Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1888, p. 2

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otè'uligsfcr*tbéiéý'wn latiînse frht and aksbpý'tbe *iitt abclït éSdle icoules baudy or emtalc e- a 0posc do .. .Tht **tris t il; soasec a bttai ilustatsdt a the say iccaey dty. Tho d orilise ays hSa f siars ofleticsimpasiios siihentsa- laiisg. Wh auoboad ot? 'cen a gotO thliwiskyont of tieacornaha is piiahck hlà aoooy.. The Gavri- otun hchfasoes hl* iathit aw iasd goS bis ssupporc wiih sililing iecs!sàiiiy. a Os qsofili geoa*se t shoota. loiw a le thoesrinertreted 2 Hs.hystbs loh ascti.expoertceas cWhou a eooglia nd poîkoSa 'chai hsbas litini file transaction, bt. e3t naa.robsad dae doty-lida altihooghisaosea bas -bosco used os peodociac n au tiolss cI pilasé sssscity, whiis h Sa distilici- aslghtra hal cooveîtteiasflcgrana wich ho booshtinitoauaratices,'cocos hfilin os-c saiad. Tincs larii i. n iadlast cosadered la egisatios: tics oihsigoes 7foi tksfac.tion shielo 'cii dothIkosst Sa mairehs ibasilincs -hulesand hingi largo istaros foi bs ivstaet. TSiea distilea; keoceis, and mot maso.1 atios ; the faresehuas, asu alo sa - coidiiy.-TuoosNewis. Pollirs la Cardivel. Ths poitiesi situation la Caridacol ais seryquiet, butbcacitcthecalas,sasooiht soirbaestheoissomioiohciciocebaiiitio z Tics atistorippis 1 of"«clement 'casf cnted b h t ineor tuaI Dooolsey,1 scLient'sat.Govorasi of ticsNoth. l oi, won, ci i aiccoiasmet s !ciis.c tsi f el isIsteior, roa ii.Caioeolii 'ce do soi thicinihat tihs Coscreative patv 'iii ndoro, licooves if Sir Jolas il etilacsilfamous Iti, cciii ho Ps Seied withva as meulafavoi a3thol .gilsona o. ticie lato laasated nm * i. .No, thcopeopiosaecioloriciel ta bossecaolo oaom lcaaciaEearia Witic Do*daoy, Stobbqc, Mooos Evans inVieticsd Sd acici piobosise Cibiacttiuo loyoty.ftico peopesoaooi have nooisitoiiaowioiela sas iosselect.i Bot ohatstlics ofa lkiog? Occs s tlics foui bas boss choso, sond icosid ba.thé sly Coocoîvatios ca6clidats lac filielsd allie omsiation day. Tos,1 Dowdeyliesd boter icoop awsy,ifor osatitlielsagiost Icisaste otosn popcimisttsuaoogifaiictics Word) fi ii'aosds.to.daoy,acciStcckksssclMaciiac .icod botter otoy t homo. illi their ici-, ics clr ioquiicd. Hiaselea by Lghioing. Tics roosidef >r. irais GpIraiti, ci 'cailoctos. wuciatosciaby ftice cutcu bsot 12.805onccc liay nightcin coligitoicg pascsd docco cia ciccasos>, licois. oit ths mnl ci tics licouseousocstiog Sfic S tise arpt. Tlics tasitie wàdta7at tlthtiase,aad fil cones ea àcapodil>' satiscoished. Ou llcioiocorreisspondecct filin. 4i in~b u hefliowisg paicuaas; One othe ast terrifie stsonsthati o 'cl n eai Elgin passcd osai al accu-latiglici hoiccoon]085 tnl2 'cloud. For foiiy euec]lcurîftics hLesceos seo os sfinle, ftic s olico ofiftics lifiitig iaicisg objcandis tiuctiy vliieonaftics coulic. coiils flice tiacýdei oasppaiiig. Occi lst rasideacalire ucaciacousisdeclarcg that tiicsy aee iaocoosd flc iiic Icoicî. Ans acrelii ftic stoecc ir. Aiic. Galbraith, citichis vinlgo, in AitSeaiiy hoosciosa, cclic itsiig iasoiag daoihediailleSacsridocce. Tho bit on. sctriasg thic iaiasay iddIlod thesîsol andol iiste isîaiiiatsîcoacud aienaadsta flcaogeosacifieur, soiiig lesatfics carpt hltic.,parler, splitsi. .icgieflurstoaifrsiagmencts,and passing ottois the oldo aiaic ompioSaiy oaci - o tiecoasîs pator tics buildisg. Tlics iaamaÉiteoiaaciouaoipesoaped unc. Jujcaedc. Tics< sosi uotaiols tlosgh Ilcihihthe pipe decoododocas soopicd * ocililest tigic by.-fiands feoma dialcoacosWhc os ititiaaglii.Gi Sasail. acd 'cio foeiuatoiylicod lact ococatoc.i . Theiaonaiabituatsof tics gsotUis-i oteiooos codagîaio; bt icriocacntel>' ticai>' ielia itiasgishod tlali damos-si homasTiesc. TrhoTurosis PresLtiryc. Iia tic hesnce otcli e. A. Oiecy. Molter. lapicle coco asoccacîisal ca Itq. J. M: Campoin. Thcilof she coaisgctiiaoci liocictreot Ciasîci Os SiacciY. 'caloco a! eorCccboaacacal Liacsla oes concccicleed. itoias. thi cal, coiccll an oascposd :iay mohes. sf iho OGeoegtonichcl. .oooM. 'alaehepitd. Thco indutio , illfalu pacedsauoifli prisoah, tsv. 1D. OciLaon addîeoo thc c.csgeegatioo. ILo. .Ailexnder o. ,oîisd fcaciabl>' of tiec mii o rc. Wiljsrtn J. H. Mlco hby OosoooClci, Coiqociag.flac sipcod is$50. Tics Ilcadociop ts tubs paceon 0Asu. 23. 'SstuprissFÉvei Caada. Thoa Ne oTsk apsiticgWodi ofpaaaac IMr. Mscdriiso PcWeopc: à -%e "ic. lis altocea cmoiliedio o 8-tl es ssaissimoct. Tico .rneisatwoensatolPW c l cc 'ifl à ieBaa1 hc is cnx. onied the bet .year.ohi' ananeelasi galsacca oraca isco aîîs. HsSost tac, case socS hotte psy cosSa. Oticoýr tusactica, aI c nuaci'aure aresiaported aais in bul as-Sh asnss l asdstir aumi ic sscdl not hc amentionsel. --- Crassdcag Mie Toias. Pas i Oso i. - 'ce ac dold usai ai lts diacrgivea Sa tSi. Jobs olluos ut Patis>'y oct long oincc.sovcuai ci the upeakers sdvised thiss bisusers dso«ticistetahiecoutry sodonot cîoacdlito: the iOca5. The ado-tso ov'as gcsd sndiscata>, b icot hs moreseffectiif il tiistrtts& hc gcentlemen 'cio gava Id. Tisa>' coeai. cficias in coatortahisr positions. Thia is acocli>' tics dciect ci ccc acvice. It isas losys fri..tua puipif cdown, dcogs1 telliyo anud not *sIOdo.. -Tho givic1 ai aorc advice betrayu sn socasyscos- scicoanos, on ticspardtlcsh toacoamen thit the toadocyof yi ooog mss ta louve tecisc aimterapidi>' davelopiat c social. pcchliofcIgraico sucisa puaimasal>' Sa- tticsSaas, siimatel>'th theawie coasassit>'. 0cr citios sic grsaciag amaoiai'y ohiist cuis rois dlistricts -.ashowebut lucha isnereasesf ppltien. Yod thescosditiocns cfliba s dico .ýcountry', ecptisc SatethesWcil. do-do, ais mois favouabls chaulibth chies. Oiotiacpsofiiigapacc j cuiscacakpo ctic roa loodichtisi Ticoyose dator ejovingdthe lxuies ofIlle,sandiccpc spso iss ec ute ti ociathey codsin dthesassedircons ilcoesîeves. Ye od cscmasp fomt, soi colat ftaIc 50551quenceu tilore sadaila apootias pouofet ocies~. Scisiddb>' O Worihis (jCheck. -MoCocTnat, Acg. 5.-,Asotilerialhuit) cocnfidsnce game aBs ia>od eutchas Windsor IMotel, ]mt isvcclcg . -A. Mr. i)oehaas from.. Oisitas ,«N.,cace ste dis Iindec sud wossmet iasoneof dica pamcagesonootSas irat« dcci cy tcacoit. doîsoc yocag -ocon isc moafCgd dc got ints conversation ithiduihlm.Bp tissocu>, said 0ue af thomas raa 'cbilo,,tdolits -friand, acicivo pos suy moscon ysu s? Tics batiarcueciasoil ssaadlmsthav cahtisoveiiog." TuiolCuber puiledci;ha toc hbills ho: net enoughaisois taricsd. -ThecNova Ssshiac Oieisspoi- psiled out a large ssi ill fd uscioid ihs csshdlieip hie aut. aria confidsncs mon oSceeadin a. claecchcr $700 acS asked Distea..td coahIL. whiic, uicacsvr,.Oho Ioteri 'cm Doct oillico do do. Ho amd :c 1'11gica yenca a usdred or so tilt da-scorîsu- caorigand I'11 bcp pourcheksor a soooitY."Hosgve, ira $12in mgosi "casha and pstthdie chec o it as Asio arcausingted ascoWton,osmicscou- fiecemsa huditcai.drodced hics. sohf, cocu moosuog. As cisc laterdis osttuesop thsoiomougluaisamntr tooahanis hrs acS offoicci thcecheck bct focaccithot it oas coîuhoons. Bnc Io10 rial ialk. Socas o.plin cthatico ey ciaent drinks mihlo aithoot hsieg -diaehmass hvýid." Tliaemorccommoaicumenclaj iislat well brneoiedue ttofoct tiaatîcpio drinks it -Sa quccmiay. Ia glose ai it is salssvrd licastiliiotes lotodico stsacbnssithon forecis nan soideurdicdiucass, diffictloiigoaiiss. t>' là silprhil, sud hceinuas set oai stu are ocopied ic driolisg it, lices.o rsaching theooisoh, id in sediaiitud, dhai aicco coaeiado, asic must lac ui> tisa gasiric juico, 'cls digeotisonia goingoeisaof heicc-itonelard, cnscecliitassou, pcn tdicotsiie cf 1lolcio ci>thicodigostiveafluide cas sot, i s maoeiodlas fsr.. of a spooge. soi inacnt]oout-of iuie endis oeliathe castelc jaîoco a la>' tacol>' oodpe-fians foactio.*. - fhs Peslirat, or 1EàhViPllaùr -At cisc Oroucicviiis 'picobyery as Tuesda> the citltesux Ershse Churcic Toisais, te>ides. 'c. A. Miautercic Oraacgevilhs dais. siined.The 1Oiacagoviils ogicgatim madsa stooni 1 peut against bis r«osaL.Ms, juoSai 'cas a scoccaiu paster foui yearo in Paohdahc acS basjast enSarse r ii Cila par at Giassovilis. *Mswz f, oic msdsiaat at Toronto U.sivsieàit 1870, csmloais ci KnoxaCoôngaso the Union Semasy, Nework.*.c .A .NMeslleicshippid.'-- -On W'ceos dey aiteroism 'r*eowi a wpzthoot ou a staorgrntclit dsctriaas 'f ticsiight of',thec cisgySae'effort Saacttc c ath~ts . . . ~ c 1 idis apon ticsa mbof thb.Il ctint ruotac s nis ona.Tu- .c tia'01 togi. Wb.ue'tehié. iac ass at.is...cis a aiI.. , .. c . .c g fr'so5nt Onimsssoueuiwsuoi I a 's ad sots .rSaiOp. hvin taathernstt snaldSgtctsgtdhocs ii.ascccsposition they bucasassms a o,.n-'cistled Staasbsci :Sas acccksd ca.. tabe, soSncsitic thet> a atei ail ticai hslip sus comoJaa td eh sdi h ea ofhetch chi. . aismcIsis. co . rnnitcg ýAi atheaSacisopnionwaean'. arsloss iogischgxtiadistTbac hsld. Coiicag cisasoscmrSais wos ai otos, s tes obtas d asi nThom"ti asos ivccSimoncOf aIisa aacav c a, L tesaer'joaspsd iaSa-ciccitci aod ' The Di nooîwodibostobso acayicysto55 mi scslod'ila gciig Mi. BNaniccîpa aot n hi.. hro. Tics>d ', iSct:mbsda aaa . oi.Mies aoabo.y c cientsshias.ass tics-manna cmassandsd absatgat Pioneland prestace-di gSit au nicdpendsatsosgesgationlikioemd dcriog acS a tsh accidmlt, a Siasocewaitiot aicceicactnol>' . 1and sppcd liasc .stticd tison beraà y ahat ieilidôiog 1 fther -,bt wosoncanisu otsboa 0 - Ouirascic.os theccoMotbsdtste cf Si.... and theo tainaoOr siiad coc e ae ag mtéeale,aDow, wiciiltas asmon ato. .eîa . Sa Sadveis soro Ci'. Ca t. Irvntrss'igéâ af Ihyitbycoal o iad oMr. Colicg, 'csil a? hcaloieiigfoi ticiraeDkg I the ics;sotmot lok for bsip iaid o m..j_Sar-astatcoi. isco.s14arnmc.as c tio..osiccs. Tic s>' itako tice laci ; -. forceil nsesoaary,ad thcotata scch - .- Spionda slptep a = oqiisto te akotiei Tacwoosi lal; Balack. aSc a. ehh____0of___________ Blaokopon* lak sien I 1, ristcs Pist atotaecafaies. Aculer.tocissiisclm.thSthcssty Bac a On tise oeband Colicog, hackcd by. cai ndiotiivedtics PoliHccýagstote * told, jot tîciirtymebascaiosolhcri i. lin rgardtsine'tomsuoases tisas cidis Dreâs Goôdforl0, 15& 20o ;worthdoilbl ethensoney. a ai congrégation; tcc coosiiasdcosstel.hoiag iîcuisted s hatboti,and choofi SplonalidlMuslis fr6.'ss xti10 cbutionnsfwi ci hi ht>' Sathcsusp port cibich ieialsislsitutio. tm ie~-fr5; 'ottlo au ob tice minsotr>' asooaitel, iciosl>, tohoeasaid ihaiboha sSaoluassoisevi- A finelUnoeCfr 15à., originelprices 800. LI coacti>'85 cmate Por wssk. Additioaol cais hloogicsg hi John, Ts..pisr ob .iboctifel Ribbons for 5e. per yard. if a theos ho bas ciood sOP bionds sPd Acamteoicucaciip, acS ho 'catedas etecdFocrse rodnr >e adhéns, acis coreoocisc. s-ho %vets man.investigation. -Ifs ibocgit, toc, cI Millhîner.Y, atendFo rs texrrci. 1bors ci no cooiieatoio-sithsieoPIebriacita a clvii action aganost tleas Io'c pricos. c %vasecisos tues hla>'foi acythiog shaort potsa cise bacS st«ilsd asd fcoasdd Parasol-a malgnificont lino from 25c. ep. a s oilagorsa lgospcl tent," ianocent tus e port. -Sisco chon aotbiog cic It luatisuot of tics aslsm oa5oiffoi. cad of t a sov muti.ysioîdoy, vchoc ear iagielg ntyùneGotn raids.fCt etBFt 3ascosesace acl iinc Sa allaom. Couty Cnstable- Phillppo wuasgloa .W r iagcoic edvnae itic esdos !Cc.Gan io 6 csivmctis Cslisg foi thecsask of hut s arrtsosib>' ProincialeiConstable Mo- Mimp, Union, ll-cissi, TopseatiY, 1Ilîcascîl, Ficosi Giciotas, Mtte; iotaia yoho-icshy loe,. sroc. GOthesalio ihc Ž'irroe theainesi .bOflibussh'I 'dico céasrgoot naad-choatsp ol toersfisrca tei tlics pohlio a bandais saited and isdignantipeople, muat aha i io castEdy ibis moon. 01Car Milloos>', Dress.saisg anad Orisrd Ciolhing Dspartmeat areisnSos a iagiiiosfor waaess odoohtedl;athOir lac for trii. -Mi. Tompior. Saé ions. pris anad qoaitv. la rilt. . MincuidifférecesosPt -tue *05ptiast,wu% Déissnt and Constable To thsfsrmsos, we oco big;l og cus oocl sou-oshail give yon.tho bis- aide, chesofficialu, the ossosisss, tiso lbciui shcd teoicveohe rué. dseIactoao arcg -actnl cicld adhérenots ot 'cic attciao montit ugo, thea otil Fiiday. Mi.. Patton acitinag-foi.._ c t icîgesi, tho veotidisit, theorecul as- larteo, ,object-i, -ythat tdb 9 diii cocgigoionit in ts'cO. cis pioor coaccmscSdiu GedG. OlSa Ju sd, 188.a ain o u lsaseail the position taiso h p osbis dsiiy licou te acppclaai aCllScinosdraliertico position ioto accd leucciolidrofis;ConsatucisMcN-at r. whiicia hoclias bhtin f.cced b>' omîisi theisopocsagiecd 'ta icucs'the cdc 0 tho. s id ricit, la id *mot, hat tics îmdy foiSa...ciuoci. Ciaorinl ao mosn wlcoihavs teild foryenvot,'chhargedcvith toaiacga oivesicrotl 1. bavestopnt tisumonc o>' a ashe sstand, cake hbaske. botorî ihai. baies c Mtiodto isthuecisin Simasocit it forint sud s;ooà.Ticc thuago veto I_ issoodi> 'c. saboihotacompsnid tuaso. tiso tisas mM. Toapars iboseoci. a mit o the dioation cf priosts. shah hbs.Sag thseiighi oftAcagact BSu,187. :Thé c occd ont of tbiî 5cm piopori>' Sa noxd soenn f thoas oas sladio cebao inke telois. forcrciuks, lcntics,bkioms hbaskst cian fcnta in a noighiorý'chfooo. c snd riM.ioff i . . . Aa lavostiictios îsccsiacddthefatitt t 'cocoseau elithetac aioftihschsoc, idbha ongivca. tics acigliaho asa h ihat thietecausiset iiglico.asos cocih acddiag pioseot. The gvriob tiche.c ýmshinaa sgond, bonnet ght for. . jaccodsaci ins had haugiaitihc asicc -11.,gtr etR ,(0 c To.,iglicith ics' ciihave os oppos- fera. mi. taisoc, onccstisoecarge.c. n c dsiip te show waa tho>' aie mads of. Mr. Claiko c amaistlst tics chargeoOf. ct Ocor socS ovsr agaia thsyihaoadeaharsdcs.hbrsabsg anad liaiey pieberea a; that hap oiIsot isoogoico l:oiug 'oas ainsot i..ao asbrcgict b>' Tcmpiar a thi epalSi.Tlico>hae b as-s cOlosair beacavi ditsehlter card tianiho(Cla. .I~!TAP i Theics>ayiglimeeting pîosideci ovei sou)saico eicedca soe hlm oc damageos 'W 3 T R GAaI±Jt. er hy one f cidccsasics. To tiimeeting,:-foi lasdcr-ims i iorcofoîs, Coilicilbas cot coma. o. a 1 -Ta~ cllas snssneced, iooe, dicta; icaigliat A Itesotion la itsvr af Acceccia.' t- ieoiiiihso- ancd, aod thai lieoili - 1- teico chargc ci theo meeting. socS thot in W'asoacascun, Aog. .-O, dise Sonate i sohool,acialhobs edidnluthe cicsîch, o'ig jontcssotics, Iona ca tîro aO hucdy ot frJnc th CailjW k wihot biscosenot. Ifcuis peopes otesaCommitteso Ecreignlheladiocn; ; coîrot.asyalQitelnu t.1al.m shasid acd aliowu ii.. S pa ch te- aoic.ht th pti.tt eeqomtýintisaof, nc ioaremue hérasa nom. &aîo'ciuooasto.enlie£ night, bis bhatiela wo'ce. Ift y wshcd e penneotiai uith itsa O,*emà .-thon ii r massur. 'cih foccc Tuacrs io .Tic s dchit as.-M Sa oqosriehi., thcorasisbubonce thisisc ,oter hi ritafeic'ies.tdY (lic lc ptican theis toutsi coslaercesccaacd aI Ma, Cmpbell, dasahei aI h.e ta dca maccolai chisiinit> must pct theDominiosnofOCnada' ncd itt-ctiianhse'csSrua motios te likls> tu.. eassai5s-otai..Tic,-retluiImat it li.. iotte set. Thora la o no pcao icaiubivisio s rcl.iciiabuh rris- mpsalefrthc atilSa rO hetevrnetsiou clos ,'nw e.gva i implei ccp. - ,ctod) i aci it. ttics "Ptisoefcs arica lager 1 01 ellsoaicsccc Osýbcash.s oct a$oitr h iMacacl, Jaoo IdC lsgipî.cidffce.eio ow.coosiber Mjdete tlti aicmdBans>'y, c Fciin iongi inn. ciccciihcasedl5asic co Sa.daay ht ilitofIreligon - CotammttancithtetUnited States. ml aîscsa macsPcuIntsheastdicosàin habig. en f5Ndytgh u- Saiorsocstiaatfooîcsc ~~~~j osp~~ccdHpSa h. e faignactac of trme 1887,ia agondalisc.O a gdc Ûhhg~aslFsogct-b doléiasceithac;afedracsîonîîcaagticcacarsisit as d aitcsoi picldsuPrnotueiay ut os ocmorsd ccc ch. OGirad frunhoinclwap late ire of S..itdiceid aod aîcpiidtice'fo iuii an t o.bla, n ailcoypr f.tePoic-tebycrpa oiîýbow ntis.scsa uits .i. c o cdc. u~Docs iirs, sud theias terlo in. mss Nsclcri & Nsthws.Sa iOivo..am ads iihsroiic.. sî cu aci>'imodl, ocetol nyo osat.vmai Dmoatiqu e lSmoct caas1>'coine p tc thes Cacitosasnaa icsSs.Qic6sbi 0 h ieain fteday dhud praventspasiic r olalà orethcI ucbiisiaoaaverae, osulo front saOms ParSa Oet oosse.ad-.,sa-i cht ruocc i . .iMo~ i dito..flin.. thesaneexstissat as>'ofiCanadasncd ttheUnited Sats..aobict Musosia hsiporocaisaiaaS sr'arec -gd.-eusstcma i- iihraliim inotiei astoes,. Tics>'te thtapracsclhtpulecf th icsacs rossate.,«Tohosailovor, tho cropo 5.5 5Vwu d.lay5d a060', a 1 ifciap o it cocid.bc as ssposmas os es. 'caa. seoCoodasor . Ith pupeofaaylaacbiSichs m p btotta sto itthýa.sneio-oit gi c~~~~~~~ IsoeaootSbottbdter'viasr ooiutod thas. ams-eaut akao endoîssstri e enua555cg01.dns. ,t nocentoeiaifr acgor, sahn bt iaoodîdi .o-hmsacvie..m erm~at iLatemnil asis teas1h iidi teaitlah.rangemenot, d the st. . cuis eminshave vastlii..prov- Mr.. Bolie,. eticdac'.uri putrta rtf hi miin mifcsaooh. Cs5is.. 55>' puoiih ss ticoacas' raiest t1 oih nat ailupâolat i 9 itic:.cs M[ A'amss. prosinroacogrS on tasmiosi eis 't omc sfdange.îsi. for fr~cuiisj ,oica .1c noslasot s IaC l'ei -niad iaaacal th thsact stysttp.aaaccd thaeer descriptica ons. sd Smm. ýMSîooaatsst,,d - If A NcvYodmepsteh sape: Mathoetheoocicsaics of h. Uctci Sc,.,sciof ctarin, choie suoaaprouaichioht>' c.Mr. Bidi. b. occssdsd thtpu ni: g e d21,pdilé, scnascplsyr in the uoiatioaatacnpembrcasaolrhti aPpl spsc mstla si to ci hiasfontas. ci.-B ofh ai Msr.LTi. aiis stabls at Pot Ricchmond, S. Malso compooaci caliacsas laitilia lnt ti. Orimshyeo Bathetssciisi.tadh.scucst ltt.ion cI., nosw lics in thes Laag Isad Collacccit.cd acceamry, 1r tic', lt,.,Pasf. a nsad soins a iglibat icsah. uissstot 305CO. a ta.>' as . o spital soffriiag fc iiri siss cppccirto, seuoiti anod geccarsat.iur i othr 0ue a osie sttsci laremacpt. - ' ... ctit -lie- a lnds¼adShd-s.l may prvo fatl. C-0.8phselobk bcs lir th. Bs "inn 'ho'sriisc t'sr ta,ly n a' the.--T mda sc o a.tisl ycntre f Staisrtetntb Sesaýi hoi iaout dciasayatrukOe ch ;Sae E ascsSpos. -NcaclisaImcccmobilier.' Hieboao>cNd paSastocsscooc.dch, bétal csp cint cuis Sacer. cr ort te' asth -. oislisroehmetb tet iseuir csas Mi.Msalsmo sai: Os oîsiuostorotisas aacovatvsscseicsa. scts-pactactuittibal I Sa s r ing ti stmdisdTopiosmcaino qmaa .Tem.lte. a indeso .Sa tis oftac .oui.yhn.a Cuiààhso ia 0 ien. pietal ff'hSahaa tieitdI , s6 A TM oN chni i 'cclAsca usay cpoli, bo te auistIphreu scaetfosd ta iiàcaqèfOO0 t )f ccooeds a isois$aicoctsaiettham cosai the - îssqcia>ucddr cnbddat tmata i.h.pectrtssaî. 19otcoaassmanaon iaocd iolc e tsA sgct eadalcainàa'cÙM. ed*.;adaho d. s0tiooO hshiscy-eos. ion.."h,.. r. ait riosn tasthectop . of tesbsi la IcocelMr.. f cusa iaturéécefer&me,,Os o M i Wss, cf L-ms-n., th.dant cis.cslccimiàuy, aaictyt Or Wharmn oemsJuabis n asi. .icithons alastiestionap bicoa the.a Cpoi dns c ebth, raho ll c. issl>'cincbd Sgcaar in ls iadobac ac dos o.Mitsr,'d bsngttlsa «- 5gcaOdsc- P uayietaofshdncCÏ a COna"n.yAiais a op of the. ral ,cO110 atabau a s ai and T Se--&BcdatSain Ou hé CisOt e reslncùcmhciclaMr gc liJo. ra' mai taEosî s t hier ~m~ad eethps LavlyStri Pad i ks fil2,5c Sréi&easyofBak ýtMervelleurat Exainethoe $ Fenoh Boned Dreaés «odo, ma~,de.end on gettngreat bargains autbrO,È, issoluition of Pa'rtnersh-ip. equantitias of gooda we want to'eonvert into i speia'aid.eitaordinaàry éfforts to acconsplish. t shallqooeyen a few speefal lineia, for exemple1 id Colored Silks for 25c., worth 50c. Slks for 50c.1 worth $1.00. Mêd CJO'Satin Morvelea ux 50 and 75o.,.worth e Fa~oyCotton for 3e.:per yard. Fhoeckedl Shirting for 6e.; worth 10P. Sçersuceos8c. par yard up. , : Beautiful feo 't coloÏed Prints and, Gingehai *. worth 12J and 15c. Cottoia:des iud Tweeds,-at oxtraordinary 1 BeautifciluTwéedsaet 25c. per-yard.. Ftiriaisbin$qs-.i magoiiceai stock.:}fais for 25. woith Si nd ulWlidow flindo lan large variety and cory 10w pricis y ezcclieitý'. ndîion, very basy ccd tarnioi ilàsoif gbeat price, i cash or trade, for aoy quaniy o! alna, asrchi WM. iMcLEOD &c pps lock) HA3MLTN, >DTJRING AUGUST. The Dudfn e aue, i. .scruili1g the O .i.aiolth. hy iawýto abolich ta Il son Wencwo i cd,, ,poitsito ao che ooaîi. g.oos itsve asaioipuiaias of Aaacsr, llerly, ais- 0fes.. iacps bcobaad eialoar oppoaatl i re . Tb- î.ùgm-hcc g, madbein four muncipaligimcenBaros n. So a iîao. Don. Fial.hIe -làaa lieu, 1.t du iiid.W.adiiarc in lafavor aofi.fret, caca aauscwph ashe acacS l. pcs-id bluctaveling S aot. h.t.fa. Uilnsuiaad Docesar.î.amuet h .WsU..bhtd saottiiu hat paid- hy th. och,î aislx. fo i550an. a. ..dhluaa la.. am hese.cetr ao. reater. Itls-UwWorc v.. n. 5acie coucedor« pnahontatha h an eidssc, fou scc.ai cI th, rl ale h otlribchiandacalu.ocicc. Saaaeia che *T.s.caS«.u 1 ot.caT.àlci.dr.cd-ia.ylieca. uoac- .- flv4Sao..cac .ahaa. ai iahi aîait ida. h It ..cnis itc it Is sial..ci &Hci t ad ton M. .t. QSods, c'.hDress G ,tlowest ca, apr than evei NManager t egnig on niuing îthrough1 Mon.th, NDSA-l De vigoÂOuslY puJ apartial list iyisdonJg for SWLL SEL .ceach. A. Ian'coPintdc .h' 7c d IioiDa c(c 2aL....... 25C. la.HOY -Il os .....cO. itOi * K Piiolos 'u isos $1 Nový 5ôHos coWooacoa Lcigrg ,Otscfr .a. iceoos. iblîonyGsibcaic Lss lco.oufc Sac eSots Capil ai' «]lBouncîaually busy a la , than in former yeeî lomier'~a look out for got ~ll~rfuaeildcring thi Ifrý godgooda. 1 WAY'S1 - ýest mako of Stores * 040 thoia and jîîdgo fo: bât Oit Stoves-Juat i~otsIt 'l psy yo por;wood for tihe col gand a] ~~5ffgajooîsod chaia ýLrana IlJ5 taio . o d e 9o tc8 a- !antde s uca 1., pir ol tIns 5 - oa1~ ~ii

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