A. Feser.. wl neot te pub ton ad CampbllI Association wilIl b Be tsWils H000080thOn vnise. . nriet tas, rench Dre, NJ he i t- from Ufft !aluabléePARK AWONIMO ILToxgAu.s took & Fmrming Ipements iEDMfEDA Y, #ARONI 25,,91, rat HOUsE FOR. SALE Miuin Uh8eUb g ise . :0,4.00M.. Hgotel for, Sale. Kn-u «*a, . Osl ;:t. 22 9 .40,ol e, s00 ou.urese.rn 608. &oj .0eIO toAvMiet ro Lnefeorld .. byf bye. -M Ap 8P001 OTIC e eniaiged thi, m er. If yon iii give yoII le uine of rk. in Ware, tiocy (Io or tell otIte thîe Bank BALLY, MfIL.. Now n the ibre$~ee bap ~ sbloes-ai WilsosC ' , lae& es JOHNGAMOnfset *g s iu Asnu Smithi, Atoo, s&Wa ÛOWHO re . at Fergue for a pr etOf 0, Tho i gr j" .16,W former oas the icounarby about bela i î elmetnsw laY' LAisu5S Who wbl. ,o, Boys' Sit Folt Hab chear etTrelilo*e's. este gou tg l-.thé, 0ci0 IN Mno Soti Fdora Rl1.îfront lo eab -i . Cor. King & Jamoe ~OHatniton- stock of a0 i A LnoiToURl 000 Tt Bsec. John lt'eolcy &0., just reweeilbg5.0m ouiI ho iveoi temusn Sw(FidBaY) even- tbe latent ity1oUau ing nGrecu huré., by Ro. Rural Oat dofy oomp.tiMoe" . . . .a. . Dean iMackenzie. Service hieliogin ai auseOfinrt s>0,1111.01àUva*. Osui"0am 9 80 olo . torniohbsgpeof &U 6 M d MiONYTe Loasaé$%. on Irot-l clus"an they e btl g uutlE f tMloaer t mortgago of tarm p5operliýr-D. W. outinsoor ove os hag g or he bt a @s1ýub f twg Yo CoOPOOLL. ~~~made uspsasety6ly Cr s-s~eoaia~is .uiuot ,rule meoetigogfteY.P.S. o Grâce Nàuaow EscAn ransà Xs. i. lm lm,*otuiX"ia .11, .Vh.là. wiI Clird, iedenModayletit cas James Traumas, an eI&dtyi lbn v«*M *Vho bsu Itou uth hm S, 4O400imo000Y decided ta givo a gand reident et Freènuau, ipeur n"lg"olIswt. Tboy Were marrteyj iB concert o arly in May, for obiclothle rau a narrow eecape front hplu klledJas. Gray, K#X dutmlnler, et Mo.12 boît pofessiioutalat wilholieo00oed. on tbe N. de N. W. Rul& ta4ek eebi" of0* Puk o, Moos800110 wi~eu~ ~ Monday. Me oWs ging acoug boe u b Ta#"l. ,%lS RALE i*g C8111U Ie ecrseelugs obsu -1.1 ( L . -,. . Pum,1 .o-su1sté r,,,o00 oîoOîoablonothenawcteher ra 0s~ i.Oui1So neà,O ~ * 1tUIRiOBKHT Majion of No. 7 Co., tance befons bolng Pitaibe1eÀ, For. lOllnei smer ril 3ohm e & toooblY lbe oasuninjnrod, eziep a B. Clarboon by Iluol'.W bl= 2 l.1410 Mîon, lom ntercd ""I, few culs on tbe be.o. prisonor W" sorausd Us aobabs'.w fautey scliool, Toronto, for a "short Tueslon oi uo iitou~p.tr courseo.~ 'ivatp Wn.Armstroog.ofTHE olw elkonrlitr a dMite. rso sa*-uilà. ie in oOO)a8iy, Issoeniohed iu 'C ',will condot tbe survice« i. th nàw Wabo uti8 un l. lk Co. sMeteodiot Churiob, Milten, nex4 Ba. abot 2 iyeta. If ouwan aSibý>@ragoto asbahl: 11 a. m., Bey. Dr. Johote n .ked what hohatsl If y00 osoh Si gowaer ite e charge lite gaino Mm, lb A. FrazeO's. Bpari., Rev. James Caswosl; 1 km., Poster sdla 'Ail 1bave tu idteî 1ev. A, E. Ruse,M. . A heaty adsu ane vd with arieBte ta",o rdial invitation extended te the pulicIhv ntbod ihmdes o attend ail theeurvices. Pes I rtytuyas hthnwpo M, Cmfotabe satin an moern theuglt We parted nt te Byve Wt e stmcofsuttabEtnaVtiain inereuch sther su mas sud wife any lenger. (]P ystm e betin ad vntiatiu gBie ]had takes op wite anteer MouP e ueo edifice, Monday, Marsh 28 fulEn !Ady, ito n eltnst 1br 8 pes., 8ev, Dr. Johnsten oUI deliver batdft AnySmetsauno e.lTatdid noter or Sly la Ch a Nobby Fit a lecture i. theeohurch attled < talcebu oth Miss Cnarine uon un Idietn ilctq go te Treblele2 A grand nere ada, Ou, Contry and Its Dettu.les u ih isClrsnune n st00o o lct fom.erC.Kiug.& James se'rncy.11l TnE ourbool coscrt in counection Tester will net lie libeîy te Sund thtA st'. Hooltoo. oitb S. S. No. 17, Trafalgar, Ield en bchanu eiped hie caso by mal.ing sncb 100 01,,,ooAoo00 oodiy o'oiug Maclo204 vu a achlargs against is wife, Woen te r. 8 îîoty. lof ongli, nd Mr. Harvoy grand succonso, notoitbotanding the gardes! by ber neigbbors genexaly sana ao .ýffflûceOfsooceînvîU, have beecco - ,oochbtoate of tbo reeds. The ning mnel respectable weman, and who i ponteil Coocooi CcmissOio.î, for liy lIrs. Reid, Miss Sciren, Rov. Mr- bringing up respectably a toeily ut b lOaion ooa Peel rep.ntively. Ail tbe Haddoo and Mr. Stewart, tbe instrn. chldren tht Tester ou teen lauy tefo wo,',000oi be callood oeller mental msoic by Menors. Greer, Rogers, support, teat beiug tbe ebiel reasonTh f,, insrcon ofl luy. Patton and McDougall, anod the rocita- evby be and abs parted. » 1loots sudilos ientsgicooo away ions liy the cbool obldoos, w0ore Mayor Dio Ommmitoed Faster triai bo et wlsooîo oai for eush. excellent. A recitation liy ev. Mr. and hae olîl bc arraigncd botoro Judge te I. Boo ae.Rbot rm Astrong Haddooo and a duel by Mr. Steweart Miller vithout delay. th, lo da îooopainltee olber day anod Mîto. Reid worc of special menit. Misa Clarlison, Foster0s Ilington and agaiot ler liocliasd, soisaroFlococlarg An ioterontioog address wau given by vichico, ou prenant at tac Mayoraot ,i viti tlireateeiiig bar. lo defanit o the cbairma,Mrl. Deaco,. court. She in shoot 80 years otaâge, la * Uo,100000ureties t10 h the pence. Boli DWeu.u.ueo URNo.-Ooo Saturday quite attractive in bier appearahice andth 00,40Hort ujil and afil romain thora niglt about ten ocbecl the dweglino s uaid te holooog tona respectable family outl tlîo sizs, obus hisccame lbo Mr. David MFerran, in Nelson ton. and te bas, au oxcelent character. liogit lidoe tbe court. ,oip about hwo miles fr0,. Milton, bah- e. O For Neçv 'ries, Sie.rf, olaro, Onfs, tire frounthbo itoben steve and oas CANADIAN ITEMS. T Oloîts, Braceso Undievirar. Fet Hts, burit te tbo g-ooud, tegetber eith eili h rvnilTeurrwUmlet o e rebl's, cor. KYhg & Jams ee 5.. uts rontents. Mr. MrFerran and the is financial statement te tbc Logis. O Harailton , other insusateos ot the bause ocre-aUin l latureon Tueuday ,eut. Too owi of the 4a"e ev. T. W. bes! srhn thoe firo broke out and ls..o The re.eeunit i. South Wtwortb un JeoOerv. Ut Torontu, -9as liceu fled for nohbteng ot it until teey board the beaves Mfr. Carpcntqe, the Censrvative tîote. Ilis esctate 14yaloieta82,039, alaroo raised by easuan woe happened candidate, a majoriny et ose. inl44diOU $1,000 ot b1 insuuranoo anod il te ho pauuung on the rond. Thoy bas! The Note Middlesex re-count bus0 ail nonto is auglsà, Mryexcpt brel tie t sae teirlivs ad loftt Mr. Rutebinu, Consrvativu, vite a - sOl 00e10 ob augiipo May, xect beeîybus toanvother lvesan ajoriîy ot six. 110 an oin qoolo ousbld articles, leftI noueo te ave asytbing elue, sud w0010mNoville . Pcthaîl, woe Sgred in te Rîeqlosa Brice, Whboosoobeper. tortenate in bavisg a retuge cloue by the Bireioall cmo, bas oltsted in C WHowans Frnfflputin? aiy ibte bouse of Mr. McMuster. CJo., Schooi of Infantry, Torote. t0he iooso pracical M"sin te beoony- TuE Lîcues, 9INoErCToBSnP.-SOsue Mr. Adauo Clarten, tateer of Mr. JliOî T. Moo, suie agent for ail the webs ago Licenue Inspecter Brothers Jobs Cliacten. M. P., and 8fr. Wm. 4,îoo tooace and stepe oundrios. lt. lft h uoddenly for CaJiornia oitbout oChatrîte, . P . ida yoel IN-OLVFo.NT.-Bradl,àMtik Mev-catilo auiog fo, leave o absence. As thBuu su A xlso 6trdydsr dte0 gccy reports anhfl ollocre thbeaes. tm ie dynefligo oelkees' amiefactery ut J. F.Patton, noar i4~0ocoîif W M.Naculi, ardoru pplications for licennteil tui necesoary 1h1, n!u bol]heoolMLtw o,î,,oliant, Milton, aud Johin Baird,' tbah au inspecter abould hoe on baud tu .eighborbood. fUOcy goodo and g ioeory, George. recivo thosu, anh ast tbeo seemsnte o fou. Josepb Mrlin wilIliec a candi. i 0000. FoorlMtes b"leso estebhl. ,m,00 ncertainty a te bon thbe pro. date for tbe Manitoba lecal lewatoreI- niets averocntl beomeinslvet 'senh incusuhont nl como bacli, it in and womU hoeoppceed by Major &<lanand1 04,0 hardware, oua honte and soecoanod expechcd lbah o Iho lereleved o is o Portage i. Prairie, Conserrativo. one anc gods.office and a succsesor appeiteos!lm. News comee by oay of Wubhingten ft0Cey I hi xpcia ibhretat tbe Goveromont o British Oiana If0 gîods. y aofFrutueinmeiy f b ai e ote terbas rjocted Candas reciprcity over. If te aot. Fauyed o oritre sme>egu crml Pfrtope'*turoic, prfrrin te suale arrangesueste 005 Js. A Frueeu.tion, the apirantshoei.g rmeurons. and tor rrocrity oitb tbo StateL Iltaou i5iToooc Uc&.-A social oiU tbe (ovrnunont te bopi bnsy listeiog Tbeouppesents ut Mr. Somorville ta bgioc liy thoe LidWe' Aid of Enox te their clairs,. Morte Branh, Mr. Sutberland in Nortb Chuoilîat he rY. #. A, baIl, Dwar svosvss Dorr.o.-A tonwoeks âgo Oxford, anid Mr. Edqar iu Wet Ontario, Duco hrdoyeeig 6h ail lose tboir depeits. Tîîe.aggregate Illoilo, on tlurnd a oevepogoam2m8h.Mr. R. . Winn, denlist, lateiy o Peck- majorities are 8,644. 10oceîooohensda god rocasuuclaie, cntered iite nepottiOndé witb Tbe Grand Oangu LodgeofotMansite. oîll lic povidcd. A sehr of usetol Mr. J. . Carrique to bny eut tise prao- ha and tee Northisu Territerie. open. and anc artcle WM isebc fr s l ice othte latter bore. M. Wtes gave os! t Portage la Prairie yetscday. M. l0e40g thîe c0,ig. '8fr. Carrique a nate and atr tee latter Molvey, thu present Grasd Muster, is Gent's Whihe Lai»&ded Shitstet bas! takep it te thes Bouket Hamilten Raid te ho diusalisfieol witib taecoesduci nod 5c.rac-.*ebou vase i ~ o ~~ ~ ~a,,jjou the Oder during tbe geserel eise- 50c.and75c eab,-he ien vaue n t no ifit oral le dscorntd iens~,sd oileuseste &gai mepl Cenaa a Trolens, cor. ing & Jaunes ukes! toc it and guI it back. Alter- the Grand Masterehip. St., Hamoilton. nards tbe ton dentiste d,55red avoc lMeyor E. Gus. Porter, ut Belleville, 'IFVRîcîrACCIDnn5o17EUnOIWorreU Ibheir ba.fgmn -adil oWu brokon Off. votadit tico toc theoOsuservativo candi. Ool the rooiortune ofttallteg 4ows tee Tben Mr. Crrique badlMr. Winn date thone on tbehe tint., and S.diug otheO 0 lbo one ~ lw o'tec onerrsto eboglg hes lilgitisg tise tsthte Lilieral. intended prosecti.g sodvioraong. Obgt up in tbe note beuk by traud. Tise caseos.ia gitiendur ote y as oa a-8 oiglsandinothb e un.f cl down & brougt beture Mayor Die and oas tmIe, woo Oued hi,. enly 69. Tho tioCotr 0h0f stair. " loftiooldor 1 dismisoos by hlmu, Ihen Mr. (arriqre lobereis tereaten te bring the mater oooroîcîloeei eandnoiorlaideatrais intoemation bifon.polce bore'the grand jorY et the sprng dioplacoof Ho h laid np ever Meeitlate Young ut OaksUel ans! ail asso mince, but io gotil Iàfavorably and theepartie.sud 1Juin coiuÉal 11.4 Ou g0 Theo Auditer.oneri'a ireprt tor thes ig cipeited teb. nnd sgeiinlueteere. The reuitt vas lthe lu* l etai peyesbythu eeominio coupe if Scls, illtar. tbe flhsi trial. ou' M. Ifrsique ta'0 's. e te ~ - Te Do' o boalthee ýgsioof boots ana finylso te gel frMe I. ga i. .P., of Minaturich "4d "660fert iocat Thom. W-1'1s.1Brut,te tuksup tise Se.... EE tttmo AcuLTci.-IMr. Ï ret Brewns, e of lkt5I~d ee 'hsumplill v ,1e. in te ipadaeie su e4 Oeob'S w.~enl O1 [âg aes u..,CHana le aen. eu.l d, o 51 osf gellbho obo aaseueed « od "Wum" tnaSfots51 oe, teosu Toroto Onotlsos daj. If tioM., 9".éTo be ill letooun sW ff u ha wtqm*ua9u 0" Ootchappear enas îmtos 1.85 ft ols il o s bni rth ue.s»u * o grappîing hboui reaynte au LEUontinau cer accident Genth' Und- O posg importes!; &aIl - t syle.. 3 dialomes, ds. MenILTO ir, n or before Maiy lst, 1891. AND SAVE COSIS. New Carpets For the Spring Trade. ,Dptteen elete wib tre y a eperienSed buyer, from tbe oading housen of Europe and Canada. New Wi0ten Carpots opened up in tbe ruchest of colorîngs, dusigna and quhabe. usking uar stock ef Wilten Carpets by tar the lge.b ebeoninsthe city. (Or neor Bruoslu Carpete are in pattens, rieh oolurings, qnita u antiy sururPooI <ub.-ave tillanice 1Boo0tmest lait t oftheso bout 9.toie Bruieels te sol i tî61 Pr0 d ap0 ei alte etEn4e Twolve 1haies t ofneslCrewiiitets nls aud Canaitiall patterns. New Tapestry Carlont. in varietY Mld paemealeSst eqPal te the Bru.ete. Ton haies t ofnwUnion Osepetr ,,ded te eux .lready large &a n eleted steck et thesie.,code. A .pleudid line et Union Carpt ai Son. Art Squares i. a largo aud variod amsri. ment P. S.-Orgie manufacturerine iWedoet«rpedals wnuld anWeil te inspesi aur stock in TaOente ud a useM . ",YBROTHERS 5 and 57 King St. ER, Hamilton. - Homse ust ceyed Loom Tàblingu, Y. B. DarnakTabinu, Bioahsd Diaak Taling? 5an88 abeN. pkiU ,, 5/Sand6/8 stitched RoulI Lawn Handkfle, Brown Rough, and Butichor Linons. These goode being importod by himseof, Lindemy Cmmand wiii sali theon at very low pricos for cash don. [SHED 1872-0 -- - This week has also brought a case of Ladies' PRETTY OXFORD TIE SHROES: at pri ces froin 97c. te $1,85 per pair. Remember the Big Sale of BOOTS & SHOES JUST NOW Milton's Lively and The Cheap Store. ___THE- Merchant's Clothing Co. -ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR--- P-LYMOTJTH ROCK 8.~FOR A 17 Lo 84,Co..2, N. D. S., Trafalgar, =j Twbd4oo ro.ro ob 20. fsd dweltg an ionbuildings. Witbhai ieotfimra 1511-O 5,n.~.m.I4 dhrluosf stat ion, 0. T. R. Âpply to *R.LMÂCAIRTWEY, j,'J5 MWIonreM oo1oohbs .Boyne, Ont. 000CV 1YMO. by P t =oa @Rif onsà P P'arm for Sale. = »-.pt= Prà e 0h..1 ir Beisg the eat hallofetlot 82, Con pO. '~~ ?~ 0 cession 5, inthe Township ef Esquesin- 4Ord. Dunider cr4, 01, indosOprem t in the Caunty oet Maieon, centaining machin0e 8.Toesdnrk1 ftuoboat: 100 acres more or les. Frame boume 1-restlUâ.smym a"; iugn i'and bank br.Witbiu4 miles of ut*4o emk,mroo . . '0Acton on the 0. T. R. For particolaru (P0 18gBe.r01. moo pply te, 0eB.i O.. entrpioný. rfieoOJ. W. ELLIOTT, m.bsudiq 't-,,.- qooso-l b. , à . 89-8t Barrisior,Mitn imi8r.280 hOFarm..oiookoo for Sale. nt0,O.Bh. laA- "I gen' foi. .- .,o 1.8 ThSloo.îoIno..p, ooo0, Trafalgar, Co. Halton, oonstioog UdUZ eOOtOoeio focoooOi ,o.150 acres, boiug S. j ot E. jîlot 7,ocon. 0l0800154e01.n I.iuOT..., -du 1, N.S., Trafalgar. Soil ariobolayoao rost. oa, Oooool,0,-. .a .0ond.-k uad in fieut oiUssOtle of cutiratios. 0 .ir. ,0.Oo.. 0"m0 0onmL& p,,0 A Gond frame dwelling bouse, driving 0. .n.u0.1slug to th. -th arud 0018. 0080100.,4 04O, 0,OoIo., sheobd, brnand stables; well reaterod 0f bh~uoifej ok. 8 goo wolls, and frnoed first..olase. .yo..TO, 0..10.4 Inmodiate possession if deoirod. For .48A reu 1.110f .p d o.~,o,*furiber particolarus pply on ibe pro. 4. il tp,.ug fu p0. m o.,ooises, or te JamseMidn, Boyne P. 0', sOs eu.ktoo.i , Ouioc,, litor M. E. MitcbhellSolicitor. Milton. .0n8 ctt. 'T&f-8lahd, 04hpo. A.th . .R.tf. . ot 0 ..fr.FA M FOR SALE Od o.i, y o0 Ilk .00 f.O, sou osi hu poudo. Io Og"., th..o.., soo lui Esquo.ioig, Co. Halton, consisting ,.'uso ,0, fOgIog0,oo 8 tabout 170 acres, 160> clearod, heing 8180le à r0k-t, ha 0,04 ,enind .*.rlots B& 4,cou. 1. Soul a riobClay Mob.u8. or. f-, d00.,I0.000t.e00010,0 loaa and in a good $bate oficultival.on; e70iboort d".4558 0 .oOi8go orbt.gOo-,good toncos; young orcbardotfshot -Y.1 OlOcoeoIOdoo ...0000thof thtoo 160 lOOreeu;tro good rlls ad anever. ig . id ntlo. t.ý lo.,nd-1dt.d aiiig creeb. Theriua rog.oaa 00<. boue, good outbuildings, drive sbed, T..-.,T. 110P-' -t-.00t ti-f 8-1,. 00.0 000oCkahop and woodebod on premiseu -y0000000.0 -000gn f- Y- t P, ot, Osrutl20i i bgoudn M diooo..OO or W. T-oo,,, F,, 60 acres Dow need,-a desirable d 'r ook-Oi804.0,and0010, ;oer hO.aooooo.8 tares. Immediate posseesion if deired 8,, 0810., p.OoOuesPrly .. toP-1,o.. t.For furtber particularu apply on pro. 30LA . OR . onnomises, or to C. FI. GREENE. G. S. ALTON, Nelson P.0. 10AMUS T ' If Dt o adimodiatoly, will lis :) t GE0.000. A ,A00010000. Ookillf. rentod. 1f Best $3 Worth in Canada Corner James & King William Streets, IMPORTANT: NEWS -FOR THE LADIES- NT%- T WEEIxx lmll. MISS CAMPBELL, who has 0so u-ccessfully conducted ou. Millinery business for a numnber of yearsa wMl be pleased to mneet ail our old customers aad as many new ones whomay favor us with their patronage. W. are receivlflg and QpOing u# a splendid aaeoftment of the and' moot desirable juB n Ht, - P1%loems, Rnbbons, ,Orin enta .n4 Novelties. wek tak , ng ~ruo m.y TROUSERS NOTICE. ceived as it inî excess of bet thanks ; ith tlie bet ~itiî ERS-- give with ~ed Tes, five IIOW Stîgar worth of Overshoos on every a Jarthof aorhof ber of but. g neareut Omo New exhibition rridmy. lut ic by two ~mace of 1i Wintor j I Ail accotonts duje to JOHN P. ROPER mîîst be settied