aame ,p te Tecedny I Ceeet6 aielne .ir moreltuoanamats, MEMLY, BeoiteoidWcoc=aet c atention fanc * Teeyeaeentyekanvytenkcdec ,au:eo6 .7enataw cl- e oe Piamfrieya iib edè f fteuie f1edon c l0Ta y butg.à la ta iei - e si If neteolaoOpmn lu ed C c. cci 16e xactj inc.-<ma-e ma 'teSe ehoe - j; emecn wnninofted e tof ati; enshcgej SOecei E rx __ __- Car~y 'H tae )uba, l0e e teicte' ce . t _ Co Fercccl B.Allc me'cecenic efi eeeda axgPadanena--c-----JE Nlouej .ijeiCi a e e 1100 fr race ina Ice 10g lTo eor For SleùdOum th etnsohfab 0M I 20unmaclilbot nOÊ u .ebccc igAJec-t,~ c . St a ec eccte e OST ?KLO, ah iilc e ns flt he P t GRW Wol nCc er t #cf .00 peac ve ec og bat uoaffsern i d 0.MSOT. 1.ul e n H eIeJ H II -vl ite il, al lac i OeclTOI pt ore m eleg c lieteh dc 1 he t lo 'fncbato;8 prBot er e4 bace" Tc "otnn en blicd cenet y c bl fae. ecg ch b o nittet e r U 7oeeahx,11 on i sxà o ' thecetryanaof herac t whch t iebeI, cr. cgJal&st4leun = e. he mOecefe - - a-ide th e mn6 sism es o rn y a'etch cf1e Idi e' ait f -A c tc m e ta.t. b, p aceenN in . m niitaU C MI or A Loxe. Fnr.tptioWboul The Ce.u R O U SEl eoanraeete>' n eeeetiO 'g rFenecMu% enbae csadcr beernet Cm t epnd 2 petti u taisciuter.H A N" cf ec tt 6eUnle Ont, et Tccoe otu6 ee th.net cheape E le e caccetveau wha~tnmselle vu it cec eebaethen IlelceCins c emc n n oecccpene 'a n a Sentabclnen cetea thrshba. lonl06 lo ntTeownshtipcTO W N o 'ofL el c et ere tdirjt t yb>' ot an tecla 0fMYac I " t s t Canada. cto rise pn ias b es jccitn theeesng uceeelofa S p yie ex iegicce>' he aili h eo m ice. am focet01.00 ncab n t te, O rn-vi e peetacethejpraticiensminof the. an nder- Ilhe ccrlen, fiCarlisle, a are colloTe1,lcou. 8,cTafalgarTonnie.,n.Hsa a n. embalmje * Tas = bu the largest and : . a e nec c acsac f oleje1F.16e>' 0..dde.«y, Dec. llth, 1888. w eofCnada andcfthe noitnedcStesl n onetc s l ~ 0 t ~ 6 e teeo e fficia, ^ m Teor a h e he R ame .ecetE i 'L CLTMOW N ,~e seaeee.., jeceiare atcheoe,t diel feteclau on~ cl of e Ca iegC e.nncr. hcc empexA. ctILenun ritdeceeo cafenlceetmo tdneiehntbn'a e'tsei Ca enadseccoM.fe e a lcg consideab l capoF. f. ne 6e paoeecf1ec'cibllelc.et6Pn,. ee te aicecl, delcaetaec d u -- sý cf t10e. mcghhebu 1e&cc icnc e e'n. to hav e ncet peln e 16ce icicen avhe nse& l t2y îd ejîemm Ce. eelhnt,,attcetmid -ehccca igh b r eau~. C'cIebleMcl> ct- ch d.T elteahi neesby m n>' 6seof ted.c en efcoliese'O lej e sa ILTTHeW OIlt 1888.. . noiceicet . ré9 C eaca -j .eh yg latee ga eine 16 e.' tbt o m in Fab ea t fo r li entestif net-elaen heeS O. alln. elce.cr.tb.18 i.cr e ec e gardO tes t eecce0 o0. Chrit--ete.weIl. -la L.'Offee cce fco e n hcot litc ent . Wr . r cpeionste tanfith1e.Jee 00 Btecn . ile A h ýe.tt =NSO c 100 D issolu-& tion eec.ccheethi an' ecleea n te lhem' ttec In ydgtitele o ep t avsu i ic e of en te s eac be" CP tli _______ the__________of __the _________________ eccetc.10 et 75 mea ncm si . Mcec jve tee coe c o a in s t e n P- - - -.- -.- . - b- ..o- DSS the1.0nal. gicfe secoca S enee cnietîe.Htbheee emeotel cjccmec Tccbnecce. Kic-&Jeecceetc.,lIhee. etejcetb lits phytandaeeiegtoBee. ___I0. teb f« I:teesU3OUI d lj e wdl Zr ht fe hieas.adt auel ce ne, resenta ,to adwieadoealgtta.aerqetdt aentos»latn ed c'iat cicr co o uldc havcf t lre y st 10e acebod e nd a loigesoIt e c ee Ais w te D ny e s ac 'e 1 "Lm"s eco t lneaec cmc 1.tl i h C tch ebc , anlitelse ntcestA oh ee0 ncv.~e. .cSeefW tte ap eeteR-tcet oc1 e JX A.LU 12.EJUy h e.ssMe. ceaeOecf1 e îeeceSc eprnec C ns abl e arle an nlece teUV.OThcevjote'e . ai se ey bsbenRcc de OBET DAO4 l vcnC cccee, c anada irpe l are t e t l] gIm ic. îtet c ien.eecton te 6e.t . tecc e Lie. 1tlnIti,6ieo a-litace4cle. stye and t etereant 6. All v ec av fl __ anneette eardd .,cet tor pr graas an't a, nd ie M r T .nus onJ. .,22,ec u mcMU R AY . icek .c coe ntcr t leYe mcttfcîtfintc d e at10. epndcccejijOm8e8t byceecNovele. . lm eccecccciiecciceC arteFethexcpo jat Boysec10je mittio n FcvurCset Th e r nec c cuyee n rck eatncis o uto crn 50e e e c e c m e b j n d 75otce p nt bccch 'ien j 0 orsonne m e t he , as ne e e aet tiet e t Idd tO ncCE r ecce Tngvri ientlCrd .e l ec e li soaeti et e ecje Me C sertenielgccvhotscadte tt maebda.iWx ee tionàe .lI ; .Geeley e n com .ba prnI tio nsemba e Wbc cf 1té6c ba« clirrc e ,.Ieee t e ec ten lte eSe'lcK ttelslitt nm eflic. ndee bi.s ileejeclm et e lcecce n tt c tr l a lu o ullTeebloom7i. et t ierst tiecaieteniececpc i~le n i.dcjelc aoic. wiec B l c oen i cy-lbe> no îc. T b%e m pi re eho mpacetur16io duert> et016 c t cly.r trio vu Uiih io-' orthe Prstî bosco.isa e li ie i ] eltoe ete ec t oed n g tbe cfD a fCRit EÂ R ille itert c ten rLlewl c prdt Rete hpaerC Ic e.eicctccce on b reh n a. belc>' cfthecrs "oa enr . Uccrn a lo MR-eCicag ts, Traalawe crtatetmsetât iiatn &tcretcwa opay ett he Mr V. l onehe a ctforma httoeoeetat lileeet b,.n Fteral IaýiagmFur 1 "' Reay Knit e eccjen hithc aeteg thelO c el r.H arrponcceestesdofteb a u .lcfuelt o ai ntev ceet tAenh te . T r 'a 75c.and 1 ee ttc Jecin ffe.Inav eeutra cli cmp io ferl nd ner te. ecee ce c c t Ier ud c re d. lucee ca d ceccccc lt. leci chteec 15 e, enietee e cec t 10 et vclletheflashad gln I ac i r.orlcel. C, e o cf m e m nl lie ctei îcet icrT i ea l. c d ce hof h ra th One at n*c osbetumles, l ee d a0 I eepte cejeceWl 16e ecigeontecrt-...et t ae h m Ite eee c cc icii ,cicle.lttelce allceî T c Depty r led o cFrdy c o re bc n oei cl ans."cy cf ic , mentgs. -tha e e mi en 0ann ceecCece,, tlcc I e l ie cc tfet 16 lcrlcnt e c eceif herse d aci ng, l ee fo i ait nty, eed h fIs i ci eecet l >.,,F. laeveb eec ,idt in stIi b a vcvRgee'efide, alerhc -th emejlte ctCairate S 46. ce e rceoceere, icl tethclecco Ib pcecofWaet cee orersbre n %ste hen. inioncgoui binstnd e mtra e il' Ni ie fL de'ad~ lne I E S O S a 1,eI isco:aoebrc cc r icc... d nc d b 31r.ic Vp ..ee, 10e o ,a veomcct a t toec th thon cfabt etccspots ic aÀe.coo eNtewiéStoock th atci mad fr.ci E.e.rccccltetSS5r1.c.c- 1the1em t1r scn ha llet tet e a e O ech. H e> Paie tye. c c r a te Mn. B.tctrlOctT>'c0cf"ic7 c n t C*IP An t Éckibo lceet le crrne, c tercte, coalae tra, e-s OvccOn/eleîcnryeî 01. e cccledte i n Gephi e; tlt arecelcccecLh e jte.eepc. .,clb ct c',ct in cp,-inurt ceer ie %oue icce.Th',ec8wmvr u e. i g Jemonst ee. leiicaeSnellccrte frc prlenteno. Me,,e.ec,,tioeCtreecr it.thet/scecllba 6e icctnntmctt£t w S teeciîe aiiec ll..i. >IIiirr1. A. . ce cf tlcc tel etio M .' t tatcectirir octccjc cazet.nne'cite mp, U I APNOiAU C E R C rrlci.u Iterlc fceb ec esti ;haeey C iech, -gthee anloteq i ee nd mï oti t. Tbce cr41 ed till cecceiereccc ch chen ycee pcccivd e oar, atai h ccct ceee eeh> lvc iit05 - - . -. - - thtDo inon. crie e n te> elr .Pcd i e a C c.-Iltw vship, C t, t. 0 '; th it-Vi oidthe P4.50 C out uel ,. t dac, rs. cc cottcpieo C*ý4 0 lnlt .esan e ac c..on stl te mat- [l agcee, sa ,ieb o r rivear , cthie Trcs irc ae f arc Mcree -*11 combine thecfestutestof au criîtaey&N43WIilteo ofeeeiins'canda cetaleleFInc coO010e bu. ccr.. , . ho ptreo: ete Tnehe Th.aots Shoeemn .re.pan c i), cio vi;c 241lu telarco t aetfc ce iS cc c »i ethi, t hugs ofahi t c .L>.andS ip p r u b b e rs lIle1 ilion -ot. ci 16 te Ianlectee o crtt e je ontcejeetat ce crac ce laegc that SUmtey.Ios F lM cc.Irtedcr eiie, icepclic tbjcgct,,, efo cnceor n clctessotien, et o heprUO vERS x- Shoes . IýI C i D egce te bo ailct, ch uGoe s o cuete en get it c l cv . ltn Iaal6-d iëlkE.Olcscnt m e t lo e nppnLtJH ice et>'ttn ctee1e it8k e pi;the m to Bctis e Pa e nCbn&0- , e lai- iiA, ot \, st. tic ri 1.4HO LIR-K & SOe 1ci limt-ecie gnat Clrcet, Tet 'acsco. ttWe nd peeclictceel oe teanis er lae nrdalc,c emancc-W .A-1 jbs 6e 'ee epne " "tali no cts1 tif h e i ng l iteecc..ote e geecRt e li>' eHoardie liee e sit C IP A tOn e oemcs kn M e itte on e P AO. rtr,,'j" - t . ' aO cce,crc, iC., ecndmae heice o rne tme B >'eS. o n ee'icone t.Theoneatq mnecctlceA D totteb 4ti. th ell. i trou cnc ieed. te leno tbcy ic ecr t e cic lthhepeoteeate5 . B cfflse th ontc E eybdysoud aeN avn Agec heofr Hcccte fore,.FleuryttlcsteeccJ. P.,gandpt c t1 n o Cce c ac Rer . R eJ. M ac.celc dc, rVcbaaMncteeell' et. AKE &SONSSr.ets-CaK e i4ieecieticcflicee. . CUcTOcec.crc.-Ln SaFrtda'ilie Timete>', "InSel et T e dyýadthelfaIITfo eTTM oth tha li'omatDirno >tore. Sgep se ai lt on ef Kqootof, :oceasio a11 aettgit lnrein t e. eùbeBot n ioi hae hn cste toe B te o wfofC6.laItasn. tiadnCo.va. Townsict fel.SacF*toer y s f net cc tet a -uMh nt, ipece nM toadre e brt twthe rypiyo Ldc'GotntSleV O Ide Deeebctr, haro'l pet'. lcaseos)..ciKen c(Bin C)erclees Stan ei , T ec.ein , dte , bB o o gît a Faocy C eîpm acs ib e Ooe(otctSlo A c'-;>. . ic l; hirc .th cc f e for te go lctce1e en n c Y lvt,'ctltufle nten(1nltardgepir dzC p m S uer. * iteISI Sigect n erCricIectctr>'. ne Ilili crce c evt'a18I8 6tenda "te cs o beh citoScfPe.Bac sEs %lccc.-h, Ec1crciTg la,ccMtc>1516 'c iattroclte g eneoef ct la eit nable tc finitcetsa b ooierOnôr ov s g o fr1 a scm iteOreKtea Nerccclcee, Mcc. J.,eforlanetecitp8o1 teec o. . W- M- t adtiot ectee t n t a eh'o k e 1 0* C als.lJ'ec Oec~etva nNcta', Dou iglas, forhe aetles J Hiepece il ntece cc c l ceeduteen i ee t ______ pethetMelen Clevcelpet'clu i ttcecen1 'ceS ff,g -owi aetke HO LN A E >S S -- teecNo,.e4.ettchekruncShuceve!te telho'c co 'cliioli'cce ornetet e >' aninudiCe afil mcndth lteeg te 8fc16e-of leterie>.AFIESORMNorAI N GRdeOs I AvusO l'y SRv. GTO1 . tee so nUetn et.tt. e tcetcc trt --olgig onl Mnstrà ulie tenetciry t e bas cc 0 ee ta cfte ce emve t th lttcfie ac mae n oftnie e ee ehlN a ce i.. e an o tltier foc Heine ti et ie miswrethorb csulio dicle cria mien b>'cy upandSauer j t;t rcfcA le , t eieg Cte Mo. 1VOudaise ieoathoe l8id>'. BruPer. . G. Wi as cf Biia teeed ces leeeefe .titt cv enlite fh tho D in.MPhoMto Bunis ee 'celceX ClientRaecne. nt te liaerete c tels aecg eav'fo r orcldeet teeret l h.ieco -feega e as lien aad->'. e Lye d hVl aeaaRasnseofti Of pAhcsl 1.c f Cce c ela .dC. y e.D .mc ooreliscOn neROP Ofe eetOakb> Mese f temOt toitiiStect16 mta ecocf the ot ec' rage Lmo m Ctrnesos 'it, o e cei teo eic et .91rp, cWty 21 t ae CbmronSt. PeiltenM cJce 'eitl rtetn t frtte ant ia cliyFMne>' 1it a T iot, 1e. M ei ea thsllareia.e 5io il S grfr$ 0 S itett il ceebt Botep e .ee "Cabe be Corn e"l eeee c ee i, Mr , v IM S o e cceCUUEIWad.T. tet lect et 6e lcel erlc etttln r m t e d gedtOf St ted emilenMCr.A.Baitpp r, c. f mg tcko iS-ctoGoere tLwctpîa Sctpl 1 ïl n r c ft e nie o h e tof E yo g t 9,Fa c . i a d S UC W t e' c o Bd sud Sif. IWt Poin B9.eaicc ti, e t ,1 a l 1 e t yc tee l icio e ccv ctr a e Pbres . Steeet>'<lchu ,Tntcnao),-Pan ol Rig Sd n Ode; Seatts Lleta aMIzmOrsr atietCuscant, , As me e c tei r afagar1cercPa ca i h o ay ithefil aur C aps atsceles E ivetalfa cutu .nlces onltmessagesscloreo tr a'I"A mi ti cilet a dtecnoh te mO erli e O 0 d y ,c m-Sle pl n hepeca N F, >ei n Varotsldlerectionsacî>' ietrng te C m a e qof , M. P. lim e>' a cfeie T i cleeveh ld o d ô Car, e ewly t'ctcenf thePet. Manutic aet e e mccnc. ~ te"'citnl v ~ elltos ein eg l c elcceciaugcou" and(lingBttose %lee e i s.etclieec. MxManuei Shcecf sintIe Se h e. aSt'c n Mlic. Âcabapeect .cvlm e AMb>'aleOcntt Y Elcce . P ie ie. t e tTeocan," cea cciet M.teeco an FyLt1U tY v ýetg Ch o.nS. F. u Oeeorh in s -rel m ndl b s ea iur Nileadrg tBa cauntuenu lto nlek rm 10 Peeeeee 'àcni. olMa Palo e 5 a mp elle nceil tion nThnsbce st tenea ta , Mc. gr cclant mi. cen, S. delHainn, eieeh lieen e ted r.latec tlow a n, eaY-n3.ainrae Sc"""Mtrb "U' c , on d" centghco SSceeie off,. Mcc u alee d er.eIQ IE , UT E - . tiiriki thteT.phlete. moparcet bwu ieowdcc seslieFINE ASso5 etNT «OFWACenI5 t e CgIL oc toditn CPci tOE GONcc N D WH IN T N. te manlme] teeclgert h e anno thé e -c. Ice teine c orf70cerainscilecewu cet . Occtheclacie Nusdinftecotry teda t atitenefretent0e ta0e liat n kvand >. c iellianttehlet e oclan h e.Itf sI dset otheai=.ele 'Ilce tcmingaS, ae_ _ _ _ _ _ _ kttieteasiuchgtteee autioneas 1 ntortunit feto Hin n es htFi rat vtpwi hoaethe 2G oodBromo or Sc; Srb r hs rlO ; C eIsP~5 Spebae Yeie. Tccma ct Sanole Bileedot dirc..G. wàfUino ee efro<loofor trSne ;~~eec al lIe pcectpt pente bdic gc. Thn atet bnc t i ms b5dy.. Eic $1a 'the.M iI pemipj> of ue sce tneqn cdmonlsta tnealoie mi D e S théaili Ale n co n ..usccu g th. vSjac I vl P a i n o ep at ten m t4 Oe o ntc l. m . sAe aeS e or S t 'c andeb,9 V.6enpm ii aise onSN w o sti z -P l o s and P o vi n ci al C arr a nt tttFoc ieali.setclet d ex cet molep te de coyth u . c atecO. m 11o «8d-UbaabrSf. So 1 ee ficco i6ceI'ctecenvcea s ace1g>'tOic b =y b laer.D . ep ritfoc teo mo n f 't ct telie IcIbIlleil etethefmaie kL uki ti5OMr g isa e ~ angcs 4ckeSi. da ton, . h t actio. lld3eann OVJ 16.8em , e S Tc r-'1V c eS. ne cra.Terpdg whoSpknnuXtoit2 lb th est 0 , r;'1cC .1e. cciinthr ant oeC , ilon e vatr"o ;,ex~ce.flu Mury e½ tcko istcasGrere a oef rcs Ocnot. ic 21Zncd. LSale tEN. nca.se ai. 10e.m bore. I bag g9 Fnenitue vhidhi large Days. ArED Shades. b. Jewullor, ce lot cf. Baskets, lIers, 15e [ON!1 ÎE WGRKS. amo pepaS 1weora 9à; SUIONS ate teore. l= 'in -'lis OVERCOATe IROTJSING' -B-&RGAIIýl Workàüg. Pants. WODEFLAfGD Sundlay Go-to-meetin' Panti Atnisbingly' Low Pricos -,Boys' Knickerbocker Suits. NEÂTILY è%00 NEW BOA] Going Lively at 25c. to, 30c. each. A: Whôle Suit of Ribbed M\-eu's Udetdotbingi or 5e A Whole Suit ofXfn's Ribb'd Al1-woôl Underclothin8 B th eH tceecla. Chesp. di Lbdsa W E AVE PURCASED THE STOCK 01 Goode and Carpets of Spriggins & Co., Queei west, Toronto, a portion.of whieh bas been removi and is being offoted at SPECLA.LLY LOW: FRIC] Feeleey D0ee edOe411 ide. 4Oie.. wceeh 6c. &Il.eeeôl check tice.GSdsd2. 2 Ceetjo bleene, 6p e. b , b. CIildree'. Wee lmc, Sic., 'ce BI.e6d Cee1làcel. 10a., eeeth 15e. Lidie.' WeelHi.,. ?Oc., cortO mey I l1 o., w rc' thle. 1 Ledieu' Wel Vet. 60c., 7be..ý auyShietFe l'oceI,iic. .eth 50,. Lde'.Ceeibjeieon Seat.a,IN Tu, m 0. 'li 0. WceI Yeeer, 40c. pereIl. aec lc. 10e., ceOt20. Men. Wool SObje,. 50c.. 'cccli Ci-b.ceee.7ie,'crt38c. .Me' Tp Qhirt 00.'coetbl 6/ Check AMI. ~Droits Gouda, WC., Teco .peeecl driv. es nCecpel& 'ceetbsi. Tpety cpe.li. 'cli F Aicce Clotb O25c.. cetbO45c. 8120and 81.25, Millinery and Dreoonsaking at inodesate price rMKayBroth. 46 ANID 48 K1116 TRfET IEAST, IANLTISS. n~ a-K~KAe.Y & flO'S. WAT AICIU SI $7500600 UNDER' entfre stlotek by AV( PRfflOVQ NO, "W., È ci -c 111 'c 1{ e! "j L 'i. t, c~c.c ~L4cc~ ~ .. - i c