p Pao6tbf ot Wa" racfhe 21. nlad outy, g-0,miémrà ariPaovn, »t &UmPaled- mD.Davi..*, C thee fhm Qcebem Il to i onau ac gaged faor minas ceêbedb wu er ia eeekpceyariaga eoa otel<elistfea-IIccdbpl. e a dIuafleoBouadontt Hallenanad expects te bave h aaady aa. ebarh.eeee i ah for h Gveaaicalprinoir at Otim ia .hiebti.0 cm ' ~te lth abonmiA cfPree.tl a la tatadace. The Reformetra bave . tbe oncc, a ideb d@hhnes alneecep mi U6pae buid the botier of tlebo hlie, belvlag btheavfaiv,,cea baveaJgpagt i m f ladodclraicce ta ha. ec. e40 cd HuceMj.ty. *mo ,sfl.mtb whileelhelcaelad the et' Hie ErteauM.eecRa i. r B Va d lobilath~ < ill have ed The Gcveree-qaailleahi aep Md fievalt nasée à hecea &bu 8 MünJ»saddthrfacma.pulWd lbw o te ouds noa the coutry acteDot-thtabeal. o av a wflletc att bcl aaeet a .r . th e cJ ei& racthll ente .pnonéatteat.vetioc of 1 do cet thiak la ahceldhata.cu .e Otg ih «vont deaeSactultbc.ejvris Caeadiecltnrteceealald bha dccctlfllo..cd. Thi ddif)ty la acin eiisint, -ébapteq g lathe Ptovinoeea. wltvaro o 0%, orwhchth si lptet'îcea11te, oeaiay emeelfcyeaOetiet-ad Q"e». thèse domlnt- ed olimoliet&a dted. hougthe cotla the Chargec ea e et nemo t barr ae bes ann y geceacfeelig ccdehîIafl la abon adtcd. t ho aicmentiethe ela w vhbb l4eZd DOe t- attera. sob ci eceld warant li'cdla.lec eil la oii heri a rc ieestel, but talai h a.te MeiGevernoe.Ocaoea tlae ou ti àlilDgi iircndinta 0"Dc ncitter.cîyeadvieeie I aie diapemedlta lot tbe reetady. 1 vcccgeiothl. eaceef heep.ecc, i tab d et ie rccetei.dcetelj,,0 hetaha ha u. le te tteeProvinces. bat I commet lealve/ withauy mehyichceid ccl minha rlot I cPetof§iemn 9itinc cdteteot fthe Deninlice eutofutight, Rnuibeaaia My.ieetflyIliteeeid i;; 'f'. There ta co drspec gothonscsud Icayexpessathe peceecal bt Iticaawed oe a c srti, letphaecse bly .teted l " reais, i o a. aieuc podce a excpress aihS cc tcthat.eis labt ia tay oealeea. averagetedopeet, etýsmlm uefl ie oaiui thect fcfleee bbeiieof ecdpcepa cr, 1 cctehodce=_eacc=beceae. r etry Ihiheaffaireehfaheca Worth ilt maihumlaides tla culs c ..te da ruet oevru.m Dwrbsbe aIta al dAxIwWrh $20iàelte atly. Prevlaeelte iagrrnal ta y ahaa tteIy th.e ther peti. a,htai c u e ,vrt o Ot di.intheecouatry, ô0cabM t ate. thetjaahlhhtc cc,enpeetrdtomee. tee Icte oblh cttehapeîlccd1,.Lagilatere cf Qe4oe bXdpua dthe Fer ch.ecaemisos icb 1 bave <lece, 1 000 Ila. cf gaeclibrc, ceeth 200 a ton.Actle cesti. ?rhitclrv of the oaeel eli a aa .ybp This iena.etainly, ea. the Mafcter0cm maekte t ÉeOnt;taceu Maiep Points cet, aàcealler eorthy cf ca.ld. Jarait IctceeaIN go tWeil ehat taaiwnléaattacAt.Ya.ccc- atilc. - cteDtrefperptyà idtait. Lareegcnnésuppoe fltatc.e cre ttaee hy Agent lETocca the forcing Oc fite C locha je Ococreched '04d a~dceVtbehalhepcctaiacovea lie aptalea caie cnd tcthe ication protest h.te eade y. cai thone ettaatccd. noir old the Gcvec- cire iehrngSsacf thefBtlish mcaordibeilà)etille. I cacect apeewich lîcce.aîaady htiaaled. Cealecîc BlakiacaccdhpthcAtccoi.aoccococcthe c* eOUMe, jeyccc ecccd pr.Iaaccccafci a thaecec cutter, Ecih va.a farcc. A ongeliecph .Tle ..occ lcme ccl ml etenntîe i fi tyen atde eoalce 181ectco ac.nac ot.put acebhierd cf Oai cletaJci aea~ a dcpulaticc ced recleeidg eeeh an Ta th, Edllov, mie cDiatccdcandcOrdcrcd tetccc ecaotacarang e hocmceia. &coiellhscbatoiMy dtte dcte îîcL-i Job 7,te ISthas. Ai secceas ce Rucslch wae eeeic he le 1ee, sud te fmeate Uaprîllîcea vhlch have hout preceot- bt eieclîln onteofaiglthczociere locetecocil fer adiiionhich vcculd bdeeccp bel d taame, bt t have ccdcaecred te tr' t tel Viclaoriadthc ommtieve; acly il. i inctr c ta 'eP -an aicnch MY Btatceent oclain, 1thâltnerica he î dîdoelatteicttc eceofte. iceeeel et hli »La Eodravoredto cveid crgumenat. cedlhle. Ris quoi; sa.tcaciecc cao, eferevramhice ca iecli, cci tch4celladeRpec taeaueecly hcpa iltha1 have doceioe Gacettc cf che poila Oeie W", ohee tce lui-ceppcovethice peecil diîjain, ccficost~hio< teol d. ccaipatingerltie.tI eill showithat ae Portapeoceveetco.ced ccc tit uc RamieneCtlelic claliectg ele cn o. ccobyothîgeaucceet appuil-an ietlîo hchft Aicericomensaeten eteofecfnfile c d. butl hileeppeece laavie la recla t Pprcl lhich by anticipatio haia- -,D tis,j Amic utcllhec. eollreno otît h ctionicefI fiLigilafueeof roly Iam crtain,.fcoa iglîfaitb yt cred oce cpahlhoatihvouehccectet. AuOtwe ihe Poviece but te hic diviiloetofhflice ccad fltaethal ie tie question ec.atd wcie igatehcyecii fl...tha trme ieg ole.]cudecalleteiy hcdlceupi idcecc. It ere hacldl cseenposibiale e P ctabthecoleeteori, (teceet e cl elicecefi. et .1i cîlîe î a. ne meftacîtt, tbere flhatceicbwecfcd la bc fev the cl. rockhofcmajor i cavec.el-Ont eclcle' dicimIc.er,, ictectc flsclcpcesanorcilet ith, Deilcio. Dt*ltfltte siilecrckhi1 7tsheaI ec c i litci lt ie idciildy flieceutiiet uceicvtlccy prccilcd infoniceryceasbythecliclof th ltilîow. cl ov1 b. tiho îibclta lic Art Oc emoaelly liait digilippcecd,aoud fhlet fleDcoci.o.iv clicteco) ne vloiiepcLececi.fer ccnelitcbie Icig oii bylflic %cey, cceceieea ecital io eiîaîeitecoiovc.ceoo.i ,editi acvgceecdeiedlciii'cce fîîe. i ccc,cblxilcId ta flic introdctionief pcpevity ced aca. 1'eetlc 1.tiithepayn -f- chlicBill,..il finit ..elliccecipcod. esilcopn<il thcbcatt freod.ocf th.corpseac I $60 aortec lveciccil frtceta claclicieeli eal f offiic HclitSon. tclholdig thiceeccOpinicncelbclalce,-îicicîceîîî acppdy thcie cnginees,bel ece lace elhiioli ieec, tbc Firol Mieiteeadid cet e ofc c f cîliee,cedlihecacreébat cf poyecet net tvetcithtflic eiîeay peclîîeiiea AEeOF cEPEc. îeiotitcla ocemiay ficoîthat eo1INeidie ry la lciecc îe itecc. cceîîî liiCeeiciecieiii cl ccv i unly e.havethi e ce iet cf icceccicg the r,îlicg la Lieu tecinü.cllike nuancec.icce .in, hcl a h enlia sifcîc ýIy p fflpeity adwomo f thcie Dciioi. Bielcecoll e l1cti cced i-ma.ccile dc.i ilclîcîlil ececa,iictccteic cifdt.iineeofciyctyccud de. . cjr, ceictv tiilleil icw.cJ'rirai for.,l,f1i ell-cet e in in, uic cc - -cctaaecjîti ticita le iîc Soecioig. cr lue o- ig vcen, ntc ific archtgc-ilk-îi10i of ate hcliiled hceiciey ecoc, Theilcpeteticc chic oclildmot. lli, andii 8 cone aadîc oraoiecof e vcvîavei iaccelhiofvcoeeliletue aceil Tdd Ieiclyfllcc. iccseul i.liit. lie ie ii ntacccv l îîîccccvct.bectIrste oc icadvhr ein The d Rivr Yce c edtia a eui 31c.lBarber ccdeeatc9cent ier yard, ili, siecii vlilîciitlalîic bcdy o ficiAct, T eilvb hif ttieieic l. flie lic Gl.l.eR. asl1ldiîi cociieîcitler lejeciyo lium reeciied fihc fot ranvie.,flicdanes cccIlil iiiciiliîuiîcv i b e0gic1 niîîîcîy WgIDee ite rece cee c ict prodcteive grilecela ingreiiîe c e lîliccflle ToG TIl.îî. lii fl- c il he- a'1 or ece l 1ciii ic ccpelcdin' leiuec cotiet. Scii olihera flic teli c i c thé ceii Ivîi1ie -~,leotuliii i i~ion vcciec ci civ lîîisa y t mliecrelice. veiiry fvi ehil d. Sicgle ic.iio,ciii iiic él,imoi,bclîiic>ecciîl lciiliuui viiiteaiice1. hce Cli t.Iiociiliet le ie illicosiiilccccei i, tea,] he.r ferSoicc)Illii 'iililbcliiv.iilieiilicy OcOili Al ailc îîcticîîc,c. l tetie c hipfeinW000 L c enc hwh or, ti îc,.oeriith, olaciu i o iiotoueclcancieli A-toterif, dng i h. tiî c, boudantc pp.ehchl-v cllcvy 000 iieol t.ti- tileli cc. Aflc tr~ie liue -r., iii %%*]13'ilgotiigtlili iiin-,îdi).i i liii hyfilecboeict, oectccbc. Pcvrtiîithec iinfocato .addt- elileeiiiiile cîitiiic-iiiees cc,,1cmu cil, lit mic aepo,cce&c., a1lyic t . 1. 0011Fic a-esieilc, .ýiit.elioiice ih iifin-n it, ith-e ted ic %et -ii toc vioc. Tticoc iy iiy, GP.h&T.A.LtSePa.1, lîc.. ciennu li e ,.l;iv id inecîl1ciklîîe -oOrad p vofintercvîin elioiterd ethc..-fil.eeancie, cite La ii]i lo' ffinccly - U i icetcppce tedevievmar c a Oregen Srocooy. dviîety edjele. - -k taeccb ioeic cerccie Svity, ..ttecdistrictcfo onibctiiciie,iRobertiivieiuiicinii îclioîil) mo ecy,c.pnccleecflic A lcoco ticit ee getviec cf thcl qeetcif nec hi.epvv. iofiicogitcvvii. petpaccd tiie îîcî.c v iciicli lwh ce tl ec3eogy e brelteti lvcialcdvlcyolih ceetdht yacguiiicl'y diliceiclhect cie. Cty cLeaGraclend e opeciiehrceeeticeeegaii Jîcîccticîcceecead ced ucciilc.cepvcîhcamil te iit-ci- agicc 'lJciy eerc etthe lIed Shecemîca- ciiceicebelci ý:i-ic.iicccaiIicicv itlccii-îe tlceccfe lthe inevof inecasaat spplemel ,Gvanedccpicionccitrb .icicg vî-Id liiîîîc cco . îcm, eîe lou. c i, Pociee, ciictiba Led h _ o ncedivce lervciicy ea ilocledin ethhe lueicchi u ne- J- c iin h uvha- cmiîcl. th coi. seiifcflic pcc1.îey oeildiiceciîoitOcig mciclcin cEccarenOregoni, sdce cdig ctili l 1li a.ii -bece iiiiiîhltii vc -îvc- e3 il. ldc tc fiîc ecgniticn lcpchviî cf ptic e s eret ightflt i ciie andi e d c ila fin e 'cc c f cil tuidoinii supportiiiifithcch9-cavndiiciecî in ue icilitecofthc e i.ccldin eoftelicieeclticviîiec par-c vecicpîof cn cezllacoiiiiainii Mr-i. loEllicttl.Jii.îi ci-tliihtoliclccîtiecof ilcc coaef hiceeiioech- icy bc ablo ha ciiriiiecli.io li.titiec,iiicccîiee t _,is 1. mc.iifliet tlis Actl scae. log hceoiccfinct reciee. Th.i..go cliceffiersdid I trillied hatwitrleýe, cold ie .aicý,'igli e eccIlv ei,,,, clive eieoccaecîacctilvpvrPacd des. hec bcendoc1 ei.icvd. The iccfyxýi,iovc-.iimbelcac ero. lu ,i, y tnc cccvi iiîicoicr viîiivecrticenieîiov c ; i-ac Ira fin.eclacci com î.,v..NIo. Elliot .siii ed -it frdfi,, OitCaîe ccci Iac ecc oraicc ti clc e teHunt Rciiiiv Systcmec. lhc undîfi lu-iciiecic- c îdca l X..-fi, and1ileapoehîtrinmy Peran.eflicCity ofDaylt. Wceieco la odfiape ge :î-tl,îii ecîc i il fIthcievl,i.ceiopeiion ciacîcitlocdfilecadccndlbCeeceiecîRogeotlct oc-ocllb ct iiîiieilitaieeiifielicc-IdiiScott ie.icy (u teeclvyocaeic d vellevuf . Thie.lcl. . iinaocfcIrM. BEcbei%- Alpccicclilcc-1cdipiiccicc dccii ci, ic coietitly icpiced tat inc th ietan cd o ecivcc ceerscvaidopen la ei iv Th-i,. 'icce. eiiap .... tly mi css ii Iivacci -oclietecend callieIofldiuecclent miaccîccOver iccîet, tue egucogicieic gtei(l cthc fil4iie ocvtlv lcclitil friiiriio t. flic C--cee bocoi cdc.,munei.ii.te flic bcvc, chargcs. Wl ciiî.ticîandgveiit.lagi adlcioccieti,'i cic-tu of ot tc-ceerstîm'as iitcii i aciceecfiîcîiiiticceiicclptioncc minsîoahbcocct fiiclevsayloit,. th-vithc -voeice -dii-cicici ..dcc ce,.nîlt asc&Jcfîflee' ilice. as ecliuaeciellentccefcclccxcicec ittgii îiin, ceg-ii alili,ît-ii i. ,cticî of cgel iclit-fl in, civiglit iof8Ol"O.ctrac.eec" Pîibiuîvbet #2ydccsd preeccl liet :Iyii,-,cevidiice. and the chare wc cvcliicii.s lvithe Crama iiîdic1Ic-d rbotao c-e . Sa.ucIPcortland,Ogon.ciOfcflite dlth EI eiisocli hciitioii-.,hccccce* iiitli inaiî.eft£,cricc. Titec aîciv Singlce 5centqcii. iclhtrcvhvd, fervt --ccîieeiilii.coei-eocOui-ito-i-iocdciie thanie v.cviolaticnoficr ce e Iins. im,, ai ca.a cfomer c .Su-h vraev. cilivte occ. Clu SticaiiegeoAndocterainlîlcg. fici iiffermeivofcti ceio. weiviuiilii-fvi. ýeeliiiiccc ccicleiiiic-ccvchntcn ii a.thhIliîeelbc W-coivilic ccciccrio.cha e ihio, îcieA, cLaicc Steîîlii.O Otcg auc1gcaic ii.iga-rc cctcgciielatu piioiaticlI cticcgly iiieecl. 'nid jiuonici,,îlîcd l,ii)mic liliviieccsel inDîlcca sud Mie. chcrc huic ri-cce tueochare ga.uiuliiit.tiiiiccvii-t 1ilc,-tccmIlci or ctc.l' lenv cI Gcvci-cccccland. Pcci icbunal,î tolîI, iccileicu, itlîh.llicvîocici.ilii. ,ccc,.tct, c, ic riloccd laiccîGond occchc,ici gocedioos cliiiflivcigîicet îccctci i cvarellOr cI ciicaidcciit fA e.y i iait ihiihvci cil excellen clereeleicreehcc kp thl a i eheîîldh- oa. la-citiel C ta h fic ceicstli i. I cyppiv la F. I. Whcey, G. P., ci T. P-Peco--. cf clitcîturet adbctc.iefilici hv - IET A.. Eut.11.. & O Il, ly., i. Pael, Mieu hlI 1:. te -c lece-bidiegco le itl Jîdgrfetabt-en Desd l'th dorfi A icrting i; ithe citmteOfcilticcii heuh- Oiitîci. Ao1 l a ýi tcc.lîp chEit Milon lae ilcllcccrai., oron, plo.i icecitllhc lég.lcietcf ie Oece Secce, Aeg. il-Hery Mec- Iccacoe-ytEau oveing t coumierthequetin o th setiv ccc o.t-Iled l hy th. dcl cf 1887 tbI-eve, jc'Idgc cfthecortîuty e f Gi-y ct elei-cerod s cecice lacecidc Uc tecelccftlea hi-b httlc a. no cbj-tncaxvie d et ain ee idece, Bayaretl, ceect0c*W Mccd etblihertf alitCutochccîbhemcihien.l 1eccc..otecaycliicgcclon 2.tICO i iaiccng. The dcased Plce w1.)tht ccd il leJe . bccpcd filet t wvi la lie cot. teait ia el hy.gciet hcealaay 't.hevteciie L lacrly eleddaccdthaî th.eachetar Mentoitthccimomoy acciee lacà cepct eeplftaethe, ced lilachepeaMY opinicn, @tme vii la tiaitted vigcccealy. Thaca a"c, cly dlyiecp) -tdb . =eh. eece thodc herteay eoliec fiti il la truce . ouýf, hccii cceell bîh GeovrrutevJacath Lv Cfire ittc.t li va.a preaieel t Han 1h.vma hoo, si'dcintaHuaitclaeady. bal the atet.-'and hy the spicia t hho liit.tadrlaket i eaaldcahlccet-nlam- rfelPeailaliofeh Iliel aI the ciettriance e ceiica.tie *eitegtab pillai by te mdicce of ceclice aith themeeting of th.e(Grand voir ontemeo tic.»lice u cctac si'tY-ecal tcAit- ecet-ocsihi le icistr. If ie dis.- fte, vhich tank picaolicge c fo e cttad te gave lttlfcn inco tîed nd tcedacve cndi- agi-ci. vith i lccera mquecclictcf igb we ti ge. Hla*ilim, e. vc rie. -"baccrifi1ca dtLe ecce trincihinc eittiilýlicinisavcehieig ccoc0 lry e thilerete vetesd lhe gradaally .a"louilalancedue tce tîeicficaci. ccd thc e'. i i.tice i e laMjceyi Eiepivei l .t. ro ii-alg, hce darth itahved bhi e Pield. C.. !if ie Ile. g -atld tat Oie l Il,,,t il a hij c ii eecomc c abliaLcd lirîeIlct ttîcy dcccl -rro.ntetlBa ftclcga. bov ilw.achi-tegclv t»ecT. fcintg Orcf etic, ilin cnsiltution.logdy.IU feccic -v h. irieaiht. ci.1tt clyi. île d a a.cc-ce tbei-adv-ie, f Jea Int Led I.n. c. teefortàbiag in hc-ttecd f Mlteni..id bv qme ifcc laciino oisgld hai tiec-anle«ece. - t theaCamcc riece l me iclthescihcet a iwa. bl ont iemcarry ce tha e il'l COGavaei- Mllecfr eiroasor ifes g ovrecedtlidclUeei 01 contcee Olf curecrptliO Fiwaccmeteandîthe Itffirieofthe Dominlaon. tou tl i th ccme River, TallacOUI. y ficliie, Jgenuier f aplsActte rt < 1c moIett ey batIi sd DaviLabcccmalneof Dakota, ___ diZ »Mr teetarkets cf St Paril lhoec . Ie cclcI ich ahet he ciccmaouccec, l thiiltrchave MI.ih ait Dulthi. Somi-mle c pcricg cee. A eeacfcilicece rcceiauecd, beliciag ittacatttamt licomin la DtOl4Foc fortiaier itfcOma. et#Xdti efot cae ccsd crgîhrited are palt a.eiotle techlch I bave wems lt e.. ,Ma",. rate$, d&0. agply tu y. t.Tch.nft' J t Unit elipwoothUtgh hn-9g Bond1,ottîilThue partseit et ilWiu . P. àT. A., Rit. P. .By., 'lh si idme.SsrctbcouuteDnnen y 8ta o*im O P(lnn pecet c -fte cl Peupleawvle have ebtadeie laedaeta. heic vice. Itelufee te K. e eili --.-cdtt of h. IE am- dciaavd fioi eittlamg tare, cdancdd ela.. onMmceimfPilma.t crmh'a Ylclery i ofat 1111< Olîcrai . tebave tcch.eccac.arce.h.e iic ném dt..., bu t, , .hm- - lalaleeten ina." are led lteec. ýeteeothca ptace eeaenaoymetc té peepl il, Aa<-amt Geaafi oe ou, 1 -9lhbn' liiev cMa meure taat Milice cacaca haledit md e ibe «alece cta t c lîn .. hth trr m fie ebe. p~af f ai- elfa fnaich tla h"tui bai6ieybelacelaaMa, ic ndlaquo teiaiéba t aéu ." lu. te egb10.al c- oyolciethlib 1aSbc wlie tetecet e libifteeolio ulama tellyb b athe dme a .0 bt âd g'eai-ma.plame.ea e aietaa. eiciibc aehaaacj.A1tent»ait baaled limaisp i t la" o m a ai". iaa ac pi uamotfego Icec ce rcpoccd latena tenecivet tee m ata ?16".atai limteine eutpeieuny1.ti galb eo e i. sluahea a il a ic t ea~cid a ea. aalh 917,71ttf7liVelaea.hre»athe mi teckÜr atisei - ad Titemma Pmlt _________a____ ai oppaller ?heai-mete be vcl.dfeg neiaeawcvia,- -~ - bO. ~ .a.Icltltctcmclye c<heaaaldd-,la laay.» lb o tinté ltçcra.f.C. Ag.4fenJ~- en daia s lb. rAmlll. klbceghilibee. é- tý ba e taileacfa1v au=e~lbtih be Scythes kay Rakes, &Cî, &Ca Je. Zp'alands HARWR i for Mecoll's.Celebrated latrdine Machine 011. colle Aval&.le"e.omam . reof ta pc he os - lltactt the teciabhaillu 1.c1.Baril.ahaahepei Ttcdaycoceiag. îil va.l righ l v. 1 icid M aboneepceet-.tevc iRobertaon, it etillet letbc ri-dihof cedCtehttiuciJontiesOSmith, Andrews, 201 ath ceacecole byî MeDeeI, Ccavayand cHaliret itatica front the C.Aied Themi eiiof pi-eiecelicd er e crdcr appcicticg bita eaalad edptcd. ocedece te Ibis apoîint- Commiection e ce ed tecta T. the eacb cf majoin îthe laecdcaica <ceonre eretotiag freine a, a terce thel tcasorvcehebuldinag cllhîep ira liemeta rec Ca"e. -lý for dill e or thu diKaicea re rieiticg chiaey ocntGardon ehaî.eocctl"cneiLacfrontiG.T. R. Co. rcae sp. cle, îLot lie e.culcal lly. ccd fi-ci Ccpt. Pcîtec. lollh ri theonc gi-ca lace ce 0clieec ter epaciîlre oflgranit tee inbte cthe-. Ferter ta.4, mtth ccd buttec fur Ne. 7 Ce, 201h Sale. My clalceel inacocrilc iteet caiep it Niagara. thc cIIc-ro cthccctivel Thec a.iieuitlec cefinaaic recl 7)ciliîte, ccbch ceubc, cccdcd te plyccect eftheo tclhecîg acaienaAlaic er'c80.1 erdietav Muerrey Crcvfcc.dO .57 ienates of aceaberf1T. Tur-ero'7.75 ;C 1. Borec, 82.50u ,ylcd Loccccry ciajcrs, J. J. Zrciccd, ,ail toc itrecteancd ban rcepecico. but Me, îidctaihe; Bi-cthers & Whitea.coche lcd wichecorachctccpt gaeciro. 08-0; Tte. WIartec, $6.5, stcc, vbich cariIes vith Jolie Ocehocci, $5à.67, wearta-L. cuL ci lietenact. Ai Dr. Rocbertsc on ocd. aecoeddby zi leîlaor, cy .du-ct leMc. Mowivrl, that prmaisionccagicen ieuelt.hd peyiocte oThc.. itcadccacc &oa le petep nyiecee ttech oc hicshbuiling elttie cii-climite, prceidia. lax, eedcuillcet. the PlîiiisofcBcfIcc Nc. 175 ha gclauec . flcec-cindietlucaedil .-Ccriz eoeid ictcete ice Di-. Ilcbch,iio ucoveil, aieedlby ei objec h vhîc-waxeete Mc. OSmith,ine thc frclias, cfthc ercceuuîitlciimeiiotill oclrrWbeochiuedltelteerchac f juil00 acd vîiiiilg îie the lcoc onconcditienc Ct haIluy c-c lue bas doccndced -cder-- thal the diaclicca cf te citercocbe; hibe foc insuord-iintticeociemuittecoste toreig ff Ihl t cucîcng oiccett freithe b ceftllilhccded leiteth ...ctiti tcdhPic,, aicecothe cccicnittcle c e cet.ccnd ioro inaec-itlorcc iitvtccl.-Caticd. cv eoy coccpliiceorc a ,lhhe ceceli cihjciicuîd ig egîticestospeihc c -or- ..chi cceîpi.c cetb- Tcrcî, la oc c ieceu pcoiie îeugb ctee clcdieccle case. Teccareîe Ieocbeeecuae foci ttcci, chic e-ili treansmit ieerder. th hie cecicehe, le lthe Tbchecendcce crihe cocticesoci t.geecocennetoduug 0,c1;eedîbt h -itee il. it htlfer >ccccldeccticc thcail. the cl. evecry. Itcaretv le C. ROu,eofTcoont, l25in lt bey sclitbricg te cashcandltlpS inboohrcociîilevtiilc c1l tcepericc cifiers or aoigct-trva -c the tibunal cf public ý , "lrvr 10 spevch cr IcClare le- be a cgti e pceioIoti.n o dcctav disc-iplinteaccinio AIl"»ce-oe-cf dcgo ailc-eieg thtic l cthcoity lac..OBarber rieterta-Aeg. li l.t etlccei-ci-y t icle ecudetccd De. oti>h bylac recely patoil y ehe tcve, 1cnl repiy la bien. Wbet wl cultapccecctai fcrthvit tiecltea. I, cneilci-cleci lehi,- JOHIN C1OWE, largesocvcchibisvccigna. .yecce, ccd thoto in thc 2-s1 Clilef Constablc. Laciiaca ve bacil ei ceoeeccidieg 0icoi- el- nal cciy hc iltcî Estray, ta ccd te proo Lic Stccyerentetpcceeeof the imb t the îuPet i ilabc Mocrihar, Village cf Cîcîila, cencercaot e.My aIe8 clc r.p abe 201h Joly, 1<80, a black cilch cSv. cr cf le i-cacce ieilitla Thce liballeuf tacrhorna havc beau eteeot and pcycaoaerLaced off ;aioh i"olpicginchills raltaicc iaMa ar Ot-vooa Litýeieec, bct Mrc. Berbeco ceccel irgulatiosccc cpI bic it Caclisla P. O. Lhe LAcd, ccd il lc hiic ____________ caLe ercaict hic feticci ild iap ltieo efe ithe 1,cad tt lilfbîho aceo occ.. chuaget heo hould niti.f, acd i.c.y cas. thcic ouc cf thcn -Ccco - tle Checpitie ech manpIeil to ea ccd piced by ccc lace day cvcelg tact corn- t he a.agacicciof laie <cean. Taie ceeccll, la d bavelaici ef lIeS Uioth oondtiec 5ftlb lon lahieac c ne bucglaeaaerl Feth aIne a.tecei lt@, zate foc payieeett I eclilti tis akah"va ocillea adlietl nh.. >lekagc la cvec 420)gaiP. chis te 00, ce ton, lock inthc.e»rvcleýt »y t cf htcloeupeamic Dnt, et&, f!r teCàamp&ee upla 01 fuerl .ga r dia àac & at Tlà i.bu iabaleci. aM gota feeM rxt &E, P" a yen, 80% I"nOf moiee cBe emaael tt 6" d t hoadim b amn e Wh~ LVt lCK -anfxe M 9 DRESS MATERIML Is bemng Used Up.these Few Months! LIN.DSAYÏ Sj PR4PARED For any emergý"àcy.-H1s new stock of BLACK'CASHMERES ri lthe bill everyimie. Nowhere can the pricebc cquutl'd-TRY! H. A. C LIî HOUSE PURIIEING DEPOT, 90 Yonge Stieet, Toronto, Wood and Coal Stoves, Parlor alld Kitchen Stoves, Grates and Kanties, Best Table Cutlery, Silver Tea Sets, Choice Plated Ware, Fashionable Brass Ware, Splendid Hanging Lampa Polished Brass Library Lamps, Chlujdren's Siecdo, Hocking Horses, &c., Nobby Baby Carrnages. Ail at Rock Bottom Prices. HARIRY A. COLLINS. To the Farmers of Halton: of Iîcplemeîuîs, conlprisîng, AL Thepad 1 fîuruiuFrrsvuùitluI upl Top~~~6 ~ ugfrae ~Mower, To Bga osae 6 Rake, GEZÂ RA m~.Toronito Mower, The~~i biyc i<te alatent DM Faning i ciccieoncîtieu y. ptye=eansHa= ork and Car complee J. H. MeCOLLOU, WiLI'son Plows Dise H1arrows, Mod Hait, flii44goBoxe s Tri nr 5-4t. Miltean Oct. O cýnpPup r, Btîrkîc. New Pat. Wneslung 1hùchîne, and othier Implements! Notice. Ail of bent qnciity and low pr-c. elcta te icbaai. C ali ici-te.u scc~a iClà. tgc utird, 2fthVII., Zt.tirýf-U ;,ý 1 HE EADiNG AND FrHEAPEST ýAuction Sale!1 ýt;u îaci E ttai-g -o - aocec '9!10ka upply Everythîng in telîne of FMineral Goodi VALUABL.E POeR89 T0W:T 0OF MILTON THE RESMENCEJ teeddai ~ éed mdom 1tal" trttblaa bclhviiccOici,& 1 sa deiu Mbw ISilpmêi iaa ebu e~Wen~ala ettbchied it~ c - OREE à A -e-C -foi- -PRIA. -- handk --nablela ealie. L4t bc. Mv's2 ÂLNE eccd irl fothIi t a cKiNoSve cad M t ldiR .i eti Icia bic. .. attriednltlý cdlail ecPlýerea -Âpretics .-MiIci, ut,4 - tacT. cith , , te lace.(Ice. l4 oncpv -cC'ecd Catae Gich c o CcotacvLtitv ccl c liidlt0Fi 'a. . ofcc cl iailîci 'etier,-Ie cliic fane MF M- haël -i .unE c lton rdc ,- A, Mr. olie 0cd C ,,aibecacIv -D ton m 1rebll e i -c m tec ccd Se ,Â*b*-aet. o c e e of eyeo.ii I. utfrceci. 'Ciliu il.c.P. atonthe icofil, ii , a Grand Cc e cr. c1l - -pecdtc liai- -îi eWwCoill ' MIc-c st.Oacc ldlk .Idacntc Jk :ý ,t ~laawie 6e aI a0 pI i n0ea 11À hc, hoqi Ic ind ce. i.; i SI.Way .... N-.1ic. L -I"cl cefoi lai i * cP l earing l. n & i. 0 te 2eic.tC14,lcoulare ,eý y and eayS là - .clTcccn.e. te'4 . P.cndceve iic M*heciic h - mt iey rcqcc-icq ?iecas ca. U 1,,i 1 . ton.ai Le ,o r.i a-ft the ffic ' F ofiaitl pcccte,- stteu*nrlce t t e li-clucl thebaeg..l ' c'.i -efltietci i l e aticiluc,. ci - iahe civ c.ýf, 0 e e t 4hi . -esaicat c White.Ivc a cl Pe cîl i SYu tt TuI'lil 14t'l-La n-t ft"X ng te,g *ei-ci-lytiu cîctîe li Vbla defrtt iS.L,c. i -chne i c ~ I i bisi the f in th iii E Y, "if 1 el