Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1892, p. 3

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rintlc#. ery s & Cashinere, g Street East, Paper! Lmo 15 Coming aud yull be wauted. STYLES, EST PATTERNS ANNOT 13E BEATEN. 5c. A ROLLU?-T EDO & CO. f1 J CI t I5NJX ISTOVES rnni- in t Gucrantso I x ,ît c City PriCes [ t 1:. tic ýlcow gouJa-. T. MOORE, JKNOW*i Hardware A GAL. ccc! ec c c ,, , 'jccl E ,0 o 5 1f thf th 'nccOcc pu a c ARL & BALLY. FOR SALE t0e e '1 se' co Cal n al' n ta 00uer cii a]-i i a od veie es tOcc. .cc biIiI y Mn John ua5S. lIiicneltc .ticîraleet nit tîeüfu hcichîig Isu seio, cjth a esbeecfîrtocscoee ossthe »e. Fer articciors oppip ai Mbs, Il, %IcCUTCHEON. #O ~o NEWS. Y- ~ ~ l thal Stretailla wao fi ranshe lb .uasîs the anaumbar si taeni club.i igO léeant r"UwoS! tmonpoe cetrl port le,,boasnema 145s.tjoojon bjt i e holed f bn~U t teoelong t tbe ndD ehoet Toronto TirsBaood tit a djvorcet as trame o troubles soalo auoasd laie vite - odiscoetione o ni. e - . Don Juan. Ma. Pr 13 sf0-, fimbletnn Bing .1, xs t oeat Georgetowna INneso Oi' yeO.t this borse bau taeiseîinW G , itn uFrreiioes, bw la jVift iao4td in Watrdcvfl. Pan 1 MerbaoicO, Wbeu uni upîpty et Bard- porehse It te the 5% t{elionr&ko's Hurd- tbss t eOfot ncury 27 cae of haflS et flUaropoted lten onnI t flet!. 1%e ffoodets ve n d- aoea.isaed dtrejouoy wlstacoocomo aýthiot cf tIe paet.-6oe1pb leecory. Me. j. . Fzo !f rilgletocfo- Malt,itc c oel touchler berrr, bae Pens'l1anlu0st reiltolo roeaseoatlon inde a& e oTorontcr0ivrnîîY, snednghi'1Mi earry bJet, andhaou reeeierd s! c iLerilf1.D) e Toucabic iHatrdweet bard pan pseacilieraken Harcdware Store. Nuttiipring godo openod cp. Gsdct. t irlt, G rajit e Wsarre, &b0. S5laohd .scf r if able Pajts. Tic ' ccccIiesaL occîýGr.-Tbo Fra.odiehOCsnsdjcn Mittry IgefLeilcfore182 wacisascd Oo Xosdaý. l'l ieoditio, sithoe or étue eceptions are tLe saine astlat Ysr triclose on Mny 15. HTliciei T a OWN TUE NUItANaE.- Benosti) i o cbero loyadrd by shottmocitytramps, tht local objet Contabl iaa eond-ip adcapterd inesofti!ei, ia etfsa'ou ere on tenood c> isa4itrteta Grabum, Main Msi icghslbiotethrasoetho cscb isecenrial Pison. 140cUsic all.og t bt Holliarabons ànliljery ii, Hetlceosareooseeo tyfiois iac(iîHate aod Bonoets ut prici Ici-o sütIse Most ecoorcl. Minhic!ci' ii sperocoat atteotioa te &II ardius sicated to iser. A sa,ic1iceyot«ermer saobas lfei i coup hrc b tallp it.treated i ve ,e i il, Lileeh, 'wa4 calidoen î,n mcicisacic.eîug hp c dozore cfe bis noig!clc. sîcil 1givena ofiner orsit et ter aid f ,he shro lie 22Dot op- proelato tli cp>t, bt salîtporaspa bttnes hîîlsî lic ltre,-Actoa Frec Usoetcl \oiss Fleronto labo the tend. Ses Taihfe sick et fine For Cap- South Sic cp5f, PotBas Lamsb, Brt, Bouse, ctia and Astachan.-Cot. ing§og e s. s,, Eamilto. Toc oSpetatia caps ibat M. Goe. wioo, the llseciltono eomoanutactorer, Bays tha isaI ce crtain tht thse tenol otetîbocicegaectsop bore wsallîtie tbn tbehusibýlisc silh c esalrdtcar. id asd tIsas ho salli'reoeve te Milton an soo s cthe 00W buiiding sahich bo ii ees tiorbs ctetrpis coempieted, ubicb ho iopeîtn sasti bo abotSept, t. 110182sseii sgeaoosln Moto ilshe tiss e otbtifttv Sunds tliche chaisjeorodad le tIr hom otoc ili egh asopait et Lace Cee- tain, e sew Carpet and Boorne attintis wafi Fpo. Heliiiruhon Steroeeu eppiyiie. Toi G.I. il. BoYCîea.-Tbjn enre- loge de1scholls ap lisat it la probable ta the1i iisitea Board et Tende anc ity couei i ailliBnd tog dopole tj5150ot5cGrandTrcahheudqoutrter thoeto lrpates gaint the Huleon boy- cott. Tho icoty coci eilot uitai Saki actisoc. Waedeo Rebertsn âbýneî e obplteoos. BauinLaid- laukàic l.rlestero. et Teronto, tUse tise lccs se s àiiatto etthe Moail AtIta joscalid n prciai meetings0 tt ~ y ossilrte cenider vxssseI-fiaI peooeding beton tu &estotihe 1G. T. . Areenccibst oreesons nesU lisnnoPrsen? SeoeTrobiesstockebs ib Vesbelias, Smoking Jurbofi nd Deeein o bis.-Cee. King & Suesn Bs., BHailtocn. Toi GI. Tnnnn.iuTAoL sD Aoc Bar Tiiato ilaoilloje Dot nPei&Ulu tsol le the oleomeorcIthse lsvnoi bslsrooe he Grand Trenle sud thi Copty o Hileon, bt tbin City canua stoed te have lberecstomen nlut Ou :ei sateToenl,bennlUse eGean TeoZruy tool diepeeed le cippt BaSnt The tbig railvup cempnnp la WJé ecd crosomaohr wenponn le fIgh vil.Itîn nov tlme.tablo bitnds ansur tisee ros psrtp. The aneras"O aSieb ptn the people ot Bnrlsngteisa iront iîocenuientce d trilsenaIesi' blwe t Hunillene trasle le ingulesl Wbnt ne-usfn1 for XmaeRiftsn8a »W zoo"-, udgpoud nm by, iffik a W. COMMULT lm MW of uni" Oe 4-dty ddVigg borme to knowiL of mon lm a pmmy My Barlow. e ~ n M~LluJL Mrhantsj lag tceut-"Oahtag.Mr = = aagn ht ate dma pst bSed ousi- ue in a btter position than ever te ester for the wants of the public. mura tn tbutiust fazdy, n ___________________________________________ met" utsMPoupmon ia l -day aal5010 te. ikd le h aeu i taeyam1a la tes tlctéy Gr u asvekiesn F"7 fln» ufteas hot . Xroury neya telJa-s ar. The M s tMih I ill4nase in M lo put baclite l lter wtanliMe UB Inasteas at tisera eisa e n usi-_-AAAA~L ijry- pomateleaTIsa daeg nmeatneisy sud bafoe ise lfe, van rubbsai inegajataiedby te DBaialea Act, 04h15 Btons.~V C a aZ f. sud undet t e cusal rine uuca na T- iellon- uau ~EM __________________________ commeuoeaiApil lt. Tékha ueta sud Wellae(tonetsud Oemedp C. ie base ----- onos sye ses .0. Ac - bae «M otts sattskiiumî ife as-e, sudTHE BIGGEST, BEST AND) CHEAPEST fne forgeear prpaty-ft W. playlug le vety large business. St c oý=e0 Fz Tom.Mayo Dm brugh8toc ofReay-md (Jlothing iii Milton OV or HayTon v. . #. B.Co., lus fnua leout on Tneiup euemng teon fv& .5 ia beoeoCaler, J..-W. E. Blua, fort il tue ilu Nneegnvepa. Il vue fltteess Use deteudauta (sppetannt), meaoint lelnngsd veighed n peund suds a aa aS f. . ' ce rier tbt s depeit reoenpîteeor 70,- Inall. A nineteon incb rot vun oungt 000 deoeedivltIstesceoutaut man lt.eluise lest oeis. eortp ouspelete théCourtnofÂp. COOlT.-ÂL committoo from THE N4EWEST DESIGNS IN puo sde ont l, e pUons; sudPoesSocty of Onc siiarroep fr#4,5.5 s eurt huà!»uamgfrad Am erican W l a e s and Borders cause. Ordas made «aanisai a ts y allAholi a grand demnoneleationonu o preceedineis. (teta le Use sppee.t- Mny 241h, giving $650 lu prises. Tisere Empire, April 2atti. ailb onagrand lacrosse muath and tIse Largeat Stock of New Dreas Goode and2Jrimmmngs JSstaoBau.-Â aplas]liona eftolswiog borne races:ncnued'ruco, Gaetlmn , Wile lhrte, in tisewcet purne 510; 2.5 trot or puce, porno muS leo beautiltoosedn luGloens $c-5t t.87trot or panle, porno 817; ..tf oln a and Ncktie-Wx. Boas, 4e-Bttfree fer nl trot or puce, $200. Brase B asson POSOmccc-Tbe "auentbaud je ultendance. Tbe eemcitteea report oethUe Potmater General ban vili sparo no painos aiieg timtIse besu rureirod und tht ettvluog pa. met ecoemtei deps sport evor bold YOUX' Patronage SiîuC1uOu. ticurnconceroingtbereveuue,eule, le Western Ontarso. e,of tboe veprincipal offoee nlte cetpvwiB bea et ineret trour read. ITEMS. HOLLINRAKE & SON, MILTONi. er.The osatlrevenue van an toflows c TvoeurU ube becise veto tet in Boriagteu, $1,208.65; Aclon, $1,947.tt1c Conccerd, 1N. H., on Scadap. Ouakitir, 52,899.8t; Millen, 8,W.4;The Pope hue dacidod againsi Sapa- Georgeteown, $2,795.84. The moen rate ecoals tar the United Statee. rder bucsies ltuled tee Borfinglese, Fias people 'oere islird top a boiter 6 . e t $10,078.84; Aclen, 518,982f.05; George. expiesio sILtte Rocis, Ar., oc Sol 5 e t o h tevn, $22,22.7f; Millen, $s8,28.09 -ordny i tukte ilg.o ir Ouakitie, 825,8t.71. The snuaresn .yOen e plsce stech tOneesiao I Bseos _____________ ualoaunces te ptmaunters vere as tol. i Kaneo cnap Oo"or coa -Brilegtee, $497.97 ; Aclen, Starantiea and wrtebednesare oad A. fow dayc ago we loeed a deal for onie tlconsand two lsundred and fifty yards of 18782.902f Oubite, 8903.94d Mslton, le prnvaiî lbonetoeea casteof Nov fine Canadian Tweede et 65 Cents oin the dollar. Thece goode are now going ticrouglo #f2.54 and Oergowen, St11f2.08. tocedtand. adPns Nebtoy Xmacs Fecurate se large vus- Tht firnI Baddhist creoatioonAn.otîr fatory and will hoanmade into Mens Sais and Pett and Boyc'Soits adPns olpy. Notting eo cceptâle an oetot entca tocS pincqat LosbAgetes, Cal., and on THURSDAY, MAY drh, tics firat no? then ill 11 h placed on our tables for sale. clle,,=scsn ta-, res, -riee, Seurtn, au Fridnp ighl. Thiescrs conider oelleofthie greatest bargainS e rhIave laid or iatda oi, sucre cre coin- Badocieta. Maofflens, Ejîs & Cape. Ih ie nid the 'ohoat oipeso1r menoed bueiness, and cre nieaîc to gîVe ocorrctooners ilceir fulsere of tIce phînder. Sur Treblon estcis-Cor. Jaes umr nt wvoofroos DulucteBuRfaiso ggte- Sîs., BHamiton. gti 3,000,000. SosoosNas AFRre..-Costubto Bornt Thero veer18,268 immoiganatstued- Sa edwovarkIntnetheami, bhgheoî Mfen's AII-wool Tweed Smits, dark colors, weil made ce Wodneadap vont te Cbotenha umb n son10eeveoncrcoerd. und attesteSl a nrvateeo.pea.ed boypInthe BritinhbHoesiftCsoson a and uinea, for $5 worth at least $750. Damed At.Turnereonaaecarge Oteut-soiointaves etfeloca ornent lot tsng au en naierd Kitîhu, ged ttotand'oan rjaetodlbp to 4.1 22. Tt sews tbe pasîlea Lad boea Steotoc efSleted Sclivasoon on.ca iscF ne Si" Mit o ste CSitd.s $10, worth $182 fseenpping j is e hanSdesos cend hnd dapotutSïdcp, N. 5.W.,and eOco e 'sFau w rv uL)UnounÇL2! beon orerod eout. At the tottese ot the thesoig chaiosiaiîc il tise sceisi. atuis Eutch teoh Tunor od nose Eo0ichoasidInots 10 Paris havo e t "fT' lLds stir Kith trckTune ad o.ccyrsi tetters îtmeteoscg Ibl ater.sens Heavy vvo± Tweed ra tuS at $,1.35, woruu 3 edUs ossaS Usitoend tece hen oLchsotrrchaitebo $ 1.75 ; a very extra heavy lhue for every day a ncppeigltaitchvawulceetoningit, pro-n iisc reportod thal lise Veoea150n$2apar dcced big pocsiet-kiaisdtabbed big o Iveenseont a secsoed lIseactive epponeut in tise fnca, maiing n a oend noebet tGotBsl gsaîo .0 orn$ ar ronigfogte netril leUshecorner Tve men veto IitedanoS a large Boys' Suits at $1.75, 2, 2.50, that we consider good cfthesesctlteonto etînide. Teter- nmotefproertp doesoearTo- dnpth asce asante bave coeeSobre pska, Kan., Sp a cpclone es btesdnp value atlfrom 5Oc. to $1 more. tise segitrtes bE nitoi anupot- igbt. sonded hoie leco enas muheileilams At Gundalaupe, Uroguap, aoIttuiann hjn vite and tbree rcildoon veto osur-lffA tan thse oithe telev cn red tuil pro- derrdfotee sais ofet1,555 shihs.e1,0vad Vests at 75e,, 1, 1.25, worth las mucli more & socste. The partiele Use rnw teftItise in Use bosse. curting hande ced vouing teenat Tbo deatie isa nneesiaI o 00Par,,.,'t Tw 4 rl t'h trendnip.-Brumpten Banneto. apan, o eyo. S .LambtcinD.J D.,f1~i1 ru s a ou.a u tu . ou Bas a TranS aîWiltiamashee store. mecoteoiet ossosouiost se from 75e to 1. Bey you pspring Boole. sud soets t Ep rWlimwl ii u Wiiiaeshbetortee. Dt pour bootsnvEmorWi ut t aitve illr QMayo und nflee a mde and repairai t Wil. iltei ccl ot evla- Don't expett idteegosnoi-îr bteedof T yaet e e lijosea ehor tore. Ho bas a risoice lot rive t Cowos an the Imperint yacht c ofn îeegod uoreDsb i îc hMy le r oh o Ludion Sippore and Oatoed-evorp Hoeouxeioere on Aog. tnt. aold nov, chen the people are ic a boying lînniior. -tingu oansud elitorugit. Being tIer ntAdorecn - md., SGeorge Dople c tora hisi is aieg Manoy. kised Mr. EniDcddiue visitenise van ntatsng te ber bobaned. Daddiag dresa LOL. Ceaeon.-Tise excelent pro- a reaolver and shotolelo atattp. grameer atiied top tise betisrof etCupt. Osborne toue beau ntifird tou M "a'tfl flT>Ja M ANTTT'P' LOL. No. 1t6 fer Uicocetetftlut ie vjte, visojeladetging isapeisea A LL lu>R ÂI&fÂNOT leFidup oacuing ttraeted unaundisenceo'um ont tealioc Mr. Huegrouven ithntfihleaoerp sontle tise tovoisall perlo.scilb le eesenon theoOth iat. 5Kin St. East, noV doar to James St. Hamilton. à« Joph Slberg, a ptrisoQcaein ntflg c ad tise preceede muai have bea very Coant, N. Y., guet, eemoitted suicijde n atistaclera le tise trthen, 'oite tise bv sloftjng bis meci ttu t smoeserd --- -________________________________________ ontertalnsot vue dcdedip s0 e tasnebeet and thns cheitg hislnete dealfi.- ______ vIs Wb.ttended il, Ties ieging et Mis Three msenS veo blitocaned nnrip 11Elciae, afToronle, via otboheplcetbirtp injcoed Sp n vOncisOn Ihe tGrent Nartneru nreud on Fridap, nevon ______________________ t fMine Dalerd, vue theo teture Oatthils u nt etBoone Ferrp, Wanhing -concert. Sise han a full, ieh Soprano tee state. 'yvoie, viich gves ovidente et tht bot Amcble teporItttho poicauthet- of of training, nudlier aticulainilese0itien etf Lendon areo tuisng speelul pro- geaiUhst oaerp Word te dintimct, semns- Oflutson 't'lae Unt gistnope W e are ready for the spring trade and as 3O tiuteau lehsdoft BwP o acs byotataentisatdpn9asoit an t il tosieonal siugers. e fieeBet nossoler, Epih. Grizrurd, a nego, carsgeaoi v Us revluy is the soul of wit' e js a tt lud 'A MappDpS otu, v .e, ansaltei viswite girlseutGoad e u ert afw of the m uy articles that iso hartllv eucosed ced she tespoened b top tollio, Tenu., vnWuisote os inglng l"AunaioLanrie ten amanmere Spa noeSon Sondnp. isunged, and lNwe keep for sale t"'o-" ecan o W ou a isaItt siigt o oiolcdtsbaid' riddled visA isnitetu. PULL e aLry u a >0 efnoth c al ce e ho Be ate t n ec Lon nnd Sea Ah Les, tva oaegfigures that cau't be touched go where rou ONoe i DtnedtOb Socht &-Chinamea sle ote amoggled ste th ni peeciatu. Ic Use secnd part se Sang Bltes topS ..MtmulcN, etfTorot-,'wll Theya ea ol w itl. A Wtnteet Lutiby,' by De Koyen, sud Aise Ahonahamesee eS oeyae 8 olw se van &gain recsllod and is a neIsSot aretedit ewevoTeeSoceSoniay. Tt iechargeaintaBroaneststsItUe i Osihlirtema neofeme olo segans ,r olea neofthte CongoFrece State, >t lise usue o a et &" "cm i il tiste Aui.Slaaory Conter- ad sot ndcu h lt, ni eut, bavdansdretteed, busIlher mai- once adecilon, tteaih batersog ritles Bootesoft and crush eratdscrpin deo encen unuti unIho deied aidse lUthte nativs foteeivoap.Bo t & Sh sofe ryd cip on a geSai nug them 'A PTeîtY Satetiup mernieg tise bodypoethUe C sm rs is Grl tun lnaceni ar "ag ite and lt 1tise meere oithlie Blk. aud Ool'd C s meeeseciallv black, &Wm&nyen an "Deila Ancton' Companp, ubot lest *.ev..nd ickng te ptaylag ber un scclnO t SUent lsveesunUse Phisi1ohin Usotre R r.~ otn d s e-As ut diotetu sahumer oethtIe Boug anftel Bre, van recovered fut rusarine. s jutensaaUe gave tIse pathos Ot CoeecnuBlnckbbnanWnsbougedais n tea dGtg a s Ly-Amte Laurl." Mrm. MbsueSaga Faytta, Min., sallwie muti-Ou ; ti-th bryng gjndteBraces anad 'ries. tlIy breughîuY ery a n eus nuut ftal ei vsh ' tu-teS basts '.mulsil gtaanon"asud Use lder lady Soi>'ysovoisignae ofs,'if h u pi'yd mrne ive sis « .. usiaiesismueupreaunssnt dnulera. an playei anme Bvety sia un 'muaieWhoPnvIàdo netumn, te taseusu, vIs .baletelatte besng 5aOelty ein ulu; oaie saunssls lunte Ilis These have tii been bonglit onder vaine. W onttiki gesr ýk onthtle.auAth' gatdvlsibafttentote b.mutinAr Oftletiortetheret of onr stock ae yon know jnnt as welI os ece ut bopesautMIsa Sgeaeege ihlbgasaH.Crntn1CI.cgeedyt*goetDon.:tocali yoUr attnint h e inatarSaspiabuat i ha issest m a.mpCronnsudcetlm e esooai. stoyen uthut we eut as Close te the bone, as le poesible to live by. o. tanta :d ai enfhtiy u.J, P"-l Ts Ctsts baaiOf W"? pluane dourt forgot that we seil the bnlk of onr Boots & Shoesata net Dm 'oy eulah érdt he haba bn Dtaaba butite e atuit?=mhoSaer hesl st ,ouas mw aueImine er, Msud 'seu nat euisltslty sud insaOtaâ.woeti ot P~ Anse oto" armtala"byBasud adTies aystahava esauayt' ap vNa ý saillI.. vas"plyeiVuitoU ivolsua aayon. nid Ar.pe a nuigi sous tntM pÀ bl roua the »u a Eof mJ & ( C Wd MMsi eut alata mba. o" lo Taiffitlislo nillta tog ,a»"t*em lnOmm*mtr ssau-ppH ETown Ha]] we .4, s' ,ca. c! . ' 'c Artificial e Flewers STYLISH STRAW HATS LOADS 0F THEM LADIES! GIRLS! EVERYBODY!. shionld siomcicnd i sîectourhsock of MI LLINERY, C-URTAINS & GARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRESS GOODS. Ouîr Mllîîîery jscaway aIised ic style, qoality ansd choapnges --WL MAIGL A SPECîALTY 0F- Wall Papers and Ourtains. HEMSTREET BROS. Special Li«nos. ATHERE]) here and there ont of our imménse estock of G NewD Gonda gchhered bore and thero from ail over the civilize7globe. 6Ic Nov Flansoleltea, splendid puatteans andI qaality, onîp l6c. 10e SpîtadiS Sarb patstersoio toanelelten for Dresss, orevetis12+c. ttc New Toeîn led barder), Damulansd Hock, 124e. ttc Funcp Unoneetciinsg Planntl,,lest pattrns, 15c. 25c j Bleanhed Bbeetieg, splendid qulity, 2tc Naay Serge forbey'sunite. ttc AJ-acet Serge and Frencis DeBonges. toc Doobte-widin Tuaid Dre Goodo, 80ç. 80c Al-useS Cuehesere. 25a AMl-vool French C(halles, neveot ef estetingo unS deaigue. boa Fine Blatk Cnebmaes.e 66o Nevesi aud nebbiet et Frencis Costame Tuaid Efecle. 25e Cheiseioaplecidetcetton, cntlp Biihed. 25o Druvae, gai eaislun, Icismect ait lace. 50c Night sDresses, go asmbie, tlIcise, faUt. sud cou ci iusertion d Me $1 l'nmun Boillira 4DomsMii-loes, *1. 2"e Casbue Hase. tOc Fas bIais ettcu bau. 20lle8SlendIdrlbbeihbuse, 100 N a u aDa,Zgraud vaine.. JLiffiusy-For tlabaai tylins haiesud benuets iuepee urMâliluers. Ifale-Nawujae, canpes, tapo, Son, MCKAY' BROS., -- - In, P= .d6 à. - HAMMTON. and 67 KING ST., EAST,

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