Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 1892, p. 2

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TIWIL HITK ONw u .rEMS. bannibade tlitaL -----i---Blla pence is at present a-i The cholera epidemic is abating at Pittsburgplice. W ldied threemonthil 0ILON AP. -82. tendig the Hamilton Arn Academy. Heat, Afghanitan. ws. No lue hau been _. Miss ell Riharsnisvstib er1 Russia has asked for a naval depot in f.ondt oepronwocmiede P. M. MF.PN, Of OtkvwWho was in iter, Ms m Fat fHaml 1n the Argentine Republic. ime OF-- his 99th year. died suddqdyo Sna MimsesCarrienand Bertha VaoNorman Oxford defeated Cambridge in the h a s own re . n Su. are visiting friends in this neighbor, anmal boat roce on Saturday. I*flb re eot a e.i re morning, after smoking a pipe for hafb o odTo»bo o otr ad that their sentences, if they art Con- and a ne ebad ar n longtituin Te. est F.J. Clark pracbea very in SuhDkt r n rwtr itd ilhave the mient of prevment. trubedwih nyilm Ga.An e , 9eemg; sub '-t utidete fonnd at Melbourne in the Deemiing Lient. J. H. Hetherington of the awful warning again"t the uise of ing the sermon will bie on " The Most Ose. Uie ttsnv a en ute tobcc. a Sbjctha owile Tia..The Bank of E ngland1 has reduticed at YokohamM on theýcageo n tobaccwi P do ubjeted lbe iesThi sadits rate of discount from 3 to 21 per Robinson, a prominent-membaler of the IN screening Sir Adpha Caron fromn everybody isanxcious to know what cn.Egihcl tEre wo a toVn an investigation, apparanily because lhe - The Most Popular Subject ", i. Overflowing rivershv ruh timate with therington's wife. knew thaet Sir Adolphe a practices As our township fathers have several grat havoc mn Northr eri n Mrs. Hillier, of Tuckerton, N. J., would not bear the ligt, and in re. rosadsand bridges to examine in this ma while housecleaning, threw somne rub. instting and enioning crooked offi- part of the township before their next The Free Wocol Bill passed the United bish into the stoye. A small Rack of HAE EEIVED AND ARE SHOWING THEIR . .metng he hv dcie t hl SatsHoseo Rprsnttie b der happened to be among the rub- ' cials who deserve inqirasnment Sir their May Meeting in the temperance 194 to 60. ish. The stove was blown to pieces John Thompson hias presumed too hall here. The counil meets the first Peasants in Kieff, Russia, are selling and the woman's 4-year-old son killed. much on the Governmsent's majority. Monday in May. their children for a few roubles, prior A 40-year-old widower at Hanginq ew F rench , nglish a d A e i n i t er Canada expectedl better from him and Our enterprising village merchant, toegatig Rock, Ohio, asked Minnie Hayes, ae will not forget how ho has disappoint- Isaac Featherstone, has found his busi- A sailboat capsized at New Haven on 18, to mnarry him and she dechined.i ed her by his complicity-with rascality. ib nr ssngo rapMid oflate that Strday and three German bankers IlrDie hen"suait heletand e malnnisates C sh ee INERsTinth reosd onS olarge his store. HItherto he has boe Anarchiste continue to cause incen- h le cut his own throat with a razor, but ..EETa h rooelbnst dealing only in groceries, but is now diary fires in Vienn, and great excite- May recover, the Messrs. Wirmn & Smn, shoe manu- getting in a well selectedl stock of dry• Ment prevails. Eben Blaze of Porter, Me., was ap. facturera, increases as the day for the goods, boots, shoes, etc. We trust hie A-.icg. poinsa tedl postmaster of that town by vote on thec by.law, the 25th inst., ap- may meet with thalt sucSs his enter- Moe.is oa be renoBn dV ih p President Jakonio81.Hehl proaches and the weight of public Prise rmerit. Give him a cal]. sident Harrison. thisi office until Clevelan4's adminis- Ldes ape jny fed to call and see these goods. During the early part of the winter a . tration. and now, at the-ý age of 90, hie opinion favors the scheme, though nmber of the youn people of the, Fourteen hves in all were lost by sita around and watches his son Amos there are a few ratepayers who refuse Limestone organized t emslves inito, a the recent sinking of the British steam. mort mail in the sames office. tu be conymnced that lthere are money musical club. Thev have beeu holding er Hansa at HamburgrA t w oroffle and esp tchsys ythe andlprosperits mat forthe town. The weekly practices mince and, under the The F repch Chamuber of fDeputies has portewlosfe andpropertaysb the e by-law cannot he carrieda unlemss up- able leadarship of R. Turnbull, are finalbY adopted the com mercial treaty floods on the Totabigbeo river has been portel etfilepolleby e maki; ngw- remarkablyrkblg god rprogre Tes wiThe heUnitdiStths.con nitedheloate"ieicoturirmedA MTheY & C O ., 1of2hand 2,5sK ngstrematedt pored t te Iill byat eas t o mmbers of thle club all pousse good The French Chambcr of D eputieg at from .5 to 200 and the losses of la e thirdq of the quaahfied freehold rate. musical abihity and we nmay expect to has passedl the creht of d 100,00% franc% stock and crops are enormous DMT lay of the town This ineans thaet hear of thalle frequently in the future. for operations in DahomeY. Montgomerv, Warren and Otso1 all 111.o.not vote for it willlbe coeuf-nt iteexpected that they will be giving A parcel containing rMftoen as inte e>tics, N.Y\,were shaken by cart-1 ed istitam a anuubr f hee o eterta r ment inprhe hallcartr dges w afound osde a railwas lo;ake shocks on Tuesday inorolu *otB are non re sidents, who caun>t should be well patrouized. as it will no 1erareoa an ishosm rattled, lamps swayed and a TI h Alberta Horse Breeders Associa- poanbly bc brought her, the support. doubt bie a rare treat.IPrince Ed was d of Leingeu was run hall colmnn of ty pe in thle arronburg tion thas be< n fermue]at Cal5ars , tojen, oa aý,ver by a volule at Nice non i aeiay \'ens othece w aq pied. Utica and other d vetebreof rs e rs of the botn have plenty of w.rk las. \bields, Ir.,has(111las fr" a dsustained seriomsimjurwes. ' points were alse shaken. and people, o ou i leriu-sfr<ot cut out for du m. They hloneer, "'slgofsth 1) sha r ta bs E uropean stera.4ing huies announce ware mm h alarrmed.'n Ahlbera ialýr i ra orCU clam t b I•rtn o scces are farmai bout three unles west of a dace Jtoag asnerrt lseph \orcross aud Robert Chal th e byl> 'If a man W ho th< proves u Haatnadinted ar n ufromrn oope cotf $3a pa.senger mres,(Canadians eroploved on cesels.dasga, Iku sne"as Hoggby.wasli S b T o atder in _chiefl lmrkt gard Vrl aryedo in 'I he srmiter of fthe Butte and Boston at Buffa!o have been departedb hefndin a btoat1,rt nr. of the(. aniadlai milhtia, expresss hi da. Company, at lButte,.5Montanan as bu run-United Srates (oenetinispecter- lim kl sfatu n tab nelf in is annuel report as being Rany. The afbecers of fthe fan lle Div. d'- eda.Lss 20,0W. Robe rtITurnwr, a Brantford carpe-nter, lheved bheas murdered. thig utsatstelwit te tat o fl.of T. were installed for the ensuing 1Eighit boys belongingtth ie Bostonulia- alo i nbe. nosmed from emplov Ahout a bundred f:lmihes are leav:· g T " tlung but satishal withthesoa Fof the e , g ea iFarm swhool were drowned Suuday rm·nt 1in liutlalo ownmeto theaieilabor\\t\rtubradfrth\rh feqidnh N. aysieuineiructon.rb ow., vming by the capsizing of a mail boat.lw et and th eStates. Mr. Hargraft, 1 186eCleaning 1in8 18 COInin an epppe am l hunt n nsta ton is. \. A. urnibulil \ On F ridav a train on the (Chesapeake In a <<onpartnient of a l r tacedexMP, v i leave shorth o iy organization al the inecessary nia. Bro. F. Colog \\ \ \ Ohio Ri road.,was wrecked near te a trai n route for liuahon a town City, \cvada. where hie Nsll if:itineW a lP p r w l e w ntd thincry for in-bib/zation in tinmesof ..C. Richardson ,R.S unti.gton anldii art- lc ioph würe onf Deohighshire, \\aleq, lapt week, aireside. nee<d. Tho gi n ral s report is à con. w . arah fBel]. Asst. i killed. ' toirte en vvar ohldgirl named \\ilhiams The hody ofRilehard \\ iginate vilih h demnaio. o flrcoiJohn D\gnew n Au\lietheionsouotbre ak of thle foot 1w ls eriroinally assarilted by an un.n as foliini n« arch 2 in ftherivetr et'- hS metonosi.\iitaDeaten otti oi. oureTras, iand minth diveaselhas oncursed a&Meng krain n nan who hadl been travelhing in p@terboro hlias been exliinned and au rather than of fthe volunteers .\:lihtia Bloro iaq.Cumt Chap. cattle near Sittingbournle. ni ent, the saule compartruent 'IThe inan inspest «il obellila[lis friends belbev. men arnicd n ith obslete, wornout ..los N icholsrm (Cou. ,.glan<. escal>fed h, jumping froin the lotboard ing fthe soml n. au adeath w adue to rifles, whose accoutrements are opluals a l irdT\the + authiorities of Saxony bave pro nbb'tetri wssil ony. hg fu li e lhadconsb ral bnl Dey anicient and n inany casm rotten, whose Bl.ro . i lence, "S hibited the killing of beasts Otherwise ra Mte spe.on 1 wnhuu l o hall. A RG S Idothmi. far lrcou what it ought to bc,. W\\G., ,enceý. e n b\s ylthan s e of the 1 -le aw eahves l'our inen arrivedin Southampton ohefarin-r, wiill be glad to - arnP OD R LGE T S CK who ae calcil tgethe for nstrutioexcepted. , on Monday and askeil the, lagistrate that the Otito (ioernitenlt has ah-PUR$v in ami one l, wo ear ad tHtonlgh on panaida TheMnial le Kugar crop in\Vermout to enable thern to reat h fthir homte inpoitto Ir. \ w w'1. 1. tefr out i ETO ES o earn ona otwo yars anithat,cyat is but one inarter Of an aver. Lancashire.\ A lble sa% mtheme four \\ectworth, and Pre sident of the Celn COntine noA.., A-mn 1 ST S for only on le dayK actual drill, and who P- w I so -age and meas a Ih- of 81 000.000 to ren are the sole surmiors of a parts tral Farniers' lictitute and of the nPb=tmmay eria.DLN W T L S in inain cams are unprovided with drill'" 1n a radlroad coach 1 ha<l as a fel. the farmers. whieb nutabrreil80 souls w ben setting Ontario Agericulture andi \rtsA\ssocia- . W. OILLETT. Toronto. Ont. miheds at company headquarters, cannut low-passenger a Roumnauian merchant The <question of Cen tral American ct for Hraz.l l1 Auii t. \lltboir ti>n, Ontario nunmsloner to thfLlESiAc be expoeted tu bu efficient, and deserve w hO BipoE nghish very wel and was l'Dion is againibemng broughit to the shmpionL it tof yi 1 evr hThe I)eaware pech crop his aica fond of asking que stmu \\ hen 1 found front mnGuatenmalallonduiras, Nicarag na b> i i ýIt w journey and the bere are sev eutretiweekh .NIpapers hDlwrpehcotis a L T S PA ER credht for contunung such orgariz.ation e i a rmoe ffloaknpo-adCsahe.jourilniuau inhospitable ech nateau:id eim icoe. Those whint bhave bceen 'c'ers romsing- am they base moler such discouragmng e msI iti ohn s dwn.trod The stamh1p 11adia rm at unsun be surourlings biriedare the ieeton Tribunelieeton The tUnited ,tates Congress isbeigA T PRICES TH AT CA NNOT BE BEA TEN, circoinstances l'here is nio better citizent of a semi.eiýilized State, for lirazil, uilneh reaclied \ew York oni lierr \b.nthe r andIl lerr SilbermeirChoceCrd lltre otnur tolls ea degrte material h>r soldbers in the world tha. western leOPle carnnet coucve thatSunudav had three cases of yu.How lever managsd re< < rui, for rihale oeollr thnsawn Aort1(o t ly a x of $10 iser 1,000. ecordhng (n Caaa if he Jvruetwol ervia and lBolgaria and toumnania are amoug lher crew l msfrfp: n ebamet ibee ouionee'atr Eolwaer l'ribime. T a -,h to t eotrds sherasrei.h (i@ at a a itheCaadern me ouaYthinng nore than a half heathen Accoedv8ahdsnmlso ad] trmfer soanetimemt teao n- aa.\lotae w ewiae eod hwtat duringmthe do ~ ~ ~ ~ mitr ut uyb h aainsiner u t fTurk and Tartar. He dur coutryi a tte i u.n Aknsasf streets of i rpslan o. 1riday and lafter daihies have aise samun bed , vanst un tee »avebe dra1le R M 5 (jeu. Herbe rt would haVe a verydhtTer. prisrd nie, how< er, by very thetinctly a y in n an and oisAraua'srne lims a:1pased betw een them, The younge8t ci, of theile, ir :, of snth men ..sth un ler 16 sears o f P P R R M 5c O L ont rein>rt tu .akt howing ]lis si:pathy for iMe. •oha am oema ad ionsml .jirin-h a um ton nter Rrl uhAla m o c l rd il2,and snc frotnthe eftTetofsokgpae _ _.__ frorn Canada, eh 9- he oxclauued .4alrge nuruber. sh: rtig wer e cane and haa Hthruglions cmof eill ai., h1n 1 ld igret4s ph o rus and J the best verr c orrupt country, eh ?'Steal aillze ntrMclhnof Michigan, wantaSilhernieir f(Ill dead, las he art hauing carried ontut Te gure t ngets rmee ntb hebj tnaw lhe Ci andian Mi1111lta puhhec mooney , eh *> Get into Parhas.the privilege of havingmnore arnwd hec.n I wrcedlya blilet. Menther, six-twentiethls of flic I nhs fte co:1>0d0, e i'al.n1t oet a usz vte c ?l.ter bd avsseison the creat lakes than the :,h a mM u mss teithrsee H\lntgm e"n -"' "rsignt, C saun" ena pinip ottsto(""steal troun efh rv bodly ellic b eh? 1 haftreaty of 1819 allow's.and Bryce J I]\a att-y len oins ' ut he pa2t year for E À . .O O Hierb<-rt's report un the condition of the read of Ilmi.u i . ondon fimes« 1 A union of thlic entral \unerican tweritieths each i i l ot uacauss ( anadiat n unhtia will beoreadl with in. takke /e London Tinws.'This was puhhicsainsagam talked of, and a co- Am e N TEooo8700-0--0-. terest. A< cribog to the reportfthe Pretty rich, colmongfrorn a Roumamian, ference is called for Septemher 1 tu ai |h n8 mcru "eOagvl detvrwsta )/C 10' relative b gre s of tcfficiency of the a here liomian intrigue, Torkmh cor. consider the mattler. a:Guelhatil: re n 1,0 cr in aTOango Trt adve j ther aks t .V--et Ceio u ptiotn. Austrian venahity and Greiac 1*.i m aba lhas reûm t re i fthe un Iktig ih.an ofntde wo h<i s he flre des. S O C thiree arisnimfthiactive Milhtia are -- crookledness ar<e upsdt aemus trso vr mu ,f e oashve been scry 'f Artilkry, 1I;cavalry, 2, onfantrv, 3. brouight pohiti.al nichtduensedown to a abandon whepnfthe 'lett the efluatorm!is noth"a tr u t dae ith ith ared at nation .atiothe sut.nýth of t l Says Goan. Herbert in his connection: fine art. Yet at tins Mment it la the prrovmece with Stauhn y Illeed rver is again risnandnin-m us A rrangemer.ts are now bein madt, ' The iiifriirity in every respect of general 1.uropean opinion of Canadian Saruson, the American stroug m.nai ineg la in danger of a fod. lfraiolcnetigt ehe.' th. last, and mo' moratar spotcas been sentence] to a , a s mu. Oring l 1891 3,13 sttlers entered Orangeville to discuss the subject. iAIl vt ry rnarked. The report of the lu heAner-a gl poiomentet oindou, Eut.for steal Mantoba, w th 7'56 car, of stock. 1l-eltonll.as.ah.ed...al spector of V ngineer (Appendix L.) con oig Mrs. Bernstein's jewdh ery. A . lontr< al groccry tirainhas been able aeiluaitauce w ith the opinons ofth tains mun. practical suggestions, for Bo.mBAn April I ch.- The Gazette E.xporta fron Gerrnany toe fi Uteliln J for 8elhing adulterated coffee. his fellows in the House. >urmng 'n- r sth the reorgamization of the so-callod pubbshes a translation of a state paper States <hirnig the prement year show a llamiltou m rate of assessment has day afternoon the princpal qustion • 1,,H aving our choice Of the best foilun (21 ,\f U1'ýl Engineer compalts 1 fully concur in that thec Amleer of Ajfghamistmana large decrease as comvart d n th thic ebi o et low n fromo2 to isý mils. was as to the arming of the force. Col-sl the opinion 1h0 expresses. At present i.su.al te c Noble chiefs of Afgban correspondihne peri>d of lart year. ir lowat'.%lbil restricting tic ae1 O'Brien suggested thic.ort hase of thle n1 Ih price and qualty every wa. no corps of mihitary Engineers eau be isan. The paper recites the evens Soke L utes o ol ftbcot ios a ooelw atn-ersflthv eents Stocken ai-nt rusth.r17or la. lof tobacco to noners has her saneA Larteto lieur. 9 that have rocenth $>3en Raid to Ouit im Ca nada, but, as pomnt.that led to thec Penideb incident and thieves, are haung a lvely tnm ne k aw .hscarded hs the Imperial Gorumnent f ." Letý, arg teONlMahintew No. 9 Co o Stove only $13 00- .d out by M1aj>r .\ayne, the population teAue esnsfrpeergWoiu hr otiei n No irocerdmngs il be taken against and C>l. Prier said that the -Martinial of eramslitrct coldprudepr lrith o ussinfindip T elot, the stockn.en boung thec uetors . rei erbhythe QibecGovernment. Henty would certainl neet fthe re l Havjing --the onlymachiesi h onyfrmkn t ruh eo bably the iwst tuatorial iu the world Amreer maaa Huma only wanta Afghan- soute of the lea< n oi prdu A l n n unsbu d esatdqiennso n slnerfret a onsa otmpie fr. whc th oorganite Pioneer Bat- istan as a Inigh road toIndaand would Pennsyliaapropos> t sopd liuma heToontb ithe sorii ia ecaiteds ihe wor ofltherk;arckhweverO tlig.place the Afghans in tue Van of lher operations forsix amolths from NIa ely tt t (1. ladci wsmfaogo h prb ste d f--OHN T. M OOR E, concerumng the arme, the report w as army as a special target for lEuglihbfitis innted the ohjetst, r s p oset a ew2h0,0 læ0a0o.tal othe verv ueestf licdee and sugeS2the \ 9ofereby unicpanAtt N ORW S FTW that: --cannons and rifes. The Russieras At W hechng\\.\Va.,on Fi rea ngLt, -oet for 04nthe.uCha.e of te L emie EtoenHusa t s ltr ficnexpraofThmpa At, T he lnlor rifle and carbmuew ich would stripfthe A fghans of thir armas Mrs 1-Frank LeBlhe went tu a husof I hero h lamadle acn tfi raic o oelrnudteHuota fe h xiaino n ot wh icihe iw nti is artned' l, at the adof food and would outrage and ill repute and fod læer Imishaml there7 are lbghts to i urn all oght at '25c. thiat o1arm0he0foran eldwouthitte frob nite dtedifthenoi afBytla l.Bt an bbohoto weapon, hat in the 'urder their women, becluse they W ithout sayme a vword ,he alihil each perninght a es 10.[X n edot ewil eitone nteCnu > h cot,.toni winh iblatexists inMost of IL tdetroy the Afghans taoobtaiu da e6 errethsdcie o olopo that the 60vernmwnt neulmuner, Corporation of the Town of Oakville to t e' i,ýttý lative beiliiifla. f rie re, theAmoer deelaxes, AtrSou FlraS.Ilfil iert imoeaneprt duts on saw legs au<nad u prt riient lhas de-tienof Shdn Se t -* D O •Y O U » K N O % an armi of preis on. Alarge number iA hans is next to impossible.cided tomcrease bypari the stalr ordmyi e to ethe estrdplan te" are of the earlin t mark of cotisertodd here Ahi who, whan Aineer of Af-"'apa (o, '"r ;e is The wie of Rev. (.IR.tClark of St. of each Of the ulges Of the Prom lo yebtee h atryhs f l·nedrt, rersgt n ahgghams8tan in 187, became imvolved in eadand F rank i. ni . 1 e canrus ee llte ,Chr amilton, hed very courts. On. Tnesday imghit Sr John lRcynolds Street and the weRterlim.it that you can buy arefl otopletc 15 w oruonot, and it is no a w ar with the British, w an, according' Thompsoo gave notice Of a mot'o fAMnSre ndt pnadddct Lexaugeration tu say that in main cames to thec present Anmeer, a fool and rusad Fx tanagr Ricardsobn, of the ])o- Wilham C hambers, of Dresdeu, ont., which will iucrease the sala ry of i hief to the public in hieu thereof a street a mooth bore musket would bu a more ap to bring such woe upon his people osit 1Bank, at Sydney \ew sýouth a W aterloo veteran ts 106 y ears old and Justice Hagarty, Cluef Justice A rruotr thirty-three feet in widthl-etendiOg accurate weapon and rmo oipon himielf.ales, has been sentenleclto four u·ars, still hale and hearty. Chancelier Boyd and Chiief Justice Sir from the Raid easterly hlt Of Reynolds The uunng tp wuld e wll --. mrnonet g heamfablw ha: The Dominimoun(overnment has de-Thomas Galt each from 116,00Wte Street tothe said westerly hulttOf Alam woth f eroucinbt paewi ngSen allnes.el ded that thlera shall be no revision of $-,000, and the salaris of Justices Bar. ]an Street-said street hI-sBg composedl onot perntit. Ifnust lbeeondensed .The ,w ¯eM. de Giers, Primw hoister o fn fle t<votera' hsta thas year. tonOlrStcena0acob ge ftl e uortberlyportion of Block:Let. comnade n cie saa ha imi asalis reported to be worwe. fiiphs I The fastest ship afloat is the City ofStreet, Merdhth, -erguson, Rouertson, tered G., according to the said register. <ommond<tr t co und drthatill itha These are also the days when somne sician syeysplshsrahdlapkoondb aii lil ' ym'Rose and McMabon each from #5,000 e plan, a dbing that portion of gald orgamzýation aud toupsetabeorvoung meu put on their airiest lgar. bra,. and his death cann.t h'. lng de.lany. She cost 8$1ffl0 000 o$ 0 foslre o h ugs lc uediately aljoima gthe sups bt e n ets and their most leatiing attitude layed. of the Court of Queen sBench and of agricultural grounds sa ren n ta a nin ee .adput t ir trust for surpot soo One year's impr.ocument was fithie td rvi l riut atAsc the eior eourfigures.Thealariesedalso tuc>the or e vt an rof, instruction in milhtary exercises there eeal hsahte aada sttenstence given l' ward Holden. who show in Guelph im the fall.of the chief justices and justices of the ings for sucp 1 nde orta gprce Threca b n geaerormoe atlother end of it We are sorTYfryfrltonsethe defeuces of NialtaS to iafrn eGadTukegn os tSupreme orso h tirlrvesrgistered plan as Mayb a misppehnsonTh mn hu dil soug men who are out of work, and gyrmn atwa burned Thursday morming. wil be also mncreased by $1,000, and cousequence of the passmng of FuOay 15C. A L. ed are hot fthe elomoente, fromt which a who work when thev bave it, but for The Londou 'i'e Ocrepnl n e niewsbdydmgd wl etsbfr 100ls epc a defensive iniltary forcemay bie created. those others whose main ambition is toat arsy .incrsodn The wnit for the Wellan 1inhs vl than those of the judges in On. Adfrhrtk A cai o rspooibht, aaaiedkeep the aforesaid varandah from fe to ksAa shnedo enmudNm and èwi >alace.ari adQuebec except in prince CAncdl futhe r t notice that the hv compmtent staff offhoers, Most exist ing lonelvadbrughmbyte , nalhe panoArl22adohgouprl9 Edward Island, where the 8alary of the Of Oakville will pta on mebofthw in ordet that the motve power of one tw el oamelcre ya h Redr rseo. \aauor f A Quebec despatch says Robert H.cifjutc il el 0sead fifmal pasamng of theanÏkim beforetheo mind shall reach all raks. Theise are working father, or perhaps oven mother. McGrov will arrive there iammediately S4,000, and that of the assistant judges either in person or ba y cu lawohear, factors as necesmary to the effliencyof'we feel only an intense desire toset The British 1100e of ( Omms and surrender himself to the authoer. 14,500 intead of 88,200ctnaypro rycuslo soli. amhafocasth" aet th onhe up on Our sole leather Seelehse took pace on Saturda .ie mgh h rraons whoseland _aet h u.Capt. Middleton, a well kuo esutre Brape-.a ffce bsc Osess of any commet or industrial kIli d wn rider The Ottawa W\ C. T. U.in making By-law and who May ptto len undertaking. Proposat have beenaub- Sir John Thomýpusnpe. -skled, is u rle Nt(mir g a rraem. t O h Oio ovn sHoRP o ac er yrfor tthh e api m t oduromi -h V.* a)Th eouinsso nzeahv n hc ilb ed nta iyi '-John Green, Norman McDougall, Dated, O R A E, oldak o o oie htwed nthndeSO1e minto enquire binothe question of the Th oti ltwbte i dlh sabhdtheir headquarters at Val. ay 1 ed eaNelson Winlaw. Hodgin Star k M h avile Town Clerk. what arecalledl defence of the dominion. The proposais Carou aspent mone) corruptly in twenty- encia and are stronglyv entrenched. The i A verdict of not guitia, reti IV,--Lizzie Elhott. Clarkson Joyce, ac it,192 4 have met with the approval of the two Quebec constituencies but whether report of their defeat was a Govern.i the chel Othmu rage last Andrew Lawson, Archie Green, Albert ---- - ------- Goenetln tecmiso i pract aly dipped his hande into ment fabrication. -- ReinbardtJo cee.rln INFO0MATIONs wic Goent and h cmisin ilthe publie treasury in order to provide It in statedthat PriceMche adweek. JII.'Jr. -Albert McDougalb Cha"--E onre hc r ieut fe sol o iht o easa o In cnlsoaorGnrlHretConservative campaign fund. That bis band of l ig rlle hae andsthekBatchr f a mdGep il oWod.Brooks, Maggie McKechmie. h.11 Bideb tethink youaeyuthm n hmte ittee.W elwt u %,s: Powerful i i ntelbgeetmaian ir ansd allthe twaddle thenl,ývett h Wincester rifs na -ý n rd uandBrantord onilo. Pt. Il.Jr .---Janet Winlaw, John . hem ri,' . °stadardfire an cangiy youbetei"tood andueagerttolieart, maht thatEprerp cau prmnt betweez re oke ofcldaeoElhoctt, Louisa Hardy, Jone Brooksmi. sent contamne the un ae element now and the next general election wior mno a Pt. II Jr.-Maggie Hardy Hamer *"'PeeW an ofjo a=-rn ntonl . .Mrevr, ntosuei The archbishop of Cauterberry has Tueday ni bt80pepeassed Dixon, Clara Stark, Mary Stark Bouea "e' •o oadakfo -n -h mnofte 'el m-t.a threDot for 80 y ears aliowed anymainstthough 86&.1Jn, NB ,-onthe P R1 Mcehne° - •"ert ls mny'hnya angt.lewee-ntonWlk. o oCiA LN E WS. , '- wanit a Parlor Suit go to jas. l"y'v r s. best amnatel ndlas Star bas been purchiased T;0 G .Lynch Stauntoin,, of Hamnil. Aetou to e proved him te Rlose degree lodge c>f tl e got-drunk, nU4lan'd has been etal db ndtre of Stulf's but< ýa t Mil-and Allen I, MO ssos ;and Sevealothr in-,ue costs eaught with a 1et ,700 big S42. . ýalto. n the Sixteen- near Oakville f last week. " p-V. RoBERTSýN, uritde est Missions, will preachi in terian ChuIrch ou the even1 ruhr iàbbathl,fthe 17th inst. n A. RAMsEÎ, of Iokw"l O OInedal at the late xlanu. at lr niversi, 3 trf , w osrotl on, IL a.,N par- he propetinEn Mtr. JoþuRce wowt jýs10City. c..Cor II, of t Elaon giled from ,lNew Y ork on Ithe b ; Limon, inCetaAnr. yw)oill in futur',esd makacontract with the Bial 0jigh't Co. for f-ur arei-h wil h icras d I ' u -tt ametirdiline rý i oee ythe wIud 1 wthe gable end "f t Sch.li i n othechare, ,auA Mr.I THrEVESfin l:e intu , ,vin on Sa - ,rdyui,-hlt peo Plero!, ny. Fgaonihrahh , w onc undy, 1tor dort. Fot a l seoon t o r, townshielerDu f!,, lan a.l ina, ithSanne lchen 1 nael. th.I wasentd h r1, vtled . ported - . t s t inik 1 Con io, LEi Oof h h enad ald om a .t na uw.h.a .t Bowim UK 0800 ll.w, A . . wuit gesto hmiMao Th cOe" 19 ofm l-eue ha ~ ~ j "sasty dt 07T t D. W. n et.. ere in a stable and & nune frui àit trees, also a go n to R m, *sma- Oeewicaby Mr. JohD ne.AlsIwo oelot on Fostr stree, - ili*t r bafding upa, With, s e - l~rif tees on the galle.o »0. cCTCEN.

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