BI1G SA _EING'I ER CENT. DIo$Cd- )1t , Ilick 1i' ixiirs, Bengalines, Pq r î l', 011l Diis GoodÏ 1 i i M l'a>rire Opporunjtyý T !.1 salo begînos now ii reat variet' 1-eo ni betteri q~LEOD 0C. Ché.s. Burrows :W IN 'I il H 4 J. pio.j -' WALLACE ToýONT. T.iHE .AlO OT S, Plops., TISING. N-, r iN a i7ntur 7- fooui, lii1s THAN E TU ON 1 IL S &î \r) WIN' -..tStock of 'v n are want -U TJ OR OVERCQ lu'- i/izthet i ~NT'FURNISHIl " 2olityi GL.A T COMMERCIA11, IJ' e*,"t nfed.Lqeeu os Te.81ete P" . c. P. j.II j t HiuIired snd sowleefrenisaiieu. ter.. clbig c..ItW.tiue. c hoke CQiuue~j~ElJote S. COOK, - PROP. . ' . le . VETERINARY. JOHN R CAM'PBELL iris ti l à VeTEnsuone tesuco.q, 'rreuîs ait lasees ut Dnmestic Aimnate. Collis prempty ationded te, Offlci opposite tise Tisuopuon Houe., Mlailu ii., Mit. F. A. HESLNOP, h Y.ERuuNe.ev teIOxN oANo 'DecTIrr, teduece Onstio Vete'sr Celkgqor. ueet. AIl diaýeerof dumiscced mîcelss tud on 11, ies eiuunoe up Iuls e ei .. cslecsscnt.dud lnîts ced.. Addei. rsue PtOBa ce umcsccsu C. iE . s 0 'e., A . lee . .. o5 ae rli"dus.,. WRcuEbe M s,..0 N cEY.N O CC mcena .1110r . mer~5.e àgue Ms'lt '. 'sl 8ie tf KHAL, lfuhisarou Public. AW bCo. it.'.. AI B,'ub. U W'eI. OLL, a.o l . su nd EPTSON v iîu11,eu oH ,l.truuiesiud offerud V T Li'îuvsge I .00 igeit, s îîo . Ms. Jely. ' l"-î 12 l i 14 14 16 lo iu . 50Apr, 8 TEAS AND CO NI).67 DîII'lb streete LONDO Agul llîi uen t foi lie Ceuutye &dvetise in 'The Sttre EQUITA Lç Life Ass tieNsueSOCIE sBo0l, Muilton . o u Nr L B. SD, JANUARY ()"VILLEi. Assets ...1 iWed"euuof ... hci UeHun LiabilitiOS, 4%, g Ssurplus ... te Loanincomo PI6.c. p~ New Budnem ABLE mra1cý ETY VED 8acueIM sui eLiee eamed te.Bon. Ofil--Tw AL, dteO. Temsctim oty ade. Ceturile. to jeuts 9)f rs ee filus seut u sI, Oetsu p. ABIREY & TYfRRELL LIX-D .SUrE-YoBS civil and Xining Enleeoru, Valutoru, etc. C'FPIOES 6% 0'0 0 6% TO LOAN IN PAIX O1 TOWN PROPERTY AT 6 PI OINT. uonet Weset i usu., sud pe. pfu5ttbs Ouineed p eure.. 't' . . sotooLDe. We Adlusde. t.u, Earik of Hamiton $Ca2pItal o0 Pîcirve Pund 61200 $00.000 yJoue 't Peesco . t .. in eir.Oc.Isc. . sosusCh. . Oe.GlTo iO . ' J. T-nu... Os, i. DeBel. uolrd eu t reueor iueou Oesýu .. eu e,sut-flotddeioentedoSuiiobl tuBsu -I. h. e t s u' o cl. Caisol Orr..h -,ftust i .1 s h plst.. SAVINGS BANK, .t=e!c te d e-Ipe-d. eaedudeI.t it J. BOTTIRsILD, Aems, sMI. R. JONES, HARNESS &SADDLEi MAIeIlFACTU RtR. <Nt do.r teth.eTsmpsun Hursi> MAI-N ST., MILTON.: Hu- ou isselas sd ,teok -f Harneee, Sadlet, Trunke, Valises, Whips, Comnbs, Broîthes and al inds Di IHome lothlng if the v.ry luit ZlE h OahSdia ana Amer!coonxarnudaotlre. cE co, usile, mlî.utteordr ."5 1, p sud iOes.iu,iu e ithC -t-esd ll WOtb CARRIAGE à BLACKSMIIH KARTIN STREIT. KILTON. grva - T V ~ l1 eb m G u i e .m teUNim agi l a ie . a duty tuput i e at 'st~P u"nl i tio nd t e. e ofet l le. huit bo wetlun uleY w ui quit.e m u * .f rt heb. Oari .01. ueeu~~~ CNleuV.'lot M~iY uty d et bt U a- bu. lhMuY ruamiue.for leaohg hic., go Parie a. teirdueiumo; mi.. "id a And hie Maurie.rte Lwuly aedal ionni OU M W iiib e uB t th e f ac uel " nt a it el h r that a d y M ay Baver u ume w he u e w w ord. about ahoppm g, dru....s m u ii Rî cte diug - hi e une. oi bu a*A M-. p- X1 0«.K u am.- . a. <lu Iisr e m etIhn eu un e henunround oeno emad ielmea-i.jeMl«y, wnhmal. it. , bouet a*eity mitishi, un ialy out .re. CAAD ACPs AIVA iedi. ReBu ntree-ndtîunty ud othere have doe-for fBululeeeefor heat faster, lu aite ePs coevietion test membrance. of butrbiuehp nlth Me. Iw iben e mered in haste, ill.teeipe, for impoatience nitis rnyoit nu e uy menand lsud .te felBany Brooe w nuppe 1046..uad ne ertsfilly rupeted very rauch huiheed; bhusenow om o-m unb trivial matiire. Eepeuiafly Lesl u ctue iJimply filwiantedi- .en- mat lelaure." eno oeie k. bowe-the wnile trutti." uudu, praenit eeeemtseei. But allietositionte runt or ave. te zeua Ou ~JOa.os.'.ou, Weshnet -kted?.7- sed Lesley " Bei I uhoeld e.,..blâme Yeu, nu Younug sud full of lif., sud tie is.. h esuofimoel. Shus dmieidhur tisidv. ntmam.' eurtaiuly ni. corne exciemaent intehe grsediatiser immeee.y, suddnweplias. SR OK'8DUOfTR Ld t"sid lher mth.., wth a -"Ido et ni w. 1 itbuwthls-thàt prospect belore her. ed te heuzhin eomment oneher fTeWih gigis. " Oh. ys, purhaslhe wu i bld yeer fathur ts aman nho omupeuade ilI .h.Iu nit oued rouch wiereIla.. sud developmeui sino eh sw binm » AhiiUMMiuinceer, -etfirui. 13.111 bu ae d ot me, or sud argue sud reprunient hie omuduet te goiug, uhall T7" chhe zarded ttesidly. lut. And tissu the visiter nwu ietet- muisret G-_ Mill I wuiuieed et hlm.' I donet oen e uylihtsei.icpj us Bi Perbape uni, but yenemut etî dce.d tehler ; sud te Lulys iternât - hiebsida the diailluoe mwu fliteuit. s verv iloqueu-s mar" plausible Mae. in suy difdlnlty. Tisere la uni time toensureprisee@chu ian tiaho mi. To LuI.7theui nrd. mueshie..Thinb nhere I cameihm-trom tee HO i nltrY te Wn u enove toe lde." do àget a ,btyn a i itdYug phuey, fort te*yomtm&eitithe ouholu duernid Casle, thee mmmr, teelochei, " But 1sa grto*hm" ad aesaied1, but yent a flttYud -Yngmnwr nunnw Mn iptihàof thse tisohtug murs hle had theuipih air oni Stlsd, te a deeary " Ym euu eunll You'aego. and 1 a chouanpunr bats.And affr. titY te LenleY.tShe eeuldnot ramera reuebred. ButBuhe djd neti dae t u . 1 dging ni inn ltte 'romu luna diugy teg te hlm te-merron." lie "luisisfor travellieg-Ton mifl ber tisaiele had ove. upehe tesa man tridigi hep mouie,8 opinions. thu itreet, niseru I hsadltae utnisd cosurie. "Iiii ni-I inet-"- uld tise mont tiste. Wo mut de what mneanuan Young sud so good.lmlung bhum..! lonised dôme, sud reflected dembly sud economizente mokao ends ment. 1 girl, ipregiug im re. h e s nsd iu n he tism. If su net lisele tisai lac.Captaio Henry Duchesne wae ishl, welI- iis.i ber mother boom more about the wan on ignorant girl, and I cuotd not vuluutaruly eliechlug ber righl bond. fathe0,unes suciseocieiy." made, oonl.dremed ; owBe m e ry dans subjoritissu e@ha cold pornibly dn. do it. 1lgo ioto debt, and my buhauid " IOilhnetlpeaistehim..ilhe treoîed "Itevilîblievery lonly.' nid Leslev, incompleion, andiad rthrsahisvy Tise gond tinters haltalised1tahemon s ugry sous nie. Why obould I telt my darlitg mter, usasmetullylise ils a litho gonp. jam; bot ieindaei oye. more plomact abotisn vul d loto e; sen bd Made su YOD tlbopetty, nordid deuils ofouy lite? -mutbu baland Idt oilhnet acsoo 1,"My poor ciild 1 1am araid itoill. and bonest, aodle hallaerv attrt. hiedsicin nler mmud sto tise I noue boend uut tisaI I ,ns s irubln lodge uuy olatiuisiip lu i." I cau tell saine iriendsofutmine t lu eaU ild. Tise leugte of his mouctache bled ni love tun7 meau-pussiblp sud tisatbcu mmc minerable tau.' A lois ut pelreensoniowebo sord b ,,,ou ou; bulIdont kbom obebr te sy wae almoat the test teitt stame uisere mern imo blede. And sohile abc Leltp liteord breailoleeoly ils in Lady Alicn'n open. ovll lte dmitlud." Lüley ; il seomed te ber 80 alnormelly mou eouuldoriog tiîissunoîîy point, ber iidden faon. Tise turp on full utf '"Darling," aliese nid, Ypue mut et Wlere le-tise bouse ?" Ltsley lengîby, ils cutis tory uiffiy WaXed moîisnr began teaepusis agîiu. isumiliation fur lber. lt eumed libo o let pour generouuclnveefor me rues Omay oeistd. tise did nul libo tu uuy -"my ends, tisa itue could sercrely aven ho.e "I mi. Bbeime eigistenn aidile. denecralion o uthtsuhe hodliitiserte mus pourx judgemnnt. I om boond, ond faihepo bouse." eyic frurn lbem. tShu nt abln te teeu," uaid Lady Alite, "ncarmely .lisld ldeur. 700 mut e blt]nd itisme. Lste. "lu Upper Woburu Place, Bloms-.tell, aavn fresin ntint, miseteer sman nId si. 700 are nom, misen a ewnminter. " My ftier sud my finonde mould mhnn yeux tier touud tisai Ibad i et hury. I teliove it in ueo. Eunloe more mel or ill-dremned, but alle toIt est caeeIpte tMy life. My ftier guveneut torgive me," Lady Alice ment on. hi..fie mi. oucoedingly nngep. Hi tquare, or saime ctisnuigisborluuod." uurn Ibot Copiais Ducismoonair ut permission tesaYoungf litersry mon te 'Inu euediret traits ut peverly, I am tame bu yeur graudfateer' houe, ho 'lThen il isntt sobre yal lied, îmaîtnrecousdue tate npnrfectioe ut examinieucararchives, wmiitib utsined glad te uoy liset 1 nes or uppee.led ta clamopod te nue me, he ottemptnd te mnarmmo " everpdetail ut bis attire. thn liised m'sclofuthietepical value. He nover theo. We clruggled un tegetiser-ur jontiiy binelf-ub, I connut tl ou " Ne, doe..vWnlived furîbur wnul, hin manne. ;it mus uany, well'hrnd, lbuugbuof caulioning me te leavelthe ielisrrand t-untllyuumere fourpyears thsemisery tisa I meut ibrougis. At in atreet ueo. Porîman Square. I and; udshe ttglad teat librarylte Mr. Bruoeensole occupatiou. old. Tisen s change cam-o change lest I conmented teânuelima. He be' belseve ftisai;Mr..Bracise findn Bloson. buliewsuprenient. Fer afiep teecn.. I mi.s ccuubumed te npeud mucis cf my miicismade il imposnible or tu e lu bis. iurndle o madmae. He nmure tisaI bury a couvtusont distlrsct otue uuscatsou mode tubler isylber metisur, lime libere :ond tlis eranger-Mr. the misery ut my lite. bot tetbler-" lbu muuld have me bocislyrout tt s ouris thisebubau ta du." tise evaning migist bite proved su ou. Brueie-muni bute Ieard tim tact tbe cameluaa soddleistlopiand mat leumisur";le tpohoo'trpturmall of lielboa. csinofutembarrauement. Itmwasa fromt the servants, tue ho beggod lisisi mus eycc fioed uunlise cppuilu osl, a -"Mammu-purbaps bu caed '"- lbaud; but Leuley buguu tu uotice an relietflulotis te me ise for a litue hn migbiunotdinlurb me, andlbot I cueîousr'xpresnionuofmisgtrd deuls " Cored ! Hececdtfor ls re1,ulo uude.eet oftresnetutoflomc. milu wodiduone isuove ber promunt soould trequent lise librarp unsuul. tiouaud coucempt oeuuber cold, cIer..tiou," oaid Lady AliIo?.geoiug whiîntebiug luse -outempt. iu ber soiemisee ciecumuancen isnd position. Ater a litilehisilation, I1isegon lu do cultuce. For noorterepoor e tier ebout tisa lipn. "For ueteiug eise! ube npubeofut iiso. Lady Alice iried ir Lady Alicumalcised thse tn Youung se. My foliser Lundosud my Leley tel afraid tlu lirr mise er Net ftu emu.Lesey! 'isen bisnviolence vointalu tmulisie au n ssiffertuce misici pemple oils a ille damuing trouble je oulp chaperon waa an old lady rv uismua ulier bildtlu ay. baid eopended italfe ame tututere. eedid nut teel, ond tise very effurt ber sud cyco. tshe isad isoomu sud tao infir.un aSe ot mucis ue. Beturs "Mamma, dol mtelime!Dunt lacisHe ugreed tu lettrme liveu miere I lised euugbened be vuicuand lsuepeued ber liisod lrrp Duchsne incu bis cisild. long, I bugan ta belp Mr. Brouksuie bi. lisn tisai," sise cried. " I cent bear tao condition tisaimisen Yeu mere nigisi eacntluna wmupf ut mN c n isemcou. isud. uud ubo haol noltieen tre trnm runearceseand inquirius. Piemoompwil. listotil! W'ispneed yeuutell meuauly eruold ytumero sent tIcRuisal, and conoilun. Tise efluci uu a yeuug girl. certain bulleo and vinions ofiintunre, lo a boulk on the greraiScoluis timilse. more ?"saew me ouly during tise slidopo--C miso biledtouI n lumchiofut busuuu isels fecird Leseup lso, butdte of lisît pari toftise country, andlise " Beauoe," esaid ber boIser, sbul, " But wmisp- " otion, wOî ta inducer opoeing deubl Ilieugisi usaIlier tatiseru invitton subjeciteterented rme. Need Iitel pou '"bucane your fteexctcî Im sacri. "He said tisat lb.drrodrd my in. ut ber motliero judgmeut. aod o teuu bibu cuprouoalure. Eupeciolly cohen misai tollumed, Lesîty ? Noed 1 roplois fice trein me: tsI iould tell Yu- fluenceone peur miud.' uid Lady Alice usent monder &o taeteliceber foîlîceallic hourd Cuptoie Duchseu ta utise le you tise ieedieimteis follp of tisai duogiter-lse rosaonc osy 1t "Tisot pouusould lbu brougisi op aa iialmisys beinsaeumuin thlbe eotg. girl su the courte ut tis e ceung- tie? t terget My duty ta my ftier. leftilsm. f prcmuioed tisaIt 1wuold do geod nsaci miâthi tot liug. 'Sec' Tiesesa tion mac but momoutuco. for "Are peu geiug 10 Londou to-mer. mp duly te mymli. 1ltautrd Iluoclse, and Icilliseup my pomise. Tise uudly, ilut misen YeuemreniuulteeuLelupmuosdcvutodly ultalbil o licer Powl' tbiu man. Anid t premised te muery tbiug tisai buirinmn moul, Lculcp. o ta pou lisould epesd opeor ils biebu, and suother. aud eould Doutbelioro licr e lubc "Yo. 1 bolie se,oc" ouid Leeley, iim." liinis list I muy bu itjieiog yeun- usai mi oru e mut enip-oe o 0 sinisei. And, rdîiIlleobomourepentl.loouiîg dil. Tisreemas ligb oftiutereut inLes. tiuiug foot isnnoeunc -ducbeuis osîldelseeso for ypursesltmwitIl cohioh lug oftberelîotyîinuustice, th cursug "Andlpoi wilîboinutumduriue the ln'n ypm. tshe did uneallogellie feue pouls-bp tellitg peu ubut 1IavboteVct to monpeuprrtrrod le cuol ointoppeol heteeesi lhe whte ugloeseout inte. 1 blee?" unIderolisud or motetîsur oleo. ,fltletell. Ai poor ugot1oouill rollier pour lot." tise eleosejo lîgiotisut rouîceiagreut Coninéd.î uuunded ns tisogisLody Alice ceis. test puyenkes o ueîliofetlite bot ils " Oh, suommu. I ounuot geo10uIim ibote], and Li'le1 iauuolligedta10gi demned lovuro nud isl thirleovov, and beigliteo aiesol otisinoftlveute bol c obol 00"bor t tention to50 Ibliis a round lier CNSUMPTION CUREO suris condamnations panrledilie girl, in mou faie and emeel. Bot il lu8tise "'l'osmunt go, Lenlep. Iissuboud, mlrath Iboe10liero 00i hlouglils. ood u Iie.uieti,,[ ftoin roetie,. tonus spitectfberacnuvent brcediuî. Durief puolismni t fmyfitbIse ulisp tisiat sd pou aeoboend hy mppruine telioa. oIlil ocoseîî oe u tise laut fmm menuise aisnbd hen al. I uhould hring sonruo upens mp ciilol. OnIy tor a ear, my derliug. Tistu y00 A mautrecooduclod tise rsoolie su d oî.,. r. euotf cncocslu. locoed a muc i oder range of lilerosure Leelep, in s prta cme rumembor con rame back te me fer oe. 1 tipul aseullioeIlgs o tîu u tigPosuo. .sop.sin.d .11 te: and 0.iliicantO&Il NOeosu. Cuuel.lesc. tisan maa unual in tise tsuters' demain ;tisat t have marord Ypus ta e bu oorat teol that t1sould sec pou fSesI. aud sunsigucol thiesta1thIb-carsof atu obu ier hoO,ioz tiiiouued5 -.0-deoicucîoPu. iser muser biul reqoesled tisai site andl spue,uleesn eu eld mallstossom ua e ou soselt Iclisos." burmaid. Tise oliosburmsidl d thesu !n il' s« e It il hiM . lt,"nrok sold buusupplued sotiscertain volumesisecrable wmis en eulove Seul. If I "But canuci I1mai o ltIn misilu ?- ta tise doe olof utoetroomo. miseru uouaî,, o se ,ee h iî foreins, t et hlsterp, fiction,.and peetrv. tisai bâtdbadlnovrr deceived my fttisr, my " ohure, Leley, tisot tiep mure met by Du mue, Lady e in. uoee ilu, orEgin,], it u coidnrably eulorgud Lelue'sviewnsiofhsnd mouldnynperisorapo hate de. leaal. les go tlur f0e trt - umu m wn omis o. misen tolid lfac e .îBi,'îOiiu0,oou u. . n. lise; and pet Lady Alic', mordu sacrm- ceived me; and t nbold uot bote te moreuo." eelaai] iluleo aseîîlo otftlcouureshe A. OYsisu 8,000'oteuun oeeu.l et te contradiet aIl thet tise girl hal eol ltmp uisd tsuel ise m persl is e previiol heî ard or read tftoe. Tise mrîd mhom aise muai trust su ber CHAPTER III. igisi et Leslc7.MiochaelDavtlî sroul wu - - - . . -1 __ Il »----- - -------- "Taise Miss tleooke ta ber omîî erom (]i;a. . Wtrf o ona mutier resol tie unepoen quotiouuin fthier." somesohat i ed toer. se euiitued lu u teaned andune " My dear.t1dount e at1tuosslicis utural tone.0 icowrog tlove. Selong asthemwoeid IlTheree eas a wmanao otherr lestuI soppose peole cili lue-sud meorn-cwoumhoeloeod. Tha inoil."1 h. miserahie. Itiirigisi unoughisf it ~Lesley hivered ond hidhe taon.1 la opposedbhyenolisuetam. BuiiuMyr Tecermiud, Yuung ondinnocernt asutE mm. tietacticsoshber motierutstutdt cane, I mi. croeftrom brginsdeg ýueed lise an indetible sain. She1 mnd. I isew my tmtermeol neyer hri orBe upu bss bti giuisaprme.iutmParn erut. Adafier along paume, Lady t nis Mr. Brooe; andI,in mp pectbtul rA asce folly, I togttisait my ep lamas A meot on quieii- tate sumy oens mep. tmarried Mr."noibuoinvetisonta examenite. ovum troain isprivute. and tsen I verni e eiv hth rmn alaem anaywiih him teLondon. Ad itmwas --aeu es oe ulue teme. 1Ocouid noui neclng, Lsebfr I rond mp d's. spraitapooftiiniit I toughbina s uoi esly, btor blackIs.5srted, un irearisereus. I meun ubediece and my doril. le mau simply Iis-taise theetact aseltite il, greltmisse." and inquire uo tuetiser; I fond tisntj -.But mammambwymoee oso re myhbunatd cored for oeuoneealna tisnt graudpispa moeld neut gite hile co moro iban bu creud ftue m. Mp re. Lady Aie opeued ber geutlo ryr up mp tbiugu, loftiblis oaco. sud tenon mush a louis ot 1rofound aultoiascln. mysebh at mp fttiere fect. Hoemou I- Darling, den'tpYetnO? Mr. Broosgod tme and ftcrlve me, and aioce was-ooeul." br. . . I have nevrr estererrd y hue. "But il yen teved hi.-" hand's isue a gal." "Ne, LeaIey, yeur graedtatber moutd "Ho mmit beve beau ired- peyer bsve hoard ef emicohacriago. ieised 1" ieid Lalry, is e tree*led Bu had hicewna plans fnr me. MY veice. da«, Ise. uni ssying s nord agniul 'Nu, bise oonet mlcised. Lrt me do1 yeeP fateer tia ybug thie. 1a IJaYenphlm sm muei jstnice. Ho wsns pright1 telltee yen tise ist-ihat he mas nisnt un tise nisle, 1 beiete.. Heneuvee,U c"ed meoniteagivo mo cause fer cempliit.1 man, mise eould net peaihlv be siphledtut I bellireseen te hlievu tisai ao- my euesiun the aymz ni ueieiy. His teer moman s.ltod hlm btter tisse I fsiiserhad beu'&pa inl tesdeaienbudld . . . and it vius enlp fir ta lavu Detenihsire. Thé sme beteg evee sud hlm." -eed-budonuBmedsais w&ny aOI"Bat did he--ould he-marry hrtP liiileieuisinerl4. Hobeaisjour. men- naest;ho mruti.for msgsianeesd 'Mhy pourLesley, yuar e ry igner. uewapapeeu sud pvies:bu nus nbai t-su"idsl dy Ale., smiing a a in uali& sIluà I bad B' bsd uno ilel, sudt tbieg tee girli ceh" ertiie fPgui ý'0 "'Cauol. leme, ietictis berbud. IlHon cenl nhue busaum Iteinben 1 id ec-y AIl004 ids â et1oelTouuie. lit a " dI .epsrat.don bou lesa moi» 1 i ngucUNab Pdu -amnI.êyapeuutiy pàlmà *,*wu -MW.l~iel Ptitt- te t.ue mt , o e. mat be. ' Pu 1 i thE'l lM iatl 5 rU fui t' i6«, iRIi Idt.i fas qt P1buite 'Thue ener9ation brîcooto Leulep andl lier muther eoeupeh a cosider. able tîmo. anid tise tus mou inin meomooitceisbeo aulani thentoladies loft liseCouvent. Leulepsa dieux isod bonsmode hetere Lady Alicot oariea], and tiseeuolp personae cosus he eom, tiserete, atter tise long interview oeils bu, mobiser, nere teIoîbr Superior, and tetiternisu isadnoummuned hier te the parler. Wbile Lady Allen d tise Ituoreno flotier rutisonls atem tant sordu, Leseepdron cloete Sueter Rosen aide, and laidirisond onthe ergecovered 1-Yi e e rigisi," sie sauid. "tinter, O see olnedy that I shah need pastience and endurance wbere 1ouigoing." "Orothesen and love. also,"said tise Sitr. Thuen, a. if in seer teanin defluoble chanuge lu Leulup't Pipcsuad epnes, nbe added geotlp. "Wr are bold tisot praurmaiere are bhrssod.'* ase tulit he imade icetfor diu uer, ' cuid heu msioie.î,. " li, Loed.,ip bascuedored diuuuein uo o omooo,I1 suppoe ? ' "les. mp lady. Cuveec burluis- Cuptoln u Dooseue ouere." "Ob," eid Ladf Alice, itlis ou se- crutnt o it sur uprise, "oh-eb- Leebey, dear. me must not bu laie." Te Letley il unrmed hardly ,eonli cobdn te uupaeh ber boxeusud drens bernlf o t tisaIeeovening lu thesnoct embroideted whiite moslnwchicbo iad liteertu soreed tor ber bisxOSuudop troris. ButIMrg. Dnvmun ints]ona coretul toilette. and vusu melistinbied sitS tise moult. ýTiere, Miss Leslep." obo osiol, "e haotujust veur mammo'e loois atout ofiisiied look, as it poumwereîîerete oulsde andisu"' Leslup lsugied. -"Tlînluumpbssuuui migisi buetaeis o100 ois5'u, Daysuuu»" shoise suoas tis lrucd tbmeet ber " Icouid netmalserpeoce-" Lrulrp mutiser eltishe door. And in a teso began; he.iily, and teen utie aicpped unminutenaemas stisoding is tise gay uel. confued, noitsnowig ogicaci tile Frnnch reluecoherentis e ml cose tieer eeehsdherd t br mtha cconvesingitb a eOiciVouger Mau utery. Bei if tietes' Houe more ignoraut leguree otgsu efut, hum nani morslerrenuesgusîirly Lord Corthunup msanetatelp.loob.i apprepriete. Fer chu c ail. un a lbm 'Dg man, mus Perfactlp sisecocoiite1 tou- hitorand huard, ao opriebi corrioge, "Pence in huIter ibsu mar: furgine- "Bd brigbt. pioroisg. ibtocroyzc A1 eue. hut.tersu batred. Dean nbiId, etriling mon in appeariscanofu it maapbe iluer ibsude tereconnus e ecedietiv sell'marbnd ubaracter. thoe Wo a-t ben ongdivde. D itilc, Tishesmlbppride fer misici ho teu mise. haohe Iu iidu. ahd loeg tee o ne euemed le ahowso yere haleci." e epv tseuiti s rubearing sud io evenrptee. Lesbp hat setimute rply. tuasc bugneied bis gesuddaugister, Itimuaalong drietromtheue ntuand yetitil mi. ottuedhp satencisof1 et tise Aenuiadee te the setel mberu potenteol afectio ies us oiicisfamilp Lard CenrtUeey sud Lady Aine. mure pride lied uuthieg misatever te don. For t.yteg. The maoteer aud dacghiee Lard Courileeoy'e feelings teorde Lau. spube ltile; mueh. memd nragped i t ee .. iedu. He ian le hep tise bueo terlietenu. Thure mure a ebild oeta au e e overy usme beld.. huude.d qusatoue rbih Isuey ma»ttud, Whoe simd ans atype te him et teegiftageib; buwmdd a" tlSit. au UteVas hat" iunte b ourgeoie diRtNrbhauemo*teurci.lluiuiDu* abal ua.. Bot bua &Ieoaw n tb ie onu faite.bie t f uepaldugister, "puer Aiie'î gieL." Md uul; a l steatbitanMj e m fais l.use so unldedly ite Mêrtl& tle fraius le ald bu' ginfhbir (amper Broche for a feibir. nihtitbyv4njc.wu ste lm aw u~T"lcauiarîe uea -eeprasual boom. malagtet Pus. 17 gaitSbà. mdl cdCapse DrAue, Th"y bal iMt *Dmmà»oueg. k guiv g M ma. oftMu " taithe. onaslMdèd uarmylier.j bo fl VU ibutvija t wbnlietstbuy bal bul otue bun," itki I. l'ugbt tisousn lperuonu lu Nashvile, Teusu.. are undur ireoisumsitfor indun. Ssusllpox isu useg lise deatis of isuudnedn ot peuple un tise famine. teiciseu districts ln Rueule. Paeis papers unanimoosip conicome tise uppulinmeut ut Lord Dutfenun as lieltins ambassador te France. A Valparsiso dee3pateigs ee e ia groniugnsxciunmrnt ovrrths iboation hutoveen Chsili and tise UnitedStates. Souths Carolila bas proiiited tise recesingottfroc passes nsilroadz hy aup ufthlie State repeesentativea ne offi. ciels. Williamu Woods, cisargod sous pr.- oursue girle troco Toronto fer immoral puepoue.boias tenu hîebd tee trial in Bu tale. Au Auairian prieruland tisenenme, miso meee caphurud hp tise Mahdi At Kuedotae in 188f. bave ibutsiuneeedol on escoping. Tise Tebegrasugimus p eloctios trials lu tIse toîhuosn tusion -Etectien trialspactualdeid, nowhieh party le tise mout virsus Se bt misici tise Meut sitlfle coteruug op hie iracks em.. tenu aeuuneabod generalily hece supportersare hsd e.ough tuemmny corruptbp anduuih ad enugsro terget ail use fauco hen ihey are in tise vit- nous bux. Tise memberwmise. agents are bad eneugis teomwer iim &round the corner, beepo hie mut. It i lelrl isuocn in Suntleud tisai moult uste Highland corps are nom.. poedofttrismnuandiaguodaitory te teld ut Si. Hope Grant, Commaneder of tlue Madras Armp, niso, ai s dineur giron un hie benor, ueticed the martiel sliers iyug ausienai. hehied the. chai ettee est ofettis euveieg, sud tir Hupe. dre *itool aitethe iplrteg sationeslItuns, terued roud te tise Meut utelmar i mibtret sud excleimed: "'Il norme.. y ieetelitee tete bounie Iil 1Whst psu iet Sotland do peu coeufrac, m o? -Cne& yer heeor," repli.d tise bord. ezpsud. mghe het mite sea jeeu Mprido, nhilearosr Oet ieuhteeboe.d emry' misure, i.n hlch ter Hoe.heary job'. e. Instances ef degea.eain t fMlhi -r pe.tscslarly pliudssJjuai Don. Fuiram e have Lard Jobs lumsllu grsudauuintehte dlvutui.uuma*, thee Cyrus W. Falleare imai inie rbA e mal houa.,t%=sao ouuuu e aitme.urofe tyeJeqih or mun emte uaieîvv er rabbiOJ.-