi.gfli'deabtols i-is«hkioi. re iroîaoy. t i vificentfo bpooottpu 61101 md vola O, .00031. W0~00,0 h. .tia.5o ..~h hoy. tiou, oohdy Vo,, lo .tlo..elo.o.ifO tughtgt .. t. T. uth. p.ob ot,.ofogooo. l'i îhiiatupyo,, otoi lie.p inoi a ,.nno, roun ho esfoOhoforobusio.ness . lolo, vonldthe ltsa hsi iq.voliot o o 'toofoool.o ootfhac t he oran hioh d oh o."' saloeen goo. s t1wuhhlp, g ar Ind If 1 idot bav bnof .nsI, utit ohrte humero,îOtTo o.Thooootttt. o o o,,'tot ,htuho , lapocit oncegfggti o s vh ao a, ogn bu . lu oth, file o yo fyanodo oo ploe boikof.o,,go ti,,. "ireWahertin bovt o , f m otine . Hi la" o r,,oo 'The ayo otooya ab s 1h18 pviol, pooth hea, ,.lt..he Ipet v&Ih o , ldntit, hav o T,000 01000 ~ .iHe5,iooopH(,oloutotiodds.kfourtpwi " "whoaniIf,,oh , s a tho lent nt mut ha# etme MOI bordan li frec ule w it'hin lotliitllyelo do.. j ues.ioi 8rucotIN,,tibeluhi,,thti, "Aty..oot. otfV ,aeIf noua o thtbu,, ohi n Hoa a to,.wo!" drolo of hieh g io, o o st udclt ooophe Ifo.4y oooloo,,,.., toli,,î,o. ..ofaceit..oho w.olc.bel mgdte, aneaa mi oogtq, îhlotoed to hallers "titlietu Mot iOhemo thekodalleoad aillli ap bouto&yooomolira gitotlodHo-d H aCoo..tgotheo ofnrhffic o ail footconv ise linsead, o Clho. ale W o.hn oo. to om i, ioo f o ,.u, Th oi .tbottoon oo. rhuil & hhoh r,, - r th.sin.ottoî ulily-c - neia emro xrodnay cikn hi aci und mfoooafisovO P n e otmilotsusb o uthai s"' î,v ni. wuoh Th.o.od otod', thnto0rtuen N cars .gomoh,. hinot ihfoo.the ,,.o h, te Pve oo bath" hof sa..ot gAot' __________ _______ He lil.i "Pt. I , .01. palier , d l toi sh d oc 't , od iI s., t o. "o t io t. h.dw. _________havebeauinfthet,.h.foo Tholfng,,Te,. i.,oh,,d Àttho ,,oooîh adtioh. Oh, Osto 1.0 Oh, ho.. yToe thé,h of lit or e wuldbae k ov fle mCbttr. n eto ot oour. .fh t lIc îu o t g forthe su"ot ot hi.lth rt. oIg f11t 007."oro ht getlemano'. t e l at h i d s s a l n ab t su e s d 1 1V ,,,ou d h a u .. , ti0 . o pi ,... h at'so t u î. ho p t] r i o't h o bo hta , ne T ol.10k AI o n.a ito . g l i. o d th uu hruh i H n & a, Mot z. W t or .0Au .0.0 f i. lo o. htooo .l 1t it boo,,dilit h.re. tttiiu tol, gbo o'BciT oto o Rosino ooî'it ot of the Othonittdtoiloto'ttheTtonJot'ooo.polooniellaold ho,., got.»ktboeoiro],orffha.tdu.oaohiooa'oia.lot orneghiniince in frntIO tf*dom.W*f'O* n 1blky I " terTttmdodioproitfiThéifadotll iotol arrd.r :'Fottoooitytopooouti' ail repieff-andoftcurseoifoh'dtave o 00,oo,,-9iyl onin b,. ts C o t.o nedi Il. s 0ot bI'dha. monh, da nBti , o lob,, doserveToheintshéot o.'tto" A,. " natir eut doMn ipe"l teyrhoedoiey1owfotfatt: theb" ndeoo.aToto o yod tth enSo<eaiptocsl" idit e ondhi»Adoun Ot IL.od artoiligtomoorvo'd .ftu, Ck,.î-th' î,p. He loooottho no t hol nito toooohand ottsoo A-n Wtou d -"o «-AmtOtot,,,.îoodtîhyoh, toonoakils 00,.o otho ne h" Th.aI.pihOlotk.I . " ooan,1ilif ý.n, ofightirZ a clubcrier is @bolier.. mp at],ýWlt h mep O, inoo 0,,ofoA f 10 fff000 pllepood-lohir Th. tititohOh Iot qil.bo îo,. b ott r g o b ury bis sud a m s ions lf iA odouldaifm . - iteliO th n wdoe duldo d h -o'.P - ,otce bng l i sttoodpet.0ctoh.t rC olio m, thh,.,in of b rt. e ndnl uos ootfuir th . e '. nu . t 0 .. O oo 0, fno h.lie_ _. - ti ot, o an do. o n th,,, .o th aVcon ctte0oràt' àa .to.. aveoabthth h &oarbre' ao wlu..oî h.l Td ,'itîO Pooil t. .. pO4Y Heooo thed, o.h,.toObo . n o'y o a H v ayo o.otpolom oc dicsin ihameo , Wu M m,.-f1dr.h.,, o.o.1.-qostidaos, M. Jo tblo.,ahdt I iah f N . 'g.ttoi ho 1 Wehave comed h» nom of mi. hTho loa huilolot m nokiod oftraysy,-toi].noh.rbveotigl lotIefo Ilfoohinth hen th "ar hne frontwi tho.rem "-k o.serioaJo o,'Il se finaude "For oe- havo.. sloulo. tiaw iIi.b,,ma(1. ilsilence,>-tsi.. if 7ot oigirastbo.ptot.n dom fo nt, unirai ces . . 1 g a ,a4 E% .. o. otisg t'. tltO plpan,.ii, oooat y u g l h éile .t. att hi. oo e ,at lof ad th. recl .bu ,the î it. cik i fl Salon . IW - tg&U ý la N w lr« 1. imt o lhny. vll o. o.ose o' . i o.p. o d oi. ,osoilg 10 fh t.s ,, p , dthe c o .ng eiyo . -B o k y ,t n a d 7;E pope s,, ne, aad heb"kt h, am0 i a bal i. ]alb w.oe, yais eo.oe b--N. o r ivalgog bs.,f.tho thote 1.o4a l attit 8to Ooorod ht. ie T ntai r.Law ... 9l . . o~~~is .017 v «a>. ... liAet . , o 1wh luiaShb ait., Amit-. lf d.sa. b .!bknw hpote ellecmdhcoene, bt eoT1stith R uyI avltwh t.ac ogwh.iyi. Foeld , n themoS . o.. .im-Jorm. h ~ i,.lod o u ho. ve .igenstetheai. Aleof hioaof hi ua u >tobheoigh of lny- k, . , b iml. Mos 0 .us. m nlvu h. ,haw b T-q.Yoato pneofoIlhad't A.. 700e g.h.co I it d aio. il?fed orms .o jua my b l eIn . na.ois s ne 1... l i inbsa 5 Ctork ..l t' Awheo.--h Idey à'o li ean ai.ih .sa~ma~p.ual us. b. a1'amy d.hoi.." n alp.oo. Te h. b.for i i . .oo ovo ooa anythoog bof hc.re cris tuha th ostlho u ib d hpo "Iw.l4 '4o~ e l ssd ua i dso t fin 1 o c uouragecri.tl - i e cet M . trlut osb *boo iog.-Tsir." White r c0 aIb.ro. tio o hear but. , «ar 0" ho, "Ils =ooth." fo. me, prootIlI?... iono Ly .6i n ffe th L .th adus The. i a A oro. Vid oitl - ll" T emlloarth . ,qut aet ok He dl Bo4i.1d bar âp iekiAbesanhoogo l&trusr iuidiaper -'lthe Andamsasaonybas ha od- ..i t soo l F.. hI aao itCo lnt, thTon,&fir amoen' - aa. ~~e dos hi fk,$y4. m etll, lcino i 4 pso.. 0O , Nue oOso Idlaofolto Am-al w amr i b-l.:Amipmesa î oai.o.dio. -Y. -bo - ,tutheBotou J urnl. Thest le Oke*li r. eI b ar 7 . 1878,M ise a sh il n -1 , n o w i '. a e ry r d e .. â v e y u n d t ol00 9 ~ i ce r g l t o Th.Oféitr. uetinMr Jmpin, utI is y u -l pga 'u fue world .11me mmehig "T ou ad hem -BS on oural. a 4nd cof 1 1 f4mi ëer.ep K~LTO~ ¶~RURSDÂy, SÈPT. 22. 1892. o-I o f 1J~i ONT.1