~r SMflics journoy, intimate clarcese Keseta H. Crv.a gives a ds caeo erni Angeit li neetd nilis bs, aniste Fîtter' "«CI tined, and ooe's e W tirer et lb biltdings, i Mc. Stadmao -Tise Mature Imista oaithUs anditaoeeoa 'tertiiI Aegsiopai1 tise ireesntl' Patriotiffim? "Opee Latted nuggetive art Jr., an "Cat "butisrssV War," by Dr suggetions 0 yachs, sh itaff; a nets Wymifg te A greal de "ýapproprintc thie nttmtar,q muid Clintw illiatritad is minspoac e and ta deneripi srne aimber ricis. enîitîlo otisar poen i H. Staddard, ricis. Clii Th Homst, Jahn Fracer Boyle, DemptanSi Charlesa Rni Lcc Dawson. Toc ,openin 'tetdy. Greel deaii i mI utique cocm disusineaf e deali specialiy geîted isy tise1 Rlei.'" Aui Londan,"isy iteme ai a ver le tIse papen "IAulisors, St aetr eadore atudy ai a va;j M. E. Sdadio Gitrs'icisoola sts torIl ' Driîit." i risttr aie( lise Si'Hereet M ttriiigpapal be rend Sy ton atteetian fan 'roi r tel of itu topinion aie ai tise 1 aie, analyses1 Cntral Ani topportadisy cf tisaEEst" Tîsere are tw ppaitlr sciea; Auriga,'5 ly "Tise Secets Eiiard GO-ke. cioiticiiiy is Americai Mel isa tatîtnaUi Ljt.i TIene a nusuisaof parmi wil en dîtioa otheUie itrikiefng emI Plton. t-id I& Terme, O$5 45 cnta; mantîsi,81 Magainte.88 Tut Lica Thoe irel nos ir. ir lai pubIsieed isy Comspay ni and eleganî boat of iteA I 'nile in the internatoe ti cidcd sliee voued ta pôil liteare, an meanae. i aid lise U reviens oft 'pï) Ri i tei of es lls the Ntkn% lisa à li in ~ isls L y < *md - sa frlalaasand a iser 0 li~sg s, pfA a rti.edsalr leie lals a et Il et4~ ue ~ sbeGalPlies tlisaIsus. Tise ires lealas fine sdiQ Ls * 2 ibes llemminie las.portrait etfMay.A. Lt Who , i ise JeUT lieue voet vifeldesaise acon 'es a ltg bu y We9s;*lusjlai .,a, l «der. ,Tise s)clIcin elrilli o1n Bay-va VyOwler itsoi, e 14tUBt..w csChandier Maillon givesa lereàting Corsera e rOïoîlry. Ir«M gr58eeril îpiblinhad Ialfrotram Bar. 01 4ine'by CO&iereY. L aitres o a1 ile'c IrltBownig; Frances W lsr islaldby W. laise. -'TShdI strrie. thc novelier, aoilclsul aes s as "T i es anad liehPé rLittle mues.' icEs artcle en tche tugBreiiseriseed: Xc. <igral Leur sI aiseu i.; lukalel b MrIe irrtes an a lace trniis 6 istricee tel, an. ailicra 1te.silà'Mrtý o, and iiceeetlly blled "Tise Chais othls e a*lave is- AN£des Il -g- 1 iLÔ.t mtail rmends. Tise Frances B.. Essedl, cisairunsaofethlie -Tise Oma -To a Ble8 ~t ci f lise lumbdA Camaittea an Dresatuelra i of theLetter-boi,' ediorailes, Blet*s Spalbeitaleesuas Wesa'î Cail, cailcibMteauainuter- 1Th iseEdiis bei,' eet s e ildeste cem satin«gisttrical sketchioftDreu elim it vcysse nfCalme. ie Asenai; Halas H. Gerdee ap'-sggsslles fer a Sommaer Trip. Bâur jeeell. Mr. peaue inaàisillianl aid tarclse passer e of La Trisite," an "Tise Dangers of au Irreeposublc IftYeu labstataire thé trip ote pll lac -,lse Tise Ediscated Claminlea lepehîse ;" MUn. Ilepirciste clawA riî« qx lao u ca in ason. l. F. Underwead ecairibsic a chies-tic" set ld ley ail principalflises ites insim~seentMci. iii aiery enlitlcd. A Wecsan's Caam. United Suiesl and Canada viaslths lry, "Tise Cleses Âssaig tise otiser noworlisy paporu Nortiserne Pcilic Raii'ad le Yellaw. As article os the la lhi iasuaine i dscusson ortheUic en' tase Dlsailal P&*,jM Pcie epat pa, beclace iscîndes p ic.* gprcadenlieampaigc, by Gail gam- Alaesa. 1.l- nlicity aid Xining ilIon la ltepuiican), Hon. Wi. T.l¶llia, Tise trip ia made ftiUi ltheigsigua e cil tsculpture. M. C. (a Souliserc Demnocrat), Hos G. degree ocetfort in thcselégantl veeti. ,for tise maslb on F. WiliasnmM. C.(a Northera Ï;Lo. isled traies etflise Nrliseri Pacifie 'menli e-Paelv," cra), and U~:S. Senator X . . yls Bailroad. 'rnîciscarry diniig ccaid m s ot truth ta poetry ýPeople's Party). The oditar discslmes luxerions pallisans11lepBR cm rar tac celt important aad lIse poetry of Mci. Moultan ta a dis- Chicago, SI. Pasl aid Munneapolis te tflise sertes. Tise crimieatieg laper entitlrd "An Idcal' Montansa and tise Pacifiéestnia.mUonS c"ý department tor lutin Dreamer 'rho Singe in a Minear change. and spécial Pollua" leenere psiar Crazes" like Key - nid Mr. Edwin taed contcisple troumSt. Pini and MinneapolisaIle. ressent, "-Whiste secorrnd piper in a Bniftonrlise lowelene Pasti. "Trade Scisaei." Piai tifftanliselBannen.Shaksnpeare con. 'lliese enery enrut s'ath Ue mete Ange et coitaini a trorercy now runninin th ie Arena. magnieit in cta o tond tanlise saeves FPiitp G. Helert, -.--- stales tiscengis 'ricis lie road passe. Ont tfcrlise Por"; Hantera sagaine for Augent ten a Beaelitnl masistains, rivera, valîgys, es Aftentad by the deligitfil ideemmer nuenier. Itepens lakseand plainsetolloir eaco ein t eq F. Décans; lire th theprnl et anhorteerie on"'Liter. enrceflitet dellght tise lourit, Whis bcoern fayParis," isy Theadaro Chisd, inwi'rh wilialse ftd tteeeeti the acstesltecal, .12adHre-the *rrtter drîcriistise presutiLland. !sssnsîg. lnmiseriug, indusrel and alier Tise Ille1othlisen eisaidcnrrentneftisaghtinpepelar isieresta aaeacialed nis lise develop. îetc. oti Frenchs itterature, wuts interatueg nieettftise greât NorliscesI. drty, muhO tcossipenta on tisa 'orlen etEolo, Reste, Tise cree'rinaglgry et tisettip teaaon", tegive in lise Goncosicte, Paul Bourget aid etlorer sousll ti.Nolhuet, honeven. le th. iy a poei hy Bd- tainese ctisori. 'Tite piper tenline. viil ta elleHitane Park, lise laid et hein, elaisralv tntrd wtth @aven portraits, iehisdiîg bitseepriege, geysern aid gorgerai L Loir. Mc. 5100' e roahinptrcn usinA je a pielore et canluan d teAas i 't ts sendîes I"A Sas Change,' %Renta is tudy tentise Celegqde oSna chancela, sse'r.iapped pealse. 1tise nrroundioge France, driwn by Reoird. 'ThIselt'Indian vtiigea and giant glacisers. ide Noe. IntlieuanArcey" intuily described sy Cl-I'If yas miis t te verligale thin Bug. e s pes is y Aid. ainel orian, as experieiced effiner te gestion tortiser end tea is B.Foer, Leegfingm.' Tise tise Italian mliiary service, and te op- iniecai Pinienger Agent, . .BR.Si. nisher are by Il. propriateiy iliotrited isy T. de Tisai- Paul. Miene. torcoiteeefthlie ibond. ~Aime ieeve Aid. itrer. Tisa tiird piper ai Ja.nen Ba- soely ileeitratld"Wenderriaed book, Tiseodore C. Wii- epIl Loireila aýriee on thesol014Englis TYeliomtoin Parle aed Aaskatoidere. Ciseney. Virginia dramîtiet ela ta taisehnWebstenr K. Gilder. Frais aid teeladen an inîtaresting diverioniLard Sherbrooke wurn ceet Uicthe ,Daine Raiinson, on tise principien ai drimatia nonnîrna- mon iris lived te sec hie ans epilapis pi. aid Richsard ten, mis a an îîiîofîet naor tire ai iritten. ltinY Yeis agi iroisewup Weiser'e most cisiractariett predn- Ëai tRiert Lawa a memier et tise liane. CanierFenimere Waateoe anse ai Commun§e irisat th UceOP- rt te tise Aigot contriisatan a dehitiaideecetption'fai eseBide oethlie Cisasier irre eUi ngly iatrreaiig iatt to,"Cerfs and tise Ionia Ba," eJoie'ring litem 'nis irere ehairi te by Waler Paterirnicis1ta profanly idiseautitally illls. tise Miainteror t i aUittirselisemas ames, tise ceot ied tramc draierina and pisatarais. Chancelier efthtie Exciseqysr. Lard I th felise. Tise Avery timfeiy article isy DrcT. lMtceel 'eerisrooe wa'rie eat aaUfened ; ta dinal preles aif Pruddean "1crand Ice-malistg." tIlftat tise litîeplear4 leose al le S. Lac Stricisey. 1llotrated, give a iucd cuplanalion &f reidered tises itt Latin. Tise lises tual ide ociii cag- tiseproduction oaicte, lie a spécuias n - -- Ulster amdHdocirvalue trace ité hiats oe tiecoceparatdrc Harr lien tise body ai Robert Lame n and Moderu leaithtuleen ainaturel aid artilutal A ftitIsînrie trd, a bitter tee. qd J. Gise,i theiso. An iiterenting chaptar et Amen- Bit irinsa aay. nom bheladead, atiig cocepriaae. cas histtry. "Tise Silnisrger Enxnailes lr ierstcn aluifid sodnaiE Itar On Gerria." is cntriistcd ly lise Rev. J. If it blin migisthla cmiai flave, sud Corpaie- F. Haret. D. D., and handeemely ilîna- Concord ne langer eitgee aisave; id "Il taig trated Sp W. Hamilton <ibaon. The f it lan foutu] a ie'rer invel, *eling ci. lir. eauitul arrien if Danuenisa=arFrace Ail muet commiserate tise deuil! use aboentI"Prenaistise Black Farestlte ecB Ses." 1Dr. Farquaiaon writtan isy P. O. Millet, isa ranghita a Tîve Hirvet Exeivelen. as for Moderite concluon n t ie nassea. Tiseficten laiteriEs' of ialier. iaedaitise coîtintian et mten Wil- Via tisaChiscago, HMiluee & St PFui rais et a eciantiet. hua ndelighstal navel "JanaPField,"îand R'y. an Tnenday. Angat 101h, aid ýste naitisrfar iii Wt. D. -nR Tise Werld et Septemberrl7tis. 1882. eci," wiicis utîl Chace" ; a chaiai'eg love-tiry,entit- i people %ititisleeet ii u"rol."ty Rcs.eIf î,tlsre Loth. irterteaaieesrekled briath- asbs xe afit lIa tylo p' ap nd.tlaiuiaining ta!e isv ThosiiCd..pml.; jaer aea'o'. Janvier. elotieg to e c"I'siig ef , T.ie desendi.t .tha. wsc u.si satnua Vioelery. Tisantea." Tite patry iï eastriisiled -Y-Aid .hti_. antiseitica et ise 'ty Adrin il. ligertai nid Cite-, in-eA- i.n tatii e terr is nhiet eti itel eSitton tin-ey. Tlise ittera Este ýChairbiytid. Aid ced 1.e ..rne Mth.tc t 1., emr.ae, %:Iraie r 11 W %. Cacîn. lita Ediara s it.,dy lv Chte. For fisrtisr'piricalaieppipt ts Dudd ie as leiy Wacier anid tise E ,Itors 0cm- .nerst Ticlset Agent, cerad91l A, J. 0.1 dl -iiJdt r'vitît tee itroduetory &tory sy Tiser. Taylar, Ctani Pirae<&nI irabk wie 1 i , te lAbosPage. tititi t iteeil ral l' aiher Haîse BileS. TrctsýOn "la tli t ;ttlaastandard oftecelleuzee.sud peOn - ti l'Ofifis. cýi' t anste-naecti feil tf itîrent sud tliee' 'vJ . -trtaihisr,ît tacal reaster.. .An erdereihaioen iened by thelPm. icd Delilleie ati ___s__ ieniiMinitar of Wîr ltai dise privale daIiîîof et-"hie - tldiet, ut tise army Bâtallisehreftes, Prcis," atsd tet Tir Ladies' Heme Jounals. carry isandkiercist, man » isee» icie~~~~ a 'iaru H -arîileanare silsairs nnertman og iae o tar. aà is: ay Wird Bacise's prmniti, tise lamer casesofethlie e~ i 'm il lbe tsrisisd intceth' Uicreaere a- eîsjeta i Ma.Bercieri aclitd., eepeeeee. Bansosdier VIIreestve "Mc BeeisrAe Biirtaelai"',ra e; lsat ta, tia ihole abliompaperF.ta. i,%O te Angut Ladies' Hisseearmy WnD sires àcy aff00«' tctNeir ors rtnil. Tise'rite tif New Tarle00.Th fer a r;tsigle namssc. fîmeni arper. M. Wlia axwel. hepetel for si liscv1 Erirtitetheueifort ni Esame**rMbave thaiscele area' .tipa ac i s"sienai, utsportrait,.isy Lillau WrigS4,s ofa thlie army rfee mU la' an i ay~Ld Bale Upseî Clark glass a itasmep laia lnsa ecein r ie aiddition t ie re te"ttersf Tise berer 'mili a reaceeld ils cet ras Asesa.- Waseen no iracHma iyan alra 12 lB ali pictuesrsersenliesg 12, e;:r, - lts>n ânid pertrait n01 SyIl es tse idieo r o mliue npse Iran isu et« MayWiiti<miorceersara"1iep cosr ti eaù.tees 5Le biuMug ,Newr BngdaId 1e hav,, ruadeiea iisIin Is ac. beau eatrivale thA ianJ sFee lUt Mdelecpearn Mea, aplue altran lveiy, nandcer a5ssees.el. t* il -run a de. ____e can8,CIevshort i5 ceaassein e .td;A ll- et M aE tI ,? w,?,anen ceuSaa'd goeeci W M.d ses of pubtasase ijnveni beisl, I tPM is PM van an inialeretesof sg as" flIlsdte~~~le~ ot"Hi r W emiit.cuVi b ie,siecane hSI 5einecs N.J.,nlbessspa nr melili t ter A Bulckin dividuel han beauts gais tîrougb Banea cou=lyagtes.jg is tas tg baa~late lbtt'eslr aI lmoto. lads. Tiseagmmmbeulr»eoutlobe a poceiesory no"e ton SMO. At lise IrisPedra9as es Tisneily lice Hesali thtishlela. neites' cîpese n thi e reil telertils 'ec #5î,liai and in tise inocisg Par. lasmesî the ParieU"ian.ill le gseded lv thesbandi tisttictised tisai rësasy. -s MRbeert MorrnelI, aohlaOy liv. iu lt1calie nertsof i Hllebe, li., miu seig asulise bockSof lle nci'ly a bec and dtad ,frtne e4etin 41 8 minues. Mci. Morellsas bee iIn lise lest etfisciltis prevane ta the at"g. Tisrec solionswmliihblongisi agetasl lie. Snowdon, Col. Bloanlar and CaL, Harkies isy Priuvile lassa,'iy ranson ai lis tnilcesîl at Camp Black, msen le mis icsended sylthe tisambe torelecer. ing ftile Fxlek siemlant. lti e rporta!edire rns piltieg et Canalastinapa and Belg" ead aover' Uinan the Baigaris geveraeent, lis. Bisigertîn cipresutalive aS Coaelia tinople iseingesp. à1By aimcai. tiTise gariaicsita tise ]Mlet t 'a aahave isee isin«aid, TheleT--nLino e-Msceist va Perce, wmilsie altiec= Liverpool as tise SOU lit. aid Qnestomn conlise 2fo tN ew 'Yack, saidarlved early an the 27u11., isealtise record tarirent' ern taueris@the Atlantie. Hec lime Wue5I9dapa ilhosci aid58 minutes. rtscig aisdeitani et Bratord, lightistng arci a clotisnlinoexead. teg belmecaIosse in le splmce. andin tie olisr - subcrofomers mere conciei. but, str"pgeta ay. tise Lud did not enter ellsofethlie elcnt Pâery Lai aind Joisn Wilson, ruac. ager aid oasmetarepectively ai the Ires ai Reyiols & Gileon.aottce irak' ers, Liverpael, lest Weineady plsêdid g!ty taemibesieceéent tram'Uic firm. The embeictaeenie amail ta *11o,. 000 and have bses carried ce tara long tise, A ismiser a of ysglaIdewSre playieg on the lamer mwhari at LindosapVlan a bey named Mociaed, usat 6 yeara ai agc, iwu isavcd ita iith e r « iplie eompanione, uWho, tste&dofiselpieig the peor nsld osfrsl>eadtsî big pefonts ta CHing tatlie misarfeunlilise meecibanai id. mias, anh niS »di masdreirnd,. Dclanep S. Wagner aVt prlaie, N Y.,mwant tasgitie WIIspOOHLl, and ditedsrtesg tiseSe Flrsoscia id Uie OOsiecopseglio~ Faite N. T.. te rcao. Wsmncl isan tecen: s -nnd erd le teO leive. His -tis e iceSon of Bavadot ,Dsi"bts as peoeivd»y letos sM e Etc. o i.n Èlv -the lilrtueV 1»9»d a.t PRINTINQ. F xerisîrd in asuIperior vanner at tlie CHAMPIQrIý OFFIC-E Ont Jais Departiment le tepIeteý uitU a large aneoriIsel -of Pl" e~ i oruaental facsoeein type rà, oealI ai bosda suad desigm uueit*bbh for card andairalr Vans. StAsigI type forFaites, Work. PriceraMaderae.s Ail irorS tarsed out procepllyon tisie, andstioanlifalis gsamatecd. icsat lisli...... ls... ln...ln..L ~ $2~n~sGattrs and. Boù à,,,£I I3ST IN THE ,,COUN-1uR --wt SprýiWi/1891 lie aet ht pib -9 Jeba J. Eyen te, cSonsilsClub, Paper.Hangsng,. Isciito, wmca lise meelar oeisocnes Kloîsî Ié.euse reettaetuaLbea Bejamin La. Caoban, Uic latent addi. -Tnig lines taeliseraescitJew"miseghalaises ANn ALL glne OF la niSeiass ta uaI1 anaa INTERIOR DECORIATIONS. of Explorer Henny M. Ssanley, ta ament ijaend gssnnd gimn t dori the sob eat Houssld. Miaslpil taud sitrcl perrpees maSser k dcaid. tt- Al sais guaanated. PÔWO~RBank of Toronto., LIUS'Slu CANADA. iteseursii TORONTO EBANCH: PLO.SERIG.Cor. Clhurch & Wellington ss Tnes -'ie-o i lIs0 )SAVINCI DEPARTMENT. Tendrs îvenforiii iitis o IIPOSITS received inteocee#à ieiaSteurig. ad ipwîrds, aid ,Iutern«t illoed -tisorron et carreelrates. Haviag laed 30 poire experire cii - cic Andtiiietti tttor al i or na. lretdt i M, aid iara ivreî il tishe SPECIAL DEPOSITS. prnaent ttmr It do aup jailig tisaI SPI'e-ss.L anse tmd toc aseois any Party May require. rsmuiig sot le an isi ee nthe, THOS. IscDOWELL. md Ochasit Hsehipltaneed tireuse. Mitoln. Mardi 7,'859. iMilon -X. hW WADSWOHTH. dti v. Managen. DIFFERSE NCE] 4~r*winSale -OF- -90 ds Mmons ~,s1 'Stra'w H rmm 1 W pwards Wi bout e ~ ts, Ltse pe' ,o tisrn,?q Hiso am t j Thî Frankt STaqgart Co. WATCHES Mceo"dist a rceanihle prot lota Mantfaclucja'cel, asd ARE RELIABLE AND -Accurato TIMEKELPERS 5,imd sî.lll.- c F " rsd alet'm iii ncd lep. t- 4.7 id AM:Siî~ . Co., 89 Bing St. wesi, leoata. The'Largeât- Stock - and Best VaI eey frutn knive4 ver i rthe~i~ but ýv e not/oni essc. For ri ~±iZterry mitea teiic iata lucore"a~: Fi Uillet I mOL A N . 4 2 -ý HOLbù Lýfr, 1i0tarNPnýbc CL ~sliUe,34 el Coin tio 0a. ce and -I.SON '~ ymtlo4 eil door n1 Wd « office, Chavra1ý oi eA»T. ~ sr D. Rra LTON. l'ie, Li R L. OFE!e . . ME 11i le r 1w,Iey Coll -PFamltsre Store a BloS, lstori m'alrdt sud third moath. Office, BELL lia~ su~ ies H s o , i H 1- ý'moton.