Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1891, p. 2

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THE CHAMWPIONW MILTON, JUNE 11,l.1801- ton aie uiseg - - --laft gltir homå PsTUE future leader of the Conservativo came ont home psty has not yet been chosea or callind and s811o48b14 1- seMer opcn to found àa inistry and it in hard *eaead tsn•* ea yytmadanele hi to say who be will be. Sir Charleeforests yean aàe»d"Y deorom & tén"taebMto ann soa..reth as they bow h adstothe laut Topper, who at drit wasgreatly favor. 1-ndptotEir Sbi 6 hee1 s g h j sd by Ontario Conservatives, seems taoOne of theseU& m "Dn' meýe w S ilk s."*" fleN E 9E hie out of the race and Sir John ThomP- Camspbtel, wh _'iedgàhipreise inseto o setatachDldre Bon appoeasto be the favore.Thle'ence on lot 8 Mntä6hcooeino betweenMetht aforteau years of ve L anti .tomanlist wiDg of the party, how- h am C MUWS O ha biieaol ai ever, lm strongly oppe to him, 'l'hc ,,town'lpu thratit Lin the duty of thé Globe says that ou secout of thin"Mr. Ca abellwas born on thre 15thtrustees to enforce the law. There MNFdOY ehv uteevdfo atfcirri nln anfcn o fNwFn Seenator Abbo il im t w pi e al aacc Ma.ptm. a an ofa MaPer,. binnoacimBradalbane,,tir jPerth.av jbeinge no f crimmanfacurbrinmegls, theagifjurtLotyf ENGALINEB SIIKIF S comapromise, andi according to the glhire, Scto nd, and ln 1887, in cour examiined the gaol and made thre foi.a IT E T e ad ..1 of Black and White ýStriIpedSik World, D AltouNeMCarthy will takre a pany with hiu brother Archibald, hie lowig 5 Kmng reet EstI, e same price 50etFITYe NT,>li yrd -;l I( hand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ln inacabnet mking adeMr.Mere rPBEsETMENTworth double the smoniey.A lot of Plain Bengalinies at 90 centBsÍryrl ndaseill dith, leader of thre Opposition in the piain f a pioneer'slife inorderto TofiH Honr J.;e piller, ie int therd Jnune reti otot Ontario Legislature, will figure in a =oba acomfortable home and com-. T- a. M 7L T 0 T. vileuplendid quality, at 75ù and 85o per yard. Alonîgewith this special aauatrrsltoro proinent position in the iew Govern, eeneforhis family graniter than ho We, your grand Jury.beg o ot lese g ment. =~~~oposibly acquire in hie native we, have carefully, examirel]nsdbgt eoti acdne thet!stock of Bl"k and Colored Silks Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Fylces PEOPIE Who haveenundmer thre ima-lu tre samne year 'ho married Catha,. we o everyti nga parently i pressionthathehmes-roundng rin; egg,¿h;g re e woud recommend thata suitable sHtaA E W LLCfEN EOfT U S AY M R now in course of erection a little West a atherehe pntthe remaid neotisadgflage purchased for the use of the T IS-A E IL CO M N E N RSD op INGj of thre C. P'. R. buildings ie intendedl fori life and finaliy died. moailoue-e ode this very necessary under existing circumstances, a poultryhbouse, will be rejoiced to hear The country then WaS very sparsely we allude to the deathi of our huood LADI17S, do not fail to take advantage of this big sale of Silks. Remiembjler thle goods ar lif that it is the long-exp>ected new station. settled. A aimall cllearing here and chieftain, the Premier of the Dominion . -Jtared[ Aste asegr rffcislrgrheethere in the dense wilderness showed--ndhecnycocil heavsd r-the mnakes and are very attractive. O tha atanyothr C P.R. taton e-the irt efforts of the hardy detter- accordingly ; we agree withl your hornore tha utan oteC. . . saton cMr. Campbell and is wife were typical in thextne and maintenance of -- > ei y asa eat a rbu e iti Ymi eor .iggf .sandw uu A. MURRAY & CO., 21, 23 and 25 King StretE think that the Company s.houh lipt aup little clearing gradually widened ilthie eniforcemnent of t.he new Trae e ast a larger building, one large! enough to broad: fields titi homeiteads suchl as we Act. accommnodate the travellinl, Public- hee mirantandHENavCaWlloN, The Company, however, will generoue is wife, by energy and thrift, and Foremuan, ly allow all who can, pack inlto the, little assisted by their sono and danghiters as ou behalf of flhe Grand Jury .__""•• coop to doe) so, whiIle those whio can't they grew up, broughit his farin to itd And-'also the followýiing rsouio-f! Bill e Sli t4 are jnst- will l>m free to stand ouitsiJ, al e pe ltsau felle andtoin on ,dolence:- a ahoti see hsEA&V ETRmO'UOIEN G T& FUENA.tCES To the F arm ers ofH l n thauk their stars that they cau inhale ters. Two of the Bons and one daughiter T"e, 'il, k" i ", " th, J"" aonoiic 350 50 the pureand invgoratin air ofMiltonbave died, and of thre otherw two are - - - without monenv and 'without price. rhe still on the ohld homestead. 1 The grand ury think this a fititnS7.00, $8.50 and $10.00. laeW .Vnebltsi oeyasThe deceased gentlemen attainedl the opportnuity to allude to thre great loss in Fuirnieeis and Stoves wve represent the best muakes ini am pi-epared t) u nili w' ago, in discussing ]his raila , n teripe old age of88 Yuser, and to the last hich threcountry ha usta ned tl C01da, ofEavetoughin, We Iake it)n Iiå8 ft. engths public, " The public hew ." The dtalatr hiuhdie a vist away Macdonald, Premier of C anada, aud to having the onily 8 ft. brake lin the C:olunty. We can] give you T HE C. Pl. R. V'an lhassaid inothing of thre go pleasant and eujoyable. 6wH pess oirapre atoCaof dla lOre dlirRhle job for less nllney than Voun lg et, elge- kind yet, but lhe sesto thinklirhatides a yman of sterling oprightnsaseriishEpiasredridtandaa ng awl where InRlulrgodWeae wa. nd lu pivate tlifebore an irreproach' teentullicmcreer.tn, -ln M A S S EYiiiiirgodsw hv an i ienfoetsHi,,egndl 1 s T isim Na ta wlma101?polh&al frieid (I[$1yt[ce lreai m Freezers, M I k Ca ns, 'lbaeoarat trial emledun 1ueJaucnversation alenijoymnent of a joke iand focena:maywll nite nin hearf with a 'erdict of "".ot guiilty · in favor made im a mnost agreembleand .eLtr.' tribuLte iothe enuent abilit vmni l- FLY TRAPSIIONEY EN TACTORS, ETC of the defeudanýta of the charge- of libefl taining coiupanon and ec red----r i.iii rought against them b ly sir Williani tuchLbr l ut sýti l eer ave C nda neet awy h w y-- Gordona Cummmjig, again.st whomn Lord offence to political opp onents, tho.ugli the decease sa.Thmne Chief Justice Coleridge charged strou wrl ahrn o i w ies e orowsh wn lby ai cl sessIn 13y. Sir Williami's counmel, Sir Edward was a Pre.,byteriaiin inreligion and was apbiansoalcrctrwilOne (door west of Town Hall. I I D Clark, Solicito)r-General, declar'ed il, a 1a Gu a eelhaenerdSrJhnt i elw Silge as d is addregssthat is client vwas beùiing W.a "lrrtgr ic h . - countrym'en, andoitsi mnlory,ev . muacrificed to save fthe repuitation of the. tlaf escherished by vthem iaie e ire he U lI Wle a H d fiua-y Flannels, à b T H E-- Prizae ofWale, an at he ,ed 1of tio 5 fyearsdago.lhas built ,il this continenit, will b1 >,l H lDs trial the crowd outsiide showed sym- Hlis funerl to the burying groundi of IIittest moDNmment. pathy with thre laintifhyce rigte chnirch at Caml>tellville was the NYWLo,.-U Se oi-.M S E himr as he entered his cari eto -trvelares ver ennl tenihoromoeman, pri I $4 cea, fnr S -friend.4suait acquainitances, from far and ou behalf ofthGrn Jr away, whilethre defendantswere allow.) near turnmngout ninlarge numbers to 1C. 10 $4 ; Coate and juy, he. eil to depart it. silence. The tTee f' ay this ]ast tribute of respect to one The wer, wth te1peit uryth. tir vrict lt ir i u cl1 mth own full of years to fils grave, and except thre aturalization of MIr. Rle r iyou Had refntCEINS Helsalrg ca er lb.' c was oe of Ilfine class of old u'eu who a4 a British bubjnect. andcomplete stock of New Goods. Thre MasRsey Rakie, Toronhe, Mowerl' uneh'y, D 1 l Prince of W'ales with the scandal and m;ltonl,3rJue18. -C Fanning Mills, Hfay ForkadCrcmltW innPw. the fact that it camne out in evidence . . ,ARM 7/DNeHar ws, pig ooh livtos,&c that thre gamblingoutfit usedi in thre I111 1,1,. The first schedluled gamle of thte -ce;I.(Burk A e Paleing Mc81 n.Mnarc-Ch gamle belonged to hlim, %wil[, it i4 to be tral district of the C. L. A. was playt. i ST E EL CUIT NA L S CA R A T ONLY $2.50 A KEG• Theabillea es mit feared, greatly damnago him i i.the vst t o ise on the Exhibition Grounids, Tronto LO D. 12eFarmers will do wl to cutallm mn a 1 slo enot intend to cau- estimation of many .f his luo.pective Mrs. Chas. itringfcllowv, of Kerr, is on1 Saturday afternoon, before a largteitoryiersn y la ilb om t¾mn n ortja subject. spending a few days at the residence of crowd of enthusiastic spectators, eponOfie Dr DngasEn a lrier father,John FIS au andJ. F. n tbe 01 mpicm of -Milton amIthNEW + HARV F2T --TOOLS F71 N L A Y CH ISH OLM , MI1LTO N. BRNToi, un th--heNigaaRichardson, lay delegatending St. teams lined upl before M r. C. E. BOyatplle to suit the times. Conference opened a t 9.30 a. mn. with synod meeting at Hamilton. a follows :- miaeo ats er A serions Case of illess is; repolted Athletics. Olympics. MenI's tainan ottatos l kiiih n and approved. The Rev. Geo. Dong.- fro0M Cumnruinsville and our local ThosSan......Goal. ...... J. Hiannant CO* 1 lose qo ( in1t1otrcorbacs1th(n las L ..,teveeabepinialo octor ls in attendance. F. Dougherty ..... Point ....... C. Burrows ' 4 u'l"ng. theis WL tesleanTh egical ollge J. Naisbitt, Jr., lhas been laid up with W.S.A.Hatle.Cover P't. MEMicel i a v } gpalle r n e a'I Montreal, with enfeled seasnd'nattack of la grippe during the past D.S. H1artley... ( ........ .Ford . B.CL gMENT Se edt the platform and receiveilda'uovato eek u snwcnaecn. A.E.Belry..... Dfece......J.LiDwar Deh is de oirt Mnltnn. from thre conferenice. Al ter reference: The Halton Sunday SchoolTeachers. R.M. Todd...it ....Dwa ea'1lok itn to the work of thre college uuder his| Association will convenu in the Presy T. McIlray ........ Centre .... 0. Modelaind care hie proceeded to pay tribute to the terian Church, Kilbride, on Wednesday, '.L.Jasoe.. omne i...E isn- - --- memory of the lte Premier of the Do- June 17thi. An excllent programme Field.l......RMaine. Uwl idyuhv ae etmsaei ud mimlon. Continuing, hie said :1 look bacenpeae for te occasion and at thregreat providence which hlas comea.aacordial invitation to atter.d iexnd H.W. Martin.Outside Home.....M.Brush nolut eall i arl& Bally and get prices on to ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e hinainithdetofteRg t e oaillinterested in eundytScoolG. Andersonu...Insidé Home..D. Statham i Hion. Sir John Macdonald. I differed· work. Ca..edl.Cpa.Jri ea fromi hiim ou many questions. Hil. The district picnlic of thre S. of T. Umupires-Thos. Boyd, John LeGrue.1 FURNACE W ORK, NOBOn)Y cl n nlaga l genius was great, las ability Inques-:11wibe fheld on thre 26th inst, in Mle. The gamne was opened by Modeland ti.od, and hlis latriotismii, as hiecon-; Cartney's G rove, niear Boyne. Ap this drawing the ball at thre face off, when ceivearit, vas untdoi ted. Bu if h isl the first picuic undler thre auspices of it travelled down to theAthletic.' flags, E AV TROUG EING, 1 lerli ru-ha h(elmt lethre district divison, the committee is but was quickly returned by W. Hlart. cald oth ea f h Gvrnetputting forth every effort to makle ita ley, who throughiout thre whole match > h c of this country a man, of Northi of success, and a good time is anlticipated. played well. This was thre longest R IF N ,E C Ireland Methodist parents, who at one Amnong othier attractions, Dr. Potts, of game Of the match, as Weil as being ROOFINGiETC time taughitim a Methodist Sunday Toronto, will deliver an address, and the most closely contestedl, the defenCe School, but who under peculiar social the Milton band ls also expected to bie ofbothoteamis playing a strong gamne. It wlpy o oia Epreiesitaerfi ad nteeprtclrfnsre ru aal circumustances forsook the faith of his present. After som e nt asing by the A th- til Expelriti e)1IýYo u rece and a caresfulctudy. thes artcuar linsrne u aal teu a nt iu hie ato chof W. Gastle has returned home after a letica' home An=eSscored inel noHan21 t a fgaatengpretstsaton RCSAA ON ofethe exdtre imsctionotha hrche six mionths' sojourn in the Ambitious minutes. Boys, Cloth nil1 at ouir iManni- maoe eat with the Josuitsandrsent Canda BusineshsCblee.atte g£1espressated tletc ao ittl hrt factory. flegeous and hoisoppoed intoiheli. successful in passing allhis examin. and stayed on tir checks more close. and seeks to impose outta etr a u congratulations. gamre. After 11 minutes gamne was Province a system of Separate Schools;. The repaIrupnoridwaescred by. Man;t. u s a The lnie-¯ if what I hlear be true we munit protest cetaramlete dian it will then )pre. raised is ad;bt nsoeo h ; &A well as pray. I .lok upon this pou- rntmoe respectable appearance. Athletics rushing in and protestting, hol-! il pponmn ihgetdsuy, The fot.bridge and steps have both changed him decision and refused to (Applause.) " oi am ot a party man. ,beton onadreconstructed, after it. Thre refereesremoved hin buit SIP I have struck right and left am yon while thre sidewalk in the hollow lias refusedt.to allow the gamle. Play%,wamsI L N E Y - kno an shll ontnueto dloso.It been transferred to the opposite side of agamn commtienced und after 15min is time for us who are but partLy man thre street, thua giving passers.by a play the Athletics scoredl their se tol lift nyl'ourl voice andl protest against better view Of the ex.mayor's residence. gamne. the Governmnent of this country being Althoughi this is a 'purty' good change, The third gamne was takcen hrý the --ýD P R M N passed into thre hands of such a maen., it does not apparently meet the ap- Athletics in 12 minutLes ; thre fourth by T A E C N (Reiewed applause.) prova.1 of all, Our present mayor being E. Wilson in thre samie time, and thre i· h T H A N W E C A N .elaiesofliito, udi __ __ very indignant over it, - a ebas now fifth by thre Athletics in 11linnte. epreaedb aesOIalodin One Melntih Moie. t traverse the mnuddy street to and During thie whole match the lacrossIe.. from the business alreadiy done, notwithstanding the Th ulihr teDmiin11f rovehs ie t bo easpmaa ide p ayed was good. Thre Athletics Fseem. Our store is ihie righit backward weather, and we are bouind to make it a Tl ustrated anoncethreeiptiof a ipvilaeantheignied tep ceof otm e hanelghtly stronger in te centre place, on the righit street, and huge success by keeping it This fact is pretty Weil kniown iailQover'LditCo:0 very large number of answers in the Constable can again lbe heard on his 1ows ed r an t e oms ehav F d} t i h uniquerand valuable prizecompetit On nturnial a derings; but the man a ch o h b nndne bçusineus righ oods to do the -Filled with the Choicest Goods-- of the present year, and wh ntil idewalkin going the roqndèto performil as the teau eheed o re n; n ,ciin h oki tt etc th l o thnew p reenirwl sithe duties pertainling to his -e. finding thaam do b t la aanon an exec tite work ithe besityrcitystye. tvr the time for any who have a desire to T HE A RT EXHIBITION. a well. be refemn aces]v me a mc ea hn iyprcs aop t i n a tirte necessa yinform _... towards the Olympic@ throughout the---No dycngvyobth tak adant ofth on an The Singer Manufact ' Co. havemtcir oedrn thatife couldgeait foire an aeffofotren et ww oeedout one of the gr i displyo themaodtofailit h a on oNowIst o frianeffr a ti oeo ie10of fancy needle-work at ther ofice moitad flà lled higmissionWeill bates agregatigoea ,0 in vane this town thaï; has eveir bemehown in whenever called on. W A L L PA PIER R T ina aetapltite SistoLtho. Pub,2te this country. Mr. J. K. Hlt, of New The Athleties fournd a dresing roomu oo. Mnteal, the ubis ihers,&forb. York, in here and wil libe pleased to in one of the horne stalle for the Olym. Coamleoyand fe ullrielafr sow mr ave sonsfr e u vr r unit ethAywent taochange and CU R T MTN S bae beoe andightl advrtulrridevr n.Eer y Ow lades coha e tn defence nd rilsand Sith $seyou money onit HEAD & CO.

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