Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 1892, p. 3

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& Cashnaere,, Street Rast, 'aper ~e is coming and L1 be wanted. .1111il ~TYLES, ST PATTERN NOT CE BEATEN. c. A ROLL UJP EDO &CO,. sTOCK Sle tai iile on cl$1300, r. 0 OR E, KNOWa-4 ~Iardware SG AL. doc c.ee-ecceave ci t l)tt-e tasas ptta'., AL& BAU..Y. FOR-SA Teic- e fb eud suas clice fruita es c1 a Wel A- l.otai e t oct er npp ta tORs.H. maCU ~u4 I. SaNSIlI ~ALL SPI!ICIAL ÂI9XENTION ~O s~~I - .~. M~T..TxM'u!DV A Mft ia A MV~ DU DtUNBE alB bas bqes sstabllstaed ~ou - - - ~ ~il.o.U .L ~.LI ~. JEL~&N .1. .LI.~ .L~~~JZL~l Stl'. bublbSe' JVis. WI5. utsi ;J1o9 seesal oter tMi- uAlesaml f wbere they are displayiug orne very ehoe novelties iiteIte tlso forecStsaUnebtt~ hR +s~àa1sr uI~aa F ah rnu u s ic Are v1s0ookogou for BOUStlm tU.»fc,~'ili.s Ch obn t he eve.' 511k UmbroUas.SmokngJackO"t mm ..Trbles 8.kck M 1%0 Lates' S * (3oas, imprtedfrom Grmny are for style and workmsnship the th tinsi, bessi. g <on--o .Kng à'Jém ou* SM M.S ýPOnoa ..rtlhly "bAi 1qs c ccw Sdoo 5 Hamilie. Bisaver, MuidsmlaaI*a-.e choîceet gooda imported; well made sud finely finished. In thi# depsrtment i moii.l t the slisemsanam. et Tas Borliogloas cricket club bed lis King & Jmeas..iik . swe tskethe lesd, aud shail continue to give the lsadies of Mltonand the ýnivxity, Mouteael, aud de. "omsai meettng o, Tburuday siglt. ME- PMMR aPMU4aS. .01 cf Mque. couuty who patronize us the very best attention and good work. Savahdîrtory addrea. vilei the toliowisgff ealm eleeiqt.sang, Bat out yesteriay for Brandn, "01111 , of NaIser., ba@ pur.: sa:Col R N MPP, preisldet; D- Man., ubere hb. tisis ic poactice IeAGEVRET as, e rperty ln Eden Milsi, George Griser. vlcs.psadet; 0. t. profesio. -ALAG RITOF ay e. olo Rcle uo yl5OsodWlo, captais; J. G. ihIsOsUM, ROUEN"s, ATTRYM Io-A rSeibook ý , n iiy et nth sis ereary,; W*H.a-ai, %roser; grreail way wtb sveryaMt o t blpii Black Cashmeres, SALHE182 , ea etO h a et im nomamâttes- e.mn.. Cobbao, eat ai iis office. We bave by fuir ibe Ciir-Boui, YounsgAsaford and Cape. Tis urgai selecitno nteui thie cunY. F. Gogeseroca, o West Flam. lub boad& oa rieale le eor steipea. Joas rMe5pOesdMitonColored Cashmeres, fSucs 7New Yack on tbe Oui ut fifises grlaspisyi uly two curlingclub ait the Buccal meeting cf N O T IC b y tiéeAtlas lace steamae Alvo wo ersta. thse rpreseiaive cuasasttes eH nieoafrnsthe.asî p. Liaso, jn Central Auerie, Houae seNDPIrUaz oraa L.- Royal Caledootasa curling club beldai e rets rns aaos awn future rmaide. The busse amdfi tus O t he Ie lais Toronto os Tcsday. rral woibUe ailTime busse vii il iltonfey5. WB are sorry ta say ibai Mr. Tbomae Corsets, Gloves, etc., etc. uýMieacnrcil ditact MTeues.s. M. lceayBOMctis-si., Miliso ture if deirable. Aply ta D_ & A. Otisblas, Ses., one ut Esquegs COC AisasTHfrSrngadSmmrWa. Noe allaa.Nadoutithse u., Mltas. 44-2t ssriuusly att ih congestion cf tbe -a loare o falPpr, PprBrea&Corners. ahi hs iscreaoed ie due urne. Nsv Ornas orF ras Amssso.-Ttais og.Aloa _ ltoralMaes eiigPprs odr lff. aUrHvaz, secondaine, and ycar, for the frs ime,ibheaisasssore fSct NGSsow.-Don'ît orgeiibnîtthae ~ A very large stock. Caa]l and sce thein. *,raOêmmnby tirad auTocs-ti terOtaioerasasesi, whn aitnspelsg ahow outhebs Mltas AgeutierA R DE R ýur«Wbythewid n Tes teirasesmensteeneir in a bcok, socty vil taec ld burs e ssiTburs- Carpets and Lace Curtaina. Boot 1 Shoe department also. Triinks and Valises.-We aà tltîalcraid of ose et Peter ia bu pravidsd by tbe dock. tbe noms, day, 2Stai ol. and Uiailhpromiseu tueaealrerneofpie n tls aé o5 lown ila-Arias Froc ec asd rmaldone ofutevery cbld tho- bu ose o thetaet ou reccord.bvalrgrneofpisadste. iwecs the accu utS8 sud 14 yeara, resd. suss pI(iSo.Ti s -j jaulul PÀaIEa.n, vacnaait Of tîleutcn t eir reupecives mocipaltise, EseanA reastalca yS nialc25 u.gtbow ua $.2 bs rnlae 1 -, clUl, Ml-au Beacet, orceoltad the uscand rsidencs cf teibe qshowe Agiiote faitGergS R CE 1Eý 7 b. Slphur 25c. 4 iba. Basket iDried Japan Tea, 25ec L- u ipelarb,andalM. Ire Vecestor, hid's parents or guardianoansd eter spo .,adLr of thae NMetaiodit otarcla, the said book ta tbe clerta ot the muni- taws o Frdny, 2d lest. Bic prizs per lb., worth 40c. 5 lbc. gond Starch 25c. Candies, 3 Ibo. for 25c. Special lines. ,aale f* or tire Nostiave-at twacipcity, weu h ie nsesumeni eull, foc 'are offercd and esaines promsebcu 0 u Mena sadBaya' Suita.-Grea t ock, Grand Bargains. Frit anS Straw vHâaoanS Gents- Faa nîiings. O.CDvIZ..'1- th it us af the Truansiaffaer. This iucrerons. Speciaci vaineaan ed atextensive vsriety. Sec thor. lu leiue.ocordnero placascinein c fetsAMibad ep rtateormitngtHOLLINRAKE & SON W ants Before lst day of M ay lu Siasrday nelilt and beipcd Troeccy At, pasd lat ysnur. The au instituto or tecainau e efrae . a ...S geety iboelly to otare sid ïst alun proides ihs penalty for drotnkade uIiteTa in Mitn c s tereaat_______________________________________________ * .at.M. fi.N M.Wt Oa oesaliace sith ibis dety. lere for ics ta work on, but wbetter * ~.1 Waatson ~ Oa.itNon laet sa oria î n ua ot ___e________abonus_____bavenulT w o C a rs o f D rie d .A p p le s 'et f ýnéN, rbe nd wip. Noby masPreseetuasnlarge ver- tace aatrcsd. C gwnrlds i..a a-.lol, h jft. Nnaaca a t abl e a s i s, ce, e .. aaeIn l c ca -DuinI ftRuha Gees isSarslR.W . lR a teCw iioýs100 Cases Fresh Eggs r alOriDui t ehe eclaiefa, Mauflers, Hâa & Caps. congratuatitons ou bsvieg pcsed tals Ll * e witlatrcrj force SoTeaeTatbes stock-Car. King &JamecsfiSeanatiousefor theaegree of ýuLccc5, oiestore front of oofat SI.. Hailton. 1,,wetaasieecaocsnbleoM.D.C.M. in saudicine ai Taaaty Col- W e are ready for the spring trade and as 50 Sides Dry Salted Pork aeqbuiesmuwsbo A GOUEouaws !AvaoaaEan-11snr- loge, Toronto, standaug thrd aaont he ivi te su f i eu tw rtt :,i crabsataiy .0 laenon 000 gerite Evaes vas buire aed heu nivnys tIcecucceful ceedidate ccd eecasii b e iyi h o l fwt9 ejs a tt cepîcâdlk o c Sar.redlin flived et Georgtown, Ontario. SIec erTue aste: c Me. Oeeenumerate a few of the many articles that 1000 Pound Rolis Butter prsdr fie n hto uleadatrad ttehg Thomas. deatit, subo lacs bacc tceyang wçe) keep for s aie that we can offer you at ,.cty i a aoefi ntabre, Reeve caolthare, grduatiec rtrcsthe latter Millen mothiy prelecalaisitiforfg rsta antb o c e , ow ee UFOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL a. licssedy Ilascng rrnieced onin1888. Her irst publi sovclas figuresyceessviîltacaoreytabeoaetlaatyo (caa o ait reccct ppitmcct ausefierst eivork as naesyseutitled hsola erioosy iii tprecrit, adwl T. They re as......s Cccîellkfbaaiccrsing. "For a' tisai, ada' tiat," ehh p-joienWithatheCcRAav O nind1 iii a asioîo B ADRY GOCERS O il ot inaecasatcase'n a red ileUtc llettaMagazine, aserdy recovey. I hj Saast MeacalofcEsqoasiof, Detroi, 1889.« Tbe" toliovcd 4otritas- KNOX CHuvc.-Dont lacget tenaa-v -vre lll.tb JcaSmith, Arman, lanl a fraca, tioes coaostiof of short nabrtansd r nMtleeigtre heue as Fidv.Th cae toie t te eogetwnHaal, ou aspHardth YP..soft andurli Iar ,crushn cus Hats, pton âteiu fcu t, a re. tribotaone te Woanes World, Torono stleiai rgramm Y lias of K n ire-rBoots s& Shoes of every descritinWl. Htl.ai a La INDS a1Ai Y.a -,t( chhe aaa r bs colnt edn.Ic e taiesobtest seoketces hered sas l e Maedy ataolafoblacck, -cdo esth cncrl atilirdlaet. C shBoot l [,iliglike stiO.-Actoa Frac Press. aed ta tIc Detroit FretsPresse, short Pare sltlo ocrtcc aci 01Blk. and Col'd Cashmeres. especîally black, I ecci sat ana laceS c-clFursitiies artiaclsed stariee te Winnipeg Freeotebue arcos ta coaely-flthepro Shirting, Cottonades, and ittititkinpitgiei tuu- rdýevnn rgna oe ôthe eatthissaycc vil ssàt avl l e aBraces and Ties, Tc ig _________________ reda iplegraca front Oraogevilie Scotar.d, scortarerticles Ced essaye tccvtihce uldfo.lo ieact i>uca Leaca, ci Baii. ew-E York tedepeedeet, and short RalseC""0"oco Causs.Tue officeres Prints and Grnghams. LADIES ! l.1 ()ac aarge of lrgery cacacitted etories te tirBelfard Mgaine, Noewad tarsihere f LO0L. No. 166,. Mitoe, * eaatl.Cstble Frecailo, o York. Priecipal short steres pataudh- have made arrangements for a greed .C- nt cdtoodar -cfWioubr"b oicet tale hrldt tha tawnshalloas These bave al been bocîglît under value. We do lont tlink it îîecessary IR S esc a. ala hn.Herid. ChuS," TII for Tt. "Ther Romaece tle 201h imet. A eocbre of! irst-ciauc te, caîl yovîr attention to, the rest of ortckaayîknwjsts elow-G RI S Ic-eaAgood g0nracaîservaet of as Advrtiaremet,' "A Childu vorallts lave Ies regagad. ieoiadicc pan telIytlîa - n scoe otebn3si psil oh- y 42-4eMc.H Wco.. Brokes Hert,- "'Hale, a Soasaee's Mis iord. ticeseileuova Toronto -1 htweuascoeehebnasipsileolv y.EVERYBODY ! ýir. ppy u rs H WTSN. idyl."- Mraer Wil Out," eca ela eserco ho mande shob a od ire- PIsasdon't forget that ne sel1 iteelîîîlk of olir Boots& Shoes at atet cEpi oya Bgc EDc.-Erh. tier cu e r f short steries for cdSes. presionencîc hesg here lst es-iwoesl o cTtos.tugo, cf Gauelph, vas ar- "ALittlee reolse,' 'A BraeeBoy,'cme. MisGayiorda sDame aloste sbaoolesale1-ot11t]îîcîi ne- îî - i c-lt .c1l klccaly kltsd oe Saturdey norelet. "The Botbur.' etc.-Ledirs%' itoriel bu reasch to makiethe onert c fluait- 1lne cll low 0e, ridieg on e hors '1 eahy. cil succesu. ccî aýieS ahorhsae,whites, drlvieg os ARE wc IHNAMNH-0M L I E Y à ttcea roaedsy, île cari gaiot t ouronanPL, iot a rot do botter M.anscer le eTo Miloab otco.-e taI deaDlUt ntîanego le Wiiinsse's schouestore for Wm H E -ADv e&ot Citeehnttîc la reici"li caa.M iS otva. i tr s i o 5 Londoe, buiboagbt hie dscleege fer U T I S& ý,.PE , psesat crelt sectel and lisacs fr reinblie srrieg a short tisse ced veet te tIc clONuE Loc- at 6 ,osa ist-cinso gouda casoo.tebubste. ai ais-Nortîvest. He retorsad iatly ta visit ' U T I S & t.AR E S Illtue fan c f ladies' Oxtorst E tt prie"a. reilives le Nelsou townsehip, urbere le (aa,55L. Wn arresteil by Cocstable Bradley e A L P P R llEen r a-.Iicards, of the Teet Lacs lacrv.-COL., MUroo.e-Oen acrgc f tagesy laid sceanst hem tay IW L ri"lit caki a.e-arcagd lis vaabetactth2tta cli.. ai bis residesce.Stevart- 1lis v ite,'sWho le e Saoghtac ut M. John 'ncic irsnia'crcflicta ltofor ityowns, Cc, Maltas, Jobn Mrray,.les DcFce, 1A!Nci. Tsllrsi -caieýla hN I r. Frcgssoc, suho olli LieueatCioloel of te 2thUtHatinietîncetlhMay, 1889, tIc pris- R S GO D crs e memditciy sitlhbie vite iles, cotereal isi trai, vit1 a trcsg _________mail_____the______________________________ RE S G OD ilas M. IRicards ccd taciila hpe of cverhaatisg lifts.Coct. Murray DeForesi, ofNelsonaencd ilci oenIl-ce cacic onTronta. hutacatlesoyaOa.GaI- oin e eTarbuni, O. Kerry, lrelasd, pth sjouse floilie omarrieS Louise WOur Millitîc-r'e i. ct P iîaîiI tjan.cceîî 'd ce-alies- illa hics ct frrqcaecnt iniervalts. le182,aned rereived bis educatios isi .0 owef London. Soasrvillo onuW H A ilia i le rity c oweil suanteS, île Ciy o Closase, comaag ta tis broegt butore Mayor Dico yuaisurday -0 tee. country le 1848. He etered mlercas- sditecrsa comurnite1 for triai. Il tule lufe itl tle tais Richard Tracy, cf sad ilat le vIt pitait uiliy. I ,ICATi07 litueu - asanS bacametlb asd ____andhautaine_______and c- in. aed Leaterork- cette, rr-WIe-ii..1h5. eE sI- i.Troble-as fac e stis ea tre entrer f Esqucstng in 18855 v as BORN. W M N alP p r n u t i s actali esain tisa trad.-CorEKise pcobabiy île oldesi municipal offier te Fucuer-On Tueesdy, ArlSt.ts aic0,,,tacitce. tle provisce. Mis file vas e a itary vite cf iMe. Jouepta Ferf, Milton., O LA N TalOfrsa d Cu ti s si ait f tîletluinlst. e wagoneanc.hoserveS as adjutastin le cold aàsso. Iaclal ptOucmsbrof the Cauaa militia f Canada, eedlir thc lais Col. M A RRIE D. GRLE.A TEST H EMSTREET BROS ýlac ord of Facirer, le their rotur eet.ft tc c eTrent affiir sscR.a8lAtbeeserec Cr-eaa îin a viil ta ts Nrrai tadge,lie formeS tise second ieftuy cumpeey île bIndes ftee, o c o ûnIt, by ere ripiste wn eta drksasancd budi le tbe caaeiy, and sldsic veebs is BRi oy. O.stea o James isteria t ad, aca.astIacatfisg innty fes Niagara district ai Utc Fenianeraid in Aggle, &of agr aglweise cf Jamesl n e "' tberset. John Pugh IBu80. Me succeed ihe tisCoi, RaLTmcsy, -ailfNthseya,119. tre hI0 .ieIa l pal fel O iebtn ta acaa - f thu 2thUs at- ville, os Aprii t, bl evs. . J. M. A wrîtcî to the Toronto Mail gays, Woman's greatest cbarm 18 to b. able to make c-cclVe ba of askd ltatan Rfides ta 1871, anuSretireS in 188f, (Siaotrd, M. Jams aW. Kelly, of Wa rmnosslr oa ihta hr ol a. rinuvabt s retaiolssg bis rask. Me betd masy Garvitl, tamais MIgglc ttcKes, Mnbl bv n ing.' WhOustremndos aharya Smanwjththa cbam ctîl gettio n . public peitiesa ad baS(Utshoncdenc dauiter of Ms. JaIn IcKEes, Coulis- command as an advertiser. But remember, it ie one thing to write a good drawing ad- OrMiinr l-aluc-cc.-cc-ateisilceIu, ,tri ret. peuebflrsillda e otionsmendYbâiiche ofieeu v-llrtse.ntanaother thing to Bcll the goods, unless tlîey have been honestly repre- 00w open, containing the very1atnsI NC-- aîtîlPtarasia 55t% Sa ste oseBelss ai sye.M vaseansis iame-urDIED.senthteadvet mstwe amta nooman could over rate our $2,25 and novelties in Hats, Bonnts, la, Fra- eFlcter-c, Iilpîei tAarbaqutrey laveladtaia murf f tse Obrcb ut Engluti, aanstrvesMaLâTTv.-At Staatris,, onStBates- $2.75 Suits for BOYS, to fit gs4t 2rcr.Sm fteeaeor w aeadLcs reet es u esyr cosora taia-aalt Ouqusam$rreaddtc, 11gb staPPiet uar- membher ut tiseMDcean and proincial day, April ted, Joueph Mariat, tagsa Borne we have purc.,as i-cgelots fcom the laret alasihinanmanufacturera tin C'a.naaricher, better aelected andîcl .a.ej tok,. rup0Iî8v, y d se cuh aed. Asy ynode, vasa adecmded EsauWeisl 68 year, 1 tsad 16dya. Our Bovb' Clothing Departmnent bac the entire attention of two experienced men, vho dioplayhng this scason. Eveî-y îtat j., ricli ande pretty. Obsasismetda s trag spporSer 1tru selfo cr part.domat sentdw h ooly tetaple e yday aS hsdepartmnent ils snda'r the saîervîsîii Of tiiOSC wl n&ottbeabucsersatewUflhlBd ans aa ga Whoee eje v s ecu sithat their depajtent ia l times toksowthon th eer.cau mstecmieecletjigret oyt a e ita ~ t thidatg acal ad Isave a Proteslauit piuciplss. DeceaaWvas matsWood, viseoflthrîtod Me. lierman cliaba10ý ivce, h., it1 tise une-su.epporer ofthUe IAbe'onservative vibbuyisgsses.aS psissbfoosiutwtsteltotnvlte roue n h are f h lohn0ord o odtatnobieeceln jîgooît icst ClaC eeryte-F CaoosaI c<asis&s amemse ofthUseadnnm ho vas dsaalddby ts . po ecurng eoniething that ii nI aaily stylisha but 1) aaes&o poiil +c' coming. therefore we wocîld ask yoîî tic oes and iicsaei Y' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~curte, but tise inicmovaqebe W8t4i g s' ~ y as LLe, u ilrey Imporial Pederatice Liaguse W" envs ua ischniciy Wsuit v55 ai TWO piec Tlfltaneimal meeting otihe iurion this lasiie hbocs.. Nearly cne areitd on tiseai ofmlae I5%55 0 '0Larose Club of Mitoaga aigsibdred piople ateudint bis Mrermoasn ma'as sovs an wellad $ 1.50 tO $6.50 Ladies' new MentIe Capes, Wraîes, Jackets, Cloth wbsibi Lyo' a hl for rsorgsissa' terat. Servicea v«ie bld St St. id J,+T0T7' t i Silks, Worsteds, &0. tan.ý Bvieg officers oece el i. jg.Cbura, &à vlob ise noirJ O F RM R . Three pieoe Suit (Coat, Vest .i.ad short plat, t ft NovGloves, Hosiery, Linens, Drees Goodse Priîî Mthlpresideoil J. teoeuet.o Georgetown and Mev. Pr.ces, $ 00 to\$8.O ,o.prosideeit; F. Devar, Smih. cf Mior c oisted. 111Bis Te ideb <s, in 6d ages 10 to 15; rce,$ .0&0 aetptixltkthswek capai .a. ago, mse fitres i.frsaa wu vtAmr. Lpe iUnes for This Week.-Flaruuelettes, îîew pr 'omamitis,P. Devar, J. àbmilà aiMliii.&areisa Of (à <arvec yW.mce uomaeu.iivhemn. to4 -~18 e r ;i35 5 J. Liudsay. Priesutrnim. 5alqof un scecmSmonladsin mdaiwiewmiled.Ales_1151 o s' tn .'& ltUeL, tlA it.ages st12 Se wrt 8; Tweeds for boys' Sauit3eorh4 -.0w5 ~ PBoys" IÂUnon Sairtn annel (faney) 25ec; Beadford Cord Prin BOul., wvili yha baty"t"te u Issam sesndoAa..Tk JORN HEBLOPe rcê,* ffl $i M> 2c;NwChfos 0;ChrotCsum wedEm ath ail are cly c-ce- ec-t lets ýnts ects 250. L a Parlor Sutgo io îop bau becpurcbaied a- det a gqS eaeoft îî0 pot drusk. >Im

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