&CO-y. ts andS t . " ' 1 1 îgis, Cottonadeg ' on anîd verylowpr.. l- '11 I t t hi iulg, fittitîg, finkh Iii CutIJO -j îlhuueî (110er 11e and eptronîj D SUMMER EWS , k ,>'(,of INGS, RINGTS, VERCOATINGS istock. A U1ANTEED. sSlaughter SSHOES >i t i ire Bargains. t el sof Boote & sbleeo n (0' l C , ly, as 1 amn doter P 071W u.prtces OS. WILSON'S WNFALL h i'tevenseeeBloc i"' il, etof uritre'i E. - - - 1.lfeioflTables :Ll 1IIIt,1, Also a lalrgel ii "itttrasees, i t' 't u ssue for fer~y de I-lIN, N 111CR MAIN STREET IN C- MIT-LL dote te Ode., \î NI) hi lINGLEs, Mon lesotkU L BROS.' COFFEES. LONDON, ONT. uty et Hlto. 280 o 1 1 n a d-.7 --7 e , -m p:g; ,<- ýi , 7 - . M T L T O N T. , - - l. - 1- 1 J U 1N E 4 -. 1- il91 . N O., , 0 . wý - - X .eee 1- 1 r 1 - . Oi ý R a flo .j rav lles G ide .. ,ký, ý11 , -- ýl ..a-.- ý le-Âo1o-"-? Whydooahsgoýd -cto. se oskii otir 80 taloh .dr OnI idl.l ,iy hitogb <oea >(r~ n A L () ,7 ... Âuoî ,,l lb igos b Cue. Ilt ysod.ho .yu "a ht IIi pata?ýmtsMeifroromtefepm. r . H ""-la , - 0.MIL I IJCOOm a U- ai1 Faa -02 .tp. 1 îM0A1i-o S îoIB edadawoeeddr- ii tsokofrioofierood "Idoi,îet keco -OIieo Iam-gb.d o ibis, thoagi lb. ohitaso.llor aa*d the, - 1 1 ý .----îC O- l-1Certle-pporotunr d ih st., i.tseo e i. oocio. H imola ag -ld o ie .fopa oswrmaoeym l i , - ----IWO M11 fon DN JOT N OW I o,i=. oIohes o atooodato. *Wy a. eeli e--c Êriistdo o, lo1 h a-ryla vn. ha l evr.d .wo Yst.sha e o ,,1 - ý T " ý-- ý - ý1 .- ~~~~~lobi,.- - , , - ' ,;i ý ý ,>l , 5 ¶ 0.,,ý". o 7 ool. Athsogtt ac.sihs llsoo o 1ietoaoat aii. Oltoaraotaleo oe alds eoie oelte AMPBIýEL Bd. /ON P, p 1 J HN W -  E Vo A 0 ,Oc '. at1 - 1f braterou soetjo fo hoe oehed bi thtei-os --lI -sasi *i- 8-7 0-0-O ofoo o o-d -t -d. Ho-fre -____ -eoeo h..bsrgts iool o trs ol; et aolslbs.id oq.siv hid arcse loaoletal i aobo od odhotbu -- 'P.. i-t-r7 ----,--,-- . - mseDÀ i N 19. uelot ..Iiooetadpy. clvifrtr -iisVta eisdpomsdt o . t5e0 oo 5., 00.o ~r"',0150n ss.ssee sts Tem o î -oy ettf oteor.oo rshdgo .itwel oll ooieiîsrd tiogsd. h ooee bsftr lit si,îamA i0i. iO- ; Ç & IW Mh T ra e l r ,Au t ai ,? hîoouao " , Wh n p ki g wt s. t Min o f BU. . e m de n000 n tfi t e c ty; rsaeton, s d seo tier, *.' ."llRecî,î,NK t L,WY.îl,,,îs t "aretail neet'ioio, l on. leb cIorlîhui.prmodemi i... -îlot ohy toc poslieme, joota t oDe, ho Il . 0. 51000-0 BlO rn:BàùmosIts l1'f etM gnbr- eWu yig AdwbtW iom te'l osid .tit ot b us orsetb b t'toi.O.t,.t .e.yoeîret&it1e, t.O5 - l. - -a. - 112 'W Ber-...rs.-.IWhohola cameW.ho irseh. 7"o.i îe s im e upss 1.1M A N .. I V QeI f ,Teo a ds2srt.sLIe10 06,. . -2 , . . o 0 i S h i ll m r & O lte o u.l ' l u w tît t f o himac e y . i c or e e tr l 'b . tod o n e o f .aw -Od e rn 1bis 9 W." t i o i s e t . 1 t h vbi s e re , a t e iCio ,,) FH L ON N .1THEýOMERCjIA O E L . Ae.to. S.1O- 'rAe' Dt ACeFCtrai, cc.l ecbicglssid.lch o îslat eosid d .î,Il ciii lih ei te î..gîîeee lecel ebo t nIlit Lesl O ugVary§BO 'sud, I l raSe'rO (li bolia Cot. hoo1ee 1 jbu..c.I- -rP,îl&"e lieÀ le. " t .eo g î.i chae! w. o ui llusionsa,sbut lri . t loo e lesor n.O nlt ee ffranentie l lwee o e , t do I:i na otsn d eo - - en.1os . . T -a-,, ..o .. ,,tsd , .,'.' c.1 1 no . W r,,,..lovelatte l -'. T:Mt TO . O T ROos en . îv-alHhed fbrfthrwl e hau o hd wohl ii r h wihmy oe w eoe ecuag e e.H fe ,P1,11OPP1i ZRN difflp.lc-ý-..,.oic, oldl.e .a., 1 e havtceet e by ce rblisent expl.ettct "risaoaace of bl caoy.Pa is ydle ans, i sud0 hiall, , .Itto '~ ~ ~a trt -ih as - -i ro 'w ' net tl.ctTbuelds-c b. tîteet'ib ,s l aht e sIer'ib oul h o he ar a ili. e.t. ttttSrele" toossile ot rtih se b eie os]hp . 'b o si nooeSsosIfi, --1 - -li P ining %cf , oeid dbidettctoe i.crîl " be h. Ho.... u.*.i. î î'îIbo cc d tgel LA, iea dt he Fu, l l ofd rtc. liet osions hîeos.,,î,1 te e tiugt l.. ro l e,, , . tetet, MAINST EETto;bfrutoaci, fora f matifsndstheteo bstter to reliiontntooraeilîiedigalet,'otteo5l wort' f eriu. Pipert.r ~ GE M TO N 0.1,o' B ltliurl.of t .e tdetboeooty .pal ershok î y tet bave i er 1 ,lt e ved '(te.lici eteb h fttta tasso ors ,ntl .tpsrdllte tueot'oe W o t e I A l l Iel i s , f r t o i n n 5 . i . n uf l 1 o l n . w e t r , a d u r n , b s c a i e ý d p u e c o a p u m n h o o p t , n o e ? h s w h a s o , a d n l i r ecs. îlo.t_1.. , t'y ret oro 0 sqeoo-11s-oeil ne uit. lti-.1,P", R4 TES poi' OF DRTIsdm . AR YORKiS 8 Kul-ARîriîijiîît , h ll, lr", - Sydh vs itrWh app o le OU i te li rloavŽ te e t adleso. I"Myt ciantoirsi îtî .t ltcsn l-Yoot ue.] , in a c fol, n e ,etIufcai - F . I r' 'AVI"oBANK. 1 o' Au. -oo tc . i c.leetr h g ei ciiu e be tc1] , e W s o h If . a L o otco ' m-e,.y oo ac sh ll e e l 'vol -'e,'.i i: I .....t- ill; eteie. l. .ttctycblu eol l.iîcog, veceef-yIalid ae, ,t -- no nil EorcpAusast eulof viwiyt.to- hal itsou fhfileltaett iet.hfisso laellttvi, the îttiti'. Thislffciolite tue uea110 che deittl ltilyteroundin Vic S .C.1.O O Klla - - - - - -- O P .ITE!O DPAATRN.Tc Ile,81151uî. i ope to"he cddoi. oitb ieyol àty. hoe. iîo soo ...lie.1, "îîtulye bon"tt' ol, modLîerncee, " Lorst & t t rie e te. Th e eir ew iestîLa . . Pi .. .-o.. 5.- H .5 E - m--- a- - --s fo tî. lî- it 'flile. di'îl t to o,c.si et lftlîec. te gala. w i l a a eremsoke.an "B o i lv t i c atu ike o rly Giost ccciii o eeait tilte 'rauhs fer a d bci W e S gnero a i lini oyocoltlîo o b po vt .guse.] tee .es. I.: t -..ralat. -à..- -efL iio*i.clecucohydcon lihoi e.l l tel hit s i. o ov o aoel aon ast ie .je l i.c teý.n,t le. tait; l n . clîc a, t o eî,c o eo. ! 1 eýIBlo . ..__._ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ataîn.] o d gisesrounde ce te îhinb tbtc( se lîotet. " : ..1. ,il 1ýI.vfy --Id ikeperhps. o soe Ou n eoepbiciiet î,.ur iferit i îlc. er hu * i et Pbiuted eto olieeo, l1ltmes eteutoo, asig Ga.]iocc l tie __RΠY u]olee îros.. îîîlctîsf.icas îaî.îîe tebu foeytii. Pottl ogefcBoifiîitltotllîoîfbî., tsiaobsstiîyf'Olfoeioiti,.oaro.]t ,, 1 ......rîe.., ,jîck ,, 1 RIESeî.wP&t'Af. ECORATOR ft, pocieîîl ..cge.ec c i t bie , î sif..l ai, li l od eod tm ii idO o.drcin li .W ýigt .c'., (l,'od.et1ft tki'iLm V*,sieeeICîotlq-, Tc ot. uedoeîParintocingi a hc ilil' '1î.es î i.îî. oc..t,. - I .igrî. HTb - w cii. i.dteîîîcitiîv lmi... closier.]f hlot oryhai. D os t io 'on.w otls i..î 101 c.'att.e,îl aIl dtl s - tdse.sio.lslmtl.t. fr, -- -- - ---- - --__if a l1î 1 ec-î'1sOfeo îfcoioss. lîîliîc eiîe ,e'Ilcotacit t"ll ..-. 0 - A ts o. Artus 000 la. Kce nig, i Fout ici i ilie ltit for I t h ic ev1me t ctieth lve to ift iWattiariî" . - . baudbc aid? Btt,"Iessid. "usas oi'.l, o ungtc.,mou W oya lcllcl u'lii, îen h iti ., , r , ,I. , liartl a o .\l ltcîc t .r- - I 'iý lato ir it t,~ lor a b i.e 1m o m enh t . Iie lc t. asc l le c o t c .,o d t ib f î 1e h ll , id N ci n.rs uta o nte gt t a g ac e ul .ti t , S MOU.y . gýIJR0. gaît lc lite tteya bae ito, ii l eîtti t asc1isgciesiitg" î.,ii lectcicL ttloei elltm to i.te. (i blco u "' hý,,i.... IOT'. il . . .ar . AND ALot', OF i,îî'iccavhii talile co él lîithîe t., ii. batlarectcliie.ic iBu,.t v uh e lt g.. l .i Th y tl ta lk h aî doh "-i ell l tie î. IiniMeeti(ttrcoalt' - .N t.'Pi". ,IR 1.t .o ..e.0sr 0 .ie, i et, ot. cit It cnllth go dahes bl- cii fciiltii' i.. ce.tp.o».lfntpo er lic lie a fw u ,,tsniemlhyor ab raor s le,»0 ,ts,.ie elrtou o te t.e e t.. ý ', ..cno, eli :e , Il T.412f ty - - Etimts nto gin l'c" ctiitiiitptig tlv le o holai efh'te,hc.hid Laucîec a ic t a o, 1 uata, osb.îsî orm r tc cahe .isioi % ,lee ltliagoc c e eino o i...o'lu ît e. îts lt"cî,tilîe B v-o-Cc,- oi'tîine ad fg îe &lusf cîdal.t ic Odte rvt eclo hepoes' iynycelk e hn ha i a e l1 u tc b-lioe fNit e e. il' e u tagîBanS]l e e hasoefcoaltl'; heefre Il'oii. ",1ý'«" ý .- ad h rhp .~ .1t e îjîe ,.îatof h eîîieu t(i t heii e8'F.ofhl.'.ic. Ih oing . Ct cI.e1t ifun, h ade hocr .,;:tai-i.-Ilhi.,tiiti vie, obforirstiic it c o e n mo i luw'icî,ht l ie07 10 0 , ti N0hi t,ic ' .1 hi hidi C ý,ii . Nf ..,l,ý" - i ....I, .tý i w r li r necf.ý e l t îc ul iiti i iciît Olv r ot, ictttic ', iit cl I ,ih c'ivplt.aelcll tjlso h aeolt 'ge 1tu i.i h s,ciîi oo î. arfve ascee. itit S d5 .c., ,. 'i theeyicId.Nilusionstîare gooitsi tî ,.oc ii.ceîics'iiietec v] ., , .h.il., OrderN eft acete TaamPSii'OU.. . . i 'e et vracpohi ith actlit thyil d c oul e bac îîîntu. hur",,iuchvicie l om f. 'usig icruece.fi el.tlollOlhî0te,,th e gligh theo oitc il t. ..J OaH Nîoic H eR, oC ..M P BE. , M lto n, il --,eiei'r.,ilatenion 1tteiîdowîcdiel ii.paier,îtralrsilevte oo-it borths iuaI wgeactheifad .ltoefavlocly'II j li--.- ld»a.tib h t It n eei s I -V . E ..f l s,,o nie of t... H R N SS & A"Ne.1th'îcc haitcop!.it,.î.t Hicîareet.eliiiioc. "I-,,,:- .,,w,, M 11 ýV tER ail liv.e, .for-i. heh.,echti'ccicehui. hfeocelece'rtcti.,.:,. Co.tt,,iooe.,îlabs tc -li,,,fiielttehoo v lt le t . UN î IDA W --'é.. CaiNlas deer tir Theopooo ilciî.o i cciliise o t u Gi ecl te. il vl tcein l , l,ul C hirc le. il e ici h il o ..fi 8 a e o er h ng m n log Iy 1W sh l@t u lu t e c lrlg taàd1, e 19u he p rii g ý ' e an. nth oeu bna eia' dnorul s a ine,. dHe lidis tic ~ S ., I. u1\ .,ccutc uek .ad . havil cs, uv ..'htii theI wreatee.ofoamiitcOc1e. el p:.'.,.il.,cetageiattire. 'A 1 - - F . . H E L O P jet, reo.te an "Q.utistru ents 'cer.% mtiii 1;il) gral i.iiOh- tt lthepoincofce,, 01,g tl' llîtccilglatmond , thnlo e.l tueoe Co se - il 'lîea,'\ 'h p , 3uinl'. lec lid ii iioe .occu 1,chcitra , , i a o .t . u ttl l ieue, luit, i., . 10 it eui tes lite O clie ' C'ed aso i is iter ti Sa, e lin,t,' iotci te fcegitIen-o 4 1 ,A I l i e i e t r d .it ý i i a e . . . O . g .. l u t a i ,u 1fit iî :I 'n e icih . t t h nll0 .s'h e Iig,; : ., p e , uî l u î n i-au g o s pee O fi î î ..a 1v. lt y b 5 0 'ton o t ia c t i i o t t ,e y u l c a i e lti l e e - Iv o i e ie t, i lýIlMAS0. ATH SON thl 1--t -i»iP-- li V--1117 'W». G a n in, i os l ing ef"mrD aban au iî t down,,c . ic vi' "c!edi'ati t. t lItutii. il. ad(l-nd. chwm.ýeyfil -4h-1alitEriillh.,lWicî,i ditln'.lilocil.itscoth a poedudatlgazefcou.lltc eiahtttictautttretoieieut lf bis cu8 olelt liail, i ,etcaiiy ,ilth vas. cEI CAL An C nadan e..eiLoschiieh uilulcci lie ilte c lovif elev.K .I' ' e liio fr .ai hl e, iciad m oueti el. ýet o Gk L itie eh aiythOl alato taite te liiet i. ttBal Co ulark i l.ol este ,,, C.H. .'o..st..a- ..i. ioanX anu.aetU r e lhiht ta o '. h ' 4 uiitlu] er tidv L u ce te lce leee i *ieieul et t ,ivlîl , us l,. t eeco _____________________ .uc.îeetionegtt I cctih.l liet ic uic liii.. cltlivgiivev ltttect"l Nu-i. Cuu.luforma'ililtliOc caidSc'iciau OHitili. -liaeiLer..io eec ,.ajtiit.ctli.avitgol lo, . l,,Seddis.,aicMiltons.8le 1t fovil, ii oahee cd biceti oltluy'ibuti etlv sic t~ I corre ct y It,- ii i l. l h 1 .hl i .îi ii v ii .e o i S ll - t, s c c e e, l ic l t d l i A .. .prsil.s eOOdiic- c cctt'leeiii vctlivie e i lio eeakfiluito üli I . ,L I T ,I . A , . -a-. -y r-i ' e - nier,;.lc ih-»l c ic l u oic l' cl-c 't. iii A d is tlletiio l tî.. liillcttbei îîd1"" le utli.o . l e . v oi. t i ell ullu eoiii ]for dattt(tecL %u ai 1 Zte I, E 11 B ,-1-0 ýl ýk,, Cile , "Is.8 eri latoaAiasrai 2-1=5nps.Y sn.routsd, acailetol'.?stioh to 'i l shili,us or ,i jtubla.c rii tacee.l l îu in-lurie ', loin (jec.1i,,t Iv flot ... ... . ý=. - . ý. M- .T%71,lsollîillill . etehexhic.c]le le ac11ilud e g n tec0ugto piee. iii, cta ,ii,'c'eielcrd 1taia ccluly W-1 Nieodit ]l Ibc- ltcaloihuuicitm mentlo I.__a____UW__ e_,ormaavfez (i* 1c, fofe(llefiaivf a'n'.f"' tlotfoleilet'aeors __________ ottL sdos, Eog..(I re a,.] ...oli t ee,, can ec hetaa te i,ab tch, a ic alyiii. o,-c . 0 -i ' i .1'IC, , t i g1 c u d d te n a ef r t a st i e s e t t e(i.)vi W tlle i1Uc t il.il Itlueut Pt-, 'i a 0 l1 ecao. ec oct-itt ae soîll. 1.1 vi tiii',.. .oeieailey licou(cldti i heg, ti c egStr---egS bcls.oe. b cultc "Ne- -i-- siec R. t.., 1euor- Cor Main,. aititscedul Natui. Wtocu.1Iliio.cilciilo noîl oChnceofu ....R Y _ S.A,,, . s i le u h uc lt ri c u, ih a s i t ril n ol . ' ut a ev i ut i, - u," '? i, n c t e t e d o e e t e it e tledl'ey t a titl e ii e ri ri; a ecftii'ltiiiec.iiiiutaesr cicl11t.t ef eevevccee.............ii. .u oruel eui.,vciiiluui. , C'erl o, ci1 . Na ture seiesalm ".. r y c a ndiiu io C iiioa. tiehjedouda i g f ber t S.ý l..lalMl.'F\ IiI' iloacie st1rt.1 n 'e R .vJryE S 1;Cie0 -,lînve &ls ii.--ueuuiuuiiu." flotto theio no.yresiltu sih.ulesly o1psoy . Ost- vall Ifas a mclbtrasimfo 00100.on roc e ia ;o.at - -- a le t lte .en-i.1 - tuc e sc . it t e i O lliO l t er o c resi . utIilc. e . e fol i s, iteecsas. .-' u ,couac uiuu. l Y On le S atho 'cv i al es a , - .t ù o.e p', , -- . u. -i -,iîeeo,.sli os'li1betrr1dOl sug itr ll'eietttir'soou ciis itret ol ie irectt, et ber lu-ci uh.u .-H , -di,eflýý: ,ic, b,1 r.tu. O,.......--11, atiluc e ',tul. N iee i,.leît elauli]cic C .!oc \ ' Oit h..c .IcStiii.2 1:1 . W ,ý . tt.-. ...,ict' . cu hu .uîfi lte ma ecvsh . 1 %v s 'otd,uuei, h n fcteiloctevo I t'INI. ý.- ý 1 ,- ' rom.h,1,.. -ý' tp e setelatmth a no t bt.iaf, 1 -,L . t!eîsd reo,ru . 'I " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c hi ". etfitiit. lieu1. CCehi.EL.uc,.IInc...o.ieci agreot i ."ieo.' WiNol al a id - yee a ihttdigw ltigtw k vu )o(fLii .oi),nelrcie DENTAl,. hihut- g te'-ii-. -o-cut -cli-feachi t ec( hglit tetlemlent.bleterLleto.sgcflotftec hihot ise Butt3ter1fod)'iitl os.]41 iibda.hmerJo,ît' %i,,,, lý, I.-loN A L(iH esecBotts.h1u dccv 'itul.' cIter tue, tîtfeirtaIl,.idilivual du Oui i iisl coo ili , o-o ava hdltu', eer -osoifes.afl renri forTiierofotli.] ,'te..iuco. ' o , l R N E S S & , .cýýe.t e teli e-se o- ld":.tt einfer ncue ahl,.lc e. i utu ot i s 1ishit sl bi .he.y ï ee e eml1 t iot g u ls04 fe. a l th.e, u lan i ptl b o u i , - L l .i ,Of o i' '=-,i l.1e-Cetanluelnotitiluiiciis TIoli1s..Ios. ha imp e t illw uts ba'c le Wndr' l ie h' le t i lt,,grb ge r.' cha iii on M P M EYss t o .i'au i e tà= ,: ,,"., .r A U A T R R 1 F Rl ,, *,,,ï( , - a s p e t oal; ith euu ., ilu .n t ivt- pr o.Bc5 Lh l d a ei en n a d up u uef u t ai s upie lfo rar ( as m d herFais l t ~ terto 50..' .lmt Cfo05e0. Y -__ d.... cS s iOg e o s ili c e c olte" upe upl0] c Oi i "7 0. le, cgio 7eeoonld gci sitat'liee C e o yreof'u . i u 1. f (h gotoie bt = eugcI s te 00ci8o - el teO o iii t h sy ,vlllen hy O s toneger.1 Actler myoife, [ tI , 1i ol."e atftuSaeosî,dge . B GOLL, .D Sll , i . D. S .0.,.».b N. ril M A IN 1 o ....... . ony.uelsg.lne. , haveudii detii te qliutstni or - c,, a g . I c i.,. Mttto t ac ia mp l o g rdned l aedocn buut sbatifalAo aslarg e . ui a ,,,,t .i- Eý..,ý ýý.ý.9 0, - ý ý d"ut raso ,C se m a l ier.p h a lalb.o m eideil adilsg le. toae."' . Il ~ .. ~ ~ liJ105lhOs5 Wl.uuFernîura on lehoos s.rt7 Illa ti daybat ', il'edayiog rca. io tefr l --111,1 1y 1'. WII lI- lý.I,.i« Q C. .. . e.Valieasi, that oitila oais hed taars iiditlarethelt noue e-slaa Olait geisr- !e fonat. cthaveofhesa i; sh htle, t.'itia.aaoulfile alahro facooltueti ahid I IIusont ahata d lb. o buthe el I u baabobtau . 1,.Jslili oieo 80 sit-f soaOIO or iai ie sho teeinv,-wa ong0e, Ialiaflyto oa1-11,-li11 ihud«tt, ou oi ,,uiaid 'm o4r'.oi,.sl. %,,tl,,l!du --I rIesssd -«'I ssi fihemshe a ollp t afl i coliim ser oset,latssil e. ooued- <et. o oh, 5 t W lis ']ed ae tra pai4e. psB a ba l. ison e.1 by ,l)otia .ý. itiosnlu e uu -Q I A L - es.j lt i oosseitt btcoî oet ,, f b t u Weae,, L.riisg raponmi] . sr s tdan tath. ot ,.il ,,Ot1t 1 ' a Cive Pîygroi"tleFr is I.cs ap' H -. L N, LM . L fe .4î tt a W . Sa 1 t y ua & 'oln s tue porSSa lo"Os lofiîlilpt sltya.Fý -i he. bow t i OO " tetl , e leti. ae rd"'- misnd , ' .. lisese tco sui f y t e io otags o lretia.t e re u.i e lt a,su isa, i eii o ap l orno igi. sl e su s d sri e ih ssro etl y rb iv ehlL- utu -Y th@ K7cvsoî-outILshaibdclet.vtir ,ltduast.illsibustor ttueieitouiirsealongereforC.-ail c , th gleal1.e_- iro.m.1a1dofiparbîtilg tpprai. Ier eap.a f ol lugll siie edoR oai, forI- tee Solouga1e te-tr C1 sty e Ilaios -hoI.ce e fos Myeueudtuiso ero ltc l.] iOto i ols - &ad f e îtmui=t ., l te anlotie- aerdr' fis]laoct ste .] Noobdior v e nPeorto s h lie rI.t , enîdiored or50. i~ 5t,~ 'prslito i~ese ont ,fi ot umuhi i.] il asd doo.he iîrfI, .oie s od Largelî-sxoth g. I -id fo ieti-1f fteg,,nDLn I i :ftil,,,ý.t.ailIt m iiie, ohae.e aa leo o , Caial u, ti. lv fa oru D R . M CC O L L , "'R 'ý t'-h "o rld ' oeoit o iO t,m,te . Al. tles teationR oh!i. ySap t ilho ee meO Ilt ' ;ni bout" rhee uia oliu "'î 1es, l f ru ir ore a i tleo. abei ,,îIsete m unai eirs "d I lop. a , ss 'Il o . r. i l, the &C iiyC . Hit. i . M M, c E, DP. Soten) pttreeToo ad. t iey, honl t s it oe iioourcld is st iteosiî idr]"aslilte.]m ss -ait by il h iit e&.tha di via t v lenh~..t"e s u o tos s ,, T.ioietcA' -oFIO B S 0 14J hsg .M.i en ier . i uisls W , o. ,,lv ] isiotanf We.piaeIis tuu li I.i. togad lil o h - ol "toAt u vte,.sii>o ýtt>i b -- -an]-rof odon, Eg (i ea nd if).- or , foreteatiseagoi, 1,,epleitbuingNoss'eiicfudsoishae ouspuos- (ho e s.: P5bBaJro'aBLoe, MILON, NTe i t v i L stoIn la <torgrloo t. Whui o. ,of une fot stsei se ir se - ur litotsIliroi tOe te o m. i "b"A ,tosy ise ore aoeoas stt trdolsiloc tyiohiliteaosooohle. ___________________________ ladte tl.oî h., it soAliil. sapu o lettt aoso if..fild iveofer11emou'stlI Ise gotnoteli ide"cc t,1oliie it - - o T NS TR ET M LT ' soî tu e ' .7 tes e n e u a hoane ' ' , e1.rf.o1.lsy i.]te hm plita.ftis ai , t"i o n, mv 0 0 ar. li h 0fegi sgt ad uqiob us S tai e î rtr te Is eg its ,g tor.ai80 'b ' eedÇ«.'th.jI . olal holwSs e tsoda odR i ht by N sr.lsem .ebraît, s- M o il..-eosoe ftr Cuasdsoe.,jea s i s tl t a r ach.'î e sîeol]w Iaye h. neer bavech..a't e aeouplecetlscsruCrarlses (lriaylot a A tesford tas. a"i',.g .rtoisâIsr rhùMhhoote a aluînicisndlierby il, f. Bouse.] 1 o e o L a ,e. lf, liuseor aat e iIgitsud55 ofve. u lte s es tedod u o e te .ssi. l, 's Iloi . c ailiig oititi o mne to lrait ----e o.se....-- uIsituitif,1baesoo lit of v.',-&Il h ot.Ahai i erot. bete dl ii tutrtlse - Irtit ns' 'osss, 70e eodleon, 3 Ctb e e j o fyUs l te E. i lis hiap, . .soo.it so 550, -s O O ie 'oc oer .il (',lit î st.. ,fieb- botloteey have seitail.ioiuatsg'itili bisobo.' bof .obieltu." , -1. aibs et. tai wlila Sbvebldê li a as mlmt buyhisoseiGla , -al'iloi'ieli-ms- .oTieabat 1,satosstgmin aidIel tkuiagie,.atlib, aù,ienhie s srearieo te10 1)1ý 8prpaliÎ7Utfuub, frs-bufitrbasal,,rtli as M Asflfaa.'ilie s ebâurcisatsihote- o eetu ho liik ago bila.d tu d.slgltv af besiml nds grâc e. tal atth en ivot 'restaM - boe, crlIjIý ina hve.hi.] ise.rOl e a tmor 1dty tesilsni eosu '" t lo oo'sposhi.y u lo Ni.lliss ad il.ist os ,ýuFtCIF H y n'o aille rate, of ad ehilimir vO ed.pNt, ont, cfoleva. Tiether Thssone, 's, yto -a oaa e5sso' nueyomso wu - mai ed in the beu s.sBof db s re "T 3 LL S1~uai si lutia tast fima .l .ady isimtlsaod, thaae ý '.1 - 0< seys rtoi- 1sS s i ,.l a.l e s o i G . - ot Cven -tea lt i s OI ut ,it. if lif t U O,- i 0pen ua v . btt a s T i er uhi ll oth ai del, d th on.m rIa .,- - ' " -- ai t a 01 pe ati"Cssss f i ." -sppse e w-~- tra- ,Ligs'f4. Wa I ,buBs N w1 b ao- 'lUrdt BYutODe nbomlI. d s 0 65 t 1..eflee h . e i a '. ltCo i'u'.UI t LX . n th ou T tu0 E fr A tio W --W 6I1,,i " ' He J'e% h ct, ,re h i . . k. .1 y clirbca vhn h . Alterh cosi yM .G ) ac ,w o - --- $ 00 000 . ton Ilwn . i.%s orth, ai. ue - hit 1onIýatcs ei bd vhske . oul'.- lisi,- [e hudeeh -, D'a.I- Iil, a ga O . fui." lj os il