o I f -- >0 ~> 0 -. >~> -Ml» - .11.> I - -iiand oc Lîfe elwly But Surely < E Rbing Away. THE PIIWMIER>S CAREER. la 19088Ola-1Till0là-« 1-t-0M-'--0à- SDAY T11R I.0. til I(\, ilst 800000001.#Ua Ja. l heo poo..01alunissai Wh~1. 0l>obanbd40 00>0>0, t.s b-li K.Mganta0o.i. ooxpectoog t1<4 0000000 b.M Mislièglu 0 10.01h o>01 0,10 10.04 ing Streetl lmmil rb bs rO&M eh, &bd Sûr joli <4. il00, hav Ji. lin, m'Tt the U0O,. 110 100.01h - >0> bo Oo 1.à but t 10 -'l18 1-",6" Oh laol ho-OOb 0.u,.... Im0. ,,,:gd La a lie -- . , - îoit Th OR rniers of 1 I r-a."luIK ... h un * f.-eo Co.l08 . . If, 1b . h l -.i 1Mi Uddm. .10> t1ou b,, llbo III 010... e. A 1.10> g- .....#tu M,. F-Ill,, oh-ored olnd . 1,4 li Mr. l, ho-Il l,il. t pO0>tu1 hlo.~0îoo , , . j itl, . il < oootmtfrî.Li.l- , o,..Il i-. b, . oC. - (opp..Theo.--'t th ,o.bo.wdb0 oo>.0u iOtto ý- boOM. Mohl*o .h b % o t.hi.0 . 1,- f.11 l.,-.oo uil mm00 hi1 0.o10iroto..î ,.lu , ,,ost Aldly %" (>00 Sf t . -rum11.. bd *.0 'm" snio000.is' l> tob 0, front000 n>o1 i0 b 1,th tag-p0000000010 'ohobl oonîgssM î, >Çooll . t -rant "4-t 0805>0<01 Tl., h.ooîolirt b011,0»> in ibis1une1.ngb,..sol 000100b.«. THE-- mn 11 'wdY .tn -----------------------lo1,, I l tlisi ons I0.. l'oo. . IM (10>05.,îOo..0.OlAt 010001*n g u<o ,,,., ... >010> Yodi. lviii ~ e*"t Wo,0O,opptl f. th.bouto m'O 1 ý,Il hona0latin-.NLt lbhe>"d but p>t>bo i1,, lWilkns,'o lu 1 ,01 40th Woo.ait he où>1 M t £000 bo. o 180 dohol. o th...00 a, 1 d not nWad 010it,-.. gbul.00f0gond 'r, hu-it0 0 dm ,îooOî.LhaoOO nielis f . iell 000-le fu -Oho o i> doooîitlaye».d. *. a-<0 hooî >00 8, H 0 OL MMILT 1 0il. ,- h folIe, 008na00o - ..1ooo8oooool-sud auoooodit m0.0000frelooj.0 and00 larty. o-o..,h1, oL1sto the h1'É-.0.nthissiasui .00.si (.-hh>0ioo,.girï01 lhr.of 9o0. t., t. Mko 00 m t h oîîo oh. b ...>oo0 là the pibiri, 1th, p-00o Ç0 F,- o 1 S lJ -îM.01-o0 ý,ýotSoiu spr-l.o.but ho.oooob ..lostOt ,o-o.-o -go.î>Iol .pi., 1.il a lO10101t the utl was surro, ,ooode ..ît*1010<1>00 o,) yîoopooti 000 f...oT. salyî..>t. in.fo nt ld p 1I lut. thoe 1>10.0 000>. >lut. 0000001 luberooand ioo, th I. . t00 0glt.01oo . . . . . . bo01o..o -I. o.»bloo, 1 lus id-. 010 l1h Th,, 0 lls. oro . bas , > ~~ ,,u l Sue ~~~bd tu h ho.>l,. o-o.iOo>1 pl..o<ofo>1.lI-OOl ILIV ,00010> ------IOVL*1, oy h,- 4'lbloot fioni th o, -lo-015,,.1 Mlii>ohoooOa-oin - - Ii. >oog.0 ,dl01o..o 1 - S00 thoe ..o. bolsouk b lto o.s îîîl I holdeil2t.t., ,îî Mr. Mo, 1 lite o.oooof i r lnt iroJohn Ibotol .";t du..0,00th. é.-o0 Ooido MroFont bltadyiog lOOOo>-, .bohairood 1*1,0 S000 10r ooon h , 1 b.>i ýhsele ,I . for 4 n0 oàeut8 Ait ilititat 1 - .d theo0llo00li-0000letuA IP PmY >,,î8, H0-i-100<0,0. oe0i Theure erl il, -f n.orrow on>00 .,od bis .oI.- oI- oh.004and 0. 1, l "heoti, ld oh-e.... ltollogot ili,0.o-o..h aget e, tIi i .. 10>O Il, og 8.»1o hoooo>. oollu HAN WE CAN. ,M,. Bs.lrHo- %h,0l.,t i.uI o I, las£,00 da;wo Oh,- i>ooOo 1.bai o> j i Mt .0-101dei;,0. 1hooothe pl.fuil î.,Omt o th. .t-ot0t th.tn- fi I ~ ~ ~ .,oe« oum ereit ine »0oth0.ob>1100tatthe F ;111 ()ve 1511el" lu1soi ba bJ ao. t. p . .Il 10, h-oino1 t118.. n tbo>oo. ,d nuldo00 .t hm.0gmt0,»n0, lnid 00>,'0,000do .,>1i* b'tMo Lobu îo. lb>.> 00,1. 40<4loi ~ otlî i toooo>1 hin.. O.> Spm.1.0> bis -id, 701<00* Il shi ..ood th. > oo0 of th 1 TolI he '.oloo oll, ut00-M h.i**oo la.irooh. nidp>->Ud 10008 ~wPl DoOoth.î "Iboolet ouleO0*0>. ..,acoooo0thon iti he 'fo0000.1 B.» Mc, sO.. *1>0r. Oho 0j0000 le>d . oýd81et oo 10091.00*0> hoP l R.,.> Sir0.tî.»or o ohio 1vJb. toni bntlu o-.4n870. a.od y k ut niso':.'tb Th .' <0. of .it Hi toEA D1 111 hdAe n ulanbuh"ri 8., dam Mà> 10uh » lO0a d ohdown mmm 08008 ratmoi 08P 4o.m~00h.1 lionoà0 b804 and »Uble =t M. *ý <4qho dam * .dnim s. b. dm - . nia, o8gi n.8dm .o.0o.o.1 Poniw led80au on 10<4d»-k 4 »M*O~ ~ ln ZW0 non.o.. ni. .olod m lW»d. IL< P>> . W 01.0 rame .1000lire. Mr. 08. f 1 poho Mm880 pra pngo.,cm & &«a u% à. Thi -hm. *0 s.IMW.h.hd "M Le lem te oUiqpM».IL janl8-tlb - Havor. A Mm 0v00"0bai in.thhduelt ns Worin 1114Ra H.l0oseloo* ',1n mdr.- M.40 à&~ l 050.. 04 8. ob " 01v tlhi aru.M -oet. h. onimun rhmb 8li0.vioo a; Um on o, I o10 s 1.110nota.is.<4 o M",11., 'i e ru" ts. .00.80v. 0m --à00t811wu». The 10050001.008.4 0 10, hm. fvl.04 m.d I.mey o 8<r Mm o* hvm08<4g 000 000<8bibl010a. mdetd linet &"ho ailletbqm" et my 1 mm Tb.> 8hm Of t008he blonwu..8 .sj OM eoîs n<4oo.8. bonnttein<4theprovi. 1 Au.. .8.8.. 0at1000 th.0" 8800dam .1.0 1 64 o0 onw deleilb PXMj04'1n lm 0<4 t*<81000,0.h0Mae0ormv.,olionanu 1o.80.' .ookt bamaolO,' 08I.01'oeil.td 0000001Hoqd<4L 80.u0 in an dutylitât te 04 1 1 r.0*8<.100a100-0<4 <in00,'gagner- &bddey.&W atmb let11 he00000 o(es.the hi Y.alea. oir b.. 4. o. &L'o 84 - ho 0, os. 8.. 1. bondarbm . tami u10opo18' hi- 0.1tut0101" Mr. Potem ot Stewart Sootwoo h., but0 1.>on" .00.0 ' Sir j.h..aien -,l i* g aIitl<40fo: 4» ta dWurthe 0.pui1.t Stewart- , Latin tâter, mli 1 i, 080th MoBiroCharesTupeooo 080 &r Joba bonos iot0,"y 0.,' .01it"d0.4 nIat0a>0" rm «4.id 0. <i...ne 0.04Chat0800mu"004<8fro.. 165a10>1ptati motet 080.00001 of 11.hi 8. klam"bnet o. o.' lit0- lm ow... 0000..tut.0SirJohn ModoMM th1 ola* oq.t." haut o àtoohof Wb" wu 0dngom04,' *18. -Ji TU..1boit Ir .oo .oniebu <1011, 5>1000 otlPo Iot 10, .<-o. Ho eo.o <4810s >114 oUhlo baie omap>1.for t08100... 7ov00er O0a0reliit0in1IboHoinof C0momnn ohm la m8u. o*U o lir. <4 alo0tra<4,. P.10o o in o.d., &md b0..,..ooo-oyotand0u0.>- 00u L ta1M. MMu1l wbu.80oo800the obJoo of 0< 10and 4 ou p0 ooobl.0 airJuba, 0100 b8inçm.<os. teElgh0ou..*ioooo w<4d>1 T8o.p@m wuw000 bloc08 hié.unie.08.. 004on. - 0e.,,8MrJon..«08.170-14.,' o*<81 d ne000 00<0180.4the Klo.toorof Jnoioo ta go.ta10 p 0000*0 .11* s.Ho... 4jood. W8h. e ou oooG.>o...oop o. a05>oin- 000 000005final, theSpemwl hair .tétât01igbt ha mot -Illich the Premier boit mode,<18 h Hâ ob for0thé W"thoo.g8s oo..0P.bo.TbomooIIu -_' 00 . ho>.t. 1,J. . 0 4 mi. &-é0 lIno.batheoPremier 001.010,0 oha o... 84lm - 8Bk Jeb. &tien"s.he E0000 o100l11of 01<81 &gain, in 0.ct 80 .iterwar40 -018.4 010 *ohi o40 n .88oMh i. malai 100 s.et- dovo .e te o*îiff'. A. oPremier. . 1-M.1 *lteo1 ud of 058001008the<tb*od Poolioe n Ibo.08 flp0o0.n. .i1d.Il07.nd Cabale, <. 1.04. s.hepro'mt A>1000Lt10*io 8.Ha.oood SiJo*-bs T -.oo.n.10>1 .1<8hâte,0W" " s. 80.*..Of Mr. Peter White & 8PemWsie md bien te0 0.<0.op t<4 portolo ati el .00810<15oom t I otour h.-oi theou. SOn tvov . .H .dt.wgU o- <05" o ebs «WPivYo. 0800000<0 H...1>108. a-dolro Pol-adooth.00.emiero.oUte .8. Boi îs. d <0. .80hi . biln n atmdbeso..010.. 40..lbo0o, *00th 4,'8... 0. hýýof h. . C 9 " rotsperk09 hed."TI ate or liit o-n. . »v« <0b nd sein"0<00M0.40,'ey0orner the toa l >.o dir og T0. h.o bj.o0wuonhe.4<4eut0oci0a0the T. Qs..0000c. t "401Pdonnent,. mdi o..soMa" in00e7l,'t10Sir >Jo0.0W-01yi71 -k00w80..th.0fini0)IrM rM. ooload0Mr.10. iTO.oo00 tom4005o 070,7.18, fi- lier M&Jo.&Y -.1 8Soku "arJuba rons*o00 in the oO 10l. La-1y **.o,.oold, hodiog ber11..- 0Mt " .* J.o. atltegm te 1 WI 'dOs0. Durini ad hod 0100 1,0 boitohepatt.ent, 0810-eou h.8th8tire 0..8or1th0. uni.. <4ho in1inthepreil in0bis.00tho oodsof woo&01msMM1 0, Hou.t0<000,' 01110<. 1>0010<08.théo-ddf- ol 0,.Qon oo. 8....ho vatobe 8< -h bc wu <'.oeil ,'t>1>8.081ey . Tlw b 0111 000i "verf00500 th. iht, bo, 81175>! 001 homgsd .00074.,', but <4ut0118<4 ho 08*00,lit op hi. face. H ti>1.4 41<igbUy, Job net "14te0<400 11..-ooodO.. I<4P00O10à amd it.> ontant .,1000000u0«Il*105>0. cal albuo.mfstl, d anis m 0010100,'ith y-, bot A oogra oi Oo.iog th. y.P-th.0y of lit ha 80>101' 41ppoid froeublie 110 100S> d - LOod Salisbury w o ooo.1o010000o . Reail My th 88.0<Mu& <48.oon o.h o b 01-y b8ni.0.4080 0>1, Iv 1>10.,"0plataire1 lot ha al o.0o'. on<81 0<4etth-pysicien o-o<oy 1ord <Stanleyo.oi.d 081 4.- t10 e 0p .00.ch 0.0 0.,Lad M-ou&M0*, .Wb-<bail H. 10ei Jo.>.7'd V. 0au "P.botte0p &U the a0Mb.f.o., o.110.d obelli, el mtad cSl,' aemad..88,'vont <in10e00M 1o sir>0.8.0 000.0.. 8.O.fr,.4 10 *0let.0 Sir1 Jon. w0o.0818. Dr. Powell arrve1 01 .0 a-0et .0 1000 C .1 ,' e .14s,' Uo Br Jm d ons Wo and id Hé on ap.. * 5>011010000.u.vo10< 401000< lorf Coo.ou. llio. 80<800 Mr. W. E. e , fvw*Jettent.ne, puliematm te b6 10 8. >010Oo8. 010 . >1Jo0,. Mon,0,. Mid> 0the 00011,Mr.iconle Pop& .e8W-.. bg *.0FinitLrd of the T000,,">t.- 000Who., l* 1110 wo, an01*4.'.e8won om8, but Mr .. vrever b 07 Party -dwt,'Y<4a,1oa. à -P pol "lm th"8he08.nd.40.. parl.oO*,ch. bu -h.1-o0 th'0<4 ..pOMd04admirationor.0si1* 1 't -j 1f.o,,004.4 Mr. P"p, --ho vo.the.ont tila oalaoot<4é010'10 <4 <m* 10-00040004e n..-, Mn'. 08.. 081. drntedey the thé 1. 0 01oLOCI eod <.4080 u.0ou.lo'" 00.8. &MPeme 1 suat oo00 10101Publieo POU"d t,' 004 1 but1Ma, 8.0 n *of 00dl Or .00u0 0.00 lre o i ,10bot18105080>1nd*0<0.00000805>1P0001. hi. n.010.8<40mm0bout1toi Md." MA .100 it.At 4.0.00081>0. Poo01ari i r.0,4 d 8 Wuliat.oVraclHarourtoLSi&.Velay,'a- round48. patett.o1 01010<*P 0-À feeling bel- Rit,1smd j-.ophc-mbuololjo-d the IM 10. H.oo. 0.111.thedoc4>r 01 w h oittri*t.1te.108rJobo- .-*01, wohno 0. 0' i .and obI oo< hl -4 0 4 8*0<.- Th .,' 0*1 id .wool ..18lie - 0 * ICiW OM. 11 ri. oc hM bo1 bi b.d804 08 80, whem d-i 1he8.... aly. <001à 1.red8.0ève,'.,Pat0 o 0*i endvihoui oooo1g the 10o01h. traite d- wt aaà Th ho.n.* mdutr, md 81im.80t1ahau, T. DoIt,' 08000101, >o-on the fr01 Ah on,10 gim Mnie.. val "Mdopat oit . 8<g8,' .h. .o.n.10 the Emp. 19 l Ilui (.t0ad1Dr.H.oo,'P. Wright, wtobrrivelie 1h. 5>000011 F00110010100O0tawa<active for q.i.los th410 . 1.140k et theooole-ooi, .0071and m 0.,'0 18h0 0. oOf. 00 in Miellt«o. Th10 oo b<40.004 &.il5 land, liait>100 *<e8.100SirbChariot, T.opperamdu ion The. 7'o..W bd W<a.0 po 0100t. .1ttactr,10ir.John 007.0 P, ad>1phoblob,'.o<o.4 <là"0 or0. SIR JOHN'S CAREER. O-.tn U0001*50,'1e0. wer-lid 1in.od el, 1<4e7001001. 00mm o.ly.od- il 0wfooî>1 Hi& Lire fer lie 0 0.00. 0.Il&81< 00>00, U _in 1<41 p0001,' i eu ceddb y 0<...00011'ho- oh. . ...- mi . . bffl of the8bro*e nd I0W" joot arta, b>o job.nAtoo4oo 1.0o.old wu08.Onk1inIl '001 oo..o.** th&$ Dr00. POo11 oooto th. *bo-l - oiad*, On J.ooo,'11, 1813-, th.0 bi.0 oc*, je re00.004 to abc,-0al, <4ing Hoe0W. "ild .nof Mr. Hugli Mo,,duus e ha hoo oo>1by 8108.01001.i . th@*HOM- oh.o.0l '*Orli,' 10 0u<t4eParor 1 00, _______________ - DonSil, but w01*100 80o, ohm .1 IN 1THEDEATH CHAMBER- John A. 000 .<.4 5> ,ooo., tovo>o0ta 000 -~ ~~ 0.0. e. 00 4 1g 10 000[m n"A. A.ol... IO.o fer th. W..Y W00bS-. grattant m'otn of 180' Thlb.amd*'i ..h- o-et 4 ..1. 0< .0. _15 i 0important< 18000in00<5>0001000 ,004 W..1000 or OvT o.. j fe0&-he 00. iYftt.: , £10001400 0.. 10<1<4 10I8 Oar~ 10od .,.bon0d y.doodo,' Il Bay'0*,' .0000 l, hi o<4 . ootooraioPUýl*7 'O,,o fflo 18ion00<4 lie.og0t10e10.08 Aido b,' IL 0>07 1000000. 000L huit. Tb »-" 1-- ar foro ca tlaobt 0j s.s'ool i g . u LI£ lig ot,' a. r.,.0<.0 0, 9.0 000bK .>.0 lie tg 010"000 004 8 Job. .t* du0000)01.0.001 ou,.'d) froin, o ire a" gir 14 p..é .1<8 i00 ~ .WF".~.1.- illreh t~ b M<0 ne '. ou,' ot ait.000 of I . ohilu. .10 el h. noo; &« 4Wplaite s. ta the . hm10008810.811O i La liho O-~~a .8a. W 1w. I a, ho eb»Ip,...0lamd0' mof.dh . 780.l hovorMU a 10.0 dh. os, W" ne , 800.m 014004 bt- .0o<4w >li0os.' bt@btk b«& Wté» @Ldl0' 1.. <4an00 hi1004 W. h. 0u00m-*- -A& 0 natur »&Om"lM bellmes W .4 o 4 1a>rtom- wbie et bou>bM, W. Thiluml- t" waotons o110111117 *.o Ohm 1 8te.t10.00 s b he»oto oo...0- &4f: OsMW>8.W « Vo. 5.000.. nni.40 ~ ~ mm W md w* lm vint0o<dfl 45iA0 050à00. mo08* mmue jaun 10080 dm40400 L nOUa d eoaudbd 0q. v- un ho un "hM- tg Min, s.oafl bat 0.800.8.. Bout 0 WÊ,U. t et a ' Oromo & nom". I .ho m umoa" sara, frage "-clos te &,,% 8. h.~id <4. shul ooa.oâIaofl oa b"ho lS .. 8b.md..0.g.h.1, e8fr Arnl ib. 0. d, te 'mn = - 00On 05008 O. o=oil. o ta > 0<0 a l84mo.Mr. 4on*d on .1.01.4 tanadth. <401 th@0. 8. poorqaîl.of.Pu*& . Kiag.< la thé . nd laziime. -M W8. ob.,.0...ogMo ..h.. Io 100418ou0..Pnom or Mur d40Omo..~, ~'. * par . t.ohn. 8<4gauo.B" hMllDodo...m.o08146"i Chtes mmu.. s. -»w ,...,-Cma..n. Th@ eamit.. <ot poumo..of 1 nd. 804.ni.fr.ishéad -k ..th .0of <- 0.1d.om1ts ood m- oet th ont, imu" in<4Ila aoo. .. a 000>18004<. 0801la1un 800*81Harol. 780,' 0.dqoi 4bI - te dicot" b8, IM00 88OUM aoaiqo.o 0Mt b,' Bir <4.g Md" Bou& .4 Aqn.-o.I .w" U1h. U» ta <4 1.0 0.8.<o mt"md. lOn ÙaLry .-mon0d oer mm004080t.W. N.11.1<4and4 08008M.M 8.40. ade 6". th. looe o. d<oo lin8RE.moe tient 0.0 08t... 8air8gh as 011...d, in I.8.8 the 0..p.1*ou <la wons 0the. .08.00t. eure 04 uwmo b,' h..U10oy 4.0,' clied the eatra1 oo W8building<t. Canadien Mt opl <h. QGo,.o.oo-0.oooThe80 e0< LAOI. 001< 10100of.0Bir0John »41 or K10p<o. .h..Id hi. 1140110018r 00.00<Y-.Carter, 8»O. Mt tee b,' .1th.1&od..glm. .1m0< <mp. <ter1.0100<4 .4 other 0111,000 ut 1<4 .Li ta reat .8 1. l. b. h.L Ho. d d 8hd-7 wwe prosi.4. 8108 .o..o4 hs0 tiduffl vitiàp.ot.o<p..4>, as - me cm<"m<444000. fer005.01000ai ut y<og mea.oo do, 101.oh. 4.s 1.0.0 of 00,' for.100110.p100p1100. 18..4- .Hom. 8<4 fon phoab ot ni8 * .04 OtO --ro on *00010100101< 0<4< Lo aruplio Ho. Rgh.l 8.*d.01-boî it .. fei, t oh.0 0014.00*.dateooi.d i8bi codt.dta babil an. ortor oor 0P.obo>. .o.8 lMa,,1847, h.000douleted 8,'Attorney- o*.o10s AtgoO 13, lOti. N ... ribote., the 9" D0.4. feM..11L V o..Il M tDÉe- 8o'ytt a .1004*. oo ,t.lio 0thonul i«o.! " «h. Mid:gn.o.< 0 8 tar0 ooa wu b. .o10amt. wooOU-0000 1.4< de, »Il .108 opricing .peid 0.o.8ti mt .0 0<04<0.014<"v. 8i, .8. der 01.. 110180... I'0011000010 00<40o1.oOobo 101 Tb. si.Ir-10. o ppn110o. 0report109 h.10.é1Royal noo ..wu Lid W. (-1<th.dotent .0 the Draperhobby <4 in ooo .IL <4 C.voit .. P teort ~-bête <4> 8 ,' Mr. Baldwin à" Mr.1080. 8 . ." t8 08*1Job.m .4.*1 bal& Wo1.g Il- too10. ou11000 ,ol.ig guise, Oum, a". of th4. eh" #~- ver0. . .I.. &d 00d ,000.o110>1000furhi. hbodmtfcrd 101. t ing6 tt.go.o> 110od lai alitude . xyoar. inOpposition, et- rat »v« mâ.,'.. >ioo.th. .-eto hklà0. r8edb8mv<4.8104.1iocipli.01004 ohwm <ho.boe ofit,.11.agieosor t0he4blmt.0 do u but1a cingl amagu.oitlin4the Home 0fat1S" 800.., eod1.g ..00 th. o08tn.0 " o.» .0t0a.1*il.Me"-Wh"* 'a4 1h1hh bal gea Ibohat »be .t, bis pNéO*o .ol lm..id 1t4é10ce--.0ceoKI-" brute en.1*0.0. t t. o. " aiohW..oIoy. t4.0.010lout, Bill k ho .1081.00.0,. hi., -lni- . à00>0poro fr se etede00<004 . < b. 0. h0400<0.210foc00-. 0. ,< a 0 ù1o1-1..0100100 11101.Oob.ednflo id0g 0 <. ÎII 000M *0 m in _k- ,.Fblbo dOh o.bl.-h.4ieader.4, 1~<u0* 101-' dP»0>10 0y000 r kFo.d00<4o8. <'M',1 lit Mm 400>001 ta 0>10<0010>,' 07p000t. .I thon*lit 00.Apparent01 h01 8forte .8.O wdgh..fetob , 0. -. p-.. .0 ci lune, O& lad4y BirFrncia., tb1h. o <4o wooloixi aveu » .trm000b"ry7 ma T1 Ir.GkogroýAgaI".><4<4 md oo<4410,i.110, .100, 0,oo.e-ooood froai.. itimO, the 't- 0<d 'Lng.5.ee.e.nd -more I-pedlut4. publie il 18*, om 0,0 000> ta thé0<4 .0000,'ta-00à"dt10 10>r -000<0t0 101,10dey'the md il. vorthr.«. Tbm - a firent vol of our0.0>01000 0,08 e. Cono,.11,in <4<ight.oPao* F01100Up.. 00110.Y.. ve à. t<4 Hou.e0.00<4là. "mted .10. 8fr >1.. Modoondo poliok1 -, «-.. .01<loo .,010. o .018,0i à oh.âtj coed, o -body -id . HO .1 o-a. .bml 1. . 0h10 Mo8o8MooI. o'n0,<4olm 080 C-v.a.tiv. p-y., A propooliWa w L.Macdona.0ld 8bol d0,000,'.000000, mm" ta10duo5u. *00 1l>0>0-- 00*,'Pm- ad gra<40.001 owu mol1.d b,' pwu- 0101.4 b,' the 7>0087opptou ut a. alle .8 1IDo<408.0 08. 8000000 00 oo- jo.onalha, oho sto4 10ioh. bu reoutil04c- -,.91o= .110.01.n.d p..donàoo1. .1 o*.saïded th Ingrat- oh. oooldh- l, 8o0d la .00 pao.î01 wu*' gydm tu>10 0h< how mach 08.,' oed tao0,oo .01leade.. I,7lo, 000ou _.10qOdathe 0 04 o.0 0co0nte mthe<41401>10ond dao.d o-y 0>.10. âd d Job. A_ 10.oi.o.d 1.1 the 0,00010mortfatons11. The<LiO.o-1. 00.00>1.11<81. .,. an0_po6. ECooOethe 8.Que.8..0the0ciOo of t.b0<4r oponout, T18.'toit .etisân-umd 08.0<4000th . o ouwb L.,'d..ih.d à. 5...10 108. - 08.-r. égtli,'old bae o. 1008..-,ao 10. I. carry. Tho,-0. 0d.ouy'10<th.0.1000 B00..0UPPOr d I1oo. 0C-"'oth-0 mes of t00<4char". .10,00bd40,0.0.100,1108 vaa .<oowl. g<01f0>0 WM md >1&C- ga01o4 81. The (onooo.Oîo.,8100iett <44 g 41000.01. o m d o reb 0 00>0>a100 b . 4o0m.., ohî it Lm 0..-é t00,.so oo .0Jo. A. lMo.>110. RioH. b..u..iu.10 , b.o1d -oId on dey .08.14. prDt p ataud *0 j.o.408.'b-.0 0fo b gi.n000 h. oooi, bout10a0theo0.oo>18 , ong5 po01d 0."pr011000 oopli>OioOo 1<40 >1o00.00 ouhl .t0 8. onif Tho-.lt ai.d e b.0 y. ,'DI.ootffl o.. oo.o' 1110010*1 idered Ohât the o,.1-0 <4on .04L pubie. e0ti*t.1w1 o.. 1 * ould lm c..ioo0e o a bord- ,if lgflo eo f 01010 10 010 8""1à&1<4 !<4s408< .. ..etire .0-. I04..d. *1 in 001000>1 000001010 1010, butOl o.1. tafct, .100,00<8 Dot<00,001>,' hooo, 1801 ,., es though in on .biglâ. Th. To,0,o ha4.othooo0d C . . -,.ohditoc .f Macdonald John A.> Ai"01000000foi-'>U.00000011,, 0so.o.0.hi 14o- .00, but0Lut010.80bang Le, a tàek"1b10.». -etOOo-oo>publi00 1,0 & Mo 14o81t-, oh. e1< lie 'o A..1h00oaton 1<0folO«OI, oin 000«"a o fw- o.fo SirOooJob. M.odoo1d. wb,oh 0Geor.e0Brow.,0OverMow.0 and çooo.ibd on ,im o dlayth,...>oO.10m Willia.moNDoug*0 007.00000the0Reo0l.0 100,the o..it thot it 0....- ono0,olthe 01. hght. Coo.4.ollOO100 0.Oo..d 1.180 0,.oîioo-.0<4.. As 0,100,,o-ina .1l 0ilit, wu0 Si'0>0>1.8» Dui»bg t0o poo>o>1 'If.-iP.o 8b- liv i ooi.dwat01on, eo..>dol thed 0<4 0501100000 pubifile be wu titl a poor m.0 Ho on- la the M.ioil11.0 1>oo ou.d i. E058.d îood I-c .ou the lb. 700000Of0bis Ptu- publie ma10in ,0000o0<or tue "t .'.»b oo.-1< .0ONq.»1. Hll.i îO.. 0,m n-r.4 mato. Tb.th.. 100,, <00.00..o8of hi. 0,fe. Obosla1000 d.,80et ou- dey->1 '.ou- loir1 His foou.o 1bors *00 UP te1i, 8.11frwork mthoifricaa .8008ongî80 0<41 m blo noo "op 01f om iooon 0t00101000000et01 01.000 100*0ta10turc0 0410 10o8.oo Md pfecO it. Ho wu c1** 700> 00t.>1 18.10 ir d-tim. 100400. H. 4008btlae, =*M th.80.1 Administrati 000(01000>> 0on f«Ctdmmt h t h e w1.ooodo o0,io8 1<4@<4noo on4<4>1<the on Oof 8.15808004 -a.00000>1 <4d putt 1.o e o.oO0,of the4<01000cardinal aile hi.. 1%. ,i..I.hlp 1o.00hi.-If a.ohuai;0>m01.010 00,000 on48>i, O..go 0,ct1., 000t. a>i.glar Biowiy0the' 0.10>1. nd. Thb-7< 0io.o .p_0 os.. o.0oooo1000 ta>o1<>o<.10 -bot orng 0<4e00000of Nationa, as ro0 L7_f.du000l00 0.110_ .0.0110004 0,lo.o1 1o-ly Ohoo5h 8Ida10influnce Tb* dà<810>d.O.>1 .00118.004 the 1000 t0 0he ad- o.0o8*o1 politien oiOb8hi.*train" 100000or0.0*1.0<100. 810 Jub àb. 18.h*t 00500 m 0the 0publie p.<4 o.. L ony the01' < woooodeod unoptbiO1<4 0(0the il. .y,' 8o.o but1<4>1.010<thon 0000 ,'moi .180.-b,' eoomaoudiati _d ooo10< 0,fer00> .t ppogitio. The olootlof 08700 0»0 W«b8.,8bon- t18.. 810 00, but fci-odohîP .ud eer oy ,'800-bat b80<07000un0080 l. 0872 <4 .pp.4.dtath@ ountry0,'ID - 8.4*00 08. g00. 0000 <fore beau ,001.4 1:0"olootho. and a05.0 oued oaom- .100. outWoo.u000*,'0f-10 0000 01000 it . th chiaiai a «-g Iadooulta. 18-2* 041.0si 400.Mcdoald9-.0Il> .1 '0 .0000 <eto0. 0,04 1", <4 h.. l0.o,' <4>1 0th. OiOOion ,,, - . - "bo0.8010004hmim 0100 li n 1t1a10th. .8.Iim a ba w1o10 41b o o.-h,' S p- o clare01 00*0.411,110o be âte arO.g .0.0lao 0h0 ,Loo. Thom00, 011.5 oo.0o.h r«ralo utii..poi4 two"t oo .oo.nut&.04proobo<1- . itla the canotant,0 cy of the400.0004 pool,' Y 0001h'80 4,014<4<ciO oh.Ofol..e ter m 01oc01n00. utta 0 1 m8<. -YPolibo'mmd o. .no0.0ru"of 1th1e0Can.o i.00000of 00010<00 010. .00000 00080t.- inpacflo 80*100,. ,r.0 sied>1 po 1t. iu.g04- 1"7h. 0010 mi .1oo C tbo hrgo<u o 00181 >Bir 800<4110 00 K.4.0081 a"4 oo1of10hi.. cungu b.d - h. q-- bat, <40100beau00080>1 o1rma ,cqoetd &M si8<08058 AllI <40<0 of000 Id,'a10power. A soooOYOfO O. 01,1100 ,no, .81.8 <4>1béooin co<4 000.5>10c .i4 1folieo A" 8. P"a.ilil D.10< 08. 8.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i bIo1a 0.4 <01<081 0, <0 m o. 0 lh1 pw là4th@ Dem4i"o the iir Une Au-., bond DÉ t08. 0.01 Ion0.Otd0400e t hoe.NéM. hm"00mm d mmpm]l -binât proiomd 1du8.1>1 Oh v.I1-«tib.00 IMM0o thé'<4'000< 10' ,p or. 0 i<4ml. Fer 000pu0 1. ou fopk'oet.oa<0o 0011 0in opaOoo Of. ,4 t.08001 m et air J<017 o.-oh.n.NOV.. .ddg .doq i .0 lie MSid.< 8.moto ' ii tue oh. 80 Mwb&01 Ille, a a1 w e80 ' 800 s. 4,1 ci 8.D0."100s.a00<m0 *800400 sonh08te the mad lioIoe Ilo .d h 481no p.0 , nom00 gui, .7,Cbus *0 ont d» hom *8 rd t "mbu domd4 wbàmm t s. u.wpot0i. MmluhWb Min gle hm 88" ' 21 .tb mt k. ot, hiw dor MW 6 =Sf <4, I , N .0 Io W amor, bt * . .oo101o$km .....ni.10 * hm uno *,gnu .51