Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1891, p. 3

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~er -Miilli, &CO. 1 lowers ard F P5 King Street i t han iiCity inilline i ibiis depar-tmet aid lînest styles LS' 0~ vercoats! 1 t k tif iewtlef ;M t îti iîfao h "u ,,Is, thîe groalsîl tit iii Grey Fa HE-i1rSTREET BROS. :TII~ F IILTON I go efine lo-ti eutse 1 1 1 ( t- ,i0 , 5,900à -utj t licycare1 N;i ~ 2-e or 1l5 Wy BROTrHER xePlete with the choiceui and moat Ian ukciàtured. AswtsmI ~ ~ . O.seiINasé USGOODS WE TAR TE LEÂD ~ ~ ~~ ee * ma Si Nfyer 7to Wecarry ail the new efffte i os tume Tweeds,-Sarges, ta à Of OMM««.ci lit 1 loge eotàz= Carnelwwa CHair Cloth, Bouele Stripes, Homespuns, Lod-, à s-ý a.èll Tb cllewm a=usi -ud .and Bz eloth. This week we offer a speisi lie of Cos- I*h a 'WCéoreRu ,Sib oee . ' ~ ~ ~~ turne Cloth ait 1, 121,-15, 20, and 25.-only qupe of the on y,rs. s.. = 1Z = . Fse 1 0F loto many lUnes whîoh are maivlsof chespness. anr certai. Shreveport. La., for 61,00 o cita- behriSi. taeml lto"a i l&tutb. artheItirre 4 Thét 25. es iy Mlto, a nul s ent of lm-. b ith. Biaise, In BlakadIunn oa, sew r ue Suglwenu lite GoW or 0ternmILenpandfr lit1); àInow ofoBuber Bros sho macde àaclim nfer lI a-i ft.backsdMumn odlais ear uet oimn ~~tg o~ Bualeo. mibytp ..1Ld please you. A very ohoioe and recherche stock. ittoit itey i tnppîyic ose Tus OOCKllyo or Ttrop. the IFINE DRESS oMntTLf LadyN bzw osTfor it a itegaper ticitt minios fr 60M baveove resscereci antawaei 0 Prtai o Staff Sergé,O mi d abw fo 51, t li» u fFNED E S&MA T E M KN wn u by At WIIiârab' BlocStore are MoCanodhanpOreitoer vwsn1Mr. W.nda~et it ia vree f5,4 I If YOn Want a styliîh Mantle, Ulster, Dolmanette, t A I s d i t e S A ttf e ti o n c i e 5 5 7 O L c. g% n f r l c i s a e c o o i c , a d i e Te o mG n e W r a p , g r J a c k e t v i s i t t h e M a n t il e D e p a r t ml e n t o n 2 n d fl o o r ; allfrez f Mpr cr. leonen e geoi f fam property -D. W.!a i olo ~5b m ns aete Peri TEm Y. P.A. oglcîitoeo o Kr, venoxw lite oditotenu. wnl=fre, oessn tldfor $72, IN STAPLES & LINEN S.-Every prudent lady, every HRGro far of 20os htyjilo edr Starevelf n eol c urteonap. >21 an vegemld 12914 thrifty housekeeper, ail economical buyersi, we invite your c u t iwM tie downom aitree.e n inc. offaiersa, Erg forMARIKinspection. Every requiaite for the household. 0,wio wo 9,000for binlo tlle. lu tok.- EW G OODS IRRIrJING COIS TSI JILY. Erope. Every Caoadjan wil snob àMr Tmarm, s mleeeel, &c., of Wîte-Wc.oosruo-On Oel. 7. aItlte ciddcogt onbousdedsococae, o.bth ffaceM. H. Crostitos, lot 18, ird oiMe. ange, oilile, o, it S-lIe. C~ r&ig, Oue stock cf HcsiG loves and Wcci Underwecar 10 onsurpassed. hfC ie esnlqblte is icyly Eaqueiegvii b.e clad citynch on Sosoel Wisete 0Minnie Warriner, AU H WTHODo cruOadtftcbeltautpie Wodnesote. 28. Sale aI i2 oiocit. botof ()krill eVLE H ACHODc R ead y - m aee P and ofc hieifclrwm.-Âmpilce, Ladies f ilo ad1 ichlity vie ccrdially invite yocamoeot e s a182& rduroy Breeches, Overails, Smocks, Vests, Boy's bSta. amiteonce a. K 0 & sc Mainc600îl bog eliaofitenueci et jfuscite Aunddaw B , ________of___Milton____ MR. JM ATTcEW Met soit l. twcheure. Tisimay seom alle Conosoco ELeasso.-QonOct. 14, alte 3-poc S it, OY' nikerocerSUlt, se ~ riaosloeu ltFriday itce deatof îagebot ils correaisese je aocetcireideore cf tite bridesfe,Ivi ice..Knckroce ilt uoitso,1 ton &c., rf~o~ f or acliter parties ltaI st oe prsseot. Lover, towo lice, by the Hct'. îS.BAST EDO &Co. atin. he asconideedoneof he Feosit (racories alwayt ciof in; Cesig, David SCarnegie, of Hamuil- tettitreedicg animale je thecprovionc. 2aCaeui almon25c. gros, Bco, to. te Eia AunLear.inteheaetonf lcosbua oter i.l ejj(Oofnnîîd the tnost fastidions bargain iiîînters and knocks Site es ceo ccf tite " wicateck hc, il, jostock ai Baoledc'e.STeo'Acs Botc.e.-Oo Sept. 30. aete iethe attul ento alc Fl Sbistote. dl mn,îîettînninto uittjereesilet ptlo at Buffaloa cope cf yeaec RiTecta Ervsffos'.-Reooi cf te reoidectaocf Aie. Campbll,Eric,by crflyslce alSok ýtl (C)111(,itol ino nltl),ren.cgoanad Ma. Moltte-9 ifortce'tistoieOclobet scatricilalion esacinatio i tae Boa. Josepht Edge JohnStesrart, tees lthonaSfeted $tase fort ie-Acicu te faclty cf medicine. kmasgte Je oofJohnatew0atEq.Es"s Frce Preoa. caccesial Candidat«es itnamegcf e g, te miB Nelie E. Baiiey, oai re. B ARGAI NS EVERY TI ME AT LI N DSAY'S. HÂTS, Har.-WhOUVcu wat a Fait Mette. C. Carrigan aed Ritnsl. I. MCu.îocni-BNoe.c.-Oe Sept. 80, ewn vr ayt seoî rs odGoe Batstdo'r ud. à alego tr ocîl.Milice. appear. aItlte reideoce cf lte bride'. brao ewn vr ayt e u rs odGoe Basedos.If yo atanlay kiwci cf Farailroieter, by lte ev. C. E. tocLeaci. Mr. and Hosiery, Tickings, Table LinoenS, Toivellings, &o. Wst. A. McCcllacgit, cf GeffrgOwcve WÀTCoHec zR-Oc Toedey eeceicg fa te a. .A. Frazer'@. teMin s soe Biegbaeu of Scefrow. tiaI. ongeaitcaa, tihlofSctch Blck I Hase Tae.-Juat ateri. Witt APPrELyTTo --AI lite recidesce af We are offering specilluesi r. liies ln 'etul uidroir cd aboie, aetigcrt ceilabSueau o uce.aloeg tae brides latter. Escjeesiog. ce nelettes an~d Shirtings. uîe n(r'>Fates ln 81'20, la lita admaicainofail prto ien t it ltaelacfcetestok cf caitetitacits. SS'Mlcsday lte141h cesl., by lice ila.tt nenlîu tco l aitpcete tahlita aLadies' Patae, ilsersotIa laitWte. P.cs' IlRobert Hoddate, B.A., Samueol ew n evr ma ,od ndyug t sc u ' sileceaof Mas. Govid narling,wtae Itac Clancd Jtuceity. CiIaoaodAppliy aiorjeceie, daugitea. W en viynn iiadyun, oscorsoko thesflatt andChoai thcas pres le l toi s toad rc.e.Wî. N rul tHgipto 7Ht, Ties, Braces, Sitirta, Uîderclotbing, &c. couiin orlerscvce a eaorfPascoat aF Iaoosc.-ThetosacIED. tte ahaalîalhair. out his conatîy tald a mting in athr eac IMlcc Ot 2,lt c Every honselîider siînîid bîoy Groceries from ois, as we Ju t aatod ta te gials cud ladies. ta attow . ichal, llyeteday. shnbcca font sou cf Jaoe . Saott- keep nothing but good, fresb .gonds. We want any qîtantity caaaiad thia.i that or 1.5$2$25 la ge nmetatr f eiers and0)1 co Ot. 4 tipý an bca ttiue p s faac fauiiat-et ocatvfermirsotro e ise nt. The McGuaN, . aGereatow, c. 4,o odb te an eg tonio a s ocdecocby Fecgttete laid Maticica. Jr., agod'29 Yeaeo. o odbiuraa gs aly ii'.oedt lliitlî ifc tcîca.. c melta ai.ngq. asidatcilteidet'. .oC tsDIEL.-At Asoit eo Oct. 8,GI.5 chi-attlapoiatî A ttac uslai acta edycg aceitit fthsyle iîbty t. Mac. t'ardiccll, cgel about 70 yea. We are giving speciai bargains in Crockery anad Glass- sles lîuaobe)ita' .î'cu a., tapuotis setait il li cypeae jeosa MaKi<tOsa.-At Gegtown, ce Gat. ware-PrintedFoilet Sets, 9 pieces, only $2.50 set;t Clips t.tatt oe apiaautatcl. Bat, caDe ut 11. 13, liccld ieKicnoc.ageita87 yeaas. an Saî rs 0edzn aaaa dteua. liai.,aanatli.ia verî' cu as e ua. Hase vue Macrac.-txElaaoo.Mieo c t..c )1 ot HaIiac'o. seccothata ? Naet Opett aid geohaip- 8, Mr. Roit. Mrtn,sonofaia.Adamc JiAME IsuLcanc IcTBAna dia.> Uta laot etdas'. Mortoe, Brampptac. Coasult yotîr oen interestsanoid boy froîn îîs. tacha o actucdey MLcaPULl lETSTCKSOIEY 1itisn ti'accsiai oo to d ho a c oua cd tstoPnîs& asSca Saes sc acce-AICaccpils'cLD.c. a la caoî.aatad hiet in lic ltoch litoie lesti-Thise aaioly amet ocMoedoy eigbt ilt.Hc JSice LOS.a d asi othi' tstaea och pcîc aie.lastaci decided te oltac i it normeal '26 Yeats and 8 deys. Jokataaoi.4factuoQ . Ccint cdar ea lio taffeMr.tad8slw'i.Beata.-ne net. 17. oS the iToronto Jamesccats . C litaitd2tcs adCt- d an.e. t, '92. Tite prospocte fat a Gececal Hospilal. .ihu Herbert rrtaenha Cacabodso cMcday od ney large shows ara encaaaagicg. A Besty. in hic 45t yea. tteriaa ha C. 1'. Il. easpeesu ta Milto.metaing eil be beld ce Mcedcy elgitt CacIocs-AI Goragre, enactl . 1,te 'lit-i utî'î'~~ tue cThect.aaea la loi a. . Ilatha Coc dan aoOa a aot.Aui jtoacstad jin Actae. ogcd S8 Yvar 3 o.t a ndteo t vii.tt' diîliiiiut îac's'r. t c'ro.tc fo res n iu îleea ur ts oit, bis otl tti er.o it a lhacat o e fcf er s cigtjte 5ic ltc aie- 'aaaa d la Ilgiat tah aad i aswancd ail pccltry fonîacci aulal Atoîca-At 0)lacolliiaie O e. c0)t s. t. l Iilte ilt îl, îLs Iotsexceeedî îig1hsel'ioîs îd A .'..CitalýeaPiaucdCai~t. oaalantsad Fay ilandcat oaito f ________________________________s_______ J "let'ew tutu tnt lie aiiy douibot :lunit the ss'îdî'utî itaor iale Oaais , ziaa c-l Flauca Na dacitl yo a ve oa ticil tefiet Norcman oeilClora Ainlyay cgcd4 (iaM i'ttllîoiî'.e(dili, one of omir $8.50 aîits this seasoîl n i. Sod OcacThlatt aca 0.2ti. ard lciy fes o pyavecUcint oe- oeisae 1csn it.'e .ý(etle lîne fornîîr $10 lic, ]ii ire gning to tgis t t rac' s Oa ,aatei aaaae O r argegacd a c itice acnrtmeet cfctlery. I N J t.da. TApaottoW.I.aa jaut litadceolce. t iey tares jesta te s I'p \ aiî'tstlie 1iii il's auits titis futîl. Mcc kll'iioxa' 7 at. A3tut 5.i. ioire, ccd oeires, rvh ke and ce, T ALU. Thatoo St.au iassa if cacca en eor n g a itcs e t'un' iiîewsaier taik tn sei elnuliliîiîg nid acMccbutccî, A. atit e ls cd tjIhwyceaa dng 001' saili itt' l ieltareul titis seasoiia (an î','tr before to sur- lamat ca ol umu 1~ toaîo iteçting tepleac i l s, wyca tepu, Bots v atto'itai.A h ccdceadadn t sa OI ci l C. gai. i P ' I e te eiîcu înîners w lit gon)d salie. paino aths iitytthosaiy alce qan aie c aicur.rp.pi tut iiioseett ise t r sit îît'. î tiîlîeto of Mr Hugli Patton, Ecaqocig, on TocC. P. R. :stionevras baate icl G t o iiitiiiili'., R ing st. east, 1îîîîî )rtîiît r lî, taa osas c rcidiog ci Porisîfareoanne6.80 P. et. Mr. iggis aed bis eni lit -iiel~ it itîsilîre irge2' Ils 'lî',ticia1,estt.s'matcted ta Ma. Samuel aetcitadliaft far tteroeuppers andon Tiie ýto(-k lie h s tiiere, jq larg is il's, ra"", pui)b tyalttow ea'a vis. Mc. Had- tteia dapaclare soinsepaaty ot partiesan.3 D angv o ige ag isi A il lui'oi. î Sliias.S itb's aius 55 S l«vt' 'ia't iad ttc aucnr . oioc t OI aac saitoecdocht tail teesucenIthecatet O O ) aa ii oîiigeagiai uid lctt nlanohc8d b lttuic olinte'.cst gatintreestatioe byocea cf theo _____ ittce 'cas o 'oilouatOliglttad eaccy iy adaisaed bacte apetht drawrco O.-ER .ua.tîuataiog ta Stltlcalliate na8mla ateai 1chfr aey maaay ttat migict te 1%ffP..t"-c o'r'er caraity at then aarraii'aof Or t îcigY lfotltaeit effots oeiy se dtaaro Siithis eohiing 1anuÂif,,:,ý-)výýtp_ üieÂy, fýflo-71.4cns Te bnton fteofc c iue atts oifflsl ita 711 e.thragclite tickaet itdcstand a bat -ol n d S e :, t ha e l ith .aaea ctahotnia ing og - Mccc Tics. Beace, 510h Haedter. 1-t. Our astwhso,,ihailuOathehif, ahRread oioIJHei parties cato c iie. lage T'aiaty at Baseeda'e. Ftccctshlcga. act lcli the cuwest StYle es ace B9 t e setiansVf ne ofen.- ofloIat 'l'octu TaEL'SaCt.ttingcand tscslktcihaenin sheaiaC James Sts.. Hailcton. lstslauilto catr ien ;.b'.Miocg n llde FiEA DN'MS-etou1 eccase anci refresheits ccon retors uectrinAnuuLa cdi ocoio n Mona ir Sem-acs dis' frauaop e irgoiitossPoru.ruzo.M ~~'am fIfrf5 SCent Baskt Fired Jap n Tea--3 lb. for $100 accai ltttheita Itaci cMcc. Robetromicamteestlth o itenioand CentBas et ired Jap n T a-Laicg.fo $1MideaBi. Theaclaeu ýca oelos ltecaraird into effroI far seant ceescd theanightecslurcdaout ic ofltris. The roleeteers sili picasa .Z~t lau isafoce, dcicg tiroir test O te oit plîe uilfr lte eec tite ficts orlt icatl c ele.oc 'cIl tacs Icaccit fat lt tueSIPR Whouidet wh ouiaUlit fateniouba Coer Laite, seiere asîtea depoats o p Ibs. ranuated nd 2 lbs.Yelaa cupltobd. The hatte atscoi te dofcdLaite Winipg, at theametcf w citagcuad. Mcc cftit facitca tlie Saeskatewan Riser. Ttc estietate tbiee ciOuliot of cthcae f c cauew& o ancO u et bcm l irgely s malie cf Tknotes caathe. aa O i e c n.tit eses.taat, yet iton m alie cf bic. acul___aces lc u heet iatabrha eutkncn THAN WE CAN. tacetiet ss'cit aotsaicles. Tho l'Duattfc sIt s eoa ya le cutiaetr itdohoifaehCfllcast Baiîiolletfer &tec 2,6W yers Il be prtailya sr udahaide. ,cg c os btacnedibth ie lreeits sud PhSiteo'Ure Good Coal Oil 15C. Gallon. a-oct et s te liste cteedieg a ikI'"b niaa i 1 rm nNnagwYse it crsSp :seearoni rhe . ai ite uu.u-8 euseu hofs cpet si ooe i se u oîty aed efocco' the aitic sac sndertke in gach ja*cbze oanu 'tv n ________________________________- aiv toolsiak beaselif. esila t iee.- of amiter faceurrflre itssdrec i os- __ Guloopht ercary. eolire te Christian --a.Amb.r usa flmnense Stock of New Goods, by far thiebiggest, Bcars e !- ite G5c- is ofPre rdnate ngus eu g.N tc o' ctr reste ePo er eîB aste. Itics dgai teeuiorckdto f ooCredi.e onbol best, and freshest stock inMilton, SMT- torsIUOR a u smtwol 'ta Re~~~~~~~~~~Kow.-Ats edia oncesici tal ifattions. Amiter i adams stl~ t ao flt tec ~AT HOLLINR KE'S~~' eesposts l uee day prieltte for esooliornuesiA.ucit -snecittocico WILLIAM FREDERIOX CA VE, contonl e l te sketctel titersu d fer soltPiecei f spelie ait eothTwn ipf aagu -> T H L IR K S -wosd paotoblytbea rlot. Titere seasci a a reisit-ac 6eeil m io"aealcLoocftteT'r0ipc Taa'a _______________ orti1y b.trouble in masse tomes, prepareni m1. Tite (iceoi om.fer s inte couly of Holles, butl ocwof lte um uEEU El Y 1 U arresto tinecoeydicecliong, sitat gfeO ntOr ws ectLetteti. faces sitOu r City cf Bsrlieglcn, in teale ocf bIwsa D N . m , U m i jseceoter, trouble al acosi ,Baltte word eiectriiY leacirired. Frmrlocret.f 11 I&j eethe New Dress Goods, New Flannelse ewp> nnreseutal mie. eN'esoi nMndi btj h-'gauaWleteretreuickCeltien Blnkts N w loes N w si mple itf one leller tyic epsi.,'de t.¶ tef.ontHo ù, On,cBITaI4pa a oh sosl n ra ory, à o me in ltire IIeitheOmusi- îenwteud la triat. fo t eeri. itnesN w Gl vs e ugc kadensaI toto com- De Batry lea rin i liOcoa Aiof mliutg0lieorsdPrimt ~t ILat pricoîs we are offering ther at. -*AT HOLLýNRAKE'Sa- i uàmjBc,cS1ra-- _ tau,rItsvaiadkp@U& uraf b.guMa au I Iis ber of ltalee s. st n or bo - - - - .. . ~, ~ O.W. Cat.~ ohasehasîecan. Mme uit tinkbut haf ahotlIth Luring lashionable D. ~ tche&p9ýEa u-round general stock of gooda you have looked Uok~ he ~d4 aiO5 t .for a Iwuc lime. 1Ye doW,cars what it in yon want Wl mRwý

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