aie mpoé lnbe oodeoe the dolar m P"x ~oas, worthfr ely Einbroide- esome S~i t et lia] f pi ice, wilI bo 8li n table if, thue Meint4.»J) v <Iys, ladies sihoujd8601e ~amiton. înueue stock o'f e Sutit. )LLAR. b1 %11 e ouake it krn romn $10t4 13 t StO 4, for $È tr' Inn îers cupply Ctry, anid-as 1 ant to ~s -that YOu at 'ire You bus uis fco , t be ll. . . . . . 11 hoeorcà:ecaayefl I. c mo n rua »'thet c i.Sc c .ea oc" ph md l"aont -Lea iAtcroccOa$u M oa e4cg et imdcLt ict Rou. on io I ic V. ot in. déBo sr. 4oW U e9wsik u aau. aî] à,"- bFlanel id Unfoc cpIiy - vu Dotcha Tiucy, i Wyaery 1 lesti of %ii<dh C Rosh Fia somilJa Idy icd babake vitr ha GIRetUhe lh ec fior oca ici Hl &loray bc qhhIdci wîy creci &macliyas b oîcolm h Ëdoft. fieR Oei 46~ SalIk BT na c WmidIcil g O-Ci.Kl a go mu iroaa èm . c.ey cho 1b Tie acd Searfle, cd c, witîe Shirt, ýbitta, (iiovec, Br""o go lte TcecLE'c, Cor. ., Haimilton. loipldo. ayd dscohleo, wer, drivicg &long lthé Umiultoc cn Salcoday, *buggy acd tceoohcd moil bi. Mis Hcpkii! cg thîOMleplsok l<c aIl ccci thbococcloy. Ucc;,te reported from [tAacclccc clii..; appoar le Insee beau Olaf. froc 1h. baut lricau cies.cChildO Caps, in&ct la"ll.ll Cr. KcinEsg&àanieâ ra.-0.rllg Denl, Ir.Alco. Oauiahcre,j ccd at the beach on Wà. Shefi. 1l oofa eslafloat by psdding .11 blp arfecd. -A garda.paly viI coci. i Mr. Jcbn Toafalgar, oc-Tom. Igoci Aed. -l ao Wa&Moud. Tho Mil,. Olaltocc Baud clUb. tc Uideowear le Col- p0S -alal Wocl, gc I tpe0 . ocy L-Â pcliiilccic boeg Uiat Miol icvic SAcg. 101h. Oc. of L likely *0bb.unex. Fiic andXiiby picec cf Uic Royal r=. ehall, ladt ýÏemajor, va bot I4l vauccaeimo.y Iiob. po.c.elcd te ayicg for a deon" rrcs hy localtI0 ~and; ccd Ia . htIc lb pUh o oue i nInoc c lcn oaU l.Âh " lqe vithi ~c a. cf ai*i a c theI aiSod s1 labi salhl c m m.. er Thcy~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t 26.allg 1. aiccy ~ 0 Th~e wm R«cvinlia elizng cccdyI.. bl 1. b lh hî e ig hic cc. b ppaim c e WJ i4 o c. znk Ulo dcl. a aI a v . ci oe « tho -antw cili he wc n u tic g »lb. v stac h thhoiiiayf hscoel hp Thc to Chns c. 1 of no.v.bil od ad1. Baiton.4 c ac , g lu«s ruck dt flic,.d Th recs~ci caéclO b. e n .H mlo vi aof t o coe-sm. &, uNq hean e Sco sb vet l.iI la eocp l e tho cac. ~c éÙý to44@e f t-hcdl c c ic 9"-r vllchfiInR noW, tblmmmk lu flch r 1 - £1 cios a..v o llca . toý tf la N. v1voei- Uic 14,co dich.f*. th aies S cf Uic Co' gileo b ab. îcbat ib te alb.ccfIidebyle ofl Braipondocated P. i. Rdoc jabilact ofc coc0caoc.Bi 0 [Y, bycccfît futeai oogetcovà, if0 immb byiêccc c 14 Tb.lcl$w. .7 IMM M» of 207 àSl 4-.17UM a» om hmat± Umm -Ooh.~ pMlalala~0fJ1ca.b.. in-,ïu tnt hal cal. A phoclaS cf gooooa ..beau dis. moccocla cf tb. ofmc Mexlcp, provu nmeSS. Paul, Mhie., haa beon O d tob. cftczoa. tquai*y, botc fe lowula adlbocaO. f a a coefocFsfd "eh. =:à:1%4+ aaclta a Uf. C.Fo IO Waciau, . OVa.. a'*laO'y.0 fi P-plie eale *o 01*14dga. adjS. .O inccKfue~IaaO nag~i hi Oaotts ~ LOII~ ~OtB Bar i Ta>bIeI0rs ~' " i Tablée Qovers, RuInoýe Ffgu.oa to cl0ar them " in PianoCVN INGAlýOIÇG YOIJR WAG?NS TO TRLIS Bit I~ng ae t Miltonýs Leading Stor I ~ -. _ Sunýimer Clearing Sale ~FINIE DRESS CH A lLIES. ony5C.yard,, wotlloc. ,yard. Just the thing for bot weatt4er diresses. ---NEW GOODS O ,EiNINý UP .- Good 10c. Flànnelettes sellinàg at 8ý1c. yd. 1IOLLINIRAKE Bý& SON, AIPFUhIU i ~ RqOQ~NM.W~I and Quaraat~ ~ad Pr~oè,. ~eoe~ sw~ao4è~ i~. M~at.~ Onial black nll etr i. STONE & WELLNI(TON, 1-Ici Tcotoil, Oct. EXECtYTORS'. tiotice ta Cred.itora I I UNDERTAKINS vf0 ai oan gcOco. dEIo. wx.ILOHN.MITO>rL itc .eco5 ihealeiîi ct of ceaVcn.alo iOylicdcle àccl accod1, or l. lia il