- ~ s stovos etc-ke Cornle Everbody to the Great Sale just cornmenced at Lindsay's. ieet East,~ r 9th. r 'VELTIES rrr.r The Greateat Accumulation of aBIG BARGAIN4 S- ever shuwn in Milton, ar lîrs . 't we,,k -BirîyOpr~enig-NC tiitie tC prilît a lit of pî'o.,s this week. Loroknoluit torr arntins AT LINI)SATs"-. H>IOLLINRAKElS HOME rîst serisoci 1 u f ko r(Iotlriig rTF_ýET BROS. 1IN. I -m-- I Commence ps Saturday. 0-eone of the large bills being distributed *44 through the county. l'-lt ritsfr Thousands of dollars' wortb of New Fal I Pi to achoods wili be offered. ! '1:1-kcand tolr Twelve Thousand Samples r;jr 50e. jr 00e, OTHERS, , from Loncdon, England. r~~~ re r ' r! 1 lire 1211- ofit Su--rember 'ire ro,ý of a coiletr set of Samples of sI'oV~~~ m*osoolns I.rrro: dire 111ge§t fsruruo in tlie worl:i, 'hese are ni-w open foi' tlie ln- STOVîrîîriCi lr'i lr ngîtmr ,Mrr! rctl ag range of Materinls and Patter iOn 10lrrrreilrrn. Orr trs Il c en wjit 11ie ,fo r Ot.ercoats, Suits, 7'7Oi$88T8 î:g îfêW E/ly Wtistcrrt ua 1 Ire r'rnnplrtedl rn abjout tliirty days from date of order, ~ ~J ~IA C i.~.rBlack îrl 1)(, ' e ' -r «ese cf Li igiaiîd T,'rrterircts Sui1uing s~~ VVE~~ia~ hlack andr Irrrjig. r'rriscotch, aîd Irish Trweed rrraSÙelg an rloflai. ' ~Black- irr iliir; Nainelnstig Plqt hi Wooded Black & Inl igo Doeskine JO N AFancy Coatirigr Drab Kerscys CovernC in ex'wShepherd's Checks Ulsterurrg Frîcese, Drah Corde and Bedfords Box Cleril' au ri o1" Blactk and Indigo Diagonals Yor1us1irre Furie3 rcirnr and Suit- Black and Indi o Sataraa and Serges in Glass tre Tilt 's tire fiet OPPaoîaoiîy 1 bve v id ciof jsl0icg luforo myehristcim* hI I PWe-nd sort seriels and cillfeel gretly tu4gbted *ttans vtieaigélilI imone *#er 1c rc DOCTORS ATTENTION..-1 ilesce ai =,ne . Water.Pro5f Maerisi for C ,rIe ts aounaê ie Fritiay moerrisg. Asliisapparrnt- y as erres, li.nitliy ores, adeod . lrinieriof etering mrer tran a sr tirreai iroore hirodpstii,, ce stosy w irelrd iy Drm. Robertso, Stuart asri MeCoil, cie orend th ire ia d irce,, hilieri i re iot etfrlond soniris reli ee l idb -rr,,rretisnanad retcirrg naee'itirrorgi r ciig rotile envrli HesrrcýTEeeo ROcS, coll t tentio te ti;,0irrl ith i,,'r hrve rrt oîreedcup R rîlelii rer o îof et lIrandsrtBoya' Tna 'Ut'EraRS.-Ttra men of Ne. 7 Ce., 201h Loe Rifle, oi hie ppiied oitirmilirandi botter et camp elMNia. gars, tirhe onosunileof Milton trarisg beasîhieial egtr te gesttîrer8151 for that porpese, tire vota boicg a os. ai oaaon. Tire hiys ciii faea cat rnogîriao fer es provisios arearron- cerd adit iote hi iroperi ti ellr Militia Deaertorent roilgrvec tirraran eras iieosoce etiriarrkets o teierp tirers esrslrtlc durrrrg tiree cla Octoer aiglits. ArcON.-Ite lrto... on Sept. 4ti, tire cite of Mr. eo. Alisnofa tdeegiter. RoEoree-In Eaqoerisg, err Sept. Sur, tire cite et Mo.loirs Robertson of a gn M A RHR I E D. MeLi&a-BcLRoVEs.-At tire Mrirorliirt parsosege, Aton, by Rer'. Josephr FrIgo, ro Argeei 201, Me. Dosses MeLeae, of Collirogreod torresliiî, te 'Mor..iolirccrBelgroce.of. n i. nai. riereCrets aRn i Orri 1 Ore snd500 rrscMooeo.-A reheoriptiea trot DIED. targest stoie of ciothiig ia toron. Caii foe prizrr for e rifle matai te li hatd CeeOFRe-At Coorgteeswurinlire 2ir asd sec tire gondo oariy sort gelt ftaed rhortly and oriehirriiitaopenatercam. Arrgrsst, Sarair Brows, relitof ethlie oct cere. barscf No. 7 Co., lOtir lait., ortobha ata Tirmsr olifrey, ia tire 911 Se. LuerrenCURCEn, Paorreo, clirrirordatari ithin s fac risnby marc. er f e ae iros boas ondargoiog reaers, ciii hiehbereof tirhe cIB'rsy. Tire rcrhrkn arfierge ee.cpssertfer public worr)on Sroanirof ciNe, 7 Co. hairsig marte sclir a ceci Soraeoo.-At Niro, on Sept.lîR, alter day rest (Sept. Iltir. Seossceso ci record et tas Toeontoanad Cttawa a shoert itiorss, Eliza Sticrs, eged 61 108 .cr. sort 7.210 p. rc. Tire biirep matches, lier people of Milton riroreirt eas. orilh e preseteendtiaspreeetaenoragc tirby liiheieciree)Hrip. preabth ries. ThacifeOringî tiocs and do& ail tireîry cntaea. FARM TO RENT ciii hi deooud ta tho redeties etf tic couraeorifa sbeolisg sirathecpaey Lo drlis.TetorlO000 dabti ncorredin thero vriof rapairing arditabriageontyooonrroo Twooreryiribrieerneasrtcercrceros tira oirrreh. Tha bisiropis co airo ot. Tircandn et dollars' oorrlirof et rcoutheildiaro, A sprnge ei rrrunng ed to preaoh irr Oraglir atthec8p- m- sart araonabta gendsrir cr1 offorrd tirogh tireiarer. Gondoreirrr.W'i servce. he oferigs o the0ongega.d R ira orarted forea terre cf years. A r1,iy tel secio Treslcigcotto enrga urirug Hoilnrca's HarvemlHms îîîWetec. rrpo .0 ! tiona ciii hi appliod 01 err boirathliaSale. h it ilpsy people ta camne a long wio C rptss'Fod cf tis ristanrer te attenid it Poisorreiflibc Residence rend G _ond Sec ! Ito coirgit e ha abig oe! cal oileausor jng andlrâe oltliort for Sale, Wire ? Wirv Holiurahen IBret witubgond ail ai 16e, gai,.uo m, K iss...1 rna.1.r.rrar d HoeaSale, oriisrcosmences tata rerronrdc Rkooos se.rrMiseerrr..'r..errser da.Th ompo m aeprsa an sder, B. E., in Bontoa Churci. Enqrre. . er r,,. .aOeo, d., .tri-co, cor bsadacds ot tbc. large bis virici r û mng.on Thursdsy eyeuiug, Sept. 24 a. .g t dosrss, nsd chu.tt.rqor. At being cdstibated tbrengh tae County:AdmisionMet0.; »reàednota, Olota. nIag.r, tara-Id..W.an-dr..rr1o.rm.1 er-.,I giving partiulasnof tiisgreat sale, It Dooopen ab 7. Chirit i.nai 8. sers- tr, fO r.-t.. re 1t ciii lie vortlr yosr wii ta fat on. he HefoUloving prou notion:- -W t. a rcesP. errIeoril er s. es-Of. Twill give pos se ides of neme efthie 'ssusoIcres.e bos.tesco bargains. Executor's Auction Sale TmT E Wnen.--Quirbssnd bas 5ra555,50 ny-. .d-d s s srorf- erres AR LAI luen truek ta a mection ottaoeoss..IrOc. a esrre- nsn =ta.sIn".crut, ccir. The englueeo and rousel oliaO, scd. .t. u Ie.1o12rLrroef_ sonmtogtb«,u te rat arard- suin d L. R .W.. artner directions eecied foomthie cidet t cioue tsa isiao c -ie -tg 'IA seairChoasuisp-tVo-' Eneontar cf the. Ratisofthie ian John ,oir someviio, te sîcii tisedifflculty. i .dré-oatasn0esn as. tod ar, nco« H f ,tcoiil oebo-Sl Dsueui aupie.iyinar taprs.cn E n 'smt a-d unhM . sisne-ýIyPe"0 Asucns t the Oalucill oc»s, Nnnsoeomsaons boa *oninme sineorsu. u a.tis c1rmntise Townof Oakoiil, in the Coanty preou liammetbousm i a ,m - am s ftsu rd*" O .sret nh. 8tr &, l DaY f Otobor. hm qu@Imeu mewrmeosonmoheuo«L A. lutistL 5* lmof thres caSaI lad* UEé. Tb@. i0008 lag S% 4*-tss 5555,- i a-=ne ~~~~~~~~i the afsgtItlma«EM- oon'.on oniau si, ofl Me mm s (y tmiFýsAn ud sagla ----ectaa FOR $20.OO. UEO ukIlsu tm te~ a-dey et bie om, ed W" "s 0' 4 O0.,à U &hBi.. -Miib. bildi O ii àIi theions U091& MM .borol i C WlallIWI@ oB5*OrOy. teO h e océ o., anien w u à, mon tii. am (Ovni-aithe Coaa-n j5~ @don hhaOi Yu l. For Mme r o. 4 00. l ii Et.a o Cu n @ft]tWe An]mi, tnbirsstd appmoiniUti. hu-ASBD--, M-7011, 7-6t 1DcV boy an Orrrocst or Suit nOuti l rom WMdW@4mta tu da oi oce, Socity-rpGecsCf' w od ano sboig R splt endidnov tck lAt &.0 ta.thetime of abetifsl Ail ov nous tlt, >*~ ~cf 1îm Oddin maoui, rendemrd by Mns. B. POSCO femtirval and monical and libecéry -A]nwgua ,ya' auatr"M- Shorrod. the. bridi prty enteraid eutertesument i. théa icl a l ugiit for cash anud vii i.nld ut tan1 tiie rom, Mr. John Millecr actin as Mud grounds on Tueodsy evenbug, the j1 Va cry Oet cash pote.,but mm n d Mie Fie Hardy, of Rata. lStb of sept., inaid of tise fundàocf tihe A ftersena Cre*-The silior cp Afin rtaeoreuony Mr. sud Mrs. socctty. A fret-oinprogramme. vIiwon by thc Miltaton 5* iii tth gArmcur receiveai tii. ormern couo. ho Pravidod. Admisson l5c. Refresh r. ne Rifoles nthe. Canadien Msiutaor grautiouo, foilowing vhieh bbce cor. montaex«traMilton branabaud ,ili l e gue msahea, in o. exhibition rsuY Par"toc fi a vol rderod sud ie lment.inethev-indow oftheesabisme tnoftaymono, rved ta the atisfactiion lu psent ootbutnmuaof failnsd it vas esar themiduight MOoZYTa O oet 6i %, on icet-olesuM" Wm Seu, jewel.er, It i ie hOstY. boer tafooore t act of the garni. tuai mcctégage of faim prcpory.-D. W. iBasorana CRN.aa.-Yotorday Mr. their deiartue. eaPxucL.ChsInm i b D* A beautifnl and ootly arry of pril- Ch-- neessoldthe ominon, ota BIScame tram far sud nur. Tii.7 ACCsaoNy-Mie. Trimble reporta doyen Taery hom ta Mesors. Hoff & are mont appropriata romineoo, Lot uht ce Sstacd&y eight ber sne John, RuleWo l continue thehbuines aly af the occaoion, but af thc frieni.- Who bas beau vorkinq ai a nov bridges it vas lisforoMo. Keassochieg ubip orieh ije reedd ta tin, brideanad which ta being iruili one i. c... eoar the estabishment and ircedticg te aroadte terinwchh Pci.ohoro, -as broogbt homo badly output. Mo. sud Mre. Armosea iii tari Mon- haort. Heocaectoech inthe lowor parî Fa iebc tte el~, ofk Gent.' dayfor ahbricf eddicg tourrctich will ýt Ferai eclodo theo groomo homo inOnCtario, ef bis abdomen hy c banco, ieflicting alriagre, and &Ilitirc ocret stylos aftoo cbich trop wil pooracotly cet. cary serbans aed pietel injuries, bot cf Retg, go ta Tecos.co, cor. King and ilstenor cllag.-Baogor (7ich.) AAd- hie modicatattiedant hcp" that hoe James Sts.. Hameilton. reoci. rilteson eoaIIoigiiiagni.. ME. CHAs. RAYacON bas recoivad a Cecco Siir Umbrolias, Waterpoofr large ordor from Fracec for hiesoSlo, W lmyrrk Swiedie. Ceats, Hats, Caps, Ucdrvoar and brs.d seaviag machinioR Hio faitcry A mec giring his namosa V. Teaylo, 'Shirtse t TRuesn's, cor. Ring &Jamo e aoc10Wroshod cul, ordoo ersadtheb.Torot asurestodaetWinghncelast Si.., Hamilton. empicyeos te nomo of thc dcpcrtmocntae roohareil wit frud by.Jack- FeeuuLL-Ioecccetce oul th srvcoricevoiior.~~ooob orari.appoarod tact Taylor hl be bro ecliaf miciocery meeting et Bowm'c Chorcb Woro YeuOc00e00ate rSaeogeof est a paet airrrov clip acd the rigbt ta this venin (Thrgday. a frece l c n o TRExLEs Sîlrti, Collers eaniocd eali thon ta diffrociparties, ibis vroig (Tcrady). fsrwiilcd greiog te forciir brtheie dcc- wiii bo gioete Dr. D. W. Staeenons, Colo,, Msbiy Tirsansd Styliste lIais, rc cif te lirrips viuhia trc dayusitar ef Trafalgar, woeaboes berce and cor. King and Jamres Sto., Hamriton. cale. Tbe ceira proccood by Taylor country o Seterday ta takoleapoition MIoc Earce MTEOsacco f Bic00g, tnj paymeeat of therigirte ceid ibeitsc- ti.e cre rispoerrof in Brcor elsad asce rdtcl mioiocrv in Chics, titider Montana, wroem Peut000t'le tesceer Wicghiac. tereliteset peeedal the dirrctionocf the Mthcdist Chner inr Mille,, euh beor analrWe. Pautoc, acter givec for a paeit rigiri mcci Prommeot miciotare i; ii cddreoo the setiest for hrore lest Satcrday. Sire tave prine< or crittas acrostihe face meeting, acdar i eierroiisg tirer eis iltey f or ashobrt tirer et Chicagrrof c lir, belore ibrycare offoredifer sale. ercpcle. Ii.,reih bo scle ti. ietai 1Mth e o orde 1Fer paient rigiri." Thoe expeted.Ill, wih lir ocleMr. obet Mabe-disposai of by Taylor hbcd nct this o FALr SHSooro ce 000 OUe. Ct ai so, oltireCacadios borouriese. tire faceofetirm. Hoe s cooeritted bxof Olrrtcof frontadhe orl Beeersl areed thesoeOdurinortrial- lireer loeiisjr eltIbo otrecethie Hroet HeeSale et Holliaclrr. h atcu sfotetirtm j irmarsdrcsoicg ye cccge.-W. H. iproielIriceseie dry.goode ; opocial reueri te orciri Roeis'rs omocîrfor jMaeoob, Mitoc,arant forOterie. 2t pricos in oiothiig; apecral iriceeis thre cnt bishires in Rungis. MILITeARYCHoaer.-TbaCanasda groarea; apeciel pricos in boota and Hec. JeliraDoricie, Priscer Consrrot Gazette cf tho 201h it. hart tbe fcilcw. eca ilbe. cii oiataretiog 2 chs. cf Hawaii, dicd AspeRi 27. le ores a icg changes and prootios 201h Jet maeerp ycr miod taatend tais nativesofSchenorctady, N. Y. "Halio" Btielio, Lorro Ridles.- creac sale, coasecng aStorday. Rerrico troop tate raauher of 150,. 000 have bernocrdorod teWercaor. No. 2 Cocrpeny, Steartan-To heoxCatire 28litcl., thoe oagrogcties of This mabe.bell a mrillio trccpn on the lieutenant, prcvirroneiiy: targi. Roterit Narvel Prcobytrrian Crcir met ci abs Pouagh froatier. L,'o Crahrsm vice Jsba Hainer, woeaseote biri fereoraîl ta tireir iretor, The British Board of Trede ires s. retirer brorethe ervice No. 4Comr- Roy. JosephrAeandrr,wobiaserinic. scedeau urgentioarief te intendrog pany, Casr1bellril-Te h a eptain: terertateirirspiritual ransfor 852lirtbe barelo ray geastirar 2cd Lrenrt. Mattireo Beatty virre Artirur yocrs. rbry prcooted bior oitir an ara e prtad te hi detitue. ClarirJoecs, wcireretrres iroar tir aererrsrnd ape ora f 101.SpiiCoahrto iriifr 8190,.480.00 il cii igiron is prioce cf wboao torprinoueneCr. Slisersooif Foc tire gret Sasngrfeei coco a from 04.10 ta $15,0t0.00 dorn0 the cas ehet in Paris by vay cf rtakieties, SilirHet, Nobirv Tieedl'oliee,sand mentirof etSptoorber te loohy ticket ie orrta ood spio, a pair etfCroldeTanidi loves. snoibldaers ie tire Mentrosi Swepstaes, Tirr Dubrlir, FormasrJornal soir as Ter.r els-Cor. Kinandsorteac. Seod aedoller for atcrte ethe orbest cosrisWest Cirerand aoikt a e ther oetern districtsOfn Irrear iarr ts.. Hemilton. o0020,ntarp forepoa orresalsirselro, ccy fit for lister, ecieg te tsire oroos Sosoco D.Aorr. foire Pollori, of cir tira feil perticleos, teafi. ÉEa,.raOiso. Erqeesise, ucrcthero Trono Terra &e Ce-, Prilitarl, 80 St. CrOrge Sircot, Cotte Cor oworrirs. rird srodici'lest Metrecl. 2t iBORN. Main Street, MILTON. «70U will find yoîî have itarde a great iistitkc if y'ou do n îot eall on EarI & BaIly rainr get priceson01 FURNACE WORK, EAVETROUGHING, ROOFING, «ETC. Exprrierr ce ssrilrrdy entlrose trrtiesier tisno srior etr iaabe et gsercrrteeiog eferetr'rfretros iRICE'. AW AY DCIN. Opp. Banik of Hail~ton~. STRONS TALKI NOBOT)Y cari givu' yorr Iigger Irrrgainr ini Rgoois and. Shees THAN WE CAN. TIiB factti pretty sscI! krîown ail os-pr ite counitry. Nobody clin give yrotu STIAI & FUT BTS at prices wc are offéring them t,. Nobody can save youî more money on irTen Dollar pur- ohos thon we oaa, ai we just think we have a ljttlêiihe cheapest ail-round gênerai stock of goods yoîî have looked at, for a long ti. We don't care what it is you want we oan sove youmroney on it. ~EA~ & 00. No. 4 382080 St. Nrîrttr, Hou I.ARVEST t:I'si NEl r.j llIeap. e r Roena t f i, JOHN T. MOORE» «bL.=O«r Bastedo &C00. We are deterîined ta clear but Our wliole stock of Dress Sttiff ta inake room for FaIl and wirter Goodo, andr hrave miirked down the prices regardieso of coot. For a few days Bargains will be gaing. SEE THM PRICE3 } 5 20, 25,30c. goods Thos e aequring clîeap Dress Stuifés sîitable for Hloute or School Wearr ohoîîld flot mniss thio opportuîîity. A lut of Blk and Coin Lustre elliîîg at 10 & 12,'c. 17 -M 0 Ji p d ti v d