Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Sep 1891, p. 3

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* saway ahd De.%sI Gi East, SSware 1 Also the Toniest and Tastiest and, at the same time, Cheapest lot of Fine HARD AND SOFT FELT HATS ever offered in the County of Halton. C Il,.ii. alite senit forward a big drive in Flannelettles TfIIRTEEN YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR! GO TO LINDSAY'S FOR BARGAINS NEW: FALL D)RESSGOO0DS! Hollinrake & Son Have opened Up a splendid assortment of New Dress Goods. STYLES RIGHT! QUALITIES RIGHT! PRICES RIGHT! Before you purchase your next dress just into Hollinrake's Store and see if they haven't any Jless Guods to suit you, Twelve Thousand Samples from London, England. I hatve seclee t' lli e I ile 1 of Seîeteuiler thte ise of a couii1lete Set Of Sîcniples cf ii'0te111 froite îee11(. 0!ile t-ger bueii-s i thue eorît] Tlîuse are noce open for the in- qptetiOno <f '. ltele. celu t tgt lilee aie exu'eptiouîally large range cf Materials and Patteriisinl " e i 0rlers îîlaed ithî u i e l'or O ercoats'Suits, Troîsers ortir ]'iCny J (.cieO .eai lie eopleted in ablioît tiir, ty Sayc frýom date cf order. lýli&k and î1~.ln ien 'i Black andîti iele..eMuliii Black aned IniîeN;i1e' piloît cîntît Fancy Ooutliîg.. Ulstering Frît'!'. Box Clotb iiillDevonse. Yorkshtixe I Trm' 'in ni ,.' and S lit- ingsi Weset cf Eicglaîed Trotîseringo & Suitingaj Scotch anS Irishi Tweed TrollserlingOiand Suitings WooScd Black & Indigo Doekn Drab Kerseys Shepherdo Checks Drab Cords and Bedfords Black ans Indigo Diagonals Black and Indigo Sataras ancd Serges Superfinues and Venetianis Thi a a ee i rt ot cîeî1îoîu i It e r l'adtof paicje oore eMy ceotom'ccg miiiarn@à 0 yaaIirncsieaiettie eod i t ei greatly intiiebwi te thosoe miickIar.otm . DOTOflS ATTENTION-ii ,r. cavmere thic eme1c o WtMPe a terîiltforC, cIi d Carejage B mcd ii e icacelOnbbme c~mh~h~tpUeraaift T. G 40 N. *1e2 St Nutll, Haiilhon.ý i - -HENRIETTS-- he has sent toMilton. c HEÂD &; OQ~ t, "Ne e , '.~ 0 luma- m. AND RANGES ci iésenetc.u ~~~5* Iba o *a.QT..sam te ' anc ice nitndStWtnodpah t 00014O409 1 i ' W" b nimuln Ald,~ eaint. iensT S h On toma c OM aad l m . brotencf b Mi bMM zkSnday iser. 4. Wo l ieme ti Micthoascd . . a ty- it». iT@y Ci iSetiOt. liair, ~ H N . M O O R E et RPP ym<m bM on tb@ MMay fer burg, Wa b tgh8 ienpmc Aodet cfIbi ne.; K n o t ca o L ~ ~ ~ *~ h ag BI Ur iO n T ei fr i ie t1 th p ie of . R be it Ke o f.'I 1 T J' Oiay m~~16topgmuc a héni iVa...X bul B 2" ed. hi ho e lo tes con.,Ein.li qê~jlb~ abeo e Tasda, jlAi'. otêl ~ t j Pr nm 70cm Me. o b dv'î eanlth -Kri Wmt.. epils ab tnêes.Csg W- mim .J.pmmc . lo -Oueor adtepîmc yc e U ~ jg W- »et y«= in batw tarled 0*- htiY teatencon th bcdresetai tachoo lioet ofhiûr. ¶ I I ~ 1 kogt8V O-Rte t fOets Cimdst.c9ed xcusio, n.farcl îint pi intihi e eseofeM. RerKen.y ~ A O U U Fnrislng cd a l. er atysthem"bwu aitple d catch. - i Obe-et b oe,l.teÏ,dycoEiees cf R b," g th e n nibiblecor. Riecdly W îcl.. bo,,, eec...t , ~ i teieo Sjc colel e e,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J i eiton.PbOîe m itre yonathathe .G. L. 517Foro e carsM r.to Cunedv' a thhjO Mn. J . tils*iratece bsnactenad. Wveila e y pccd e isîote l *fallîci u, dlthcc lene ed le: FO te 1 h. o t lmf 1eîn ilg20 t h e oo c i.ecl o t ry oc fl atrsofta d seveoltl aî tti c c iiin000 I l c i mU Ftcc t h couteiblito c f en1 5 Shc nd Mr.0miliinacced ne ot 81 cou. 1, Eweqoe , hp o ia y B s o Cr"dgsd& h aif cStyed, ced hmîiccen cth. tisese fWliee M . e Kenecdy ca aim I~ S. S I CJameo Sced Whcaî an ý itsesA ND ti '4pI- I N.It ebai heîyain neressdbrto l nJoe 0 assepe, ce elee.~Th Emecon & ep c i. WR . Beu ril . . Lo 118clendvecamec e o dw bist e C's- .. B ..-. ic - drccc.m ...'d poeeble noticecet]di.alc htoeia ew ahe di, toMDuca acjcdvof ofede'cetheebot ocieomnmcraintj oaiigecforae etrriie t celr n or ehlesoc 20rc loi cc i C rtm r'5 sto e. pe fetou san eh et e e ad.oc H oO a rd y, s pl ce cn 18 et lice oui t hlea h ars f Snftii a e r o i or F î n i t r G o e n ofe ced c angctrtuontthee thor ked dow t ebuicldrginges f ett Mi1e Brcle ce wtiment ndeîi.soc rthe spies f fein ti b. youi ti %rn Châ ALL e aihec tfer li Ceeeî ie the Yoen cePeople ofeBstoefe rlc r , ., . e cedy moa c M . nmieyo e ay lî an wI e g i Reati aolen.miihoh Medc.ESeptn &1. EsqeeingMr.iW.ho.heil R. HoecolcPohrlyceaic e w Yicorke, ced Soedgelsfot p. eel e0. tce Gepigovo, 41 aec, oth eoest hipeareie ldeet cfd teWordc Gcd c lcedith e parb-able sibe Hieadsinkep;as o c jred m othc Y"hi'"'chaeeelr ectec oeu utotr ht otckoftrs nt antee. Terni ermet Mka alway on band Hardeup e th icefiity led hier tiftoiaeroifo aladwntrGo n Mi ey. a rLicmc eslTey, grALe Ei accpeIEd.-,slce. Pbleaton.To Mi.n hv &keldw hepie rgrlsso ot N. , Y, ee cL ice mcclfo laeteC M fet p eac . H i tid m , M i ierhe. aMu, pi csc' i a d a d herf m cd litte te r e n e o 5 0 5 & 2 the OUDPeope o Boson eeeyc, psramy r end asaubyr Fra e astranswl egi ors cfn Ir- Py orept ic ton GoipMeed, J. Sn lt7,ci ue iiito e sitet, acntntth f ri d ocdf ome St, P&Uscbl'cho, Hamiltonetaibath Rochmood, W. Sharp, piper, aed oh aDci, cbain.-Actee Froc Prees. serices lunt Seuday. iii tache pcrt. 0re. Mr. Mio iee ii MISTAcESce CauET.-Ai Gaheillo, Thosea iii-i hepDesStiiffos sitable for Honse F.ILL SeIomu mii ecCUceihon0. Gela& ocupy the chair. Chair tIciccetiip.m. OScterday, 22nd Acg., toforo Meîaro, or SCIoo 1Wea, s ôid nt iSStliiS opportanity. bax cf leite 0cIrlon ced have yourToc sorcod iroso Site S. AdmssiîionC. Reynpolds ccd Youeg, J. Ps, mci board liarnerie oumouigwl-lb0 cleaanot Piceceds in &id of mseefond.u. anauinfomation lid by Heery Carriquer., A lot of Blkz and Col'd Lustres selling, at 10 & 12!,c. herceose dreieg ycuecao, coi-W. H. Fo lihe great saegoilcut t wa aicrmo, chargieg S. A. Bowmme, J.P., Maccah , Mibae, agent for Oetario, 2t Stylisih Hai. Nobhy riend<Coller, ccd Mr . ' Peejad r. e e à Gecce TeeeecîeeN....Oe Tcenday of c pair of Golden Tac Kid Gioec, succî reece wilh ceespirccy 10 o trloît i 'ltd e Mus Wle iece, ith as TaBEseIl-Cor. King ccd James nee'nwih cageoStdcn meuhrnia eor.ciebedt& M. tsHamlto. aeot laid hy Mjcs Lamrence ugaicisee, - - I Tt c. SN.j Scort ero, 1tiresha MSteoaltn.J. H. Cariqor, dcctiet,eso cff ileMite t I T N W. . Sett, Nlic, 1891 hihel cf COLT KiLLD.-Oc icemdav ittcrcicg lpitiff. W' ccipi the folloiemig leoci_________________________________ mitout, harle3 aed catsin je Ire irs. lest Mr. Wei. Pitiiochi iccree fol 01ocut l tap eeruet ct h CeFP iturSucUsbeiil, Wateroproocfcf their pastore field on titc terra cotte " H. iiaeciqîc, lte picicijif, %alca ut 01' l, li l11 iIeiii ra citk fyu Cosic, fHcte, Cape, Usdormeur ccd fatinceddumadîtheir ya&roend hy iii penne cailed.le l j edcl %i- O1,aemdeaîî iiitle fyud Shirtout Toci.r,Cor. King & Jumes Sutobo'Holiowtte Meuers. Robrtson & cececand for aot tmo iteore octertujo icot cil] on FEar]S-Bal1' tand ,,et prices on Ste., Hamitoe. Co's lime iles, mliere oueocfthic gaese fi lte court citithe fu particciersocf MR ONSOTlecdiig sader lice C. P. HR . T Ii ieuran d igciii e iedoc r"'INN,7 Me.Joe S oor f Naagcmcya, tMI.e e h rah Ameope i ci edo ift0ocrecc.cceotich FURNACE W RK bbgit inaipecimounof a cepotat euc net te t Adoms truie ccc tict on 7doî itiî, the duy of t l web mhiehh railrcmuou fihenhie andmcudbiiiodccry vini. cieged saulî, Mic PetriLawrene cente ofa ptainwu gownon te &bs flly. mci ashy St. Lawrecce and Mise Lacreccc moiti te lii place ooneteotite teck, other pteteci ccd lue same dam ai thicWallace coite ued Raid ihat bisison,. J. H. Ccrriqcc A ET O J TH N T Ii oflice caine stock. t ht oeslfrbiiguîe. bcd ieeoitcd Miss Lawrece ceai the E V T O G I baic lie bttes lbt mm acd fr . SicteeMile croe one that duy hy Seen WHEua.-Mr. William Teck, ofCi NMXSII Gi frD-tui;giPoe agae i o Nelson,hbna htpoedil 1 tsiclu mect the Detroit Inertionital Fair andEx.cloed teulte ipot amddi titheholuirROOFING, ETC. bocaiToronMi.BAedremauilfoti#bai5aie edieeicp hiegceandhidle dantk h il bace. r Tom neodeecc litcî âsiia Pospeition, Cadinseptkth Te ry todtim lcriqce) lielcd batter iccpeietctie aacr,.i i dyinthlceiîaetîctîi esîîcrentiercers apahle beau c ppngaPortioe cf i eat asasceal. teSoethdncrei, Meeurs. Jolie ertîle il. Tien duye altermurds Peter ot ccui' eicco,,to 1.' ti ' 11 t) elTrotoiee tisi Jackeoe b Son, of Abiegdoc. Oet., Lcmeoecc canam abuant Ien c cc t aatigpret-ifato.PIE1 NA tîTiret eoeec.taretheilest]with unio trituandltour eight and ueid Ibat if he baidîteard HoisqTEcecoBeton. oeil attentioe te seonudt. T. C. DoogiaofOilactbout the affaîr bafote he mncid baccýdeI.~ 2 r i ., fGofgtled .1. H. Coreiqir e reied caîd asece tirfec liai ice tur iît peei e lbbcicccneoiruand fnourcouds.lumoitcrcc to ettstlce. Cerriîieýoctcd c îpiccdd n cc'stoch of Mcci' ccd Boys' le Coiemoide, jcs.Maio, cf Mliton, cote lînc lieC cold 'etiicand l ccc init tu 01eBank Of I1tinilton. Ovecoas necîd SUite-lb0 ntbailcd amayith tein icsaed rcvecotedes. 50welc filiit,hobut wtitc.eallilie - laîgeet stnckh e ilbicg îctome. Ccli H. Ceamford i4 Sous, Ccetorogh, ge os tn B niî'oae cdHicc Locrecc ced soc thc coolserlacincd gt fittedtleb alace, thîcoacoue.teShnp Beppcc te holce aIuicumwencime ccl hrc. eiies, W. H. Boattie, Witoe Orocc. Titis blititt the lcIncter cndle CURer Exceceîo. Tu>e C. P. IR. rau tcpste ijt citi, Ibico finIe aaidtdlure routhat IMiss Lawrenco ebacceut a chlî crion front, Torcnteto seconds. Tacc'ell Hcotor get irâtsceBemm'ue and liditaocmpliit. Detroit Pair ccd reltrnon ee cdcy eon!Dorsethoecedram. tlllimcc idiia J. P. rihmcttoidiidT O S TL iael lihrî gol lii ic th larefuie f ycti muet cSibatoard go te Jas. as hie uCrrique)mai rjch lhe moiid coi bain0t euly $1. The rush mai5no great A. Frasores. mises $10 ni 8150, cedlice dreudaeite mreentfou mcii off. Witeeeea fer tchetsinjeToroctc ihci tule coin. TcceîiN eeo.t!n -.A ceryccerionsu'et Morecdcc ittc bv e iicy bd t dot cilili ichie. accident eccurred te Me. Gao. Kitohieg, uaIbhe piecipai points. Coltumbuse AuueIOcr.-On ocdey ludtte Naecagcmeya, ce Tocidfe lrrocce, Carrique, NrCiI J. Campbell and R. L. Youeg lads CochraerneandSiribbal mbich iî mii iaccitute bisefrom ork Cc hcts viil noe o f flit e dfec'dcceNBOX iigi .vc ligrbagio mrecrrcignel baeloteHia HoecrJudgeolfca eocg limte, if neeîpermcaeeîiyt somte inie" O O Y gv ( ilIe agiqi Miler for teliîng itfr eoite C.P.u., erippie lim. Thce voecg manen esr. Jodcmcci mac ivonSaierday icoc te midi charge tiîry î,irdod guiity lieu mac eegagod chboteatlîrccbicg diemiaiig te chcrge aguiosi cil de. ccd more aiioc'rd ten go on secpeîded machinecoe iti ftbere flacm. chen fendants. ulule littleto fct crotece. oe of the large toits brohe, clrikicg cempiicoti:idiccolisfird eciit lte~ Wecc yoîî come t le eie uoogolrtion, o terrible hito onte choider, înugi4rcte'e docisîco lie eue coter i tuto <s a n d Ni e oeiau d cedec TReBLESon irta, Celeces, diaocatiig il and hreahieg liii colac 'rooogtttconce jrcîenooe oîtheocci t Coffe, Ncby Ticn ccd Stylijli Heus, bacce. A medici sman mues tonoce court ati ingistrue are baold te cor. Kingcand James Ste., Hacmiton. aemmoned aed ttoudici le the iclor. accep le iceto. NMr. Corrîque rtret A Geen Peeze. Mesa. Dtioj& e, aud Mc.-ltitchiung 'cdoiuc ai ai l thie recegcieàeoc, ceotai the tmalter McCulliougb, 12Jamtes St.,lifaroilliti, ascalccho cupected. Hia meey fricuds il dihe laid el icre thicgrandl jrt'. Ve areogicigcaladie' oldmeateltoaieed inctle citycwii becBrrtoheuareofihis balioce Me. lioc'tmac lîtote Sud et $40,as c pîioc torithe oct Ici, et mifortocc, as ho ic n eery pepelci mcgiutrae whtîlitad acethtng le do -MisWeS' and <.1hltrns' buttee coulaieieg 5R Iba. ci Ocr coeiil>yeong smaeamocif cil his ceqoiel. mith lice case, thoe thc Oahciilr mnagie. cho,babhehld hbr n e Stliîandac0e.-Morcuoy. trate uabnd incî, heu N.J. Camp. Sîhiof Ocicbar, the donrs tu ercoce Do,,'coyaneGeercoct or Soit cctlibal, oetNerson, ohaltret thbeciccel the butter. yoae ereu e e ploedid nec stocks et justice, aod flitec abce jodgcîcc bale Tasipublic school penaoneMouday nec' bie0 chou e Hstreet Brea'. licouenl e renlt p te te preacîitî leut, The ýld cleffcf tesccolvecc Ail nec' gotods, ties ycr's manufactue, fimre. baun eegagedilh filie eception of baeIgbt 1er cash ccd ciii be oofilte Misen Harrisoe, ho je cttoiditg te cory lomesi casicpriccai. BI0OR . Normai Sccel ; Mini S. Heedersen Eîa.Ccnic LiGoo.-AI a ipocialI bcetCne. lic Atm. e7, lice mite ni Mc. iliie" luachlnier place. Mi. Miller ha, ing oiflice tome conoiu Moduy W. J. Cocît, Trafalgcr,, efa sn banci egaged tote abonrge cf Mr, evenief thc reprtof lice commitc ou01 SCOT c.-Oc Sept. 2, flite ie ni Mr. J., Gravu rololdiiiieg the nmodal torse. fire.cnd ligici mac cdoîted , Wmh B . Scott,,Milton, cf a son.THAN IE CA . If 70e wat etcep ied if Feriiiîne demod il adcjuabie 'bt itbc tomaE CA go te Jas, A. Ficcece, sahecid baieighted miti. leti igicD OIE D. PeieSiD.-Ocorgiea Youga papil iand recomeceded Ibat lice Bail Eien LILeon.Sci. ddeuiy, El mcctned. Mis JeuiePatiso, Mlta ad K te tie Liit Compny,mlie arelpreoent Aug. i'ci, uicuo.-io luco, Cnedtic- Thtis fart îî prett ciel]linoiin Il over die country. Shields, ac plolif Mr, J. H. Bradley, pttegiteftuteseteiigbtthenstores toc Lawrience, O. T. R., Mr. Dacid il, eten, ave .eepe.~ed y andm dmelliegs jn the tome, ergot ime Litlijohe, cged 75 years ccd eîgiît Ed, elsonDeae e sit ythe bn~ igicte as ctest ef th.eir capacity, eW moiîlio. ______ lied 470 Imarktbandccthetlatterid4e.othaccDxLoeo.-Ou Aog. 24, Elie DeLoDg, ma ucdIo abo te nimber of iighte lbcl meeuid bae cgod 4S 3'ccrs, eldeet daîgicter of mroe etthe recet H. S.o117ncemit posiiofte co:Pacy is 10 lbPrigehlerMaeti'oNoliody' 'ln give yon hotu Milcon. 15 een& per liiht fer 2W0 nighte, ltaI CosuaBri-t 010,480.00 iii bie gvn i prises of eust of SM00per yecr; or as mue7 Moro -The Toronto Aidstrl F air IVÏÏli it froco 84.50 te 015,000.00 dirisg tle igbte sa May lbereqeirseicitlice seine Opes Ia àFete 8>57e month of Soptember te incby tiobrt pnieu. In place et 10 ighte, i ill telle 'Fiic 'rettatcnal di il ibi hteen heldersinte . ostreai Smeepstakoes, at local i5or more te lighIt the toma miticl, i cii en acoutrnotoToce. dc. Somd a doUcarfor a tiebret. ez c le pioperty. 0e Tcsdy the foyer osnlice day, Septi. 8Sîli jelcountîert 10 ta S T i Al & F U T K A T S or Se. stamp tor open or aealed circlaire, aeteooigi question gel gohigic thai ss aife l ite piedoeiesosauthie upace mit the tic il paiteelarsteD. REosau c u e oe oeol Sa iem everp baildieg on the grocede icce oeeeeabee pced che eni elc A; Co., Priners, 80 Stc George Street, zM"«=iee deawmebhe tc.Mayor) 10 stock sud areuleraiproet r a Montral. lt20 tie myor te MU a epotaimeegbinineceo f preio earein, Alon tLccOaâ Cooa.-.On Satcday fatccl" M i Ibmhereport adopbd at thelliaet fexcelAletattrcotioshave =bacc at prices mie are Offrfigortng ene at. WaakTboons gbom bld Wn= analiggon, ondy a-ng.Theprovistmd tor ,îer d o tfa iriand mac flsma WamlnbadWIliamifb*5Ice cndy amcm. ~ as the Isarvellt bas y aa;.bec. oued1 v TC. capablei ROPER. OVES VAY, FR S alton WER etI. ,' t Chamtîr tend o rauea I ILTON.

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