YOU WAIT Ko <'ý I roloog iOto Mois fi0 0 the clb000j755 josorba OXFORD -' M!0 c- IL. /0U lil. 's Gait&--rs a nd t\ IIli,, -CO OUN RY. - rte(,, 1 ici, bu/d t -1892. t Stocýk-- Sand Best Vali pso . I -NF ro LO 4 ME Am5a aouI llz:D ME 'lin mus r, " GEOR GETOWI iMusljns, ~,Miflinery, lanties, ParasQ] ids of lireàs Goods land Pts0I9 ,'> 111 of stock, land the cm sf îiîovl only <ail epd tee H ats from Se. u2pwarc "m5C. Upwards-in ga lbbe ,,Iven thtoug ut, imero ber our Carpef, j rtans, Bo0otb land -snap bargaîns. Mloo-y fleporttmeot4 are 01-4 I;-llongîand &b1ti 9g, Jieadylde dt» "' ain' s to béhad itings, Overcoatiliga Imad oui- ordered ejotb' ~ded by our eut ScIothunget-tbui RSu I aux I00LU.. I-O £000010! ~L05l~ Ils?.-. NTON, ProMe VERTISING. 'J0 .5$o 04 .. ..........oO ohs 0 ,, 00 V 1otoo 0 0ceîs ool. 1. b t-0î4000 o.. 000004000. n.t ,70 ooOmO P., w stiià.t0l 410 PATItESON. pTT, 1.'A., Mioo.MeooOy to IISLOLL C<fr. , ooloro ooi' lslao o7tîoe. 0s yateVffieChes ~eotood-, Fteeofo M lt' h. in 0 P.rntr tr omt]BIG, Metdon. to. OM - 5o ~ rU are p n 8idde nsft4 errd use6s trhee th be eabetwi 30od ar3e.ob NY Oaha e'1 stoe~* nso sii~, Oagoeaear stockdres cteen M'pa y Fq iraaamgttooe.W basa sdy 000 paon aos.o;r loen, ss spotoasis IE~T~LS.. y of HII±On WA~~4E ~J -aper IL0Ina00Lr050. m Tow fietieoa.o Wood Is.>ors î7. ron O s m,o o onm oe.50 r meamnà w p , Om i 0.0 5050 or notOnOOaO e have mag au pios. 8. m i aà M 08 tbgBL eW& 4 Jhn %. otms. . ur COLBRAN HO SE, i$o. 0000. A.~~H E. OLE.NProbisor ComblEn 00fRniAbl. IaaM HOO,004 C m. WrgA I HotolI e.. IlP. Vs1ens i ee gQ.t AleK r 0KI1a. lkp00 5a.its roMr-dp«Oo.i. eta ..d . sa« RA TC@ 1.0otI l&V, tll-& i1. r. . i. NOO, S. OOKrANPrWeOP. M001000d,5 me- O op 0" i 1-1-111114. ,.01. 6 C IT SAIEES R. 6 JONENT, pl5 nloJss .M.rPl-i.wi.iM b oneyb m"Iy o mL-oa 6 â -±.Wâ.r MIN ST..MOLTE N p . ie wou Bom o.d os ooi1a r- U.rns Sadleo Trnk ]Àss'Wis Cme Asex dou t thle To I Hque Als Tiugks sinlo msi oe audst~ * Y- dod mot sofar yomreei Md Chi. -tharsa ho, ba liaed mpm, I hope ?- ' .. 14om'à ismeirtisah irahave quot Dh-rd tas mmd ,ofil," tah e aiddi ..Tise yammg lady iohooda a ndtte i a semra5forytUn revsrtaof abesrenmioth naa&ris. AgnfP an sllm aea Ibusnts1« 0- te bjm eatnl baev tu Mn et llme au sope lai "fateat mlii ot el frIog' is ftai or nid amfldo tiy" o smeier tai ita;mand inrlthe Unionepasgif il diol existtha bettisg wouldbihoa' ebmmdrad thonem againsi ber lindlng it-- ai', a thousanol te ana. Wisat tatia girl uie, amd mbai are ber smraasndinge7" I Sbainalady ali ove, fatb$e;.car. ries isorseif wsal, is a hutthoofibe bsmglottaeasof Mou. Clitheaca; amly1 sha ie gramfml mita il, andl taselQd1 maman ta sot." IIMrs.Clitheros in my junior isy taen yoaam, Janm, ysa miii please ho ns. nsambor."I III ag your paron, faishar, Nomme mQimd bbatis sImilis1 yonaold; bot lira Clitaere'stinud staadUnbave almayo iopressed nm ili the ides of berhaeing vary far off ta point of agan in everlhig aise, Weil, tais girl oe vary Englinh, in mpîte of ber bai'ing< baem baoogist op saso, andol pais- lmIs taesiligitst possible aoaci. Tisa teeple Un ia bas haabau hremgb up hy biolhs psasEaÈgish wmou, ibis, anud I sppose ber raadiog,aooonla for i." I esh.bapretty Jnams?"0- 1fy Ferais1 ssied, taoisin ,aibi n lxedly. " hsem t n 'ea e emdibg yen ovar mises eremmeas &gilinaqmseton.'0 3 '"-io-astHkleog face,', Jsames oaida qmnietly. IlIn asother year 1 sbamld say à it wuld bba bastiIal one;ittinaafaae, oiai ncIme tomberand rslI. "tClitermeà e t ammsis ongbs, Ma. Pairie naid drily, Ilbut thaelaei o 1of tcrnrm n absent."t Il Vary mnsolm'bis msnassmised. "Loo, I should »aY eqmally rnslmt.,i but mot in tiesa me somy. Mas. Ci. a theame bas taim lips, Iigbtiy presmeoln .hoget~ ; ibis girlsa lips ara fuand b I ,ýb1,tiisthai tasas tsa slmilar- 1 iiy in tho sqsarssens of thoir chsina.,, ' "II .,nsem onh ava mathhd ber à, pretty rlosely, Jams. I 1ePa ymU bs-vs mot boon maiig a foui 0f yssasalf im t] any maY." a 1 2hope mot, air,".; ibo mon aspbeol, ti hagimmisg la open tas ýpile o a les on hie daMi -11 thins I b.aefoilomed My fo tamiructions paacimely." . -Andlyen al hoe.," II r. Ferais sid ebarpby, II Unt tiser. iss4emn ."IIay, air,' Jamea. nid, slowl1y. II I m suitiii n taons rebnbeau nm mur. I Amng taa leitere Jamn\eaimopen- tl edmwasoneafroin Pbilip C*-rm,ssy. If ing ibsi h ho ind ha ai 40_9M> Cranmatai f e isnnilfmdayq&"ami mwoald'lao glaS it Se mmmii *kim n yq ho relmomed, , mmd teifisl(saY-èqrbe bad la givo i a n b the mk téna À i mumaiins -Ja»erta i sud l diu. il. t au ffmlti..h b day." Ze90 * aï l -' M m o u 1 ui s V ba I «Ln 1- ruse e.bur uté hicsslii asa asrssU n or & Y iSbe in a lady, Zog"hshinappaur sma; Une peoe la labo basrosgst bho mp bave taoi ory paine mita bar; bath ip-s b o he Unmman Madame lpýola s Jas o n who bu lhrmdsa losg tâme ta Ealmd; »md ber isnsbamd wmn qtoesof Fpu"h in,Losdbma~, Io neaapro- fedas ~pii.Tboy bbave d, I famay, a hamdorna silamame Pmitaher rnyspi oîbma beeustmia gond smissl. lsoaeiaoh)èê,nlf oeil.slamister y-a wmlii h imooarably gssd lambin, in a quiet tylo i misebons nIl ae, as bonnit, «ruent exmm"mlami resmistaensuta. if I ihmmgiît &Os mwu rogiséof h tla narobuge in exlmom 1e sisonli My hh,4t a njnt heas mu ho flua i. "'osmenol b t," Pbilip snid, lrrtably, ysm= onse nfeels blogr rofue thon une didbalèze. Iliit bahaon aiigbty -lfiiol Freneb wmin.ono wauld moi bava mnded itn no mis, bmt boing a girl euol--nye- doseo, itns@ isr- ri rblo, I only m léatdo winrii.bgbi, yss ismoosu d npon my mord I miii Wop-bmo in auy msy 1Imnuho paons boa "Imbse ban aigiha. l1a-do tdoubt ym manid," Jams e rais nid. IIm smure you Unit if I bai net beau dm d asInam,1sbouladbaye falitn. lan latiao hmssf I er svice, the etais,tUnti sout of tae quesion .irlabsWboai, mis omold irolow ep omy Ulemonay she May bave, mmd do aihim'g, I bava rerommmmded bar ho go o a friend s ie aotBrol Sho m rtaimly gin. ber gsoda- rim asdnseeaIany raléibt stasis anot i-I mssld gi-va a vaay largo sisare cf tmopropaoiy la putaintg.rigbl," Pbilip Id~ Uamever, n fer sn Iran ne loe je oting la ho dansetiprent." slbue la-ne point spen wmmci.yom May psnbly ho abie la gis. e menaM informaion.." 5iaone Paùthhl; d naiismny moCh nmn la youa puat of Une mmm. o gel,> PblUp onid, I"bat itlaisponibis bore amayho e uh a sans amngitho fume"m or people muthin a fan nilani 1 0bln mrarfe sanoalfor Yaeun mtu bo e a#lm Of spo a mi-Unreprt- Uni wo onaro dla"im4t u t hé P" #4aumhics éisj libeW@ Iolook àloasélus. AI .1Ow vi.âe a l"etsi 'i o.. 1ý "I M oie *0os F= «15 1~'st mai dingalmi yhit, ~ar ns - jtho~a UO54hrX Oh - 1Ki~bet voitil ise nobsi V. - " en bt9fonavens a rmn !11 hnihbnesty. o oiti."ie m nUid ibam b t ébiot $Un nanday, taeytbm"ld ethair isigfngo, 'ltaat vie,. ranthae Ofa BLt. aii's ny beart- inis for nlsbrte nMI -= AitUni miiansa n4 si r én Icouli.a MI d the seinple )f 'Roweyer, "Us nnea mme beglim yen isami, the sammor one miii gel Odoue. To-nsyam maniag * ira miip t o tata Ma., Baabst and iarn e jeoini irbaitla tUn best ay af ettlsg abos 4 il; ho Bvme imn tas Temple. Whati a Ianay namo for astmret."1 ; "itla nt a shomet. Costaara; it isé i coileciona cf arroi lmmeo, mis ma hil I- quare or imo,aed ail thesossard I fan of lawyara."1 o"tadaosnsem aplosant iides,, the girl sauo, mitha a ittleasddri ; "il r a aomnthino isae oereada ta tas hasi :. of fahoy talesoff mtering a aniletuil a a ogres.,, fi OII u yen did sot 3tais Mommes, a Ferois am ogre, msojosifs.", "'No, haowun ime, sud mt mbit isi the bsmyars one ream ofinbo ocha." IlI do sot suppose Mr., Barbut mil] bo isa tisoon mther, for Ma. FeraI cpoise of hlm an a fainld anua yossj r man. Wlli, me ehan nse h-moraom.", "'Fiai a car'onsplce,-Comstaoce sa s n Iey limbai o fo theaird Sooz of a bossa is Panp Couai. --Wba ausions aid tairs, and than black dinre mita the san,.sovea tiserna 'Fol boas ira are, theas ho bis sans amd anatas, cnins inAre taey partnere I Wonder V" MadeaeDuport sosisber botW, bar isamlodgm of London did soi otniseb tae Tompleanad ilis irys. II Wa sha&co »0," ne,' aid, sed Itag taheisusaier aba exeenlai a issocis similta hiat mniri sheaiseo écoassimod th ar on bar onssres. âpoor. A lad af aboutsi ext.s, mita is baia eut vsry taot, mmd bis eymm open- ad tnanintonent at the mature of tisa sommonm, appasrad aitisae door. Ssob a beorkh iai sevar boom benyd befora otisa iird stary af Pump Uoeat . "Ma. Harisot lives bars, does 'ho soit?" MadmenoDuport said. "Wsîl, ihasoase bisabmhabr," the boyyomio. "Aa ho bis living bars isa nsy or ho mnay set. I taould 857 tbst yen5 bai bain amsliisba about that wbm 70y0n e bim., I iardby kbo m y. smef. Lau taes afelsirs broatis aiay bnocniing usibtat.", '«Il * ho Un boaisalady almaye gys"Madaee aDuaport nidaoirnly, irbila Censla4os misa baiboeeU hoau stpbled tah ie partantimmm iengib and veriy of ba cfenpamiam'a boocis, cosu DMtbelp eioI5ù. 'Is 1fr. Barbolta in tprean sh U IloYn, miss, eai#etbXpi mleif ha la la," the lad àaosre respechfs.lyase ho lonismietbbafor thifot iasIn, bis @yin bm-ing befons mly. bees os Ma. dame Duport, oin ho reragnized as iseingsIsbga."islnnaoi MaKdaamoeDuport ami MW Corbyn." alfrisatas.ns Uneboetual ooorlg iroba oU. EBarbatinhain or ma," Cmm. eti(asemnidta Maderna. Duportiuamibe lad dimappododamaàapaaga. isas. ligU isa oon. Il ýsocna auai. ; an; Iw u ld abuh"Uho de n4t is30ow ubelsUs Un gsotnn haanP r "ne haain,' madame fDmport ré. be oet mnsbom ierr M. 05ris Lmaqaaa nlai meanssi. tmi.ebime no u; plonso to oulias bal' Wb 0"ptodidm Olotmalsem 6. bu'l*ad npmnhosIi bihalbbrAod e pnd 4tie aspp irt" l tbay enms dwn isoi, ànom loi e bayouida,"l m matagts o,à bomb.a hts 1flobair mils a woi ad onisa lis tiaaam meato iiaiftk p ti and pauna» edl tisen.ietOay moons, if oo miielck ax omme b ho- nid, lciogu"balnp tmlie theia te hiautbslloetsadped and peitadb op inm0onopat tot.--on rlaimoents,eif ho a mIilIOolade"ban "o SAisppadoptig allarbthedtbile. Ir TheWighe clisýenltn andaimia r se-aOd pan,"isesapenta t ai oois sroho i---t Ibai n. <m j. T gihethan a8 rsai mduiser. Hi ar anmmmed, f t dospori, aod pst eamymi 0 a0 ne, andth bat msteraïes p neo. ins-r Inpirsthadbiens mhd q efori h ot thaI bad ooI tdoaiaspiss in tash "mid fcoutWe owtatraorbnmmae tam Dupoinroond mpuet gma pfiaaeavail. h e, n abiafor t ts' it nl townmi leta ies and.d teon ostis artible a soida O.COotaO nra n atro Itloat is g r umiand prtinofaceai à e oit, d mas ai io feastap ofpaen bsket. gthieb. totroffeni- spccls na naid tb9 nmmonaIthsetbe Or mmm-d spom.costac Dnwsa moied rrtbt ib i osa aoisron bisfaol Mti m andmoas f;; hrria romse op.a proxpreosion tof fsm al eMoen il tina ot e t sny f he, Jmam For 1 rihar go va m ee. '-Re mmd is. Cere orbar asdat t. ainS$aotie Oboa, 1820, inis so aoda aItBdmsot )r elupobtat Smo onostis In h dmsar, Cosanasoo mac asr Ieghmted yat ip . Bairafaudngbando Algero oa eof dCtasmeCaym, mu CansJamesFr .'riofashgill. m. 'Co aby nsidaogs. Co n carga f dtt.Maiono Dopt mm in tbera hab0,to aof mimgetona a ysa 0 huo ne ber Mamne mluter dorbaèr onnsaneo as b med il Mreanspoia gheo ge ootbrmeor. Uad ostanbe orhe mao onstlaide *Prmal.abo ber aiea emmd ao bfer tis biobyiobonss . N aptroo ageof MadmeupiorMias Cosynb. Mada ooa aafr tisai hm mneace a essîmtin tJerby omocaionsoitudy audtabr mter- rPongemd aon mo at isnimesai. eibat lmafiS aaragebd taien liae.'e 'anom tans aire as noidpne MibeCr- by,thhat F aers oridocnts morayNom bofore y Pssession tm of Ma aDuortaao Mi tlegat paao4msie biDupory ýe h di seior, talady ai tar bearnmastsa ofge mancdhModabme Dpbt staemincis,L anatgrâtsotbtragmbitakmais pae., E bthataledscde mdmemtaes'ç m eis tns mm(ots opimiNos sInon bslsu egin1 ho taeotelbranoftatmt ton in, miss rcaseisol cmmsai orhe hsraSIre oy oitisecoauna n d. badd iho taonpeby ;thenehiconsgi spei pyOfmados, amo arguitis sai sta 1 courg t;t mmly marko es, feni neOin a LÉ amte oyts sol c, aof ithe i 1Proiessionooib e ah boled ho ha dIrnt] nammsera!.tm mtakthcoienseamh Ifîanldoantbargethaepsminsie ein -OibYta ahbe san Itfls d" o southes etaequons f 5th Prut, ti6126YI rogar o infdirean h aay ums, o a omthaciIenls.oil i1teàda o n am itelo Oy ,tin fnlW ta e sh arél bai s, u ags-th o sba ba h AýY Immte adet me or he eu; 0 ~scouflhntI" ca5s1e4%rql ;t ft an 0 nIo I dnhao y - MW, buainPri gaêwiat bm bnsea .iyuneb. do so, inCoby. eri.bomsri ou-MnWaoteie e oiie ibi min eibe my tlnsz 4»d lm<orsls me sonveyalonha isspomthsf on bkiee d o si bam a oby F er mo bonMy band. .oilisehe ncond placs ha mea"img imaethar lomisa maoe iRnth»a milsaPopampe, amolhat it omld ha a Smahhsa 0f Rgant bntarmban d pl«esa 1.temealosod yen 50farralisg ont ti 3 cae*I umusmre yen tisai Ihava ns ailsaimor Vie-, tist t shah fluser de. 2illmol nt mo sigmohng a bond -Lu my favor, or misit xpoet 7000 in the s'rot of yîomr redovmring ymar property, ho re. mard ms wit obor ibandl, baing, in fart, 1Otherwisa angagad," and lho brooe mbo 3a morry iaoogh, in wseics Constance joimod.' " Weil, madame, irisai do yen tbinh? 1It mens ta me that it moold ho aomio Lta refuge3 Ibis extremai y himd offer mnich Mr. Harbot je gord amoogh to bmoka ns. r "I h in for You te oda, my daa," Amnette maid, rautialy. I.yo imi I ooîy cama Oorrborsehtataise'eryaoa e700h h s oamaexPQdtion alhogatser" b lWoil, th.Iaoo__1Pt, air," Commianec majol, andl feiva aifit o o That Je nettiad then. Now lotous go aitraig t o business. yos bava mothsing ho add toaorbat Ferais bas toid nme2 Notising ; that ië- as fer mol eau se tbe eacmt nIais of the rame.", il.Weii, 1 bave, of coursa, beau tho'mk., 9 it hoyor sinra Farris tld on tis aory, amolprontystht t - dilua tami that is bafor0 us.": k "la it mtomg forme ctaams w htyou bute Ilthin is Of M Y rsmch anc s, M ~ r IlAm wo atra moahim meu foonas, Miss 4Jorbyn, y6u am ami eactfy iat YOo Pian, mmd I mii smmer ho tisa beat of, amy powr. I boum-va ttisiForais tla yen franhiY thai ha diaDmot thisis that thara ied bauoa onarriago; in fart that ha ho of opaimon tiat the rhanres amre aa orong omdead agaimot it. NOw 1 admit mt onethai mo-bsbaed tise ad.- vantage o aiea boidga ofAirM. Cor. byns rbmroectea unhils, 1ooiy ismoirby irbat hea staladnia about it, bis 07>0. i>00 in tise motter >o of onora valse tismo n'Y owo; bot osuiljiskimg tisa mator. oie aineveryilight I mm b9omdhtaoay tisat 1 regard thbancmoes as fer mors favorable tison ha dosand tisati t tsins it mare probabla ibas net tisat tisera iras a oarrriag 0." Conatance rave a littia aexclonation of tbmmisfolnmm&adpirasoar. Iliras an intensa satisfartion toiera ta onmpjdird Pogsnon obôld ses tisa natter jr the saoeiigbi that msa did, and epaimlY thitisehobould ot be woahing mith Oms, miss, aitbohgh aaady ho giva bier svsry assistamn, riigaosia tise mission opos mibisohm$le ais e- gadaas an aitogothor stopimorChe Sise oaS mot awars tisa> James Ferais hada nida ho bis frirad,o- a-boya ail thinga. Rtobert, yen onsot blad.tisagir> ho hc. tiors tisat 700 iomier boaiitehobo a juonse. If 700 don't elaemiii Devoar liseta ho 00adrico, and mill end by uttime baermif ioto the.andsla onae aouai, mbs mii lia#erabha op with fais, mopm -ad flmS era bommii ier lent penny basn ona.Yss ouldot dis. suada bar froo har assons by ibremsmg aild main mpm nit. Ysm oldmsimpiy thasi bar itlaotisarbanda."- Wiitala Robaati arbui b.d agreod, ont "iiking heCISo anaOvar ise fdjd bi ha amnld,- mitsami mtaainlng bis Oosinaa, iak thal viair of tisa ma. t«. 1109crse tsa noalleaterrnsTory mais upon fr. Corbyn's obarartanam -ou miH' oonso oenif Win intadis- -ong ii ,faaaiY$'bm ii holaasltaiy beamny Co do t e thogal fir viam of n wMd tesl os hm haarn, Paamofop-& Ài IdAil i h b O e t o i s o . . c h a r g e o f h ,ib m c ffl , Sa,. uiobdbisafmrl4looi bi Dim n W" lomo,k bePasa o is hg*01s 1 h& bis m.beaum. ~ ~ . louis » ol>ibmâ wwuas.L P " - dia in Ifd .1 - i - 5'