cLeocl ~ Wii~te oo TýA r r,'~, r,. ire te dar r r r erer r Osr( [mi eleCbdd r:f 0i r ~ ~ Cap Lr r' irOuj r rr ., fe rid M MLEOD& ..WINDOI SHA IN'S Corniish IINC DERrel EST FRIENDCHSJ G- AND .SUMfr ILLIAM BEWS r;;1 ll ý i l stcek. APER THAN EVER! i, id Boys' )S. WiLSON'S,. )ck o hand t; r/w, HOTELS. D .I 1 llR D y o rîni.t* 90,adan C amP.ROUS N, iTraiFier' Gu "T cO Varen 0"s euft KLeeéubatlit Me-*Mt ev-toave ta eta WA L C O S, 4lep. ste oe go.-Ora,,*,,Unz 1 WY(SO s~ ~aUO. L..ei bave lived imepactbesafi. 'Zys [0 ceayl. 8-î 655- eTN lomeca na A-1~PO ~~ .5P O55 x '"- look istn bble. Cem 1belp aW 1IebeSsdbave ma'enbaaigi . _____ ai London, Eng. (Pire and Lite). 0 P e a pieop neu mt0W oS THE ýEAOINGJJOTEL rheOWN a cia provden n sttut.1 *NADAPACI COILVÂT Chlaymobeipsne? rapaatefi Ilsallpse Oroc-.Bav08BLOM. MIMLTON, ONT. 14.-46-.. aas9.25 ei t ne"by adby. Sameitimetireanaretst ELL&PANTON, 1Ps. JOHN WALLACE, PP. rd6% n~* .»* siir Itmiel aP.nalintou.,.tetrel. BIGG R 1IQUE, BREY& ---~______ She apake ta a meet, la. ciS, 'To-noarrw-hlbut yaaare gaie5 BIG RHO S, A R 1 YRRELL bcremin imo mi~ngiîie to give me noneihing." Sire langird (IreTI'o'.ellr.s -PROVNCAL AN IO<OMIION nenawat er myes, rben ahsire-a sait and pleacant taagh, yet noti MAIN STREET, GEOROETOWN. L.1 D (J Xei f t ae ocr ipl n lre-riitabn i iqnee Lne -DA VESURNG *'r'ecyoR îtetenu erita &dkg-!mrhf-m tdsusti arni civsilBaGnd Xining iggtnr, !Dy rr0 hey adnebhinatimiofaiSitier Cladia; beraase R amade bisa remember same.i F80FdDeEdTISIN.E. R. BIOPEsber face owu tain saddv-ted, buit tbin-be buew Dot obat. 7 .VtLnatero, etc,. 1 Th. COilr arcsr .~ Papete.-. -~se. tbaewereetraces. umibakabie, ai "Ye,I vil give pan setbng. Bai T...,re17rSYeecg st t, PART IL. bM~tebeeeiy apon bar fine fuatures. tbe day aller, and ithe day aiter tbat t H."' COMMERCIAL HOTEL, , , . t er fae preenta onam ortbauinsaof "Oneaweek 1bave a littp i COM ERIA H T, Thib. A breakfmast yen bave bras degradation and drnkb wbicb genraflp orir for sebicla I get a shilling. I dlean 7re. , MILTON O. TRO fj ý j0jtakoira juan, a Osm&n, or a ssi. beigta persoan thmetrlymelon. id daet tbeoihrrh ohere .,orn-îire1 1ý' BankoAROO. Aitor breakfiat pos pst ou pour ohoip ciroustsanoes. Sbe oaa light ohurob ai St. Leonardin Thamsa r a1;1-t'.Irr, serq--tci.a. bat a lkirbiroad plonyooe daalp ot stature aad narrov i. t. benbaaders Street." cl'df 41 R.ýEý4 1.00PEU .4Lrr14- bsailaneses Og the baunaleo men. -a, utile osoas.abo in ber youti But vonaeassoi iva onashilling a1 Capital R. Cp R Fund Presosîv so.5oîinghjia Ppssteye smgt aveirtironoa anone o be r . e.- r.$1,200,000 $600,000 <~O directlypceseorned aitir that sans, tiratirewomes airs do au msigbtilp rejoîce "Thia rossa ia ealy 100 ab illins.a C. P. R. HOTEL, e,. wesaorthat subject. yougo boule tire manscuine eyr, nereiy tla»e tbam seaciate boser I amseolready in a. u, 1. T.e OT begissisg sitirtheo'formula, 'Mosi and aiog. ALaurence oonaeoted tia is naatbey woald tara me out vry A. E. COLBRAN, Propritr. U.ror,.htr: remaae bo Cinideece 1 e aeee pose creature oitir pont anad beaatp, -qsieokly. Wben 1 aa taraed ont I do r.,....r ,rr,,reer,.,rrre, ~ rrrreree. r lkionbu of Jack ttcaliarag thint ery hc thought,norehes:, tiret of Casaie not know obat viii happen.' r,.eut. . 1 P-,fceJu,, er"t. we board wbn art dboceoce orî iis. "Mis Indsine sobsyo, -hbaaid. "'I bave rassies, bui I muetDotigo Couneria Iot t ~ ~"" . Wless1got eotowthere s hro wet " Yonbave a etaai tone fiead." ta me tires. AdAltirea todagine ersa -hFR s, ý.ri..,, y a it;irut-raestresaarl.iblecoiostdenraî.,vireateoisd me." me--no--I bave no friands." s,.,,earr~ ~ .eceurrrc It as, tireretore, ir.rno way rsanr. " WsiYnDot teltler P' LasraaoeotalkediWthe windoseand se. ~~~~ ~abe butS O K,-P O I---c.r , onsry oeoetthe cotuelainj. "Borane I am pasaibor belir. Sire oireS osntp.s tha ehisaaay. 1. asd S. OOK -PRO .iûbr-e eeroidesto-.of hauno moe e give me. Asd, bosidea, tire rosf... L VETERINARY. 'r. 'JO FIN R CAMPBELL ~~ inrol'naclasose fDceesti Anioraf'. r1 r.'l c," 'rl' rîte rc ptiy atteardod te. oMAS OG. oM 1 .,r\. fiSc,' poitectire Tirecpser en c r.""l, 'lirrrSt., Milieu. I. Of...Il 8>r W. ELI.IOTT, i'. i., r, .rit , e, , rer' y ro re r AT1 n1- 4Ir % . -.ver iir i 3if r' n ,iktîr $1.00 1 MEDICAL. LATrjrOQWNFALL r' s., iteceasoul rrr IrerrO a f - f , \ ft orS " L:, . fe Nurotl , 1 ; ii iJI.' rILS r ' R. McCOLL, t, 10eran r 6 'to 8 1,i ,ifre ('rîrc l 'riîr , "r 'r e 9 UR CFRoY -' DE' A 'i no;N a~ OLLOP L.D S'DOD.S, r. 5 13 1; 17 12 D eFrzer, 'l rrrrt,e Stoe r' 4 reeo lH- WINN, L. D. S., G4tO, 0. SU B1rge. nenL r r rraa t 11 i John Dewr,,e ,' Mil itou. 2e7j,.tT ARRISL. O. r i Dassas, .OrtS n' si t t ts oaeîn oSf er DaBce ilateiy e,,rpirl bp OrI B 110 oendéaii> ' )t errrflt', u. A-ND COFFE, r îî')OTuc NONT. SA, r et] ç,Ce l at to ~e in 'The Cham neY, to Loan LEITT SALES Est.j F. A.HESLOP, A f ' n rce.rer r "-m '.. r"er Ae. . ea , E . %S.. 4 sFRe, A .... ., --la Yr.. saa Ia ig t r .r r,, c,. . ,. ry, a -. 'SO" net .lous ; offrc , *rr c.,',r n ao f Danc s'...arbers'. e. LIVERYST4c,%ABE EQUITABLE Life Assurance SOCI ETY JANUAST t. 1i91. Assets ...$119,243,744 Liabilitue8, 4%, 94ro3,297 Surplus 4.41 Income ....., , New Buit3e} Auurmee};p . . ..... Orter Claudir s altine0 in therre Chas. Burrow s igSoidtriu ntemrig -er- Fiotirg tint Attires un receirrtefy in Home Pintii-thro ttrdy tir iber lotire, ced reeieted H1îs Pi 1troeveey trrrr tiret ire srorrid arisc sud Prîpes' Haigitîg, go totir it i ri, Laeurrc gavsril Ka] -o iiirriri nro p, cRrlavandeeed teethir ite tire rity, INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Foiah aIrami e i oges tretrn tee o atni clivrl ups Kze-iiArlwrei.gucarted. Deder rîefttnte HmpoNot teer, Milon, roil'errnr preopt attenttiont. fit CHIAS. BRROOS. R. JONES, HARI'aESS &SADDLE ' MAN UFACTURER. (Net do.ete th.u Tireupe, t-errr, 1MAIN 'ST, MILTON,, Ilarnese, Sitdiles, TliflIsr Vealisesd, Whips, Coîîîbs, Brushes ana al Eindî of Haro. C1thin if thé vert e Et t nglish anadian and Amîrfoan KManufacture. Rareere, SSelies. tc','-,okitce .rde stepuirneigdue itireattoîaand &IIo"er CARRIAGE & BLACKSMIIH KARTIN STEZET, ILTON.i ALL KLV)D OFJOBILNO PRDiPTiLY D>NIt. -nitOSE & SHOEING- No Factorp oerh AtleOsrem15aep us. the prmntrAan. Bute agesta for tae Caantp ofi Baitan for thr e and snefs intvestion grade- taebing ibore«, ingle or doable oile taaranthenaringe.AU accidents grrtveS bpiraving ieva.iag an pa.. buggy on Cuiter- CM-OALL AND EXAINE. PATET iog operreirerino in uepocted êrr ners ; bitse of hreirards, eruria4irig as a dincrsg-tabie, wt ell iionriee round tierea; odsquresud croes, sotireeO artir ntree or sa ppin tireus; roeding lcaes; mrainte' boeso, seldasusrtatiel, natiug trous tie reaet Pire ; toaea stanrding ait iry tinustroicr-tirois oei MearLauecri if t ter etnsm utS Frenchh bau, ait lire iitors wouid ceod te se: candcottrinTnes Street, ecithotrertceoetrug thfin lceed Iirrrrgr . te lire b,. ef etetiri h trea lind ecctodibis eec. Heeeoasrrinj lerecet birutrOesnii) atni des',,Itep Looc, Su. Msey-OS ui, RoStuae, Miueicg Lae, Suetbiig Lace, Creloir uS Pias, Auorire fSquare, snS tire Miueiet. AU tieso scoreslire hbeau, anu t pricoeud hia te ruaS trem ut tire coorners, aud te eeeaeut thosawott tiri raomeries tnd tire girlairo lird aScngirt hin ail tiros ueeins thiigs. Tireslie toned imsaeftin a labrinth of stets, dorS, tirere ta uetiring nte ie ase of Masooi Streut te oigget Geeduras's Fieldu, er tire otS Theater ed David Garrnik; Hupdea Sqearelias ncebis. toey. Great iie Stereetufrc stre , a certain stecegousseofcoiewoiteh paooeeeerriet.ty'-nco nAire ae t ns tire teos oeWit\'rlecri 'f eres teiîe a Lesser Aiie asu oeila l onte reartf Prrseett Street, cice cregnrtinrg teit' seltire tir eiofGreat, rfce'rsrt poinst ont tire bouse aberCloudesley fiirel ivadr:sor doesit recoerd tiretact lirai horo the irouses auro irsdrtiogoisir. aS iry eres irsta ofe by igne. Civiizatiea, lire religren, priaga Irora tire Eatanud travele trestoned. Lau. roce ra eginairog uta ir tiat a rab wouaiStabebhia iir ait au hourise Cieir.asd-Locui LansS, anS tirat lie iraS, purirape, douse eugis tueose seersiog, uS that tlins periielrrpra. iert wa0 tem isterrstesg tirasBore otirers, airea ire irocaa avare et a ide o e st arrat, At fOsai ho bsedlp remreenhirr-irn are map pouer eureun ta e ireue5tUintis port of Londeon. Netbhoireuamrhsuaeeiinnt ho eus, aoraeiro. tfariairruaitirah figuere. Tie reoooana oaaoetsiredtp ciad-tirerc are rmaapwomea ta hou. Sos viru are vrrtuiradip utad-airae crepi alongr solt, asaif she vera feebia ;sire bnggtd taheironsa,.88.aa shtp map bng tiesehobe. Bp ber car- riaga, bp ber onuk, bp bar minerabie coathea, asYentud diseeru tae Septirs ai ber Poveyap end etabeoasa. Tirere are, haowever. a greutt mnp oretatadIypoprr vnsen ta LasSas t airp diS ha menu ta remember tais She steppeS tonan ndostap ItYap itb cresi of breaS, fisng tatre bp smee obuS roodis aai osunt iti.Sha snathed it, orta geeanesu d bagan rave'raneiPta daraur tt. Whou sire doerLavrand no ber«fmt-e* 00,00aireâmer eàb m g wbhbSaes, e14 *p- vol t sceetd esiy sabe ber more uneiappir. Miren sutttire esme sire vas ueey up. hrappy.,, Wera tire veey rtoaaa toisa to ory orsi opons tu yug masn bocaura ha esan ayf " ibreodo ypou ire ?" ira abrd irer. 'II have touaS o rosa iniTenter Street. Rot I de't knrearolonsg I rirait irae ete ke irrr IIWii yeo taie me tepunrrosmP At &H evect va counid sit devnand "B it doon ? In Mp recomSire isnsgtrsd, sornîaiip Tires. sie looked op, qeieirip. "You abalI rave," as saiS. "Ob, yesa1pus sirall see ai; roora. Ith ouIuo guudteseMy ro e uarc yeuag, snd yen are careieso. Yen saiait utertand waa msiepaiaas. ItvsiuldoyVuagood te s ow oaouive-oe w aire acotaieso to onu seSd prsp for but deair. And, pnriape. Soati itnelf vili rairaoser fois noe botter. Cee itis me-u." Sire litteS iber oat and quiekensra ber step, aitirtheostengli htro eofstuddee passiou. Boi it lasted se longer tiras. afiOea f siavinge, Mer bend drpped; irr eeba druggad;thebe l Itotaber for. air orarriage et patiesce-tiro patience ut srsflerrag. Lareace fait, as ireloosb. edduweuopen tiispor bandieaofrrge, was ecas saure pataetio tirs tire shrort. tiveS toue of rage ohicirbiaSbtrapad threraiserpof lirer Bout, Wirpdidsalia saller ae f Wirat osa ier hietary ? "I Younre," saiS Cursrin.II"tre dis- graeeofethtiramsiiy." OViai baS lit por rraturnrte do oiti tbe failpuof Vicesaisus Cottia, thir ert anadte spected sundemiuiasr of BankeBidef? And ugadu a vnggue disquiut seised bim, for ire,to-o,was onetofottire Iamiy. "-I icuiire," said theawoma. "Yeu ec oenuprstairs vitirme ilyea pIlenRe." Oie lad tire wap p tire &taits, ditip brokra. trippud et tire airstste, t tire tacondfor iracir, n smaii rossa whieir.ut aiî oents.ia suud have bea igtuandnaiey. Itowas furniirdowith a irrttio, n trapet. &cd a teanonp. No- tiiat sara. Notaing ai aIL. Borne travelirer ave remorbud' rpon ther verp saialiassutioperosolieuggage omiet s a vtiodte carrp as aquntarial Atriesu lite-n pipa, n boy aSdareova. a epese, o piece of eIoiir, perbopeaa butfeor an se. Ree.Iiy, atiet more. But thure are peuple ta Loados o haverordsseod tireir oasis ta avos smaiter traita. A' brui e.nia-pet, a cap. n pinta, o a ita Ntbisg saure. Thae imaple tinia rampIeed tas tur. sittreuofiire woiraerortiTierevwan aetirig nere-siotet sp a bed, saiess a6 ieap ai abaving intahebermer madu a bad; nt aochairaora tabie-'ataist. "IYen ara." saut the tenant. I"Tis lasobare I live, Wtt pasu Rit Sor auc, bave a tati ?' ran On eavenat1 Are Ypanan Pour sthat? Itassbtabataabodp-" 11I1darm mp thone are nat manp quise sspanru my"sti.' sire uid. 'Tirer rannai ba ny Peûple ta the oaId quis gont uns Ime.". --PaM? BaLt Y" are Setitatie. Yes bave natiingNai even a badintalmeeP @ho.ssabdre 'epa0PL"1 .AnS M es e bre-.q,tt&nksm7 "QW mtse.Nm esl"ie nbasue j»sau; ws0»eMe00000àbhes; I "Ttiiatrribler,"ie said, presently, in huskcy aceacta. 'Rua car a oa "Iiaerea a. "Oti pe.iraveso id.a y'osvit ia. 1 eould showvasu svsy.Slite baosyto deo t 1diaoseS la tms sire vi eartty tire saine miceop." rWhat is poar Toitme aho "Oh; my same.-mp rame? Tire peopleeia the bosae alarniMra. Sis. clair. Wirp set f It doe a' ela anptiig." Where ta poar nbsaod "Inoverirbaia sbaad." Sire umet iris iaquirssg epea vitir osmethisrg libe a bluta anS tarseSbaieread. I' Ns; I bava nerer bad airrabad. Butaiduat -Oh 1 pîrar dreat teit Altirea. Cer. nelia catis ametire diagraeof tire famip. Sot1 am. Yeo, ps-toma disgescr te asy tasaiîy, and rmice s respectabie-osi, nosrespectabl e 1" "Whouaserpeu, tires f' erissd Lue' ree, bisecheek onddeaip itb a dreadtal lirugiri. "TeRlme woe oe are.". "-Yu oueudsnetiboliave, oefdpe -ibai sob a riseaore tbiig eoela ovrF beouafte a respectable tamily- oeil,taao-" tati sie steppeS. II doitkiraoobo pou are. sir. 1Ihaer pramtned Cornelia tant I vauld never loi mp otd tejeada mcv aapsiig about meTonvera oitirAlthaa dgisse pua dont haoo ohat misiriet peu esigir do." ITell me, qii," ariaS Larrance. I sarar tirai su mismbiet siral bappec. Sisr 1amra-a-riead of Missîesds. gise yen eugitte trust aie."' " ti tautsraief tomre. It ivSdic. graea te tirera." 1'Trrrt tuee,"ihorapeated, taiigber iranrds, peor, bosy iradsa â airiirSonce bea girls brads,prettp a-&Mttisy, s jup te losirat. I"Trust me. YTua iai do no hirr, eltirar te pourself or te nap oneandsSAîih biolnevriro." t- cati bier Athra-irp lier Ciristiana nme-eesrs It ew lber Tellier Ws. NO. 18. foro .- . oeusesai iecete. rrerc t aire e aa bora-Clemeetîaduagia cauyea"rt unrtho 'rrernrLe -vires va vere aIl girs toetir-aSo s obitnyaeroeenitsoscoinsetidceon. n verp long time ago-thirtp pears ago ado ca eadheupoplessrn e oert uiue -vires Claudia anS Julin and-" .oonet tasotoa e ati cenrrtin 'IGooSd oSf crieS Laurence,-I crneruiocrae et ireathoudny; tirer talive peu muni be-qnicb aira arr n t utEppr ug t'errat an e>,s i pots ?" Fer nov tht drearttal titeuuttrt oapebietEd igrest wo idr er tee baSl ripesseSto a mare dreadtat sis-o scIl teRi ;taut rei gaeeor ce,, picios and taie atreadp teaeertein aaoader edof ein rbodFoes siryiiroý convicionr. Whuraa.isire bol Wiry lgyaersi tr useutaS ever yte -airu eîre cootS sa bo tbthatn- £sîre of bputtirai botstad tireliust "Qulirk," be uriedogans. "Tel5 irue muofn sd Parir bsietre irreo oirooa aai" verbnd ad tire ailS drc niieon 'eWhp do pus lookrse eteangef" sirr unes and aeneoangles agciautthsilkcr, asked. " Whnt dame it malter to you aSteda rnaudorrtrat yOa lie ra am i ouke p, tre veudhirds sing. Ritiror Lauorare "Dbi ire g roeai, "f opas se 'irrastught tae tva girls, sud irore tiep 'ouWtud t riny omiaepaa i sif Satin siesce, parilp tarase ail tirree pan eosi beirseta pse erS-ui ere fuit of taoagit, .aad partip ta.. pea premin'a fastatntp sbat ta te" Cor.*rcasetire place- osa totautiti bar peali tai pn bnow " dl2'l T eepaes, pe; I pemcire. Bba sirail tetir c mo naiira." lbfit wouId asip tant,"sais Aitiren, II omm, idtrA, he m clone et a sigh, I'if rrrroaidasIrîrgoae ohat she matS lar me. EMer tangue te Sitting isene oltaont.geiutisared. and arerel sonnetis, erbutos a was-and If tan Son woaiS net set-"Oh01fit WYdsp atBa"eiy " Mts metiaier i. nsaisatne ansiS neyer forget thi sn&Lsaa ie gave me a Imperrbo a ullplace astaie star00es.. Tst, perbape. ai » dmO ieq..ta laft Il it.arsv o0 map bave fargatten bl.' ci b mmaSS&abot " u f,,,Lai ne tap la rememieriti, Canoe.wr -b- Win eS ice ~~ 01My ta as«aevd-three oa tae 'lird" 'e iSSiv-mdi 1-s9taasutier heirrdga; tireraoa dus 'la t te ee rp tieir I " seran-fiine asertsed. osta hie legea ie lorsme~ rame.Sng tegs bebtaflhi#-; t tireavs the Tas ~ ~ ~ ' ssnlgrt ons the vatie»I enibneai*y é w -And inM air iwa.elfCe gin ' ua bu 3aa03aceeB idqt e s w î» à baed' lame buisa, Irthis bam 1ten sea ~mf don in the Street aire oslsd bhave sfea. Ill e ntire rnmabse onldneti fiy. Sbe «Dversd ber fane wotoi ber bande nSsbseisas ibetheflanc, ober sbe eranebed, saomtng sud orptng and ssbbtsg. Lanrenea bout oser ber ana tried ta" raine ber. Natbrog but tbe misery was ta bis mmnd. 'I am yossrster'a son," biesatd. "I1 oa ysar nepheo. Dbh16 tis &Hloyer;1 tas miaory te fi.sisited. Dont ery, doa't ery. Tbasb Gai t 1 bave fouad yoa etilent. Itis&lovor_-all thestaretsg and tae mtsry. Ds'tocry, shki dont1 ory. I &all takeyousaanod drrrsi pots e»d gsi pouttaboiter iadgiog, and 1ehaii carry pasnsoutta Auatraiai te rap mother,pat aister Lucy, wooa 1 peu topeSs mugir. Dea't cep aay mr.Althea "Il eese. W'e asi brtag peu bneb ta ircppiceso csnin. Lift up Zurpeor bpan od bceosatrt. cdl. Itou ce bavetoaud yen we wli irrap pus ssd nover lei pus go ugnai. Yen are Fiory-yes are say mcteetrs ocîy siste-" So ierert ousaynig ieho oi waa, taikisg of conolationsudnoSin05 i iori-wbisperisg mossages e ot o, obile the peur vomaus siill apt acd cried that eea sbe wos pecried in- dredo iseesho couid su lesterbinde ber ashael head trosalber isnnocent sser. Prsnlty lire led ber, tretrliie csd ahaiig, devastire steirs asd devn istu tira street. And nsualhe streegtir. esed bier euth food, and iroegbt eleihes flere, and retesed te iesveberroutil hoe bcd eccabiiibed ber is o decent iedgieg vhere abc veetd bh ooeied aitee these titgs beoeg tate Bok et tira Tbrsgs LaitiOut. Wha ictheodwas a erectuee ialt soadewitir onacndS sry; obatie letinasaaoaaa, tins ad omrcirer soit epes ccd bot cet nepiricg, lier faceegente andcaaia.thre wildnsooand thirreregonout oit ;lir r ete d and froecireartopening one moare in thevwartir th flove. But aiceitefr qei as Flerr', aire bave nser qiteiesmt tire batteselt, 'sitb love rrttriig coesaveigs@ine. S'ie lept, nltee loeg yeaee et brde- seos, insprysicaiicase. Sihd esteu ; sire iraS ieeu elotired; suarcetir acd rest weappedlire irout. Wbrus cie laid lirer bradopenrtire pillewaceti stil bier uephews narme chent ber serei, iris biseeroirer checkr, ad sireircd iris vice-Lecys oceeeirmuarieg in ber car. Ait osa ever; &Il vas forger>. tas; sire asnsocloenger Mr,. Sinecie, tire wosaaofetwteepair irocki r s sit ireet;olroe Forey, Fleey &gain -andeee'tire oater Lucy wsc stretcbing tftrcans ofet voeaned ariat tears et îey. Boit ije ire . ing ans ta osae tint etirer seeoeeegee -ie witir tirefte1Ineî.. Ce rr'eee XXVI. Tirep rat, in riece, ec tire gecuu ire aide the loir. et Richmoed Parkr. Tire. atteeseoossans srmansd seit inei ases eofeaeiyseutersrthruetrlyorree f tire toueirir iredly eere isopperrrts os. Tire ligirs et tire sCirefssnloy oenctireir faneer; tire foes evere ireeac, and tba Ireeo ocre geidca; it ause,1 quettiat one eeeid Iirrr tire vhof tire sanleoandcer ireore.g oettic deercleoseaidte, crnsdltire r.ceaîirrgef tire ioigs arr e irnbit irocir pse and raseros. Tirey aoeelrecdeete of milesteramthlrianrteofrae; thcre oa oeablercnthe Park trat ater- 'Mr. Wajler.,, said Csaae, arte. Saibohr Hule suaence, -tel as, ai lui -'"U Une, ohy did yenurame ta Saab Bide Siutisf ail-pan woohbol ail tire lrani af the wvend ta rirsae t" IBanb ide is a perp pietaresqus plane, and, an Altban iroos, ta fall of Elitabatira giosta.", "lButAlios rut te Seougbostatirai pou came." Laurencer, webildboas inat thlie girls' Irai, ruse, sd saliree te tbe waters edge, and iosired serone tire hlte. Tiresiro easme iraebte tres su grave 01faeteat Cassiileas araideof bien. Tel every woanlires te sos serios prpeseais tire tara efcasman. "t1rame te Banb Bide, Cassie," ire soid. standing iretere treer, I"cet te se tire Elizaboitu itrote, laitl te raoite peer seqsaisissce.", "Mine ?' "Tours, oai tirai et peur iatiresud taerstoipou. tirodasoeteicrees, if possible, ther rutir cirut ceetain ltte tiigs fohe ee air trrIvr iived nea euo. 'tVai,Isade yeeer cucint sue,ad I Iesnd thoteteenfortiree tiigs t ceeld de se geed. sel1tirerrybt 1oould gonolaygir. Arnd teeI- lcradeootr rierds, and I orotirat tholserasasoeugeicgecn; gsel tioglt 1weeid sisy anddsoutire esd eftit; but ceree v[tat e achars. - ter in tire qoee, seirir secrveder e rrgiteorieericgecn; and thrnrsrtteced tirst tise stery wco eeded, and noeIaesrt aop. Bsut aourt tirst Iruas aposte, an osI coae irsoir gcirr. 'ircdce threntetoeasseig eariy fiited.' Betir girls oere sileet. irceerrctirey aso see eeiracters in tiret tory. " It iilibc iilur veeyceeoreere,"' ire caid. *"P"'bst oiltire eiend rirbu "said cassie. l1calcoet cy. I eciy Ireeo abat horpe. Iceeibo'r teegeeaecng ail Yeu Peopie, etfatroce i iaS cesee beard. Tiret croc ode tirreereotlir sîe. Wirst bacc yenr ieceer,'te ume?' l'or, eei 1 ereuowate go awrcand lieaoeeue. couladcocerfrtpet0e " 0ir! bot abat trave cee doeefte et f " coin> Cocciu. i, rreýcmüae erreg yenr e th ir e to-r te creuse mter'ror'I 1insMret treeeroely amsriereer t t1]e tro errete rfrc r ina cei etrest inrtv. ad lini (Te ireccticied.) 'I se uelss ar cest Esceioer. 'tOil ir ue feesa Cicago. Milwaukree, Ciiago, Milaurkee & St. P'aul Rail. way, te poeints irrWesterrrNinresorte. Neetir westrern Iowar, Seeuth.rrrn Nerthr Dakoeta. Nebraska, Kasras, Colraede, Ulair, W'yemnand «orrt Meteee, et cep exeursien ratei, et .Oegt 25tir anrd Seirterre29, 1891. Ferfr tereîrtieeioes eirpry te sire rreereet tieler t ageet, er aeérineee A. J. Tcct.. .1'. Ag't, Teronto,DOnt., or litre IL Hr rrserrr,, itii' as. Ag't, PS.-Iterileoyeerihuaet geedto secethrre tgrriberet croire ineSouth Dakoeta. Tirey ere eiceîry imrrrens'e. 'dl. ThrecseeofWad-el-Ward against L M. MeKhay. peopretrrasd peririslireco tire East K-et I'iidesiee, ece eld or trialat Teronto lact aurir. Tie la waaeoneoftdntcngesfor tiret uarditire aiieged iraie au eostaicod irr tirefli Iowing ordtef,ieeirisidonee'.5thfru Dececer, 1805: -"Tlire hec. Der.Oad' el.W'srd aet lirouglirtee 'rrrl tire arglirltraineacett a't teigirt. lie a tsirec bacir te cereu perint et te ns'irea chbe'earge rd. lie asi tire battage cer aod laireeifferf! lir. gerrcrf tiret Ibis atatemnet red test bron sceeai egagemenrts terdleioer lectures. MecKayedrrm alire, etot- ceg tiraslireliraS rpesteriiy epoiegier. WeS el. Wnrd, in trreevidece, oaidtfirat hir Ireteriet biecsos aqreiud. Raieg eiie le taget ccg'eguettsiro wasDoerceet e cpprt ]ris curiiy and ana cesseqecuce Lad eiferil in boedy and tcrcd. 'l'ie rrots-ereatios reeeaied lrest eerwri tuel tia rale. WceS doux cet aler aoc'spcy hiirdeite. PernipleiGrarrt cen lir . feMe- Diioeey.eof<rcgctee. fret trieraeooey wihho forger t e retere.* Tir î'? Wned'scriene oandbreogitineaver. diet tfertire doîecc. For DOvr Ptfty Peara c .rrr,,r , er C~ rr .r , r , r.I, ,r rer. r' ertte.a., re> e ,,.r rît., . - ,t ILeT~. f s,h,4r. ry,er"O.sriu S . eb, a.11 e<.serOre.rc,,r,t teesrld. PH', sesutu rý,.n ac s rusce. se, $1. ntifrao d isi vnih. $1. Dea Brsa,,ot Monterai, ara o offrisg a beastitul eareroedor plain, ladies' Or geota' sioo. ilrd Case Gobe WÂven FReaOaLs 81.00 te ta paid afttr pou bavererceived it ond have givra it Si0 Sapa trial and fiitit jusi abat tary reprenant. It is a stema oind, stema net. fine anovexoont, and oarranted for ever 10 pears bpthe maiers, and caaotboi bougirt anpobere for leua than$80.00 ta »ny ratait etore. Dean Brosde ibis ta advrtine tireir New Biod, Liv and StameairPilln, sud raraider ta 620,000 a pea epent ta tain oway til da mare ta advertlae their busnesstain au aer metiraS,$asaSibth ra Or afde n a postoýard, addrmeed eDace Bul., Ifanse, Que. 10.4t. ooNSuUPTSONCUCUl.