daytieogt rle mau- te 0 riLy1.o ime lu rag . ie1.cee wied. Ths e4 crign moudec huili ron c. Lise wciaLd .Tise m ineffcie baghie r aeug elme ,The2 riesi liv. ecboriaf icciemepb aadt lieq uo every in blbe This iueiuded ibe ebs dcciscfUeEugoiscd churches, lb. tmo aOees e miaipaunLie Continentb Lall c milion doliarsLb the 'Palace cf Siebu Je Pabrigoksu hall and âCeriei sebeel, Lbheireseniai fdepreme Coenb sonne ced qearbere, -guveraccc n e meet seige bacb, the AÀl Uiou bceb, theboCaomori PreabYtericu churob. EviÏ the pcbb ciLLhe Occies mas fare thor. The sicle re 1ire se cce cmdldering mare etl c building le lotItcein i. bbe devceiug lemci demo atebîa, mberc Lb. greci Ma marebOuoreand mhcrvaeu re a rt" t. Th.91iireatlirec mas ain hreefouiibu efthLie City ï, At 1-ue accoute six ilue lug8 bl e e detroied -1. bot. Moce flricg exisa peopi'e, Who are 4ameles, mor 188a aeicte*0 aLer,4 relief. Halifax, July fu-Orili ciLLhe ttaileceloa y lire a 51 Nltd., milreacoh colicas tisai Off, miile h.iceceauce ie bci 000. Raie bcs icle. Me iicctin ave Lace Leld i. SI B., aed Frederiten.Bcu action akce ,LN.ardsutei London, joly il-AtLhon f le Clonicl Seercy, Lord tend, tle lerd caYer et Loni epenedaanonlee Befond, relief Cetbe St.-f ue Bd., M The mayer ef Lvep lLa meeting o e odjcg metizeec fer dyte neidor inoadues oi Tho Alce asteameer Poecnric uet Fridaviii e eLbc si. Jebe ailOd on thfen o eiothicg fer Lthcecfferieg peop clarge eB made for irigbt. St. John, NB., Lac-vubd ble t. t-Johne, NOid, itre e Loeden, Ont., roneril Lýe grantd Thbe Toroeto City Ceancil y« gcaned95.o16te th. L. jeis5 teni. IL t laepecLed 5,0110 mle lcMonirtacitle aid btheciufrers Jolies, NBcd. Orfee.We i Sriet« A ver7 Scceufel Orange decg ien ma llell t Lb.Bra t Bcrliegtou, ou Tunay, o upiouc f aivolLily L. O and Clare WtaifSTruc Bi' a The folemwieg Iedgaumal d Cessiee.; Mltacn, Hceiîhy. Uh!eL Palerma, DaLville, elnL, aud Neluson lodgen, cepresonb Haicmltae ditrict iadge, the ledge, the plerme picreeras Ville Y.M.P.B.A., the guardsc cavai brigade eor î~itn Ctorton, roceand RamilL ad a cuembor etaie au bal, 'ers louL ti prue» e navclriadubyieLLdr eo uniformae mecprtiularydre5 iroucumcc sdoivered ly cog the tnen, ced hre waecao« ive pro gramme ai sports cd» o tiens. Milton Lodego ce e theUc stnation Lu Lhe mernieg, headedi bond, ced mene BurlUngic epeial train. There wmau imutercded ictcirenicccmdr cbiy Wacl. rubyLds~ MilLon ccd iramellhd te Lsea bY *0e regla r br s i 10.05. &ode a goud iurnesb, ccd-lua Q Omrà aiemiser of t*0 le*dlcg Tratalger ced Esqeeiosg Tbs ciratun muac c reci sucSe reqiec, ced Utehe o ed tain"d ccd the 'depri ti Ws cbe mec ou 0 %ema4 a« muz Roev. . Met4, fXsvej idock of N&uq BI11 flue tlIijf8bthé h ia~~~ oeoi ~o P rasoj5a mc i *tsee Mescomma I J la*dAulU Use Te AcLn F c ~ thhe .d bs77m7 t n abille yr, o a i fecoecp d vcc yikc opie o 1 rlsiil , aam edhefle doe g*wc mte sicieu u ) Ç Ltwn _ _ _ _ _ _ lmzOpinion.i -er cf . W torme a fo ger7. w *9 Th Acto Frac traffiruflneocipe9f.he acc cil. j7w ofW&icdoco viecige ialydru b pthrle elongtir Wh , bectnrein a, avCbeere dawgefdtc vy caco cs e a buus W Aome L L ad P R lt qlns rn ai k d ecand W. r c mad5 byRoc.Our o th. d rc hii y L ecoe a bec micicie un CrW. li .-d ari,- 6erL Thofire i nhe dt bv * e T h re n r yl e r f e t e n isl it. tre e b cl a . iF ama Cayin egad L Scday H~ e uF L b.u w ill v 1, 017 sit O i . - . - -s d o r m o thésiedbadsinle tecu 1fo &ps ihpOr 5a ne ip Os- 0 f -On 8 T eday a s'y dbem i e hou hm orbiour iluptiýbln ecith rareiçce 7 ~hrbgue* htweiw e ag M iss rssppi i e i Od iub a c fri se ri"= ' T e o e eo o a hm e T he tte yaiand audolid avoyfnes ou f c hagsecirb Hn r.n l A LrA Dr F ou eis a attr of entie. 9acbo er e eno a baiî Ue or. 'i MARE À SPleI.LeV bcandaihthe , bac tgetrthe hen&fityfeit. tits hbSec ptdAr viliers, t o ve ouTh e if i ceid a Ody edr tteChminko 4w aei n aeli w vrl cici Vr a ru eoria l tn c Ot tarliug upqLi Bii0o0u* medu a e ar r Smacii i" er nd O r ai s 1 0 M i' ne T e d uts o th f om $ 0to $ 2 aeuly 'Ycc.. I<ifard i re obCutoz er , yNcarsaar aay Chc mecilearg Ocou tvo Pu., tonobO iee. mrd' brcueea.l Dy e o b 'ln r sa a h di t lq ilt a d ie p s. s Ovues 150 heople cd ridie g cht. da eddhiabec uimrom seri g E MSRrs BRSae A T l eilfo,' 6 e Baeciil, bc cars4ig rerd r der o ertepile e t hi< e> fo0 e i y ad Le Parea la othOrOg 4 0 ' io u trw r h r m. * 3 to $ 6, w Pour deudcy.r tcfd ta m lhn iiieh, ra bea ne n h e h iutd a ho erawie, l, eZne rnsiob M -t..thD O & & o r *40. "te betcfAbryc ie or e for th e e rses, isud th~e al - -AR-A ECATYO O > tatw e " e ab,-i w rae tkn allat ue i 1 alýOunt01,busne0sdon On2andp and the $ is, 'w t th frmIlt'4, f o $ . 5 appoietocfoi W achl, P a - erss' n c1i- C ; llr Abocrgb. C st b l he r b y d Ori c*0ed Pro c age li e , ?w -dbLh or] 15 cd cci *0 Toroci a d.. ,$ 1 t $ « las24oho.r.e, ieben ece&t. Pci bo t hL~e s ocrïun er j o re Li cver r5cL# 7e ScLrdy. Loe Ocov e Oe e Lc ee 0o bisJI~ w" ey e'idoe~yc m ra 'fuacd a Ple oieg ep*trLed er, Ti.iuanrndchnc o10t0 die Ta brldeieam rioc e liiione ft 0e, airee ooe A -t Yobl b Cotîn. Pats TeBqanhotisfltWhpic Thoe i t c u Ate o eeci cd ba ibcd$ 6 ý w j *c oea l cb aiLle olmet e M-le0*0e bartth-B A SEdD mcc crekiicd voad t.e11jr the w~>astdHoae î erYielee dcbip c glare et Lhe breofrEdece ocelEleaieraid. nber ofAsLe.daiu 'ig aîLe oeg Oee v ille ged .4() a murBc su ia p urnejdn ofI T rian mu cdcidbu eTo.C y on " erl ed uheS c.dame ise a be i mieici er a rte e gci cd clfdce Tronoeuderg- ,fb l2. t ec aca h crb. Taletn hla e oyasto 1ý ç e 'j t * ~ ~ ~ ~ (n Oif i ot ccclctc ae the raba jolies aavhi*0 Oriem aleroifo ThiceiýA erccS rrd ia cd sencLin ur e L uumo r ef tc pasa ga Ex ition nt Otp r e rce ui A ey M ki i ngu ai tear. t e aicu a te fomm ceim. wS 6* anm b ela rOL n tere t e P S r ga* L o cef Aer b e ne- bne ed, W vu at e r, *0e r 'oe :Bhiettagrnd1h f li eun c i g e o c h oi re a i k , g . p aef*0 e o u c i. Q r J e a ,l lnw8 , s n a iy t$1 0 A'ttheTow ofGmiiidhof ai o erae6, t go t 1d m uebe Ue r nte Te Peieicane dacrmiib loed a breabote 1i abyndVet * m0ef t P isc. Pe's1up yO a m h~en e rie i ie cf e ive nucii u e bie e. T h om rel a g Le ce. on Mcedai c n Ma c Li teLea Wieebt ee*eerbceai We , e and ndeleou c - o rthbin e. rn e l rc s mmers.îî Betrr eana 50 nd 6. e thbis a u ' The BruiLb ec c Eiz rup shi l asN . 4 c l .fact bau houe Oued s drpdulfebitte i 01ut hse. liabrye a nndo ni hi antdGo~aSpcat. O te runa onTue l Cci er atcbie ei ac i SDiese, aeeue b, rege ilre .ce pu t oe ét, asCloeat n.n Barbea mi0cotreiaiymgmiib uis d en'eoer ad bt JeyBara; i5dc.. er u ecatoiccui aicgmand eml~ Nave ,dcc t iF nouvPortl ag I ra '~ b sc m eng pi tca BeniTar a rrlram B d uave ei u Se bo mariseepriosrnra in&0fiovar Use pro. i bini hc se afsi- it4 v' . ". ed e t a am ou . i4Wba tae$o *5U n o aaL fUce ice rotSncoteo ed on o i1àk rO frN w C)ds ,ric e .u bc UThe iase co bi e ç&saofT .-ig st at 'secon Sturdy aOeine Thrft1se at Tb.Ccadsin oSe EugIcedebeL ime ii ly black, raW, a peumucece it Wbe~ the*iid bo» ha me abisei --hmo s f eauj in gere mruCalo t Uic ofere la tecre. ,à 10ewte ae, 5ýý. , Cml y ab.ivrip a skodi0a HIbopela-ci 0$ufcMed tJueeo o. t'; w ý gme q