ve enlare thei 5 r1bouse, c~~u the lile of rk. On Wr tl-ey do or bell. posute the Býank BALLY5 MILTON. ear. splendid qualîty cuipeot anîd beot EARI East, îeceived ao it far in exeesu of ojrlipt thanko the confidence w îitlî the bs witli FERS-- so: Iwill give with ei4xed Tea, five t Yellow Sugar $3,000 Worth of prs & Overshoes dollar on every to-day aJar of follaru' Worth of nuniber of but- ueasing neareet Iandsome New w on exhibition întil 'Friday, lot public by two rthe balance of and all Wîntilr Town ilu. imer ithan yoUn stor,~ sda If yen wooltParism a a.$0jde A.preses. rs15 a. charitable mi relief péy bise Relief 60Sr being rsft bsu.1> U.p lato-iday, 180 bas borse ai la1Tm f.rt.,iate. n Mention"r.eGsaus W heressisaus boy Christiaa« pro. UIO "nt. ? Fouatefl. ervacable sed M. X t.G chiap pr Io Tmee.W,*. OJar es ., t'MilIon. as A BELL MiML5' qCesL-A Miss. On. le w n sr tertaiaSf1tlli e g555i5e 9l lb. eciioil bas riday, Lb 4toi., agmt »Týa e ims ,.iillig 16630Pu .,s011odi4igof lwl- ' . i aogiies, ruongereitaissea, slsI. -# ub ---1 dtse cisauletahleaxsud the In by Acions..a r, alisg oftheb. lt issuesOf tlc shsol ibapmesiissg* s ioeop.apesi ÂAllsrhoflaver the mabsol Reirr qT»a Ce.-M l oith theur pvqeSOO oi a Pendi a iPes- isola bJ - sslmiabq a gant oveuinis DO Bot mi" ineo . m su frsssthe mu M iq. b WI tiiity tii &id laspurcisaiag a ball. Ad. oaycuuye a wM ZQ L f 1t » ~ a moiisstilo 5*at. calao, bissîsOW MGi2a., Ml Nîovs T let ai6%, on firai laea Raisa B »0 ie. su..mie .f , Bmtd, uergge sof taripiomi.-.W visitai1 r'rhisriE sr Tee EFquesutetowshlip Iens-ba 0Bb Onsn.f uow d Mms.Ly.» i! llbi M u d.cs iîooiî gettinie @W0a soar for regisicring Oleuillisan, lire suo sa at elr.Ea M isP i.M.d f Ch&& hiriths, death% anîd ,arriages. Tisere Me5r6'8. o n8 ii aM !K*IMnPtl"1 I dàaS ivreoily 1800 ettheele.est e lb.the A PARLoaSCeecuas, oWi. lie ai et r Mr. &W Ms. (L.Boa, Mr. oMd îoyîîli, aidtheicstatuesallown 10 ciii. the residence of Mra. ifatllesaon Lum .Innes, r amisWe.nBull. M. for cach reeisteriac. uhieh wulaitThasaday aesies. 11 mio des Jas. . aeMIssL".. L . simMr 110 ilSto$1. >Soiesofthe tis epayera tise suspices cet he Ladies Aid a ox ue Mc.J"s. Bilan.Mr. Gris,, Mimaes Dies, ]Cae îbei lboin thie question up asd bChocis. Music. reit"tuoa, tableaux M. . simd Mss.J. T. Moore, Mines the el kh, . f î te o isaitem wuilî be visait,&c. Admiuosion 15e. Elînoli, Dr. MCO, * isei reOlo Cdiifur. Tise couneilt tissi Ma. CEND1iMR&.JOuNA. Hifom orNssss. O.Wls. W.M. Shsos,. e!cîtliiseeioich to laieasithe Horby, have espro..W by îiir J-maissdBH H demmssT. Andrews, ciî,rh, fer allowiog lliu o liqiiosnfor ssiaibos with a iriting demis ad a D- EObsssm ad J.Speasi .-r.Wc suppose Ithe publication of frsitî disi resPectuvelY amas s ibs u éorU..-Mc mil Mss& . T Msuash, th ihaucia l adoeent camied Ibis dis- pmudwull-sd eteeno. TlqsUmleav. Mr-A.-W. Dad ihMassDod"e, iss cerv-.-Braoitoa Tisses. amg HoSm.ay tii Sos ai W* ' Poe Sè 8reux, Ms. N4 tmms. w. c ssa;i.m A0 usetol Xiaegifî l'or pour chutd.- Jonction. isa sra Gmmaim, MuMog8.x A fice Grey Lairb Cap,ach as Treble U UBOvTso.îi . Neairwuàs. B. G=- aL utls-. M. Bslih. J. i.ishîîeug-Cor. King & Jam e 1.,linthie anuuuceent ofet ieincorpore. --bar A. ..Fartait. Eeuip. Ilîccltou. alias b y Dr. Riiiertsn and subers ut l45L5ON-Mr. sand Mrs. Jobs Cud. Ac'(IDFcs.s.y LISsoT.-BUrhso Saureaitîe Milton Presiiot uneS sud Seos, os., Meuraliesses Ms. Emsomn, ao oli hme Braimption tuery alsisePipe Comepany <Lt.). Tite s e ienne Emerso, lr. Gan. cnaiore, hol),r. mas accidentally illedon iithe stockisni.$50,000, noct 15,000 su o Iho TO505Cellulie. Bsahem Ms !,L lt, ii, hitswoerhîog ai an oit go. »baroarc #510,00,) eachi. SaiiMn. H. ali . o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I vc oedi tigut tu, tpuon aut any iod of Farniloro limadesuo, R. W. M.etyiro, TFrank Aso li haiilyon band hoihalie uo id;t Jas. A. Frazer>s. Barclay. A. Rtoberisons, D. Bo mans. tchie g hey oèer in aedvise, ad nt A Suecsa.-Tisiîpartoir concert os WoomvToc.-Min Brae lc, lîctliposile Ierolcir ed, soes. ise Minday eveniin5, in connscio iutoi1lishe SmRNsiA-Misu MoGibbon. hI o pic un t f n,îeii ulonn e bsMolisodigt Churcb, oltlise rrsideUOssof 'ANcmsss.-Mr. BI. <Teaipler. oilit ce, bleu thseltop off bin ssu.M.H ie, iooi Â . R.B. Brown. Wh,.oliensurs livedutitBraipton lis wu oa agonid programmiie andl aIl woi DuiNDe.-Mr.Bouman. h,îkoiinas a cricheter. sud y o re Iere eijoed thouiaslves. Bss.ueenl, Monao.-Min Maibesoii. iîeo:o hre. lie asegod Foer ECOce.AîEo isV Itîegresi successe of WiNnPue.-Mr. E. guiter. auic iaiîîleifa at el sariseily oel, tbe Masnu hallitOskville, tho Odt. PALasio. -.Dr. and Mrs. MeCriaissus lliti i ol bis one band and wulialfloset ln o ilgs nlir Min Buis. Mr. J. A. Dea.g wa ltof is dooîeged errai Beforo 1l oill cue Off ti-iuirsiiuevOniuq4. It Taxtai.e-Mr. J. Wilsn, tho hhlîf inîîe tbe lirery ibuisniisss at peumsiens ho a siîcisss, and noms. MisaDoland, Ms. Bealy. lireiclîlm lie oas ooneisiet ii lise pnaS io os*Pareil t0 as ilies. cîeangiîoctothot cEldorado Mille. Tnlc enlrtaiuomant ou Miinday eveu. S5rlatten lorlkallaral Associaion. o-,l bcdhybis fataso. hi0 81Q"at=oBossu siul bhus, Bvamusec, Jan. 125-The amunal Newo Wisisr Tien and Scarfu, Collars, Enqniihe a attendait by a flamber aieming of ithe Bnrliugtmsa Hostisliur. Cufoi,, hiris, Ciîdersrear. Gloves. of Milhouiinnns he report it a gueit al aiAssociation usu bnlîlhite nigbl at llonoos, Oletu A Cape, oileble for Xoian aicceus. One of the filatures cf lise pro.ntions bouel, tise PremidesO Mr. ý{îlim.,nt Trebisi. cor. King o&.îJam.esramime w&3lthenxcellesninîg iof George E. %eitso, in tbe chair. Tiser. Sis., Hamilton. Rev. I. Haddoo as.d Mr. Jobn Stewart. oas s large altenilanse of meaiberu, Y. P. S. EiTmTýnmî,E N. -Tise eaie, THE Ontario fieti sud gane comsu- and a as. is iternit asaise lb.h laenîît at thse tcoshlelIonau Teelay sona bas ioaoodsa forasoilh asarinesof discusionn, wobusuere of abigbly in- îcclig gicen sy Ite youg People,s questionsetaos e sworot isy peopestnructive characier. The c ef tester.. Sîo!cOc cf Crsces Ciroh drw a large intoreuto ediprurvin u su d gaanof l.theeing m'mre . umieaddreua ate ce. Tisogr iWho loch part uer. inOntario. Anyisody oiliiog ta pro, efthlie Preâideul. uicb woseuablss e ho n-tbrs o e Iciety,1v cept Mine cuire oasetfthe." tiirmsoo iia dreai viswofotthe fie ofHorticuleure for Belosco, of Witoritoiv o.sin ctise Mit. A. D. Stewart, tise seirstary aoftase1800. sLd an inmtructivs e r sy Dr. îcoeso ot agondl soprenoveine, aod comisseioHaiailtoo. Zimmeraa on "Tbe Coltioiof o -c, bIc igongs, bisciof ci elliwerc BccîNE.%o Eeoî.epuu.9.Nss-ýrs. RarI BlaicksCurraele,' in isichileedvucatet Mo. 2r.. Jarîcys MWeeourh & Baily bave oelariioit îlir buisnuesslise Blaih Naples as tise sont profitable, Wonoderfully arcayet sand aan ou occopy lte uorse out lise and a ligis l ay lesai as beig besi il d i.. up. nIleres cgondl Ihal il CH.AMrIioON rFICE, iaVicg tlîrowu bots aitapteit for Ibeir production. Tise toi. is l îo say ohieis sas theoit anud into oneanud yrt tey doutoosailet lomus geulimsen wer. elecled offiees --se .Ii srrairod and est . pssed . y t~ o SesanchSTosna for tis.-esvy fOir-thse yeas r: uidMet, Osorge E. Mls .alely (Miss S. Dico; plaed el is8toclI of tüo8e, lîeoere, &c., ubicis Fiser; Vice-Prelideal, Similis Froc. -H showî wa oooaas thie lite and uadlee atisey carry. mas Secî-rras., Arthîur W. Peari. ,-c.t lii, ber desscriptlions aiidexplasa. A. H. WmaniE,othis Meaîlivale Directors-Departeiaieiof appbe. Ed- tlý keinllgierisearers ina cbrouic raillerisasisesarroslsl, hsrgsdisy win Peart; gape, Dr. Zimmaermaus; f nîl icrriieul. lu lise farce "Tise IthsDomin -Banko ois aiag pearsoand ploma,. Peter MeosIl bs ] ilw uitPoily"nse ,lei l Zr10, eejinslrutJsobisdelvglbles fi ., theiî strseg.uiiuded Mou. Bsroaisy giyes 10 tise isaaislaut Octiiher A. J W. Bridgesn; eipping, Williaim Ni0,îhile Mr. V. Cissisoîni. an Mr. ciirtîag to thliseipt Wieelor hl 950HepSminsud Haro s Willias. Exilon 1liî,îî ihybss, lise ineeh and docile arreln of fioîr toredin thîeC. P. & ise Ciisaiite-D. Hoadorson. De. h-ad I îîî,could isrdly have iseeu ira'aiternue. Itie real qiantity lisgCharesuDysand rge .dilir provîeîiîposssnd tie voiuîgladies and ranchisalero. Wieelr inont on bail. Csre yo a os otlinn ho plaeod tlîe ottiesparIsT ou C T be nleitaiumnnisiCosmilie-lthe Presi. .l iîd eoedtogly Weil. Tw o. .L-h oncucldent, VhePresidssl, suit Sscretary. at oni Mond y eveeisg. oison lise Tresenror. FancccWool Gloves, Airacisan Linteil Iriscipeli bsiners lraLusceltas lise e i Ietîer Ltued ljliiveu, Bue.iu iird readisg oethlie bylso appolnling 5,-e,îî.1 Mer l!mss»IldDed. 4il aiendi Mitlu for drîiu0n. (ali ail James Barbes aaseseir ail Wm. itsme s- koilssoi, cor. Kinig O James collechor, and lise iutrodctcion oftan Sp Tusnex.r.Fois. -Eduard Fsaab.s, St.., Hai>lon. las appnoprialing $5,000 for iigh leris for Mesue. MeClesrry & MoLeau, o iccos 'NEPnOvEîîOi.-te ordere teoliool porpos. Tise lateisy law umhabsaisrbsuts, died ssditeely s&bout -ocuthie revenue setursn iy siala as oavotct douusis taiAceullie ssb is.aiiigbtlstlnirisi.Hiseuitiesrd a welas hy large coetriisltionE,Scllectera uittedt b s voisettiseeraispayereof mgiagsl.sdb hrbsdbe of1 cotois use inelnocted 10 nose aaiong lise oun. obich is iihadonse Y ansad *rtlecaehurori oIt lîrcign mails ad greis sverythiEg GNRLSRAT r-APYe usespig rt. ofsBamepber. frono -sîloîcîlî. ais oarodouuyoei in e. Mra. W. Paahoa, Millon. bis parents esido. Abîîî outondeys ago e Millonias bail 1u î.îcv fice centiasacis for doty on aevrsi Court Walderuee, the Grmass .as NA5LBEl. li gliîci magazine es lich bail boss perors chisiof itstaff, isseresiguod. sentl o Iliai y aiail ad u rd ete ao Asabol lobiillsrd hbajs aldied t aIBriLL-À.o.e..-Al Tisoonten. on Weit. 10.,1 ltîe bagaet 1Hamiiltou, and laut Aroprios. Ont., aget 106 yesu. O 5O5dP. Jo.. 10h. Sp Des. J. , « i kîîhe paid six cents for duty ou Nseety Spaissi trooemand civilias j, est 1. oansal betore ue eoiiid eeihave ibeenaeaursiby nativrs on tise cuseetsoasLiAMSq i .îrwardeo MilteouaimmBrlinglos, Caroline cîcil W&oea fni. Wisieviglsace s r nntignm nteRso ID hcgpulie fficielulsain aiaiendaiiîe mtiser. e at n s s ieHso aid t lin psopers htiseiome offleers autrcs.WàsOse-AI Ziaisrmanu on Jas. Mois. lîcîll hopa s bup loch est fos dsîl. lHon. H. L. Macidousld, Commission. Tsems Watson, in bie 60h pear. able articles seserally. the l"DsUgof s, of Puieu Worb. for P. S. Island,i oýg,%inles, paaiphletosud stiser sui. tst. rIssu-At tise resuii ofier -1250, -f-4.oclsall Vaine frnt thle mailsand Doris gthinOe wéaiiseofllu we .. T Se.w, fts lno. Esqm Yo illtztlose tu Osoo..hey am. sentl Osasvecal t armera uiear Cslgary soued Sabsrday. Jsnars ti, 1891, ma, asîîîîîîobtroubsle as tasy ar.usrihb.-uiet asan expeimesi. raleoflothe late Thoausn8ou,aoMn-, 1r- iissy are sel eseet isa a capuim ThomsinWmtcoeb, etWingbai, ballsed7 ya ioiîseves taoigh i ay b horo. ba.usd #1à sudoais forsuning poet- Epraitahas s AftaisnOff lblthe iedhy lao. ,5&go utem1u5 oinbl bainm previousg aslliiaesr/o auenday jqns It pays iii meue fieq5oice in Fur ssot. la0= 11mr iesi ah~oU Caps. Fine Otter, Seat, Bosser, To. Four cosstung accidents happeaecilt aiien ufertiliuds NiuLambisasd Astrseissn Caps. un" ilGuelphs Saisrdsy bp uhisimms uMarly Ailthe ao -a" Ximes presaW et Tooio's, cor. ig à boys oece bodly broissi ani ont, -bet revoi, Jam" eSta., Hamilton. nm sal.patios teIn >Pil SiNERoudn.-Martin (senier, woa.. John . IOstis no oflurer t r ae Os hobled trîilfor na&lstui iass«fee &nisuste Ts a.e gieula oin ss - Ms. N.AÀre . M.P. P., Oails Uli. ice isiiSm BlssMoore tra, Th&oli srete â laelrii a ethan iI leaaiea elste iie bsplaes Wnx: A. Pfeffer, yslre.el poedoio 1e d9ra1 patntrigt « trred n ent b.k's*9cadidate utflise FsreWAisi ssa.s. _19 isetaI"bo aum4 ame- CHiAMPIONsaaier beforo Jstgs Mil. il ceo alryta reeive ieis entau , Aiaero, l.Ir ofsgt is ssc ait u Tsadsy. obiiisprovei ta bea fnecf $20, and Use (Iifo race hase $as- jssa *o 5 sseuw 1sae ohih woa aseapaîit by a obole. 141%011[eit 0WleSio ne assissuitOe sus 710-5a0 I"wbe a esoeIlcure. In reporiiag bis îtrila staSe irimsti iard l&br,, es por* io lasO oasis lhé CnimaNasoffr.d - mt-ig ieliing 50Ktatheas i gnou t ef a . eIL opio nui s h eis oIe e amsebot Aeeordteg ta Tise Dsifv ewe, M. osi bsuuek udSalit Dm5515 ecimPYgave the esidence sas sissin. Smihaccepie thlie Bradlasgb amotion asu as, s nàÊ A islfrOa te 09rkof hePescs;bissin te usemesof Commaue beoasshab tise dav afteteahe papereae osai Con. woa arai.t iai the Gser.aicS oold AtsosiLedl e 1Wi sud tr calledtaOsreiSouitrte iiis use olieruise lho dofoabeon tia. sees eo sfos mobliisgaybigaes s<s.ate1-41pein 1 ~Ibasif Seusasi Mutrt yX. Sud Mss%. 55 A .30sP. K. 1io .es . &. .s ,a and ai. iseimsievonng lCAAAmICiF RAIc se.uo maimboad olaha sarlprietrpm of .. daY assois5 g ea.Tb ore gsvsus _____a B. Kesueo asepiemuthe sa lpit Oet he o C.8M. (lisrci s aSsely esesteg teIPIANVO, ORGAiV, lis "e shsaof oSv. E. J. ClrkmI. Theooyuier supporeon FsM&daevSingi VO/CE CYLTURE(.=J-d) oe, ussier sise aaspaesu ioî s il.Osagi.. ppl sise..ino eE bride I.O.G.T.. vas sel as great a ee ceues flsevaly as0ssticpsie ooisg LooaxnERUniasc te attractions i ter uss ssiro. A À es rsr Rondt pruograme. ioover,.«oaspro-.rce AS Nou8oÀi, Cca o Eueesd. vidai by. uhe lediasg talent of Waier. doand sutbe lasice, sud an enjoy* . 9,GoLLP ... .. ablioe ieoas spaul by iheoseeat. LOLDS. ... Tise >L1usijfi nisie ,f T t* nt 2ý G bedlg anopn eetinug in Frits t.y -iin sc d iaoi ehDO. osChies.> wrmlag iefeston of tusesvesisg B.- ,Udu. T.i. Umat clsl. al b.cheallonge debate betsen Orne-Oses Franrs Feuîrou Stoe Ibis set Energetie tisicEu, mises Itie qustion: "Ar tisheec1.~ lisoeiesOiaaesshe in taesuea.Ss aijal?- sel ho tiscnssed.- A guet prograime of stas, r ntaiE mseut ouI alsoibe pruvtsd. Allare Farms for Sale Oelcoseo. sosri il10sboy - Of test 62 -e l.m A s'iog r oisub as iseca orgauizet ai .Cos5pS-;oies, a. cit f-sii .1 li,r., silisDare snd Jacis assugsicn. -,.d f-, ti.iTmi inM.1tc...Y- ors. As bots of tiemueeun are le, dîil1a su5, suoMlioW S &raýute lu u iec, beîsg sow ulSlI W. J 1 5io1qLD. Setguipro.easoro, tise club in aure om hmitOo.uToi bo sucos eMsiuge aaissit esery Baiusday ovening tom practico. Auyone usig te relain taeir sersiec for auieimntciabosit stilseas: Chorsl Ssoey," P 0.Box 507, Leseill:. LIVERYSTABLEI ofoune oS .c easly Pnceeuinthesper- ilavinc stsrted a seu lireoy, 1tami s et Thomas Watson, if Zimmaer. peeparedtoteturEsis tfrat.elasrigs ut man, seio paseot ous o Tlinratsy seaaonaisle rates. Stalle et thesBenaso lent, in tise ItI yess ui i ace.hue snet House; effices,tiraetueor eagt ut tests owas raîhersusdtte, snd que e nO-cfs barbee shop. oepeee. as ho haît mlv iseen Il for s Sou taa ujihsensltacii of i6alam. 20t W. McMASTEIC. maijn.Tise loi st rite esreper. fioit don Satrtsy, ohee hie roeain. uoe interrot usnlise C. M. s.mstery aI Tb s an Xt~ asy One. Ziaierenua, wisier tey were follo. ORESTRIPTuc.. o 1c-tiuaîd- ed bya largeoccusiseocisym . . "d»"OOts.,,,fl .iia..ic --OWOffIl 1 triens d utrelative,. Ths tsceaset Os .,ae11, -' W" uiieysuandfaoraislyissoouhav. s1,lss, . Ou,,b' EO..î. h *TH-iaco ing a ie elime oepuet tise position of -Y 1s5-O So 0Tb -oi c Iilr and b &loasefor sevrral r-t fs,,l,îe iî.o,,,>oOR D yesratounssip aaosar SnNelson.1M . W~~~~~sieoO.c. ,ise r.oieves a wtt.andi1lafmilyioc ssni.lmc t.urat .is1etO a.M.ilu-. ",Tte iyap&tby if s large circiset __of____ trients sut asqsaittaseom. W A.L RE C Our ekt b'bysriuss andiCisslis5m" ~ RE Bshing Porter is mee o-uasprs LiverpolLndn&Goe CrymtltCssam Tastar and Fniglims ol oîon&Goe Soda asit is hy fer tIsoetkiiouu. The Qttehec, Suhb b &U51 gocena. London Mîîtîal, WANTÉED City Mîîtîal, 500 Skunk Skins. Mianufiictîirero' Life In. Co. Mû0 Iacoon '4 etacrlyelorIrte 400 Foi xeBs euiy n oetrts A qcsnIiiy Micis and Mskrat. ifighestpriespaid. FARM FOR SALE 84.4t BASTEDO O CO. Ia Esqusieg, Ca. Halioa, coasintiag of about 170 acres,.160 cîsantd, bobsg Tenders for Printing. part lostOt4.coui. L. Sot arich clay 8« isnii,.m u seoei,sd be as. uadaiies fe s0c.ti.g meNO -Plru O « lumuth. . deiuifori th ik jiob.ei-ti.the kalobio dmss.iutol SsoiS Ju. d : , ehslso d1o. Sauisrt. beaset ..l P« 2 .-T.edbuorS 1010 nin s 1 i b sy*Ugg a -Rosoi. anc g-rek sun let te .uis 4.-. buessr. t p U-d-w Si10sasi siclso rsid 5.c-O.besa10.a0-enrisimisial ilasd ioula sOs Ln b u s fed seight. eolth if. Roryof erIdlt*-'-Ino use ai t h.a ».. -di.gsurI tse for1891itSe . i. In cresisa. ta u lased s e Cus.. ms mTscdrsoiassemlmd * .ssn o buf-fe. P. !-CC . 'soi. uS, Exin o ecuff.ttor' SaleC. = Onlitentlay 3, Fe.log,* i .m a - guedtuoe; ponaorcisard et sbout 160 trees; uo gsoo illaeda pavser. failisg crecla. Tiser. is s rough.mmlt hous. goodot oildimss, drive sise, oforhshop sud sooeostaon o pr.aiss 20 acris tali uhest in ths groantstd a0crces uew oseei,-a dasirble taes fane. Imniodiaesisemosioa if eauo Fus foslissr paniicnlars apply on pra. misea, or te G. S. ALsss, Nelson P.O. If soi sodit imidtely, uiil b. seted. i Notice to Creli.tors, INte UaR 5A W15. Ofe, aTS- STS E OT[C aifusat OsE th. sud Th.- s Oh ssSs .11 ais«nues.dc.9-.i ute. or rak. uselse, Wun 5uat5cr 55 lsAt of bC Csada UN (11Luiu.. liae itMont Oua, uasSe. on rs ey, ta. ftli day et jassa, & O.11.ti.ta- .ms seeS1. athf. r th. . sJ 5.ssr sd suIt ns ofdie.- cidasmens m tamI eh ilss eseflm t,.0. oseusft . a u.taie- .imiorsth., 51 Sli,tttiof ses .I.s, -d sft«sahât daisth. ssslp ms llsea o distriut e mata55. hav imssuesIr L te a sisusof W e bI .0 uai, agCC5005LD. 5C05E5555 C às505i55011 NOTICE- ira FAII8 NM GlII a o lm ma w almais la 33Eae1LUd 46and 48 inch Bleached PiUlow Cotton for 10 et&. YOu Ought to aee tîjis Pillow Cotton, its worth 20c. A LOT 0F TASTY NEW STUFF DRESS GOODS JUST IMPORTED in Grenats, Cardinal@, Navys and Myrtie@; alan in Bleoka (>NLY 12J cents. This *Week the 5c. Table Ls Âttardng some Atten.tion Ycu will find there Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Silk Shirt Laces, dozen packets Wai#t Steela, Yeast Cakes, Slates, Lineon Collars, Lace Edged Collara, Muge, Linen Spools, Wire Armlets, Carda of Buttons, Comba, &c., &c., &c., . nd your pick 5c. for anything on the Table. Remember these Weekly Bargains are Genumne AT LIN DSAY'S. TUIE BÂRGAINS FOR TRIS WEEK ARlE 50c. ]Black Lustres at 25c. These black Lustres mtust be seen to be apl.reciated. The Unique Ventilatorium Waterproof Coat, with Inverness cape, 15 what every gentleman stioulçl b ave for the spr;ng mo nths. We hotd for your inspection Patronized by the Prince of Wales and Over Slxty different patterns. Remember these are samples Duke of Connaugit mde his from. Place your order now and you wili have you r coat ln good time. Orders taken by T. G. Furnivail, Cor. James King William Sts., Hamilton. DR. McCOLL, STV !SOES Oriecz HauRs-From 8S b 10 m. man id Reedros-CssrMei OOCI,.0S55U Commxencing lise New Tsar os purpose solitg ehespu tilu.@v«, sDi for. gesting 10 reliion tisasls for pasi pstroonago. D. A. ROBSON,1 Cook Stoves, worth $20, for $là, E&tr ua oo aiaNS. " 28, " 20, of Lonidon,, Esg. (Fire and Life) . Neu Royal Clotho, Wris5sm XXX, double goared di bobs sends, issu honinge, Theo Provincial Provideaut nttuon, 2 lisuib noosus and robiser, wsrro.saod, sniiihlb4se60 for 64 50. Odelist of Si. Thomuas. Royal l..sadiau Cuotis.Wrisgorm Worth $6 00. for 04 00. Omus-BOiiv'BLOCI, MILTONONT.Carpet Susepora usrlis " 50, for 62 0& ___________A feu Coal Store, ith sud wout osons, oso sand second band, ai osai. JOHN T MOORE Suesmssr ers W. J. BTEABN. HEADQUARTERS FELTS, RUBBEIRS, 1 and OVERSHOES I -i The ART SULTANA gT. m É- MILTON. n-«=E3wý- ABLIMD 1872 and