a nd eîvest Stock ev8rhre$e ia patena, style and qeality '"Ml1 hiings lave flic lateat. ÀAaplï ra in Caratric, Botaav, 0(?*L f o aigf Nektea. Goe i'eaîîd riglt, as I boy on the cioe -OXFORD -ll meo 7o a pauiý. [en s Gaiters ,FtlIIN THE COE At THOS. Wt o abîme f rbl,'b 14 t. ffd.d.11be.nseb d nte ,=ts. a. ds.7 let"te eei. lieidns .ear~enul sewlieeeeltil st Stock- and Best ~ds, od Muslins,' ks, Mi1Iiner. Manties, Pa Kinds of Dress tioods au .gri'.î l o f stock, ah nliis, if tliîîy cii only ci ýaw Riats.from i5c.. ,ts fro-)m 5C. upwart lwi11 be given thr Remem1ber Our Cai tCurtain 13Bootb . -ssnap bargaîns. 'an lliîInei.y 1epar anxîoîîa, wf]ing and ae yoîî. ciiega, Ilâdymade ehape. Baiga'na t0 Suitiîîgs, ýOverco - ne, and oqr ordereti tnded by ouir'ou ,lasc t.'otIing leste ,atronage esetf taon en on Leae. 42ti. àýj.MITCELL,' Ones anl. tan. MeusY ta.ý St., nat irtt7au Orei- mi! AT Lowiecan Bans. lPW-nî ilieant. 34 bVl. flnqlt. Eîtreecs, IEchange Wr .-ee., naQ C. n àa W. .P a.o i tif Sp. t.oa M n ýRÇER' ýON îDAag Stoare. 'd~rvat. tffice, hJarles OCe. i '.STUTAJT. UMAXNXILTbN. = ¶.TesMyéea. none...1 12 't. . ien'n- t. la-e.e atte ,ar lai TV L. ita r akns. C! tleael.l i gale V A'L.O YOD gctd gooka* We offer beSt Amn bine b fenckwire of excellent quality tcy *7 * u o. f 00 1a. for cil. A lot of empty ulbWi l e . te~t ih baionly been usE d once), price 76î, eaob. Our 25e buggy whipa beat aRl creati oi n~te. Sèe Our new ventedl 5 gallon coal nil can in woo4enfori nly 50e each. Chteapeat thing in the mnarket. S?e2LEY Mn-TB &t C0., The Farmera' Hardware Men, 86 Ring. St. irsn t 94 John f3t. aouth, H OTELS. WALLACE HbUSE. Maiiv".. MILTON, *)..ADICOJIOTCL PIN TOWNe COMMERICIAL HOTEL, MILTON, . ONTARIO. COLRRAN H OUSE. A.S EA. PrapriatorRO. n l eq as mressl piaf. OmmcrgRaIHtol »d Wellington.Tn su.w- &0. e~iD.A. ROMisOaNqs i~ , re Lfe TmgAfflS Bank of Lmi1Mon Hr.- H AMIeLvTONCANtADA. Captal (ilpadnop) ......*1260,00 Reaane Food ..,.....,........ , 62,00 Naeet. Hel.n . 8. sss. Allât es [Isp _tin t eai, it ent mier aieie. Sendîsenetdnd alaluenrisnaé an nalbie Deca n I anre n or'. ailnada n, itienstatu,. ilse t ..d» ale ele, ti.e rxr .Pbe.Sbnt ite1tia ise e -t.1 ni rlal SAVINGS BANK. .t» eitlalnd l.ti.eelrelven nemi opa. aBEaîv. PROPIETY AT 6 PIX OINT. t la" ncî-sese. nsd e mmod m a es aetai ..l c ru. ae cre . ms ta " m lcs-sa." me thasic and -va e»ts . nil dmisaitand a . a . reaufo 6 6% R. JQNES, HARNESS JISADDLE MANUFA<ÀTUIIER. (Niast dent ta tas Ilseeqea Hottef MAIN ST..: MILTON, ssamhand ai"sisebof HIlOmc s ýSaddlea, Trunka, l Valisfle,'WhpCombe,à -BruisIl C'nvaae.NOUKIMDWa. tn6 i - L* xa oth ielng of 'sîît,ey ta Loan an Ranisd Pacnal trepiIi gI1SoBB5im CaleetensPAeptl htde.pyrmt tenace- ABRFaY&tlYRÊELI AIAE i1 t'sneemncseelni Ylkatne1 t aLon. nID pette yadn tdan,îI orwharqywr i ma.Weil .laesnimud rc lkeain 1 firent nna I de'ad sqe feel hapelesa leIâ yen n y1'ribn oï betere, very fas ram ew t, Mini Cechyn, "heya lady yen ar a nys go. bai ihia gnve4 an agremennMp ai e&abmen Rbehrt? chais e a bati theSe are ailsmrtaetof I ' pacibilîiea tbMgona bas net eaetem. IAnd yeu nowamsievery lealene of pl 7d1: _, , iii4ea~q C; tac ibkes np moreaof yen. aime m teiel4tynar btaie wsd e ts$I dea" poabbly ba4à :taben aibod( iitb :î"Wall, yeu noeeis5'hae nt as, hi-nm qthseantiaent. i have bae igsnclsg tha uiaIs, 111 Mald Yente gettinga httiV, eud np IleIy aitge«il o anseaiad ar. There ta my n enssai. This eamssuas nla no ais n itein afâne apperlnty. Sa etescaboft eel4 iter apen me(aad Ali tlyaesn'mn tédrive a te aidaeofthe makO me muqe hsmblemndpA te tne pnvcseuss.*d t nd IMetelatr. tatumre Wbai"iaare yen gellngte ode ns iee ye hmbaMdnibu ar gm S$ho The British ale a aahave neoiranletcen nafuy. Den't peat, seinalen fer my ecvn, at n y aime Bilda, bit juat de as yo4,.mrctalA, sud te My aire, . ihea tals e lu;fea drive 1ethe Park "We isere net thinhig et anythieg et semevehore, ndi get acqeaieted wata partitalat, Mr. Hathel. We are beta them."l tend et lmkUing lie a hepa. Wa taesght The yang lady raied her evehrev. et geinfi dam tacStranA sudeop Re. l, aspposeI met de asnIametald, Vent Strmet, aleng Oxford Street ced Bebert, hut minA 1 den't proie te dain Bond Street agate. Thît in anc libe lier. My predispositian aipr' te auaPromenade isbas irehave un.ar e qaite ihe aiher wmv." p;rie4ng thlegeaineta de, Yen bnem t. Balai she gave tac neemnry ardere ta the nat tamesfor ite sheps, snd, bealdu, onahmae, and asmnte e Iter Rbehat nIl the areird adhostle tenais ta me hnded ber est oethe carniage, and and îeay nmstg." tacs iralned baeh mith arta tac spot "mII Wgoita yen if I May; 1 m hee hehbadlatthlmae panieaa. verytfond ail takisg bildren te a pnta. " That in Mise Cechyn, HildA, thel mime. By.tae.may, haie youen ste girl einebai rea .11 a Pa.ntomime, Mien Cerbyn VI"'"Oh, Bobert, on eenvert tld me tac "INe, I have net been," Constane we pretny. b~ predWtan are langhed.",]eYenouthink hitillassEauheighleeed." me8 ?1' 1I "Yen are an utile geane, Hilda.; nais "Il am sueaof il. 1-nm anIs y haave ntely. I met apalagee fer nmnned mymelf,,amnztngly. It isill ha lebila yen isithenit eremaey. Miss a rai treat ta lae yen. Mayiseranu. Ceehys. hut yeu n hni a lent apper. etdtr that antilel, madamet" teni>' neyer recars I jeet aght Madame Daporti Imbed danhtfife, sand ight et the bath etftta syoueg lady'% Robart Hnrhnt haret jetoa meriy Inegh. bannai, sdnnd ev by the nnttdy wny "'The eae'tesanc, madame; rIame the hat miebleising aaiba Il ois an. them te vent eye. Yen de net refleai Thte te Mie Leiester, Une yaaag lady thst I ai. Une aime n au eid nried « ibsu yaa baye heerd me eptas. I un," tateagt I menud bring yen tegagmer n *Coestane jeined in the Iasgh. - e.stédilasas mach Miner tIsanfo"ie "But weishetbe ite, Bt. Ifa .Chainl. Bidai, tis te Mis flatys andA Atter ail, 1 suppose tat even married Madame Dupait." Atened t telqyng Ideaaot an. The pacla shneb banda, baetisen, as t mare, te their v.ives.t Iai ano glad te mont yen, Mien Lai. . I "Yenara qsite right, Mini Cethyn, léer," Cens4ie Coflrbye sâa fa enklv. and 1 prepssd ta myneif ishen 1 mate 5"Mr. erbat ha beu meeteeey tho effet that the isife sheald mabe one kind te ne, thai I noiqÎral>' viehnrd te efthUe partv, I have already speken me@ yen."1 ta bar many unmes &bott ye, ned ehe "II hava bail my enrienllty tee, Miss iseald have aled i iiibme ta have Cethyn," Bilda aid, ný sha ahoeh matIe yaer eqaintence hatara Ahie bandsitlgMaam1Dptt. "fg had yaa net alisays heen an the wtag course, I haea ver>' tîrtsted in aise yaa haye beu here. Madame Rabeae lckQient." Duport, thecmareance# "hIl ha eh.' I"Nai it la ne ase standing talhtegi served, The yevng iseman le question here,"'Rabart Barbai brahe in. ' Wa la a go eal mo mreegagea tan I am. ara e n e ay of everyhady." I and Imua aetemlt baesta breven "Win yas go tor a drive wiih me,1 legs aff, and an, mes as I len t at1 Misa Celbyn, yen sudl Madname De.1 cih mû enake arrtangements, fer I kuai patt? Ofot eer, Londen s ie 1 tat yesr eveatneaare disengaged, arA trauge la yen. ise eau goround Unea taà t tillbe hate enee ta yasuise aiprks, sud 1 culdhamnoglad-cda tlk aver day me fin ipe." 'iIiYen." 'IThanh you, >tt.Banbut,"ll;oealaae IlI ebenld Unkeit very 0muta,"1 cen-, Ia irbmoul" anAtdeed IBain slnccanid, and lea anotuer misais thac hastieyuglady $0e irbenùyis mees assed lu tue eearcage, Caqalannec easa ed"by tane, Met ofMmssLeicester, useMa-. 'Yeu are h4tbhenitant te muibe dame Dar nnea»a.tlab a a 4uItneqr rMissOcrbya. De set app-esa. t. tanise yeer bô.for 1 hen rtua iti «Il suppee yen aau net cormisg,t balsn year M.niYen, I am airarailBRoberit?" Misa Leiester said; 11e' bee s elnfshe je alit4mad;li das't weni yee; ien at, yenmealdhae tedat ber Mneeibtfytantivauteaa good deal ite ay."i getimy fient bin a deep, ldry een~'a -,,enet14bli-k cf acqng,' ha caem Aan ge« en m" iItéi ntb dfgalty 1 khair *til1 lavcfa] mte4 Tbuen eu dsme yoq ll beble ta *Ïakeofno the eues lest epsembte. Daqe an, jein.tue te 01liille ns.ç*sisy. sud Tbban Evirge et ditracntios nA maau a t i b avteg nethlng te de iith s" 1 l ima amtrAtalsea=#t, Mug. il, 11mb kit np seely mith the idea, et dis. inslhteig mysaif; snd an I teld yen 1 Pat Une maiter an n praper footing ni one by ielling lher that I1iran engag. ' And a mare impadeat.thieg ta de f navet board ail, Roeut Yenmuni have a gned epinion or; yesrenlttaeneider àttSeeary te aR snob a girl a bai, btat tablemet net fanilo lve isita - Xe, sel;iiran Une ather vtay, Bilda; I merely imabd te amursebu i "Il badl net tught etfullteg lolve ihing."l "lBat aeioeelv, Roetc, arc yen go- gaieg te ph?îe her ta ha an hetaaan O" "lI am nilcand net," Roert Hnrbai entd, leehlag grave. "Lrt neemeailal elenr nntlieg aI Birai, and anei toalAYeu i theaphi I wsu getg ta carry hier b trtgh vvilh ilytng calers, bat ise bail gan agly cheak yaaterday. 1 vniil tell byen aboat it aihea I gai yen aioe. I bam glail yen libed lier; I shanld net hae Ssrprised if yeaniillhcableatedoaher soea indnsua bfare the matter ta 'islUdu nnyihing I en, Robeart; she in aharmiag-a thareaghlyi nie, enaturel girl, mithanitacheleanutnnes ahautier. Sha han e greal seasaeto humer, and lher description cetlbar schml.lifce asitnmmsing." The nant day'n drive cemaented Une itriandnhip batwse BilA Leicesterrnd Ceontante Cethyniswhe liied e&ef other ail the botter tram IJIa radical Oiffie. eces te iheir eharacier. The tarrim-bt farirard anA eetapahreueea et Cen. stance, lbar dAideil viee's an man>' patate, and bier ahulaute ignoarne an ailere, asrprieed and amaned theý Lon. don girl,mwhile the laitene Ultile tapechan et enraam, bar habit et laghlag ai taings in gen",I.and ai herarlil and Robert in partialar, mare nîtagether saisie Constane. Bilda Lacteier hai bacna n ipait ehild. Bar fathar mes a wealtay banher, her tisa hiaihere, anhe mare bath in Unhe snese,,iscre yenrn flAnc tanb tat s, and. baieg the aaly daghier, aha hadl bean the petnd playthieg je tht tnmily. tadelgld in evcry mhim and capitie. Ferieenlely fan hier, lber moter, n quetileving iseman, had feanil her ni a ver>' aarly age tan mach fer lier,';nndi hail nccoeded in be.ving lher met sehanl inateai at bing edetated, ai homa by a geveraes, an baer father:bail tetended eheeld ha the ceue. Once aisuabied, aUnebid, an rtirnieg heine,i rsmed liec posituon apet anA iyDnt1 ofet bmbee, bat evan lber fataae l de. sire la mabe bar lhappy bail failed te1 i hie cansent te heritbs, mitas tan biatfini anneneced her itentions ef mnrryisg hRoberti Barbai. The tlaiegi mas, an bath hae andllher breihars ras.i sidered, a pince ef miAeammer madnega. ln the firsi place thay ha expeete 1 tat @e e muld mût na grand mntab.1 They thtaght sm mach o et h ie ti.. miotes h ey ntnrnly capeetel1 aibare iseuld mes hec ni ihey diA. lit mwuDat se mata n question et maney. altbasgh base BilA, irb batl boe au estame te cnery lnnnry, Bnp' pesai he naa gateg te "enoa th ie elghilndred n yeartat Rberti ba isiserlef tkma bis p e a wuianmr UnM iiey emadien. This poit vasl 1.esa1 epn bubut @tac repfle saluiy:1 i "I14 1appees, pap4euende set bsined1 taenâsaeofvltaapsay. Ityendarý ySmbave étaasdâne seeablesaly, Alm al kMy is: deeses, midlta bscm ultisseslotea pu e ~jr~But mmil n mye*" e $s al ia. lta& a it ..ut Pl 4fl okbat8vm ta ho ex podula e bb'b>v a l bort hi I 1ea;have alny hng neaBieon. Biatin Dow ap1bbsa, haa pf Yeutondrueschhîa htl bjectai teelatlyan I haso-ndaaw fl m 1 is hai abe anys tahken ainam esf yae brfmeye.aaly tanQ' bcuelhoa ist aaaemgnddaweeamlesatuni hraeatygiaa hlm vahuteeaiIte nayM tay that I -hne ainrsfeàbasiesstamm of nefty an he hnga d barlkeme. geaviy nhe ee ate beetaed ttyis tei acmthe r bet caheoainer.ma jeftifny, aad tac baiphtehermeainr. neatthr ahe h saiaalte. moria,"whiahead ithereignar eThaey sbatlnhed aithie oey ntmare,' ahe a mndtdeit henit, e atrar us &U.arndTheam alient, yen ktrely aattl, nnd taten ea mût apyatmoriadaen itanim, thepae pap avie tilteyt et te, and a yan kaa puiertlyIsl tha ye are hatp omn andifed tihat a. & haea marraismntyen miI thoel nmoe tn yenm hae nghi battoe o af ieit, andha yen avr qsste nç t bcha ll a ve hapye iseraneA htangaIl thme canna, thnt ta, if yaa deel ta tartare vith me nais. (Ood-night," and Bilde stypt out et tht draiingreai. Mr. Laicester Itabtd ni hin twa nana and the threaman haret ita t oai laghtar. "lft istane ai., fathar," 'Henry, the eIder brather, najA, Ilb te syant aira faoi yen heais, fer van have nîmnyn lai hec have her aise wny, ne4 atierlaîl, Rohart Hnart ta a capital teltaw, 0f courea, ilda mighi have daine a grcat dm1i batter,,tramxaa warldly PO . f viair, baitaBtail ishat azil lai e he happy, and I den't ithis et need have san e tan th tan re isita hlm.", «I dont tara anythigafboutaithet maeey," Ma. Leicester rntd. IlOfr coure, aheitl havea a ndsome att. blenant,anad aha waald do eleil aagh an that score, avea aappoatng ha naiera Etanishoneamettthece; bat lhe man a long mn>' ahaAailmteisho emefti. Ha id net deanaytbteg particelat ai CambrAdge, liai that w isambpî>' Air caaaenie neyer tincA. Be sadle did set amethe peint et mantinng hisa aint wetbieg fer hlgb baser., bai ibere iras ne tallai st iTriniiy wisba bila botter lihrary, etor heiras onse milread an genernisebjacia. Be onad ta grtad aay ait am aven ie taeAaye. I shenld net ha ai ail serprineil it lîie s mabe bis mark soe day, anA a high mark tee. I balieva ceai>' Une anly tbing me have le sny agninai hie in tant ha Aras Irak ver>' hayinh, bal aller nli that in n fal ten e rnghi sida. Hast talema tan Dur Anyslook aide: i thne Une>' arc." The nent meraief, ishan MiseLai. cessiar cma* dam te breaast, ts saluélsAbhn fathar mitb tuae question, 1, WaflPa", I suppose thant hleail- 111 suppo eeno,Bllds. ".Thu te gai,"*tas aad.but al. taasgb tas os e es dcvtasébis Ibat acumansIsiMsa t hmA bu f tant &hs - gradefl te ibafer givIsg ter, tadbu ueh aisan»VSes st rulsitase, baibat slreliy Well, mua ai aunas plenne yoa~sIt, 'bel I abs fasened yen 4r~nIi l~nnp 4~ tag uns nisesa ydm .eM~ ~ guj 0 loi bbeeea.as s e6aesaenOd i ~LG~babat hbaMdm EsetaVlnant Vasosabasbeasa flplatd IWabs egberote.Bmng hbiWialthae iportatiocecet--ap#0as G0rmaeýniait Begiu- an aarileer p-caailon againsatohmleea À rebelitebu bas trid in ibm pr. vines et Sae.obssn, on. X basoas tetned and nasriasodbyascet setea.. -The leader ie a seml.raâigcs, fanatie. K fireman on the Briiah:ateamer Blaen Dunbar fraie Hambhm asdled ai the baspatal ai Grangemioutb, Eeg,, fram ishat the phyaleiaee peonoaeee4 Atalatie Chalera. Mr., Gkdatne gays the Gavereeent han tee reeetlý coams inte efficeat nmal-e apractieble attempt ie Navem'- ber nent toauaalsgielatiae efteetieg the e e nch -vTe m-eantie .Con T reny ain optheÂtlatofSCenan- litsayh tabac epathe aheavet eeeae shisethinerapsalf 2 taae lghet- sa by telegraphefahle. Mr. James PlaKee, et Barrie, vies tatally hart by the mail traienfraieTa. rentoata the areaieg ahpat a mile aaath et Mlandas eoueFridny. Etha»brne ag intaetlykiiled, bat Mr. Malfea linger. outil Bae te ws renhed. The War Departaieni at Washingtan han erdered S$00 stand et arme aed a?,. 000 roundsaoft ammaaitiae ta ha set te Knaxville, Tene., fraie the arae eta Iadianapalis far ume hy the Teneee aetharitiee in nappreslng the mieera, riais. Tha 95tiBattalian; Mantoba Grena. diare, in affeiaily viped ant oatexietence hy lent iseehas militia ganecal ardar, axcept Naa. 1 and 2 nampanies, irhich are retaieed a n tudednt campaniasg, la, ha deignated the Brandon and Part. &ga la Prairie Iafantry nampaniea. MoDaeald and Hill, acaampliaee af Bidiseil ie thi eset lianitargeries af 1878, havaehenreleeedan condition that they leavq the country. They have ohie arete rAmerira, Hill te a snewy lhaired idiat, an a rosaithtei lang monfinement. MoDanald, exaept tant hiein agei, leoaieil. Be enyn the Priman eYetem te aalnuatad tê-maba mon mad ar brates. B e wme ffeired tan yaare af is hientene if ha wead divalge the methad oet epliiting han], aotaa. Ha aaya hae refusai] hecaneha did aat heais the mcthed. The hank aatharitiae, hairever, perniet in heliav- ng hae did it._ CONSUMPTION CURED). Pa pin h i- bad. b naîtEfindiens a gY thlb fateai. ai -efai. aspiels maed, ta esPeeda ena peita-mi tee . Casepnla J»>ai e aia. Pdeiheen anali al oea n,l fo, N.- maeaaiîy CdAl i Ceet. Ceapliti. nies,-d iaise --ie h- WcaL ILe haai. Utae . l "eaed. "et .1. U Cibu.-s aC nb willDot fearu of alame n n 1 .be ILla.ihi. 'LI faGerme, Feaaab01aEeaiib, eth tai -t eseifr.prs«aeeenad asieg.s.amabysel The miitary manoeavreç ai Laaa, France, bhid ta ha mependeei awieg ta the hat. Thirty saldiere Vlweaneue 8aggsntlea fdr a Saunier Trip. If yea miah te tase the tip et a Mie. tine, perclisas tap heinrata excusione :ticket solA by aIl #dp ipnIem le the Usila" Biais anACanadavie the NertsmsPneus natlrcad ta Yellam. méu ational Park, Pacifie csesiMdn Tise iip ta Mmta ita taheigu dege.eeite e Une ela teel eaUi. ibe hd f 0 liseupacifie 8 saa S.Paul anAd lep olit fheea myanrente la tas mi ~fsnlb tauadite ssenen aéhýk#omilesea. oîl n the thse *tg elaid ce tee il 'I * t. Il "I '-4