Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1888, p. 4

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nomm <o. k. -t>' îl fi lot- al, f 4 f - * ai fé de th, roi- cal oya - oat pea ial -110 amd re.eb. To3 *o Pe" bovra,. - ment, - horeer -by the S the exi *Refarm -- pechor mon hou ba repbo& the the r. Iefinh andhthe at? ie ý - - hsiou- socoqhn -ino forci leeot o * met put appointru ~Dr. Rabq - pealsty.; . costitueco vie Gfatte 11>. fartt as a. lîg tou diu- radysto 1 draschug roct afhor 00eas- aot? otOr versoyîc Th temoaoio log Win -riv 00001 oer t- Chineue.Il Instead oti- ifux c ou. thiscuaoPo otrudem bcd The dvstai lheirlage -She btaoe c bey. She otho. o., Ifberemepli abcmahot op -- The 1 'No pompmci isared theec ool peuhord bores.. Nu mi- les> tlitthattht Inforoeil fe 'roAndtthi irb thhoofoufb decoated-his i - bhaoaisucçheu Î_ taaVesige f i t > Job. IfcGovero) *AbsotutOIY Pure- th.th. OI or Mo O . . Oct o t . . eh d . 0 1 . . . M . .. , O .Tpt I.. jtj21,th. osl t l. t 21.I _00 OOO050.r. 106 W.11 SUU6AY 8131100LL tSOX. LE880N FOR ItECEMB1ER 2Bo JURRORO11. 11.28. .O_ Tooo.7,. h0.. bottoot. 1.t t tENTRAL TRTO. To dopart fraom Godal the vos 'Txu.-The paro'ef the Jociges tRded over 880 pears froi Otheode of Josltuloos.. .1420, to thet hsogi lion of Sauf, 1.O. 182l- PLâi.ORTho religous capihl a Ter. IlootcaO JcRU O-!)& hhe jodgo. (2) Ils a.ttho a baly Samouel. Ahlsoh hvs writ uodooiooprviRioo. (8) IL 008 I tip>ohohydring tho rigo of S or firatusvocror f DavidRa ig 0. 1875-1048.. (4)2h 05tey&5RciO o 280hyer tu ho itlhof Somoel,1 1140. Tz ooGyRRniEN.-T3>010 wR> king rpocidoot, but >ho hgh-pr 0050 the religionso hcod f theeoRt EORh rbouvos lRtlOpt>dt. E i 1000 goernedihsRI. Thoraoa stoudiog rmy. GoRd acrordho ho the aof Moses. tho hribouos wrc ouod togcthhr 3>y dutnof coming up thothe tooruocl 8hl 1threOhimo0sycor. Thotri and Lovihes oWRe thé reRligons lest] and eductosofaIthR ftRRPI. cÂotoÀotzcs.-MaRy f the lob tante, idolaheos,Oremahcd hon rol, w Or00a0200 Rf01omplatol ol of. uffe 'i,. doltry, by it.oVIh dOihy, ihboPlodiad ritel,. 30licous 00007 passio, ohrcteid owoy Mot the Is0ralihR. .CiRCRRmsTÂNc.9-T3>0 leson1 piRIUOre, giviRO a bird's Rye VRw oR * Nhole period of htt Judges for yer, thodhilso olotiit. aegv theoaresof the books, andhin Saon, Rot.POovos IRm Po.csco-11..J lim. thbaplural of Ras, f. o., lo mos to, Baal was the ougad. plural form ho ooooed iher foom nomber of3>is images, or, freinsbhi *feronoffices,.s BaalZohoh, prool from flhm t Bai-Peor, et. or a05a of honor. 12. Btcrd thentelosa t1 hrahsd thbRrnlvat hfore the id( Nvohp. Attfter .4indignation liah sin and folly, and thexodispohiti( *puih. 18. .AshitaotIx plural of tortuh,thhafemalé l ivinity ottrres ing htai.l;The goddess of tII Bolb Roai sud.>tdtortb 00000 shipîeod.witli vilo ihotootorites. o AieLortîltttfi sait> Lev. x 17; Doht. x'ii. 25. 15- Jtdgrat: esiied uphonoan mrgeoay, hbhuabh mb oprootinemce, ý oeil oeoocioa inflenceoasot sIt Thora wcos fiftho c 30280. 1.1 aitm ofsitqot htto vcy lhcy hit st, hoo.ROh0lodf Gtis'owty. 8005050 05tFOR eITHcoctSTUOt Spac.st. IlcOaT,-Thlichtots f tt * -The ciaraoisics 58 the ioRI Rosi sud Ahlaoth.-Ahy he0p famaahk Goti-Tito conscquRce thoe i.-88clvsliit, Ilsuso cre-Gadlsogegr-Gao chIalle BnI mou fro sin. 8107oTMttCTOY.-WhO WoS thésa f the bock of Judgts ? Whool writtnsîOvr row mort>li fatm lis historý exteod ?7 Whoh 4ia J *do for soîijaslhRfomho died ? woeotheapeoptl gaOROd ufllerJos doshh? Foriaog? I . THE'.%ROLIDRON PEOPLE-u(VI 18)iatdiathe litoIraoiiteso lods God? Whhhsda5>8Goa loefer tht mada his foostdoig Gad 80 hhe wrsoa ? Whsh idRi-adiat 1ej ahip ? haVIoCR0incOR abo gil Baa Rosnd ?Asthroîl> ?Who thu thbntohhis? (V.21,22.) Crgieah hellot? ou. Ihis Ovi 7 *Den. VI. .) lu thoa grot c RlR iOvil asJ0ttttOh? Forvohai a la doo ootaOtfoae Gad? W b:Oluld-92 Wbhtlous803h xi Il. TaI CoNEUSooCm Oc BAC mo a(va. 14, i0)-Wha00lajumes -t>u ugeofthhoLord ? HoW the Isrolhîts puoiuhed 7Th -troopoi ersO' T iooogi Vhon cou theIxo lorotei e hoaluf, anot? ionsu 7z Wbehuahflic reoulho akingGRot?.bh.ziforoa? 7(Lov. 1.17 ; Doft. xviii. 15, 25.) - W1 oouuw.f-oiliv oiauiog God ?- the puufuhioeuh Of-sinof ta" troof h. natlases? lu frnoa s? Cu OSay elle fSos Cood.vvîlh behho.hof Goad s III. EFFRTSTO NISA-VE TOoI 0002! TIR MSIN (vo.lO8.) Eolo ojîch i'lu poliuf 1ghho1 * 38002 (Doht. viii. 2.) Docs Gotit horin hhu \vici>od 7(Ezo.- %vil * Whah dia ho do ta help the puni, 16.) -Who and whabwershe lu -idîodiadthh u plMtspinohO w Rf *goodumo? DidGodthowgr&ohpa and ioviuf induîs7 I009 !oo th iîh u3,mam7(PB. l=VI Cte 331 W,- a . fl 2.) Co- t hooouIua hhoy fomsaahhhi Nuto TBSTiOEtOiT LIOooT..ý m>id of hasoidersu inRov. i wbt dowe .la=oaf (iRdo lofg * dSzJohn fil .).' M.RGixdohoebegoet D a, 1:5e hpeule f Mamlton teei a TbgSAgtIbo exO ;à D.Cootohm - dpoasrIRa0Roo amlhoo baa4oshoj ciobe fara IGtorgà Dikôao , 5Li ff VI. Fron ais uthho 1e00 0008 b. atslAeo.,o- mfouSubotly fhao iglyEysbfSul8 o5dlsoph ok iRbisat cmu.il t 7 otiho '!U~7by Cothmo>ilodk* uit cee=' vue-ee badhro if Godl J. pi a*tlojiî&1 t tpofis voe> gigîttsodwrT)roaiio V1.Yêt Col enaireito 1Is ar m iagyum eodl-.taoioo tb loia fW sdy metia sot?.frie. Fl5hlp-otîan btltthzoiome phohooWho4vasIOnO.ïtM H0 onose ýVIlyaléinw * a is rsth e d obli s. y ofhhh pAt Oiuet? tt h othf l àOqd-f 3Oo t é r e p e, à a u * u r i w i e N eb abo ite s O n u- yo- - * Frafai~ùCiuxooii. mast -Trpo .hu ujdodAme 00Rm g om sbtl oeo Ail membore cRut ovcay the' bo ouanst ha lierirpiedhu st sb otr 1the.ositon of he ti hot ho lrfi;fetoohooattewho n ofgm oThoe Oieobot meter lefee povset? o vo e dimosuo sud l- o oa'o u of iea hleua ntre, ta r ret isot éo wnhp alNrm12ede. hepthe v ntft nn(.Nlsnfr hsciiim'iatég Air d hyiim. Hsodood 000 ott? do". four eptetoor hwoulaofileouinloffloore.lhinoMr Mnot ho Theogo iol 92.'8ai.dh"hçresiuow itaho osA mtotion tebhipta eson go bsrlaisé-bot 3h mtor Shsfo uhtiu ri8o ot nla.raf omuada ovoea amdi sot boue.Thoa planb so batt vrs ai=thhoicm. C o .e n . n d c o fi e.8 . . u d r p i h f s i h r , t m u i h o t h , h j î u t h 1 l a0 l fgta I S . r u d î u k h o Tbit sl b f Saag tiâ #2m bupaa a hoasv obiP a h o a f sgh Bt Nlot>er sau 'r.iuhso, u voossnth * ~ ~ Co mn as 20 oSoeshfrhoa pooiw o ii ash. 'ah bath litro ao ieste ovior ipl,.sUd mShfersiaodimpsbrioodgeegot o.s9,.et-vcandblose 80 Ciho n a.. 2.21 etdtor igh a linPe mtethau o brorf ka laitroinolits hehoi f ro N.00 M eD . .;an rr tqo u ghuerob î0 >E ppr 1 o udohçto o Seamig tatd oavîoghupr i t ae hi'sm'v10 sato aou afut a hnce tohhof 9 flOnbooudapropotou.hJ.hoveHo ulh- Otto~ ~ ~~~~~I tehfho ruiowt esd~ ohhe ium 1a b d 16dd hoho0.hoate adhMr. Igico su;ventu t toto .0 t ocrhmf rey iiufoteadhiug o nt huio o bo*ad1ta dhtoilIh a0tu ei o a tothore ou. rithe som I.» No. 21. 1hanu reailot bridge ntaue f ooor eto hfrt oh ahrhti hooopom Oe 10 - 52.8 o d 3>3>0 frs.ohatolioi ttelprt? tha t, s costma. Whao1 nouer. tl undroa.t tM. sol geho homhy eh banniothe t h fanhon bs bthsoe b entb, ,uudho roosseîhngthim m oeyMeo.Sooest 0ivo ý thae.plhCbe 'Otocot? dhlh, ogthae i té 6013F.Mgain!'?. seue cm, . wok zpefore J. biC. irodd iv00foon i re aoulsu tapick op hho taib h e SerinaB o r lotes op:eo ainer 2t.rN.smitglasheio oct h e norie ordtýerlahorb ox utefr s h rfouI. Taillouhuerhhpon muoi t te st flit Itoedt h bcomittrWe dmdd ou o humRtbitlulhud h it .25 a .chargeasbleuudt oir ug teLbrh Liae mx o0o bas3 hs a fairm hd, se qhét ooeiihofoahpoe'~h ait a e uhuhhlinO u koffvhéii R. jh Dsvd iar 8101sù.88 or sadUns.ort> te Oitcersheahoanoso s toa eGsrhgPoe,>FiohaoM o bahohaihthégolluao o cobileîs ot? nireo , tto o oa 1» art r o.1e ooand ii Voda iyo E y. havc b7u0hoclo cetfe Rtz b-forssioosut? p evo ha rde cf ptchOe rOm:a Looo'h it esgthe olorp,'rgpDit sottoser tme or he Cooort O rmota Sm odocodi uthe hall'foo 11's B coo sueo, sy. S hermnroer thél 828>78 ho-i-al ho- Wma ctoem so $g'bi fgoo hipua hou oe ooibtsdboe0 agrolaejy rootrosr Cut? 81.f0iha Oucpcittteu hhO00. -ouoo, ph og 8>8080. ot ? c I. e J. (f o ovoorti orf aimd LIo tonitge us o aix Trgf. lrsheihostit iooms dd Tho a id orr et? 10.. ormaonwo T:h o fot gietoihufortmoao ato hn Pr gPoisoIhsrae ai et aove dg~ego ne f avt nd r.t btst h em tr hoLi oe o m Et h or auy cfa00r ede s vhU pro. M" , Iniiebsrdcdtebl h ùfu t-lkt ni h ts ,oooh oulemiteh an t er fmefor the t foe r th otfo th itfroho ofRf lo.uîotahoc mrh ho soo i u ex-. mai baasfo hdgo.Cor . coh usul.rpT heolte repooiO aI Roto Plhtsip. P. a, sut? 'r il soi,) Movot? by r RoCba ai Dc Boouck toDmno.sotîoeo uitocet o 80 o3. that to0.5 u pla t17.88 o ct>tt? t au . tho cohlia tîbeu, for ssvrand hor-ohu eWealOenloyd.talfohopse pie orot eOrhto forispel nt? ilta u ftîaodh>osry-li F oooy ttoiun8 oh- 'itteyy othc hinbme ad oh st 13.0> iota ndo6t. 50m oa si?03ta R. hWil o in t ot s uydr ooo t no h t eis, soppinhtyfr0>the aniesd urh ILS et ufor ok lor lî tson A lndooe oihu lCoh ?îo prms retaf oroasoldnohy rmatidvoCtoRad t > ic tiooerhet?. Tlh foruecngnor ta i.n r>-uhl a ht 8>1 * hlan gs ifiNvml topMesr. Ctéroouaron? qIle)Iseeh> ris aoucra, y o t t rdber h lio. avao hahteoaho roled10iut~- Tu Cot o tau t Smlu rtaiuhosoieoo dh.fo o rnai thoug drosmonstexcellhtbehoi prob doco fl th slm a o-fao8 Oio Pl oa M filo Rfe o t e tOt awa.hargot) of f t0O homeScut reoand f nni pat t lu i e00 i o ot i reiug oeundsop st? orÎeir at o ntt ofoifro>Aso. Goocu'uet oe wRooitet o fororiho oit I ic purlersrau isiog toto htîedmoc ci at>ogtndo oru aitior orhairedor a '0 tchoos foyr 1880 sud M.aHuth a 000hothe ieîîgto n. oo' hooo Bho*ooz, hildph e ra.,andooer it npB rt? o ioCao? toparao 175su iit aJ.I. Th llotoeito o hna Cna: tabouhefo a ndluhly iiostcoo afor9 ,ot Otha frt eSp ot ad b ra ffi afi riay F coy S etn h thor a nt tiot h o m e nt ofint. forinsonefrattovate rowote o mt? io ;iî rotse ,bu out r 0»th olnstottafrontOhéCrio r.Cois8 -Corrit?.Cre. 'hw oo fitooaretotottot?-tltuusyls, nd- hhar >03>. Hosavgthay; fr. o h u at? oanfr. TrfouCt t.tae iot ?ngso o rit)' -sss acrdn, rii sah ud e Rochtal t N o. ttorilefa nh os. fsecondhisescorgao o nt iohetios T euoe,, f27 ashir eploauu 10ic so xpoit greC Oie tr3 o flottouoeodrot?- hu trliaO u t hé O tihs trO ains, tornhtatolshooztha orooo 0u oflaeshre-tiuNot povthémuiipe fo iecuoloth atdefrst go asot i ssx maazine1880.ho voeh4,g80 pnoer o a i hoal xo frit i ltte h si ne for fli oyo poset? toa ou ra. nc o the ai ron, i ont? 1,710 u orut? aa -or ren aI fao iilty trm.-afr r oc 80.-RRIt o d o h>t g rethon rotrursn tho or a le p o". tsecet? rrvo hrvoîoanth o o fsedsoad RorexcellenM.tPttraedh Maa Iovet? by Me. S v of r o cnut? a e auhro poh-oso i 218 phePeoiCml.i o f t a t fht ict ht lu ho 8Lehit of . MBassey otss ot hlat a ho iutie cu soit aishtioho tifspof'hfrhts 220 t ob aootoi8 2.1 Iolod.fo Th a ckofi-t? f rgha eoho mcmverof an i uiatle ouilt oma miislttoo lu fu>t>siamottca o c torod obo. f urimie od tbt h braeom I mer -anduf hi e c- ItottdrrToyryS îut cti oter sBen N - 57a n d a. o rc îda foc h r p u i, on o f lc the hn e cic t nt tocrt at T rpest? o tb is y a nd , Cm t é ri e O h 0 i n0 B are o t a dh hd ti v hs on h t p etC g red h u. O ie m o n o d y . t l nuomt t e upC t s a ox . t .,ai l o id e r dhf. su d o t. Toeo?.a b he cteof l aro odt-. tldt o t >to toroa fuisoo ih eCtor Mvet? bp Momoxabdn D. Lrondroiqtingfins sutaI olha ot1Pa.00 .an Bhg S ha thsl ii oni o ito o in R. f b coupii to n eiy rseet? , TMo.tF. er,s67 emrof1t h potosn. P00an2- tc e tor h exhol on thesecoday ond-.Laing flcctreto ftht he - uhhp affi e L tdSuvia pthfhhdmoh osbtu- of l.-olaw Ne ? ovdgfo FIaelsshalons oor-raotohathiovo tbtoaeu ast inaflit on neomm ish t e> Jmncpa fein, e hs170t,80 n wih',8 borso, DYoof 1--.'-*Iit of-raflopoforh88- hmoorm pig a r haohuoveoomd otiahe vayd 47oyanreda.ai lao a Tfoei yMessrs.?ion 8831 and. Ca hsnui Rp ieta thmpe me vithenudu ho theo P. rn3ell 'o mmion afisc Ifod flc- uefin h of f m eCac iooalim comth e l ooso perbo ut8ies ol n opsto, outstooconothepiatonry. r 3 tSonnou ~ingthd 829.55hueoeotho. rapued foru h é cenltremeure of tinhoto t c onl i ot in daynin ,ait0t ndaohugoo deui.fprvaium leoooreot oi of p.xrads o tho aup ite.litsaImprT rr y S ott nt05 ioero h 1e.2 8.Coaa, rogarnipt tho amihueothOto pooro mr ieo-hva ooomhia iftho InatertonalIofo tioc.cttAsocia Bo a hove MhthMesdot rs. aesoandisi t 1tup oitlaredoieouprto;oastthP.tienahu hoanh e l ho et gtese, t? tticr Iraort? ta.hui a at y au No-taro t? orho anO oait hon Ra ebtp, and bopl dotrdo ota Alotnyctndoo d Ths o ldino bo poht hohon al o o iores.afl-on i na Dgue T.fi the saiew, Oo SattDtotay dl edoha t. tho ei 'uth" arfo 880.cloejutrad> auoht.fitie'luottooo radiu. speîeatt elaS., omuie ho. Iiroplaes. toono Comptal oos e latar. co tty cu.- 300 ow ond ha thor fne noto cedl t hesane wyoui oaopomhcd f i txin aa costnit o usioto u beIo' apasrdartfO Mintaoaihotheotau hororc - , 81 5000>13. lî.c rng eto riso veti- oogtot bootr Meurha s.oor o o ttoy e, uband - o vâio vsoc.tétst.iDaoohocastoth o hîha h osutfarot o t ulaheo5hox.ey pofon. ote d-h o nt orhor.io P.ou oî Ht ent> ry, vatfermhi oforth own.eC o l.ofRe rinuuonc ogmuu TbasdatbymsOrtpef-(. o- ic onutruoWte o of o litsb gribi iue.o PuOernOleraehdSrsinoeyrt* agtazinbae tDoa eot Trovshîlibaronmfem Doc ot l it oonhtatasol. t an. pmo iivermd o heîoeDmacuîoàeb hotho oohreayeu? f boteri r1 10 ouidor fIýauoiohol metlf or thde usIe. m 0 ohy i Ohu nluse t houolrod i Pte mo h e a hu% e ehof oRpend ofOe-oc st Cu Mdof iuorelet>casesiohote bht p oer m ot. ay heit r, opoa l o th a Mo véy utor 10 ROt opa r a aen t ot teteblp leOo loe.IcaSUR ig luata esr oi>uoo er aI frbue ye aseui ept d8. 88 wo.d r Rt?01 eglaO ralstrt otbottinsofCOO ou dy, R ou t >> y'o agieckt hm o p iooemcomieb 15.vonf utes ua propter adoihistrati on tore rwo a ve h otte sommptionoftttrolcr h t e hot fliTh vi doosC th r itaulrp troprsntMnG.or ds.i>g10,ruta m t>, bexprssio . ganbrial témc>, n ai teutd- ooteWohcl re? oto r os théc0. otleroufhtresito300103I >O utiî ?ooogloeosal u b a sole toch , Vielog oio b ia mlîhi c elavahus ,r3us> oh st, oeoid. yLCU,ý O nr agao t-bdas seC s tucthe Deroit ,efi- o hoha toe ita ut crI clO s 5 0 ouo odsoue tee i al rasesTunnoel om7. teho n. uba e1et? o tihot> hclave ieom nte 0 To it.im8hiutoiig 0000 Toontte.,20 poos u ,uoe dfrsyprob lor .to rom 0R 00cIplctt bqofrois iObO t exi,80,000uoroooho78 Tv ha aétu StvoekR of ht oirtmearous Miou r toohoOmotu a t000heeiset? t otr)PLot h o Pechtaothsc ey.> -Ogh O in a o mr c-hotaota tarlbuattog os Toc i. ibneoA usAovve , wasie.ho u00 ireho tlts'Roira as ont? 1110bhid muCto 00ar00>oh uic o iio n. Oes a xint; etai 3yOl E s ohttberand -o» ommai Jatrnicl. h s orurnab j ecIt icvge. ho fart, oanadaoh tm eariuua m t rpo tDior.if y uRtt, e tr oioy ONer covi o in dsOo u ne os. Oititsa i dofulerto. or f i Sreux o 'o » Mag an ee etotfTrucsh Od n r o trior poet?, Foa rht hopsisocotroopo artnnel therorthrnaen Of Dtt?. Whsahu sand ho, md. h upet o. -Rom Loosn0000ani ec ogary 8, ohoaha mnos sead oeresta cofetrf u hc h th? ITfotîalipcstoofeu 2,BNE horieA, hoaihug O.o In, va inu hi sheu 3>1 rthu-pl huhdonciut 0 010 etththr00,0er ort ut thu yr. n t 22 ve tsainoay esigsaisis h AidaI oScehvolho ahply rooethstuhauythoehoKéeot3>, ycacte uohee ommriotrd cmn Onu 'bdaceth o u tyorol cam oo i . , O ur il ahtha hé A Co ixmoanoc n toioo f d tb e earinvihoOl. 'lfohags fin os oleut e atendsohrtaro ft ae tooo-am artices),t ROOstoesiiteo nd > MhIl,î i ora %,umudu .op- mth esttlci I o dota af officor est ihom u. aseod, 01. ot? a* fîm ptat anapnéfminre iiau. t-bases ,lcton,fer o ,cvel h by oekpneotpslr hococ maverm sae- Themllus1ttrti il owte som a - cu-irtroho th, o mrp lceoferaypata ba ra li-era tue dahu f ho edffico ocam lv io'. Thob attrativpe and itet0it yor Chargaa0rthest8tp goahorthoo thu hon ittoru th eofoutmehob giC o nt?.a otremetos artoc m.'5.,.. ,~ teoreubc viii hoee aer oeCeta Pionh 1utoa ntety 1h r ,t.otixor eg -usolo -uave ;Sata ,bn s Tur o ott tigm»Oéhoix hbc c~on- t stt e u oRfthu 101 eBoit a tohé O is> uthm naa c t flmcugésont? m ois.t femoII tf0 estOtoosM0. Teo..tinstr- p yeocnite;wr:Asu isaottho 35hihhfecle-ttR, olvec 0ibS. a iurolr oi oaq .uhJams n 100 e ah.sor:Cna3aoî.eiih.chi vi0t ri. h paC. -eo st SevceSllsrae. cohtm ofh or.6 nu u iud let xxvh inaostc Fo t MEd teosanIgd', ri a te NMn.îYBourosetoLtnv u bayAnOo.osO c otses 2 Tu er> h ooarg5 es t. (Vt.ru.; have o hest a d oé ooe o ,hhr8oa. neh o,êtr111.>0 02000 lnvtiir8 tt.1 i .îrua c5 imou fp rjur ,don-o hbh oi nesT danrr Th acion èf hé, finBter i "nidt t rotg he gooreer at of teti M. B. 2 p rbpanc tt,?atiruoléec fs 0. ut atmi D ee ctiveueshhooohave tottafite g un inrooi '5hif c Or oao"O> d iaro.thehme o mmeliCldos 79,tid n hos uh i ff ospt 1 T dartes e fare hoio. autu iht magntoiar.t nt} . . Milet iead1iPoradebph hMos xl Motbt IF oua h oo r eterovg atiîio ofre ai fmdr.Fec su ad Alolo uBo up bos.v.f es fontdthoSé t ilMRthecdeuomtiuoh-aiaeUs Of 130101 8,0olt h I in, a-elet a ve ffiorutooho eORl .111 , p i k. dt 10,-ubstce o- fieh ueruthe SotthAct.e.us ot fron tve meR cfOteebirhip hrsheasu'of poopul0 Oao au t r yslimuooe aai-g Cea sh .H ohîA oth ott ho 200c estwî PEOPE i, ItyalMibitéeCalC he.p0ee0 l.-Dhoo,0s t eve m nsonho-. illoLa epa?7" cl eaati 05 h01 iOe18 ah ui W 1; 0 ii'h eM Oul Io.filo s utfon nalonuta coin- feronito nvexm oaedgarth maraeu aisea-.Tiat cffo. t. ircS.dbYp îth Rlnstar - euira or uscr out; . TScibo,01fiu otc 2, unily taes 8.cru her bateur be làtacscteduai oMmitritfch ltu sir. r 1 eiAd o8lpb. ..rSmplthood.1m irGermaf en OU i istbe-Te ý o rcoom ii ~~ ~ o.1 te of1 Itcsxtat?. -Jm -- '.botrlgos ioiain [,.8ome;i rel tra nud0u0t i dflowïvi hi peir.aho n.o t he atiU7eqaly er (î,:, ,>olcs28;:hoal ioyhtil l em e ohTho ranoya focseaiconse- n. ' t csioo l s thoOintb.13. 18- cof sbym uiàns l;oih ayot is cfl h ab oobant aoi ot e xclu- tadethh;puparetor 1 %i o1u SU I Bie 8 oft i ibfl i at Oe Ofucitj -b.twthéd.usea or Il i. A, b Dao îol Ctiani os, 8. on,îi&bd mGéAohe.-ItttoOat?. upie aIne ta 8c h oa Isrël- tein. "The Q-ubec tob ion Oare t .h>baut>. f goid oib.h..pre Sal dao oof eomr, dcto wî h a ug t. i f >-l o.0 0 g roug ntar . Win4.t ,t, aas31 hsuT ronu.d'b,'. not s crim. 'a - .. - - .3)7. th iii.82- ha rie , and 0' o h ors b t n, TéatbIae fro0yfl 1té aie11 ,B receiving daily e spIendid stock of Mep0 Women.& Child. - ren'é Boots and Shoes, for Spring9 ana Suannerw-'ear. - Thesfoot ou oadebp bo bxt uuearurrlinbe Damiobosn,*ouod ii Sa n.-ata 9 P .l rle. ot et Somode torerr.. :ÂApefctft id DOR-T FORGET TO0 CALLON - ' - 2'nos. Wilson& elo'canu > oder 1hla hatencideh taw te aibow pbmnt3 utbntielobefooeC a TUbEy HsUPI MJoWtoret S. ie Boadul -h oto iscte ite f NMaiiinStret, ) 'aPErcEA A Lamp like.this: wiJ cost I orsgi ~G.1?t5 erfectglasses, .tHARRY A. COLLIN'S iii ou s eiFýu r nshing Store,ý Chicago hon pasard a ocoltio cali3hn uLUg.' upsAmrcan itiaen 80 o tuup eut â Ooi oN>t 1.00 Otjoo.ts .atcto.er.. C. f t.1 0 CE'R . ".'.as MOse milt tosloO.u t dilt n ro up oc otM d= 1 -4 r' t.- "d0> "", - - . b, . ='.' c i , taleot,ooo I i5s.00' 0 2 t o oaoisil, c p.olà - e.otmtsOCuo,0eu0540 oiht,,oto f55 t«> , .O .go.do t1l i-U.. &00nieo.0dA. o I0x 5>erete 0eoOo 0>e.00 roRt u005tt, oi.gud nt ats -M0v, -'Odutosh .11p-o.cd«l. rwo .Ocut010.T.>rosoiiooehoEo,0 UoS taotoO hot. TffN'P .dSo.â ,0OpOttsi .o >00 R Ai"tl 00 SA 0.00 >00000.0 oeil Wtr-rett. aS Erh C, I.ND CHEAP, lng Wire, [>L XINDS, IBER, PAOR9 ES-:'AT ' Balance of -StoCk. ints, YOELL 345Lt18flx«,.ChTye oteonot..' RLplates.. THE DEST -XI. ro> h rrad andsc .m 1 a. Zndhorokî pe lohir ail.er cO m I ' ' '*p.C i 'b per 13o ntmi.O Han000 . tO,o. tlh u u8 4 r W oak a sh>p . . . 0 5 . 00 ro ocot .] iAS 9'ýER EVER ISSU noso 0 hmp sl a ud. c 2. -- EXHAUSTi LI11 REID PLATES oemm V R IIO H COC ou à0m m vcrp xlh.B.C*fr»c» es. - nom O . 0.000 m > ae ho o1 tu ar d3the. . ......*. 85>0s t.1 ,0> thf hm oi ilb em copie og ,:igR 0aRRO0 tu", o.tohOt t. w10 e ounlly R >>se 15 000.O es001 pE15.00 W à have Yro~orte . . - roqu ed.1 Tu GD reLOBEN ~~tm2.0~ 40 fSorNke l , ITSRE -haà§. m~ oSec Sfo oh lt Wor Ostos ou losc R us Rter hot offcctiè ~o P ., pDooO RdRec hhd ~ f diihoucaoo~lit,, t (.0000>2 Rico. ý.,» tu rpJ r t . ri .50 LWE5T13.00OF - & ZL'>~.LA q iIreâ F081-1t os. ->F8. ~ t B, PA , QI, VA0NILES. l 05e' moos Lom0'5'1 B. Au.,tt s o ahutth.Rta.tOttOS w nMilto, oui 42n (t v tQf E rt Il pw VMLiés s L UL D 1.1 14» amant.

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