telligence, 1o. Lfree i£ h chb h remedy. Price 50 lx %Cllom. cEON, plain and fa Papeir-hiangmng and ceil Ob specialty. 40, 9, RUTHvE.N, of the ALi thie Bank of Hamnilt-o, paid yisit in the beigiumang of ferlsernon of the Late 3 Cbisholm--God wnn-eprea Andrews Church on S.uday ». àeea and Liver Complint 5 Itn ver flsocr.boil' y J. raSs.nthe- il.h bae sort timne ag iasimia ered othe .lutcayu on Tuebday. Sctator syes that M r. W. ,!Burigto., has leased à 175à it into a l, ler skatg r, shud as the lrg t"ck wfII aMd rubber coats, cheap at TJe -JOO WaLLacE, propneIt.r ofi Hosis abscut aLeen I, ogh the Wet.sta Stateaudeye part of last w at St. L II SavAs.,ýs.-- A lnuIlr of aMl ismservanots arr-Al t I.e m 0e Jring the past we, - n hars obtained staa soh for engagemenýts. sshould nee the fine oe f Cm at%. ith 2 c-Jr-1 ie this s.aon a- .1'l re' re -b, as a 1ha1r-brd HW, i, lold j athat gives tifty n Mr. BOA ivtsayp n a àvist. -;ld,àbuilding opp"lit" th: àformserly occal , 1 - n àhasee, rntdWy. e iAru *ibeing repia redan-i itte.f, tMold building on MniIi. 6 e egespied by Jsp uu W beenmvdawy m Di"heswill build . bII k1 wilthus be utilized alt last iea willaave 25c. by 1 nying, .&Mlern ufla. ties, Udsc sehrlla, rulbber ila t a snuli', cor. King and J -, 1 liuMasATrr's CoVrnI T ..Wbefore Geo". Sl.uthI.E sa»My, charged i th un,ý àlm$geninlg lanlgUage to WahliII nt seknowledigtd the euri a a W% ,which aone Teensure aiftina raisies, buy your '11,a 11 I &eIlsfrom J. H. A " -vieiltetock of Gaon Term' ad Carrot >'ee - - l'=.leical h.1a lt, II.m m Es. Ma. M I,, Il w! y1o #1:tsville, andI n iw b Ib- t,- : th P so4era.Cu rh t ' A: tN WY.T,, I.,with hfa : . h beiegd by Riel form at tp- .D imm is ocu IIadu sa: lkhouse. $[ana's au: :o ea.-o e-sefWrcal 1 . eoe - sangJ. H M , :m. gaUt i Lsh 'R- :E -1. : t 1. a a bo" urglar>. "*el, selected vi1; : beigrower.,. a Hary Watji ceàapest placei,. t W%ellru:f, tie, àiellasrubber Il ar.KbtinadJ MrrN a. so emed.hi, by :laagrs tiIn a l ould ot eR thM.J ite examt Imi e owi i e ami tin Oa thm2" get a Wr s , Il 1 !h gagosAt10..imr1 M. Tl lo c0lvantrd I,,i - tfof aiit HE CANADIAl »t PN. TunA, TuR FerraMM s KTu Watua -îE ,, .". r MILTON, APRIL 1, V.885 . D. E& has liband asunth. laa.. W TAl .1.Th hefllwhga hlaenaeegr rIlý 1 IE ý_ - 0fnewig :Omeadieraans" MajorB Uonn'oerps of ibg the prospieltir â rwthBsi--e -.... . i,."-'F ;ý . ý . 1ý A"TENPERANCE"- THUNDERBoLT. Ofn smry dpslïa. i «'EpuGen e $W. LT e oA àspas -TheAl,6- i.ý.,' 14 A 1 Va i~~enwrewarned, shortly after the &p. 116 ing st.,Wes,'Torot. nisnow M900 ist gand able tuo W y: ,. .. -.1. . .... .,, _ Aertas - u rýApril 8th, M& emye, go the CUmma=o- in chiefth6-iks,» on S W"ý .. . ., .-,. pere ofurecent article exposng the B .L.B..a:wthayfoc herblshv. The cbe t b ....a. tI ýý I, ~~untruthfniness of certain statements made Dra Srn,-1 have aladè an anayi of-T-amurrowatrtwill i o a n 0 mitt 11I na dqm09. , , nel 1by Police Magistrate Young in a prohibition the musple f=wikeyresied froin YoutBtehe's crotting.Wo ,,,,.wer ".e'sfres t dbta ang.eml--- 0 f speech t st. Thom.a.,that Chat virarions and and as flosnoehndrtd Parts by are saidito be mamped on both aMm ciof the rhnquest% -%i-11%ob.% 1 % 1 ( %%-.. 1 - idviduel was on the warpath, vowing our w iga : o , the river. They "oprime,aordn to m e lstand r syth car has within. . . 1 annihilt on o wing, laswe did, that - A ts, n hun-has the castigation wu hadlmmatered to hien Mol e i rim ai; e beerdohf ofenr wl ,J1e'Thý ha.e. el= &and adknwn1as sk, 007 ;that they ar eiel-ar ave artil- that no deltya ceur, t o and I w ii Adcnerigbnaw th at ; B.4 ý e~thaitl liwe hadsid onterihmbl was j or0w ery, while cthaes affErm that shot- tu Measlures be takitenfor te.efnc o BThis l'ya ,ue, puded no troubleourselve Th . • orm their principal armamnent, &. Khanuatan. .LINDSAY offers for stout gris land roming boys, a lot of goods boug t a about the matter, but with casy consieunc e acd dntpr hsei ssih that they have no artillery at all. A War. repraions continue with *n-ai waite-Ifor dlsa -met,and on Thursday iran. lime, ec.sch indaysprobably Friday, wMllteIllthe easing a d etr ormebave . Th L, t the lirst idhot was fired into our «amp oassem, but these siould not he injuria"us Thepo tqurisofhecams Gladstone in the Commons this affer- it l.shape of the fullowing letter and " -wa heamo.n tof lat. ateken.are .ven mi roa't"enonstated that wore hadl been reeived1. .. ilRrm ,- ch we recivedthrough the gon. 1Ildonotnd ayi-.(,u. .ab ing and tin e that hap on mhnfth wiNithesody or paper soles, but BOLID LEA THERwihoghogv stsa o ud:r.T.IApria th, lasS I remain, sould beruk at the latest by Friday. liitrhe rus n hdeine oLINDSAY also offers 300 pairs of various sorts of SLIPPERS He , ·- 1 c"fý'Iý, e-,..1,,,A lý:Yours faithIfuHv. I srpre, howevrer, that there will The eul i thég ,tat the ridiculous prioe 1 ;1 1 --l,-.I eel, ea n f e 1n.Tntonas Hara, be no fighting, Imerely o epwww ra h oen at coml-P To . a .h were p l st ui ight At .a (A true copy) . igand that terms w raimewith mu drni c ea n ttith u. cncrng i . ý -ýtIe of the Execu.,tive Comm.ittee of thle M. Brethoiur appearis to have madle a the rebels. The mien are greatly dis-, i rportedavnc mute oa1eea TSm.rac Ahne o teCut f.go onifrte8 gusted at this report, holding that after 'tRalliasasurance that no sneh advaü.1 Haltoum It-.wasor-lered lthat a.copy be ot 1c b banayss"cosig o 1a adenduring so mach ,mewil,ctif,theisue of contraruyim- . ? , ~~Ht,ýIben a be.tter article then is alleged to be tunizty o ha-Uýlstising the menwh.o h ve ,, NP" eu ox, April 14.--The vienna 0. éh « &4b.M "D .e.pec-fulle, B sld hiera by most liquor dealers, and it ià iven the country so much trouble and crepneto eTlga alsta 71.L. lT.notx. Junt As well for our reverend friend that n iecesitatedi an expenditure of a round h le hasha an interv iew with the Russtian. l'r !IItFýý'h.c , athéi teresult, fur had it been otheirwise, millonofmoeylent etay a oKulbar-,In whichi he A adaTemerane At, herewoud hve ben othng t shw, C lIrvine telegraphs from Prince hesi: ' a ny express my cown ; . - ;â , .... ,th4, Scott Act, ham the ignor wasot "et- away lunder the I Albert, via Battleford, that it is folly pe1nl5piinwhchistatwa "e il ýý- ,,,ii-,ki bc,,,e l-electors o aJgibtratz' nea thas t unait behorGMdltn tuopush on with his puAd m.iltirely on England- andTnot on Don't forget that Raw Muscavado Sugar, only a hogshead left -0 Ibo. for a dollar at l n hr- -fist, ,on..the 19th Ari, 1881, ,on els. Mr. àBtour did li renti ores ajeenifhn(rvnei.". usials ivn1 rooctin 't .l 1 1 -II..,I,,In1 ti' on the 9th Sp.,t l1884. whether lhe sent &allthe wikey. whichM ol d jor. Mi, which iu doubtful, the We have recived ta-day furthfer details -. . beý hereas.ý,.,I the saitdelect>.or i.te oug a indenough tuo ve himt •rebels would outnuimber Middleto n's rmiGenera Knmarof tChat lhave not 1 ulity 'of liiton have de,1,clrit in faivor of Trno nu't t e o.d tah force. This Geneil Mideleton doesyetheenimade public. General Komiaroff ..à psý ta-1 A t t ti, drat votin-g by .a mjori-v of -did't waste.a hle ottlef it for.analysis & not believe. He willlhave nearly 1.000 eleg.,aphs rthat the Afghanas planted can-. II ai tl th e ecnd nal muh emal'aler quan»tity woul-1 have men a and lIrvine hal 400, couinting non in, meh a way that thle Rosians mwere 1 ê ý. 1. lie. ý .1-t-Ile'mjorty ofi 83, these majoities ans-wered flathsm u pe e.ilivilians, but is probably afrid to p'aced in A Nvery unfavorale ti-aical lit " -i viI"b- s° tifs9ni--hfac'e of l,. 1 -= - leave the Ctownon accouant of the womn stoacneuentyhdt et tie ftr ut/Divis/on Courts of t Co. ofH/o0 h y he~ponnt o te eot ct Scott Art Trial. and children. Gen. Midlton's Column fheeoffer of battle. Thte first ashot was, ,visiTenm m.ALL PAPE h the emney, abel; l ed y hewhle-- comprises 183 artillerymen with four atuially dired by the. Afghans eea r !,Itrame iu -tw roinceboyta-i- Tro . ocharges were, laià anainst Edward nime-pound guns,617 infantry and 85 Korar fa odutwa hrotbl or'lceo Stag n 11 fi - yterpae itr ttelo othe 13Lndath for ae ig .mtoxicatin.g liquor ot1cvalry including scouts, e .De IdW note elen ccupytheletr. 1. 0. Addires Clark. a. a, M Jl.s N fil the people - dechr tthe C anada tmper-,. lTh ieAnd tratarch lamt reepectivlv. 1 scouts fromn prince Albert says that tory on thle Kushk. vwichhv the terms of of .Clerke. Ja ar ay. .y Sp. NAvL L P . m s- areAtimust govern the liqor, tratie in tiecourt fur the h r at aof th. g o Col. Irine has400 imen, inluding thle conve'ntioln he might have done. At Milton ..w.... « _ Pa - _ -a ¯30- -3 -e zf Ilthe. ont n l-eof the lignor llicaese1on Tedy he3sr r th dne onnedpliead he regur ing t he beinning theSf f ughit with bravery, Oakvile ...... R.CBalmer 7t iown.asthe 'CrI,k. Act" .il tn er xan nd' he e s thhe wmnad hlrnwoaeIlabuattheliclat they Georgetown .......L n . 1 1 2 8 1 0 A lbe t s t - t ce n .. ry foa or ne t ee dtherlito sn on tate of.abjectterror. Non-combatants LDI rD oFgo; Acton . ...........'J; athe.. 14 10 1 213- --16 1 c. h. la,,,,,,,,-,,,a , ISaturay, 4t Apriare on half rations except as to beef. , Campelile....8 . tr. 1 1 l 1 lag.;istra.te ap"I-tte i andl c,,, et lURLINoro.,,Nsaturday, 4th April-Case fiytaking the Carrot river route no leavingt all thc artiery end train n uh go..... w1.Batd,64 6 •1 1 thereto the Onltaio a vernm t ap ýltfl ourneto na y, 6thAprd, I Oak-difficulty is experienced in reaching lhand' àofGenieral Komaroff. Baron Knut nresinothFaen cucur i -- eh v pen d pOur New Sto W. H nun. Eg tothesaidom- Prince Albert fromt here, the distance hars said, "His vaame in Alexander ilth ltteember,ant1 m. jtae ihrihuJr, uesa mtJn, O h A mi herenthe Cf > .Cu ,o OA Ky l LLE. ody, Óth A pril.--Case being 110 miles. S. L. Bedson cIe f visari-,nolac Kormarotl. inran kIl, e countycoourt si gs ihu uy sdyit rl n ohotbr ti a a ppr pbbhel i th twn f il. t hurda, 9h pri, t Ml.trasprt flcer ad n . cwlli i ut an er.He iskno n a ati n . atting --FrmrYTe - .day.5t Jauaryl , l th Aprl.6Jl, a nd 5h0OcaAer to A 1y1 caio b ;so. w< TI p .alca illowner, left for Prince Albert oe auiu,«los I dcmmn. Jugscham-bers.-bMonday, Wedesa adFrd1o oa l e opposý«' i t ion amCý i determyiane. IT ON, auraday. 9th April, 5 p. im.--to-night by tin routý namued. The 1er. 19Tho ughnt fearing dan gr he fen vaonet.. at 1u1er.. iewe, xe t don c adringt . b . tI LY to th, Act, soughtL ta bin g the. . a ortH .Saskatchewan is reported to have ris etot ake eeosblt yoa '%"\ .ioarmnlutcAcona Mnathaurt rri6huyshoihras. rt" e ontem e l ereby giving en- adjourned to Fiday), 1t p .aethreefet within fthe last 24 heure. KHaubars concl'ided, ••I personally tidaoi ot z l T A2% CIrkoltePec - 1 - 'I1..Iý.o t wer, e uo mý- tided tL t U rlngo . 1t A• e . n, Prince Albert has only sufficient believe thmeewill I be w% ,Clw.o li olc . lI.~~~te Cul.." ,., ecily. -thecouairse ]1B-.a mUOr:, Fidgfy, 10th APil, 2 Il. m. provisions for two weeks. T'he G,-ernment hs aided topurchase trars bc1M ta nisa ! tak cIneharI.niteseaied h TAwAti 4.-A message Ilfromeurmes teamlerssimilar to the America, RAM S HA W & MCN A IR L, plat. at he o ofiintoxicatintg hquoer at rnrndr- oo adn qait hm as ruIiel.cruif r Beg to intimfate that they are prepared tO fill all Orders for and have the la'gs stcjn essOt th l.wibntol norgsad Th bv safi pcmno h uiunred thousand dollars to meet fthe beleved thit the retired liet will have to be , atterDs in the Town of Niltl. Ile mea, ,Iite a spmt Af ippoition to thectit, ie n xeitosmePenses of the treops in the North. resorted to to provide active oflie rA for ithem. Act bt. asostrng te ia tothc g ene.1the lle n xudtos anerin iwhich t, Ihe stel lted msh p Clossu. 9,115irtons, une.1 mort "italm riwin of tot nd dregardfiolice 3Magistrate admrjinC-tesjustice. WINNIPG pi1.-e.Luri f the.mstut formiidable iield. in the g D mi al A 7law ý,,p-- , ýThte witness examil.ed at Burlington waswill have charge of the supply depot at M . w_ý uIl Oen ber form.- Bugg e ,- - 1.Thaýt 'ith-e xetive ComIttee f. hePays the IMr. Young'& cote0 hsea.hv oecm an fteBtifr nlofleesaeo e.,e J',plaD m c a s thonpeen the se t etin i ii a d. h. wfave n hle commatr il nd oftherBtteorBn romlt s tra of f l. l it D moCratS I lf«,)'.ou Temlperance AIhance upon .journmen0ts ? column. . of the latetpovýý.IIg ed ater aecei t n .l;, '. Thte Conspiracy Cage. the other men orid in the Duck ,Iat ,Iýt, n 'Iývr olei oa o a u t I anat..tALL AND SEE OUR S he áaisrt1Ynnto h rs fi, verdict of the jury t ilte consp.acy Scouts fromt the advancinig cuoumn C-B no. Out),t Apil 14.--A despatch ham lacen i g a neyts on hand. ý:',, icuIngMnep. 81. p nso dmm tai ono helwth eCuntr ae cannot lbe considere.d as an ReautatalOf have already met Riel's scouts, Who are Ibeen recived fromeI mpralatorte pingo od okaseile 4-r =r -ommere a a l... a inton and ProvIne o Otr tar he Idefenidants ontheitmercit. The icdict. ever on the alert and are evidently _well by . Cl A ,J. lvauce Graely, 40th Batallion _ depl lb e ld, rwae suo metntiefect charged aecnspiracy tabitse organized. -and Capt. H. -. snelgr, com'nandOing oe ý ",The Eeutv-oelrspci l ycl etain -membesrs Of fthe legislature to vote p tl .l sThe situation at Battleford remn s 1 i eaty 0th Battai,n. Cobourg, inquir-1 t xca tion of 1 epe f lon t'he ionnst the governmlent onta lspec il resoln. unchangeable. No In.-ns av iben fle o 'nsad a n iht,, No trouble to Show Cood S. autq nsmulta winch the CHiAMspi has l ruled that this ignified c. mot Judgef seen durmg the last two day. F. A. meosrvc nEypt, which offer wase pentdlyput, ponth* law which theiof confidence actu1 a l omtion of want Smart and Roer1C0MDoalIa- pon oaly ccptdpndngth dcii* L--- aihave t-"- eodcle &-hall buet inibonghit before t,,h ue . h u elor aedade rived there this morning hav-ing made c.h oemyt ol o hl odi i",eei, 11,h comty. IwsscharsltinJt renvr|a durinig ride o o se bakfo wf a e soflhost ilIesoc rring betwen Britin .11lI cct ir ltait m0111.a. 1 u.this grotnd . Ter pnC ae a Crrent in lemssthan four(dayis. They the irti Vest iih anf bH S R E ;, ntIIy C i cý, il Ito the filct that theieitor , crrae of ju ts t o e s tatwith Iavoi ddthe trials and saw no Indians of the b.est CarIIaian militi. the questn of ---T E - T E O "the "sid C'A MilM Cil WPlu areofi ite draughtsmlan who lprepared tho indict en route. furmshmig -oloidal aid ha- experienced a Ilm newt si ultqot ieelic a lamO P ST O N IA L . . iphaVers o.f th,, enoast re oue mnti s ttridot h eiecews Great anxiety is ftot tBattleford in ph Adse , will require .ampte coniderti, O P STET W H L -a te it a a c.inm fýýý1lIIlthito àrand il- e r ad tefa ew n eLEADING MERCHIANT'S r atonas dong ll Inlthat t h-ec.opiracy, charg. ta o tfor eight days, and ilie a first elass V. B. certificalte Ca't s .y l c a to inder the oeai f. adi uh s a ta bred1-1to effect there sapsiiiyta yaeall groýve isa graduate(of fthe Nw nto hour .---OF. -'n luto con...temlpt a law ilthe enfOrce.1ý, ec,ue -athe tb e v i - righit, it is "feared the Indiaus have Infantry, w-herehe recentIaltfklhgh h inor men ofwhih he ouny i s ¿cpir It - taken te w. called ut t tthe first .,anouncement IterstedI awlwhich sibe en decý' la e., l. - ppears to un thlat neither mill ae N wsfo lofoutbreak'wtatkehis company to the 'cotiýtucol . lie hihanet'unit of har acqItre m tuch glory aslte-resultlof th e w$frntte west wouldindicate ut fthe trouble, bult owing t West. Emptt',lýlb h getciret ro tial. We-Are nOusota to dIsagreethbeprospect of Gen. bMiddleaingNrhmeradeetionthe dm tWa===.a a2- sAMIL O . . ~~~~~~~~~Signedan behaf ihte eedcif justice in hi. stic. a brsv itte v ,rebels by Fatuirdlay.decided býette.r tu select the Cpi..,,...lai otefo;C'1-Yfuiteý tlii,.,i-lII . 1)~~~~~. L BRiElHoUR, laa:huiIg a man further inito crime seems. Prince Albert ou tfie rear ofl the enlemy 'u-· at the front ,with Col. ý%iliImn- 1- - il.1- I Secretary tl!worthy conduoct ontthe part ofa iniste, rth om ent hero:ps reach Batoche's poiioa atain EPARTMENTs.-~ rr G od "l8, "oaithe crow. The defenda.nts, however, cosi_.·· -- .- .- - e are Creating gengation Th boereakoldouen ih avei.cause for e.ltation athe juryaI. froC uI me:t arrre 1 i h i t.niziht The Merchant Ft of the World M liur, et's'* Furnishl- wth part Of the Jno. Gorret & R i huIýIIItle ftl, mni est,. ia tte -,r a 1 over. il t i . a nrl .reet sart ont to Edmontobn %%')at have Amierica shipowners and ship. ..te,- t..Ya.Z..I ti1118s, 3oots and Shoes, W allCO Bankrupt Stock of Bootp u a t r l) s, te prluc I l n of a ll ouerned lin bib)ery-. It ,have only about 100 ofamiml t e xe euil th'"-tOf warb-as Paper, and Groceries' chefl e. T egdyaevr h lsl a dR ti elr ig tcn hu, led by i l t ile. the cous iIIa combini.. o, ot asa og themt. Mounited scouts are aile, Roughly Ispeaking oehl ftew rr - 1- 1. LBre" , [ -, the Imnent statisti. individuial lhability fer b mer tte hiso wn antdobth ese arlp. .fe d dt f the ""ing onaeengagt ed iin lcrrying tie , arld'sn-F llad om ltsStc 'a- l'I ;o! 't. an iuivlida. ho, ,. ubtryt here can be n ttoft s ea a eadtote o eeot ih essi ne u. See Our splendid Sugar, 20 W l r Hv pndotaFl n opeeSokc bn ,,ino bIn NI.ýt..y expo e"l by the mayle t onn,,c aee on iwith the trial h'he inn-iPeIITimtes says :--The sharp- Thei e a.ging merchant fileet, of all 1 33. for $1.a es m 5t 0 on r Ii f - ees imhrí a ot fdesdth e ur fr . lMihal d 8 o sepressed. in, no unmeisuredtio inalities ggreIateabhut 56,000 , es-aaR l.C r esO llt sC , a3e a l on hrIw.f.oe b h i n r9men ieonmnti o .scrgand ;bout 23,000.000 tons. Tl e tremendo: s- -- --- d aR l. - _LinoletimsMattin ysan r ge rlratr moth ent n .i u'ni]. l ar perl.,ýi bL S. W h no . 4' oa .Cartini li r , a s wa inten.d -d. preponderance of EnIland in the carrv--- gg ,Cre on e ý':hop w" w .1 lootiwound the fe in laer equestatae icth om le w datiosfloef theo owest Prices for Goo Sls ooCshoTae acTpestry, Green and Crimison uno:an oi"ngewenwerntemn a satd oth jr M nnewretobehd e th as i a r ife- own l da t h e . apprx m a d O e pic ony.ree a4 C unsn mV . Ilt-,, If ."i IIt he least R chardsthen ,remarked lthat he '11')' Varions storiesor ures ,tath r..n. V 11ogue. _ -M tte and Axms ter Felt R ,le.r-te 2,a o 00 B.o.t r."We buly on yfirst-class You arnaeIiitd Mts n sms8o ae ;u:a o I 111 he ielum or i .e I.foiteEd anB rf-Aàttw ds atsy inehOEnlnttonaeo teoen2ihs.7T0pestry Burtainsan d'-oCapr s a. b I. e t ofi the completeness1of and theefIre. . I l ya nerian ,c ai p resse h e s o tme t st og llnd. sveim s"h trf.owa ,"ihtti e'¯B l n etai"an s our. ** ;11 _I .....b :, ag ,itato whowent l-,,Ie d Ir m wiIen t meableto rlaws,-. n- ependen-t ly nthe u es t i o ndof the tht .of.Germny,.ten.tie4.that1o 00rance S R I N G H "se,"' urtain Po %minr n Ilt iyt,,.1 . I, ,. .msv s,- ha,, e w sgvntehl-red f M ntb r h Iniserof he i .teri trl w rt he s...« ,remacy.. of. GreptitBriatainian ul n-d e i L h m o th e o ae i u t th i f e r w s I e f u s d. IUs c , a p e n ) a nd. .Ie dne y,, o w o n s w h1a x i i e t l o e s r k n a ý li a dnmey b n e ap..on de hthehetep taen ucht wdoitetrheYs•:,, Sc i ngadat o --,te ,, igi... T p sý r R . & J. M t cK A Y s ýeýý."-lI- tI r-f',I!can vcthan eh r etroble -'l w( libletin.etulzi i rn etryNProphala l etfter fur ureaB itrs48r KING STRET EAST, HAMILTON, Contepans, firtf. dthe, andiIn.Iw they seekl..O th o ri"%t ieaAnii itten ½ a Mgl ad in sUnCies 667,000fCOK OUT FOR OUlfiHlEA PhBARGAaINS, mIIke a vacancy -m for"l their culturedi ar a r idt.inW dono ' .b'.,,v .t e m uh stck in the e tsam..f . 476,000 tSampinining the head P. Skm, a ha d puhee .Il i nt, ,lI.agitat o ca e t e , 1.he Riel r esel n i if bel, iSnhhere. T1 excitement seemsto beItaly . S 00rion adSin DT sse p~e. Erup- recei,ý"t' .i"t n 6't 1'eg nI lN t h r o1 twr1 il "" e eo il.t. a e li'-.,'that bainen aw a .9 llBo t.She-a dStp er ha-it m et h W atsocCt orn C k a n e"" """e¿e "dry fi enu ." '""e'"""°If n a theeam ...nina n Se ttinel. vr rset hehri e nfe edus0 o e.eaes, n. w o. . lýI,,..uateme t ! . IIn s teoh n nr-i ts (aevethany mmirt ion -fbrom g. ot h rbel on thilte , b t rn ce ti e tmtorsemthrvW rp iedW r .Bi M GE & F R U ,P Ilrd.of ln.erV l aalt-vics w l .l e.Prncest to ,, lai .Ce beIfcso h eti ned only toegiemr i-l icto , ca valsLat year t- lan five.s orixth ofBoir RE OBBinB'vtrthe Mio na-o aleg Impo i lle n Oe oia t t e por m teri. .i,1.,« d -,lth wenvo e at r a okn S O san e ts nct f a ntojn Me ' .ýrIangemenýit.,ithey mav ,,,I-th meleste Aih oroo f he1M1 n bled .the trall)very nxiou, r thtter1nii ifrn ainliis Biih n 1-roub 'l at Iattempti.:to at,il e a inid th.e li1n. 8 by whieP a s i huse ,D ub.emlited n Te ofbal ets .h lelis earridb ut a lf ofil om fore iiigna freights,]vi 11 ",sf Ifith,,I.p. "a of Nr au ad cton a fery rii ise lia wiig ed y h then cond roachtable whal redt rh e lbe n- eminng thid a iid eeweeNo. - _ _ _rOV n S oe n.twe4 r e tey h ave been in thepa t e p alm nIid washlit teor Pq an o v hr -hn h ryarTs.M rmd eray tls ain,.RFra&eJ. • y t . it ýIIIe i'ilihi tn.-,b r 11r Hete e aoble lited.0frm isa l osli nouty a t odnae, witho.. taki P. f-L. - 1 116,Ime greatly ereited, andef destine d oef ie ory t. A large for...ofthe 9m2ller mariúne nM ET.. Our Boy'sLMO' fît i on a ahnt, aue f t e s o at d o ther .,a ai i tnhy elormLthebe p a W n ee t a ut ... ke22 g6ye1,E0ry n e a FS ,T Ou h cN dit'°"_ I. e 0me p a l,,. tII t v are ..oethe m aoh.-e ei w a t d : be a t ha nd.a rge..stc42n0he g g a n see Tolowng A tsproe .,y -thec Ot 4oreDth'geamaiione. th mb e bUct tekhsas iitois nn f' e Ladvo whieb Gm the • NOMh Skli r an idta e d ay he gior ,h eeds ave te hai oer UniedDue Jun Si ia .i ý.,t-li , a .teblit rs. e yoete drvia- tim enos lta inin..... e... . 2 W2thelire m-e.]r thnluda ý.1hnýfoDaoa. i30i and.r32 King e Streetld.West . Hamilton5 sn r. sian waur e ar ed Jn e 17f , 1 asrag f b "falOa-aadeplhpent8t.4plamo n ldPrf Le s deels we lltiiItle . w. Jlaa -A....o : 1inb 1ede66.000 hmee . W....e-ha-tetrmbe habvabpesile ueoe iewm andth at m aI LFor H J n n e 3 0 th , 1 fi leat tle T hl trh ed a g ril a th e e r o , u ià O.a t. .t e. . f-g a* -. Gema1 d o _d__r t- 60tob "n1) ha -nd9-twr l N rl-..... 9.19S IÏLC