Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Apr 1891, p. 3

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trw . C cf Toronto, ~ "as. o ter 01, y and c oval iuam IU. lic t, 01-- lm tender thUN qa Sýpttltotth cîîî>tivtidr 442 "rIn. eM U&oe *. ~ ~ M1day .1h*IL nad 7 M. prrii u i elYmg boa i, b al.ýhgattt mE wl isisdb iet tht o Stock Bro.ndil J. iue o' ~ ~ t~a h oa ltè on ,,,,tgi.ie ofafi trit f 1, R. 4,otedlu coeqet at&u4S.*1W inYWthély b. liet hamn Ht i.I Ct>~*UAchîo Ot llirdweeklJlyA. sy à ék>le 0.cfIR. j fl W0rpofib,pro<j. sale ott St okno f Mr.tMrilrR ayiRRaJ.i RROROUOR cf bhOOj Uthea onattéAgia WLitt tdeo layop. h2ewee of the mIn t ormaI meetiang t6 (11 Malk>g ark asoojBlau i. CHArl A eurtne ro thrlI ee ind l Toruo ou tenteàeaty Ia uee0'>gBedl -tB neCi, doflOdate -,t . aud I o ui t anl vnit on51hofJl, hocuail WlieliateIt e anRbu iu en tdbythelicane Frait z tt'tt. od*lld tt. Clithe aduetl lieoliowlu 004ROO Sek>RteO18Iy i,Roubli siays 1ott tt a. jCtttonhtherday le 22dt Trforfr tejon t 84l h Soboul m82, 0atht uuer nii1, i o tii itttt RyV0 nicO Ocri t Newn SpejueInata l inal the bolit standing. that te Olympiea ojîl lplaiv a PoRT Iott New tom s imupes, direct trotl>th1 rP8hR ednEgi ip imatchl> IIeon ORte CA i .0.LOO, koel son ofth~e und Aumohan makers i Tel'. oQ'iu's bitday tit oa> -ýte lhe B:., lat', toginstm rfor Haihoa, King & James 8k., Hamlton.. agreed RPR» by t esiRanud loss- i tttttlving ait Toronto for LAaoooR,t the colventof he Ouothe Moatt IRketlug caseRli -al.~. in RMilton oR Thorii. Ctadian Lacroeae Af&aiuolut hi ch aîtReon aprig sRetiReseicit ouI coin- tl, i>i o lvalater left foi' W. opened at Toronto oR Tueeduy lite nuence on Mondaii beHa rCCron va. %-toîtit, there hie itto>ds ho repreeeuhatjres of Haluclubs tore J. C. P. R., the wjdow of thte lte Wto. S- MoCarmell and Jolin Dewar, Cliv'a. HisonCluoR Rthlie CoRtpaRyfoC da. ,tI titt t,; lmratTlrc1itto onR.Milo aud G.D,.SReid adJ..H.oges foC theete Of lieCCr isRR>tby i... -oft F'Lir. t fuu 75c. oacih. MoKenzio, .RIRRR, Gorgeown. M. E. boall CORunoveC hy R frelgitI trin t- It t ale t ,nitttSto,,Hamiltotn. Mitchell, Of lthe Olympios, tus aise trougit the ileged cORCOICRRRORO of tito t toî t.titîta tll etai. ot.presseRt, iaving beau Rue of tite audi- corintaey'e employes. Win. Laldaw, t, i ýtari tatatwtite oeter,sttor fth socainforthe paint year C, ilhatdle tt. plaihi a se .*th t,iîR oC liaitis ontolfor the otolog year. Mal.halte.afler ltaIof te defeodat. ,-~. ta,,tttttiigbfr&Moo'do3-. bot Gaols' Uaderwear for priug; juot te aRipicot> of the Younog PeopieRs t' al...lod.. r aa> îpp»otl. importait;aU te ewel stylos. Cali Society' ot Oraco Cltrci>, jnte towo i K1!% t t ott. 'tttdOeRkouRilftt ud secJTorebleSît.. tîttit, r.Kinghall, Milton, oR Tuesday CCCiR(, May liitý y aId ookof nstuc.litJams Ss.,Hamlto. 5h, for ohirit lt" fol0io-tr telass .îî,î. .,ot.for sauto. ritop. A IIOLTON VT-DC, W. G. Nelintlntla ee oe dt IRs. Caid. Lt i.t.ttt>,oîiro Itot.foioteriv of EsquCiR(, tho in a ' telI1, sopraRo, ofTrorooto; Miss Renio A Harld..Hefferuan, meooo soprano, of tiho To. ate of teOtario teterin"eyCollege ront olp tM>i i>F.Dt1 t liii wllto eelitlegirs rîe trot»Monoooth, I., shungtesetcClPOfMui;isE.Dm, iit.Llto i tociiloee ittt gehaloerte CoAetrtooseRttek> ivtto ere. Y.w E uîîsoprano, Hamiton, il of gtitii>i arotindtheHo ou)>- " I tlioh louave trock . . lâaatToronto; Mse d Lttttttot., iitlta lot of SeitoleR, tefaoiebyspnof r,-tlýt-ttitg aittoir iteéls podid location. I laebe eeaweknwadhN oueverbore ierenaGrue >Cite0 faork o o prioo ot -d nxttt L tilt ttt.e t li». del Ti0tiit age0ootreeIIiu. GihbboR, piatist. MiltoR; tlte Knox tni. pai t ý hmit.ttll lok tr teithe nin onr iaia ChurCit Quartette, mjto;Mr. Arthtor uil i litl 1,ttr ha thy o-fattitgiland. Tîeraie agreat DP e ilaad accomppuoiotTe. ItDouoigto.aebrr of ltoroes saodlthey are dadoina route. Door otpen ai 7:30; tconcert t had t t... it-a. to. aerrogiogbetter than 1 have seen 8. Admisio25c.; relerroioseti;5o.J ttttLiL ayniooo, fortoale, etaeltre. We lhavo R very nicr, chenÀlpanofuhehatllbas hoett at-attîed attd c a), or ,li- ot eny erm.-. lown ; optiRtiou Oer8,000 suit1in.roervid enseau cpirhsitit th cresili-the mauing CooR iR theto 100» hall. 'The It 'iiit tttt CtatCMr. ni ttMe.PiaRo toe ueod onthlij occuasoon sa , i , t .l- P.ttîorita Ctot. ias r o-ocCOU rethiobieg of boyiog a ew. Gerard Heiotzmao, hiRdLy JutaRed by pýn-- at B. C, bhre hoiR g machiee, ormao or piano, doûRoIthoty Mr. IR. S. Porter, mounietdeater, Milto. 1ttttttt i tttt~~~ttttrl yeCcal an011Od ROc tthr>et stockever Lto Cceot otettîi Mo l lit.îtCCte, son ith- ie Coty.-lt. S. PORTER. f0d it oo. MOýWOt.-iRy 000t litiO> ttolil,l lti.>roetwad jouruey odHalnMnayiaconte l 0I. , t..ali td2dre.McCrauer't- SAO FATALtTY.-Satorday morCiRg Gulipht. Ation for titocoootructtotî c I - tuîtttt.. Gof hykvlîo Roidtare t Hooot, tîtolittoleoyear.old te wonu oftlate OiLvte Loobyofthett I Lt ic tantttff iicdo dotglitheeof Mr. aad m. m. H. Wii- Townoship of Eoqttotiog, aod focrthe qhel-IiRRRhautswiiO titiag her gradrother, sae of iiorcai otato and distribution, l' . Ch'p ad N»bby lt t-te otenttsoof aboulerof carboio othie peoceedo. lite causeoroqoiritg i " t t t t--. --"---j "' 1 cid-ooe of ttocitenoder yRaCO RoI kuitne-athe natRre of te deudie stinO. Sfio oae for seoneeiourattoo>cicoa altoîtgb Dr. Broct, olto lt eirn caiied, itud donc everytiinq for Iter ltaI iedicui okiti could devise. lThe innocnt sufieCCr liigered Rtilulte Itouon ORSuturduy igIh, oteit deatit hroaglitlrelief. lThe fuRerRi tock place tu MooduV t too ocloci te St. Jtode'u comcteCy. lTe fumiiy louve te syto- patity of ait. Guheiîie Star. For New Tics, Scarfa, Collarep, Cuit>, Stiiets, Braces. URderetear, Fel Mat, go 10 Irebies. cor. Kng & James Sta., AcoUITrru.-WMt. Liiirop. et Net. soc. eommitted for triai by Magistrats Joliet Harrie. on uaituarge of larCeRy of 40 Ib. of heef beioaglog te Robert Pr-istoe. litviRli been arrutfRCd botoro Joîlge Milter aRd pieaded ntIgtilty, oea> triod lus> hutreduy aRd-acqRohk>d. Joua Driohor. etio oas ciarged witit lte samne offrs>ce, ahaceRded, aRd pro- hably wooad have itud more dilclty iproviaf hie inRoceRce titas> Licrop hit. Drultrra horaoa oere aoid a trw dâa> go eRder anu ttuclomeuliimRed li a suit broRit againtîimhy Deain Motter. jr., for 870. lTe ithues>td for #885 aRd il la notlilhrly tit aaY, thiaf oi lie loftifler payseut oftte seanoottdjadgmsittand cents. SuEsit! SxRona -Home Brou. ofs>r t titeir gore itere M00huait. Soed Cern, 1,0010 ituit. Seed Peau, 8,0W00 hui. Seed Gale, 1,000 bRu, Bariov, Coeeruand Tiiotity alwaon ORatnd. 44-81t Ta animal meetiug of te ohare- hiolderu efthlie MitoR Drlrtasi Park Assoiato n se ield aI the Wallace Roue one .Aprii 91b 1891, for tie pur. poso of rs>rmwtag te -fi"oasliBlute- ment et tho puai yeur uand for lie electioa of offleero and direetor for 1891. lTe receipte for tbe your 1800 tere 66U.75, and lie aumonte -peisdd in purses. improvemento on lrack and buiding grand stand 'is 804.&?, le-V, tal ae-ahtbalanoe onu antOf 810.58, Ms reportait iy te lreaenrer and aui'- ai anud paneaiby ts audllOr-W. H. Liudsay and J. H. McCdiloin. Tlp xWsealio bave lintata rel Ummit amooiticg k> 3500. tiioshs t s it lbuy are in>a rery pmesleOoite. Tbe ftowiàg tbritise 0ofris mi diosutOl for 1801 :-udge Miller, boa p ji-t J. JIOtICil, P. s; W. A. 'à~U lid, Pros.; W. M.L oh..oo Mlax. De J. Me-gud,>t ~ L- us. aitu'. 8 tt.I..ttt CorKing& Jnaes ýtt IIIttlLlhview opjoed tle t l, , . lt for te liottatt ti-iît t. tt l.tttweekrexpiained t ltt u t 1itt tt litO a bleat O> etda l"' - of titttîapheaibetntheC t. îtcttr kid.glot-rav-iti t ttI.t-ttter.-for sale oeiy ;i. t a.t seto alull tlinicof t 11i i te Most dttieotoleï 431m.1 ttîtI-cc ùon monday. tMay t i- .l igge9t aud bctaio tý1 1 tltt itti. t Smeposterstftee t ti iopore. Chtampion at, i ttl to 0p. m., and grnd -t t.Il.ttttt1 ig fecthe beRoftit w .tui .i,*itclwilt IplRy oR - ' th ie day. J t l. 1atisfoelory C. t O ue goond reliabte tlo ia .t.ogeod vaeiehyofi l.ty ttsein. Ve aieo - i t t it.r $"seiack poi. Lt,. i li ttt 4-. ie t Ft ttî. -Orguiser Nimmo az. un >les@tan t 1!t -t -t i le Ifiltoniatte k - lre t jlt- îo smberaforua ', - totove natioual, fra- t dt . t ....hoef wite mTe i. Ime tttttti.îofste ostd t i lotage, withi ncita "nIi.îly fait taoprauper. Mt. t.... o \,a, ially stictosful lu t 'ttt ott aioegetawn, oh- ttfi lt put i. 1» a use,-e f'il t l'91itt. Itittre lun te Bible lte ltih( 1-t 35006.To te Ihird [.tfoli.. itttrtl> 8.00. To lie ,,tii ,t.te eait 51000; ta il ett-.a aci. Tete text 25, 1.Ta()t.I,therouseding ta lie vtî tttttttreOWI igiraS#100 on Iroth Lu t-tth lia #50, aud "Metttî cio tlm fieM. Wfer setip~t t, oa ux of Dr.C*(10'8 1lt-tt.antd Lttee Piilg tiheoîstBioat Lttct ad Stotîtooh M Iever »î"d ,re Cu fIck bM hdhe. DWO> trItpe 1ttj>sR *bpreaeu*# AiltooLo 1 ree, belq livenaway 8 CLOtet te ttaoto t1i tepe RRotners wu U~. papec SEB roter y 44le T Battikttof tto eiu. oce lirat. tbddrRaoH ir lirtiata Gui e vu ~udIi.I at. Appleby P. LoK 13 Msd 14la blok mu. ber oe a iMmrol asa]dPearl k> the To n of1 T eu»ls as mitd undApl.k ai tse aamt FRED, TOWNSEND, toamtté is. 48-St. Palerino. ColEWalsa. -Mt émn1àua"vem *LAND FOR SALE k>heeaduuav efr omtiio Part of Lot Ne, a,tainte (lbCou., Thse Methodt ~Epk>ecpal Conférene augaeya,eoRRitl»gof abot ltirly. ,vfl S0o jýMamore ba-deetded by 1>Cdres(II)acres, -oitt be n:sd lot aoteof S? ofoIS 10 de olouroa» logates. fvrt0e~&aog >jde titibougee ltereoe. Tisa ood ror, adjoining lteTorenk> Su wnAnl ays lte Mikado of TCo aWorltuevit peardeu Japa k>ealways ohlidgedtak>watt aI T au orra Cetot.o pricl ta Publie, bis arm biOtg cooidered tueamI y Ohd>1ot.Frprtear saered for aeuo te Empreet ta laho. A.ERIH DSN (li teBriieih Roge of CommoRu . . IH raRD P.O0. Miuk>k>r ChtapliR aid taI pleuraZiteraaP.G Pnumonie aiad eeR deterted lunlro Or k>DroAo DetAn, EsQ., MiltoneOnt. animae landod aI Depîford from Bat- d2-8m. timore. S L A Jeerinl lawyer of St. Pekrburg A M F R writes ateliter sating ta il tile Jew a RM F R S L residing ilu litI ilv have iteet ordered IiERR>RC.Hk>,Cuslg k> louve hy May 8.' 1of abotoR 170 acres, 1600 otored, heu>0 Te aecond ballot hetweoR Bismarc ritlC otoS >14.. 1Soilauricellay aad Sclhmat il fiood for April Bo. laao aud ina aRood Mule of rltivalioR ; fIla Leruai.1ltatte priece oi Rot gond lanesO; )ouRforehard of aboet reiea ud ilie Iprobable tatliteoi l leetac; tworgood weluand aeevee- hoe auOemsfoi failiRg crerit. Titelri a roogi-a haonse, gooti otitildiRgs, drive uhed, BOGRN.erorltslop aud eeoodahed on pretoiseo; 20 attre% tali ertealt inthte goutd and PAoTOt,. OUtieto l tit o. toeooife of 60acres Rror eeed,-a dmirahle dairtr GorRid Paotoo, Billinge, Montanta. farm. Immediate possesioidesired. U S. ofRadaogitter. Ftorltrer particotore appiy onolre. mise., or ta Poevo.-fo Miton, oRnlte201h ist., G. S. ALTOo.Noeon 1P. lte elfe of OSt. Pa»tott, oft is fnto-les, mdiaely iti h haro.ti S-t CLEAvl'ttt.-Ie Burlingtoti, on theliltit iooî., lte eetf of F. Stogite> CLrver of R dattghter. Executors' Sale BY TENDFER t' _o' ttt.At ttoOdâtocit. Ontle tptOA, h 0-.,>,t. tlte, t7tlt Aprit, Ly Re. .1C'.Fartîîiug, ttthtTto lr ttttt.toat.tîtîîtkt ' retor f St Pau's, Voodgtoc, J."'dn i .ttThé ,,lO.g Ilt7hy 2 tt. e Morris> Yooigto e bCuliîeriae J. t.ttdtttttitttt.tttgtteh. -thattittOi,t,.-jtt Racey, ridoît daoglitror f te Wtot ',o-t. ot, ,i, lehtt..,otd i r.... ..tt- Titoo. Itocoy, egitror oi Halto. îtttt.t>u>. COtototo KIot.-I .ttttoý n.I t,tttlt , th Stlitof ..iri.itBri iîo>gto1 o h, [t hî,ttt of Grimsby, .Chtas. Cotemanteb Maria, tItttl,- ttt t tct-yt-Ij.tttttt tl t daglittrrof C. Kitng, oLitof BlIrtittg j tejte Buoat-JoEuaao.-.n a GniLtc.on t e _ t15 t" APit, bv tce Rctt. FaLit JorLLy. Titone Bîrot tjttWîtth Notice to cre&itors -LINDSAY- 10 eellîng rîtil lard lVîdé UNION AND WOOL CARPETS at 45c., 53c., 57c., 60Oc., 65c., 8.5e. and $1 a yard. Yard-wide Hemps at a York Shilling --and-- SPLENDID DOUBLE WIDE HEMPS at 30e., 37c. an-d 40c. a yard. About a hundred Readymade Suits that will be sold for Cash at any reasonable price. Don't forget Lindsay's Famous Floor and Table Oilvloths. 1 $2500 1)t1 - îD. tiilte mttoir oifiDavi tioCaRiltao-f .. VV L8 J t-t~î.t~o. t la1to Got iOttt 00 lte'resto ofMilk,1 l tthetrL.ol ý.j.,f i-talleo uell teIt Mapo Gai e c flie .- -olii, lieeitrtleceascd. F w lgr t t ie îtt le ..o tO L. iiehr3LAiiteet-I.o iiIthe.c1t-t>C.,,ttt-h.,.aOcasht tiizîe o he 'e m m t. o t e --a itOIllin boyor girl 'tei.. 1711> Lcae ci ltcr agt. fil-titt th,-1 It hO tllde isetthe be t a d io t orîgiiili tC ie0C tIti iit titie titi>$12 Titiltir-itade tittttt t aklte, e.011 itt î î.î.. ttth, t-o. e É t .1,0 t... 1îsfor moen~. Uiderstaiod, tecc.Suttit t ae ttcoiiioîin tltttotiet'bit! i-Lt fret Fiel 11>5el ol Mi> » ,atigite, flthithelates!tîioptetl patterns, 'o tiivery fine 1iIiiiLgs atdsd hlerltr wrtlaLli1. \e w'ol Met M H ttLtaat.acd Xtîît~ J-tttlise,, WtthisL i e uias an atItertiseeLL ti for the i-ot f mirbilLsiitess. We Sihow orsteds, z Tweeds, .k Mixtures, etc. 'il lie gîte E t tti ilive dt' ttisafte thing Co. ab Estate îrk in 9,ad e fo i e,11 (eun yqaM, ire tn<fend (o ton- cnb unsd bo/e lo mexit a ton- c2eittg ii a oiton <o ,bay ioaaionà foye i iýe quan#*diêt, in t'kale ai the 4fate. CASH d wîth responsible parties only. French rees Pat, stGck js Biý Bargauas e (JARPETS- For'Housecleaners. care tb tI-c e8sfit I p roi. the "PRIZE ias it ceea or Ihanko fidencte e best p teitht ta> fis-e .Siigtir rth of rshoes every [ni of rtli of if but- earest New bition Y. lot two coeetCoetiO o R w s as folothO:. - Oiteut Ctti-teo- lao Geeiplt.ORnlte 1911>iaolK., ..to.î..tt, . My yooogect toitb; of LLîe âge of eigiî. Rottert CoîisoR, iaîo of Roc>ctý t tti ttttttttt ltf tUtt, een yeaCo>ti ty coL.t . . . ctui l te 9t yearof )lis age. -t y hdd btlttItlttF ne B t tji-thI t nt t-tt t t ýtt tt il.ttFttntettBltack anda oor d W hoe divided ooooDg oty chLîtIt ien ITro MtootEL .-Oo ibhe111h iut.llitL-Thtorn ttt:tttttt'tt.. livting, thut ut te Ray, to cattitOf MY Lotge."Spingfild o-tbCredttiîttttotItttttttitIsottt.,0,t sousL1ooactîofwLite rds and te ettt, of th eidencof his, o, Soe>bcotoli and Canadiai theevorhofue cittator; hienotionst TOrges, t-i of fractionssttromtWbiet-tcitar; bout> _ Serg s, Si] is arelief te thioit ie btloged tote .tALbrichibousei(tit ieroootectand It puot feiterulioo. ea> ttcdocuet dates a stable on lte corner of Fostec aot' o..-t Ttth.tt t t fisitttipetitiot cltîses May 31, alid the leetsiott til baeh ta 1819» SEWicuthe io Otecs Sarcah St.; aoekteuel or reiti, a frotte -ttthe Oize rn irdîedto tie sttcces-sftii itne.Addresst snatlaicoti eigbleeo in 1872 titeeroitorador are> oplootol e mt erere twoheeittrtoioeg, ene 44-41 Do. FREESSAN.- - daogbters and filesoust, twoof wo-itoo____ have siice died. lTeelchcetior itold.. litthe Most reasooaitie aodeotio Hiouse for Sale. ASSIZES. > tactary oMode of distribution oisttot M e rc h a n ts* C o eae cildshul hae sa Ori, bot soo litIommodiooo dle-ilog itooseon ltat asoece Itortioen ctiait bc doublte MItttM tliott.titsan 'citoed ty cfMr t Wîi it I II. ltaI of a dattgbter, Saiottittticg te JosephIîllarriaoo. For tartictiars opîîLy hy gt teetL.t>tho tîttO .'f Oy, acd TreetC or now o Cor.James and Ring Wm. S lte oord part for sare,loe thist h e to teAustin Silimoti. Esq.. Mitont oc y iery ndtee tL hotr 0a i Ja i teer, tnd Amgieei effectu k> o edirideil omorg My chiii- 11V. J. C. WILLMOTTi- SiatOte, 1l h1 h r, id t t oswiin futeifrm inmstncse3el bal orop ton, tteacbiof my senstweo parts and Newton Brook, Ot. te-eit of my datiglIter8 one part 1 - COURT HOUSE9 and teareompliiithis th.eololoa.iiidI il the Stîrrogate Couirt of tise te ho divideti iRlo aeveeocttttits. cie-li 0 Coîînty Mof Halton, lte ueyeo daogltersct se cet eeottseT W F 1T and talt eucttent-e sttse s rol 'cI ntbte malter of Goardioosbip of te Referoice blte to aoter ni Guelepht infelat iidreoof John Matiron XRW .H M ac ordiarycoos b ision; etralaeof helownshtip of Irofaigo Costa of te erlng for Ctoa8tCotLicO o i the Counly of HRlott, Fartoor, MlLaApîili27tlL, 1891, deoeasied.t liehteledand pRli onttofthe Whlîo eo t. os--y O tttttt, ttt t. thttt t t hai iii, btof ilNTE tt t .A. hN I tale; oo taxation trestcotstoeie titt a tît -sa iat.ec t.td et. e.. i uiiowod te Ibre e t it ree-itffirent 1 i)wees. ral T-tett tR>tt , la ttttt, "f'o,,ttt.1.1 Gitttoced nitlo>h- .riooserb4eiaeodm fitA M éete A aopoele of to e ilI. .at 11-rtet., O> ta :. tt ':Rdt., t .t.eand astt d o /ad. ..d .ttct.,Z d ,r moO irfoco sdi d'ti vhich oppertis 0 .> . (e ted < . 0 Thteitritisht forres are muittg rleady MUitoooe-« uh.Jime-tO re,ît, nl.s thtco uu aac n wtge,,en~t o lerogreRa u inteir adruc.eduMui- t. t tc - dortt, 8>Oaiteto -t ' ~oi Li> Sody tmy ete"oi-rt >tttttth >H.l.tttti hîo-..'thetO.. ITTHEW CLEMP.NTb lctene4fiie.oi ai/do y.f.ia foc f M uprs iln 5 n atcd ite-ta t) .» r it 18t91,etiCe aiot toaIndiRg maay. lie Britiah los as J.o-t LONOMU te. Stiffa Olire. i killidanad d4erooide-d, Aooter fOglot. -t a» oaît ,tde.t.t- Mitn. p.tl Oi /uneo le3<oaeetne ofi fim for tic possessiou ef te Samaa idg, 1_ _- _ tWaumilar reault. I- ouA otoiod ioe <olee ablet (att rnI rit cei',, Tiare le troublea aI Banalre te to. rl/L- -t,-, .uo sacred cily of ludia. ovor tlit erlt8 daers of iteathe teinples k> make room Oidmad«caÙin iàucfiY fwV for a reuervoio, and î»t>i Mthebor oaN TC 2idtfad 'cinkI h4nca / - i bas. li111e difficly in oup=roiRg lte N TC .eéi oeboine itaaemnffb rioters tlie, iltanfeared alitahle dia___ ifiection May sprend ad prove ta o f bc .fneii/nedladi< mt u« maio" J.Cto.a18naliboFia Ilctnsdue to JOHN P.*IMPER mnîttbe seltted -jn lie coulde ôj a lentday- Ie 4h«Illiballeeait toal>d huselét frtuomtn or before May lat, 1891. Sbeawk EecCape Be, Mli.krerd,*we b JR obbahoaaRrows es os.Thie ellEover. bmlnhottmpO>ubompie n mAND SAVE COSTS. E M OSTV L odim ksiteuty. 1 'à Motitrialaà Aedrie, a wetgboleiroaellt pne xet yseia ragmn n isvigsei douai beemi od__________________________________aNoa oîot oeedecet yepealarageetfn t. or m.k*n. a R...>.dasà t,R-t USE - VOMR. - UTTrP.Q

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