Dry 1ods,~ at a QgWeat Sacrif.fO'b *pre5that viii must be uaW T~ ~ vals yd. np DWROOM epartm'et md U sters iw îin cottmeejat, &. Ourntoc enbVUn, ETSI1 Gerast Folteeu epartm'nt Gré OitBartain. ma-et. Splendid iti $10. Ouîîr stck sud.sthe inumly trnated. EOD & CO. TAiiLltXHED Mti mtt1trted Twesd, iis patrons witb Olle. His pritMe cnitudering thO n. BE W& ER ___ __ __ __ _ H T BR S.MILTON. LOCAL eauboM FoR-?,L1 To the Farmere ofHRalton 1 DAY. ~ ~ Tun's, mn. lh gJiitbéfihIW .tfçns~ ___ TSk",.'NOD y amprepared to furmseh Former, wit £ aoiu upply iitiig b ;WJ.1 M orif impiements ocompriswng thé,J.one with The M ssySteel Binders, gooticor"' RCat o oy ls(12 v* Massey 6îWý s Mower, sale -117 .70 teilRake, Do-I.d Cé'Pb l 5 lot f L * M I. of 1lm fn 0.0. hé nly 6 n i né W sudi ~atfujt te nd ci d 411V M., 1 -- J tid ' a a wri1 e F1 SAE _Toronto Mower, Faienaru with s!rgnfm BvD.M. or Btz iw&B t'aWavwki(0o c hanrta.cd A ImU * M lla hs lis gt à wt moànm lCOnRT.-Oitc yLittle Talk Ha Forkand Car eolü '1ete, ,atyI. n i(nday MU ànIn clut W éid by Mayair D0. I bt 70 bobek i t t > rt-4tan 7re C.àpsnt. 6" U md B n,.Imétiie hmmuue wtt' dtsm qmnty 16--n*ywsDie *ff ws Ag'.n.ii.wAm nraît. A - nlir a l &ii h» ptS a dy FRN PLYj r4.m sur d ecncfnaureltmboit tenai molt.émAnicnd nc t an **h" inUte t né. l. 1- parrct F:O, ont. Cutting Boxes, 'iSrnip Puipers, efoih &wineft sed rnnraand 11en nh mn à 0" .l3Pnrk's New Pst. Woshing Machine, and other Impeleuts 1 SUIS, a" ne v ma n anomi h htu m. ~'ForBai. A Il of bett quality and low pricee. B i éii polae+«eau ~da .timitt tn., aegin intita*h r i nTmtoAppt, ta -I r' it Pfîe1sad . nd 6finm e atDont wu sodei # sd 6-44;ntm «J.ATK[NBOII 'tanLac i Urnwnmai W. eh heu bilpmnd- a b oré i 00cdS SmnéIGadmai, Miltan. L. P. Ener MNikoe. Termnn ouy or ntecjttt charge... Jli-P. onmter ctU b, Omtuaedfor atmoMm pro- .fl ,TEM & (:" "- -Ti<e &hoiaiemalmd by David Dbtât Paty. Apply z -zd -I#8 O L eZ tpiskS'eît ane»Ilcpndanda-dstliait-61 l'e , al»Si th' m.Ia&c unrCrceycp e.imOakvile: Basket WVI A~._________________________________ Et etth W.ýd.Cdm C, - h. o D. W.CAMPBELL, W"tratCane F pne, for ocbfliieiicMy9,'u.mtot XCplii e- Mnm za, e. FACTORY My,9 itn ,p i îst,;îgTc at ,it silimad Bot Hâtaiet BîrnmDo à e sn « edtu Smbitem mnd pay Cmnb M Il ,e:,kahpo$, fioiii 2c.e.C.B.. fan-any %f gs!d@lm, bmwocod, FORSALE L U i l ema ai' U. id Oc. Bcimomcpn frgt tetteren ety' '__ tCiiii, i cottiet 25c.adMe.o hce ontgt b iellia or pnsctop. ÀA ostr foiame dcmle wtt Gi OL Kbin ran ad oe'*'*rH= i edwdwatrmndecmate A11M JR RYr&ntO ,_., Et attS SttmnEmc arc nod docftIbm Fer parttmelarn ncol t tbmhefamtror e, httracndcd ceedaed &aat] ie coie ,S. .,I i f at, Seh mc fat a t t ly chethe ncivne write te friittranm. crapa vine and ther mmccl ni i- t Bmentin Hitet, on coutue nbonmm oBir teecle d n«" e.a.irnpioter. thina-flthn f an ,aianted oneMain at.iiiii.t 2Spa. Te o o p. T h bm c tass ne ofDi.kbnn and BStcttb Béne ihade téncfront. What je morte essential to______________ tt on Sctt 0n ehietg effered as preniien Be ready teravée chen acran ucunsi. Fan terna sud e WMettaapply te me t -tm teIldeeleercieentdclv . OMI sicoplote a Ladiet outfit than jt,,eiieppn ojictcnote& andeepynibtu acoue yinanelng d..SIH O ____ ___ _ EA reditT I NOW COXLET Wninîiii.otE. dimani mmt h mokeas lret he ei. Mle.~fashionable Hat or Bonnet, ~ LAC Ha,-t-_e sie thun FancyLampewe o________Tue_____________laDo a reai nice becoming Mlat,a fu (k ii $1, complets; FaneyLaoipn âcefcrto th Tii naces, as nte.batS al olt that hausbeen trimmed afid witODnnt,8 cpri ae thpâd by thibibh. AuctionSae effctively, a Hat on which WITH THE VERY LA.TEST NOVELTIES FOR EVENING. WEA.R. Fonni Focal b &0., L ii' Loe the Milliner ba______oo t C., camlttie, rie gaon. teste in the arrangement of île ~ ~ ~ - tiaiM.ne tNengcy, eulnaat-eMeié i - R JÇn&BSHUDE.the trimming, a Rat that lu Black thev lire hoieg e anre ainreeni ilof ub for~int uthl e Gelpîh Celegial t eheno, Curentei,,&c. -Nieew ods; Teml iritain Aiei -th- -tce lia tevr mNiielie - n e pioil ,nte olic td ltiet , ibtaed a ertîtteatf ervec hub t BlinEO c& Cem nnof t .Con.î,w aee m tra4.sei e acîeie front t .I-.tiiitiDepertmtier cibd urtw -.ste tim ig h te ti 72 inpai lacnk Beinnein, siiible tir Dre Tri ajutu tî~necb enlîgyie i hmbTee-nCOU nc-.-Onree ieeESQUESING tetimnwehri eiiiîii Cfeii t M Iîtl.b bneai afneoldc ernel PUnh, Ribbon, \Vings or Silk 48 ich 54k Spotted and Seeped Beierle Net etra on-îiiît eii cMr. Maldem the ratef t6ntte4Wittei.The .,in'T\V O T. 29,10188,'Vivet, when it j i anded to lue ihitiii ineem, ce deuinoateienie he fo . . . . JU .î.i i, AOC ~ , wae o M r i ok 5 n 2iei(i Cîtied BruneeuîNet ie &Il the e tîIa,iilg gîiIur Ticfr th. Waaang dctesofthe haer h.roe misia. V - .i<ii Y-eihi mai <mc iilin md -2< as if the handiwork of anTeNwEiflPntLcinBak iab orClr, r iîteniTrele i o nclaige;Iracde anea5 era(l iaanm m .1 Coieil thewearer to beworn it]to10oinkeid cietiint. ie d te ai hl de ai e chnrr.ei4. 1-i f.e 911fin 11t.i1f-,artiet had ben displayed C 0 cr d elnieTinn hwiin %e i i tun deia thmmaneyiayIte miraemnicedtir Oa i e. nn gThIIigt(i9 oery ltetcncoaty. ced ie thevrSml Ts ii I t. i. Kie. sdt 5CJetons t h o ? TonTinicin ebireSigea e ~lng the extra cnnethésudanoti nEoniAND10-1i9nn Z-îael RceeHollinraket Millinery De- win cdi. ueily on-hlk f, DrseTrinimn c T nt.'liienhlefingatpmar-te. tlm ent.,<tn u osryu tik i ol .lmanIinaiiim ai. m ab etl tyî48 ihSilh Icdic M.,li. ne il the fle able t ita; Io ocmii fit mais.iTeaimi YU-tink t iiîiîL4w N iii.î.di0 'P 6 Eaneîparmnti îor diapooial, lveygiefori ingee ir. vý 1i1-eTthe lneiici f themY- rtgt tractat lat in trytef lecrracgn e e y advantage to des! 1ia".runti? 1 r îemniiaiiiic.ad ia a pbl b inteM Sletibe, eiîhrnidered ie cuti, j inne icadic tuaiiI.iig nadienei. Tlieaeter- a meeting cltb ibm . Ti. poplnhe -< .cinn..i2i-ne ira . W d. -k iMin, ll ou orerfor EekkgLcs eSl, aaliddvre ti,l it ie baot oe t ii iendvir er n a e fennebif g tamne mitb at HouL îsixi s Cheap Store ? j I11r si-i lî »tn~e î lae o ~ yu re n LeeN.St.re.aetei ci g,ihn d it, ei inkg excelletici t«. at,. "f Im mubadlbéat adpted Bne-«n" 1 ecic.c uit '- - i .a. i a fathionable Hat or Bonnet, _________________ ou n(e)-siî l. ete aln era h cd atefva ee ieare aetoc and ii.cn i t . iO. w--.:lins that will pleate you. They a. i clecn an d.nT L e l i fer e OT cm ite gos a ci le ien h.a~ ia.. le klin cnni Snrt. in t athecye a raînine stckof o a =,-inn 13- 1mi, i, alNo honee in Canada can show a fine-r stock of these goode. AIl the latent novelties from -n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i iil.ititt .tag Milton.iseck'a.. eeine <i. n .London!and1 Paris are to ho sie- tts amt aalamn , ntt4enclierCeatce itée par day fractht sorce, An, ae. . ie mir ii cic adW.1 Sna-new and ljeaneiat i lâmle for Tht-n reseBlling UrsyFIl ni innn n ieinnnmia.Ce gi-l-t 1, DO& ninC.s. titlmniofrevenuei. . il qa.itn.nnatk Gill. ii O iiri iii et ne hi h l e ~ ManéRn, a.Tmaenal t- l2jcas. o yard, snd Iots Aione100 herniof WeS Leed aed iLII froînt Mr Jhne D .1 i Bel.Stnd b abnc ao meneM t e -grdCo.der, b gt. athl 0 O C01r,ti(If it iti- Ucb itidg i-me peata= YeTh e e ai lac .m m u ahente.- See s i. oipbslford Tint- eBnni.m a.en hine a ci, t liii rie hi hniu h 'i auw tnt eante wite mcldhNu eserve, nmte pMet.tcAs iifiiilif- taciîteexandlte ISE lkrngElthe n "if t - R adbsnaitSI qi - ig E18, 20 and 22 King Sr, Rosi, niiiîic il ,the Prety proen théena a yéanea. ..jdFlannoda , aric t ie.eIni fr i M ri.SIe.roaeilleor the sane.e p. Chapnmc.27 18 19-4 20 yards WTnnafoa81.imilidme ash aoi (e c ei1ndtttn itika, fui 1Pte. W. Pencnmk.29 20 1-i85Add iais tant me ool nt Ga inih nd astotl tcaimaei Ginteemarin engar Major...... 29 16 17-61 A.kooeteMns oi m aa. Hy. aamc Sensf, t-ri nng'we-"arit Ie. acd lin.Pte. leamanr... 27 14 18-59 Soxait 2o. ~ eeIi.___________ pi rcninieKigknaaCapt. Fox . . .. 16.....2 Lini,î..itent. MGibbhec...26 9 st-5 hse Ten cent aid York icniii.iiiinltcOtnîfete. awrn.... 21lb10 1-10Sh4 ngClth Dreai Gooda UNRESERVEDC ih un -1-h1 iiîTiiiîiiPn2S8i16f 10bt58niShillingS Bt'O Mi.Sartý Roinsn i nhémIdno,. Bt25 12 lt-t0 ahould be O tibe appre- bai] tîiitîtieto gel ithe thube ofh elt Bonté .84 16 18 -49 -A flA 1W O AALE Uqis etibaud aifhiindtherelne, anh ILt - 81 i-49 bti A IJ I whib W i iiih to pliftey ofE. Dr. .«p mcltiIL t anoewrk.-Star. A"nOrne mam "0 é aGenue bettar 1oen St60'DoadC mbl ecliiitNN S p, Chritian ite andnntéi a glt tacatibithe fate oPf' Ooa..75d . ad 5.ir tn<aisA-"rame Sat -Tee lýe, Ii 1o.,%trai es hé big aIUi y tat dereg ir.anRiO54£don. Loi t. Canemane i.N.OHO 3ET SNSIG DP hu ÇitierViegen. aid nbaap thé 'SI-,a*>cnofttanm"q f --ti I i. sîgari. i Bicien h Cn. "ntîaa bns m e-r hedw - N EL itenennie inien -e«ol ,IoU j! oom. 90 Young Street Toiontoi of the Cirte wu ela one Tnrnldcy at r etarit25 e-hier Sean mTb. meneelaterY-cttb pnliey ý1ecsed ad M. Henry Gray, t mlt ngs40 ICH OW__________ te tak ii-iîdthgeo inthe-an e-entaBmd duipit c US ofi t h. axolh ieI in.5-tigift n tg kloann oa t.. it n t Ihat tels ssiee a "m IaAué Thî iiienoni bok oe i str-uent-force mat a>a*Ia aSci ciho anajretnec acé. mparIM)m bqllau bn @tilt a me-cII both s.teetehémite t 98,17; 1 TbStm4' . il, n i It wl c 6 iftPh.flebat intte-k Wvaood and Coal Stoves, ,lehlstoniiî boksle tParlor sud.Kitchien StôVes, Toc 9 M..îYlib Eegiîb Fait E 16 _ ti~;y~7MtniadtiGmtes and X nls l - Golî 2nc tden Bec.naid Backhsieeole bâbdti tTea .... me.m.N1 land ring tsJiotié st, HnitOa. ~Beat Table Cutlery, teGrne .H eat cii hé91 -? noeîaa. boàpa ~V5 &iwSivr Tea Sets, eh0 Gnge a,v. Anie cad r m « eh" B pyyi. amet-lmfarcn tith m-Yi CboiePlated Ware, the pnenajPFsionable BrasaWare, yieg hth:teaittcSttas *taSplendd Haaing ILamp« mie nîo -iiJaane Lad1 ~ gpna~ 4 in. 1pBWiS4 &R58 sLibftILampsr Childrt'>s Sledsa ~IeitiinlMv3g HQr*edSý&a., Xobby Baby Cswrrleges Cera..O. a.te dM.Roue esiv ~a4bylesu,.t1r the new on.. 0.