Lt J! g) N y! l'aurANlilA Cavno - "'.LOCAL NEWS. < d.Wum u5 i MMITON MAT30, son. lThn. ir. Dldoâvu.ud a ne-'oWS E T. OunaguG1=adL-eJe bav haduin*b.tI-hum onau omday e.aulas. cmu forhe b.dlum ta-ouWtl. ,he-- - _ ________ aî.lecu..ul taatal l.eub~ Mr. iF. Binda.., o uhaIh..ah.n.Fit Dkudan fit."Mona s . MeNa b"7 u mt a liely ondut, e Godich.Troule Wug frl.uda i Hsudllan ud Buer- m e . hal mm.S. fled.Z -eM & in emanad by *a ..uittaucendeuuing iuagU<, .tuaa.d liaomeaonl'handay-.nug, bani AIl, W*il ..EU.LYomein t lb. , ogena.e uic,,tad uita thea1l'h.coetaetoe uwha 1lea h.lid th. uaos li.ta h i> 1 .liemOPunte lait*u.uduc e. ViletU3* eth 1h..f.-,tu V.talecActif et.Me- h .a'ak of hailg h. mateejii HO5w bath. of Baud Ca... , utdmhinbl &W m ai.Mb.uagiMb.c*. saObsiono bau.- D. Ca'feivtc". manuge of theaGoe'gs Chueah. hma tafotaemeay Pal" u magluelof. angaitallfera, te abaud aigu af te Guuua. .eTayloe, M. P.. ,uoec-hare o f te ahauch etNelsoanCuille., ultIla lh..ajuleashind"pail'aIice.. inhai.& .ouy .smo..,ite Commu Sne.Ho, Id A Mr..Dempey, aofl'oraatoa etuout Oadey lest uuuk M.. Hah..l oaa. l' 2ai .-Th adiuboays douch, thae auc eead.u ..etaponlt ab uth Queaaau. Ha je , of MKaalahi, bt he lb. fa.lua a uaa.tute1am-a»- ed<a. Ua'e eeiftieturn uienuta, onaerva Pae htan d ha.acah.borelahave.ona of bhll falthadly aeuuhad hy av a olba aeo ON »,l-111aue wththe3ffuit, Eritel re%,O&ega li. Dm alI tfatt e'Im i t he B.uae-Ia Nahanam the iltaI, Act oa-e . bilued stnud te.the l'he baut sud mnt nmomfai qadou (aul' n upTuien11 ad Saafar . e* lavaaitad ltias. l'Th'th. e f a M..y Brndguuaof a ....Onccet. ue lc, a'riaWila. ptIht haa a.h a ei ee edincetlhiaisl the namat haps, feu25c. ,uah1 uaomaah.umia uih.muentof ta. te-... .son. laM P nite Pa'tatuel hetha»'uu îigihha.ciana belli mtaha.WaeaSl'h.enDowjauhilll Seef et B l.*Iforac, lierra'.won e h- 'aa Wha.meant th. ttea-pt te aeeiet'of C. lhacEuq., conthe quini' coat. aTuaLat. cor. King & Jabepa'fauniÀ. ÂÀia.u- matchha. BED. entier a plitical mcuhite. iathduy, tede tht aupies.etSt. Si. Hacllau. la-atha Olyupha ofM MIII..asd the_______________ -. llaaagü,cc'uChech. Athxagh lice a-ethee (0,C Snuday tha ltIle Clodoanau MCaladata ns- a ther H.tixo-At Actonoautha. ld MaY, Asiot arnl,c!Pepl. eepiniaecin theute.ecl etpeanleadthrmeuinacacuagieai Mr.. W. P. Caphaeloaitla, aua.mdad telieh. uitlg, ta. taauifefMr.T.H.Haagdaalb'J6 t'ha lte polce i uoc euu.tLee ith m&9,0e. tha day lea'ned otal tii ttMui tut, alfat uableanud unatula. Olyupiet haig ouaeythlag that ee terla.fMM..B. Aguaw. the elferca'euof the CmokcechAt. ad aaudba desieed. Tha.. wu-au eat a dfeacueofafil clla bou.-Acton wauy. lThadisaiy ef IIa'.a-ehainuhu Haaisc.-At iunnjmdanaa.HBtla, cellent procguaea, ahlah wanu .eelfl'P.ý p.o vauiaf aau ap. finua Dataeal oud au Fy,211 tuti,. actileMNad' Ihal if aficer, undertktae a aut it ara..ldoat. l'h. flet taiag authae aauepah u epa gond mny lapj ta A ualtwl i~ . g 9ye aaa'lg.t h ta.h i ateda hm eagaU u ayht eue ufleu uana.Sadand uW.9 S"atym ganDa tangh! a vaeg dnly. lTh. tliaiuguti lieulymhus auhow imn. of iLoauilla&.il thae auutlt H. u e, Ha,wIntillera aad md uidy. Tl'h..,. Iiuduly inthis caapaeet Mailla LaafuetfOaeagh. uhic e nateni aupantsaar ca ,aaaad y thea Ohaaauau aotplmai the jets for theaâay adaeou- WANTED eteLie.inauelticyfor' tha fnceatua b iahy à£1 aitullauge, lgaaJtailhte$9. W all.d.ea,.Nomme cnuaceat Sa. t84, chup. 107. o h aqo coeuo f 23 la 12. Tihembateriasu tutu LiceanueActt, eanuete tn fil.Wa- 'u.ieeu.Hune.laa. Rbhatsoan d Pget;IGaul' il.lpad aton ttaaha fait Nir P.A-cc, B.teTaa.-Madaye Jt , bals minanuestut il ihaltlh. tha ey f e-mcyofficerta'.Mpta L.f,,Wison .nd Book.-it. .i fuhied , ait25k.; ie. ieuu'marinea ld , it msastheua Peaag eta Dow SALESMAN pliecaficua, eabri ccc oaycein' aJanes, f Kcbide. atad mumillilite. Saa. tor .priag utar, t 15c..ud 25, arote la thu Narth aaWestenta'at hf y cta,.accc aî..ia t-e c-Ycttia eath rmnil'tipaity tlaaae tht tic. nva age p,.theo alcaccheaudaha,. tonpr. paie, ut TuaB.',, cor. Kiug & James tuait Ste. Ma...,a mtele ckuaua t h ucccca.î .b ýd.-s ad.ued t e -ea. b, lcform'atiocn ad hu diti hhitlt h. batt. t,. sm ap. LASt a-ath Biîîy Bel,i ,at.oord boy N. Y.ali av -.lau.,tc .lheait'wiacclaC taefrto ea' icepn>.- teaite'puat,tpr'ecti hy tha làiciiaaficcapiayrd lcy u.Wua'tiaStaa'y. ai Se. bcie " a.falltacutuu mentlofauavte.aiiutt the 1C0a- th. u aaeguat, an the u bar, suleata8a5tbilli the atuî î'~ ad i luuurpalau 4-'k ngetor(eala n odoilt inau ofa licspora-ts, uch.nt tantiu. n a h t .y-duy8 menteet. lath.1,- 11 J» otice to creditoi'i ea,%.hc- ia..uaaa c, e wi 1em out ial.lmms h diuaulaacbtuatu Maontreui ouI.peth lSe..pileaun athif jaaep. atee..hf, ilcch ulat SI. Pauai hy 180 a-itl's h. Sha.l t7-ît-eucacnaaat.a'a atîapeta.uiuiiiaea'up.uitet cuu, ccc aiaa u,'atlaaciattiWeet.-Teahighslpie inoasuhaor Liae aa'uuyuii a la oiaatie i on. cacuth.. au< aseef asia adt 010.0foameuic, acil ecey auch icgleel onaccertlftiuchtna. Theope-uartza'actua-lieolpid forany ua eatty et au Mautiuy utl .aa oibtma cg 'cca ee u". a ta te ins anut cltcit. Ili .8. . ti.9.7. fmcauiaconc c .'ecratuuin iattheeuaaha aa l hadocc,-tou. auleiBTrain.. sudCh. Bi.ccuc.taacm.acConte- u ta. Mucama othHe..bc(telete eua Haitiu t 81y.Ihafan italutI uandth,,cn lt c. ays<c eTu I lluieb.tce. ttaoftthe baud ai >1eîtid cne'a"a ea- I -metal fu ci dn h amt HuGog-Cah aia ti h iiwgIIt fFAN(!.c ARCLAY. [a or ce ne .tua 1ieaa tpeit, uud .f th.a unefatlhd d.,a'thae aa-cig hy laa-.-Wu. MeLuau & Ceey. 02 algItI. au mcOa, tui., da c d cief fpoliet l ,Stfeh e peaciaicecceMr. andclMia, Beancett, et Curlisle Aga'hdheu fGattorihcnheth.AUueca-Pdeuaa'.Aia.gaa]nhs. DYtclM-rt Or poliffiea ce. tecue.l sentc i mlenall mnat e Agad.oGnt' ill... a-aacccceeccccacellrg.cube "' 'u"'b-n h mtacc craa ofaa aacsctionad caeicnit ta cui cau he Maa-a,.J.Bottieanud Davidi. lstua a-ccy minuitsaanudnaual O besa f at-a, itaheaRoilempiua-aof lth' oaraaiy, 1889, In.te theeefa-uy a enmgah-uCci.di tcncci9e, tatecca-i is ticks.Se Tao's ieca-i oremuupies- Ta-p'une fa'am IL puariaaill te lt Joli e.r-f 27, o n. . rr"i. -.1,. et Vc'.i'e ad Wn h faeasrient i Caa' 5fr ca Taeil . 41.1 . ». cchi cat., ep-d,.CO J ., a. ucleaeti. V., c 7 .2. t.., oTWtro .;Rv r ic, tI aatu teHa ilt o aCnac -t. eu Cty utaauhictbore an T0ttiy mt O C I,. villcccca i,,cu,. 1c-, tc, ...t Coiabotwild wl e eri Bcicfad.aof Feelt. a-iand . W.O.KcgSaa 0I. nla. thuaaaucaionaflafittaiaulteatatia. t f.a. il., tchccacceccbaucil tensm Marta.f ai Lea-i. VTe paty bahe Mun. CcceaXPZe. e.,alofetCl. Ça-p. te thueeeopeetinlio f thae ie cchlat sý'z ead It- IrtMidccm.2 B-1'yaAa, aiua mmd huticetua th ateisa ab(eîc1,at 10 aeies, .11 i .ale.henaell.Itagcâtateuuet Iiaace.ty hiiibeu featitala eeeted hb, tichetdin froent ieccccuu.eecc, amcccandMI ohl., ccclm. a-de nfum,. ateth l. Sott Act a -ailpitatatitith tilae tha'v ba ,g.r.~acly ifi v inceo utFriciuy, aof tae o n huall. l'h. ecctucn a tmi a -maaanantmcea-,nte ta. aa.ea uctatte a-tvC so,,<ta-yfluitatbtenuhc-cccm.e.(ic,-ymacl cecb eec(. .lte airb ulehtle sau., lierile ai a iuie, o.f]scpelt. Tht pa' doccc ctecli i d a tia'te'-ep e u tht .tn. hniaei --cieiot. ha uti.lkineg mmaec-a.ccc rosi lea-peane .a-ntite'ecctic$105.icltien atil euy eraions. cptnd tccagh, aii ,teu lqcceuah Andceacce,cac Otc, Cefma«haICmcadeao 17.ufoi.and iuclill etpect eaea'y-on. - CALV. SccLD.-M88M.Tub n a-h ii fm .ilhun ad ctth a'd.c,a-cc,ceMideccmc eMiacd dé *tuab la de hi, dty. Lceenc-iedit ,etmiclqieaeewtr Md ý d&,a h Pios nii aia »aie,,neeidaa- lnth<cu.cWii cagt err. Sudy, of itecieaiag, a-icilael a-ee e a tuu. ied yteeeiaMitn wteld k ucuc L eln p ..y..eilm.Or<ce ý tM..- icv ileF.,lWtay eee-ee aI hlnWu" afeout'epothcot in ent.ucaeaee-e 1hut. Ma- es c.-art t cf hae elelcc ,nacheclCtha i covcfttehe.eed.ccthea-. , aid Dehua, t a e lualet uIb"htthai= ehe lIc. iu ce, .111 ha ipC1iby l ceet. crle '.SelAlacacaiuateedîea ieti iiac.lh -uafeceveti sandthtuceTîceccl. thi. po.aaecc ccc - c c . umcccc anc tiat hecc-a-ie iaeasclc îec lb dte taleiclcec.icuecres utis iiigi ret l iý làaue -t -ct -b ueu-a neceef celtette i edrbe ttRicc oiepoo,-okry lmmaoayihaedu ok o ieprmtoeîcctGrwn ,2t l o aI9 ILLE(tEI1t'.PNTICIDE. icneccd.,,te plu- t. , of ett'aiecea-ule..dthlie eeitere fecni.lilgs f tamponesabute ahich icea e ut. -pt ehea-. t).aeetic'ble fetuececuinccte. (Gicec"gcPicceckecccc. ee t e tl-eopnions. ( ltl icctiCccstabeile tietcage le St. Tlceatcca-etciccue ccctect Suiee t i p. m ah Ju Bleauceh ilcce Wuca-c -c elicci hren ccSnlccrdty.en a-cicclu; ticcwau t SO. tJaeA. Fe et. - cDB. CHee<uee.asccteHI% Wec.-Th bal ut.ieecldinuiccbccgealiceAccnielfint&ieacllday thoeaeet<i011ce iiceeeaillea-lleeîu te , icerarito .hIsipebenofteWC Btlha,,anengil,aicul bceiCboardc- ttleatleael dticcceeleucctae orW. a-xiccu.a-ccccicîacfeercceh alIelee pcccouececanduedcD.DB. tat.iicaeeceeecccccicceciieicccinci ic of aecleBaîucccbl teeocceecy ye.c. laI. ineeict lclci-e.c..eWeeetud dSLNS ,Dcae boit flnt f aweilile.eleolalemne fltic, il ccccl a hu ec,.tctcclahec hutfecu ece iC. P. R. ta. iiul1ee. eeeeeLINDSAY, uppieci u ch,Itii.lcic puaeccite havce lec, ýe llcciasctneaeuhane the bottl,«er.tieccec a-c l-l te tcetih. yJce clIlcet tc ieee Fue- ce'a at,unttal.tcccC-dcLuicecetie-c i ae,de- w'- a-ccewlellculuycat e tenleccrteChictdcegoreadiv ci e.etce.ccl nK 1EYaluXN.ea ach. , A wa ntee nl 'eul-ed foreftic, Sir Joi a i e Ileue'atcc. lic lat,oliIccpehi, if net laelth. el."ai. ietadta tll i cie ta iaceulc. IXOeEîuL gitlu'ca'tmt. So lc u n heceec-eecl j icctccc-durca- e tud a hiîceld im ic ia -teen Petauat te thaea'ciet ofthe High Out.tet, hct occ icccecce-cable 9ti-9tTht llewaîeen ce h.J.icclEtcc e eclm idutfSlreetcilte. ete .icc'iuct ,e-tlethaiclt anotceeofainee th c for te"le b y peblie ontioneoauflice peu- th.-cf,,ceho, heuicccrd tlicîl eaicca-Actlhan .-ecIlaeleehcced'iatin Sarie ecVcri eley e eeieccofen telaleiee-ieilccf clccicn amil. miesof theilaJOSEPH LINDSAY. ilca..ed lcutl ie, acciietea;ieelcca.ei cilgicloc Brceeciulice ee l ceccck.Beiccea iccudepnclue utee, a-ice a-eeld iccenuecifilte he 'licaEatlfefefLt15, Ca.8, Trafal. ttelleec- dcc a-a. (rcctlv Cecceenhiapip1.u ticccitc .beeiccaonce 'ir .ichcc ecccinbec cfciieeci, a-et ted petaîted acceciccccc D. B.OnDe ececlt o ert t elegar, on WEDNESDAY. 12TX JUNE. P.thc'. lcc --ct ccciBicciicecce, iceta icclecceli lteh e . eclec tf i lii cceaithicaiglci lla'ccluc-checealeicaent tiuth lc eecic el" 1889, nI euee tette in the, îteaeu. sud nccctaci l mcau cceccecccc>. cccr if ccS. Gregory Neecueccee. Sic toa-cld t-e paineof afcetbttoes. l'h teTcedctdesatli icle prceeicge lice elleecce goteuaanti fail htcceitccia ill u icee "cccIcd lte maaada by Wa'cleaillbeee-Pound. Ilaine ce Cat!c1cccmakcc,....e,,d.alis-tea oms,,~c gir uc ccccilbec cccyte fl nictel , ,ieeltie in plaee.eciccci ceecccýýlg, m ccie1 licea.Mr.. Ciiahlcl- -at lct iccf e 4cce le id. a-ldcclticl aecutat pinecîcc. Aida-t ___ tccece.ILcc..-Thrboran b. linteelniacnbueiete ay; -~.. Ott aoa-a-, lee lI lecch f' erot tSt..Igiccg le Thcc, E. ilge. ha eeicec.mincentCanaudieNi. P. ccccc .cceccc.d ue by ccc- L foila il otontolcaat,cad-ccee Fet.icl-eciuec dnt.ecceeec Bicîpuc.sdu), cec1eeu. . p attac hie ue. ci tuan icl tie v h i a-fuIrc. h rgn o h . .B M i re qatt fwte o e1 ~,ice lecicl. i.cce ca'tlei ce ucl icecea tlicly iedcffee<clte ccc pelii recil cecieg aIta-aolve tccc. lie te cecle eofthlie DewareBlockit nn Il r uccc .ecea-c,,aca f" eeecieGrbb. îcct, aeticilerucand-i le. Tacot icec eeOr a* a-oee ilid, andei le ice a-ecolne5lte feeedatincen moa-e-n, eý ccc cif eh-. tac uuce. esl, Ilougt .clet enlice ,a-ie-. AtnFEngicuimaca-t, uliag hbisfact - ee lîiecigoaluchi cj eed liat il i. deebt. Iigîitý.. lit. Johcn Huede, owea- o t»cc i edce>, r d ., , aýdccc .a.-Cena tineececcdc-cjcy o a -ncYceeeecicE eiSi-dncey,icancdo..uicat- fiea]iifdit ilitet teev. ich es.einia .blck, ot-plai.cceti ilint ccce- .ccn c Àueci jurcccyceeteaccîm..icccfiiciice. eiueeteNlr. Jage.-Merecy. ccliecJne,u acta-le, eti, ufeectl btc, c.eecc i ccce ibicc.cce IrlecticeBiii inlenct II. Biccg, Tac ,pceea-i bicck empep i ntetic h.e and lewaîieecea-itta.e t flice tac., .s - lngitud cumceccieeiceW dci e altcltnîpecaa iceeccl üeeçlccofethlie Brampctonc peteofllee0 eeneieeeetie eeptya-u e eure ub t ec -etc c tcec ccdvlcnietificec iccal.Bpci n dca-iee lclel td.e c; a0-ucleeteiee. a-di ic da-.teanheth.eccceta cuccce.C. C ecc. plcceeec-f rcndtin f l ci, -icer' bail eeeeedimtîed, ut eCa-tceeci ea tlhcete, bice ckga-1e'ldlcut I ee,îe< lc -ek ie cmeecc cc . es . ,o %d. hu ati vkt ev hdBiit»dam. Mliceece dlacag 815ae infceCcle. do- .Iflc a .l mci;eednya heffyinif . eaPege hl- lci tuthe i ice hIa.clicii.a-e ttca,. r icw.i lfuhyFrerly peneabr ice Meilt e b contaielge Clw otdlece i-a.ce auetley eel .hhdeaPu eeCae Tha-cne eccen -cetlcfe ctae uee deputah buyfticllSn:ice ed ofe, Jeth-Ge tle. lic eeeecy halofatgneupeintee. ficea-e,, tuie ti, by Cfaah StAiD.n. l'ai-c' uacee.ieclcucle- ft.cihle.etZlîcdln uepec îeteccv. i cclcon Ce$.5hepetleiai ec. JMascoeti.. p.aud end a <hauori lie licîecetieeeGrrgty Alleecccy Vce Troto.ThMltnlriknif pea. n ee'iecd hYTrnoEhbto' is T"Cee ayha-egroa-clle.lteeegea-cctAe edo dme-el s- Cat the n -Idefrdeeeti elp et fedeelnt h egensliceahce aatu icialadc,it<ccc 0. uant ia.- ena-C.mla An ttoneyîiccccc of etandcîecliascpielathIi tce.lcandtacp Sdcvn.yîecCoacliehetet tca h, iaa atnll Mahno.Pt tt ea-îa now. e te. i ccuadaeeli cceelenedHîýGýA A l.Teafilluti ceg llmleDieuea dli. .cthu Ktuueçlcecîeege-ctgceatlice tee cc ec teciay lete Ltete Btlamee 01h aitce ile ie tlelte..pla-atic. mccci leelics rceciitet-eetLet thecorps-Heede cepoutdftrcetl'IIIeetStheeele.p. douzctlcte ,,gagtmteeugil 1-w01peu a-c. l9teLi-InBlicotueu2tthHalto ile dieaet fha -ee repciectehec fîlataict eteeuceesece. e dca th A RBebute despauh ,ey.thce epe Badlaicce, 81.1tCGey Ballticc., sillc plîcanka-licclc itel eeccneoeci lie! Mlgicaet ic. -c ccoaln teminctea ciieecefe ed acctscc-ciaorol a-etaheaea,i4t elldaelyt. tececueieceu mgt Oe-olumaan.ccr belîhuaht . us uieeli<tee iuthe.leae t. .etecetrot flicfta-.e u.7Cc-dpicc -e ee u. hnatHar-p> e i ed h ifhIai.eb yh.hipiec- ki-giea-. Oaa p,ccleit -ei. 201h Buttînleen. ceeubceenuefthied-e lenht the damtge te gruin hue aeeecuy la hct haut, atdi cctýee ea-i tetica. EbObLeutiEEPOE,' ty. eee. ndfintutclyaaogelataas e da îcomeecellec Ceea-ay and Hem.- aat,-ccutluh aiteu I uueelFroe.leinWestaenWisconn, Noriceth. ea-îctlly aiptd oet. l'hemare<tî,eet.îthe ochea, eeciueiîof aea- Annie Brigieam anccibtdecclceeellier eOeotincneted NothDaothcavee t nce"yulCat poattlaeeu, a8l ,b.eaacccleJne olcl mlai d c in i ttuc aettianubers. donccceeidcunil, damange tae eeeuhîbes coneeaenu antatieraecgetalllm e ate k preetac. King Faril Iht it flherewu uThoeca-tFealie,..anctcal fruels. What baite ..eanl ui eet. acdtlhulttea-bre- fiheta ie ,etcea-i-ud e'cy lilîle abuet ,ea-ea-huî itjeaio. datroed taltaîeîhe.-Ea-pice. w~ -ii a et ituwllse..Hurla, Milton, liceceeti I&l Cat; uithall ti.daîle, eici ia. JoephcPeit.,. ai Wtettea-ci<, btCteccnn.-Meilltead îeeîiegtee t170110 oI l 5 Omscey Wetiunsdce night dc<ceg ticu na.n- tro1h. licc itceanoI. e-etec a-ou ei e etameecl an actide,. aiauthlie i.. R. tee cihet clubs plucotia tcheeon -C filf,. prtclr ag ofslht he eeri noee oune aut ate lier 0 , el> Il dlatcia-d acth I cîciiceuhiteatcc orthoe ic,eet. eorgeciale. Ma-.SwneBeeigtneon by a tajeily et ity thcce oneba meane who ta-t stf 64e. faceu., a- i r tee nh, îieccc -e mouile, or$25,000,, andti Mtin.ccuma-cl.c-gd47 and 78 ngceest82 mu eel eselceon tamr WiellaS. C-a-lu dat9 P- P,.Mada-me. cnabnlucees, mi iuecciea'clieenmeWt hcclter8'20.cc00. 93. Mlitetofe eiitetneeadthe Hc,elybieccîe.l Comcpany, nahi ber uitliecge..le gcc taee hoSeane,. r Cea ilet iieaua'l gueca ieaca' 2ndGela-, Yeng adtB. Wanea.iceti percumt .,eaemotaPa-day lh.yaticedicereleelif iFieru-ee esdecy -Poie lNI.uandlMi, laci et Bueincglee, gel eeedouebletfieuee. eeeee, e. i<tel, eti .MeCiauu aeecia;liul lece. eetglic geetee ThM . bowa--lliofColeo .rlilditee awu-a- <ceI Ct Sdesa --l - u-ep triaas FRE bru - bfr ie h oudsyfii t l.AtiI h gt .cclle ndtse as at otîf Valide.cim..iuuea-dtu ctudCIdli., igh. tha- h h nlelaae..elcaale a-thefor Parnell, LeordtliaeclcttChurcilFiurg, fl tttn 1kete. 1.ttae ha teId in h.ha tt.I uci ,tlea-eani pt;l;lea -hieihe eiAt-ecc, lit. Seedeieh - arimocZte emia-li.-Ed . ccfa CI,<. ut wiiau l ame;lhac- acelt.otM. Btr, eJenm aa, nuînba:eer o : . TzAcetcnFc rolon eeeapliîutlCateeor ecc a-U le thictothdiahot-eMNN S T CIigtunegccucDd.reteeeate er buvaidtaaucu hcuisoeting wroeg le the pontcve.chta- buo a, thestmegu eu ;go aauburnuuad genr'e ierl, direl ethtau n cctt. ltaalnaseice oethueccl.y,..indthet c, icrd l'llttJhels itWey.. paefeb m isghuerteltllihaem ut leshliereeaCeeeileof Qaeesumiecuî.K<-thaaghae.y ,eacibee ica, icia ppee ccc.Sow-s paclmaimataa--aon, sdlAND ileehuteet lu lima,facrtaeiry trin lan. on Meuday ihtl tsanl tdard maileeS .egclrtle a ita. h.ieooctde-, .ccmteautdaelc<btu for Dei;tlhcuaW- nadeanduhateeh f muî,icsicneu a-i.Jaays gutIiL. Vt.Cucaa'eeu hall bnideeuifaceon. cî.<- Se. a'DAKOTA il natio-, acu.etetleexpleege fohnometint.hsut1 I,u . d,ceenceehOc. a-eut ma- ditienuah ailte gi off et Stralfeed; I1 inoutuidîcau-a-aeieoiesy, hal iuu iepulaeten e ala-t opa.inte iifront mcdcatrcci <CdJtsca< tnd -caI eh,,e.ateiu. atandcitiie uati huereu afiludtela .eie theu"etmîht'y teeociaca1p-1e t a..uelad b. le hau. l'h. a-tttutie. thauceinoftefhaleoto enieuuily as e.ic-ce.îht.e mtce ..l VI tallda nconversatiantltle. p.-lnaau,,tlahcag theu ayie e pa-ceent. Ppenatamailed t la o. -ou. eul ccl cendon. cA tle-, h he îa- earueune battau tree lande in wh a-h tld lthe n. il toryaui.itThu Irish Tinota iCel"Ta-tieui mys SUICIDE AT Leueuzia.-O-c Sadn.c- ecicfact ha-cpnae, -et .Sita Cîi lee 3lti tha thea. aff,,dth. daug ai but la-t niatofthe led t ha uImet CmamianOfexu. t, bede .1 Ni. josephidc T S i.. a- . S.-tee .dcce.eclet . .....ttla hi. he-,.m.h,,inMinesota anti D& apth i u.t Pltewl i piouti n. Lia-aenna teyMa.Cha.Mera-ith, d-idele, tee m c icceeeluaManitoba_______________ Ihlh.dd e.qala'. nt. the ui,tig upt of aitaltine'. ms insitu ie bsecoandi aifa ldcI-la- on.iadatmyc.cuel ic7 hlic"t - Caos.a tau3ýmntu .uuaeld th. ud ta-jcua'al (t'veiea-tt itt iau auso tlpaauat ati haoutiaudc cd tr..eda Ltitgn e1 cehe ha-crh., cied t. Pait. lnna>iman un e.icommen af Caleipa. . tiaftccg au tIrita tetal ie,.. mumtautit anuri.aplaetlace.uoa.ety ettm .cie.i eitac-ýv-eaml auttu a-t OffOi-anaptnsim kt Rua'.Au i-cmUWs.u.«a-a.-Mlas Bil. iugltahi fea a iintervale. Itîinsep. aer-e bnca tiliî pie -.acebtfra, ll Amuiea Bilhan nul t mntly teand l'h. PareCommissionlule, lil toua-t lItIthoalltabitgs ioyad an bilal Cem cht %de. CîutceI.. b as flitc fermer aan pi-deaansd ltae ,uhme ad eacatuspec a-rn F tdyuti Joleultîh. l'he . lu. -adteaIteI.amita<jlcda k,."aI cice ameieaitmt t lcehi.aboauenaî .1Ofteuarkenhts mû..o bahu.; ,toi te m ntheapat o sid menthe- ofmskoei lite. Clecalteti ee 'sati fcigh i-utaliufrotasal- la - ha, ai>paa,;an ata2gdist. oaheCtmta. u1l=m utionmandt ethnmO'Connr. Pauar.i owan errWord.uitsaul-aaa cOinp,' ctI ,ec Ifcc;hi, tlsthi.Nthsu dlown t beakat ianRid alefat iun- 1 ollîgo aLondon ltelftiufy, M.rlReidl ateChcctauWilw aiand wool cc.aetceeaec.feeimc-d.iTh.akta, ouuatqunstly tae fsmn a-al ; ha wl.iounaptalua t8 n'cia.i a.euîuilaorM. Parnlluoii oead le a-rchat fMilieou ha.u nma e,s I-aisa !. enei <teetacaellttays getu moc. fa. le. la-udula titaa if and 1wt OPîei> 9ltea a uehaimIe wuau tomthe.Ih ocmtica- ya-ta&td h. aI it elda aofmpin ai g.a-a uua a. c.;i t J nj- i- i-oton aI aho a-o,, t.eruuaavd froa= eli. lal i hwàbtta,;@ta. auna e agne lbook&..l. hothf. Plen. Fui-hulaig wSlt.1'th.ita. 4«a sl. wuha le a in n Hur bdna adaTrot rel rlltM.lson îm ha t< main. .1r.iVW.. C-lu. 1Itealttai f<u __ lhag onte g;. itsea au wa-on&tî baiug uDa , Oacguu ialitat cd..nd .aumnd i lmy tedaof la 1-1cct-e - tch ntpaan i th uuial lkh.uai dMa inal and îa..a a a . e iz the a-1.1 b lat. ial. dit guadm it h. a-naxntaa ds ieetiudotlla, tu.tvimue nby hi. 0MIUallul àluay faffiji, g.PO W«$ tutlhuuneatah . ha.. JanmeN.staial, au 0af M *a .ousstad. This a . au d aiati. c-. andleofi hi Itey. alurc,ah.aItol@ &mal lmgus flou.. 8 Mah.d I aIa auBM.a-Ol- ulom us ml alnd leh badtâta.tte hud .agtu.p>uu.uddm auded 28 ana. ea- teiim pluoaa.. i sma a-m iateh sla;l lu Il borhtah. .ullagu of Bahin-il-.__ à- tm'sdtp aftatnaan te it. ec eaIe. Wsaha aua'a t. ; soisd Il ki.had tAlt elu.fa-sd. C ttm la t drg" on P a.. miece onte aCi iIIrt c ù.keTheumunds c tête tn II n et e ybt Irt4km dthépaoIatome, ad D8.ume'je.- tslyape ilct «- ham. ai.ia-m ed h ans l'ia'îMutaman, Di Lo ée jSe inta l; malta.UMb h..boututel lhnb titCu Ca e te huofmu..-b W etoiles'n m<l uai,,usaiMont]ia. oar- doseuéminou.. ms IGsn%* .t -hanAIi... trea oi. stua uha". a hbp1,.a.b.uUSaz'a'<met oant. U"i. itOfi aIamaiep. Evt.5ita~J hiNad 1 ettidi shaa i $ 8" tabi.d an.fh ai b . laiJuly. Thep Ofli aun. M. Fr-.ane m-. n *hWlte leu. >sbtls ___ d0n.1uid. - haa, B tafr-atM aphe, 1 Mams- là us lb.a o.o a-a...."- »amdoih l . a "I'-.mmm £ ' th. clu aeh. otI c.: -î i. -c - mn and the big crowdo of the fair sex in thâ* note'Btg rlarge purchase Lindsay hâs made of S e* GOODS .DRESS-GOODSI At AB3tonishilngly Làow Prices H1 See those Dress Goods mit OnIY'7 cents, worth 15c. See thoît Dresu Goodu at only 12J cenfts, worth 20c. Set thoae Dresu Goode at Qnly 19 cents, worth 25c. See those Black Figtred do. at only i5 cents, worth 25c. See those double fold. Black Hfenriettas, beginning away down at 23c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 63c, 65c, 850,,87c. & $1.00.~ Se those Splendid Black Crapes at a dollar a tard and without exception the fineît lot ot MOURNING DRESS GOODS SAt Lindsay's. The nimble sîxpenebotter than tht slow shclling, 'and Lindsay knowsa-tt. When visiting Toronto, C&%LIL H.À&A. COLLIN'S HSOVSE PnPWI3HIINrDEPOT, 90 Yonge Street, Toronto. W'ood and Coal Stoves, Parlor and Kitchen Stoves, Grates and Mantles, Best Table Cutlery, Silver Tea Sets, Choice Plated Ware, Fashionable Brase Ware, Splendid Hanging Lamps, Pol ished Brass Library Lampa, ChilIdren's Sleds, Rocking Horses, &c., Nobby Baby Carniages. Ail at Rock Bottom Prices. - HARRY Am COLLINS. Iz To the Farmers of Halton! If atet 1trepitred to fccrnisl< Farmners with a hitli eîpply ofImplemelitscomprieiîîg The Massey Steel Binders, 69 66 Mower, Tornto Rake, ~Toronto Mower, Drila, FaLming AMS HaFrk and Car complete, Cuttmng Boxes, 'Iuri»p Pulpers, e Durk B New Pat. Wasbing MachineY and other Implensentît1 A Il of haut qnalaty and low prices. rdxU Luo. «Wuioms ext to lChamploU.B Ofc. ToCnift f Re7iSon 'For Sale. mkTIemi ac. 0.aa,. i -* Lau.." lb.ocmitietce 0f TaauL<, can. Riag à Jmncu1,fil.. s.TuBKE Uivi Batttu can mmaaerclîi =L. F. Nague. Milton. Tora Ou Milton.gul m musa.. edutà (or a-der.. cm Brick for Sal, Cheap. »@co, e sf Ju4a, Pry Brick ~ ~ ~ ~ P.u orSlCepmtudh. s~ d'ÀW. le F. EÀGEBc 9,,p..-Idilnoracn tD. W. CÂmFBELI. y. IC UrrC33LL May ,11).NIt« 1 ib qiIty I 'e ~tse. "X L"' MyB,'0 oraaavllc ubMitIe. .ly l 5% % 112.011&LsZEING Money to Loan BesiB~st Tend=ssgivaaifor ail kmndof Aisto mêle à P~if~Ui or -Sale- ta lo 6 oa a stinf Sale. mai 18.EM t 0.Say . ,. Mg à"UM, J aMilaPo*.a. i>i>p à meo aeicase of the commot in theunususi, IRSS-GOOD'i 6800ING ON OP TESEST VOC a utph bel. .Oi-PUI .. p h lb, cM y t. StccM. B. hTda'il , .t a ~thatVccca- Cdlch-ha th.l.hca thec~> .die Auual -f teh. l enitei ite i>attl ue ehe-.'li eh. c .mbpw tapi te cil cc-c e ,,yc c)et J f, ale fitner ee i itid -c 4dj1,a.tltteecct ieed se1 htccet Jaie e-rI e esuflehaeeec'..îthleeci bA ......eecd'i tu-alIe lieeececc th,- =i eae..i . . ia-tt.1ldlt . le -e Os Mcctdey. ec iieec )ja-na. ti ecin le h di Thm ut TchCc iiceCeeil hTr. eu. eeic et cc.. c dfhcmthc.. ce aeci- -c urge unl cee.efy _dili.ct iec- c. ,ca- ccl C. â.lfae ae,UCeaeici -y a te 1) i.: teYli uCiei- 't cc c dia.4n telecI -cip ha t ucîrel', Vte th mitlc...c, dcc c At . m-et btt . c a Jt I cedt. Ath. <d-k. wci c. ici. i c it y,1 > t.eeeIciec..- c. asce ae ne ttiuu Cad a i C v.ý ie uaty.aiecc.cth,'cipce "manamtacicel.t, che! luaekteli«c- idI,. .1..dt de.tl1 te cc r I5mie-cl i i e' p-cTc tti t. li. ece e i it. l JOb. Hthsn. tIe h.e- 1 ta cee h i Il 1-a-I I t) ~ lit "