IING*- illinery inties & Cash-- King Street Ei Il aper! ing tîme is coming an aper will be Wanted. iý 1 i, \ i 1ý 1 11V 'STOCK, WEST STYLES,0 LATVST PATTERN STHAT CArIIOTi LE BEATEN. PROM -5. A ROLL Ù ý ý . 1 \ ý; t i ta be. BASTEDO & CO. nerv! -Ï 1 t i tpenar tltat SPPoING OPENING rday, April 2ncl. i :,i i t m, t a nîiiiid d wilI et PAPER STOCK ltlj' 1ý. Li a i fIhxturess i SHEMSTREET BROS. ING SEASON-'92 litaJit ta t M i i ici 11dlices d Wit ýi al " t S rîî ai s ; 1j 'L t 1 tirllv( E'-11) Ct , s\iin\ c tîi n]f in 01 - NEWS. meaba sut dmc Fatore apigstock ofuàt'"T del tuiîn vu i. tiens A. Gazuava, Ç Uodn JAR £AnsendJaes.fomidv *àbêt b tnt aeit le lit huul cea . Mn. erkJ.. e le!I utb aossofthou 9lat IeoWtale, e samoe ez@Ubi*a- P-eylmaschant u.cilleamemi the eiqunt Pohmto rs urtho nas . 0ob u. "t 'it e d a y s I "b e nir b i t h a - m e t r a a s g e d a l lh h to plf o r P a c h e a m ie , b t d f&amle& Sitettf ou nt% RoYa eswet Soes ses fele ets00 lie mu ltbeau buSaint. Bra"o lai aMM desmto Be ha, so tu sereis-j nan n sctutuu ut vutsi siiebarut p l cf tiiià ae é elée ~ur ebuthaue aId e~.. ra< i u m-o~= f A.Fuuoe.wa ____ipopiar vit 1 fate hiVhs& Tb@ = 1m -NMco uitd a n" veum ab The jurymea in the Heelap lmurdr Tau s ta ueigoodtilthuJvc s Facong»MUcaxta pdi seb . Me wvapromletu-et"ga. esdeipmmaýlÉ i cimePlt $8oeuak sud their bate- pub mo cinsupecter lu Asices si t -pidexe té bber cf sa. Clair Lodga No. 15 ul u an ugsi rmut a eut t to oe a te Nortkveet psaum - pidTreumeeS Stuh li.WTytior, B. A., bus hu tact thatt mare SflUfl» lafr Cinaca No. 75, . BL C.. belgi nbs se eQ*a gremenett et ahu h oanll ?af 5 tace "'wa poition. aveu hu haum])n vbcrmpbI e ut muter b ichefirt sud a pent Z. besmeead tb sud ap fb h rhetadne ithéy wr ie.bc aBuif apti h aac areS. sua c haue hu ccc mansmte»d- HO ela te scond. Reau vs ao at a «M b -m8 - Mi mmwunaprovildddoilg theofbhamutaun c tle alloig sud lu i Futurs and Crashai ud lharoxuadted. uSa e&d o reCaater ut Royal Arak dowiL-Tbandthe oomad fsltag te, Luttoidgs bahnbeau roaimedou bail tb ;,obena.te Bosic epeot s veoyrt an aujoyabte o aulgppair w e olt cliepustb stand km Joaa, vsTEiOSsu -jceososGrom.-Mes'u duvsMaso f VCau"t, hatdaa below 1, ttuai sv s, on* hinh umtancBl etoudsd upua h 1 oalfrhrlamamtnoHqha c iýF4 h bav (Storys ise) ta Nape ah&M e tankmer tV Ttbrls Luge. A. . U. W. ofe" sthe assissent votel dons, vb ucou.hu ta in vieof bbahvog beuaajst variC -v yeurrpuaed flash; bld sud dog tan ddiitnag1jeos sdtudl cde 50F. IfiaresuostateouuuliaueliereippoovcotMr. flou. Strattonsilu gals able taebuicf tisemurden mou itincruuusaed t 'fthtbjý reilitrecsauu cccitaW bubcd ut Berutucu. armelterud sethUe uev 'ujmery on the <rs,,sat. TUb»wreport w- ont, alter beng lu Use bous &buut six Uic prosucotofuttha burgl er ' orge ESTASLISHED 1872. on, 1 xathey ccilappsnca D. E. J. ODGueotaa inb gMoodey sud wveoollovad tb tbr lent aMeecudtoi, tiecmt voulroncluselt- vohn uucuau s bru in ig a hdinhf. r-ecoeseud tromUsae socildot thetneel refftiug tatoueby s luug pruoes utfbycdiavines man objcaationvasotake i pan . snin h, cf ltc.l, -a g4i1 gocrci crrect inethocu or foor vookna g. MRh , sOunlug frloudc. Thora vas s large tbittattddunot priiesgscst matou. etperBaut viutlug ts lagaeoiew.ar taf..Wea.424. Dr. u.elna0Odas, Uasthe 4111110Mtornut ut Malete;froo Si . Clair Lodga, fabrur. & hou. ina svutgddovuPlrBskntcftm ilg.-f sud te sagremant vs spproed utf Aunovumeut luonufot b te etba- l I-It-nuT treo-aua hu enae cricaher, lu tlti onsfisod te hlabailWalkar Lodg, Atos, sud luacohreansd the mayor iutrutedtb aigu anime. porsn club lucour village te nelace IrHa îao eculd honrblu n-ancio cd iiin lu f1pobubllty sothb ut aa ut Wrkmn ansd Forastoru te Theubylavb ogrant g,oeocltaWbuu Ue Smunof Toaporsuoo. Wavl sa a trooe4eameciauiacc cithe . foafou rfise voako yrt.-Cbcmgo trm oetias wosciug Usor regelas, & Son vs rasai s secodattûn. mprscoir f the sohuaca sucocu au l Detuatliulge ppocun ht Ccc-inAmumaa. .a. sudtho e ltbanon halug esi,-p" me SOUs utApifl uafia npu s sirnoventure. .1edcXet1% cM1tu1he1s ufu noXsatl as sof St. Clair Lcdgu Usuueeofutthe data ut tht racting ounUieloy la . Mr.. Bullanaitod Maton tort acleu, o Miion.lKha se Bef i fr -Xas glta 4 àw wee &Io pet pA reoutlonu vs psclad. mo'rd by voahoo uginou.m b ,tact or tswutc, ecesuiiogu gootPar ut Ltad lestherofiock. vstvrasu eu uipeln01St J. H.IHarrison, eauuddh byJ.H1. Pa- Mut tevrun, orgniserfor AO.F o ,itar, it b ueg a n p neus, ut uhon la s . T ua l a han st a fm t C lair C h ptor. T h a r lig onus se vies » oh a spp uint i ac s p e lcom mu tas t pr sa i n u thans acactty b~be c stckaofatBlasn itheotrad.-Cor.Ktag wconduta ly RBoy. S. adain u, brovs a s a ntssd rognistinus cf WinM Mlt ati«sntuan.Lnbsue.Foily sud l dhkowauoolet.c50tatt roadl saut.,.mtt. KnouxChorclo f. rbinb ho aethheo aoununaiudrahnistissmmtt vautbis n.imep, bytseaueaOfcA pS ira auntot aFiday. il uccT asu Bu. fg. Co. (lu liquidation) nau amembor sud theo Macule faneaihy J. H. Ituerluothat the tr ilba! cse angeitd c roc omheut eudsa scciV foe. A. tcocicat tuuticuîrrioboccTrnutpapru ulby W. BruJ.t.MeCctict, W.M. omit .o stutdte fr. Bcouptitaiurutitttt ua us. S ccud uqthflacdura cichafo ac ehiniaic, suduaooivad trty-uora cof St. Clair Letigo. M. Lyonubilhet boudoru tuera Use hitp.tosp uorasit beta esut . u- Wr-- uFOR EVIERYLbvJBODYI1 G oues a u i stter condaupplicction by mai, beidans orernS su isrsiid fo er nuy tus yeruu. unfe 'ior eZor khaineisatho entcoh r1cTg cmude peu.cauiy. The spplications igftcsopincial iamwiccc Partiy doera techu entxiometing cf tee uaci.vilageons Fridat.usThe ucu *NIUIii jiot act ut anatrapsirera cgeatfrans Windsor ta Shiseii, psstynut bise, bt tho immate aCrriat. monecsmneooakouh tWUWUD.UUL I N LIDA la ecie Ii irtlrg hpretOfH ate store. Tîcyd(Iochoir Qu. Ter raccu cre ypientoutcuubon iedetrutt cs runomais. e HaMasat h Dr. Bobertuon, scautu t uibing ablstamunagr thoraco c UE UM I dCp orthLINSAY iascceavd itiics ct lage.scpsto lt saut t ctoto ptcuraootiy ~ lott vieco, vacorbe byld. J. HoStae, ha su e go o a oneoban, terb wa.BeonsutheULLI adCp o îespîgaduîîîîr(ae ,u eteel u vidu o te. drmakt-Baiu t ea it o o yrccug, et eueo siabnait ealy-lau et the cnet met- bcucing ci chu buggy pol oaiaeru ~~Tc a rrl ovgt b îecto tlili tItissaoî Banner. rid &bcout fur years &o, and oneingof thae ouii te appoiut thr naght- dumg cloue.IntutueoDr.,cwheu e A»-aa-T,,labti ont cteIls IlP. Mcaccp, fai c, lvaschldauifn agtr wtcm scecotatitforthe . Palauebahhade Ir st g Sn."a ouArST5fllY5O5w rni.T Loucco O Britton Kit Bieesutuc ,ubifultacku cerbunseelu sutbn e tadrsup c ht Mco t mtna ese mt o h EcîigSn - tf fîlatînarwSim.Tc .,rsdnt aofteCaainacoilaceti. ruieblo maleasdsalarge At aumeetiugof Caurt Milton,No.187, tcoun.-Cerrea. Mrochn Hewoureaut e socptafr flhIjBAlUUUTS-8e IcifuL lrsare bak il n rw.Te ii rn coa, fucc,ý eCriA a egrof CccbmerraneutCottens ieiry, Sdapnuet otBuer af Fumrthe iba f i uLeus tuý, os rtru-c ai5nsitottcchia ückh te cosuh ut isecnuesb eli fl àS s block,$li.OoP0anti$ul.50. c sut lestecut the tics usucasnsdcebltdraun uuans, et Bus- flsoiug reasionn cf nymathy cocue merlgsgeofet frra proprty.-D. W.' tredoe, ciiic. AVo cint Jahnu teconusutatff5<c euSatu eaetucile. ulus$,0 o$,0 aiestuty. 'var sact. Tht S.psnno:-Movnt by Bue. W. J. Atm-. mpE a n ecos. . LINDSAY lias oevored ilosrgain in a Liîasd Cap for ,a footter lc -tta -itico. A snaifM. Bo. Toman, cf Bellin&us trnng, sceutut by Bus. Chu. Joesu - - prîng cvsar, and lie ia giving lus coautoinero tIcs bonsfit of conPucont coe cte ed.lad, lied a fat betiy euuisoed thuether chraus t heu ptuusot the Suprucon ruesh P,,s aketF acC d H oucuotu hohaoor tutar cf tho Cuisarco te rococru franc bargain. Thais cap vilIlie aold ai -25c. Irt îs ap article Ptkofrfine Lus at,. Heurycc. . . . . .sntnth er'Po ur uoatet sud ferant huo eetueet odoitt s f Sei, PriuLm.Bawe t vasa au motianeu, nippaug9, hothur, Johc Lyou, charahy esucrig ooulttsei. atiansd Atralcuc.-Car. gt captalunthe mue. Tiesciretf isufronm cr frtoruci chuta one iiuh ccd ikCpfoevlngwaadfrtaelngor31. -4r Stuc.Hailtoae. baaoutws taau cff eutthu fnt s a uty iiiug urnrorutecith srreo fer the ikCp o vnn va adfrtaeln o 7c ttcrtiu u dcurbatas, clord asuonhuver untinet, thrrfrtes. p. Have yoo ceen those dainty littîs navy caps with the coete ndesbtos rihttit ufli busonetime"on.Reoiedthstcohio vcbo in hucohir aold trimmling ?IDAt tlîe tlîig foc o- and gils. huy ,it corda, itgc, brila, fteu t cao tus Iae tc theuncfetunuta sunhaisicute the loiicf Hicreuhu lu - - boys gîr5e uu. a.I, bsy.-Hecclt. toccoi een arrdstotaagandtetaho unu înfoo2 cp tactouti ldiilnguasecs four- act, wun erho io u cr hourts chue toryhbrickehoao-hatsautItycaccentuaParler Suit getuJeu ueemabceofthecoenysvircu foecur <Tam OShantera are becorniîag tylioh again, and ors the btaon - ue b oia .FE1i.I.predbohe n uvrbs ritisCLINIRA IAf16'.'AOSnewest cap in tht inarket for girls. Lindsys 5Oc. onesuin iunecillofcititowy.Ja R.cWc A . omoheoprta teebrrubnamodcof ocrtiitar ÂÂ blackAaa brown, bu n cardinal are IlBp to date" in v iieuy Ba aititi taou. u W A. ace thupeptur eh-Ran cd hut mo toutudaelate sb- bok Ia n vr as soethcup lisa 54,789. siia, coan la ci hov lu Hilton, rousot uct uarruav-tiche elacu octandrespect.- ciOOa firmuu, tacftroa Aattoc aas enpiuuu ca copimouary cuppor reletiponsur hcurt-iit cycop aa ea eu sus vftrunst-Ul i esotetowna-rt tteder- by iis ftaitacowne on outhe e ofetiug huttihryey Sufid cmtas nd Oumim II1111I l îîm Iîmm far Top Shirts and Suîîîîaîîîcr rîierocar tire al lu in os it Soaaiitoctt lisuer. tic cacoaol ta Torocta. He c cous e cociticu lu Hicnwesych:;;patUILL I IllI IIR IIII A and ceady for inspection. lciaatiupfso1r cacta setal p"etr cith- c icnoeoger ie ntthesa rasliti.u ca, hordmuse mu essXIL ieu su mu epeni vlu n cr ndBavs cccc Cc Secl t, atf tyttcheOvilaciiruccpAsocitinef thoamiuiesaltcutanaras s C IM UA S A U S M ttSSlnddvls i crfoft Bse -Octs Smoatkpiang caicotacictotad taucstire mrcoboc. the aneorbucruet teatheolcateadest 2Lni olrfl on e urir .au.Ceictg 't James Tîce Str arcy tlctClCempS1 iFrtradlocaci cens fotalcationiu îoaCl-rlA oî,fri 1atr wlcli has. lu cIyietlh uatTolt behr aaa n n V * tA uI f Aets goods al over flic stoare. Bargaîns for cash at - tault o'Milttocitaice- Auty. Seveeetetuoaltece bo - r rumjnu &ci ong RsDnu ilsu gip:tha-de-acco ta BndBlluters- mdeLIND .AY'80 5UTON. hk Pnieus frac, S. tap, ut h peu n iga'dess uctccofthc ung.B0RN Fiesuulettus 7c., becry cuttiesShirt Suaccu.-ta Chisuaucoaur,ncunay, uýtîcrcetcelc iccîa cp jug 1.. beesy Cttoaeu25c., atosMreti B, chu ulfeofaI co.Shurpo A su0au an ceo ie acu vue oanusbana. oyCttua p il Tht and 2fl tN W H N pacun, uet rcuaaynisg B chu Bstoouacs.-At BraounotTues T- -se t f raîacciaporatieunMacsEciIaasaoa.-Healtun i ig duy, Mtreh tut. thresic,-aofJas. -a.Th Pu lIo , W. A. Mieali, n cacoer f hou etizen, ptnipsiiy Broccido f a cous. 1 .1:PatonW. . MCiilayoesuuacby ema in a this sprau* FLATT.-At CacpbeiycillO Nioccia dot, pcaitcî.w u cpurctet Cunediaus ta tho Cnited MiAÂitIttD. A. cordial invitation extended to every lady sm;plue austas;W.ec. Sof pttminp ie huro, a ecvd urtAueuuce MaHucu.-At the coamie, teWne rd ihsahn tilt&'Anderoas; c-autisu ffsac recruts fracesontri is w cre, Nusueguoys, by te eM. Bli. fcad 1irl i .is V4. .u.,.oVi;4. fi e are 9a edyh fi V ir aai itilchn J. . luuca, . S. c-Mcon. W.McCrccdy, Freuk Buson, Roet J.Auderusn tea ugi 11 nS A5eWU nnVOU es brae- i t. J.5.acticy . TH. e d-Ochc ctuatochuouO Ken, bouth uf Nunaaucoys. arane ats.Al om w damo Iar, host utouMo-Buc-Tussun-At the ridunce f tho ourSh es la ~ ~ aoa suog ue.A uc-cudtctiute set eut, Muofbrodesn ter, Trutalpar, su Tuosday, SLOWOO.1 sq ta tcadesucd ta F. F. toy for Debtut u ot o fMrh58th, by the Mus. B. W. Seau- B os & S o s Busstus1e. o. Bas. M. Hust, cf Tretalger, cuhobas eiu, Abert Bond, Maitoa, ta Scrah, tass a ccidout uf Dakota tefo on eondudaugbteruofLevirurercEua. HOLLINRAKE & SON cicor fauDnte t fa ucy tmuestnd bcu nptyicg hieut l. al-Macc.c-ScaT.--At the musse, an cohrsud cabytieca ea l~ tunlhoe un n r-it. Wetsosdey. Maceb Mut, hp the Mu. Xcscsad oto Ioe S. S. Cuip, Jahn MeMurouy. Trsfcl- Feits and Rubbers, isi's. Nubbv XasPruscute ou lerge sur- ger, tu Miss Phue eJucr Scutt, af iaiercso the ladies taebuao oiety. Ntbiug nu acceptaetu useutulEooiotg. duy ud uaadoyuca Ha- glt h racbsu Bies, Tiru, Souris, iityanSaurla-uaacsoiibuHuth ueciosM. loaMes p sn. BuoeeauSenuco..-At Eis, us Mrch utudioluaaftohisoty Sc Tobln ueetCu;Slg & J5ae s th, by ther9e. Juoao Bel, Srie, tsaislyoffsinbySe rbessoc.Cr i RbtuSpoutWmcflE usn, teuq.Lois.and Overshoes. andsud tsc tc ciii bucoade. St.. Hamitton. - Buuci Oruv mGi. qun, tu cd, ivttesctediopioy. Isb. DANGeRunas PusIIN-r MDwsNGOzAPopetCta; -Ttecocy friens ofutM. Butes, Neuscgucouyu, butl s rysuar- theornidruceofa Mr. H. H. Wotdeu riaof NasaVaria Ctyp, ru esuspe freotinfury ist orel. Acton,nMtch rd, bytheS5 1 elatwlib. losd aAlhugi te curecewustnu M un.H ecToatasn, I11lMaks no0 uistake, ttc naaken asertions that tus do ai su Ea- S cou ruhorcoucon ou tim. M. riloe, ta Mos Emma Bicorn u eingadimi eiip iothUni.ity, Buun bt bcuerinstorhu me* . uaco a.t.y pcc- ctn.- I ' -- not oarsfully carry out. In Felta anA Ruibbsrs abus tua eipcnodholclc fta cites bailhcrotuturneusufaoelstpur lED. ave YODfifry cents a Pair casily, and Boots & Sîcoesu oii tacsll fPctgcd M. n. baunyrd the snimaul mato s rnsh ut Lruc.-At Milieu, us Tharadu ,Mo Iflc I Sproportionatcl.Veacat lavia -r lsî u oita au aoueuutr Ocic actcs. M. Blos, un thoe P.r etthe tdtb, Juhn Lyou, aeut37 v c a s & estsreaiasappoeuoie- soent huinguuoter pacoftue-SKuuX.-At Bramptan n. uesaday, 0 har Sesof Hucictu Bru., luge, macde fur the pnmp anudngOd - M.-w Ba k t, o fres OPnt,alteraciliturati-a-on o o nmetoma. iusliy sue- eubtcurrtics.udB an ts Co fr rs te ColelofaP acuancy,l cedet ou thusulug is enort ceer thr MicKFtaLoE.-AtNelsoan. ce Weduuoduf, lio tonvscoit taMcNeuYrkh pac-ccdesetprd a to1 benne- The nber d, Ccrufu. st fJsON THRE FTE ST 0F AFRIL auhe secera ueicat lcrutacu saleo.wbutcotg tricrBresiax.-At bshtie uthoro rrcitoc dispunseru asthaecodicci utt te paoep, psutieity dotuta l. -orales.cobusse, Brumpton, uu FudeY, rya dB Y kR b s oitobnl lch elacus iel Tie animals cos flly soorot sud IU u. uuHurtBeos ~ eQ JT E 4 ~ Y R IfW P IE rya d BkY kR bs t od bicoocitoudesntiro saie.AOOSt bilttely be alionru agiai19oyoursnudS6menthe. te t chpysciuns. Ciii freohr.-<5natpisMrnnoY. Buz.-At Nouvel. un MeathStb M1EY hie lnaieteprsaed chu e Puertyenncaant aLsvluias a d 8,maiteht e.Ba We are not quite certain, bot soc iloagine yoil look otiolse. Hoco hos dily cus- tbauugo ta Wilttames eotore feruus-uTreireutlote dlusuuupaccssauvoy uyhigyOcoot f sevtPrusno aura doz pairraalgar, rieu r ,A.l-wool QBox for 15c. pain, over a great imany stocks before yoti van get tlcem aitOr discass and atient oftovey anusinsuYuSstooinstheMerci, t5tb Mus. Henry 50 d s ospair s n ,hauj kAila I.tn.. worth 25ilibscnsatfotwa.Ib tc i e mi nStudy e. to 30e. Vie haveaon extra laîge site inaita All-vooî Gcorncay lu spuiaseSa hu buru igonsscommt lh oueton-. sh lttou': Càxoisisn uTonîcîgerr,eth îanec pOns la xpoiece,-s tht a wlltienjt a eid ta biso ploudid assorinueut Tisrntuy. Mnar 1thtMrs. oeo Csmalolero ln oi bic professias ocderch fadhutis, u oord uti5au poes. mou. i Case (50 doz.) Knitted Shirts for 25c., generally Suit for $1,50, regolor prirs $2, aisn eadtîe obha cietcstsncos taui e il Dicuao. ta.sLTL, ub u nraputot tu b c&c.-At Hamilton, un Mei veLotIa st 'Irln i uailucea ur iattaia Wcoduun JhuBfSocu. son utfCpt.opduat gls0eWs ors docog qosto a stroki of' mode wîtl tliose elîsap ut urpco epoi 06n efea uty Ha uac n orgsts d ao27 yeas.Pa t t$ 0 ,w rh 125 o#. utprtanscpeiga ofc ta ohor u of bs d&but lho McCmwc.-fr Nelsou tovsip,oa 100 "ns. Tweed P50 Scoich$Cap0-sîl ahttp1.2and cites tut, iri' cu uoudsbctei ssyt.smn ls-o.soe,on Marais SOU, Mary AucotWia y. ydateorrie stega eng u nson io, ua'oertutyyet t atr nClloh -1 -- - _-ýý #-&- of eterMeClloc. 202.002. - - .caL idil -1~ - t