AMOL Al t'op . 0-CI j-, of Londt havè rec Sbino3er t ATSOF AD VER TISINO. whavito 4500have ùe ........... . .. 3 p 00 i« iflis Pl:/l ai r #.50-' j - ---------- -Val w- -, bl rahie ?W I~,Gents' J sd ioni wil iLed saJi sever exhîà ting line at-ý d-t. * . . .l.... . ..055 j.0* sd .... il nth ....o s. .... f un Ilo..p...5~50~5 ý . t ho~o.k . pub! I, FSo th- -0 os. s.oo h J * fe1,spslsrs) iDnrsr' etMos siss.-4t M th. .n fuC H «LL. HCas M,.. tilt lon. Mo, ntiôPro'-.t. VICTORI CHISHOLNI ,_o -olnetcrI., NotoryP aroorvo ToLoi,. orLoîTReer a 4eos-Noext doorselo ak of HHo, BIN, LAIJ)LAW ie Co. Ilurri.tu ,l&seo lnlo.isl 1010.,4 uen s. tFuCat. oreeE tlorooto., MEDICAL .DR. McCOLL, iù oug0,8 t 1,a. ir,,-,e iLos. d Coeoý C', Orp. CoH,,',F.t R.. D. R~OBERTS( CîOoao-Mssu SI. Mlton, nsut sColioses Drog Stors.' osience sud îrivala office. Ci sauxt Post Offioe, ýDR. P. STUART nido.. ..s. ss rW .. O ... DR,. FRIEEKÂN ILTOX * .e-p.~ dopped ilto til 1, DENTAL. GOLLOP, L.D.B., D.D. C107 iste noith.or. ns, msliy, or Ch ec-Over.Frasers Furnituse R.H. WINN, L. D. 9. tSeGco,, DENToar. Ias- "'"'"CUJ.?"w - 5mop& _ au yoibe léI."J -eetatI-br- - - - - - -au ngr~a . pionceomp bot e~ ut uotié,81.2à uhsult.ied.êee65~te Cradle isurs loes ~ i osgsealam l.noet WC hoav unt. b*ou pae tâtngk t sa Pifrom, 80 elodSn, bo taksuereetbvin.. 1 me llsila 50n o.1065, 750, 85, 1. 5,11150mails. préserve epeene 10ce, melitouereanéb aeu h.o haî, petie, 1 $. O. ~sn b teemag 1ud ; prion, per soi. igeebmtesgsors; maissnp. pna$1quarte, $.0. * :leme,41.315., PO eeeteveronce a puer tesau Foset jVr-xtbbers lpn sud oui pu«r oiAet p torke, 8 prng, 40c . Oeanlteluurpov t. m- 8cyteei6 Htu5l. ,uBn -4OisMdB1.0- eei'oei se. - -A ingsesuspYrthoe temr. but 1ap i.., heu) 10a purquart, tr$ àon . l806606Ïi haaidforulreaD s.pose esil bave t. inveutgate ,li serbetn onIte 1s S5o pair. usm, kusp peur epey sair npon foreour ader in u&te. Wê propnos t eveuy man mise fol.Cetawny,"Pblipagreed, "cf nme. J . oue test bisuima. yOu a r l m ae coevieg eut. P.I HBers usWa«aredam, thusis tealnind eflhemnatter.lifno,IwMilgtyeuin â.t5l Oussinstee farmeeiet. Our stick te thue ee' aiseS. Ws kusp arranetest the ailow& I oftevytighlatà reqisreeyt f Log ilry tesba1ulri"4. iistyntpliaien tiuued, md psu eau ISi alp arrange. STAN1LEY MILLS C0.9 , mentl yen Ibinla rdgt forsammet .36 Ricg St. Weot and 94 John. St. S Uth, Hamilton. moe ecpiaid toisebu hensheme ot age -or&mariSnlstesuanaragi. - "t ~meulase pou teikS ilprobabtelepuyncte HOTELS. fj5 n.qj. onid bave made lied hoelnittasmI." ___________~__ _011 amL bOl Tise lamper nosidesi. on -. "t mýd!1AMLOCAAA I nderstaud," be smid. 'I dareesy WTAL LACE HOU-1E. ,neOis ÂeiTN AAA I taii b ave te go over. Wbeu I sas 1n MAIN , Capte.! 'Reuimu Fnd ubal uap ee bas hies bohitbtp, I s?, 5150, toeo s2.eo 50»ho eablo e te frse smore dedunits roe, -o~'~se -ideasuteubat in toodounteemal. THEsuit..nDiNG JtOTEL 1'N TOw00 ees -,G- isosnvi-oruser h. Aotiteetheat altrnative,I hpe JOHEN WALLACE, flOP. - -, Caos' of1iti aonoip" - ~ - -- Dpm5s,.eld50esIsL f 8-Aeo' hi qimagine test pou hsveBeau te ooa0COMMERCIAL HoTzL, Noesedrnostedsndsad»em m.adde o utbI. UneXpeCtdmCeur prelly oftnin le pur 5-ont. ~ -X Gse, crenoas0 D.n . & -eoetp 7oC-eds.roses ustt., profesio, Fisris. Moueyer, ubainver 2Si I , ONAI. mBfaI n-i ýi- oEplcP -gb ont es of itîdos't teishIsisalbreak MILTON, NTAR Md. old.d - flcsnree. c-II.n .11 jnloO.. sep beart over il. 0f oouse il in ratis. mosut W.. Liq,,essand Cg. 0.500.0, sIsOee,,,55000SAVINGS BANK. er a blowe aIrst-you moulntholieve - oeenOoresnderee5seeoodsoletmime if 1 saisi it usant-but I amenet novuS ul81. 050 A. 14-17. an, »Y t. A.~ B. Sf0057? surae UsaS1ament ontfor asuquire ut - Ceen. MosoSe. ,bigis segris, sud uaal eejoy fltequiti CO BR N 3O SE -as mochif I baveieomaki, my ownuay CAUPRELLLÉEs, .ONT. a bis. I am resiiy tbinkiug more et 'oll. A - sy motheeotessof mysu tflilonld h ner . oIoe iad. - s.gpyst bleu te ber frma t. mets OehOOsand.05005,5I0S 570,1"tý oiioo. ,,t.qe,.edese. T LON N 73M R TWNCourlistlmenas it wamed 1bsd as q... an iffl. Or OAIPI N ?" OltTOWNunexpepteely couse lino t." "B AT O6PMU0OINm. "Vga, Mm, ClitemeeWoil fedit.. HotiMorgaanbcoel,-adrse e n senaiJamssFeule a&greend, fer ho baS diid C4ALGCOUs ur5. 00,.s.lleson ts the Clitorius teerat timua uben han~ge FOR. FPRK&yoar TB. enyruea v s. uS eierthey badbunop in London,.asud bad jun enssre spllessen uasosoosr ot benu favorabip lmpresed by Mmes 2. IL 5 EYNOLDE, CHtlie'a *smanner, S. OO , s P OP.wn.lanYsto. a, "A cliver uomsu aniler,! hioisad S. C O K, PROP. - n Asisiu 0. -ues.saisi, "butase liardasu sais 9<IsSusped MW Tl 1 11.êh. turnsu P- useu.ier% 6% ao mateibuste bç ______bersom n Su enisa pleasosut fllou, CREDIT SALEUS R. J O0 N ES, .3. brOUgbt op bp tt but 2and iy_,__ inlevoisitt ts eeinenteeaseiy fond pefl5tm.sirtsc sMy sereisese8e4 &teU - - tîS b ise ber ve1ee quise sefleno *isen Milton, whmsU 1parfiosuaas ne .dues of I ~ tber goosi points.'1 - si«. "r Rcs hgns. I.CHArMAr;, Lienmud =Anetinnsfer aIne. Wes1tuertb, 'I enpecto se, Jim ; mopet oUtem () 4d Woulb.eos. HAn*NESS &SADDLE bave, butl1sgree ultb yoà4tysm. Cl. t doo ý 'ÀqUFATUR .W. j thoroneabard. Ton knoute rM tber Money t Loan Next dur e heTUoan Hou»,) affaise seto sur bande ai ber bnsbmd's leisirM u y t L an Nutdis isTopsMo daete bieueuse b ave simapu bean Mt=e Àw -r MBWA-W*.MAINST., MITO N, e *M, Corbypus lampeuo>asd ahi usver __H on héYIAI a gond stock o forgeltisaI"ob Inaà CobyShye.le ia Appir e bad i tow ntab af capital band etai -'-----but I cases te ss-s, m imrusutoae., .eo Harnese, Saddles, Trunkste ,onasl natst *I i ,,Sh.aabs e D. A. R013SONF Brushes *Do y- em tatoit b, ttsmr Fir, Lfe "ientlwmsamAget.and an l hidiof MuuOM 10thl1gu ofeS bW.setd. Convepascer. Notes DiRcoupýted. th* e " Zog Ian1iahosadm . II- inkI dboter set," Philip-t e nI Mîan y in Lenan ouMuansd Perionsi Alâ mAa iaa acatufe. pid, after a pasâs. *'of noum L7pu EstI Atcom. Vs. H" s.esreU oatc , m. ade te aster iii Sund ont test teAire mus a udg Fsoilets a Promp, t Mdi etc. sut, I do net @seuihnbsbo"e 15, see Nuisho Weuud Upeecdoue i*sit c . t. eansanSdil meuh 11yffing about l' Oenoc-ToisE Mas. Mmrele, ONT. -era-s I do'tSsu mrp efsea beuld, Bing efthtea.sort ai s ut as mlhept q"ft ABIREY &TYRRELL CABRBI AGE & BLACKSMIII4Ne, Iagrai uih ySn Il m h ter enuvliteasue nsmana osBay utiAg about iimeubmaes. L J) URY£Y-ORS. cms.tan t*. ~ W5lsIto bei _ e u Oe is Jobs Dears Block, Miliu T J T. T. HARRIS, L. D . lllim"ltonosthe M "I cwrsi ausi teard slsa Y Of «Chelouto mulet Reoue. t. ce-55 -VETERINARY. ' OIEN.R. CAMPBELL > au mms of »Sue Oatpoety atmssdd te. ecos.toghi: t tâeth horme tete #dtee tesfl aisuy *aSiten3070termes, BisSing eo pattsovar in evarp Bigbt. Mia MW ' mu lathé drmenug.roem uen 4ho " *>u . mu a etun dues, sud à ho mu ailagmils ber bocSkinte te m ied"i, Md a seagaiusnla mbuobnd, mlst.b, mus u04t.servedt te oreiu ber floe ursete . s "'Tesbave hein a long lime, Pbillp. 4I teinS pou miglet bave come stralebt hsétfreustee station. I huard thsl tse iserigeDarne bock ballanuisour "1 bigyoepardonmothes. I made me ure alosmpMyoms seaoch terong ytee papesthat. ne milimwoulsi ho fona, Qil danet uteite me that pou monîsi ho auneions about IL Ws' bave lobkeS 0 verpubsere mnoeruau mekbom, sud se uli b"snse te baud, sud Feule did uot e«peut te Sund one uy mire Iban I did." "I diS sett UiuS Ibere mouldho one 0 ipsehf. for Algernon wueDot of a usnatre te trouble ieseif about mat- rstin Ibat coula hi eouvesiontlp ho put koff, sud ho bad et cours nereou te 1autielpate UsS -Y neceeutp usulsi arias for manp pessu for hie rnsleng a If "No, Ibat in Our ides, moteer.", 0FPiiip ma sutanding so tat tise ligbt Fbote from temndow and liefeiou ht ie foacensd bismother suaIetonce 8that semcethmng nusalh bd bapposei. 'MsHobumteunal nome papousor lettirs tilsng tu ber," nhe saisi te berseti. ONi Prenf ierainY that muId abew fêts abat as e n bieeste tecourt, forl isaih"cue ho mesîi taiime ai aie M; teora, OMeuilo nosereasos for eeuie.Bing it, hosides it'is neot bis uap. if ho baS tlodpacol tbat hi ba]ont the Court, hi e osi hi mus y lpas sot te Meution it t. tise Sont hale dose ai'. quntanontest bi mutin the Street" - PIl wuolrliing that it sbould ho go, rsud pet Mrs Clitisurse Ieved ber son nlo t. eu test bis disposition ffleesd o t 9Sely hem ber own, sud test ho teois "t4r is deasi fatber msthe tesu be'. e bus fossd nome chus," obe re- Ipestsd t. iserseif, "but ho dom sot mesu ttel se. gMehastleorses teat IlAlgeruon baS a daughoe, but set thai , u éhlalegilimati. IH ho Usonghtste r ses, ho meaol.î-mi al ose. He and athat Young Ferds bave cose te te ineiun tet Bu la is eitinneainsd aberefere tthe dsg as te bu Sept s seorst hem se. I muet teinS ever 01beabher I bsd bitte r eah, Buenuh. 0 uB" aSlo it hlm ou Bt I am saiz of hmronluisso, tBon I @boulsiar Wb" sIspoti-Y mecstakig. but ou Usa Oumr lesusore are masy reosa mby it menid ho beattisBt hiosaboula Usliskme ignoent &bout iv.' Thiss.mwhatàeBueit; ube euly Obid, "I snppose peu miii mecu ho mev' log lotte Court swon, Pbllip. Thers mSSno reseu mrp pou teoulaDot User, orratee smlgbtaWu. cor. bye in ou suils nascertbau Oiteeos, Usboà iilhoa pesai amie0on. WalshostBu l.0< m b'a quqisalu y"nte ade.htbà. Xs usThhlpnlt hq.' on Bt U&l 66auie nthsa la à* "AtaY raie us ba- Ou mmm lu- adeo; BO "Bho&eo A A R pler sdid ',l ifi)rd, alla j.. .01 C D15,ISoA&0 L8 gZM , e* nlite Iti'uen., *e.I~~let J id l*î@ Us m wmn. usây, tus, hao *tig to ouuClus tiost u M fol.ei. tsp~ Nusytdu desis it waà asmd..n tsesitu or nn& la yen pemuev t fer hlm. ' cousider hlm a ysgf for Seig.u MasmsC(litesroesud buerietalit- -that part et yesr bustuusm ii ho id morestabsUMMs itest eveug, for eusy. NoW de't gosuénualeas ful et hetis vsrs aaiens t. o onalthefaut yoursell.Jambe5; ilts't homesupong Usithey more preeccnpoed, aud it was Otteroe lau 4iseltestyen should s reBltief thecomisas te basefor go. nigiect hbeis lut an sd siloi porsut ing*tuboidsrrive&. tbomh s orke4 upoby the igbî of a "It us uad biteerleg &bout il," igirl le tes ads, t4 maes«rr=gsn" Philp ssid..oogrillpte himsltmises hietOfatogeteer uuecesusary liberallty. I mus ainsi,-"I asesfooltiorry. Feule bkoom mbat you ýyeuug fellows ar; e; suses te bave no doubt tbat t 1 &.1ailmlie our bea&- eltegeteer dteecti yQon rlgtad iit iut 1 nbould soi fret sa ousg wmeintecms.,, seysefftsbout it,ascmbpnhaouid 1hoterI m ill iry and hsep sep leasi, nom. I miii net lit myseitteisis aup tateer." moees1tit ustil I bie rfrossehlm tee IlWall,meall, tesle uaiUverysuunoy. réunit o e i qeiries. I teinS I miii teg; of cours, yen ýriH git back as u up te toms for teres or four dayo ; soos as yesu, on, p o u hou bmey 1 auppos ilmould nsobt hie regbtme ases at present.," tig for mi te go jtethte club for anu. Il" iboom.air. I il cross to.uigbt otiser meb or su, andi I uisouid mope te to Paris, sud go teaigisi domu froas deathif I h ad te elay bers dsiug sols' there. I mouS miete su beor more ise tliiteen" teinI ras belp over theebuies. I Pbilip idisirid te biselrésolution sot io yerp far from a plissnt ose.-5 te aiiom bis thongisis ta similI upsu thee Inà pretty little hromsestanding de. disoovery made Usas aftiruoos, and s- ai' eo, romrndiug a viem over Use cordinglp behas eBsosi asleep' luhal! teo of St. Mals, and tise son biyoud, as bour. Rie mother est for boure t..dmuit M. sud Madame Duort; t mould fore Use fSes in ber hodrosse, and misesperbapa isave bisu more correct te pot tes e ilent got lis besi teere mas so tee lady liraI, for tisire could ho uo "lep for ber ustil dayligbt bagou te donîttt Ibat ias tise moviug spiritlof breaks. Thes ber mind mas tborougbly the esiabliohtueut. Madeun.s Dupert meade up. ma's a native of Jersey, baraishes mas III will do it." abecsad grimly. a cultivater se a esesil male, sud bey. I"Pbulip shah soet bho defrauded of bis egsa family out of aul propotion te tbe rigbti. and no peas4st'o praud-dauo'b. entent of bis boiding, ho mep glad to ter ebail reigo lu thý old House of tise accept the oÈer of as E.sglieb visiter te Corbyue, if 1 cau p+ient it." theeIsland te taise Aunette, tee eldeut The sext moruilug at breakfaut of hia girls, ae a nuroepsaid. She bad Pbilip, mite mome doubt as te hou hie goso amap te Eoglaed sud dld uot n. motber mould receive the proposition, tomn for ies yiars, miseu se came, said tisat sb asibain tbiuhlug of muc. bacis mite miasaoeemed te berrternily a slug op te London for a few days. 11111e fortunoe. Sba badouly-veed "II osul very mell Po adem te Use fer titarc earu in tise nursery, ishen club or aseet people jmst .aS prisent, bir mistresas bio promoed hec tothes moteer, everponi mouid tiik il their ppetionfloetbr oms mud.. Anittu mus dnty te tslb shoot oncle's deate, asid I prudent and'eceonomicai, abemau s mould rateer gel ont of it for theepré' gond neidlemcan, and basi a giflas gent if," ha added, l'pou ii sot f.ud it, for dseus.ranslg, sud, seateeéboo te very duil by pouruelf bore." réversiou of ber mistreeses gous, plis Ho mas pleased et roceivieg a cordial ad hesu able te lay bp aIment everp assont te bie propsai frose Mos. Cli. penyof ber aarnisgs. tbssoe. Mer mistreiediss died aftir s pamoful "I1 teinS it a viry tond ideal Pisilip,inuces, dorlue mici Ausetti bad it ii maise a change for yen, sud ou uursed ber miteutiring dérotion. Ae pour returu yen cao go straigist back thesonolp daughter bad msarried the e o te tise efurt. sud 1I l l oin pou tisere. baforo. ber master bad no usfrteer nsed Wi wileetep Sbire for a meois or Smo tor ber serviceo, but ha mads ber a jmst te aSe pousession, sud thonu reluro preseut of s buudred ponudo, and ils bers tili:tispring. By tee timo me tblosud ber aviece of filteen pear te cerne baiS p ou mill ho able te résumue reluurned tbJersey.. Hsr slap the-rémas pour formner hbisteaud te bout agsiu esot one, for be badl alrsadp isenm it Von liSe. Tisirs lu no occasion for a engagod for teos pars te Victor Du. nepbem te chut #felduor and long port, a tiacher of French in London. time atter t ethe e t uoncle. 1 Hi sud Auiete ad talbed te sattir saalinuit Sud if lonelp bF- I siall over resssnably; tsep mire no longer gel on very eiioutil posai rituru." poong sudipeluos. tshe masusrty, "*Thsnkl maysaiel go0up te.dapby bao mus tusve pears oldîr. tee expreus 7"1, We muet masl salittle louger, Vic. ,,X think tst ius he b pou sogYe tr. My ladypis ii, the docter saynao eau de, Pbilip."- A49gY Pilip miii neyer recover. Shi bau bea ment np teLondonsbytetelve o'cock very eod friand te me, and 1I mlii net train. heave ber. It may sot ho man moute, andî1doeDot suppos I sial hoJlsing CHANTERItIi. my time. for ber buaband lu généros. COooSAYeCZ COsuv. Wî bave alusys sgreed that me miii go Itl imismkard businss, Jsmesea verp te St. MaIoesn me are marriod. Lite aukmard.;business," Mr. Feules, ses., miii ho verp duil bore. WiUs pouriearu. »Ml lrrlt.bly. I anet think ubp lengs sud mine mecau bnp a prettp mms mili make foula of teemeilvus, sud bosie as utoma it in Euglish fanile.- dm. a s a estter et cours, eave il te You cari give ulasseslenEsglleh, sud I us te de the, napiemsut part et thes iloob altos lise bous sd lit lsdg. bustneus. I den't sgriu mite yen teat legs te Esgul is vuloe. Wî ongbt te blae oat.eusey Imobable Usai Cor. ho abls te do very cesfertahly ; usare bye dxabe baye marriud. or tisai, iav. sursis let durisg tise aseon, for Eug. t.g marrieS, ho uibeuid have geon u isb peuple tiebseg mitis some oe easnaatlng b afler bis ibe'& deate. uho speake Usir longueasud nadir. Fieun ubat I bave asga et thee sau, I elauds Useir wus." bais alwsys regided bimsesau sus, And eusa feu muesa f tr Anuslti'a and tburw'i s sus morue tba i tm»eu teeshome, M. Dupent arrlvid te wiohe t.puffedop ternumsepeoplsefthUe 4aim ber, sud se usensai 14y mers mme sie s bme ave linttesh s e o=rlidteboune st St. 0siwu busse aimueburdesaof yeecn. Ils no beught sud fornlbed. orndit tu hlm ift tiapbave, b asimpy Thiss se»veet esepeesa gi. Ma., aissu tisai tbsy mec.respcul aeDuport mus nom terty.asveu, but maussoli mise bhaSnuit qi teojolil bar ciswSamre atllresy, ber eps. esbsllt.p, or u t seaged tin.ppis, or brigbt, ber font ligbt amd stive, amd wu taeramn te ztasg inlup ber fgure tenus. Oise eni bave pse uplaln uebyn wm us ut tesort et id &Dy ubere us taiuyeaesyonagaelbau mh»o w»u» hfiel «m»none lSkhbarrosi ags. Mxcept test abhodj rsetgîand mep acceebtu gnisS a lttMs eceau ohémisebnevner tomeS a 0honiteném beben bleue w ill eotidres. Madame lej acfe uti li e *à M% li Dupot biS *susisay Mt&ea aesa dwi . ab 1tI.Z ula mUer bave For.Ste- S u e ab" abeus a fayr, Ib , .m. q" W" e lsevant. fier n&Beoumsvisasm he 'lm a*MvdW 0» sMibenu nlat, us.riul,oftin - ~ ssissSatSohoIid ops, and " o buline 4o o e , et tastF "eus b Ue*sabTh»&plt usbmiw mg mg 1to thé lady la ~s~.wu~ustue p -an b tlor* da'etwomad wucn thon look round -l#m Pidenus lunit l'el t f eudma rulaÀM&,abat snd edln nagilut, "Paide ,abi i, but if ydu bt tn0itspa e dginu, My ie, mIse bas bien la4ys muid in manEA%. sd beuU ta w5t7 gson nsds., fine vins et the @mm~ 'lThat nonade mut thé tbing, Con. stance. Wbst do yeun .1b " "O, e," cabs esid eagerly, 'lit msuld bie" nieshne mitspeople wbo apeek Englls." i'1 IlDo yen taise otier lodgers 1" tbe gentleman ssked, turaing to Viotor. 'W. bave ýûxly Ouine t utapart- Mental,- ho replied. "elIsuppose me May use ml!go and mse thora, botht sall e do mil Ounrluggage 2" "The bouse lies et the'top of the idi, oir, and io perloape ratber fer for smdms te malk, but 1 mill mitis yoor IniWson oeil -s fiace ubich is il abo suwad tise luggsge np. If.,misen yu arrive tbsre, you fie. tbe o rneo iii not suit yon, tbe vebicle mill ho ut ooY Charge.." IlTbat iona fuir offer, auyloom, Cou. sance, snddwue iad bett or ampt it." Tbe lady teok ber plaes lu Use veiilo tbat Victor brongbt op. Tbe logago. ulioi ma bevy, mas piled op iuit. M. Duor7 sud tse Egie a wle ou lu front op tbs steep ntreets. Yeus speelo Englioh yery wlmu III bave boadUse bosor of beisg a tacher of Freucb in London for tmeotp yeae," M. Duport replied. "I baye- bol latuly relurued, 'sud uom tesci Englisis te sncb asu May require it bore lemp neuiveltom." ,ýI bohpe tbat I saal lite yous place, foîj amnot gond at French, andmy mife t"IS very littie of tbe lauguage. WC are likoly te stap bore for morne litte ülme, sud it ni» hoc a great eornfort te bar baving a wom!ma iU ber mWho speaks Englisis." CosstsusCorbpn mas deligbled mite tee spartseots, mite thesgèrdonsunr- rsuuohd bv bieb malle, except se the aide leoklg seamard, aud abovo al mite Annette. --Tbis la deligbtful, Algsrnoo," oùbo sajd, mben teey mero alose '"Il io i almont as gond Ba beig in, F1gland. Ho.tortuuste me are ilu fiig sýCba Nor wMHaameDuporti Imu pleaoed. -ITis is0a stroke of tusb indeed, Vis' tor, ju at tise eud of tbe seasou te gel loolgers ubo miii stay-bere for tbree or four mente, for it lin e5ay te oei chat teey miiibhoe for test tire. It 10 of course a lititle straure,, but test le sot ou businiess, Usey agreed te sur terme miteout bsrgaisssg, mb10b lu al that concerne on." IIWbat ie teere etrsuge, Anuette ?" --Ali,but ye men ar s tupid; mby bosld su Es g lis gentlemanu, for it 10 easyvtesme s tisa is e a gentleman, bring bis mife te St. Mslo te h onouai. id ieitend of lakig ber bomli te mome friands; tbore ises mysterysen 5, lVic- tor, but it le nune temors e fr tbsi; ubirs Usure les amystsrytisere 10 mouey teboomade." For twe montes Algrsos Cprbyn sud hie ulfe 11usd te perfectcoontent, ment sud bsppineae at "Belle vue,", ferasu Madame Duport bsd usmed thefir bonu.'Thes esme the@vent test spoilt AIrons orhyu'u lite. A ebild mas bore, sud s ueeb laser ils mother laid luh Usev. St ouie ouid bave bien bder us more attetive tesu Madame Dupent bad bisai drisg test terribýe time; shi oad bicorne muSh ttacbed t er orlegr, sud ber daste was a rosi grief te bar. ms sug asugel,as s aie, miplun- be « anu, usle st mite jber beshens on te Vsnu lrtee fueal. 'Ib Se wu ton-gedfocr bu subssd. He lu peslt spd )i loved ber, but ho le mmholoved himielmoe. He ten &bouhst him, porsugel. bave mn *onbles in stors. He would bave trdet ber lu lime. Al, tbese mmn, but they are aelâeh." "I amso sure, Annte-" M. Dniurt reseenatest, but ehi uied Use r ssai <nettesi sidasd hi montoii "But ye aad tes tho.dUsisye had =hgsYourmmAntsu abatyn enire eouvmlSd nom test thep uoe r arrwe." "TI yase =orm tIt. thougbI4I Mst tbtakasgoIetouSWbm en Wfp taldlng lgethar a uswoo b6 abs b rastberý» . os ald.- @hon mipswu iter t".b m il u u tskeesgN oetbll."h i okm to Ï e sbd& irl. IMM