regîiar plilce 30 ce e ler prîîc e O almilt1-oikyD SLIPS c o ai ýpatteri and li t. i ii iyWit îa-coni. If Mil $1.50 Un. ctory, li f " Want to les thË.t you at ere you [tio 1 ,ecilly black, okng rown J-1 lot cte a Jols, tbis Yq md te Doi Sepeli ~Bromipb'O c cerly SaIsl ondition. ý-.eFiday la >0 ~ ~ o ~ iie elot ti h>0 ugi ni hi lQl~ . Step-Thie CoO d'Y ucetion on cu ofi tl te ked dowt) .10le! i Htà Pa 0, a photo in is ohôp ab ig Iot o! hlm. wehuscheb oei . 4good progrs" J'àewyed Efan ecomitte a are s for gond U, R la,E t ry, IcIý fhiuch Cat Zcss pecat Cff e ooides ý ûnlic £caTir Il jiiuical licgrai aCI ilia ntem l..oîlîffif liUcha la. l ill otS eCO )Iu. .x Col'are SIte a j n! i l Stok.To %, 'Ioldei56 iýciI te.set icý 17 e hle . : tu thiliieacre. ebs EtiIie for Mr i.- eI ùel o ',licinilo tesa i ilvmt lied lot Me. Batedo & Ci. arelIn CISS 'jc 1. si ttt'Eî Isen. i, usei s nol lil chool, t ofs 30,ljior là lleliljgi, oclietl.5 o utl lu '20,i -MLilton 1publiec 14, or "m -'llie ecoc 1,001S aI l,. ied baclase (ieue- ' VsiglileViebecps t Ml Wi. aVtecycool 'ril.II1, Cor. lsIe t I."-i. lacose ioil dt (;Porgclton v ilieccii dle Athliceto ,c ofieî.Iieorgeenm cr f tIhelattereby4919 lîltic, oo heiie rsi iite,. cud(ieorgeon 2, (;, 14 eed Wl Celteg II play va iciO Cecry j Celaieîs-ieciledly 1h lD o liiio5 Ielieg Pc twill iiei ycîîl t-3o y Z-A Oies pacly for the ittlle boeoi batnd ol hi taieCn of W. A. La Isilie îlcect. A frtll.t Met a,1 " lia l rce aco aCleediug aee ettreit sClauig. Il it. e ha t ItiOnpwpe l sill terno o ao show thir opproclt4 ised .Ililce er bad. Ttl 6le A. ddeieiine2lc. ý Sîfliei Sîîc'e r in ta 4s liglisi oed, Anecias scldaî, oend Cap, 11lis, ni TResLES Cor' Sm.. Hailten. , lceOWI0NeteeACCmn l' ie ofeetMr Jano .t aed t l Ochpe1e loto, Omagt te, d eg. hec lîbtle daP'd lI probeblr 14, vien ahe ln e vis up t;0 W Id th, t.1T Thuc Temug -Eli et iis, qATCQt.- i. 'Th taoting adi-loti. id. r7 , 0, tes eti, ý os the big linatios '&BLISMKD, 20 YEA*8. nid anse4t m > jadul e atre,0e ok th Fn Aenti Spetn Underwearte in Ir on, ttrtggau a,1%n aturai eo, tu l T ULESB. H. canoiteoaf and 1 sasortod stokinthéle. nj~ of -CepK ing à£Jameos Stu.. Hamltee A FA4AL ACINT 0SPvavam.-Asa ftalipecidet inccnrred at Spey" de r' Tuesàay tocuSînn. Josephe Hai, wje 0« toc vene t"a pust hmanuendntg a d*buktoting business at Speyaide, wua Sdrlvtng aong the osait nlth an animal tindise waga or ocelanghtoc. The hoossa 0 eéame tolghtened and cao off tien cead )n loto a ctuusp otrousen hen the-Jimie ot .a teeh canghlte e untortooate d"veu b elnthe eblu, throonng bineontt et ihe vewagon. lu taltln hie head atruck a a6 atone "od bis atoll wqs badty fracturai n, aod ane aur ceiaed- and laceae.j ltedleaald au wusemmnee, tut toe Va avait. *H. egaoed concounen ter onty a: short tino and died yetecday 9a noon4. . H an moved le Spey"id l at tait tonneBaynvitte, Honhetka. 1Me lteaves a wtte and ttve ament chitdroo- 19 Poe ese . ne aatod& Co. have justopoea ednta M 1- e lpaehttof Ccckery, coniatng .9 et Dnir, Tes andt Toitet Se in tatent destgu..We wn1ad advisetose wnt. tesg asytbqng theo Creckocy ino, la a- T M Seaà eIGDA.-Tbe eon. m ptoyesnoflieusec. Geo. Wiun & Son, lashea nmanufactuoera, et Haitten, Who es wct cenenve te Hilton ansonon as Iheer «' shop tn ready fnr then, nitI bc ont lersm ln fooeeand wilhave abig daypt Mil on Satucday neit, nhen they wtt! have a pieute asthtie. agcfceItleai gonds. Tbsy hava pripared o cuent' altoetive prgrfammesuI-abtle"apscte n' fur wnich Us m ,rze M 01Jmig alidacans plooennlty, a rbm fo me sudbeysforwhinh par- a clluarly bhnuasmue aad vatudbto prion noIiihbegiven. Proesstonala amrn ai, ad but vondoubitisher. wllhbe n<ise noce ae tu Mlt te comupoe, and a adi" tetUeo grounds nttt celtn- 20tetng, t e ies t11.baud nIilplay aI iutoenla asud an thocenilli ho a test. ac<lsesstring band te furuicie munie tee it dancingi, it May ho tatou toc granted tisat lisepicole wn beho nue ofthehbig- -gent anoee eheu tenHalten. he g : lut gh ne catý, tiso bt,, Slk mbceltas cou Ste., iott)eg le oi, The neen25 pecljvely. -Ilanoge. gt ofjl, very cau lneed at n t tish p. tsq., béapta I n'ldipa Mo y Ie ati go re Stock of taiscanter, bateiser kivaeon, &., e nI ¶ned potio dil'np ttseon noot, ..antelsstoc.k l arosud new asirteit, sud I an acnbc t oana il, itntisgpnsh-eacB oe4tter thae catI oonoeatneytatiatber'sdtsv alee-HeaneH.Wes. Ton LTE cJeOSsesZcsusaàsen-Th, taneca teots alPr. Johnson ZIn. meeonan iconetUeo tsnLty roslgnou, East Hamitton, on stutday atteonn, nes targety atteacle-4byilisrola tiveand uit ogihoos. lice pefl.hOa nece eobenZImneran anaudNelsonu Zimmeman, o! Totontoansd Dr. SOL 7ie-.oason nftis eesaisi; % Viste, ni Hncetet, Un5.ta.tanl i br . am Dr. R. J.Hainand. TW mOS - Sb he bouse noeecondantotbytUeOCo. Reynods 3B9&ali .Ja. aWYok, puter Trst iisllsnlt, su-dtUe o Hon Et. Louuibnry. ,Dr, ZsOmeEsl*.dur. tog hie Ittetime0aa esa M otvéobreaLu nooksXad meeshoOf thUe fUl Xés. th," etCirah, sud vsalun1stUMaIè sitencateofaitoupecM7az5I' gstaaol mers - loy visonlo pathy ait theiki -e and a0 Tosuet e"# la Jointeo e voie t Nonce Mylnssgy...t?.JGanten N . isusmn Thee vs a unilotO op. L 4teaec, clnoH len auleigetcdonlyte Jso esn- ot ni atttauniUoHitnlitantte...,Apeb at I ana bthUeo mu nanen = of P upte i pe erit,otlne. P --a.y-8Robectsoe, C. Warren. paabygave rue e Moire no leasing-N. HoLeoit, A. Me. 0 Gotis, H. W etsali. alnag te ln Itcolldsts ot ma - lelto..D iselasdi IBtck th- n sything oIesThe Latin, MIeachathors). les L.HMauves, ot Boyoe, paanedtUeoa r- Ba- TEx sGLan.-o Uteo lJt maicillion wttehonora m H. clam 1 ou> a nsw hbatharu, sud cenuloutpEngih. be»nagW# oleUlic. S. lilantec, otrlItis.t sill, noe hurneit. The lire Dapta ScyPas.e suefsl about 10.80 p.n. and la soppossitToroOsT..0sn 1Wýbave beanueo nork ot a n lnaedry Ilt espe Don Heggie, otlhe Rranptot The building nw aa nred. A snwbuggy leae, huny manag poltices te rce1e the swelled hondsofn bis tetton players1 sud failleu it noe eamoogst tlsttoet"thee Exceslor.' Bramepton ban jcopsly... AI about 6l anm. Tusday, cemheit ses a disry pineofetla 181e tant., tUeebosseetoflic. Thone. comerame in hercownimagintion tisaI Daca, ltuntlam no bred nTifi by accident ste sboetd foUl off il n. *,Geuilim, a br .M noutd Inho the real et tbis ceelsy or tO fre haitmaeteonniderabte progreos her elito tikthe earth. boiora sl nas netecei and sonseofthIe _____ taeely hait narroon ncapes. The cause BORHN. oft Ueo troisaontoown.The bosse, ne MOc.eio'o-At Alînedale on 151h mont., ate intorneit, cerclitsBôme inssrasce. tbe wnue et Heecy Molgte of otn. Th is oaehotit gooda noees&I burneit. -Harald. MARRIED. Tfe nedding at-n p. ne. ysterdny ot Luee-BfflNnsuxc.-At tbe cesiden eo! Mir. Chas. E. Whiteo b Mise BoteaEs. bide'a neother, Toronto, os Ageetc 141h, by te Mev. W. W. Sparliag, of id, aient danehter et John Bsard, Etoca, aseloteit by the Mev. W. J. îsq., altoanteit a geat mnny Miltôniaus Maxwell, ot Toronto, Mr. Chas. T. te, Uheelethodint Churcet nbero iltob Lust, chonist, le Mary Etta Vickers,0 ptace. The bridesmaids noce Mia eldeal danghter et the toto Mev. D. f tctggi Wiit, anto o!It bcocs nait E. Bcownell, oand gansddaaghterof ol Magge, hit, Biterof he rad the toto Mev. Thon. Coatord, att et Miss Taytor, of Toroeto, andt Misses Toronto. l Loto Hati sud Isa Eoacd noeenaidse PEcce-lREIsec-At the Trisity par- ot horior.Mosrs. Hnorv Hesdoraon souagt, oe -lune 100h, tY 110v. A. andt J. W. tiens noeeIheooceeneS ano, teratd Fitzgeraldt, suit non and Honurs. BME. HarrisoS . Ben,' othbe:toto John Pragnate Pirce,a IEqq.. Oabolle,loe Josephine Carolese, F. Dscono, W. P. Denar, W. J. Deower secosnd dasiblor of tise ltst Edgnr and D. Robertsocen eeoboce. The Iceui,Esq., OctroLodge, Oahyilte. ncenony nos a vory jîcetty one, and Y0Ueu41c-At St. Lobes Ctsrch, &fi tise noddicg nas»te irtetoellb e Bri4gtoe,'Aeg. ltb, by thes mIser placo lot e o hsch tbe happy paic ot tho bride, aesisled byMRevRuralt Doans Bell, oftGuetph, and ev. CE. orre pcesenedtonîa handsrno bible. Belt. io! Harrlitne, John Herbert i Te bride rceived a largeouesnbe of Hamilton Yonng, mon et Mnîlasda realbe pooseate, ieeteding n piaeo y ofOk ntkau, Burlingoo, to fcon er efathoc. lic. sud Mca. White MeZls, daughter et ev. Ca" eBoit, drove te Msruby lote oveingansd ccte4 MclLocees.L-CnCp.-AI lise Man, tanktIhe CP.Irais for the eutl thece. Georgoweno, bl ov. D. H. Bncbas. -______ - na, Bi A., lie. Crensen MoLaagClan I FRSOPISleona"Sarah Aee Crippe, bots of - - Aclen. Min Stobof t anitten, in vsilisg WnEv-Ezeae.-At the 141h met.,, t I issn Lawrence. te Hethollot Churcc, Milles, b ythet Thep Hisses Spoace, et Toronto, speel ev. J. Pickeong, Chartes E. Wite,t ai lc. J T.Heorn. e Brtn, ldesl dasghtec et Johns Suitay n r .T or'. Esord, Enq., ail etf1Milton. Thisses o MIes, ot Norval, nog - thes gests of MOs. Hobsoe tnt no. DI ERD. Pricl Gattray asnd amily, nho have Znnccamne-At bis residesce, ltoe been spending their vocation it IMoore, Sîre, Holoo, ome Thcay, eg rnlsrned home ltnt eek. lSbJbso imenOn.Agut 1LFEco.-AI OroogevillSbAgol Mins Bscbank, of Brantord, icte Mnssnh Lesno, ageit 71 ponce. ponat of ia Mesceny Robinsn. oftUF-tle oelt8cn1Ei ticasmerPlace, Onagis. . Dr.A ecioevo So Es Elizabtht H. Stowact,n;jet John Franklin Barereopasse ishieospho. Decrt, egeit il yenrs, i montes, 11 nore yonr exan, aI Ueo Sackville Uni- dayn. versty, NewnBrusswik.____________ libn Lawrence, wnhts an nspenit. DR. TE LFE R teg snerai neeots ilarslington aod Hamiton, han ceturnoit home. VnaeTEsMAy Sonssos NonDssrcov. lice.Pateon, ot Flusi, Michigan, -(enduete Osae snOacCJCn suia Mo, Pacley, of Torono, b belo, A,Csd'.e ed'tlned =*"àibodo VWtcbng thser stit home nI Onagis. O oCalh edecCeaaoccsed o gtOrCseea. lice. Sidney Smit,ot Actes sund btoc Osceeseso se Butos n..c cos. eKson, astets,lirs. Csrn, of Oregon, ne'vilnt-t. Ccs Scoasi, tse. tog M"s. J. H. licColton. MIss Francent Robnson, cceonpned SE ED W H EATa loy lies Baty, o! Toronto, lb spendin! oMM c.ce. tervaalosn lteher pocetataOne«Ilh Me. John Wiltnott, et Winnipeg, aie A quIti o! Maschster nteat; Il> lira. W. Fr. Taytor, ot Wattecten, as n eaced eh , 0ot n l -eotnd on0 Dot atoll, it4odeosp, ylds 8l bansets vli1 * Paoi atu, Me. and I le the acre on toblbe, and wolgtd 65 Elbt i att bn.te tUeo banel'. lu" 11 t SDr. . Ztanermeat ofn il".n ad bhel. esuP6t lChamapon" .0 Mr. HfrfiWhteof Hnchelto nn THOS BOUSFIELD, ]e toayalOtth eoweddlgr of *.C..Whito lien EBurd,1,Ca, by X EBu Browsn, NOTICE. et on agiàgà on"Inae a lap*Wu ysla il» on ~Imsol5e ~ de sab, ton5 beln -C1VED A UD8ÂY'.in TON Ue ~ lB~'~~oii ize fBown and Nav Duble-fold »* t »ULPuré"Wool Frenchi Ben alines. 'Torojito price Opo1ho~isieteetima il- , ý. 4 id 's prie >75y ~ L et mtoblibc Imesd LL db U t er ' &r2ndt.-A special 0drect importation in thrëe colors tle only--±jouble-fold Pure Wool French Bedford rEceed nt AgctcLtucco et bis heghly tavoced contry. Cords. Toronto price 50e.; Lindsay's price only tubLe2 = so teFar 39c. a yard. and matcet zeht nonnprehen- sive an pouatble. Ofe hod iO( ntanl,u aoLlo~i ou . .to seU = mm O-ocd.m not, wiq t t>hUeo Exhibition. WeUi arcmagdstables, stalle sud penn have NOVELTIES AND LOW PRICES WILL RULE tossd othos. t her nit e inl. tores an o0the tais o s oAs T THIS LEÂDING CHEAP S1TORE List, le an assurance that UeMWstr Fait ot 1802 wul heal ail tocrmer ox.- The Dito ec ceenobetUeo tact hal theo We4ten Fate nhiostd alnnyn ho i the tend aesau Agrienltncal thse sanme time-tlook te itethatthe amue-n mente aod Specint 'Attractiens ter the * fc las e hibites, sbeuld solte an 1aId have at g<ecal epense nocr.oue et the test thal cao ha had. Ameg ntich ne notion Madan e a io d nold, andt her herse, Filemater, tuns tac sud i, s eIb ing e of g 1, ors, havis ns.hs lleytetoatl conpetitoos, teeudinglcothero e EN EEVDA Canadias tavorite, at the Live sock EN EEVDA show 10 Chicngo, tant yeac, aI teeanor. meus becghl o! 7 bonI 4j inueo, a scgt oftteet wortb thetrip te London.Wood- tans, hec ananatonoat part sud caddte H 0 LL1N R A K E S herse, ntich hman tee angist 12distisncHLtN R K S gallela very iateconlisg te wilusn. The liIleJCeY Jnlte, neghi oay 450 tan ea..raeit tee 1ftlme Uotille oflgtwihtcaon, aeig are-Dress Tweeds LY yards wide--the codo lfete nes eeldamib Isye Tandan Teane. nicb abo drives oeoccorrect sylsfor fal wear-only es ~90c. ayard. Pcoeser E. W. Lyenss erd efthIea grcateat Trick Oxes en eactb. edeon. ted beyosd-anythis0 betoeseqealted ie th npotecaialPlaeetIleje Liglit and Dark Grey Canton Flan-' ith In ce al Plceo Ilsin ,sa xiii n ertbyetf patron- nels 8c. yard, worth 121c. age. prevse conctanivey aslhsy d how eaoy it is for staledoceivedtoin telslciog ne nos Uings nhich la ceaty do sol exiat. Scotch Fingerinçr 75c,.l.Just thei SpectottyAolisln, se Wice Expert ts 1give dmty hibitons.yarn frlcis& children's use. The altrctiveoens atteading batioon ascensions and parachute tape, bas beau nateclally iceaneit tele yeac byI the osjtagonenl ot Hadane Mandel], teI lhedarlug tripa accempaoied ty ber bUTI i-oUCR GOO 11 *ndeotut dog, nho les pplicd nith a >s-iL/Io snattoc parachuteteonakegtbis deeel. Seccelacy Benwne bero ndds. it yoe "iht eod th greatest of mreat M n on's - Leading - Store fu hus h otinstructive Ibiego, Uhe o e attractive otaattractive tbings, HOLLI N RA K E,& SON. in foot mucb et ovecylhisgad the cimax et ail the gceat and geend thinga neclhy o! violtsg, sud stedyla, tUeo Western Faic le Ueo planete ge. JPqr Su>i or Relit. The atone onîlage on Eaet Mary St. Apply to D. W. Càeaesae.. FORSALE A bolet bouse (nueflune connes) and a-nible on tee cocrneerPoter ad fas rame boose and tn emIs a anI!, nIte froitrea nd ocahad. Apply 'teo DR. FIIEMAN. FOR.-SALE. tamacs;hueS maisoit waecsud tawn sceo; eh", o bét t tes e ieaitUy nnnltln.pp ate 51it! We. BEWS. liem i. FOR SALE BUCK'i0-& GURNEY'S ,A tno.eery rae dneiling, oite htchen and wecithedattacted ; choice fruit Icone, g apevsn ad ton al teeaftlsatnedacoteds Mole STO V ES Street, nltb fine shade trees in trot. -AO~RA Foe ternesand v onticonre npply te N URAE 0. SIII, 1 Can Reoommend and Ocb. 16, '80. 1-t.LMilton. -Gudrantee JOHN EZARD MIL MMN PLANING MILLS Aniif LIMBER YARD., AUl kiaits of Lamber, Latis, Singlon, Csdar P" uatways on hanit. Sas,DoocsBiInd,liuldiug,Ftnor- Ing, atnlp u anny Drmud Piletst, mutentaiM umFr dd Cutom Luaniserw>ktsaIeon. Ptoos Low sud very resenablo terme. 1 6ty Works and Goods of AU1 Kinds a$ City Prices. Olci Iron is Worth fiOcis. Give me a eal. .7o Trouble -to 8how Goods. JOHN T. MOibREP ONE DOOR WEST,ýOF TOWN HÂLIL. BINDER TWINE! BINDER TWINE 1 Headquarters in Miltoùs at -ýoEN Mun. LXZ~3SL~R~ ~A CAR - LOÀDý?Vn Sole Agen4 for OI eer « thtslh I. Woone ity have el., plions, for nsoiderate. ecidecate. Who ame 705 m]ay eaeltcase have teen' dlos that,-! re that et ch nos je Ur lite os dis" Han. nI behave thae gicli aeder the s thet the le ceotbcc by the moel Ihen dy ebedi. itlbettec an il yce eld malin )!DCg eas e ."I em fficelt tb lid. 'i fo yence, a juneior .rd evrk, 1 believo are vecy competi. dreadtel cele ble anonesal ad net a 'clQckin l jht; and Say noee lie nere ire look- t." aile all oebes aIl bock et wl reaeeel ce, is in Ibe gese I t weetd *eldDoet senaid. -ee bel- ir wocb oet and Os ollen e weeld )Ok fer- o caîber It wht 'Ct, Miss ter AU, o eld even If raisies, 'eOBy, ibher a meit LA mnced: -"Miss lb pion. Bu Cor. boeught 1 e slite vould a b T M T Pl Id m L 01 du gu si T VI il ci c0'