Ky h>5s ..m -vu dm1ai 4uleV mae6,051 Months!1 ED stock of JA RS. fore 2ed50.ohr .svd odii~ Cîeottonouo hooovu ItihdvotoIc.secg *m, TaMii@ý J.Baulq M~~ legicmuU TcItJ .Doe. oi onda lbnwmnnc~~!lI hihai A. Lt auenmsmi sac J. EL . f r . la 80Tho 18*3 fogtsn 7iBenl tü ý i ii à r . u e -, M G nis *ta u h o a » 110@13Sh is mmTuuou làue on> onn cdnte Jai 8" ;PUW &U-. u s cf MiS__ux smud Y kot L is ',roo lotri mr ch VOSie . ites itick. uorobat 60n MY etucpi. , Or a or mnt o d, o Es, mm mc Ga rnts t etweed aot. mci n onaa lirnun.Elgon on T a n'. Sote l àd Let Sho a c omplete. oiueocs4 TIc ilonBos .~ M" »& &S 5&. . Welies.Mos ot . isn. Co l lo, cgmta c IdIU havetvi Cohrgc uvoanFmioLUD.cfBrmptn. meri er Ro». Jaunio j celon o., âotbsiolhhcLM."Wltlma noiod.feU' eun bhavaumolninumerma&s ki lng t.,EL cegoira m u".ef r m si= -à UmtatonM.Wlchogihmc gsou e rgonta adon i he E alrcs . rOuri las 4 ien naet mWe for ne er aouab,H t. Wo op h ns> gntineOcgaa Uâi lay. Ishc l n~lla »Wilcnon Sonda>'1404u d » M oda uitte 'prunleIhe nySc laeo>gtl amO ps Moscone c boclu cONSUJ. TW. U X. . nlg, h adrepcti ,odedofCnad. it lem ai Ttof olaWoh. cdhlsoem obL s0 0Wuu.OnhJS. in ta ,e*0 wamof plui ms. mont lliwtUo,JE l (nilv eh1* uisen tuenahoad . ,en rlm = uburot & . wen on" 4. N.tris, aI. à- c60111,011 Br01iu 6u tSooa.= 6&% m oo te butmae i.tesnitdetaes el ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 Mclttlleutustani. te Pand Otent ss .e.e.e. a h eM. tesnaiuatidD.rgr ct BlRok, rc ta maLs siks.appeoTauce Eecs ulmun T:Lq CityT. MaeiOchThe Od hoteOT >mociat13e olemcl ad OuMounon. Hot ofrMei's, Boya' asddualtlenguero. teensef Ted sautdiog s fo dly a de- ,thora " d LeItlaer Sanilais10,000 *0 - 'rzC e ere n t the MO leilto ise, Bia o Jaes ted *0OHm inoam .coo.Md@k .- o oce e.bMpZ « =e&à - eob« un a ajoot'01 bq diOand,5mr mto@bal et yslel US. tin a h mluasceintcotho et îne e à Bm'rnrg.. -eaithoecoonle péo ci, JW"cag mi 'a' " vo Opsodela uaren ho wu anM * M UB R R i lleod s.Loe by c 40ntens. ntsetaseaiMru. mscd soc chat i eoàbi r ong tivon iieeg ,Ot.lo a r boign Mrai70.. Tsseitihilged meallnugo's taml seeciie11*00dh f (0 [Oakici inlug. 40. ha ieien ne..Cr7teauesia, -àe. d.Pare-portail '0 ha"n 84FRing Streetl nWest, nu4l7ôdolu8ihatmenil 8h.Biis onelimc la A inect treMath ideuo ur WC borie. ie n, r, m Rohele, Ne n s Cci oco-hc hv ooloe tsegnos g galadoa = o6 is9g= d iotnt o sloeeteeabuthayeredgcd h e coechna r.Md A=,Toroeto ti rt ani . la. ulcdis' rsin ht nue h esh she n' ote ltt nae eost ic.cvie Ta loodts dfo.Mr L e>e O Jlp 0 coalho', ac-io, Ptsone Acea o c BT ieynhàoo hu lo'St lee creh c1. v stig hc>No.bpotvol t Cabod :: .s . iloo I.Pbll y$."nda rolti#1oo 8ai 00noOcilfeoruead e (Sai.culholi oi kicnor.neaeIul litnidoaje.san CK.-n hveIdeioi. Mil on on iii5tae lit ssI .m it e bglr, aol Jiotm = ensti parv1inc ial stages"?__________o of Mito ') of alt t iàn e. Mr 1m ridgo 4"W1 0 aoolng e . lc ts ioie CiyeMntoa msovee nMody etoodc'au «"o icet. 0O eivnMndyir htthaoê eed1> ama i gs Ie.Cl ie jt5e îtoesrooesl eStse ele Is e ei ri wdý O - tbih e r ole h ua ettiioeoc inat -a isrest ta e 1130 to te e aiMt mhls ige ige tom, teyi l s t o .cco.Iiou eIreTh h eod e l Cr i-disttaeciitesa jsslstslt. b n lnigad4 o e tsinÜO'e 0e t 81 dnn tiino.eod rbso edsene e oe M ttisc ubi ueot O o t Iho h&.ui ..oJ.J I T . Tet ojnsii u unulo izrio ot aro n g soes et 74 y. tee ooco se t i scted sy h o=iltary. Do me i onteaoof $9,474,79 iec, dlcd cesot shgo, t di oti t0; 2n Wig sllloy, eet laogcyda bichaue. jnt eoaien o ct ooc. . PilkHl>,ceceddMe .if.W . A sg k ,J,.o Re Se., Ha. sAes all kros e oo -T Gnha" oth5e dg ' d a s . a c ivAaler.aN lawol it. nfo s-l Sm' eeewor coemmeed op h t l a ble l as> canetoo . M o bie a tiniia cii el îu h fsinî od Ro iee H oc iced arrivit r toulthae lY Tha i er Ocii i4etOre a liO sc a eot oo f>aib sssepto.L de n h rdeaeas cu ddt u r h-. nee ee eo n istig isiN lo moteF li ro mc hin- itcov nBydei. isosth e o t s e e n ote s- o .o a tee e eiissisocfleo0 eteisovetotLad toteh ttaeaum es ig aabto o Ast taca A m pa oe tCryma8tLc prosschieniue agd maeriy a vo imb lchly gtr.ecd M21 Crlo n hl. aveF 5O5iieM I otohaved n fitsel B ftror iehfac Mt ndb"tCos ee yeolo ag o.hMantin reasanole reesE AMU R RAY CO.,18,2 Bull îl. H. ucig, Rstv.s.oo -Joi l elntte alto up.Te slaigOlcteaes EgC ulos te t e toleetdsot ase licioflotih eg C I toC-li ; ce ato. trop. ad. ptrd h ctaewar rnnwu ud an iosv tla rgu s tocdiio gcotedn, W sisO lnDAbOTiib rosiecse onP , us thene c he t a. it o Pri rp t iT esitop hto lfo. elo ona ni to âe h n b. eo.>a Tio cnp hcER lt r 1os 0a copln a sshist-ooie4 lsgnt oc orero110o dwensisng d hienrgh10amabond ntionte>mujos- Cru c por el lamint tsTe EoniacF R O E W E K F ClipSt A i staco r i fi amo il ftor lo. ebucs ol h r (toe Inondatks i on) m et.a eergompacIde. T o a e otnateys28 o ug1r u mues Ste, ,cslt. eol la hosi l ..Ot h sesnt. eon Bsoc o, ptorettt etti se elnmit i. H o ip T hai e Servis m nte 5 ffl c.K.Gromustem e f F pi ft he 2M e Tus R*4 i. b-le o i gi sTra ms p el. he rp$,bi Asel. O ýc ilctosi o aid ci otius n att o neies an5sh>'abad.=g a l Dest psyiT" e tde t laenta ttp he A en Acrgintesett.-oU fosîpr o- Ahu n fauts o hrm idng the F re Lccnss, mmd 0 n eS ametsh c ou1t l fo;r0l plis 15aes. l. N erty cd s atdbeen ~so mc eehs t>Ome T he iap Onod a' aobli.luNcRel y>or os.~.omla acmed. Ruecimet inistre T t slatg isnrt.em n UlchmdATQ-É ofisyoeauhy aioneonMO. tshot oDoail ~ c liagslug cetu ld isprsan uli a otvlho skshei su d Inedt cthe> Tus relinsa pe icfo iseanoie. Blu >'L chAN I s the KNiCLLci sd lepd o th e ci ry epoing nthe>'ont Oc paic orhul. ic, id Htll uietche h O en n o ýNndocidd On haudy a r ul ppMt. aUD . ie P negedaewonlu. 0an Cnte. oniMo&, câSoeld,1 hschcsetchnet urhs s ol aeo h o 10 lit, lob.d é o r est 13e4, ai s iey, o i lgse ya l ea y - M nav oal s e i ooumc d e tissed 00Peatri Att.aley i lac oosatoyMsu gtdil l ie a 5., 8e. ad5c sc, Og scondi'10erb >' Onn fU a tito bof Tesie =ul oas t si0 vuel n. ,ncreid Apooriwt Fo kid .W gasoaI iiaiato , c i i t t tot heken* Mcd lac= misug 80 ha .rllng sc h P asLionabeg os t ceKOVean n T co .n sc A Mg i e i R Lq aeos bal , & dî.Mn sal -o prls" g cm. Bo ioh i n i t oui- n sssmte ju-hIa'da. eorstannercolvilcec ndlc.M d sustanda rao f bis %aen .tho u the e ort e to in S U c a aahe , vuesareesots Iaqsei Oc 11e mesGref IsootCOl. boue.e* E. o. Theelal gqOudsllicU i tl nerf of the coutry ae favoralepcotnuUesi. iCuosn.e . kLadies3> ande o et.etl l -mio. d Wl ter ilbs Ieu nefin h ar ve tsF vt onsfield iOpu o u Otawsa !mt" ;. thug rei-W ar ofe ngtebl ce fou .bool on10S 5 Bel e N lsMr. leaig lsRBeoI.c c OhnJflh co= f1.w Tce n .lp eong oh. t he ani m the b lgerom. UalR A Y & s0 8 12 th aue alre * ilirMla, woena l io and lied au ALL PAPE R CAtl o be1=1etan teywrU ais. mo.uet boutthr wekm a eiTho. . osan ec Mthe meeonan aori ec b au P MM toI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ILSrctosi o110 ra in c ient pstauc*c0 MnI ratât o a A or-ol .m e>'ohrlno f b c.5.ele & . cIufl wo, t illlieremmboel 1tios hti5 uqcs d . ae ssngt er el Theag aodnuoicaidi. e m ci d.1'friesigihdM nteU . ouescthM beeoc but dcngt suDmc d13ac EmcIcgipltaPikebndaOcd lird, nia .e>~. uitiog land. Mo. W a noi d th is i M.ugltamOand bon eria1 i mis a nr opâ. vie "a thé a ui>.aieseaao>t oig notenwsoe lOio ii..jeragt TON. For neuoftbis am a it Ungui - Buth. Se. e suasosi 4 a t eo-eloicvs ni8 in. niMthe pongirf th a hav e 4M],u lion fo (ltt .5 . , . lc k. i4 eee eresh e, nndet, on Mss r f ndes t 1 55 ftL Ho n~5 la Mo5lt>' fdi tt "e..0 or . as oe. * c lb.; . Ote alionne, nacircite aois t I &ihottemela&idiof m. Na . c on , ths s4me icouthntry. oiod cha t od 88.110 nMI OgaiOaisflb.New tea ccident.1 i UO hmtT01 T onnton letith e s ewhe tok bfos novng Iloci na asi sLI a aansud..-Os Mon. Ol.onieesi.ssâ lot pfeoaisTogg A solot faciml::e A os ieuns cmaiesi cla ltti the su C et. . D c ita TsmOua =u1=Oc f. heMMclwar eaihgg s o e auboy tb.... au te.nilat oo 1' licm NoatinEoiel.% a i theM oln iaeOwa di - U Bte M 1 oatums>'nos id nuoro0013. oniet uail lg shj bec o. , J. . E . d "sis> . Dg Lek es lisBtnce (of>. ~~posamcfasksbu etTeoto hp&,=%hsomne nie. tlat a the U H o c d T*b. e u atte»dW ith B w"în f c Buit9asnd vioustMon> gdtelle orluynnueabythoal, avn mac hinof& i o .sr u ush"m feon Tayglor 1eoaryadseliegtbs O X V smoiul oin otmc> ofburiesbrke M te on rot___lu__________e-__u.&__AYMMFrda, Tuant waL a-ret elga n ted@Wteu.A pm ieB Esn haDcg. m tdt ji o ixYÎA PoLI2Noia ~i i= ý .d,.dl - h M "odu" Og0 Wady I uonslque" in he mm orT and0.5 iltes 13atsha nt rhe.otte mtY84lstnt c& anona wUmu&um y a o Thec. l1a'sci-e a w*mb s ocial .Ah iec nueunn molhmbts rseensagë iml nanti nd 16int.wihcimnlaudtonm om Ie Lsle f0 ei Rae 1r9c, o»_ _ __.1»WA L PA E b- '.et c # 2on fin, a>' colegàethemadnn t . Tuts l 1 - ll-Wb 0 BBMreb @itléb nie g be te fr50 31105 ne AdïOkbamk» lm -i -ma mw*onthn uf Large Stock. .Low Prices. Bastedo & Co'y, MAIN ST, MILTON. N'Y&cou 'ficeul1 Week AUG. 9, WE WILL SELL Ld Ever Embroidery Robe !IOTUAL COST. e ver>' noweot deigno, and bought direct from the makers. nuenal bargain indeed, and ohould be appreciated. tSemî Annual Stlk Sae at coot prîce, sttll continues. AND 22 KING ST. EAST. Special Days!l SUMMER CRRNIVAL. Our Special Sales have prcvedl a grand oucos însomuch that our ecas ales are incroasing daily. For Tharsday, Frida>' and Satuida>' wo offer tho follow- iIog ipeial roductions. The sale of Straw Hato at 25c., worth $1.00 te $1.50, still continues. sihOpe" Uondrht4pla in020.Cc ico50h l. tacl o i m ont'e-tr. 50c. Canhamos lot 49j. Mca, BalieIUao Boa 85e,*45e.,5lC., 45e.Ccsmore lot 87a. p ont 2ish 50. 40. Can.oee r 0BU. L=ico eh85e.,pa pae, corth 50.e. 85.. Csorsotelt27c. aIse. Romces. 800.eoth OFeU 70t, Doshielfols Satie Soidl Bil. lashbomeol 4be. DonhIe-old 'tl,~ll,8e Ladios Lunn mtelsi HndI.,er. o. Desble-o1d sitipos>,4e Chiesfê o sec8.. 60c. DoubhIeol Sm Cominas 850. 10e!«a blga ait coce8»1. 60c. Donhl-ld Sm Ceteme 85c. we ulI orthWSOeame.= Colonel s8---k- e. A isciCieneU ..cra10 Tables Padding necce had. Alen ope" Feinta, Cottou, N.B-CsenivalBuuttog soc os band. sBigm, etc. Doni hfogma 11eaddcua, WMME QUARTS, VfINE Haif Gallons. IMPERIÂIËQUÂRTS. oToront'b. sWare, ~ging Lanm SIeds, f Halton ers wisi> a ilfî t! iBinder,.' e, > GlU