ýe .y mmd medy, , ta , - 1- eAti1i - III, a1aIll1sn MUOJN 2,82 nr vA . A - Z, m ale SmimjIl. ' ýýýI .Sm --i Ilsbut-Th bImg-mnem, gsld watn__ ,ad A5B5<AWeys4t, 1,, Jas Men n, Eam m m mi t a tuera.-.. IIIin,,Mr..a.d De..,-i.t.Iall, parent, Guie.'1cf11th1e Fl-ar3at of0 A ý Il o'W aterproo Coats at coa %for this wee HALà. D BE- LCTO. 1 alml _i_, LPes dptyAanu, str 1l-Bey MeL ti d, si dm.r-sIn> met, ur Gents IK , 7L A i (,f a i . ,D i i.Wfn _ lic m y p < r c tîu cbnrhhatiinsou4t fharoncla. tim gossi mmi hdruoi st; Mam Ill. le-M IL.M i TLargennirne Flannel Shirts tosdecilear atom*1.13 each, worthn*1"5 Kcqumi,,'. lurh. n q. *,- . ouath ch, irn cet h i n e uMc r i Pm"hiu n IS c n , ir r urin ctmr; 3fr. ana; siutf hthooNdmsLi twamhonîcu.thomffirrroccrcpîrdthj ntcau. ucBy rculic nHl i, ullcira!hur;"i.md(i.)mleuok. S1oec1n-fbiegra1aian1t e htweka c, leannuacuftt tnt neetar rimtrmctdir.iua.rpte titocrcatca!rr tuc; Mr.ndaiî.o EiMît tS>lmcrrrm1mnoem~ea "' gih,,Ocdthrtifri ou cctihucchrt.utookcoccefZnm;ncpcoe nation,-aiig10Im eos..f k.rlàîaonlic.h nrn - . Wa r c r ln u cli G ir eai inot Mach o!!, c lrur int _ - 8.00 u I lruMrauv o n t t n t nir u a d ain. i o u t oue ant rê. mv W w , ,- I.1 "W .s . . . . 0 p . . M r a yg ,, - u u o A .yo ckut M .m i M u o n . . J n 2 . S u . i l . C a u c h t c i1 u u r cIr. al cn1to apu grg mDn . ; ." - dnoon..u croa mai o n i Web.lîuccM indîX ti u crt ili i a .Uit .it-.- Z-"'m- ptre« on hurgh, a..ctgrimuphnm cauoe cm i : .Mu.rvadutthJcc!ccc o a ci.CNAOA TMS or icoi as tttrI ½tmlutm.'189e; . 7_-o sc1lth. bride'nt.iacm farulorMaittilrli q!c!tic .î-cu i . s. a ait i it cîc 0k.u K rSc damth Oo iiu , Haitce, cnim ccc icot Mcc r id g o m parteha d- ,, = C E M .a M = M = - = M - __ Ilàsocc..ccj i cI .ccrC.ngr rotuI Pe Su C.Hrieeged.anteI lumadecasauecLcu atonoLcoîct, QoCrockec agnipof Tht iesmlfor thoentrencicanranfourrerr tuouic1Ncts. Qor.onc cngcng lit; M ni tIli urroîlh coîtruicavîmaicuciu thercî ci il!Occc the lica nc e Cc ! t. p lieio ff o e o h u tit , O f tt c c i uoi c I O u t î C cl e n iticH e c r ucCic r u x . a c c u î i c u c j c r o c o IIIII.1,I, M, ;oI' III _ .ned.m w-nae TthemBrtishrrfiterhichecaraouiesy fruLconuc.OMiel.l itIiI; 1 . Bulingtut ............44 Incessay decani O Ofâc bel e, & hentlanre t u cucLhaievrccc 1 @ o.tccricîccfio tand; Mr. Wcic.,hoc tccccc a!tc i icu L n d S k G o e 5 . A l G n s N c w a e ucd .h'uNfql OU At1 ...... ..ama2coBuck ici 3P .,at hci r a C o an i otsucuîxî P saCh imta. c al leutrculr r 1 .ý 2 .......... 4i addresthm rrio a rcoutlinîurucy uprue-c'ycontMemliii Viclorins CeriiDotj'Iri' c .. a....uc.I. e tof t e h n i ccu b nat j C rs i n . h fic rc rug xi t eiii J.I. ii ccicC Luct coun a d e r e !cclcla uicIIec ý i nes o godin v ry d p r e t lt l h aii osh j Qc(o ccuu. li to ta le t .....n.hi.o...cectdifhhr ccp!cogoc ScccioiIVbotedi; Ont.. I Iin( a ., ..........l uIt hgir ln nlsu dTtye I r e c g u iic. coiM ict ei c;c oI.FO c t .I ctot ,vO ! f ci u erto w d cc.. .. .. . ... 2T tIciw n o m u i a tsc, , n g Citc u i c i c i c c î c u c o c i e dt o gil c it u r.,qflle ; u ita nS o t o c i l c o u c c e e t_ _ec t-l iicaiorityCcc.cuc. ccicc. utcHo. Sec. .9cruîccDror tc!caîMcîcîîîîr.rîgp t o i c c o . .r . . . . f. i r rcs i n g tc o u rci tc u ed u a i o M . i s h e n oi . a c a bco ctî if -D c ;îc c c% l i s re c cs t c e t c r Au.i. T i n Mr U R Rtc c t o c o A i0 .r1 ,2ra d2uK n S r e t B s iiihoa 8ie...ltcc!,cccccct c cci orîdacclcuccccal Lgfce ln oi citejOta cccMitch. oui Mccinsuint topc oucîu Il ratlcspiccccly.toiccoîîîai îcruîirc Ote corfuRcîeîîcccIrl t.i. crI oh tîatoucors lciic >SctcccOicct f o.. -tc'io ic o o e o O c ottu e l h r c u ee. teeo1,rri, , ,:cM ,iutto A T tc rt2 :c.«uà, =.C D(c c jt n î tîsu ic c te t'bcc in s t I e , anr .Im g cr td cbcli se sati o n t cr c i . o t c a n d c c o l c t c u c t o c ti o i l u T . . ... . r_ M i1 cI c au. e m 1w . l 5,ut anttil rtih of crdur ci .-- - - - - - - --- _ - 4) iiiue .......u...c.ccctici . 'ir-!ootocrg!tccccithcyil!crc!__ci-c-ii & Ky r o j i e e n i t î ic t u e i t c i t cc, cc I 8r c l e o n a c t r , f c c c c c u g fcui a ý o g - , z , - r : M I I Lo i. ; C A NDcc o t cI u e n V i t r i a y i pige....c..... .oiicito trexhlelk niO Sibkbaih rv.oiaýoie, weic;i made;c n br;w, i ?LL i tîuitcccoî utlve i oceOruecci; ot.Mr ulan cc. d __ti $1cuti>acmileugoui R 1 4 ' C O/aL O i ..u"oetcu tictoucucit ci.li.C.ucdctcitococaty.- int r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I tCimIaII at m. 5.i :u 'ii ccceirrcccu.csqervanuteiicai ccicanloo Aoiî,î ic taSitet uciliastclou!ca !Iietct',EN OII 5u....n..ty .1o!Jueri 3f, f he ieacebeli inanicccttcit.c 1. W. -citioohcct tic i hiccu tic80,00tc.rT -mtgîict luc9 h tteotco.oc.g i tiocdm- ireuic o t'c ioo Mit L aurir %ibitlceoixuccuc ict t ,hl rult c lrlrfoguFils luccug ceutir hCiliICillr--t-: itoiB.Ct.tîhaeL.îrI xtotbyteLen ,î.C .lfcs .oc oS t i.ice.ucrc ;;I icy1Mm thno rue! SclY ondu iI ouco int h ei.l Sf.cc re f M tui o iM.orount o aptccuicu le ciTe cltcccccrinccc s idOn ...'c 'ict I - -t- --tî e t t r o . c i t u i t c o c c o g c l uy i c a ndtit g laoe c u u u c t ioo , F i d c i r i o h c m t ow i c at' i i c c u c c t i c i u1 cIS. . d , ae b o n >;O ! S O ni r llc c i t s l w C v a , . , 1 ý , - p ue t - . e t t , ] , , , ý icoaochiat'icicuo.e c.Lc.O.ctfo tthe ,ici, oft hOcda ii rLcc.ttcucito rtcu.a ut..10 otiioec Co Ticc'uoc,,cotcco tI l,,, - E "'rto ,ýI Ii .. .1s* it xciieeu!orhVitri,.n... I 4.1 I accuulloieISCc;;.oîicti cois tracticr. c, tchicm e fro vi cton i th, eiia, cluciochCIuiiuoui ic hu.it aseniiti-occc4ciorsclic,;ci.c.,ccccm, t ICI Stocucci10 h dg t;!ucîncci UctuOcca cecttccc itu .ittccu, ccIc tcti tcîu b 4 y4ry yaai, s i. I Clerc incth,é,,,d te" cituo selcuVieo1îiyI Ir-o-ilmtcffIltu,.ilc.c.cittîil.cccicnnin ut Curticgccrccooo,-iBr ICI Outi.....f...cFt iu1 JIicc itcc'ie IChc et iicoitf c t.1îoî Silswr eonc! t o utice, o rs 1 f'l.I"se i's" ;-R ,,-ýI I eiircuaoccaite long cccoeoufcOiîdi. Looocc.mallestcourcitctcclurCd do oteocto ctl l evct e uuicLti, oi1c î!ti IlI.lcrcu;c uuooîa eoclcc c-t itutcqcccucoctlout'oigc ,Ifccs.t. o .itiu t. !îcce !ut OS licenricticn<eucicciui.iudecchiicrtuciinocion. idepeuiueetcfrrug 'Oiit 5 nuu! t tarnieieitnii'tchecZM Menedium 'htým aîi e rresýo gcgoi.ti1ccciionicccuard icrr o uucca i Cco t î tueToooto t. tpi e nt . ms TROUE"TL ;S. M L I E Ï ! I L N R il uuucchte iaatlien h'.l .tten'titi i'ccichttrc Dm.Ilou, G li t cicce.of.utr iictniotîtuc. tc;cuigC ec.euc! urr' ec uoud ut;ftstuit.ai, i ()m jrt. r arnm l scn8 yM. Cft Ph heen Atain.riee, 1 r ive ii(Ieele bx l, h mpra ek-odlih t V Isn I CaeJ rne e i cedîatt uc ccdcltoontcdcyFuhucchc,,r cNuuicî iceucccItiil gw ILET ano n MrDIauady.leui , Col, cuc i utptioua igr, 2udinves ýI 1 .,, o rd r t g i e l s r In d r s i n - I d c e I 'ý J a t o a l ) ,1, iit tid t o r of r j eN o V é l W i it h il . ý ii, r . ) . . L it b ri n t ; ý a til Ni . v 1 ý i, 1 ý - n I I i Jh th CAbpl., l b ads Ite taliaThe thuaw ai n ic letl i lu. cc IhI!ccceic lcrFIisudeutcrfOuiu III:ct'r cI irw bcccerfOr. thebfrletîi.fclf Uiiloe.ui cui Iy tue ,.C.,t je,,u ocî l'tItll, , uorciuuc N u -ere s.-. FIcteiluo t hoc cc enolch C:OitiFeAIi0itDf, N.-et. Chilen itutionIIIagiv I.1"ý Cl I - -,;"PjIilNew F ci-.Kiler ad gld ori, N I, n ,,,,,(,a.OnDI"s J. ý 12ZLTlaa-7 <ici-. SO Ctiecicco oc tt ile.M ' sa d O ldKÇi t 'lestato e lw brgItnd , , l1, I.ii va-C... N co l hc s co u ys b au c e' c ru t i tuuu u d o c or I cor in . Oa c o r o uýpcc i o e . T ocI c (, u cct c , q , " iichc'. et.o r oic - i i . S f m . I 1 . f r L n i l i at u u l e i lt oo n h e p a te a i V i e r JI " u O c r i u U- i c o utAc u c t o o- L o. c ccI l a ii i . hP I ic sc o c i l i i tu ri t c c c î o 1 n t s e T w hpif N a t a g î w t a ( s u e t } ' c e e u Ie t x e e t o x c d f n i W base messageauîced %co tcepeîîîleoîî te tbîIl t ute III rlucl wi....C rI,,l ord hc nthcOic oiue iecImohiWf.ii-t- i ai Veccc1c11, B.oCIcandcc ic c iccci te rco, o icoucuuoFloorieci 'ofrois'ciutesfno l fuiiu i ,ilcîcr ' ciuoudO icir 'ctociciic.u cc firuu htOl o eay cucccccafau t ooa las nia lelccciî. ATo c 'uuoîcre oncîrd , >t qcei ruacuitoli NoohîC i caiecun ucicLI ,cic 1.tiC intcoirourcicone> ucuîcoccrcoî ii c (If 'ccc i]ItiI ' "o ý bro(,ýt;, oftthl i.liiisccilii lirc ococi ;icsccd.«Lcc __ i u c c c t c f i e m o> c r c d r I f u i c i o t c o i c r a nuc t . d t re c f f acic i lDl'cu c e . t . I lcu u i ' .d c u e c, ý i u c d q o u i Ce c o u r c 0 tu, e o r uoho c c iii c , l i A rdih t . a g c i ý te O tta a o n 'n ' b o uctcf r c o loo , 3 1 r .[M2i p;rsett.î1 cA r et.,.,th e ccv ec]c edl ils-cciîuar e s olei l ,.tu.1. -t tof hrthemacii O re irSfccoourtuAu ceut - c., - ~ "oc ci-ooO.ic c,, ci ci icuccou Bar lo ccîceuuguteuul ic aueoz)tioIli DCmvra thcccpoiuuor(fu r t o C itOtcru h Dlot C icrltffaceîy asou0ic o 3 nioluend il incomEyi îuejIwlie, cldingbuttelcars nîonîc'c.c,,1c o-- cuuoge t otocthe. ic olo u0t, cI.i c OccIkl.c..cci ceeci0. he stlet.cange-aIiIclbhits îîîîît uictee' rci c l.i wNcoouooccolyf, OrI, I,aoioO nulicr ictiiulieef eute c eagi lu ARcnant .reds iccc bi t hc.cficdîhc chuecaccitheoodcaiicd u u cIll-, Lc1icit10 ciicucyfs hiyr.hgIh Caiedcoocco el i gont.hrrîmcuuîofcric cir cet OlarhrO cou. I (, li--lumW-o , acoIgo a u c tui o ICI Sc o8. l t a i cciodic IIceeuul D89.r.elni c ur&tfsc ohe cent 1 y OocrdctI, ruuuiry Ofr Cicf li c lur > f l,,tIurkOnu . IIthuo do o necd hcrc uoý>t0r ticnc.uhccucdocr etucîcci ici 10». lIe icaci Anlunlecihy Ar., cuctru, hue te5 ni!icug on icdhug uorpouec. SoIicIco. cec.ioîaii c f" F l D ; b t a t' i ý, , , F L, ILI, u dcl i a.-O l L th u d r u r a c i ýtc a sei . î t ri ci u i h h p I u i co u t, gIlhs t s îî s x v i o-Uo c cu t o- _t e A S g cceoicci. o auchit occo Oo O'c rcocrctir 1 rti re t. ,,C îrd a. rcduttilaco s conurcieIl oij0 t C'orlincieio4u.diiti ieIf le u oi e u a o astaten, (, l yu idcY'111, iiuu ha(J h nrc Mq, ho - ".ont., c oui illiurccq4u ,,ti,, Oicc ici-,]tra ile 1 n e I I T_ au io 1 - euup u Inî louf t ,us t e eis chartg C n m oie OrgatL IccOl, rt no i ý'a e i J ptcr ý"« ui . or c'c I ,-"tolC icn dt o ufl:Muc_ <1r m o i l r f ti o , I i e O c h e i i r t i ng e o o l c r h a ti n ea.fee l n g o f e n n o i I aîs s cItr e m u .H i t a T o iilc il ir e r oIlt rcîc c c i- =imie = - inru> ubs lhie W..Nh.Caicpngu.oocaA teculcIIticurcegu olouconstet.uainoi coud iceien. ml1tl , 12 xvlbusliteb ticUxIest. ideLsQethe bd ,t, ;roocus, lite c' " ic.sucuenniuau ucdoa .,I ',e Ivl e Ieb M lieuuiaruca.t..ccriiir one c fi Goi c Icu-. udI, Hre ii ,,,couesocuSJi.uisrît ci tîir rtiniiucft uoiurchrrt3frxatr,s lthu hcu Midt rcLre iccavis- nc" i"tli . V doti flaciadurA 0. Miic0c bort,, coce flnic C .ýIeigiote ccciuc ciooi1cP. L c .oiom Mhï h ograi, ,neto oi Iuiý YB 1catrhoea i, aedbe i l VarîetyIaî(dflite loUxeot ligîurex h u e oic y n r t " o m lo e a g h - i ( e l t i i'c i u u u c u o e V i e i ! c t i uela u ( e r e b n n n d e o u i o c o h u erb t u d r i1m i)co s . s u s I ~ o c . Ic rc i l a c i uI licclo lotae cucrcuucg~ aru nriacohe matoc hon aîavUricorcoirucouoitctIo ludicoatocîucdca udr u i ,ic ic.cietaro uo ruunsuthe ,,i,î h.L i ! i flecte ter - lac rr le d ndac. ote. d l uicd hiies fth nted IIhot nniurer ~ h i.Bci ui cirhp h ui iiihico hi Juhun nuc arn srrh tuassopprtnulo Oie nice cIonci coîîr naiiuiguîs aaiigaaitai îi1),n SnyapomtuanuduuayhuaIthr Tgigin ou, usotos. cii, crimoclu tononII lstbyaulIIai,,I,ý L nr, hu B ocw o.- oi audd uH noocotof rrcocc i.ci5. Osa, Si.Claircs teoloadieaO nligiare aur .iIsilt vo e o r he c h î c s y'ioI c teorIII i n a cuioe u for thei C r 1892,îu eh l er n daeg lr tua io ve a t ,t heLhg, . M ni te o usic e hoi c roo ua hC fu rontoi,(, A ri dounîI au eoîle , N i h r c s lo n - I lj(i andlis lo beuiilridct f I eod ndicrd ccuo!rndCts i nd St esSuhic r .1renmtyi uCu daec sfa l lit, _ thjo a *ial .IIIuii ct 11lln lcg c c a s ' a , ,l L I; c e r e o nn iaedt r.u rt . t o l I i m e c u niN , t h e g c a; c s. e oc î O m i s c c a sRi, i oC s e L ) " !s. A J N e ,j . i i , l C ( O r p l i i l l i h s ( ý I i r ! l I hi. rofssio inNassgaNeyceur ha t 081,crrni .hsuti . tciaencitasocaoVrylog i oos1 H nunhut-uaeurlhi cneghue Preoreýt cc i inuc9 om.hiP Ofuac teincO.C all'ýlIdscte ews eil tili dcctitatin ul UVe rtyer.Ihs or arThrliollhcirownt aOic r ccruicic, cndffcmeu hi Ile JI, %hr C, ri - teeqil ro rnpccu ouI ouC 1 ý , ,If WIiI, tien. us the sfai,.n cioto u -raroo t ýt Orc ouî lleiadn')onoiolSt .ul e tuutoalaîr:ueîrbcccuîarlled oi e Ime "u ta r;ie.fi o ' s11so un?0u I i PatcnouutMsms wt srcgîuc te a.o. h'.Purc, înk. etptïcoerteiuc.ThOefig ufplcciiDrt'lgintun me.ctord utttniag.SaI hrMutratOta ' Cotaeo oion f a. 1cm piciuorf ruasticltiî.colisgnd irAdiph tet ufthCutcoaun euiniîme.Mmr sid teic inerolco . lru c ud thu our Hageorîs-ppoia- moIlaccu C cruilasho uhfe ysicigrundclashacru, on a n firceeird ad b M.ali n ju riayca, rI uc a an Neibi. Q te, lIthrMia)i ", o fr O OI . ucieoo O.c 1în hag ou teî'ofncrIic 1 lasII heofiesD I an ecteo t te litn 'anmoa 'Ircu c allai t.ur rh Badt c oîii Gctai in .Thl i a ebooy ru--sAunios octe tbsý c h a t uth s m.h ea c r î y ta e o s sni > rua a ru g rei D ir hc th m G u t r e mel o l a u e s aII 1oa c ,, ,,ik M .el u d cI l I the proosiionforiiiatmhtt nlrnentpurt t-iltethe ie tf ed ,c c iisou ,1 ..rd, th chatn otiehe acu . T hfr nusTo--aadt eras t httI etuuc Onfitathrlho arhhitouniiooT urit uaisre tienntofter. focî, hl asomsm oii , II h11 o -Tie ylScanead lt i l t e or ier gî,i-c nlo Nau ntcssgy rJeancu thMm, Foiu nuvmi,,ucccded F3fr.Ihaus goaIai rtrîauc whcheo]r eti, euoro uctport.po. dlueo tuoa viitthe i lv rilCenm1. ssv ctr ho ilMe dcal hd Ioa, ihacIII t, Sscuo(f enouIau IIIiirtosss a ceo c tn rhatihmtrond im esdte 1Itats howacr han yr illn Deuhlpîr r lmotu, IOIotoyeasb j ou drtumt, fn ash3d s p uat . A s e m n î . .Cor ti a pte r s e i au r rte c v e téue t ere h n c u f r wu rw d acouw li c d y b ing l em ge i h q ' o ,I h ir u e 3 - s e o rt c o nn d tie m II t a h d e u i rdT h e a i e s o n o f mc u h e s a u s , o pl s u ii i e o r ufa os, e e î t b c D u" IIIe-n. d ,,n r e s ,-&e.,-aid as "tIlertl it7 t e is dtru ed b eo hs lncplt o h I 'ie u,, nýitnw V car ILsainistar, thoscoADWr areTBÂTfB.î l that'prise ppouswoabodt!hisf-,edie -lyofumerhes fer c1 tul 0,RjoHt14HOL3t toi nuajril ut1,41! io ate e auu. ar the-' o.' ' te. . , dyateet wlsthmua h eot f.FMru1t es a o ri ecoedsdb r ette8 ilorfin l nuv fpln aefon h ht d s- h t I I ohe* Reyni hIt D. Lusdand.Blurinrodnnag, b O ' 1 l I tslach e a i h p a m io s i Gans myrn . 3 r I s a d , t a r o H e n r y a n l e at o t c Ia p u i uc l a p e - - e sd rl , r w n h M S ith ,f s a t i t oi a'h e 1 u . C r uc mih ni&mll , Ii... il, ennt tadadjuMrd..,FI amhrSasdrcl. vu l i i S cuion h ' dtr guia c enlaeiî cOSUff UL> fi tima alaO. d b53 Mr.ti lsbefhuaet yUmi ris u te, en t Ée nC et aire 'c'i, I ' a -sndl t llesd Jroii.AaoSptr inos for eFRX PRPIRT.I i s= ortis- vevfo nnuelRyols ha oh a-Caesinilniih o nI-Bi-e1 -sU 'FIOnIla 0 m sffsla amdarptol ebn ntalelaerîion. tsrig0 feUitbsr ,utsn isse b i d- -(Or7 - ---I. iio,._ s aundEisriatiaml,pliCtrste s o n Th e osvntivan otre Thn sOi m r -mlle thereasd nues Wathe o umsr st g epm a mot tmssaî ndme virio IcIOfatheures tu ction ofeisCe :abi M aecn , ,,, coed fgj~lm ns rbittie e t5_r_ s t ra te el te bacinons. telle ý I ausbrebmal, t i. Ns,111?h. .I5c55lby adt 0e.U s uIg un maie ii ,uys "Ilivul e ol, Oistmt e cuhccuiInl'l Ù Il5nsd n t.,i, .Iobcth 1, ,OnlaurayFtrg. 2th i9 elaMon village ofou or- of SOc.f liethhioluand hO1 wihswl ayri OtroeeC ,e (Oretle d J ' iba Mhtettfahernsri mlia-vciclsvash 'clltf"L osculas ita, 00 nh dnptole fisa ttartmi o sue a Pitun i aa5 is ite trie ary , hý lý mern .Y5"ý]ý nmc 5i, ;t.,.l t :;~ 8 gte7e l m . patouwsmiuucrr nîiti il. w forheconilY goiisterdati cftes i sa s i a m tVlnslàImr nofonametofthttursoan pecesei ler pmrtes.tal ai]-LOms Twg, n h'.%sý,,1,,lesl* ed mm en. aeutmur e 'a on d.slaostiefaor i y e]avesmait ostei es es diss.gsi - -fia.me ~ ac 'lleps tro ste 55-cif Ous iahi Se t ider le d etier en y r. o ctn oisnassmematm a adl tedemerý. , ilmlette Isite, s, -Auf, . pî.I;I ,,,gt." I ' .nme I l c. cca . a tht er.o ta stthntF te[etaacrtvan 'd ""i'i,= an o tey,-1 s"" df - O1ttsaw a t m >7lion31Dentoss>t, la silO snmuiefstsLI. tsnd fe r maeir. .eeejiliu a reoo c lsodt sh a rti ss-otÉe.siheCP]lavfs ofDsn g -llsp snsisythe5et S, 575tattiil*' ~ rsotteIi ee Idtarentt las predi h insOmrvlte as tris 075uaitet th ec t S!.;.;P,-.,i -ýl.,t hat ,TIe.2 Ih.-rmith varia7. pIlimi. Il P I t Inlu c a s aa n I t dleas e r o c w m a dm d fi o C r min l j s i e L b r D d s iC t 2H o m i s he n u a.p c s s r u m :' l ib T p p r 5 6 4 t o e e a Ihpcu t y. flm r t t n A C O L S f o h o u 1 o t e e u m n e t a t e n 8 o t o lo m 2 - 2 a d .i L i . .lS ý i' _ - - - - - --ra d h n d e an9. sd d e o mT 1 . e p . r ,y i 1 u . ý , h ý - l - - . [L.wb.cbKs ..sdpteote C__ t in l.itnrfi y..hibsith.5taýîtt W .JAxrFN1 CTrkSi t u sv us CIe >C M4A1i*.TuOI rc ~ st'm , I t e ra tr-Iluae. . . o.ýW"u rerof ailayswil d .s cOr. .hi ilQ .. t CaFonlie holvd bybeiig mae liu. o finnce.Ce:h mn_ _ _