4 NEW>. Rs.Il L.sklMd OAZVif 'r tte etO àmàBI oCes ~aead Nloia th I 2t rBonebitia. For" sb J'0~f OBOW. sé IbLOîom. Miie. ,Biadu.vfai I o YMl TR a" odef Rt. Abso C n, ' HMeOPHot, Acto, laf noob pre.ooted th. ,,m. oe.- boit, Be,. 0. B. Coole. wtb a M. io if eat 84 --ç Un $28 l o a nad a saîpply of oboaoe foui. sudfine recldssi ciM. Cha. aai o 1 4C. thUa Loue 'ogetablos. Mai striai tnfi. W"d e i.o~lfe Ta IRE %lisefB.g~Botes, cifadatvm*m@lm m tihe "th. le the i .0. mantesete ~idai d a sang m ,maen rssd 11t D@ a e' r A. -Y' eOlymPle LIraiseClub. Thb.ZZNT D3ipia~d toai dli R A obert.. oih Miton band piayud a sumusorif et»leat lai. e Ulytu o b d isi i styW Tbhlc u ± S l Festuaeby ~soo b oto Eulaid.by the b.d during ti.lat aSIy. teCaiRC-BraMoi d Barlingtoi doeeegq rdt tu -OFlF îîctth panduiarsntmouay,eaep. Perf. Bbii. iitiiin 07lI >tii ahiss,,et 2 toi itiiiig tii. frut intingu by 89 tbc Yen Ume a misbkaibes yen e. I5 pi du.aii ofgtheeo1< hndi it ic b omp"lt M ilton if yen don t atubigloi SM sMis. Do yoi wnt a tyHlbpoutMr" t h ave th. bigs laol 0 ptmb Irtelo tPr.,;:,Go te Tains'.ho cheoi er aud seU liuOb.fori et ooahuulog tand ld inlg t ouriit ili . :the on ao f inwgouda. in thi. 8 1idid ateto f 1 "algoo aeaO* itt Irtoneirunw,'Domiio.-coKn l J&ames Si,. T0TZ~I Ban beMnbe Tii. dooiet Haoiltoi. eat concert t eOaliilo ~t es. riioai Dr. J. E. Harisbon, Y. ., o iliiig. maof e fair dayCrut S mng= ted... .w it eri IL offerd bth ontila,.or tany yeania pronaient the aingerir agea ine iÂcterta 'e î'îiotvfor the fair citizen tf Milton cit hM"lat obAnneifi f pe tope Of Milton aid icinity the uboto Il îîi ins luely te attend titi frieai of hi otuei. John Stewart, lorot Tro it.& .' OtOipiaeaitmeuuetlo o;Oor:r ehiitrsli melt tst dysamrt iisfran» a mli fteii a Duuaoftt%. ftloifBa, c, f eiiuutoi HipetatndaaauîgeoînidoScotch Block, aid U.Mi i. ubîu,BesadYti'ao ed th.boîretemp n ~iand tottfor beoroi ay "the ppotaicomic singer". of ilt.înRoal an YWthe' fineMtOOanOd I i t't nstri JeLnoiepfîiyaîuoieoiaisgaliartn.fCbudroi-all uaisues aid des- t, tiri aoirol, diiw attentio of bis ai cuîiii, .aadtekobuuubIbeo i DotOci & omieoiio.o,, rn.Aodpoe gpiu ceorally, t.-ie fail stocb ifsingelr, bt a poPular ons. Otaiyt o gond g fond i Agis oienr. .tetî by fiiigeA.toleadFancy Dry-Oodwibca, FaovaCoiaru,.i conet We ivieyoue ispeio and respect. ttccîeiieoo, Lcotf fovuie.ostyleaîd gaeraiexcellence, ioder tbe auspic«osefCorRbiaf selt u arlal Ii. hutobea.Vital. itooado îtla tutoevoîy judicieia Brns. No. 7778, A. 0. F.. eltet bc gptrovga Fersle by J. boyer. ta the Toi. rasnoe Halit helile Tmaia-Caab or Priduce. M ttc Kiii.îo.-Te iidivdîaleitnse on Fiidiy erd Spt 2 nUIO h f ieOf06GneilGroceoier Te ýt ian ,direeted te riitlenofoie tbe Knoix ohurcband Basidoste bbot local talenttà ouiube i pe"itYt-ufiosli d obeapet in t Mf7d. .. S. Hardy. mtaai pripirty, and hi cutdieo from eiphai aid ltuubeiodeill ton.. Iit pinting coibresthaoîidetrie io inbaipripirtyeau liolahe part, ci. Laîing. H. C. *C R M R Il tinti ihulietirheeitted lest eeob, i mhardIy ioce- B,,ei iveiiaishort salirin Fors. 1 A ER t1,I.Mir. Haedhaliarite aYi8net Laudird Benntttof ir entsiropieat 7.2i- Cocert At8. f rom *F.,g ttl'lhioPenieHue, naie the hutai Admisionîiî25c. Cidrer0 o. 1aielhie buiness, tiei rittîtio reierred le. Sopople noie bufidno dobi Agricutural Collage Kîgi and Atieries Fult fHots .nbacon"t0ai i h1parkigbuoeordi. 1 . ar hirti, Tici, &il titi xiii,, ishapeî. ote aid sectingitmiliiîîah e- e ali ourdstooubîp Tiîdriîd'Ueleapi 1 Ii1.ta d Clips. te lits'00styles ai Titati'à, cor. i otutu, o n fotiofbheistore. attia"of boioinaîtfed«adet r. 1, James et.., and James St., Hamilton. 11Btte Dreee ouad Mai andelleiotuoatiaedaool tit,.a.il Cîtîhuoge r i tti ofte Otaiio grieitiral Collageby Me Jae Adiiii i 'xaohme ou tîi epeiiy h li ~tyCei olf Hahl iaccord itChartiretondattly payiig bis i tly .d.itit.ê naca ira. 288, u-se. ifif ae. t. t ilr. libitoyEi i aiti. Hoeliai fie .t u.tInit hia CUtierELIoe INHoLOe.-.Tbr R. S. Ô. Tbeo eta aboiariatie yeae 1 , i tela poraicmpn-ibe oniitiitirtock teharr mal, ..Y.:' Dr.Bolier, auaaiati will begin on Gtotou lt. o1uebrie ofHou. P. McLaren, Perth, ont. Hi ofPeteMîCoïýrtey and tbrrotlerons or1 i,%vs ti la idioaild dai if epeineinAeican xx ouritefiier, hm Ieicily-WM. PANTON, itret -iipoyrr aliioal. ________ ,,C.semputio.l ate-r se logaislio joi charge. Il tttiti off ai Oahx'iie. Tire gag D . O S N t il sale by J. 1H. A.tk:F,r'.0tPiliiibie oi. iieeeitigofland rar Cooins,0 41.PraiK AIsybraibr o I si iitireporterailiat a dtleivobals -AETiFOR- à ,ota oie rtii fucdicerd ini tgarnitiOf auoiiicciEasterniAssuranceCo,of Halifax, NB tI 1 I icet ieverilt Jmsial e wtiil nl uoo pitd building ecar Oahe'ill a nanti Cmeca Uinrsrac opn t'l, tcctî.r iand iar-of experimieo aid ahiiiy. fias lo lot cot iuitorfeiting ifitl. if Londo, Eog. (Fise aid LUI. -fcctciptibo iittel., lie d or tiit'dgetitiiiatte, r he Ltciîeia-Tte BramtptoExeelsiers The Proicimal Piieideaitasituion, iuo isan th tl it Sobc di ttiri i etialenobi e eid tlîotulveie eth gîtey lait et Si. Thom«a. tc, il ii tii . .'î,teîie. iti' .~Faley,'iiie oiîîiroe tiectiediati îlaaipioîbip. Thoy_______________ *,II.à thati. dlies ,.s. ior'iied oufthle pauat, defatigie t1 det It ly le sîuretimand o t A Screddlvl rý,ttiaii Sna coosat iet.uc e Srttofd', oetio Te.n api il ;,l.luai a ciii. dtFIete.oct tu elph asoageiit tclctaeon Oftitidistrict duiieair dudriog lnsteo0, is tte .70 t , iîeiitt ite. Ttte, tet'itccl ii 'ttttici thee-,"on hy te Eîuîeiîîî are tmire t:e tttiT ist al'ti a iti ic i'. uai tîttîîlit tunctuxuieti by tite ritiry of be tit2- tc.tI Mi t, I, ft ,oo~î, lcccît'il, alitmtetC'ttttitttîttlithcx Bi'iîtopt bys,erici.h deoi,îirate. d.t 8o 1 itîelt.iuietParty - Ititit,' u Thtisti tt iit ht etti aitc titaitie c bfore tie Te. Tttfct, ci eodttntttt ttit, t t'Iojiv Waihte. ttteicttttIrtltly o[tL i ci rtete conuicil.tlrit buller and toiler bt te t hI, r. oirtttIl it-tit lite,. Nelso, Iî'ocîi'oîla Sîiîe tl r go teloJas. ,loecitttu1yelîiintio diilt i t ai AI.E. Ditt. 1,2 l1' t Slept. Att A. b'ite'.t1 Iotte' v tite. Ot "s),t . cctieig ofthtte lctîRobet'i îc tloiî'.lt,1h ltu.kvt,, rttcle. iti hav~re 3.H IR I bas biOf Il csgo ,ot'i1 edCite cîîîlSlerbgiiiiCcceî cittltieflhieil., .,ti ClriC'cctg..F . îe ii uecptlcd a the pi ti bohi. ,oouse # rainter t it., t itid tic, t'tct .îcitt'retccc t sttitaffft h. t .I~.1. H. MoCl' cîllt ofii,, 'e,. I --(io'tan- i utneel elitto bNl~EOAOu iîcîi t lltttttttîli.uctcî,' I ttîcit is e use tcluiprialiCream Toclarr Bakt,11 ' t tI'cittiit tiach-iitti' andvt, , t.oee t ole. l te ieltîti oila tt raining. Gildin.g t I., J.t Forman AIou'.t W '1-I"eit .'ttlc .l rgeitt. Il . t Il t 'elcok l, o-îî. t. 2(1,tocter ttwhtI,illî î Matlii Board or tlliof.SIGN WRITING, ti tttci etg arvices, te Iigttestitash tt1tet ,P.llttîEi.- 'litt1, a-Itrlean ,d A~Pti.M.WlaeOtlMNtiRuEt,,Sit. t7.-The Mmoaiit p" lo x te ii t JLL ic.Necti C-)r.Walae en od o eief tir e UitediuState adPaper Haing I wiet t i ~ ttPlubr ettgit J. Roicobetso, Tuionto, KalsoniininC, etc. I ,l 'iîe1unîtt. utîiiti tethoitichuthNie M.leirtcepeeiideui; L C. Williamo. abu ttio.,asitigtt,ieconirico.prisatden; Eiiiutae gtetor auyuclamof h ,. 't, lit iltu l cittî ,',t It .gvîicttîtie acecl r . l e. i'titgtou. Balttaore, ieretory; xeîrh. "lt. kofpentuen. Titi1 eenjyith..- Wuiiamti tDeiaatior, Miew Yîrk. tIna- Basiaite-Cie. Mot, &hCCurtiSte. ttttclOckL(ttl Det.ute jointigemad pattiedMoc utetr. The adiig curiliutiitt -_____ t ittttteîttitcblitttlOulery ttoeIibe He tdpirtonoet i dptied il Moeursi.E. B. Hiifit'tuet, ctttcyand Tutoe. cltietaltetHdiiiatLtndn,tOnt.; Jataco Fyte, Mnttol; NOW IS YOUIR TIME! n tt e î',, storie. a secotndivitati, hosi yi Chares B. Rîdolphi, Hobolien, N. Y. ; t,t t tcI.r ill bca ToF Eve.Oeo. H. TirEu f Biur- T. J. Net,WashingitoandBI . te bîy tibc tIt."îtî'eîîi"O aiEt -0ot houiti ayî : 'Rotthatiadtie SMihel, Albny, NY. t, i, t tttt ttbuiaid eH.M, oe be ilo.' uîaey.FA/lOY DECORA TED \\tc'..îht e, utlîaîoic tu D EATo.-Abti ttiiei ou Bn EWS, ITEMS. 1 I, ti vithJ.Maoih Wetittcdtat' eveiig a trribîy îîddeu CIîle, liaistaadte ilerappoîcoaW IN D W t, -ticBr. 1.M oxîioytldcthlbttt * adinthe eaiiittdof tlie Alepîti. erne tW N thti.cttioidSerla. iitig. PtFoite pttitrey entreauiuileaxi aee 1 It,,i radScriayThtomaseWorhtoto ha, living bhe nti Pieudsandchieaar cni lim ttit)tir rotaient 1 , iti. nýMe. Rcbrt Woehtaan. The buo inipotion@iaftChina.S A E 11~t,tc l ftct oiati eeiing xeli ou Wcdicoday butittitrtaisemetiaid lotte tffiori liai uoodrd in i-pltADe utop !tc. ttalt I iitotght tuai li t aaî ereiy a paoiii hcBatkSa LI tale' vhîlltc he. lîghtilhuai. Abottcu echli kMie. Ttaity.five titieri craiil onetFrOM (60c. Ilanfd Up. J celeeic treuntuheocli Wu.rltaiu iotai hi, tatierie iii Motday iy auieplosn inttthe Stiomn- "A, N ITR lr e tu edi aidpii giieg teîîaruh for bienaelledelcoiiiery,iiiniootay. A cc . Fcccl,xiu iyj.rrh .Ht. tt fonud im terorui it aaiur umet. HAItniatherhnsiaeraoa gisaii I -t. o ae yJ . c tiisupposaid thaihbai dioacla uneCi.iitje ittettomr of victme cf (1A C IJ'~ t Nlitcct. thtiioCasei of u. l Mn. Worhtaaa choiera. A .JO E ' e, i'>nacivetofictx MnJaIreland, arairo oaiiecdifdAttiritaweIrilod, taure li. cie citt coisulc- o illas boreuontheot7timofApill81. t cAlbamodsrgecesrtipms oe e'cccxht'tiition, corry. wltiiqitm yn a neoomimtee" 5 t 'ho , ouci I 4adgnese. Mr. Esqoittuig. Haltoei ot, abre he The Tarit Bil ai Wainigtoni nit c,1. ' ilttu, gtseontd livIuelfor 30 yeîeoHe ilietareete iltbcrmeprti yibheieafeioCo li itocttt ticc, clg, thiiete tetotnessrtion tif Erie. Wellintg.' eottatler aotil Miiday. 10 ILEN LD 1. c offc'l ci ly a Chicagco toit tttuey, culere hu lived abmut cîglît At Chattaoomga, Tenta., itoluaiuiro c , e.. cc tî' iaporied a aiel About thmeeyearî agi he catmeititetli o riuSotherni mater-- c tleccîi'ciiaa.Mr. J. eutiicoutrylte pasethe rrtainderetiof ebbii..IC prmer iuainiet ot tfc ' t;". ian fBamitoni. tc- tis 'ittA ii son. Rbert. About giot itaportancele tre sutb Prvt'ronfeds mn aeerty if gelai ceIcl, tdi DDit air atioct etre lii diathvieraionu. Thi BifBaho Cmiitei beisied a-,t latiate t rm tel7.prenta. on tia Ol(tt- . The ftrot vrieiittire lod etlemia. Hi ordeWalthemcityirontractimnilet'ESY"îîîelt ui, adtýc 'tond the ihirîl tatii'iery ineligent andael infotmnpioy'ninebutiiodrthtbe itu. theu AYTR SO îe a.-Sudritte IeSet. dr fut orse, bote situeaietCan- hII ccittctif ,cccetaxinaitl ii , oire ia metd .iLieeeCtttplaiet ad"i e.RE-PAYMENT. eo t.tg.itutcoctiti yoo liave a p'tttlgtrIIlt.te, en evyi 1The seatuiiipi Teieiantd Ciy of Ii tîccIin othie iottilif Sî,îîl's 'itliotec. îî îevreNew Yorh-loftiNe orkiycoterdavl Ioteidittg iiroeiruabonad enito or t0hhiroir ie ii t tdi tit-fis toie ler.For éatieiby j. H. Me. 1arintgtor aettir race &crirethe At- 1mcil onitaie-roappîio elietahere. 'ccc I. î'cce îcoLi Big stotck. Celletu,Mitoa. liii,,,. The, laite ýt ta 7 c'coi, hait 'e c lîitîcc citlocseirt Toor CiTForSeC IEt. t, inEt aneioiroheidiofttomer. M c.cc.ctctt.sutrt.ttir...clettheeStar .a..atcedtiriat Oeeorrie, commtaonder .1theticlt tiiicc i.î. t'tireraiu'o. aiachat. ieuîled thot a dity aifeie artay corps tifiFranceetaianoquet Fntca rkr le to ilicitte bjohertitoabl. thatu e 1îîog gineu iy Ihtet.fonigo officiai tao ai.- t'cce'c .cgliiioboordbieeotiiu emi fereet il tedtd theoretienanioevresoidithe t.ci t.iciteu)Le. î ixi,' tc a.aii teritit tuelteîtlROtiatyooîealtdpe 2 HUORSON STREET SOUTH, 1.tccOrt! hcttcTci1inpaee. OctFriday îcglcîb..Oitih urandoltiî'ibibet Boiigiiii'tiepiuclenitiiit taro fiamiciby the; eimitEurîoe tra. lc'cctc..if' 1Wtiiditietispeakers. The "drty" parti. 1Tho Liieral cf Poibuf Ciaity. ti ors ciericc eillni ivoiut lIh'> NI. MOI ct uttoi Dr. C Fre.-pirfatlet ioand iappioie. oibiugi Qiui.fotiihe CmmnnesWB N ci ic'tciie.Niuirl ieyialott ruadi] irtaxe poltctect Monaiulato nni" th, ici thitI MrEFlli8's ami.îîîîî,tuioiutibcittlc idg ~G R G tchtctt utt eion cci'tidet othedi t i, iaitîx'. Thelt" itd icul ili iiO it .00 htttt. c. t'cct(cg and rerjiriadoeoiantport-ora raahly deiid tuhat ureop- Thomia i ia n0cdoobb ta te CORNEREMAIN àJAMESBBTS., Mcir'tcacd.Mc. tti Elitfoidpmiteuttertb &ade pcur courCmad abr , ut tc iittiiti, teur icoon hat htihey ubuoght none pleoitt. l iteiriai rlait onLaike Suportmn. Li,- Lo e,oem tir, gituieleate. vreai a man ittieg in a oevci, t!t tuiy ci -.)co & Suarieri bousetaih biîîhildre, pentieaily cloa,t,, ýMthoaidiigavi céclOue eatG Thomés o t thé léast suspicion. Of frib»4» intheso mornga antd aaney, low neck, ie a thing of the pab, Md ladlies are gétting mnto worm Jacket.. W. May have beautiful weather yet, but The Summer is Gone!1 ci Cd + 0~b mambo iw yT &E MY STOCK OF Tinware, Cook Stoves, &c. Before PtrcfLatag E-tuewhore. fStock Good and Prices Cneap. Eavetroughîng. Hepatrîng, etc., donc on short notice anti chear THOS. CONWAV m*St (NiaI Dur to Beniae Blocko.) s~'Rags and Iron taken in exchange for Tinware. FARM FOR SALE Bs.loe tu , i9. xtow turpoxo. Cuit .. i. t H IW.ee.utgo tuot tu foactiulist etetu.~i iruriolirt. uez.e eulic uaTeais 0r ofl,,e. pui C oi e Mus. O'Brien, Flyntn and Otagy, Naiionaaiit uetubua tif Pirfiatieut, rendeuechesiai Cork.taitahich tituy ad= etnianîituuumtpay aheir ua. The reiottl saicaneuit if Windsor obx.ppltm f t0,600, and au iimoaicdea.ietpptyasiottMig le 0,000. tetirtt.si ia~out, STRAYED W. A. LAWRENCE suoxsr. l.tue Oeri,, . F»t,h. WEtIited tuW tth- m. rtitlt,,,iliW Liverpool, London & Globe, J T. oýE oIetme Tht Quehec, tuti London IMîîtoal, \~ City Muttual, Hot W eather. C ~ t7th Jce. Manufactiîreri' Life In. Co. tý'But iurity and lmnei rates. EQUITA BLE Li/e Itssueranc6 Society Largeot, Wéltbist and Moet Libéral Society in thé World1 Be iiiosnwFiee Toffsto. icy, ,ibichbioa abapli promis te pay, and pente froodoat il travol. occupation &ad reideooealter iue year t i. iudis- puais frie» au e w htte'rer after two yiaos; and inion-fofoitabl ater lire..yux. Tour u&sen"iain aisoufl&edt te ifr ladidty Boud, nbiimsiauonfsatu ia amunae, The fiat tolsg th"aum apphemat .batnld leqslrs for linaeemr<##. Thes thhtwlti saaui a tacesent of lie yqnbile for 1M0 shons Aeop................ .în< liause. ........... et,5 axi .g.......le...8.0.. ltt&Uf. JAS.bARBER,14»00 -IF YO U WAuONT-- i ~ ~ I. AUTUMN 1890." -THE- Afte eenugfor lte publieftfhue vu tui t'Yforîthe loui 27 ceari, i iii a&0 litrl uitlieasyoCig, îoeieisatitctundouubeileu pieîcardnwaontier teiddobusiness,ead ttd reiet'tttct ueuu 8oicîittutitonandaau elage maentofllute ecce oout hoge beetowedihoiti 'l ve ctoitle te cl cf Mata. Baonia Rol, SihiMioat, .L L U ..'3 Z5 Ns%.W U UaJ U 4 Loeh. Ciriea, Boulin Piga Fel, INCLUOINO THE LATE1(T FOVELTIES IN Boe, Daek. i7liihku aad Torhîy, MneXaSalmon, Curn Bet, Ti Bakrl,]oouga, Plaids, uomDmnatlon nRobes, 1iks, Boeieof ita dsoh, Satins, Plushes, Silk Velvets, etc. New Pitatoei, Veéetales if ahIileido. Jolly, Chritio's Biscuits,.11 ai ilth, We haveibeui buey pieg eut laege imuportationsi and iuuignutao i Inour the ubrand, ailltL.ehiffereitdepaitaet, anditaieau suitiand picocu, Oraigfeti, Lens, Date., bilintapie, ruîty aid qoaliuy. Gond Eggu, oed Botter, ai scnaoaoc vTO In Dreis Goode, Drees Silke, Dreri Trimuingi, Vtlvettttnti Menttes, Mantie Clothà, Ulitering, Millinery, Siîîtal euîartt -M CKAYS F of ail kindt, Ladie' Underclotting, Hosiery, Prints, Ging. i.~ Cu~, t~e.,~ hamo, Chécktd Shirting, Tickinge, Denitet, Cottonadti, The Chap OobSirlffoIM, Tweeds, Shirtings, Overcoatinge, Gentts' Undertatar, Gents' Te Ciep CaiclSit e., Shirtir TiiOr Gloves, HatsCt(tpe, JLad~iesoand Gentte' Foot, Thse CIsap Bakery. wtar. Readytoade Cîothing, Readymade Overcoate, <arpetu, 1 Oilclotbo, Linoleums. Rugs, Mate, Curtaint. Pl-- :2Gm1T rSI - w, It nd f611 a .steapper t. iaeramte mur stock., Wé wil begin our Dreso Goodo and Wincie at &. yd. oint hMMuidlummer. We *Matoe U tuem&e. tme Wehbaeosdded aonenheparimnot to OnrOrderel (flithiog, toue i isbiasa W doe iessoif 1,Paney linel aid Tweed Blini. mado te ordon. Ormoue-up dopant- the Towns of iBis. Wliai jote aie Dot euoelod anywher. anoly, MilBonery, Dneeu.ssiiigr Mnde frcà goodz. VO »U lob% oialiug aid Orderd Cltog. Wc get tic boit onpeintiodonta amid iaids tii5t ion nsli~ ~ for the revomIl maie-up depuit tihat mnay and eipaeie ra pio- ~ .~., ~5 cur. Yeu n ucenetit confidence and pavioine. TRFsmi WM. McLEOD & CO'Y. i. aiBAT. . . AT. 89 ep.Lot,4 000. ast. )RE s frs ~es- 3ap The Moaquito i. a puat angih. The soda water fountain bus beén carefully stowed BwBy ini the gurret. Ice freBîn it régarded with a gentlé pentivénétse, Band peculiauly sensitive people, wben tbéy look Bt it, experi. énce littie cold chilis down théetroaI of thé bock. Tht fire in tht oook aboyé in the evening diffuaee ageneral sensé of comfort and content. The wmndowo, whicb recently were flung open to admit thé melody cf thé Tom- est, are Dow religionaly Clouéd. Thé Sutumer is gene 1 YOU WANT A i-NIT IIis- of hearey malerial Black Straw or Feit Hat with docker trimmingo. Black Bnd Colored Velveteene Bnd Velvets wtll be extentively uted, Plaid Dreet Goodo are the cor- rect style. We have epent money and time, and hBve exereised our beet judgrnent to îgcîîre the lateet noveltiet in fal goods at popular prices. How for our efforts have been ioccetiful we aaît the verdict of the public. We e;olicît yonr patronage. HIOLLINLE.EE & SONq Vie Leadrng .Tierclants 1"Tea a~otuc . fcxci ek..,, i e. ci.t iL ¶ankrupt, Stock 0F GENTS' ~]Bought at 6 le. on the Dollar * bits Just been placed un cur tiables. 0 It la seldora a bankrîtpt stock ie offered to the puîblie jutt a& p the teaion of the year when the goodo aie o q50 0 B o y s ' 2 -P ie o e & 3 -P ie o e S u ita . for yOD to choose from, pi Mothers, yon may 'lever have tueut h netagain. Kilt Suite for 75c., $1, *.i and 81.5U, xorth zwo or threei Itimeî théecnoniy ;Pleatcd Stuite witl Kttee Fatst, Bt P $150 thst were neyerput together for' the ntoney; $ 1.65, $1.75, $1.97 for Sait&twosth $2.75 & $3. * When rooney teika,, why w"ar you with words? -WCorne anud tee themn to-day anud get firut choice. Yonr need flot expect ta iee tbem by 10 o'loti So±urday nigit. oDo CLOTHING: MA.NUFACTORY Fi 5 King St. East,iieuxt door to James St, Haeoîl on. CD JMOPEN E'EttT NIOHT, PU o o The Merchants' Clothing Co. mmW (D 0' have uecured tht services of Mi. T. G. Fotanival ae = Cutter. Thiis 1cecteaki olîcceos for that C+t bratt-i c i ite buîsinuess. aD Yoeî will find wee colt pletise 3011 in Reody.made or in cO Ordered Clothîng. We have ttîe riglît goode at the right eCU price, at the old etand 9Cor. James & Ring William Sts., >do goOpposite the City Hall, Hamilton. CD'»-É'E MERtCHANTS' CLOTHING CO. n