LO\LCOURTS CALENDAR, 18V2. so IC jseeLAY 7.0 7P.b$ OF HJALTON, ONT &PAiN1NProps îa - tw l.ue or at Or the in of fub -t 0 DVER T/S/NG. T5 0 4 00 i t 4d tobe ek n 7 e n n tm alu-c iton.r un. lfLL EG A B L . N A r eense.. ome L orn B1.01 n , paus. A, 1 1- gggS G. 3in1AT -ESO, 3 Wl s ourt House, ilton.038.tad T-Lm.s-M , uet o ewarDr, BSt r kc &'d r haeoffic. 42-tl.s ].E MI GUT ELL' &LPeL. S, ID. DryPut. iUnL :VIrIlowII r Rir .f Win. Panton a R. Bahner.. 6 L.Grant 2 J. Matthew s., 14 8. R. Lister 11 Ja.. Robins 5 EU. w m Em m e 'l. ' s M 1 i 1 12 |13 12 14 15 9 1I 12 5 6 Z Jana.- t Apil, atb yin¯ i imap me, file hoinUn& He Viabhes ta din- 3 bae %te&staait nEthu3,madsu m;, È but atmanyadie wishbes toa-ae a L huorofhmr own, NO. 4%9 ofpt b oiiOFM. -Y -Yefer-heSot ofFnce." 8 DA&BHTER Alia W Ma M w...ured a.t.am aa1c.» do lm Yeu r it waM mom o m , a" Wh" " acaptaiDueb..e,. ingv, "rIay. t - , . favof tthe b-b-^- &n dra1hard se 80 ook bish.. '1d. ··Il t aisk mà& ta he.m l son fieos My. ce's te"s eM be. hu--- Sb* proet Iim Atht aIme saa t se o &Ys " m od shemm& ade sculln'tremeber vewo. The ting but a dun abode, nee oloethe " an sd inveig lntMæ,a . ao minneas ac ewsa blels u" dOctors say 1I aaD remeamber by and Thle death offher grandfatherdis againstbte aUuglns of town ; but now American goods ew , é*words. wo an&dlebi.Hm impression ndddwith by. Then I shallknow." treàsed bhir lemsfrom regret fie ounsaltshe spanihrher time hlmfisting hbospi. the American w& nmt u uu e adoPt t et the isteir. The mmnliad once " And if I can, you will let me help thaen imm anxiety for her mothertalsMadexploring WhiMchpel-" figures. Eve " «nyh» ià in Ian ADY ma P's n oa . beu a gmetian=-a culvated, won-; you?" nuture. Laëdy Alicee'snotes to her Mwere Leley lmost prang tO lher fe0t stock covers aa g*"f ruz*e ntif. Our Meanwhile, Lady Alice Brooks, in bcod man, from whom remLent had I"1isuppo.e 1 Qet to e only tac ,ery d.sert mad omewhat vogui y-0b, Captan Dcheas, ar you in are ntuuil " a nuunaly mny yaricle.Whh ,P-r..t ef ber .ow fa.cy for phU» ianeerquite depate. Over and&ave glad," saId the patient, with a1sort of worded. It wu., therefore, with poi. arnet ?" to lamtton to l1 1'- beo éwant oe a frmer who goustilfop&andthe siok poor, had wander- thuil ait there was something about .sullennele, which Lady Alicefelt that tive joy fihal, one aftrnoon in 1spring "Quite in earnet." c ur stocks, whether heo ob r o. aeedíomwhat A my intoeherwars i in wbhhutterly pussled Lady Alice. she could butidimlyaunderstand. "'Iselewas informed by hier. maid that " Oh, I¯au 8o glad 1" show Our goods. uo » r lays h obenkule tosust apart for Womean and Minface recalled to her some one whom suppose I' the sort of man tobe hlp- Captain Duchesne was in e drawing. "IWhy, mayIlk "siDchn, ON cldan--t Arat the object of her sbcelhad known, and she conki not ed ; andyet Ican thelpfancying ther's room, for sihe felt aure that he would be with real curiosity. But Laeoley clasi- ON R AYAPRIL gnch.O She strayed-I use the wordiiagine Who that some one might be. a-Past-aPast beind me-a life in able to tellher many details tht she ed hier hands 4ihtly togther and hUng for ou o vsitourestblihmets. trayed" deignedly, for eertiny1!6efeaturesl, the contour of the face, which I once was prond of my inde- did not know. She made hante to go her head, feeling thtabhec ould not Th'e princes we quota ar nl od ntatdy adi yud ddnm oi of uet purpose-with one the expression, were strongely familiar1 pendence. But it strises mne that this down, and yet, before elhe went, sheie xplin to a comparative strangeir how Stiv tae llvBot anofPe )Mr own fault, not ours. "oi f h nes nosedent wardslinote lher. For, by the roaning forces 1was very long ago." paused to say a word to Kingston, Who&Ihe felt thaet community of interests tivl.vwil no, ad po a o atWes prceson ny othe sd'-theme's wards, where her flowersand mà"dtie ikness often applies, the man's He drew the bedolothàes over is head haed brought her the welcome news. might tend to a reconciliation between but Str@ 40$de aWdleo«Gnappemtmen ut a", guoswma m sadehm g g o t" r of former coarse. eagain, and made no further reply. Lady I wish veou would go out, Kingsto ; the long separatedfthber and mother. 1. god xxti baerwitd6os Mopper bottom, 1 eglar price $.8,come, and where the bearded masculine lneusor commonesu i ambcm liecm ose i ferti o-you don't look at ll well, i i Ad in8tete awkward pause that on SinrayAprl 9 pris y ee toonl 9U. ech.face, worn sometimes by pain and somthig like what it haed been in the versation as often as the rules of the spring air Wight do vou good."_ followed, Miss Ethel Kenyan was an- 2. A ondsubsantil aarent«. li,, With six differe2rt ized angor Privation of long standing, appealed to days of hiss Aret youth. And the hle. hospital would allow hier ; and, although It was certainly' easy to see that1 nouneed , bts t bestqualityviz /-116, 1, 4, ¾ and 1 inch. Our regular price hier sensibilities in a new and not al- ýness wich puszled Lady Alice was a &lhe seemed to get little response from Kingston was not well. During- the Ete avrygdtosehan 9.for he cople sdbte se$1.•0. ou May buy thema on April 9th for Only together cnplasaent way. very strong resemublance toth ate b' ila, the fact really remained that shle past few weeks hier face haed become glad to see that shle looked approvingly 99C.for he omplts et. ar. For Lady Alice was a very feminine sister, Rosalind Romaine. was establishing an ascendancy over positively emaiated, her eyes weroeat Captamn Duchesne, and launched at ness is excellent v ee $r eit r$1 9.90 on àesapril 9ho nly. This har- cmd reatuire, and liked, as most Womren do Lady Alice was attracted by him, the mani such as no nurse or doctor in sunken, and ner Elpswere white. She once into an aniaiated conversation bnid le ; tugs are double d m o and somboxlope, lle, to be admired and adored. She visited is bedside very ofteni and tried the place had yet maintained. Others looked like a person wholad recently withl him. Lesley relapsed almost into stylish, sitrong, durable set of single hrneonngnc ile adi ahd ofssda much when elhe told to win his confidence. But - John noticed it beide herself ; but she, dis. passedl through suo illness or mý. silence for a time, but a satisfied smil 4. A warranted soHidsaee ad»ze eenil hme o ny2c n e the story of' hier lif e tober daughter bmith" baed, at present, no confidence heartened a little by hier disappoint. fortune. Lesley haed tried, delicately plavedl upon hier hple. It seemed tie her years a&go thesse hammers were :Z n ie for te hilngs. 9.Onya Lesley. And she haed something less to giye. Questions confused and be. ment in somne of the other patients, did and with reserve, to question her ; but that Captamn Duchesne's dark eyes 5. Silver tespoilone, Warranted, for 5, 7 & 9ie. each, according to izle. Silver thanlher woman's due in this respect, wildered hime. His brain was in a very not recognize the reality of is attach. Kingston haed never replied to any of hier lighted up whenhie l talkedEhla desert spoons 15c., and silver desrt forks 15c. ilver table spoons 1lle. each. Caspar Brooke haed very honestly loved excitable condition, the doctor said, ment to hier. And an event occurred inquiries. She would shut up her lips, they had not done whhe lke d to Al. thO -niu5 &Oc. or 5,sou90 umab 6talad admired her, but in a protective and hie was not to bie tormentedl with about the time which put John Smith and turn away with the look of on.e.a ta te'scek imldwt knve ad forks thtMr.godvlu For c. youmy buy tbe and lightly "l superior " way. The ar],ausees queries. By the time is other and hospital matters out of her head who could keep a secret to the grave. hier most irreistible smile, and that Positively these Primesare for April 9th coly. Mae no mistake, but bring her father, belonged to that conseéva. injuries haed been cured, hie might per. for a coniderable time to come. " Nothing will do me good, ma'am," her voice was full Of pretty Cadences. this advertsemnent with you. Boy early in they day as somne of these lines wdll tive portion of the aristocratic class hapse recover the full use of is mind, Old Lord Courtleroy ied suddenly. shle answered dryly, delighted laughter, mirth and sweet- bie surely exhausted before 2 o'clock which treats its womankind with dis. and could then give an account of him. Hie lwas an old man, but so baie and " Oh, Kingston, 1 in as sorry u ness. Leley's nature was so thorough- M iL LMERETC HARDWARE HUSTLERS. tinguished ciyility and profoundlest con. self if hie liked. Till then bie was to bie hearty that his death haed uot been ex. " Go down to your visitor, ma'am, Iy unseliÛsh, that she could bear to bie S. M eL gC . 86 Kin8t. Weltand 96 John et. South, Hiamilton, tempt. In her father's homne Lady Alice let alonre; and so Lady Alice contented pectedl in the least ; but he was found and don't mind me," said Kingston, set aside for a frienT'a sale; and shle ~¯¯¯felt herself of no accounit. As years herself with bringing himt such gifts as dead in bis bied one morning, and the turning lher back on the girl withi un. I,-so inigenuous and single-minded H OT ELS. increased upon her, the charmi of hier the authoritiesl allowed, and with talk. doctors pronounced thiat his complaint usuial abruptness. '" It isn't muchi that that she put nu strained interpretation R . .O NEe y gracefuil manner was marred by ad. ing or reading to him a little from time haed been heart dinsse. The heir toI've got to bie sorry for, afiter all." on the honest admiration which she vancing self-distrust. Iu losing (as shle, to time in soothing and friendly tonles. the title and estate was a distant cou- " If thiere is anything 1 can do to helpi read in Harry Duchesne's eyos. It mnay W ALL ACE SE, a~~t least, thought) her physical attrac. It was to bie noted thiat before long his sin whom Lady Alice and lier father youi, you will jet me kuow,, will youlaybenpryinhpsodawg MiN sqT., MILTON, tions, she lost aLl that entitled her to eyes followed hier with interest as she hadl never liked ; and when he entered Lot ?" said Lesley. hier once more mnto the conversation consideration amongst the men and crossed the ward ; that his brow cliear- upon is possssionsH, Lady Alice knew But Kingston's "l Yes, ma'am," fell tIlat he turned to hier presently with a THE E EADINGOTEL M OWN H A R NESS &SA D DLE women with whom she lived. She had ed when she spokie to him, and thaet all that the time had come for lher to seek with a deslpairing cadence on her ear. laughing remarh anent lher love of no fixed position, no private fortune, hier movements were watched by hima a home elsewhiere. She haed sufficient Kingstonhaid been to her husband's smPoky London. MANUFACTURER. nothing thiat would avail hier in the with grat inltenes. In spite of this to live upon; indeed,for a single woman, lodgings only tofind thiat hie hadl dis. " Oh, but it is not the smoke I like,' JMIN WALLACE, PEOP. (Next door to the Thompson House,) least whien her father died ; and the she could not get hima to reply with she was almost richi ; but the loneliness appeared. He haed left somne of is ,Lesley answered. " It is the people.", , -MA I N ST MI T N entle coldness of hor maniner did not anything but curtness to hier inquiries of lier position once more forced itself clothes, and the few articles of furni. ý Especially the Our people, put in Il-M M.ERaCIAaL H oT EtLk.' f 'encourage women to intimacy, or in. after his health and general welfare ; upon her, especially as Lesley wa@ not ture that belonged to is wife, and hadl EthIlel, aucily. Now,, I can t bear Hasor hnda godstckof vite men topay her attentions that shle and it was quite a surprise to hier when by hier aide to celler hier gradually never sid that hie was going away. porpole anyu., Captamn Du. M 1 L T 0 N,. • 0 N T A RFi 0. arnes, Saddles, Trunks, would scorn. In any other situation, one day, on hier visit tohimn, lhe accost- darkening life. The accident that hadl made Francis che'lne ?. Thbs rwns no.adcgr. Valises, Whips, Combs, lier natural gifts and virtues would ed ber of lis ovin accord. she wrote the main facts concerýing Trent a patient at the hospital where do' care for th em uchu, i m ' 1-'4 stablIeandattentive hnstia. Brulshies have haed fairer play. As aspinster, she " Won t you sit down ?- lhe said sud. Lord Courtleroy's death and the chang ,Lady Aliee visited was of course un- Iriket d he ooan llta Ré TES 81.00 PER DAY. &4- ndaellEinds of Horse clothing of would still have haed lovera; asa widow, dlenly, in her circumstances in short, rather known to his landlady, as also. to his sortliof tig" doEthe l. "ond on'iIlthloo - ¯¯¯¯¯¯~ ¯ thoie9r B20t E ish icanaian suitor% by the dozen ; as a happily mar. - Thank yVou. Yes, I should like to disjointed letters to Lesley, and receiv.-wife. And as hlis memory did not re- sortsoberi,esey ! I like to ct ooem &ad Anerican Mannfacture. riedl woman shte would have been court. 8it and read to you a little if you are ed very tender replies ; but even then turnto him speedily, Poor Mary Trent so sr, sing t lio t o ive t theony C . P. R. H-- ed, complimented, flattered, by all the able- she felt a vague dissatisfaction with haed been left to suffer all the tortures 'd lt teno ik the i1n CAMIPBELLVII.LL, ONT. H-Arne, adetcme toor world. But, as a woman merely separ. " It isn't for that,"lhe said, interrupa the gr' letters. They were full of a of anxiety for somte weeks. At first she but Iut sy orint lie visiting tliii .promptl nica r si aed fromn a hiusband with whiom shie ing her unceremnoniously : " itts because wistfulnes whichi she could not under. thought that somte injury haed happen- i h itio aigt tn o A E.COLBEAN, Proprietor. ' 2 hadl in the nerst instance elopedl, living 1 have something special to say to you. stand;absc felt that somethink rmote ad to him-perhaps that lie was dead ; close to tliem anywhere. I amn so glati Refbliug and newurturnihte. Pcrute- w.parindon ihnetesad l e on sufferance, as it were, in her father's If you'Illstoop down LA moment 'lsyhdcetit hm oeaofesfrte adrsii okpseso fta o ge iim, Ianu tablI a ttenie-.hi. wranehous-e,"neither maid, wife, nor widow," it-I don't want any one else to hear." whichi she could not account. And as hier, and she made up her mind that lie cene . ----shte was in a situation whIich became In great surprise, Lady Alice bowed Captain Harry Duchesne happened to had finally abandoned her--had got Andunot long afterwardsshecgracious. more irksome and more untenable hier head, comle across her one day, and inquired monley from Oliver and departed to ly mtvited him to call upon lhertal at lier Co m rca levery yrear. "I1 want to tell you," hie saiI grufBy, very particularly after Miss Brooke, America without ber. She might have day," and promisel im a st anlata FOF. An Ký ORIC TS. To a woman conscioues of such a jar " thlat youi're wasting your time and shle induced huim to promise to call on asked Oliver whether this were so, but ap oaciavor s Lesey ew. peces of PUT T HE M ON T HE LIST iu her private life, it ws really a new your money. These men in the ward Lesley when hie was in London, and to she was too proud to ask. She prefer- 8pcal tanDuhsnr to as if tasciu-w C, 1.0T-/'OlourA nl. liy, illustratecatalog'ue of watches dd4bfl xeineto find her. are not really grateful to you one bit. report to hier all that Lesley did or red to eat out her lheart in solitude. Catin uhseFto si a Arms and AmomonIon is now'redy yu ""' " self in a place where shle could bie of They speculate before you coule as to said. If it was a somewhat underhiand She believed erse esertel or ever, tdbtebrliutitevsonta S. COOK, -aP-ROiP-a s":e: Ine:uI n - P-;: - esiause, where ashe was admired and how much vou are likely to give them, proceeding, sheo told herself that Flhe and the only grain of coriselto htae tehd , ----- wise price R- of catlal oue smo:un,.Yah ee resp ted sd flattered b . thatauncon. and when you are gone they compare was justiiedby lher auxiety as a remained to hier was the hope of Pmakt. ucncoal iele lpe ,edlr a 1 4rise 1 FRANK S. TAGGART & CO. sciolus flattery givan us sometimes by notes and grumbl y out have Lot mother.gLesel Boke thatd whepesle a.Wensceadegon esthmelfexpresse sKINSTWET.- -ToRONTO the preference of the sich and miser. given them enoughi. Lord Courtleroy lhad left a consider- - - hok, ht hn ele at lese aparigly ofhislookesead ,M oney to LOanRD 'Nks- E able. The men in one of the accident ".1Ido onot wish to hear tisg," said able sumn to Lesley, and whlen mnother ried she would ask Mary Kingston to - aersapoigyfbslossu - -o»- wlArds were greatly takeon withi Lady Lady Alice, with dignity. and daughter were reunited, As Lady go wtith ber to hier nlew home. " Ililehs e odel.okn.e, ]]A··TA3.Alice. There was hier title, to begin - 1 kniw you do not ; but I think it Alice hopied that they wvould shortly Kingston hii ad e uLe..leherva shthoe sad"Soldwell tupndisin- Appy to--. -- --- --- -- --- with ; there were hier gracious accents, is only right to tell you. Try them : be, there was no question as to their <butte a 1 d gulyw Weleihd. inaperance.tIs an obli J1. A. C CL HA,% ari, ter,a. lher graceful figure, hier gentls, beautifuil give them nothing for a yis1t or two, having means enouigh and to spare. nmarry. She hla soeen him come and fri8en f yo rs, Lesley ieano Bam ovrfpetaorome.Haiton. face. The men liked to see hier comle and see whiether they won't sulk and Lady Alice begau to dream of a dear Po ; 8she0had seen himt look at her dear fiNdo o, I navesme i ny ne e --- ¯¯ in, liked to hear hier talk--althiough she look gloomy, although you may talk to little counry bhouse in Sussex, with an Miss Lesley mth ardently a n iring f ore.InPari, e de with ous--with .C E I SALES Hanre .--HAMILTON, CAADA. was decidedly slow, and a little ir. them as kindly as ever--" ocsoa esni odn ra i.ee h eivdta ewou e a nfyorandfatheari, lmy mod thr, and my "," ----tin- apionsive in dconversagýion2. It son "And if they did, said Lady Alice,. ter at Bagneres. Sheo was recalled fromn true and faithful hiusband to hier. But ygadtle m mthranmy Partie. requiring Mysrvce a acton.0100,000 eev ud eaked out, moreover, that material with a sudden flash of ernergy and in- lier dreams to the realities of life by a aihe knew more than Lesley wvas aware self. ecoe ro ay lc eer will pleaerlla ptihe "Caate lotofebenefits followed in the wake of lher sight which amazed herself, "wholetter firomt her husband. Caspar Of ye.Adhcon rmL yAle ion, ere actl pariul 0 wn1vrh on ta. einTons : auy 'i-P»visits. One man, vwhoaleft the hospital, could blame thema, considering the pain Brooke wrote to ask- whether, under Lesley went dlowly down into the "etobigmenwooe. .a el.tioee ir ati.ent oh n aPre s e t .CI G maa vi e-Presreturned one day ta inform his mates they have suffered, and the brutal lives present ircumstancesLi, heould not drawing-room. She remembered Cap- EYt rl)d ed ebrightlitehead Jn. Welntnto .B e(ooty hat "the lady-"lhad fournd work for they lead ? Why should they listen to etn to hiiin. tain Duchesne very well, and sheo was sa aiel os ly. rgh itl ei Da A.. TURNOULL, Caoiie. ds, if I aO thtthoutglad to think Of seeingbihim again. And j gaiu FieLie Acien lsuan gntH. a . TErnS, Aat Calher. ionfl erfthe'setatemad thoat e myioorMworand ?"g emw CHAPTER XXIII. yet there was an indefinable shrinking " It's very Plain %what Lady Alice - otes daiscounted.andhadvancesimadeoo suitable bh She spoke as shle would have spoken CAPTAIN DUCHESNE. -elhe did not know how or why. Hiarry atho Conveyancer. Notes Disconted aor ritam naad tta cnador Nu pe Wu twere not too ill to be influenced by seuch toan eual-an unconscious tributeta Lesley'elife seemod to hier now nmc ucheife-with th e s itth le Pris| eyes in w id maely pngle Esae iRal and Personlal and sol d- .. oit.matters were henceforth concentrated the rellnement w ih mped h l hess lonely than it lhad beaue a . irst. b the arslg thel adis " Sh re atmout mry inm o"" ono ocneiesmd na ons pon Lady Alice ; and shie, being fer man as of a higher calibre thnhis fel. The consciousness of having made dralwing mroefumthe ---tolyoOgeadear. Nat yut mryIii, Aioer Vlso.SAVINGS BANK. 11a imle creatuie, believed their lows. frens asplasat o ertathogh gnena of taect on UPla Md-eltpsc.,s aduad ret..BTEPLd d e et eotion to be gencine, and rejoiced in " It is a convenient doctrine forher affection for Ethel had beeon for a assemblybthings thatu r ned setat a"nononsens o gts e )JBUTRIL, .them," said dohn Smith, and buriedtime overshadowed by the recollection aa. abountunest ie tS nt, yonssil;gironWt albabye pah if hi i i whole feeling, but it suddnyapreabltivt lygr.Wh aay U Ï H BR S AN-D COFF ]RIES AND PRO t F01at RE htkmbýt into Mlilton. A iený1did r]ange of L i nd Woola naCollars. es".t umarket, m(ut Suílto mal room for spring - Wth ne atinthowver sh di bi hed i th beclohesas te of Oliver's uinfaithfulness. But when not for somne time establish any friend- wanted to hoear nothing more-. this impression passed away, as it t si ae an dhesd etter get " I am Lsreymmanee.hogto y relations. He had beenunaover, For Lady Alice's next two visit, he gradually did, after the scene that had wav as sook, nsheossible. , "anthing of th ee d," si Leley while drunk, theurH tyB old inh cme near bhnup respondc wen aie n o nfuih te beief that Oliver t must beconfessed that this sen- With dignity, although her cheeks were a emi.* mtose condition that fears to do; but on the third occasion he lift- Wordsadacinthdpoce iefo unth ania re s of Bacame (Tobe coninued were~~~~~~~~~~ fnorane orhs eso, niecishad htm oray easneenat of judgmentDuchesne. The Young man, with his whens thbist graduhe ally tconuelatreh f rigm paIha.Por w h nd he ast leo tnd grave, handsome features, his drooping, No Remedy for the Evil. from hisbran, e as n to c oks 1 bposi e, gance;teooegemgtblack moustache, is soldierly bearing, T.ronto Ne...n on. possiate.o idfrcnestoTobeD o idta tw w hsalgac hrfr he migh had an attraction for her after all. He Even with manhoodI suffrage, the baylic ebt oL thmfo asad A l eied. Thwe averted continue to be friendly with Ethel ned bhr f the other whom she evils incident to the Federal Franchise P°"" "iie entto iek t hi frm faes nd pzzia, dwncst-sme-without any sensation of treachery or remid e c ol otwol iapa.vtr Lady tman pket henmtimes sullen-looks of the sick men and I hnLseloved. Awould tillh oyd reptearedtandi time ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ol totmadsoetDh us sehdo aevnsae oerwo av no yn hsIt was not very easy to get into con.- isti âv-tratiney prn npointe &bout him ; but weeks elapsed before boys to whom sebdo aegivewould nAot, erps, aeaueits ersto ihhma is.H emdo h vrmnta rumyb he seemed conscious of the presence of nothing but kind words, had grievedwy;sewol aesspce h s l tes a elyhrsl ia en olrely omitted. Oiyrizngeer ayvstr. Te nursing ister told her sorely .praeneo lie eegdor ut hehh l oqestoighmmnavte ould not rventthe am e an a "ps tproves the truth, in than Leleydid. Bat, bei u hnse el usinig onlyann aevopearmoudnetwoorrev ist as skn adrpie aceti usins. part, Of what yO« saY," selleanswered iepren grLelycmfre&bout Lay Alice, his tonace becam me r t n the odoncase, th aead moduncerti buisgnl, bto heohrhadIfnDhrefbytefc a"lve o •She dosesnot know exactly what to Botter get back to sysa"tem of Dmn nav n ol o ieayg m aebe e ah oileforher nd savettsedao. sh. talks of taking a house in Lon. P of ienc& v M Herz.1»tat kop byth ma usngrs--ht ofh•e b- ""o'°"g a tdel te ar. i.the.4rt of giv. P°'"& foe Ethl Whow ow indn-if you would like it. . more fairly done by thesemen, -nt- M»mta t he nd aloe%.hi wa fo .Would mamma care to lhve in Lon- ed byvarions bodies, than it wi by heeteeuBdéhb.g;it.esntcoebntr, snig8o0we, oatogether delihtful, pgicl amd tecnrlfGven his~~~~~ -amasm UPPose.1Ihave conulted th. Then, apart from the Kenyons, she donNo frhefwnskf;iocyus. elnt. eMes, thSto the(publi -t Iseown name, I'm certain," douer;san»d nur@-a I have gato o ak.pesat NeBt fI-Ibedownotthnslk e L fr o-n-t.yd Po willhe o stedhe; n ursesai, dciddly. th.h yu fr gvingme wanin. aongst her father'sffiend.. C.do "omach si do olewih i theinvidua ek cs@ofDbmnfoe the »t?,Ld une ask, with A look of :surprimepassed&aeros the Brooke's hosse a s a cnr fite& ls n sm eiaio.Cpant seta hir ae r ma'•ac- naenera t ora Ducua ,hene loked st ber ,esrchingly, Iae on two marte.a of oneIlb •-It tScmmb x for b.fâm •sM'20 a-tt-than Mme Of theM," of intn-ll--l men and women; and ..Iseea, I ude"std thst you sa n shrewd- býho said, 1uB.- thougt youdner Leley haasnmany opport..i"i for had become much matthea to it. I am 'twent ex.conviets from Italy were mgyn ok ta qp ktelok s asm 1 dam't know wi I wuing ier pretty evning g"wn s aure Lady Alice "thineo." detained atNew York. They admtted adtht ha mn age- a"muhSe aa..a fl B Iddnot sheomud bave desired. nem wee 1 Ido leveéit-yesbti so c ht wr ieae felons and will ""1 1 srn kat" ta--- o Mkh °"gcunt of the people Who live In LM.n e pqy a oa...,.n..b ..c.a o.W.r'. s n g--*" Ab.,,o.bave.ae frienma s .MmW4Mx4 h e, ..t fr sl, a am r*M-l@b"nm gàm* ez:er ia WMe ahnew pav-Smms, u tat fody0 sidaanshaThomv ig gese "es- AE .someting" f. h 0 pi a seil1eored by kW-l d rsey, =cet ewofåMa $M gaOpleto Camrrytth*i le u n 9 al, »àwba d.um bom ISab"ms to qMàk die.*à-"s veFrzrsFrture Store OmcE--TowN HALL, MILTON, • --'N------ 2nd~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Y a'lOayo ahmnh----CAR RIA6E & BL ACKSM 1 1H1 . W/NN, L. D. S., ,oRmE m. n-o uo" AE omST33wmILO. SUaOICit DENTIST. LA ND S UB VE YORS. oh ewa smck ilton. civil ana Xining ufl - Cva,Ft stee Ard- 1 THA RRIS, L. D. S., TOWN-": 4" D13rrST, - O)AKvILL. y )ilt n On the frstand third Unse. c, EQU ITA BLE YET ERI NA RY. - f-crAsg:EIOce TR. C AMPBEL L . srCmEs, ýTERINARY SURGEoN, or MM -y7 dlames of Domestic Antimals. esys1 om . pm and ase mad e fe de. P'mptly attended to. JNA51 ppsite the Thompson HOUse, AL Milton. Aset....--- ,744 Afgrzr DPOBBr. A.HES LOP -HioRSER * SHOEING- E UG.ON AN D D surpluser.... D'2·. I 11An ae e P co ,s .Ne h se s. & dd tete ni -e fl essGood ARRIVING DAILY MýjcLeOD &--0O1 Good w iney nted atensa nice as Silks, PrnsNew Eapfles, w 'ýewed Musin Embroidery, Nowý Muslins,New Corsets, New Clothýfor Suitings, Nw Gený'Furnishings, New Grpets, Curtai ns, Reay-mnadleClotb 'NEv Boots &S arminedl to hiave abig salqa , gs h n-85c to 60e, ad they 811a ol ] are first choice : big bk4ains : don'taue 'Il be anniouneced shorti Des-ap n are ca ou to ob s I'» have a big, c lareanxous o (n b s',. Patronageh & CO'YTHE MAM3