A dot plld fer *0 ta it big mead ie bll ou n nbtuvmti1cm. 0bmi ifiobadenog a hi nge y Th nlo adir Jontea i anwunal. J. Ha boad oficefgbin cape obi anoble hii tonie ofe b biy ba U il aetenttatla tionl ircaeinechnVa, bail on dacen0 n df farent ie&met th ee anes dhdo l t pobij1o p hegarde fthw wu tiona nothnv nuppoe =1t ofnaeg t liing.teca1888 Bfral Jones Wr thdtrin baiaitaHe tadbi h ibo mnia bed iap Co iviit ambrdonea ot Joneý a b doue, iaaard and hone nal ieage bih konni - Jobndesot Tann C nor e hi Dle nmll edre h byetenilàgi Enat ot tlnceetnedi ta dn tavo grnt ar tioney ane aon slon i ot mon, agn pbricanp geeae. Tbftental mcciion netnnyibtagpever ri c a st" ii ga. In188 dnrn Ibe nontya y, lan 1e aC dis. nptared1ne '..nionbtaeeltttcea nhe mailitants eeelaainocap liednitn o'bdine notheo Jnrelhcia>d,hsedead naield tnp CcclandeilParbana tiem aeaI18or dora t care Cadine il -1ogolbo T mal a eagre l a latbdfnt alla nde 'ea, ni Ec ofadbsreot bai' baud a dn beDottdo on calera. hores annd eganl. Thelfaite oaf sklan in fiLe anlonin ate. nuit tine n c ayhcilaevr itr tenhof rot containthe "cheen.r licaiccof ingtae- u1,dioaen wte a tlih ribi ate lDotony CoaborneIves,ebiseleben ad 0 ctadteiccsaivneeecse r infllcio t raraii oey lîlcala iccbnd làTheitortcnicoan the, oaani rla romeybaitlerd.d bcand ielb , toa Ceilia e bna oe ttaltas fa, enxeaiten ta ee thoahitn once.thon blawposi. bicia i th rani conna haend 'I' ilà rito .tttae lone centn jinn lnn hé fahtea ulan acaepe cicti reng Ci1 ofvocy n brcicht te cenabalt. ouc allest Th qri t taett p a hle t incthe iai end cintu esernono' waticaof n yyng b Cc laicl Cln b cicitanneinle ietoleicdbecanle an laee 'eslaccnantnedte '1711 yortling, aine erhewn'dameTh cat il en aà n bectlaur ed ueoe-he apnr. ola nndhutrndy, nt thegi celocoa aln jn tâe niaalcol'in cane hee oapn Cnail btnea ýenitü ife (eidacan on anCor a feten n nct eCloe. lAoclitho roand f efente hd il th cintro tbrag teeant he acre it orda. acriladlfie tonc anechacat i s tpe. badd Aulaxeand et ineadB beadtontnn nnatChatOneic)amofa1 teaxettous eatthe g r u ne a bied taereo n iBth ec iglta dcl, indgr j, thteih eganrihna cuinsai bctsr liong tglaberyi hncicgrig te atOartle bcomac- fol luthents le b idrnw a)tati t ee octie o he9 ' aenlaale bord nana ecsht ont' ay ynetany. Stmetht hinowi ata ara e itcnlrarna nd ci aroli tno, hronanJnbandDcb, a acaît elnrvellemlirc oc ai-Ther1, lafdozohinmtheib lienrtiedbofetd roetanena ipand rin, anatheag 'ontne an w utcntpae r o Lia haleraelleo and brat vise be CP en. Cieceet asdtheaniationsi ntith tala Oxfoerdanmle rCime tgwe Jumbê dof be tino ngn andatli ig, evilas nhouiea tangIl froinILan ecnatg cAalt ah d ibl th.e;Z'nare1b ctoat. e eu thebaCti deen nI b ad, an gr , whce - nthetoribns a' .1 enad, cer rcon ta tnndfcrei Oneaaidcre, talenbrdrCnym. aromtciontnd sn doaiuicnnmnia. thehuiccame iiean vrilntnd01 hwo o hdeeg n a Jumbocand ina Dcecs lacL bnowllk eei nda aee cantq i on wtLingaaspic. b encieaqote. toa oCer fdbaspar cant hou nte aimaicnnl IlglataJub iîl taminh ain t n innal ling. ey ieigb oinna B ian, co gonda h atri levsée. njD toatnclà 1MO lac..anaa hi or t the hire aenm noli i staum. la e arl ta Len o ntebeiWh* Teat ticsp t OP ý Tienndera nnta. Wbr ereyae, thilli? aln, opraie.n au aflé. i eyare 't , pssfa anmarc, a anaiet lacr ' ang.eus làn oena in Inof sudedauns ontdirnao tian M mde cmv r*ÉMau. luin 5 taaeeslr ai arsptaranm Hteis Inthatrbiaionfl tioinf tha bentitnd me.n tandmaWata naedCiba n Ha.L -zi cd Ln- ot ho a, ot LX. ,. let di 2y aihsinnpely "lamine lithoni s u i tng"Asiues, ton, ommnacdarîi chîéý ot theno man traeps.and p1ropc ML intrm a a upare an il daya ot Valenanan,. as a M", ef lai niaince. iboeen rasclbaing Tiavar il Tarise, cal-daeid cseaay, am tdacrapitlité iaihi, ib:gl Lrd c A"t, and Terrer a! thns ol ltni the gceat <Coude, "d isi nay co tamperr7, ltaraicplm nxc inec l animd.TlisLitle'Lybqs 2.,lna mid hian tocrmsata Le4Xv. Leuis lina Great, vina, b) tac byt lac bisg'M.Llid chais stinoaen vrig, dwindlaite &bout Bva tant ch Bulevan then pareiddenora othe ianta nature gave Lin, hLawova R iantCi a parothi Sic Francàe Drakhe and Ar miri Kapçb-"ittla Koprl' no ve cailar teethialteaell i abbeil b tr a pre love aicd admiration. Wbae bnCaa if bal te braela Cthe joar-trot. Ibis cataloge. Wheu, tLes, Happai- anâôrmmndore at 24-ocesomate cde mant nn apnlegytre>m the Dey o! A] 'en r auin iiteu teoBritishe fi% e tank an Ligb a ise hai the Dey ax niaimet ai cthtasinsolenceOfethlb Britishlntg fer claargieg nae"boictile boy',vit ac a mesageitnbim. Be plandthte bastidle«a boy: eae m, master vroalta taLe leagtL o! bard âs a tenta!f vindoan, Le vnld baveaBana your Deyahip a Le-goal.' OCyno Cromnoell, Cinvachonne, ani Mehemet Ali must ta content Ce takiei ocCAmn brais, tar tbey aIllianbsd faches Tno ofn thaeegreal camaes alnalij nn88eai ibat o!fnatber grant (eldiai andusurper, NapalaoneBonsani. IA li"t caporal, ns Lia men leviuclycalle. im,a a n*but crfetn(Frencha) i bisanlcbingn, eay Cieeteetoee and taréel qarinre Englinb. ICa atîra thInCroz Dulie Cent laieLy nat snia moLe, aile th iveesoltfour ot Nelsnplanî bien mitway or Cbereaoiatabtnoin IL victnesdthCe victianiof 'aterloo- Gentleman's Magazine. Seegzrnllen far a.4itaer Trilp. Ifyocnoish tetab thee trip ofiàlite. timc. pcrcenthe tcv rataexcursni ticketsa mld by aIl principal lines in the United Statees and Canda via the Narthera Paceic Bitcoad ta Yallcv. atnc Baaioenal Park, Paciicucast ani Alaskna. Thn Ccipi4 amadeo nithte e igLs legreoc i amt in tLe eiegant vecti. boildlrains c! tieno Netiera acitie Cailroad. cilcrryvdiaing carsanud acuricîra pulatn slerping cacatroin Chiecago, St. Paulind Miueaolin le Mocntanaancdthe Paciic coast, witbnnl change, ead apacini Putlman alaipare ron St. Patlait Minneapolis to Yal- ,1lie nenerne eee roete ia the ment eeâgificent Cc Ce tourd nin hea e Ctaine Ibrouga nhicle the rad pannas. toatici manartais.rivera, enlieva, laes anet plaina tollono onebotler'in succession te dnligbl tLe tanrea, l. c oitt aino tait intorentin tLe agrioneiCcrat, ainiog.taumbering, intcatrinlaud otcer inenîn nanociatat mutin the deélnp. mnteof the great Nortavest. Tbe ccamaing glory et the trip lacouge thelaratinvesl, bovever. ia the icit C tetellowtone Park, tClandtoc boC npringn. geysersa netgorgeons anonsanod Ca Alanka noilb ilaenttesé ocaa clennein. naow.eapped paa'. andinvillages aet giangliers. t! you mica Cc inveatigais tlaia Bug. gestiontartacr nénditnChnarles S. Feo. leecal Pnaengr Ageal,N.P.B.R., St. eanl, Ilion., taorc opies of the band- someiy itllteWonderlaet' booka, Yellaowntane Parkaand Alaska toideon, A ifensien Trent. .Mc. Jolen Williaman, ho ta in the mploy o! F. M. Warren in the natmon anigbusiness ai the Cascades, frn nt t iere on Satcctny a trclmemouriag tacee tant in tength etd neiglaieg tiveo pandn. I naa aegbl in one oftChe tala nabaes thIbae. Mr. Wiiliamn, wlo as naeen in tLe eh busainess toc over lvsnty paca. nevineibeon for a nmtar ot yenra in the lroct Lalclaing business in Cati. fona, ac Le laa nover nase cr béant tfa Cront oft Im is ie net eigbt. Il wasan vecy pctty oue, taiag covaret wILh tarte reotste n bolL aides. 'hlein onLtlea naalin lnonnbere aîLte Dclly Verden iront. Once an n chite a lot o! Ibean Iroci came la Chie markeit rom snsatnream over ear SI. Hrlenes, ant a trw lotn bavé come troin lae nppar contry, Coco dAmIne or Peeu d'Oreille. AI lanai iba marbeimon saidth nfieL cama tramin baea places- Bul Ccbarmen anmetimes dc net till oLere ibay catcha CLair trnni. Mnny Dlly TartanonatroLava been aaen liseeneiing frantcMx t inanct înnds, bnt tha eon agb byHMr. Wiliamenu benta &Il proviesrecords.-Portland Icegonian. Ecoqalteas Tint Baver Uceld. tome of the gond peopleeof Strattord, anac., danide t tbta ear Ce drain &bout forty acces o! marab tant and bLsd the enainary titahas dng. Alinrvard nome oth Letles nare partialiy Bhlat ep ad thea cxacralatier etagnatadt taar. u. On axaceination tan nonier vran eouni e Cet a caînraitin oltion et enaqaita lncvie., The local solanitis ecanaiedt iLir pewerftdnltllestas m encrencaas Pee n leaimof ethe siaer n tigued il nautaitin te pro. pantiva Mmsquito PaPaintion Ladinbea 2,0,000 DOta tae acre. An taere naare tortY acres afratne, teapallag tact in appuientlmat preen00 Pining aeminaeetofh" eecqnin race, wnomigint tans donm gnd ndi tlling venin open tinsCm. acticai country bornacier Cic yen,i were thoanet of altetathoir yecé ail n chance te Baver ce aveu trent,o,it cama e afrocs k: tact, tamrack hétice sll et rynioni"te-Amcegl is lainsMtay b Aa tb 1 Idwall. Tine tb saracer of lapS of savthb ea Thze tacalty of rom1 Oetosea annet aý tat -,eay 10w pple naSp: "I baow ama 1l liament in Coi Wh.no jus fmo1rroece cines at ie 00m in by cama s&nd entamor ta he clérin1 no'git. Itflié dams nCt Parnno e oclora y lni asmmencnata tlnie 1 y ta near he door, nabe bid g-d-by b nnce. - bla hotie rom caeu1 The nndd esta'* Me Mn.» Batiora privae eryasi)eeiaaacavtgn gadfy. la-anoang. gadfly in nol aenaClly.oonj c,ý aed it t pina vlan ataked Mc. Mon specien ta Tabanna ýov are vecy roublesore A adsaeanml Wrcalint ielstoi.épe - wetbr.-Pait MailI4ac0 ITEI(S. -an npy noga laseof tha Bock. inrlsg Ocam ring the namaes Bd byaevMoyne. Whio cama it anta are abia mse vbeotay Y. A writer a grant aniab. egein #V,000 c ageaceca. Hic eyeryoeaWhio Ô minnilace tan AI departmeni anm th 1Le Le ame e mnr be ain."nBaac Bls' Dite. . F . J . W co d , nnoaary. from a tLe ita ot a Thea ita ot a n Laedboen Mostînommon tua, hbothlLy o0 Lorenand .iltp in marm 'Me, etW *e iedidat 1mev h vas Te dala ofex-tns rioina Naadae Preaent, ol dQ. Bbc eae.22ed.9varte t0tet The body ot Franl imle, 87, Gler- masban ain~ean tatinohy a. liaettbt e vn albe ad Cbcowa it theaaatar vinia dna., 1 At the instance cfthe tiatloraay.ciee- oral an icqael ban&ieen Laidaon the tua rib Bderwte 12 year- dal Ibatc on Ma y I5, The verdict rainrmee van hat he lad bat mat han death Ly violance astbahebanda oftsonmepernon unbaon. t ingenéral- ly talievodthCan à mander trial wn oi c- tis verdict efthme crosera jury. Thne ('enaxttiai a! tha WhleofnthCle I. S. Hnnna ot Hepreceniatives bave sada. te. anamoadment tthie Cmadr tba Pinkertens- tata tanonnn ddonne- icda.IImaheaiitanltceseorbygonern. ment afficiel ta 00ntract vilb a parase or âom nolicb emplcya Pinkerlon ta. t1 t c f v r a a Ct .4 IL t IL IL Puai, oye wlfir tIansaneyeid seatslssohcr, ~csIa le lalsa Chint.,loBntnollpevnlademes et amno snip ssati eaksud Bsby anis. dsartnse , to aclataeina 1etd ycl1,oaccptu, dalineas nea..iilatit eamper,Banakea eaetaSUnronmadwth n.aâMN ca drae, asylfcl* g ain, etc.,ana ail nylaptoms et aarveca debiliiy tant bat ta inmcniîy end danta if net cret. Thne nprin,g et vital taras baviag lest iuntenàiaoeasy tonction wanés la asaceqenos.The notlrcnglnalacée tbeybave. r. itted ta ignorance may bc prmaueatly cured. tend ynnr adttene tacbok on ail dia-.I01 emeasa panliar bc man. Booka aaet trc s ne. lt.Ieacit ineno, Cthe aymptcma,j et vb;cla ara taint spolia, parpie tipan,jj nmbnenc, pnapitatiei, ahil etninhot 1 flaahe,rm fbcoo teothebead, fu'll 1 paie ta tae beart witl a tnintrong, rpi and irreguar. the necentheourt beat qnicher Clean Clan tcnt, paie about- the rat boeetc.,cnnopninimny ho nacat. No cuce, "" pay. Seeed tac bnok. Addcoan M. V. LU BON, 24 Mac'-. Miitnry force o being uanoiteCa nd wracnhintey Sengcting on thecSt. Bigla vindn teatrayot blatin Yn nnt caca eyerai etnsn taSouCIe Dahota ari TLnradnp. John Vaceer, oc!Bltin, n roieli-i lever, ia ening hiargnoo e't knr for tia loellarcetcrgiionaieca Via tien Chicago, Mitwee& SSt Pcul 'y, ce Tccnday, Augant liOtc, andi Septenbercî7ta, 189--l. vreere-l.ainc.neie..ii.iii,.ic.m noen i.ea,oo . .1ci.a Far !aclleo parclnta nî'tii ther noacit Tichet Agent, or cdet-ee A. J. Taplor, Uxeenitiu PCccige Agent. t Patnr o Hcnn Bloch, T'oneto, Oeil SThe Codi Thot fiOlefeCinure The OoId. Tine dhsarecable M 4Uv., Oi i 13 dviWsW l AK rEcixeauted nuable t c BA K INaame- utthlae POWDER CHAMPION THECOOICSBEST FRIEND -OFFICE ANESLE IN CANADA. Onur job iLepotueont ia coplet iti a taege aacie-iet'ofîplauint :PLAT#Ë ci, 01aec-etat faces in typea e ament- TenderC .gîven for al kîndsieof car a irena oton vob S b k £a Plastering, tpe far Pcns ate o Havi b -Pr aen Moderato W /WBa r mb~ g 80tlyearseiperience, cuone gave g,,ondnetmnftno foc ait mark en. Att maclaCrnet out pnamptty on treaa tacannd amapreparet e t la n catisefactica on noieant . praeel ime ta do any jabbing tient ---AT THE-~.. gay Party Many anqctmn. - THOC. MODOWELL, MC A 'm9, Milton, Marrie 7,:89. Milon afârô.,~, G OG Pase itt.LOCAL COURTS C&LHSNDAII, e92. - Press G~oods, P. F0. Attronaj Cicoba. Jan. SMar.I~ IiJnie Chas. Burrows lotise Painting, Paper Hanging, KaIsomititîg, Tinting, INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Ec8tiatm nd eetiigentacaenishe for tin ieiadand ge aninfordmnultie rtAtt cwcclagcaraatent. ai. CHIAS. BUIOIOWS. Bank of Toronto. TOR.ONTO BBANCH~ Où/,. ChurCh & Wellington 818. SAVINOO DEPARTMENT. lit-OSl'CS reieivet in sanut f and- .eieo aît taIeret t annet theve,-aal ciiemalraton, SPECIAL DEPOSITS. nie le socthacntfccccaccte -cet oi eaeacreiiileaacet'forasane. _..il. W'ne)SWtelCTlt. --ater Maiec.f SPRIXCI TRADE Ny Poi4 iac el i li .ua>t reglafan I bien en e .tee ii i l ebt. A Cali eiîcelt. LADIES" - OXFORD SHOPS aru. ri.opair. Our $2 Men'sMaiters and Boots ARlE THE [31STI IN THE COU NTRu. LaiÀ4e-s' iutnd-tur)zed Kind, buiId ut ) j fI At THOS. WILSONs Spring 1892 The Laûrgest Stock-- --and Best Valui lé r 'Ifý ~wzq, 8, Hog coerca bb hee ot iuNorth egale aosraaoaanocn re itp Michiganft='rlofct Sarnia ce A balile o!fnnoaet ail tlau atteannt Fitnp ioIthe Canadn acClanart. leecess n he Clas nebltVev mmn The talionPal ýlt, wiehbel knom c! theomaay ans ta vbieL it cMay thesion trott acAter ébLe2 a l t.Svai il neeanLbronzces;atett« liernlntiaa calengrcor 1nt3odéd. Leing oarafnily oclebet on ibay abolt Thee Amerca conola n CopanLauen Le paltnbad ille chamoisa dem. Dn las basn nrrtdoaeit a e ofctracet. ypano eooqne' ?TberuL tierc Municipat taxesnin B cic iii he ilL nmot it. Sweetl nilliiclea evid trteeatie cfIr1cuin tccuthee dat-Bitaaeic metait ca wla ol i vrllea fer. flanaeil ctbantlen masla cffinmwarm Aaneeetaaicn~nne eaceetoor etsForannlera seeatail and lime. benvytnecnagn. linnr'cnlc-mill lta !cned vry alliez. it Theé itnte, it eMon ltaii8tenti. ias.Ta o eascn aria apply -fret. i. ]y decre-ng, acconting c Ithe itel miel ta îmncile-nd Iecet naorar.icI niacrtaiiy ceraiý. Wittn nyte, haeavr a p ll à Canaa illhail ,0( nquare foot anaret cil vncy ighlty. and .vrep ain tine agicollamni tbuildingaIutLheChi- IluIn linnpalier; jhin nolit prvet D caeaW'rtd*'acr. - leir reeting. Fcr icllammatarp ohmu- t Tbecelaieof ai c'jirieB.C. clic ciludissolvecin a tint cof wtcil -tlatlleyhave the snal iitier r. onenoeofeatlieennnle arc,nd fre eticbcîccitat alCity. lbomongbiy cule Canheate affectai. t Thec b-oitaiNoblet nura-, nWho acucilei t aINiagaran Fat , lcas benu, ScIURanee A HAcee tor Aiinsi- fourni taatiag in thenctver Contente:.111Bave Foîlce e Cia Cr. Tien hy-inm 1tahoaic ieronto, reneaUnter tIer Braacboaîfcaontccpieaa Heaiiton c Buffalo iéitai y 71100 ane tmavr by C. Delemi, engravat iny F. A. cartei ranntford an T ccntay. Pelure . Stairs f a Weatern Ton- Scven n acred ocuoatme going ta The Besoimoa e! Hart Caetere, Cey liten Nortieet troute earntern pco. Octave Tbnnet. itritinaiat y A. B. vincee aciret aIt.Windie1it' au Fridnp. FronCt; Fqadet Picinren." by WfliIsal Itislncenînîrd liat Wcit 1S90 earnaiet anglen Ilcedy; 'A iveaide Par" in the pmetn e mafaiincren r eAutanlaiby Wamter Besant (TIno Bta artie in noitl coutain abaat 40,100,)0'o etîcena. he serie n'Thae Pnerin Great Citias). f Pat ofthe undimlstnnimt y BeginThoamsn;a t 'Onta nraICq ctasnStreet bride, tac Wiilowe," Ly HarrisonS. Morrist Toronto, coladtstl Fr mlay, intacrief ',Wlaé thîe Caaîery Came Ilu," by lire. a nomber a! corleeu nye rat a! then Burton Harrison; t "Aller taelatti,' faally. loy Edgar Mavlerv Baoa; 'Iceberp«," Darieg tCia pnfoucr Octtea 24,000,. bYNS. Clnim, icutamt by W. L. 0010 baesto! Uniled Stetenscc ana Taylor, eegravtag Ly HBare, Van biens paeae t IleuglieEngir Pané, renas nnerto areley: Mermil, HE.Ir. anet oénrge Mnxcoc. Dc'Ocan'"An One Bevie Auihoritv,- :1 Mc. F. W.-Iclanslan, ia'orjcdgé af by 7L C. Banner, lltatil by W. T. of Aigema,.lasticsaenropaapecta bn Smettnp; "Jarle-la-CLe-Box,- by T. BR. senior jntgn, vicoeiatge 1McCrea te' Sutlivan ; t Oerine Centaor, lay lire, seacet. James T. Feelds, itînatatet lay C. De' Tma ivén mer tet annt'sacerai pa.trt, eaigraving by Peebveli The songra betty hart inna collisinconcthe Trinmph cf Maais Leviolette, by Dua. -Bayao iteiailwn ay, eairTeamola, ceauCampbelliScot, illstae b. -on Tlarsany. 1 Chester Loomiet ciChittmenan igLta,'l Irienlo advicen fOm M/dce nîtteby Enta Dougla Wigie ,."A Litîle eholeca bh a boahea autlaet N"in ant Parabta," by Anne RBeeve Aldrich; N Navomod net offciai reCorta la îLe O etM utt atimore,' eaelrary are nonrce. a true eoy, Ly Charles Stewoart Davi. Sir Chas. E. Scith, Bri ah Mi - non"; itoniria Moments:e Driviagthe ta Mroco, ho wn n 1 msin to Lat Spike octhte tUaionFaciie," Ly ta Mcceo, aLo nalon < maece 1,SideneDilon, viih illitoa' tram iFez, anet torcahaca aeielpInchan.xiety a pilonolgal; "Tleo Piai niTn, wns!nmltîbanricrd tîTi geer. "A Lac a cailla le Literaiare,cc"The A cempanp Las been ncorpoqjteit Denoaileoa!Tahiti," a"The Portent mitL a capital ai 8500,1(S0Dr the par. Persan Fictine, ýA provision for pane o! mannoataring ral' Dg sCocka tac Aga," ranlimape. The chiea iceofaibusiness _________________ vitt bea nToronto.b Nrgotinliona havn bea r apnnieta. JOHN EZARb 't tmeeteariîpcofLaatadon t (eneret P Mangfr erna tofithe (antTrunn, ai vitb.L vinai a! concentani thenrait- M(IL TO DrLANINSAcn Iorm map campenyn sopa thncNe',nnuMLa lica. Jecimale Bhnlo, nt anlton Aa LM E AD Corueéc, wvrn atanliy illetby i1gb. 'Dil on Frielap turing Ith e tar.- eatzLa.. B'w., anen. Slec mc a CciLsg Cea néeglber amer the eophloeeCh thocame. The Boune o!f er c~ttives atit hinde c! Lamber, LaiL, Sbiscias, Washeingtonatact Thurcdav tt by a Codar Poste ainaya on baud, P maucmity cf 150 n Lil Fcriai th den t h îe powrva re toa "Wai a So, Dnnrs, Bitaila, neldings, Flair, Canadanen ouat ofo! cr teeéct logPlain t nd aoyDressd Piols, creotnaîtice agniath îLe aStates a lin tan mato o!f canal t., Cai ELabn oracta A mantiff belo gtalrtaa Cell.ady wokd toce. A wun irceetop vrt Icilo mnaet rcaLysi ay reaceacicleterme. B' a vacant building toc 48 deys. Wheu formath Le Anom ict a aketn,tLangh 0-ty OEN ZXun. e aie, anet ic veigbi Load béen retanet tram 115 ta 25 ILo. Graal; cete la bajncm, takec et im ant Le ta exp+cte dinta c.sr - leoge PorlgaOfOrIU*'altiedl - Z PCE Balvy apiyce lnt revver C tcr nta,bat in tum a a t e. v-aspea n dsiagt phen. tertintatireb is sem "an -ao t& o icdgadunadar he loftio, aanat The Franth S.Tagr&C. Laexazratedislicàth a prcuons eeiaien. B àulWATCHES et t"th" alles ARE - ~aêis~ -Ammb TMpu,, 55t*siby tics a- . 0.1. Sae -u i -4iu -15 P.19. OstAv 0Fp U[TON, ONT. L pe4NTONr ProPs.1 w - 1en , . T C l '-a--- tiNG k .%eV autaa. %pe l R.vii là il -T3- - -i6- -i 6asa -.2ntiev..se 01 2 9.30- m ea'e Ba. naaa il l 1 19î 14 18 17 I o.Pe M sl 141 l l 14 8 C1e.a, né~~~~~ 2any motpmno Itullur a m.,,ei t anury, Cemeis, CeaApOllln tare aL Oeibem, aec,, ans,,-1 n. cead r.oeeca.éesamr ,ai1eParasol By mfdeci ,, - , a. hof ail Kinds of Dreos Goods and Prilits.' LOOKAT HE~ IPIrCS 0F 88îedng lut a great deal of stock, and the cunto ýesWl ,tgreat snapt if eyWl01 W UhIi'ff 1' INl~3Lad1M'8. Straw Hiats- from SC. uplr 1 4IUIlflfl r-j 's StraWHats fçrm Se. u pward a a imon Cr greattalns viii be given throughout <~1n roe95;84gaC. rck, à,gg > ýithe 8"Or~e- ARmernber our Carpets, 5gal. Crock, 0110 jOm~~ llotbs, CUrtaCnS, Bootn and OT ~ ~ '- 'Sh0es--!9naP bargains. and '114414 and Mh > epartinpntt are op N ~tl±08,wling and abWo turm < efflJ CSt9h OveoiBÔstinge ail on orclered eoth(il . ïmiiz,~r a M- lu". ADET 7N. n onoa rCceecar ciere, on ... ......e. ..n 10i on k n ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I. meia.e.ciiceMo ., k ll- 1 .1,iiiÏ.iiii lleei ,,htg,iieme sil pa, .,j ,rcn ,ecI y I~enk.il-tyecc-h. 0 -LEGPeL o antanrr,1 -ia. .-c.. . TROMAS ùC. NATCCESON. P.iii.. tHneftau. a- 1. W. ELI,ÂOTT Bh. A.. jWlteeavTii L0nne. 42 tf- j[. E. MITOUELPI, cit par rent. VICTOCIRCHISTIiOLM tar, Seliettor, e1.'.,.'i'iiP/t- cn-UxaclneiolBaiL.. of c.. Bl:, LACI)LAW &t' r vr.on o IMe Bý, 34 î t S., Ta .en.a L-1 MEEICAL Moai. n.1 D:ROBE FRTSON -Min St,Miltoniçiic aL fdaaei geivala affice.,tcie petioffice,. -P. STUARBT. ISUF;r E R Y '.c . l .y i.t -j a(P...,i 0. D.., ýý I. .n a~r..c , ,iii cO-er' unitue sorea L. D.AL nteifir.t in],.,i et'tacera Fanilen ln *-*IN L. A .ARRIsL. D.S. IiOcne bedtraeu.ii.. te> ThLmulte. lite,' 4cigonneAm)Aeeci.ti Ir lU aiate ta., o e Tlpmmelci.n