SHE DOLLIAR. 3ee O fle dr lla , w'> .2 to 4 Boas, Wý oveiy Embroidw, likie, some pd IIiit t 1: )< il Peca1 I infein ii- Mantde e la sslioilid 888e th .~ Hlamilton. Se io0(k of de Stuts.' DOLLAR. hilk ài ii ls ilîown, <'i th fromn $10) to $12,' $13 t; $16, wj1i m' 3 to 4, for $2,501 îîîîCesupply of~ factory, >r v rade and as îSt want to ricles that ~er you at where you se Pioll bl ck, Ticking,ý t tliliek it îlt as i cl a ov live by. t soe & iucac et as a deboami Ra09 Ete, sonnaiM@ Wr, i JosWwBaol-ekm h Nnin ooàbrlog lite que. suidtion witb Glewiflta fIor Bouth beogans ft -Iduyfssale. ses 004 76 te Gloe Ionies tisat Bic rio etiber M nloekisold eoi ibolt nempaper. 1 vile yacht, Atigie, belonging Iratrong, ie betlnti evnmy. o laon thijo ycar. H aned Camon and Heaney ko. Mayor Pine Tit Tbnos. , liaegi' 1 etaling appus.. jo jtoff o oopended sen. HaIdndsoome Plgoh Partor 0, and eveoy article nobhe tn aiabig collection tor ai, tC. JooNnoi.% la iroi out yonngpeople attend. poprty e a M eidene et liitoliell, Plerion, Taenday Pic î.orty on tleanant and 'e receipto amnnntiog te iLeviattian Sale bas been ntd sud 3ptinue tilt onH-Mo. M icearv,1grocer sud ito tarled 0S15 sai fiaindsi u Traalgarta ohk iufntniwibthem. train ai Hortbby tation, eind oi lie rp ii aod wa, ,tn lionne nitbe station iii dm1 duriog thge evening LoO ai St%, on itrst.olams iltinmm propety-D. W. oi V. SMnIH, wan noation wibi c ame up betore tige nesy. Thio par"iecon- es toono Lowvilte and lue1 tl IPOH tige point as tu erlaili ivopide poimp wms be premiaesofothe plaintift n adjononed nolil Satnoday n WnirprolCota, 5r10 'ToI"onlîno, Gir. Umbrellas NF RIILE.-LMilitio gobieraI Bol oiut. oooooneed tuai *Cotllingwortlî, of No 1 Co. OIle, nf No. 2 Co., lgo have ig in vspeial" coorssofn il then Royal Schgeol o ln- paonol hir noaminations, le 2d camso"A" certificoten gor rank lalounocooiomied. y'o SaIlionhe bnt Tiebingo, ad Oreraîl Stoiffa in Canada ted in pire. .-TocEnfeioof oBramp. lie no-caltedloItermediste eTorontos ai Bosedale te-l enuoon. Brampton wll take1 la oud lbondredsof niber1 go dowo o"d labo a brasa1 ïhm to bock the Exeelsiors. colo bovine been snId nptOnq îniog. Bolh teomo aroon1 g- and bave been ib bard rpractice; btitiis ibely tcelsiPrw.ffllll bep t11mbon- rd. oNobby Tics and Seorlo, lors and Colos, white Shinas, nIe Silta, Giovon, Brases moa,sgo 10 Tonnono', Cor. ns Ste.Halmilton. Penne.-A very plouont ýy wao bell at lion residence my Chisooîn, Martin stoont, &ay cveaing, 'onder the SKnox Cliareb Ladies' Aid. id were illminatel isy it and lion nId eliooobwas ia nopper oo. Munte, t., ooîîriiooled 10 lthe. ejoy. e gonolo. Abot 8$50 Waal il tiosourawoold bave heen renedbl itnt beanuion9 mnmg stts ofthte wotheo.' rokat Williams's shoesoio.' opisif Boots and Sion atý .hg. oloco. Gel Yoor boots mole and rnpired at Wil-! ne Mts. Ho ban a cooes loi SliSesoandlGoiords-every. a â4d wson hboogit. Boying eWn PENc.-Ezperienced sain. pertd onoIsas Waroops tssay igt tnt. Tbey m<boiseantihe propso spot ltowder bal exploded tb4 gOn u aeroben and nie sain ilyj They àd ntsceee so>jte wnod for týijnolbe, asp nover teaven rnoney P d>bi bhey fait like kickinmi 'i 4tler working Be nad tor rbiis not M. Waoonpis fient Two or tron otiono urnes bave been perpetel&- '~ng FCor GKtn gramesf15,,Mantlu thal h sl.1 t oun le. . - a ioIs 'fa IqO.s wb.~ Oalyhtt 4oriw~ s lag bers osekelà ah ie B tiis alney $Md. _ éh a M-oeac Tngay. WM iste, Révledaweo0 On 0 l solul nptise u.qalyap u#y fass t OOOLA u'Mnutrewealdtise8yyoa Acoo slesooma. antoitri a n mosbt Mlo ayrDs eul Do i week te Mbmo p de.0 th- mBn»t 'Vina, t ous on OoimOcx.-A epetota g t as 1 117.nuinti tae *easi oteia 10*aLtyuno tea hoeWon om ni euldte p-y ouxetnem Pmilln as nt asSediM ssro s i to uy n's deiul tne. andpet*9a mn t. Ieshma a B cofrowot5.Ma s aone d et a aoeeted baien XyrDdeos auton ciamenis x Obt ntstliaM i.»s~ws u . wgtO einooe e nie umapitiCoun i epe in %., o nubln wuotlen Y(ki eea)oI aMier. TLesnoowetxr os Sie u FoCOm Ce.-A emaSI Maller inpin aa nwa eee uIAie 5td ofthb onimbolS itirattore. wAp y a M. vn oi 0 i n sneeetfte moO o ne trai , dtenpca m 1 iss aa Ssnonoa RoI M so.-n eeofin nowhbide" n Moetema te e inn reCI -Mnie leut IS .Widsr n n la Zimconsrman tlàt e Às é o~s baecam f e a nsnl v erso, and r . 0e.l.a18 i abutnooleaoxb Ofith ee es tahoe a e n tet emo asdi, tor; tia " lbo o'0tOn evoy tn ne i M01%beian. Ats o y. bobes Halbon va. G. Tn t.nWatson wt&beUiotsiwagte visSbaI.Ïsni ne"iaoohayin a=ps bari! e ol . Outun sinsa meno e nthDo pora ty oi eM. an btvne, but g, r o i rins, Oby ii-wha moiods ud 150 os w nsa 00 Sa. atiis la.on o ciamsi teabeonlne omcm. Ie ynp oini theo g ainY5arn exoct. i» wk h Snut BENDcitEastMar F4t bt noia in nial i detOorer eien es ae e ay."ewl 0 insoron___a acs i rnnnigsont t teet ib c ome aIdniy wbea nd Dr Mo . l oaingiern bout b n plete a ssais P eofi Office oir ut pecic i o cS&ees" U nni Mî;bu t fr othe S nul borr lb Oba ceptAg Bm a b . si t mo ra the hrvts fn wa.gosn wn &aofdh yjeap ml o.eal bOnearsltem m .oena ynams,6aDr. pr e taly an an ,Mim parin onybtwilmnteo .815 t e m vt a th i nwa&U Ja 'f'aor5iOn an hoelm on is remixou e e hngct ne D.cmThe pblic osivna-o ey ile eabon e boMd Bake nia so SDesl r am rnain msfounems iglos. tom. u4e prtses o nol Ominnono TloanY- g pou- mm pen, MAI10 sequune Dee sy paib b ~lt ne rugIY&;th ae b ol ofr. atonal beano I ed arnigoes trulmonts .Ccsso.o. RISNvio r. olenaki thi a boardeera-emutotlyBainine7. beuars et o ilotoraot We o UI h l ll= B&Maad,"lais T g.oLla Pnteboed boadsgt.ose eradý enio auism acitgivoe pardne Cuelvie J ilrmfrm12 e#80,ga. ublie soheol J1 ons lth aieen pn"v ars ed rnol partrigogenuivetan eplf il to1n dac-o dte ad. ae fasa Wnoo Bon. are , n i ori n cote* fanirOe otr.H Ago li 80.D Bepc Mo Geoge . Wi ant orto, han tie n n embor tof 1edmon. Ja. a m y, orrl t OiBpac, La.IaAeta, n Mrs. awk nd fmüy.-tmta#le nd bo00W eof ndErichnepvioitioJ.G.bis mo rieAnd O U Le m JelSpa 500 ot . Ge[ ofna o bIg er isal m on L 100an r as mrt tBivep= anittwneur MnAies, o Topo Gindeyotor ang t Iea Csooelnosc iin S r ing tOn cnfie t eMnceom ena ot Toute, ail o le n Mo lasi oeilS lIst,0 manag e. tObse ý n pu0î1 e oIte, penu l eanoffMlon f is aLnst. n oiaoN Y, r 2 va o , Wilonos. & o.,wogoto a n Pooito andr eof ti sro iniote tryia . iH ane . i A~i unt o. at, 80 .. vo D- I ]t Her . lasii Eonr il s o otoiel t a s ofno on aer e mbeSa ous thel mri. Mo. s. CaNeersry, ni ierlpf Su vplce 1855, en ton, Wai son fno r.'Pe ge W o Mofte Pogr t eo s eon )mo f n iog of010 m ay n$îm'panis ofan.frt d Leo 8 monas and 1 ca c inr ookan frcotivepansi niok ingm ~obS lyrnlbsBauA e moe u ie o r.e orgte ToumpooN, pros te i n lmne;ci a nos'Mggn Bkr Homby.whn i wn MomoPotigenaun fLndowitbcnllth1e inents 10eTWilliMc80 e. pofrnt, soual SI eoM. G Aul apeîthy Sanda dS eylae r. the tapucd 1 nu d aseab off10 eroî of vMie MpLayannal ulo, N . Y ne 29ru oee, ooni, e- C UEOb -.O g Gcmostrsorac h es, i poino 11h. atconothe etalt ir a, Mes o n c0.. Franc., w lnv lodîicas sse i on te ha iulSsin ti isw ir. M at i. BNI:eloofGuphel bi .1 9Boulie nyan F 4esîn. Putgreo n d fTichueon g onnaoasowa devCoientive; aod oti g Bomrensoftt. t wn i, mn.s andA 28Ri Cut etthe ocet gardyone g.rîs at te nd. a not i an d ole n s er f Sn e ns. hirSb b nOe i h e .A . reiog n of Mr Ga eorIl g e Tol bveoptyra plclgt£i mas oto Oowaeveoandchanlîg o rsoo Yli MGeeral opSg ter-*% olre H W.mnltoUF a ginu ou ntiloi 1aeie fo tio o teen eithewo ig oiot p ejudcoOth ebWilladoe oa n operain i o, wnolo god y anb aud oines ho wre he erfomer. Ofics Of4urh wrdeu la deeg etsoag brho mo gut roay eStoiov o ul Son . D. br muiaoodocl duToaona o ed endme o tSiocon4tandc alrMo. thWaig yo wao Se ovoo o tb1e eall ad teîro- t rtT onc balveGe M. einainm er n.m igio ws lit t olp ,scMr.iptor o Omog pIt oretreikml hondwcar. F w doJ[c etrrnu o lbcthenrwnoeladieu. ratce roh.In ahubl cfoî trilearane antueacatiebu te i he8 annoyel lio01T h renSge. ionEusSITW L'ie Âompe ollion Lord bJcngo ron t o gm myboarag L uTho o t e tg Christ. Bbiogsau activimembau etetonignoobas Dnia .-Nanianio liam forovo, ie asae rteal l oni a. Fure olor qomle ro"eonuyipoiog n i limD . ic e t tom pe ar nIl non ni lOr. rowo o usenin ve Iule r. W tsionbrî er M nsn Fe in , ban s D vo1 tOn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CiSniiioileC. eiS M ont On loturIad a n a Buh, n i tohe lpO o nd Famenta .ZMSOo oatsbie tOu ter hSisofe oy irls hrLhasthisan.ary b c nl i - r. aad p ttoagrswO.O oalCi ~ ,oxo n iOn bridge ovMr.tan CrlitBam rbmîe. mi a nLhamefmsry Sîriu. re0ams O ur bt teys extemeldefeae y p ta0r eue Tnnsd o o teonnnbs aoul to e rpul t heIse ta uc o to peite.footallso.s thon neainou hon, nome iOnlutt oha paiy, Onv ou dcnroi ysa iiw atea 0 e mnp hbareo nngcor. The bSon o ttag an tatm l e woynd. lo t e rp ftan he ordmpobiy or upniteotuwoseoaiellActeonlon nil- Ap~~~o deplh by -tan voler Wvillam run , thboe asme a tenitorral osîlthe - FroftOa or "TOereaions boing fe- the filey atioldsoenm oof re ownl oftni aoon, enesondFrio. i ri M srFlminwa Toa , inn g ore. O te soîrèn e nuri e l le vn C. etnt.-trIeNveC mlr. Co, oIN ua u0 b sr rm Rompe-Me.inoMaAsoeta et eRSNb i.s fnealan oadiscd OSa nea-ISa 2GMe .Wph ntabl ou On o Sa yad u Bî Op alegayinsoerin teRoal 0Ci r it O. m MIlhinu. is raomnerng itte b Masnerey r . chl tonesarrivlhono Cioiea* teob. Ourbg yste niry niorn nibyat I5= m es t n. Bv Agrcutuol mperenOCo t E rp maonTsn e or. Mailrouon eons .ttio asn vsdhy n i aAyt e ton, onil 'cao uotroomlaboutofour UtantmtOnuInt t o nco. ICsine Seay in boe n Jan. Mon. NueO Ceamply he yao cie l teo wer o inSu ib ei l t ace e ' t- PJ.p61 blped nodviitel ceanmy on ns hear e ii u n ewmnllh. . r losttan np e ro Jkorttth eaicl dphyth aerwia r eybrly Mm Vin CTheobfaneall hast os oIthas osobmThan. MhrLebnafneo FO osflnent. nd s bAint, and be n e el is l a e to des tu e u n ille e s, g, e t i g Ouogsoy, u anit ere te henIten; u b usiiee nns Mo uIIMn Bb.èomin ndrtN.eN. en a ien ie oIa trae IWFO R s couaho Sa uRala l gmrobahy. tinc -onfornte, ar visitnremîes n ov. pe~niein.otrigatrta mnsm foie tOn notnenObo et aly 0e r bn ESorsBisnetinulDswr viîî~ Ot place oftacie tisaeekN. Bp ibe lme ieck hbonard asd lobee an oO a cmeiltnn.hs eh is lbrne.bal taciext45.bMr.elae. aste ot he àp l M 1 j~~~~ob.Oiag s the e dl st r enul oace@o lnd Mlon nlp I bs onvonton tOn Mo. CBs Kon rived noe is, On aim notae vin ngitseaen.labe ao rchrdO mli t Agreultoral -MplmJ. B. nnisvngMoM aBotNonbyEuropei0'vintwa anodent. B 'clcktT. te'en vhin veary nel lee nbore n Joea. oivrg. u ldas lasO hea I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Mo. C. W Barrss nil u Bl LWSL lieunbnonvei u oary.coTntrby llnoOn si theeN B, orobl te h n s - Toh oeil nonJacknexec contineteoodeooternOwensad wenlad, MrtVol Chto urnb beontCsaySo Min and yBuis at pMr.eant n uSinyFliORei ac ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a 00 e .nmpeeha bot0e to it ibern i ooot, t mer. eaten t int e h n d latuernStory oedn bossar e ao ; ubone tissel l ieio lanI Mr. ann visio tise rmece on g bs oy. 0e a t teOsomfiend, Mies Momie m enI o maki Engilao nce nron l Uonsp n Toont o. J. . M. relM iseB i.nne. Pos. Sf-or te mm eentamn f es o 6mo-ngto the voniSnentvhoy met otivouandor twnodp a W Dwr st nny.To pla. e basa i b es yteons ves br n peolewhocolaspek w d o Eg-thei."Oeni C b, W"Eamit , to Cnoty ba inishdtebieJakadn.i;Co&efa ldis nsonilie prettient led, tmoou- edwe' mmnsg anivnin. TOn5. ni T Onr Stmed blad i a J O N. lelnaiio nin bOUtn.e.T. n.LfDGS orgtown, ibeson. i ene asrty ti i n i e . Pcoua acte nMorlyel iis cvonstanonfiente and lamtwn' n igo f h ac.Aot O05- immoo na vusC. . 5.-A see notheu 1 e veo Milontaigust ie s Mi ote pArentesloni open, a.tLhe i PA o'nlk Tnrfiy mroig a oflay reeH. &ptaos. ste Iof aorE beryvtin vsum off meB n irp a . Mr.t.B relton nur e M a Oreinof. n om, is- ie5 oa oidetl oteo gan ooise C, P r, abt utoon ed MasiàOO moiSsinetnthe as. Oioateqna -NoyarvT.eiiS ALSl enot~~~~~~ 4ink4h.Aln evl ae~sMr.oSC. W ai s uonteal , ofiZDal.sstO, TbEr ao e- Lidoreigft tainbnd toc Toebulinstse CU . Bpece nte ooi muocl w#nsifo ~sale o toTntise ssuiersiano rMt705 at a cro t br Sn. iensE mosvoBttangt.rnn nauSed epomn s ta1 l at a, ovpe te t bouroth eyMr . AIL e , fTornt4 frm r Tiede v s be r ! ds isrnato . tr. av e dos b ais 1tie&àte msnh0 pracltoyenat 1tug ý fTavisis eutSudYndu es- tol Cesol g frntis , kg.85aYo@ anL Ps bonnes reln t ismletooktsinMoag I» lgt emnesfb i boy. tegeto.brfi ,Ms ai a.Snifrtr theat il ho uery vas ivaond foosat-tis ia la-Mt 8, 180 rail ril1ltp 10 nisfla iu ote u naen Te$ ntn odn O bep Am ouNisT imur yeP. n bu hlly n&yi i"Fto Anrs, feitobuKX=Pî, B maslSgtnoer qvea »Y ofiW Olis. nssns 4und. 'A voeok. ng *eam invswnti e ooreoti ,Imm smm tiel tinUuo im ts, conte, Md4by >mt - i""d T4 4hë "" - 3 Ezà.ý >.Towu Hall. J t H~KQepe, Earding Hlouse XKepers jwilI COMIE ON QTICKLY' for those Rbusi4 gBargains COTTON TWEEDS. Men's Long, Boots -AND- H ÊAVY LAC!ING BOOTS Ruinous Figures to clear them and Big Familles be able to get goods .a t whoiesaie pricesi for there wili be Bargainwin Lace Ourtains, Bargains in zest Teas, B=Egains iiSoaps, Barg in 8 Sgars, Barganin ni SiBs Ba rgailà n lu anned GFoods, Brains-in Provisions, Barg ains in Towels, BarIgains. iniCarpets, Bargains in Oi1cloths, Bargains in Table Linens, 9 -i.;Cot'n Sheeting 66 ui Bed Covers, 66 -i Table Covers, (6 ui Piano Covers. in" K. Cleveland, BRINGAALONG YOUI WA O ST T S Big Clearing Sale at Milton's Le.ading Store the lOto July, Peter n the 28rd Joly, the rge C. Snith, aged nu, on Angust Sol, Mon, sie 87 yeaoa lays. breso aidence, Iasy Jnly 22nd, MineH L I RA E O cf Oarilen berH residence, 172 Jon nOb yeairofni er age. are rumnng off their stock of Dry Goodo, Gents' Fiirnisto? ( tn, lnonni ngo, Clothing, Mllinery and Fancy Goods,'tt williamofn Branip. . prices away down below their value. ;n oft he laies J. A. Extra -good bargains given to clear out ail Rem- nants of Prints and Summer Dress Goods; or Rente also Wall Papier, Fancy Décorations don Eet May ~.and Borders. plyito D. W. CAMPOELL.--G O R ES - Speciai pricos in the Grocery iDepartment during the month wi -detdmtiitof A.ugust tor Cash oniy. osai, -od - frogniy tfton.t.Upper 26 ibo Light Brown Sugar for $1 0 M 1ibs Light"Coffée Sugar for $10 SALE i 21 Ibs Granulated Sugar for $10 ithn'o romo)and12 ibs Rice SOc. 12 lbs Barley 50c. mer ni Poster and .1 lbs Raisins and Currants for 50C. t ramesboom and Lemnon and Orange Peel and Spices. riD .,aSfri n Tomatos, Corn or Peas 10e tin. DR. FREEMAN. Clioiýe Salmon, 2 tins for 25e. Maîkerel, 10 a tin, SALE.î Clicece, Lard, Bacon and Ham at clone prices. bouse, sentali 8 Mgso plain and loncy Biocoits. sire;betlb HOLLINRAKE & SON. Si trouesin bealthy Do not forget thaït on keep o fiet-elana Hardware Store where yos con tu , _._a - bOsunpplinil in every lins at otom prises. Cool nil 16e Per gallon. Wu. BEWS.i FORSALE A two.otery trame dwellSo,, ivilli bitobon oaIdmoolsiocd aîîacbel i;utico tru teees, gop dissn th imal fruit ; gaMwhvtad tew4tr treftboisacre, nlatl»am Street, viib âne sOnde tuecet teipqrai. For terme anul soticnlaro apphý tu G. SMITH,. Oct. 16,.89. le-ti. MaSto. Salesrren Wanted., 0We aut bn itu in v oa s te. uaOnrepreseettqthee lestab- liised ontbill N lry paid fron là*#far acexp4oenoed and o permanent @stxuaStun slnI. We bave 700 Atone mOIe nu kiation nul ar e eonly itm tnro7binW Siritiy frec. Rgrtyip es or omNomtnmOs tarte anul Manitoba,a.pec ; . W pooaise escàtoeal. Apply P tbernas ai once. Wc vant yon men. 'j STONE f& WEi4INtTlN, ToronM'Ont. 100CA H BF~eBid .I4oom X» aeBfrýýW& Sidçbýar4 , M .0 4 B " tasi. v.' BUCK'S & GUIýNEY'S AND FURNACES I Can Recommend and le p Guarantee Work asnd God /1lIinds at City Prices. Olct Iro-n is Worth 6Octs. IGive me a eau. Xo Trouble to Show Goods. JOHN T. MOORE$ dNEl DOOR WEST OF'TPWN HAÏL BINDER 9ýWINE I BINDER.TWINE!I Headquarters in Milton at -7 A AR -LOADW% !Sà1e Agents for- XAOHN I -uap aoomier, îitigathe-baii.