.4 pO~I ~ iY II~RCH 19' I~91. NO. 40. hur 5,sss.e- iuoltA." DOaSôaU .,@ Elmwweiurse 'A.____________________ J.Trousa, uhis ecse JOHN R. CAMPBEL e.d. T/ u lu Morninflg VuvxLRINxoAv Ssitex- 4 -, , fii ,., Tirats ait classes cf DomeffltinAimale. ee asac eti-4 ifuertnc uti OsCoi. OF . iIALT01f, ONT. Cai prcmptly aihnde ta. CellmieosacsaI ssI Offdlc ppoitathse Tissaipion Houam, SAVINOS BANK. Mata St.. Mutasu. O àpW4 ui tiuejn e ss s CAMPBELL &PAI ,îV P ops. Mpt F.AcA..Hitsscen. VErEInAiiSsh 'AmsD, m, I .,, . s re u-.ld «rot,eOdurot tieer 'tgr d RATES'OF AD VERT4JFNG. A49soso itcsetsttulssrstc s u~w -......ts.e.. ec71s eaiOIle. cris Paintinso ........... 40 0 Paper Hangilig, 25on= . a cc. lueae - i g, lec.ss< ac iLussi Y-.,5 sa. ,i,,steamuuc u,,sLasu -- , s.ss.ss% ose u s s ,, 9s ý ' Ail surliguaratrot. uts ,., ~, ~;? Orteru loft at the TiisoeeHoursu, usessi sos IIflLIiIIlr. cse.s5sprompt?? a ttnton se secte s 55e,. i - s, Crics sssc,5,es, i ,s.iuî asitol~rs seuil su, siieet.ti..ss..lihe s,, e sedise..sOise 5, LisGA L. I1) c .5 uleers . s -4e1i.'5 i . i a s \\. i u.urr, B. A., e - s .5..srp BFhtir Lo - S ,s - LcN, 42t. ,i,, S les wc IVu Pulic (14 't ils? \saitef Hm ion . rt -s- -i- -, icsav a rs i.i.t\ Li \uisA\ 'î Ce. & . , s ,sliSe. îl, s s,,,t liei, 34h lYn MEDICPcL DR. McCOLL, sl t 1 ..1. ýp 11,1 i s , 4tol10 A. ci assi 1s - ,. lu. DENTAL. MURI ~~Lr~soi. se. e.csec.cis s .. e a a ,s. ~ c.. CR DI .c .c..oc,,î,SALEusc,0O5cS. Pasrti- e.ei-cssirssensei eieeas,,ncttc i-e.iiscect ithi-l'CAMIis ON c ibi.., nicennilusiiestar io te.ti fc miete. onr uio.E. CHAPMsAN. Iccee cîl iireci h -1[loleuWenuccriis, an eini(n. , D. A. ROBSON, Easter res Auuneo.,of HaliftaxNS Commaercial Uion ASSUrnCCCOMPtsssy et Lodon, Eog. FirestndLifei, Thoc Provincial Presiteni Insteiution, ci St. Thomcas. «FiI-iss. ecv'o BLOCK,usILTOuN..T LIVERYSTABLE Huiegnitarito ersO hue-vcy. bac prepacoit tefui-nis trst.etaeo rigu t rcasnuuhhcrates. StesinItise Mes- netrlilce; offc, bruitdour aît et boite hbacher sop-ts Money to Loan J. c A.s d .selir 5e lro ABREY & CIYPRELL L.4NýD SUR VEYORS Cjvil ana Mini g hginc42'1 6'/. 6 S. î.IIL0ýLO..., D.D.S oLA N ?4IrOe TOWN PEP LOA 3t CNT. -- . I elerrIC, 5 - s t 555 5 .ic F#ritree store iidsee-Ycci seocesOO r , I e HO0TELS. 2Adi55.î WAISACE IIOUSE. Scl il A 11., MtuuasN, EQUIrA.BL5E THE bEAD5 CCJortEL 111TOW N Life .essbranddý Sooie4< J0111;WkALLADE, PP 8 crel, elhet BIGGR EpsI3~ an'd Moît Lib0Xexeetyj BIGGER HOUtwolill1 MAIN sTMEIir, UlETOWN. ses ii'iiv COMMERCIAL -#OTEL, MILTON~e ~«.iAe~ TZ' - 14TIO it fl- L dî i m House o Painter AND IDECOPAToPt. Graining, Gilding SIGN WRITING. Paper Jlaungitg, Crtlsotituilii.g4, etc. -l%tiaatcs gitec ferRîIIý' ýausmof RsIIF.cF-Cc .'sais Ceov StSn Rc JO0NES,1 HARNESS& SADDLE MANUFACTURER. iNetnteor te tombsecHouss,s, MAPIN ST., MILTON, Il&.u.us".a a g t.-le -fc Harnece, Saddlec, Truieks Valises, Wltjps, Combs, BruïýIe9 ana el inaof IrceClothinir o the vcrv Beat Engliih anaian ana Amrican IManufaturo- iiaces, Sdets.ret,,nleit enratd. - h - n 1 u CARRIAGE & BLACKSOMI MAftTIN STREET. ILTON. -A LI ErYINS OF J(UP'sNG pli CAIPLr 1)011K. -OSE*siioEING- Me aCtoCy werh Ailrigo oromdi os 'fhe preisfflu gaSle agents frlise Coùnty f fIaito for lise nec-aid osetltivestiton teriO e or doulesls, Ma OALL AND EXAMINE. VOLUME 30. i s ÎIý zý edrV r s, OLT'ie. ould -M alutuaf.. d"gUb1 awssi. cool, and tfesiug tnSpital. trou priva"I. idid«salu&em 8%000 th. e Moats u e otis.Juat GRAND Tam RAILwAy (N. ilN . . .ul MIist e ,iug -,thb oad, fi"ldasin ydePark, bgou te pour @mme trou thse Nortbero Pefic . .%,l . Mlo, umBave oRayerab 6.2 OuX0rs ocu , irafcire atis. A jet cf goswu ime o athe carroci passage, and tisoDo te rliey ore ucci isvpreparlsg tocu- m=W edbaeeulcae y -0. 1.30iOP. IL îcoc 6Am. 8.25 PSiM. u" buraing a&H sigisi, outh&&' tise tall and flow in50aB t, noiuless and ticite their large creage tu boutey, faraises, ubo have neyer orkeff people hal ligit. 'The lodgera dropped copions cascade dowo tiese tairi Bnd and eril pot op Baooattug plant mest. tirou'h ths trou. Ous of lise locatace CANADA PACIFIC OILWAY inuoneelatler the cuber and lay doin ;iota tiseiassenent ruom, risiag by ng abiot one million dollars, luncuitai -a vsry rsllabls mm-tutcnrasme .0 ýOOOse500 ticy grec çmrm; perliBps the; dogesc, ai Balashor rioco atter ratisthoy propose taebandle thse choie ;that ho hm a Blead ut trou Ore, air foot 0.5 Mii .. l.5 , l. .8.25 rp. o.M, =c ere iso.wry-weUl, Do gcq.restter, have usollethe moonainsitreamse. barley crop of «alatn cuty. Tisey cide, hsaring au averags of 42 cuncesf $-M sus3. J.: .., 7.20 P. ibottea Bhudreit igita viica>spppeg Wlien t"cola bot invisible pool bhaBve a large ferce of menanad teamsot slver par tai, and a amail amoont of thasBon0e0 ight inth ie cola. Tise i oft coco tea ohight cf four Moleisosud B omployed in 5xcaVting au irrigatios gold. This trou rock te uoafly B cap. tise rentmproetUjý"ec fu i thtai hall theo oisidren begao te lho reotleai. canal, ta rover tstheich ou chstisey uoderlaid wcttbcachouates c leaid. it railgIt IBv* esesdel tise itcrical They relrd theto heade; they opoocit purccisod the ralroait lBnd. Il citI caccytng stîver. Whtle tise troc Orme. Bell of St. Palu. tsdet (if aiy wre proet) ofNew. thir band; they egau t drcamn. ho eomplctad in time for irrigation ttues cenituaine cnugis siver and gela! BY WiiieT u..t, at.ro"u r ~,Filh andF- oIt days. Thoy caret uthitutfoc thie aches see egou-sey aieayu boit a Natar ta royer tise oueromeut tand on tousd beloc tas trou inthie carbouates. "he, C Ailden o Gced Ccdliuc c.o, fout air; *iscy were Wrm. The wuals ieadache in tise moring tlit tisey tieseamie beach, addiog over 60,000 Tise coudertal mtis of Coail, tm ottemmneo, tiseflccc wa lisard, tise place Noerither isuogry coer colt ; tisat aste uthi cuitivateit arcs of Gallata miles uerta of Baiemao, are cappoit ÀALwa crîumed, tier compaotons were lucre ciao octit Cc hafraid of, 50ocoaty. Thselaeidhougt fromprivteitt trou teadepth of 50 ta 100 lait. -aus wrelehed as themoee-hut tiry cuffo andt icksee ct iletattfile partiesoe taoli tprovet, citt isulli. and tise poy ta toud taloc tise taon. îl OssPEccu. wcees warm. lu theo morotog they weholeofetterrer hait ole o ul cf tiseir iugs. te., audio atuatoit about a tatton may atatisa second carbouate dts. BornoTOs PAYrE.aSanSu. sooiisave te cet op andt go oui and ivars; tuai îiey wie iin ae-u-ocy alled Moreiaod, twooty miles from tatct ciilhaocpeied op coceeBute. 1Uiee!Tffacciu n&*adaiwayî popular lace thse o"it&gan; Meautime. tlioY thov kherse ot thsem of tisle y Boeemýao. At tisat statton tiseromn. Mac. afdugOo Lcdgiag.lgou i wet Lilarc'wrc wrm. place; tuait they eeeoohiog oranges, 1ay ilihuila ae ouall towa, and wtli Ottr losdâisavobaeulocate wtit - lipitafilhm han agea haodue lHe wiXO in dosuaýsiuga thsetorPfOt auit tuas itiir poekets werectit fc u au ll AMahattan. This t. a ttdy little B foci milsemot cf BOzemau, carryta more tisao Riace thse pear ffl. edford O«uk nie ssciamenos fou. Tho irown.suar. This bisgecfisetion lait. rotorprisr, ttractait moly hy the gcld. elvsr, coppor snd laid. Lait Vear Had coe n sebotter ta do, it coclat toughtije ituuitles o oimhg hoocdesforctie upace of a miute anda haif. ueito of lise Giliatin rai, aid ilcwil alargebodtyof isigis grade tin ore wci Jbea~ot"lowtise foteeses f teail tiisoo ho aro deero. Il îhouid Stil tihe cola air coutiuued îtescouat uatcuhtedty do a great demi taciard diacoyerei 20 miles ul t oftise tao. ibve 0" 1tig istutcien, bg cvnotise poutepots. Tisem leglier. The ciidreuschisereit and ndvetiieitis valley aid attcacttug Tise grest lia syadicale, ciso ow Dio ooydtalusuctos. Thtis reucareis, their hiutories, hait they hoca tnvesti. awebcseils a dace, asdt ties, ss-th one cutfit, rccoatiy- purchaoed, consitetoitareceatly purccisuiau itere ta i tiE bôeicer, muthoeahadudotr eait, siculit havo her tiacie cf lise cosent, sol cp, cchhicg lhetc eyeo, ant Part cf eieam piciosi shof bCiih Win Jelant tio discoyery, aod citl put a. bande, yooger acd teoger. As re. tcaerrcis ortiog mai, lise cieris ioitg abocutihec., coccsiosthat c tsirty b frty oe aatspo a.laretreotmntosni it r, sW theaappearasce cf thisoHe e ish a fost cisarte,thie workmana aucîer day lid hegos. Anoit îey Catetgtstts tlat i pring. Dartag lest pear a goddoal *M tycar i as vcry rouets tiscsamne cet cf eci, tue peseiles lief, lise eodeeed, hotag qeite eupcricuceil irsod c saI ail thcos lOof 0ate t ino rs, mtings c ouecmintfoeocml ai asit is 00w. Fcr publie -ptnoncitasnors corpetat- tiscgh is rtiite-.geit ipeple, lisogi set yeîtonyeurs, esiat oumein oMontansatoeicouChintafrum tiseprectous foetale, mand aDuillet of mtrs te rcuservatee; peitutet Magiteicie, tise huchrept sospiseper, tise day seecti prcitcce inte seay cf tise eu u htci ormto uotu icvrc at. Ts mocy: mor rorens usocicuo se oce hrilitaot masser cf tisemuc. geuis. Tccciciildrethere ite ceuser .tmmedtatay, fcr -etihin a tesu weeisn ooau utseto1oc r u tentaton :eceu i yccseeotc tt iIo picitrtcl1c iptie sehiciues iseta aeoe cotructicn wcris wili hogia on m large te coataiu omerous large leaito ear- lcdgicg.hcuso youcouclitdote c erofrecitem, thetrampf thecatel ard; pt;rccry na scea e a eoe t at elml ih ir nBzmn n odadsl ,adi epoal tha fil i: wndo clanig, lsr t r it noa uit aily cere cl iti tiey scal chliey eu,Cet, andt ssiseusndthie Montana people wil in future tisat important develcpmoeotas wili îaic srchhtg, decr.aop etttectogicecri. terwvsallaylvs u t i ccuies. Aiucchbecait may c ajr te&alodsosheea« turc duotcg, oui the îeeptug cf claire teeti'ycaes age ; tishetiody cmpouy breakist, tluch, tituer, tell, orcu up Svr thc îtm ot cfte sttors. place tisere tisoyear. o hsugtmebcealaidei.o;a w c ffdf isl-b Sceaicie tcsctat oor!b Tise ceal i mtotu dutry jtocarried andtpassagesoai rsluiceftisepeeceof l hycaistbflc bis hcariatdcait. petebceu ecueisise feintroog fiels helarelor ch'n t imer effrt cf iomehety-weismetot epait;-1iveufss? eh ieis heirsis iss cf eo wec ste il te eistisirit ec cepttint hincubaioou ihereatre t pr the lancfaou wîis poirte for cf onaItohffor andshy perfraistoea hteh isnettherr as iciotsi ccueocetishe peeicdeee! tisucbanqetecilec-ict ehat ile.Tdeumatr Wtthi th eas t of Bher oao frudtai e audi acedeitlOcr uppreceatet ? Woeid or tavre uici-yo itti ce; tisir torirs e , ta, os .R oe. re ooe. in oreon ex. cmtluatflem aadhdm a gulat tare cuntioue te heiystoe e is hichri, r, cirer odcla faric Au for te tieiair i, Iit osutct teouve rorpaie ihopi, cihicisare requireitl'orîtsthe resaiug m raptdof the iseau doiksu if tiseir dffleers cesserd te equier tcsstcg-asecaunayseflise suie ; il cy iigier cet hieiier,inchi by iuchi, triv- oow, ond ciii hoe guagei te rovor the rosfieii ceat cf o apidtat sao cf tîretisat dote-" Cetasiynot. Oethtitnigitss reponi otii srviver, tep helre t isthestou'andt 1sioaeirequiremensocf noterai iscaneislinru atcnial fo tise f cpise deeoî > Thes cihy blocs tise ueter, essedes, tiir remainiog taye ciii ho foci set bresti ci tiseuiglise. Molst ltis ehioC thalcili radiale from tisopont. With tis ce o h urhrdvlni pricialordea o th Cm c iliuident fulof piOumoniO, iroc. lerecit p tise chinieui'audce iiseharg- in tise senstIcieor tisrepearo bac. otioa ofmins.tact colafr eelthae Letiiieg-lese in cSesece Litac Watiselittie, rieilmatie5i, luecbago, citicu, CI opeu tise eoof, coitrît iseuili' ahout, ama ciii esjoy the &avantage cf r. om ation fthe adstoal aforpruinga beceucoeic etree chuit liho t candl athco; tie' cuet Coe, tiie a trutiy, poiecnuce aper, outil il wOi petittea hctweeo aI leaet four great al ter i ro aee isot i to ea court cupen or cexelteitoleperfiie?' cioieare teft. ic iracing ver narrt to lwi te pieri, ec cehanget, rairoat eysem-tise Nortisero Patife, ser ofhcnjeturfa t aiele ny usa 'iTrhetatdecirisise,uitihe cleajecit, ftise eeasswhiteledoinctisequiet word, adasre il h hlsm no aiiBrigo n hcg eletbihl atta h nycu cir ofthe cstabltihment tiscutvys cîerr, aller tiserhave osetergese tishet csuero fieit ule ciOso tceci& Votes te, BrThegtoaterhicao8drbe oisofuc alyt mecpebap i hai ttl-ue ccfat inttguity chiel i ciiisatiei bain eingieg ttufi itouce loegthv ocitc poead lio tn theSosuthulisaifof Mcn- &Eo-elipsi i s tilwa acr-tie, t uge actseerai icrveitng parties lccatisg ln aeents mltnai i ff ai uisr n tec asulettisr tehastreforeistameyHera o tinguerc cterefertiscml bcfet. Uns .saaiMonanielltiswenthtsfbein ndBi chutno sî eeroo vo tsean erseitsct cntctrenated nitch is t onepstise gttirs,anditroleditse tise tisrocgh tise cwerrpart oet tise alOP limita it remarhaisly fies fro mis, chil sleepig o theàoo witouthourCows tLy wll rceie frm tet 0,50. Herecit tell spcn ttsre poung te Butte, wetisbranches ta Boaemaa.slhradohr betoa n rittier bilinig or hiasîles. Tisere cs cceis te t eeirfcctsparecee. si, ut ttie bhreti cf TheCUioncuile ba simade sre elisor atdtier ohi oingisi ti- ntcuchroin solu as a isp of cuarunere-r perbiis efra ic istetr, or ii edybegsetcrscitboek fer a neleeris cf liisu urvopa iBgetaa a u ii eigttor te mtigate tise iarituesu of tise bisout ecfeeotise ehuptais Iisiasetf a their esceesitnd ti-eppei frcarit on seetion cf Motana, ont citleit n t he mou ate Levtastcssod estie fjpprr -os casoot ecen nec, I bclisec, ber kisisly anciiaffetioata diticsai epes Itîrir heahi siti stiteositliche, tissactive constructioni as soneasaiCongrras anllcan ie. toad nte orheorrce sobha thicg ase ac iese f that iesey jcci-ryeofcisicts ereceoti rcetyceuteoff ineaeoey preomise. Tise recotencertainorestrictioss. Ylosoe traweis the wchoiretf-pilotisit. Fereelly sali tisa t ilmtraite-Wituer ? ' Tees, c ic o sotecigtheesesitis a Tise Gaitatis Vatley efforo greut at. Tise roude of Nortisors Montasa iere alaliks tisore sas tsur dccc te lie sp-ie. They loy otrrp sie hi'ite ail huit terseJ edi onocc fic srnesibs li-seatioste Il these raitseay corpcr- citdely adsertiued as cmhtatag il E sorre s tesîgere s efeesite jean tisceegistise sight. Tise-e Nvsauo5tais- O tci i uaeri. escaeditht! , tejieitatîcce, fcrstohisg, as iltdonsremormos.tairabsle qumlitttu hut pro-reitiy agist tise uait. Yet, since roi-cees soinsegreancit st hatpains,usieeasdsixcsueeet cf hisnitat. hi'iseey feiglisaitograins, rooa, bey, -eorkiiug tests ta tise aieltoro atdelse- 'aniehoas efti-tfiseexcuisce cf aoeeit.seince ccghied, soe e 1y luse sîceesssce) ceai, lite stock, te., ast theotossage 'hors ta roatatu tee murs ais ant choire asoiit isîîctattaste, tiiere ecre toge, ascilsonie rleindnitfitgrtet. ________ciliaepiy dcubte 01 cilth norcaied oulpisr for practicle.flc-Tisen aslir. favrite ant eigîie oitteosendueils sue Wton te ac ta' hgas tiseYgot op, Poll-II"Tise Moirde i tIlof Mntaua. tacititieo fcr shipîin. In fat tise ton- reciguage rasrsat ssebut Ircai leepur coutla ho ogeohly, gelli, ansdtetisir raguemutdotlls tagetisci, antd nage ce s buht a trille romparsit te Gceai Fails to e Ltisrite te trasort gidacIty varnet si ceci- h tifie, miucahlu sllietfoethiwithout 80ols a es cLNI Ie Ues, c A-cee,l. isî. ilit i ii bec hes tise rosi nslothcr tise Caoadian coat, sehicishal heeu fcr jeet as tisec eeeothes wclscccore as a gooit airroc, te eSMoincftt ues ic this seigiiserisociare teriop. "Onm"' r orititi'svrie ceclithe fi-ocu tsi' tistace or casteit andst aces o f lacis; tsir lante unit ZMM on t.s, lFobt. 2tbi. Ili ai' et, aondthe ogicetoroaotan,;aremade thi. ogts Motans a uo rot-clauî hitiis by uodue pi-oimity. eyes kees tetakesitsosltsge f ci-esi fastletice uiii-e-cc o bie efeeceetcscocscisthisigsear tueur capa. usaoucoal. Ifisscc othe marset f Tise reos cas flire evei glt. coctccadtprbiusiiotiO emO; eeai'te Beeeei.sîeegencralisiccn s iti' Tse lassdss it aicys sai'usre andtiniller Motanarchiessand Its occupanssci-e tisseeetoises -t ikClu3bev(rese aene -Ttîe Gts,trss City" cf Montana. Aesigiser profits forc cîsivtiîotisascanovsc eaosriiary lignite, cii-an eoisestitiitise tcccst itltisigoor- bie,blocksoroasdens, crapssai-ti, Mrccc ena s uctaisselau tecsssct bcmade i agictusrlisitricts eant andtgced eneogi for tîcuseisîtusomis host oas 1 ntona su t eieiia openidtecfreiecfe ndptnce aescsg ths etirs ocftise Ne,, or esuoof Montanasoinatgoitoataitin suitet,butccolratieli selcoiffor .h iso nrses, lias ecere leiisti tîc i sysol b fee; rfs-Nenllsc'stasdiseCaning aenationalthe --sfficrces mngrgoslO lsti-iiî,Oipoies. Iteoith avelo lcweeut eptls. Thepprile whscfi-cqccssiigt5 1ees fer jobs uni thehtisci eratolsateîtent h ffici hewrdwir fi rotmjoi le munh soperiorta tise Miontana pro- hi suds si-onms eeis t i-ist s ilsei' istft cirkand ontinstscg flie afiMstcifercutlecstiny îsitise wse-etit fteispiepesitibccanitsoyct insctler c ot it oitiable mark et hore mut eans sterectisîgflkli, fiecsseu ciii'et fictîssuteaiptcyment iowvr or ets Es coe ectrned c,î sc,îsscet ssi' pîsotîs tisaagrsictre, asuicîde- after payisg for tise logishaoi asdthtie ti-use an ie,]c r iene eWnigtht toogis. Mcl fer th ios seipart tîsos aut',. sîasit fer iot pi-ou cof tiese iil imprtouy of 75reniteper ton. Ait bc heid ta cpet wscîscinesiOsefa pepee net ottjtise.anndtcatiiet At precert tiereuigrCslise ceii eust edusieSc..d tihe spplfly. 'jilse ircaity very mochis fericr ta the ceeiste i ciesandet icsses of aid tcigctoeesnistIse trcaeAno petitio sctwcrctse itic-ndiosiitseofi ai-aie--ce-rrr csjey a prtectionîa tn. Motana celai, il oe netlikely tefint eagaciti'. On ccasnauico, hisereîcritheeourseccf lbt oie c cre eti' tis e see tai cfi-Mosntanaso fr ticelette itrîsredcst cf oai irgisation, in the moli s ale itosstata south cf Gcent ce tesdt tI ier esceciessees Il-,. thon bio rice hi-alliera ; b icc ects;ssosiioscfeseIstg-a tsac rssclc guntrîlargnrmat tiooftsch he cu olonra sul gene fornoethissg. Tuseiousare 1tuoy uait os the gri-us goi Lues, tise tsuatscnoe meorcsû ct opii stise tdistricts. Tise (solatisseat selitns arg scote fts olu - latteYol diy hi te fvos i oefrtearelurlceeadexpr M oece o o u les ctise P1sicr Pittfr thercs cul ta mineit tn «allatan,Park ecuIty, emuret' eupt'. Wiottsa' avsy eit' onsiccIleselisp. imenta fi- ile statscucge.wtu neiscrui. m Vala adfityl esaYellowistone coatties. 1bars eue uay they'forgtithte crt; inso e is fileOecten ato ut sooio- ccetat fesatis e.dtoal pc-e se ccesn'.soa aita isttaait fb ift heAacna opîso. helr fnett-th4 l ~ eWrdo locleca y eoc ou se ;p.tatsepsi estet c sdoeeîîsentieiittcsicmesint ssr tss eebasethyte aeAmonacpnCc.iiirga pst togoiher ecenti antdsrac eoloun. is en a maisac ser eont cf wci c- icozes oias ieg peesis cciiit tise Dakoeta seiseaici-oieru. Thiutto consuomer tes Montana, bisitoîta &Ili so; tsi'tspai'ne floorttefile eciti fer usi orottus asdisit ledtigt lis Mnscerice lceftticl i i. t iletotallirisetccurttohbridegouitthe svmahi Ocain thiu stâadountsst aidiresu tof ni'hbutthesertie tooi,oundlisntceî,edeiot rcothen tere iqassi'iOci.5M1fertsietustin bst effortsof teflarmesfr isreit, adis nocipreparial totcaw iS tbOi' kncc sot soi' Past and tiiey comasysof frmeaeslelasts isles 1arts Iof cistaisc, bitîsilt Be- ctley oehi sncîs iscate-croise mot god choie suppiy fioueitsin lise limites jb" trqfutueo; thiies dic otmccc bsages. cil udse-ult unainste cer ofsc ettlscssttsretc prices fit ctrmiy cay tomalle a nmuedshboee. Lhdi ll't,,flite ba vnthitu uati f]h0sî isaee goe esis rs O al is ad MsolIet st oftîeosatt, andtliing, astdtt i-chsobai'troc thlet the IfinSsale taBaiy that «altla ncosty, ted bt tecmptes civiizntion ilepwe f5,5 bý u.Ie uaise isot fue frecu icissg thcerogenîis-averageefraisr cf Gaitatin coanty wibtis telarger thais several cf lise wchaieis rceadtticho toes ssccou- es.ori. Wlatoter offeru hle ias coi-hno teu, contereofie tats tee. it is itostrit corisut a tewencthei ouI cf the year, eastera statea, centaise a grealer tail e e. longer. Lot ns pity the poor casrai as un tise main lise of tise Neciherai Pacifie Yetl tees seeli antdiuehappy. The nesi variety sd robher rendormestuas tise -T oasahlassiufication cf moeil aO s e pessihy cnne reators Ititresi, aicont esucti'liait issi' hi' ee yeor i-n ciii cisao nsiderahte State et Peuuylvanta. Il is aml, ~?l53eifB. IOesoise c m'la mor e eerring et piti'. hecanai iho rail frosus clse ienr o nteasa ut chsasge cf corshlip-islise «sîlatia icen, jasa, lin. coppor. scîver and goît; ýy no pfdlmipber, to m connuot eelorîpet npcat. If aone sa itiont Mtte, t the Dakota lino, Valey'teaste. The mane ciscgot sevlerai lyiag couveuicai ta aliled cater .hnowledge lsehitherto csiieret. cIurae te ive itascork ta de ho rouîtaitnd here i crossesi soeftIdaiethetred sarreoi f productive Bmil for powerîtua Dvsr freeuesu itis arly Munea,ene bagad apon tise cas, thse ul doILit; tecauno 0louger imblluiehoCabinet Lmsdiog. Thuise cntrai lrs-na ahi2sud at y eultivmliieg a portion of tuuusand square uiles et doneaifesst,. doirensue apirations, ansi the prayende oai nu' est. He in cositumneit ta ce-tien, sitis scaeroon ciher sitvantogen, il made a goot living for hiisali aid and fertile valley tacite;tlaocee cf tac etfma, a tisey vary acordine hie mais, tuertise rest cf isumiserraieie, ite.eugine Boena a atrcsg pull for fmmilp estif aoc. cl ailI ai chatiho mut beuntifefly caleres ocuatries ta varos eociab levre. Yu, tear reader, a larrihie, a loafer. aisoodtfum. a tr-amp;. use permanenct capital, wsusnthat que. casiders a fair price, retireta Bonn- tise vcost aud in blemestitt a ahealtuy -if yen coco preset ta ces tIse t-uts, a rmtueo hi iiseal, tstou nd sittic]] te put te aoto sout pear. maie atd splatbisedelieieg pears tinanduitgresais chimate. fanasdue eil luOUnes Ca ouc- docy stclnu ealo. f In y lait, mentiens uamdcetfpeoce mot ocufert. Tise parcher, cilsupportinisproseoily a population -.iprl al ire atave al l instaethe Tise loitgera, tisorefere, in this carmtiste peceenceocf represenitteves of who bhalld iard cors atdclose at leset flty tiecesai large au thal bpi ue is tandelgaâcesad a e tis = Wote oe r sum be- l ytecuu f10,adae n i nasomeeaitni -m eopca «tbîNewe York capitalitetsho arr igsurtog te makle a living on bisfumfas hew ierecsc 80,adee pemeia e t rusatocusraa eoi te t5iNiOipqatsis 1.ietaofsPia bai-lti'nageain ta reciesg. ft bt eiilbis ack s, ad sodIt t aeulerievalu,-lises il cilI sot ha croele. Dartat Pm, of*irueste.lofy t li avu'ields. Observe tisaI tise Bana talloai bloucs t Caadm tisaItthe artey stice, cutI onsider lise «allatalaind a ta devlepsutti ill fer er a ay to npectet hy year iublsr brother. pea a ndl at essrfoll upen tuese grccn intaire Eastren tteà te et bartatinetaItue Pruce, smat et» nt it ai eppertontles for asisievag frtune sa _Tyuare, itafotabout tetaktoiet ~gy trete as opon lise cetd olit unamlly grictat No, 1,atd toc tisat hy eperice. He wll nrmlly brag aay ether imila one the fote 1o, lIe cimes (honore)>lis tas virlue tipce. On 09 "osEofcitise forant a heiudnd mls raesostue Caiadien isrley hbaalcays tise laid icta a bihiter tate et cultiva- aid i latedeubisalis lay ctaer pecple ta 1thejekbannI, yoir taterner irotue lay y a o deS kthagiwuaifocai raty saile ta American maltars. tou, ubtoin large oropsanad gond Primes dl haosucre geuerally prosperoa. Tise 014 à%fihwg&%ià etdeph-i! eteriet docs. l ie healat b5ca5d ti" Dariug tise lat fac years-ths barley cf eteri' pear citaufailing reglarity,cite. mai, cii lite bitais hies, cill er il h aver orueslaestis W teilsiie4 rtise cocu, -saisfor flic«llata Valley isas bea shippond ad mcuulate a couptotea. Ifh. net reenatu chers tevelopmest ha ciaiceeeauIaaaclc> cnaalukei~fslresi5i wuq--nte usaintasuai quaallllse se&a t "aabsouol out ha cil do se aI a pro8hlbase carrnedtetathelt ut b l l euh. ~~li.~é~t-iraub set idde), ea liaistagetein ta essification,madit te proacuaaed tashe W41ere in plely of mrgefer ,ee bve is apittasl and esergy ta, suai a &ectÉ, tezm a . cùr1'srars it g. ie at alygeiaO li atitiaetfvalues bore, ait vaies mont sne-.fieldsai tata, chers developulent bu i i~iirh~t4Oslrcid afrl labiutandi smrlY is0rc~se ita ths eveoailiJoeué bgua. 8uu t~di~4.foidlSee. s fi ~ 18 ui.eeaam boM maposesee u ts ignethe 4 Mdogme.thmeeof tasecoutry. At tlis. te sh. As *rlIlc4Qaalslionapprectatet by mblsters. wcl u ejeY mUnuth avet«ig e t il. Fer 0,5e FIfy Tess ce moy soons b eaabdoena.a.but Isaticui, ma h lbandBao-bl elieU'a",Xa , Woeemeesasemsset bustm %sMd O t ero bsea by e-eet de. mat ueheige hat sl.taN ie.eosrléi csas.a et Fles dim~ e jose t.Th. chele herley amp secfetlivng. tbees sue ioh. GahlatiaValley te u ceA1ie84eus e u6laU is.etu the NuNec TueleeraWclue BYsIp atteiifseq B ,s Tisetdus jet ai hir V"ine i " aleay P" lte prape tm esle am sa teli.Isepa~e t ie u ersilesgauaalesi.pee ýI" inmm ilTh *a anma L"kL no bavona MesM aI"a Watllqee 1-ý