'U 1JE FA VIE IRS. Loo: 1 ro.ke that la, A û ý jcIjLrI;RIýT, C'u $1.40 - Y-eý- qlxl-,iptiolý et b. -ny thn._ ) lidt.: .-Intain, a g"",t! thi ýIflI j_ý py 't thi. '411 bitit. for ml, t W. H. par a!. ýl a fi-e iiis fin 'hoet Illosie. 36-1. ,n Barlington B-Y is t'l L"t '. Il, ileme Places elir Lile hity i ulches. illiiIIT HýùF, NI A., ,ýt.ral charp if fille Plibyý' groptions Z th. 17th .1t. e"' 1 lind in tile aty et ToWý ,tre,,t8, j "I At %-ÜL lis I.-Ill il, in, LIVton -UlI -! . Zt Thom-s M ,ýy'of wellintoli en ,it J't week for Nev, Il IiIi.ali'. ýd Iy _14'ra. fi.- hini Il'e main 'f iaý 'isîti.gýt11- We.t _-W, héempé bY gl", on th, Street", iI[ý in the Guardian, illat 1, il- ul- h-l 'e i, 'of è"'*"'ln'ia'e 0 and Ilft f-, PlIt., ,,, pAy Hi., FAUE. MIIIIII the H. & N. %VI 7" 1 1-74 l. o til, other div. al'il, iý!:. f', ti hilt lie hall Pl--Itý' Il ý Ill i.. , lie réf.gpd te pz, 1 1-1. lift.d hini A1 :11 1,,st sýu lie .gailinit the railwàvs i;ý ,in o..d4lýr ià 1,,r. Tin'ei. 'Of Ç1,1ý,d f, t::, iys ii.m been in Blaillilt, I..,ti i:; , ý . .. . 1 N I l'I'niv attacke'l "illi I', Il -1 a. vil, 'd tý> lie te týl, L, l id nid .0-Il. alid IIP 1 rv douhtf.].ý Aient .,4ill -,I his esse. %Veý lire lie aý a change f- til--; b t fý 1 f o. Il Times. GP,.-Th. Domini- ilipýiny frisures farin for 4 ye-, nd ili thý i It -t Iy lý.,.izg il surphe, lit ýhew--ll es thi-, fi..Ili the p , rtiolI Ilý 'l-, w-- t,, f,,ur mil lilli ed N'itii hin, fl,- y, il tffiIielit te plily 7 yaâr, Fariuelis, Iiialke a licite ,i - g.t b,,Illliigý il,ý,.y for fou, yý;,rý':ýt ý, mr P-aontags r,>tl...I,,l i't il,,- li'lial Ilt liel. lit Ill, thl, latt'.. f ( h, Ild lat', tfia't il tIý - t -niv 1. 'O't "f t]lilg t1Iý ne.t voi i', 1'l. :il! 'l li, E.11 x cu l'. -II M, .il -'on itialivai IlL, II ,las il 'il, b , I!ý Vi bonr. - A.ï ý,1 i Id the C.,IIIÈý l". lil p i l'os ol, Tc hape Il., In', "iIi d'ýIt that L'i loir. flan 1 IleIL tfl:It It1I-Il;ýj 1 lý t!c,. ,ie to C'il lip, z,,;.i 1, - it t, !;I. lat. of I t 1, Afrien, 1- C, idd 'illy read ti', j Ilf- hi,, - ion '2tl,, aud -ýs uèli app'-ari t !II ý,1ý À he 'ille, Il, L'. ti lit --l ilit', i'l', î 'd at on. l'f til., zt ol. flinlid ill OLO IIM f,,r an 1 rA !,oi, tý-ý, - t, -rticu1ar1ý ý1raIl at ILI nIfit te, Miltc", and buliit l; ý2,y nt an oally date. I Il I ith - a.1v. t', til, ýi l"I 1 thil th', II a"! I, '-, ;. A thr4 fer crutl;y t. lUlM .-On - qrauïtý,ý with.the rc-Ilit las W. the Milton, March 3,1885. ou - nday tl E , Al 111ý)' ý 1 ' 11, E il j 1 c£ The Conneil met et 11-80 a. M, in th nu rfý,,d te th. ions th. Pro,ý.- and atinue te lie accordance wâh adjourrirment. te, The Warden in the chair. the Hmleo lmd - tamed in the death of 1.10L 1 býi.g cou- Moucher- prem-t,-Mýn. Daxter, Mr. D,'Iýl,-C,-n-Y. the late ---bor for W e are settled-in oâr new place Fnst Kontý H. briefly mýi.wed th. Buck, Butte, Dalton, Graham, Huaband, allai and pclitic.) -r-rf th. de. ofbusiness P.,Wà tobe Lindsay, Me me Robinfýon, ttruching pou hi. estimable qualifies se a wlgac. Warren andnil ihà'W. . piv&t, bis adwimbl. home ,irt NF xl ýýf«-th 8teo.ylminu". -f last i4oeting were sud tle bihti. .. - 1 ýw SI te lndi.. resta aad coloffirmod. leadlàr Of th. Cppýiti,ý. E-l;izY-O-.ZT-5,ý ý'OF.FOS=Fd -T-SE st. j.bu, A comairmication was raaa front, the .11 thut th. preux- hall liaid in ,.d.y, fter County Clerk of the County of OBjra. Lion of the denc-di. While the members re appJicaticný te the Dominion Governý )il the céý.M.ý.t id. et th. flous. wor. And have ta-day op-ened up an immeDse stock which atýrested in ment for return of railway bomuses. ne lieudit me'. intincte witli tho la ta Ira- vers armed ber for Kent thoals upon bis side of the of New Goods, The Couiieil adjourned fer bue hour., [unes hsd ý ýjwuys enterrailled f 1 ni The Couricil resumed et 1 p. or ii M. feelings of thèkmd;jl,ýt Icg-J. Hethc- bpe Bd Etighind The Warden in the *chair. fera beartily coneiirrod in the 1-muosit:o. 7Dfi nts- S h irtin gs, 'I'nt loithet Mt. Storey presented and reRd the of the Attorney-Geueral thqt the Honse J6 first report of the Standing Committee square ont oempect ta Lis memery. The If YOÙ want. ý-l Warren mi Educatiëu: 1 House adjourltied amrdingly I-til t.-aay. 'y pü- , Mr. StOrèý movea, seclofided on a ta la bv'Mr. A deputatiolit rëprmatiug the Duffcriu G ott d es, S h eetin gs, prsýafcnt MoLecd,'tfiat the first report 6f the Scott Act AuSiýdon wàited lilial, Hall. OUR m Education Cominittee !net reeeived be 0. ý%fo«at, Bon. £ M. Haudy atid Hon. C. .,dpiotisilfp adopbed.-Carried. , , Y. Fraser on Monday te urge the appoint. _O B--àcli - Mr. Stoirey moved, seccèded, by Mr. ment of a P--IiS gagitratI rit Orang-illê ýD en im s, C otton stIf and 1-1. Warren, that thë sim of one hundred 1. ord.r te the more coforcercent P-111Y IÛ-1 fifty dollars bc grantied to Col. of the Sutt ýÉ. rt.1 Thé, Attorney Ge 'ni Ile Lý:r1 lllan, for the beuefit of the 20th Batr informed the tlep,ýttitioii doit *t6 jo 8týify .,tu, by. a talion band.-Carried. ..eh action 6. tiIeiprt Il flic Governmeni C ash m eres, & c, C E the Mr. Warren moved,. seconded . by Mr. they would Mjjniréý to.make ont a etifflial jaccessity for the ap- lomoeut for Buttq, tant the reeves of the severai cue and show apein. municipalities.of the county bc pointmentofoncliffloflicial. G,001 Bakin author. Gaçx ,,Intýto ized te examine snob of the ta cash bridges as may during ý Mr, Fresnes B.14 ceâpecting the r.gister, CO M E A N D SE E TJS. 60u"ýY ingof chattel molgageli and bills ofaale the inthrval be. Of t sud tween the meeting a of tbe Camail be provides thaï; whIre the time fer register lg d' log or filing aliy mOrtgage; bill of mie, su ou forma se- defective ai Ifida%,i'it, or aliter . - . . ger jbha Instrument, dýLirnelit., pýh!tr4. suit ta connectioje witli'tiie jdý jî* r expires o. .;Su. ue mdý rui.,OYjý-z wWethe office i.e Wh micipsàtý, have aut dile or tilluir a ,ý,pi Ij. e 'street opair arried. èr flibig is go bc made or d..éles cloud. Dr. Bu* ýjmov secRiiae&ý re ring shall b, belli lo lie duly donc cc = 1 "t the - and Biidgé üî .101nf dons or malle on the day on which la c be 1 are horeby requ alleil office @hall next lie ope.ý and tII4 Itta- co"dur and defme es whem SIlrey.ncýý and mortflaIs of pe r. M. B-We wha't bridges are on] proficrty are filed with t le clcrlc of a comitye bridges andreport ta thii Coup, BO B asted o . Division Court he ah.11 W entitled te the cil at lits n4tmoeting, acb0raVarýea I,,. fales mare lev or l Imy lie liereaiter with a inap Ou, diagrain or theý saine-- provided for the eferks of CýImty Courts "ecilred . C for the bien serVicIý. It v4 alait prtIvided, r Lb, statI, Afr. Robinson inoved, seconded by that t le section abali bc del, ubluit Mr. McCollorn, fhat the W.arden il force on auLI fiqui t a"d 16 have 'F R E SM A R H 1 V A - 1, 8' tý . issue a hum i ho second dey ýld ment ta warrant with the corporaté seal a1tach. of>March, 1877. lul, directeil te the Treasûrer, directing The Bill introditeed by the Attorney- 1,,d thou. hi- te advertise and sell the Imdsoil Geniral te aimpIifý filles aud tu facilitate whicli taxes for thme years and up. the tranaier of land la one of:the n)ot fin- alow fer ysirrký It i. watà. .1. remaining'due and unpaid- Po ta t Il doit, bas b5en pl.ced' li.ited Carric for. fil. ýýked for Mr. Warren ratived, seconded by Mr. prolided fila file Bill aball coins faute force . Lindsay, that the %ad and Brîd ai, the first of irtilylItut. aud idiall apply te -'l ý-àtu Comnaittç bc authorized te go the ait) of Toronto! and the coucty of YorIc . ge take!egal only*itiitil the Logi- ,'lature otherwi.e ord' URRAY. CO'S XAXM titan Blivice in tho matter of (leterInInIlla It will therefore, test with m ýd , pid', thellegislataxe .leco ahinlis arc county bridges, if such sud ti;o polf. what bridge et the Province ai tuf a bc deemed necessary.- whether or net th6 Act aliali take general He 'Vos 1 1, froqu lit. Mr. M, effect and in vie» ici the radical charauter onnlh, 'Collora molved,.,ýecon(leil by of the delarfaire, made thëGoyernn)cnt will 'a. Mr. Robinson, that leave lie granteil te lie gei.ër.ily justified In flots secking tu. rend a petition te tho Honorable fille test sud plaire thé virtue of tl,.,ne.isIire ý"9*Lnn9- Minister.of Railways and Canab, of flic before it is given à goueral Provincial ap- es' Dominiorrof Canada, in regard tore- plication. Itis fmavid.d bythiO Bill illât Il onerlil . Lmi R.giatt-y sh , off bu ..,taUlished, ..à New Jerseys. both black and coloi7 confortent of railwaybonliqes.-Carriecl. t New t-, Orand IlIrg MeCollora rend saidpetition. Il. bilsiàe.8 thelstif conductiai by an ýýeý.ittd Offic New Sprina Speeiai lot, , -11 . Alr Baxter moved, seconded bý, Mr. or, te bu called the Master f TitlI8' - - C New ai, hZth. - ho.hall bu a barrikter Of net cils then feu New Ulsier and Ottonfail, Mantle Cloths, New .lot- Robinson, that.the petition te the Hon. yýýars'ataziýlingattEeProviiieidl Bar. On. New Casemei and Cotton Ilosiery thint Où arable flic Minfister of RailwaYS bc and alter flic commencement ofthe A 1 1 adopteil by thiâ Comicil, signeil by flic lard by ýersüns %rith -.LýýejV Jýid Gloves in à, 4, 6 aild 8 'buttons; in Egypt Warden aitll Clerk, sud the corporate absolot.- or pulnessory titlep may, New .ce. by apph- N Pure. Lillen Hemstitelletl 11anilkerchiefs at $1 per doz. New 'ch in Bay 1 attaclied themté, sud placed in flic cation te the Ma&teýrofTitIcs, bc registered £ ew lu will ps lialfflBof flic deputation appointefl ut codée this Act. Aày person who bas ce.- Reinember the Bagkrupt Stock of New Table Lineris, Towel, incrifice of the lest meeting of this Couneil, te tractcd te buy for lig Owl, bInefit an estaoo ,péIIO.tiýii bc by thora preseiite(l.-Carried. int foc simple in land, wheth.r subject Cr If 81'eýis Mr. Wheclihan pre.sented and re&ïa net te incumbrances, inay also apply for trimPs il' the Bref, report of the Standing COmý re.4istratioji initier fille Act, provided the By advices just receiIveil froin our Illfr, Murray from Paris ýe learn that lie ii.t's se t bc cet"- raittec on Printina. 'eluloi, cors-ts te tri. Illiplication. %Vliere French markQts, several splèndid liné3 of Lyons.S . illc, both in 1)1;io'z ali'l liew combitrttioli ai, absollite title is cequired file applicaut a Mr.-Whoclihau movell, secouded by a,, biB liontillec shall net bc registertai as flic most stiperb assortinent of Millinery, other Pitrisia!l novelties, wilich, bad fix Dr. Buck, tliat the f wiH iËst report of the Owner of the fen sim le unies. th. iitie is Doininioli. . rit ing ommit on Printing bc I F et, If TitkB; 'flic tirst of Nlarch, op ( .-Carri 101, e ait, fhý,t tl,,,, p In-m, a o,,,aitr of ImId- ThQ taud r. Bax r presented aloi rend file with, titjL hall vestiii. the poý-. second report of tbo Sitnadino la ni Coin. s il reg 1 0 Ou lttýte 8 . lu ittce on Finance. - sol, 1. Id. te eth., with es,. i.c8 t, sIlýjI.i .8 foi- en ta eu if 1 Mr. Baxter moveil, seconded by Mr. and a te Il -M U R "r«'b..Y Joaininit. 1 Mecollom, flint the second report of malm cu, if ol ', enfler. A & C O , thmi hall 1 t118 StRilding Committec on Finance bc ed on the t-egisterý'j such lia ilitiu baidy wu w1opted.-Carried. rigliti, und lýit.Icstsj if ail , OF; -eh thii Act duclaretl for t . or ose, Il th. et Dr. Buck moved, seconded by.lfr« net te lie inctitnl)miicen, uniegs %tuder file lie Dublin ]Robinson, tint the Finance Committee provisions of the Act the cSutrary is ek. M . A ivr T -T, T 0 cilor Muy, bc and, am lieroby rfyqueBýl te allait ci nt tbe pres..d in th. gistd":' n'id ta any moi flic Trcasumrýý accourits fer th qui ------ ..... . e YoRir igt-I Olattet, righteý i.Iterest.,.ýor . tics ýt te King 1884 and enquire into the validityof bis te %chich other permis chtiminà code, Ouch ci, hmist, secnritics. as proiided by law, and lu. first iegistered owner shall bu entitied, C-4 aune port to titis where sucit first Owiler is Dot èlititled for 11ýV Ice Mr- StorcY Inoved, 4ecoli(lb(l by Mr. bis Otvo bcllefit ta tho lailà i*ekiýterý(1 as altc", flint wlien tllisColiiieiladjoilrIls letýv,.n hirmicif ami thein- but'free front m'i il; crtand adjourrieil till flic first Toea, all -ther .ýt.tos ami iflteruts whatsoel-er, day in Junee-carricd. IIIl'I'liI'g d' ta sud of flic . . . . . . . . . . ue Le il. Mr Robert Little Publie schoci in, PossessOrY tit4o IY la r colui, speàýr. acich-es§eçl' flic Couricil il, Iir,,l flic afýpIiIantý or fils nomiiico may ýod relation te varions as owoe, of file foc simple on matters montioried -I1-11 -,,illeiI.eiof fille as unay bc yor , f tke in his animal report. The rIgistration 0 nue person C i e i,ý la thl, orl, secomica bv Mr. ýr. va r Il la Vthank t'a filst I,.gistI,.ll n'loci, Of Lind, with 0. .0 1-tly s of thri Colin. p..,,IO,.ry titin-Oly, .11all net affIct fi I cil bc tolidored te 0 ert ittlc,. -sq, ,Y ciltat., right, or il, flic Plll)licScl'Ool IIISPec , forveryerodii- est, ativers. te, or indta",galion ýof, the, fille ýFý, able specimenq of drawilig, &e., froni uolt ficl, l aodsi:bsiýt- u,ý, , , , ýý ý,eVcruI school, in the courty laid on ù! or capable of ut the titre of r iR . fi te table, sortie of wl ich arc very Imoâ Of sucil Oliner bat otheru-ise M. 114à, Bl,. fer hi, able address in prese'ti ' 'hall hav. the sa ne elle t Os .,.gistmtioI, If a portion with abs,11t, fille, Whe,, an fe tlie standing of the varions sella a in graitting flic colinty-carried. absollite tif]- la .quirýl1. shoald it lippeur z,Àt.,y. te th. Mr. Baxter prosenteil Al-ter of Titles th.t th. titl. cul, ,,cia] r.- and revlIn bu OlflY fm4, a limit.d peri.d; or m special report from, the Finance Com .lis Il mitteI. io-tatit ruerr.tions, flic ---cL ' O D , on thcapplication of the pitriv apfîlYing tý V, Mr. iýIeLcod moved, sp- 'hy Mr. mrty .-elt frolit the ýffIt of %Ve are holding a Ï 0. Baxter, flint flic ý-,;,ojat report f the registration any ostat I-igllt, Rale and Goods will be Slanqliterl 1 Finance CQjrralttcý'bc roccived 0 g btiore a silecif . Or intel'est or advertise an and its irisin, thil date, ý or aritinx v . Y discounts, bili, conio and. scie the Goods at the Price, til( ýr perc, 1 ý---.ns adopted, au lint flic titiller a special instrument, ý,r otiterivisc 't ill convince thé Most Sèeptible', 'R'e shall clear ont Furs Dre$ ;,,lait of Qui books of the Trelestirer f.; p Ilicularly described le file elmirter. ..:s mm. 1884 titi. antavl undtr t ýj, WilIceyS, Plain and Checke bc finàlly passed by thhe Ciniocil bu en,% bue site d. Manuels, iCllecle(l SIIil-t;ùoý , prints, j,--@arriocl. d - Qtialiflel Title. Underclotl)ing,, in MS (li,,l in 'Mr. Dalton moved, seconded by Mr. tien of a persion a; finitregistercil owiler of fàct,. all lzirids Il OàVY GoodQ. ýýninfniense Drive in G 'Y iurn. Husband, that file Cier], bc a j - 1-11-1 -itit - qll-liàIll iill, ý Oh'Il lià,e th, tention to Henip, Union, AI] wui)l allàTaPeSLrý (,ýirpets to be ' 1ýbnç a. liereby instructea te nu 's saine effect as the regisfration of such, par. iug, Millinery, àil(IDressniitlýiii,,, , Y cleared )i ý,af distriblate thm en. with un abs-litte fille ..cept th.t fil. , 1-Àci)artruents shall. beý conducted as befc')l Mr minutes, by-laws, reports and accollute cziatration witil a (tiiaIified titie simil ,et 'and Wedding orders a speciiity il, ourbusiness See the Goods suitiLbI re il theY' are ta4en off ille the register to bu exceiiüd. 0. the eutrY'de of this mumicipality for thé year 1884, afféot Euy "Zi't m, t pywant moneý saved to 1)ýttlolli7,0 tjjiSýGeIjjjine Cje,,jýijj vriut«rsý binas, in th saute manner as of th. usine of the finit egistere w.er f formerly.-Carried. .0 , ý,.for a - fr-hold lard en flot le , lie M..ler ý1 Mr. Dalton moved, seconded by Mr. efTitlessliall, if requiréd by the wn.l., àrý ago. Warren, that the, %sd and Bridge il-liver ta bien a cortiflute, callefl a !and M eL E O D A flâme D E f committee bc and are authorizod aud certificate. which, certificats, ahodi state ".as instructed.to proceed aie Bouc lispos. whethe, the title of the ounerýi. absidale. Bible witil the construction of a now, qualified, or polisessoryj Clanse. 16 te- 96 II-lary bridge on the deviation 1 flic Co refer te luseholil land, elauses 27 ta 54 ta lire at tbë village of Noro nuty r.gi.ter.,l deali lps with registêtald lanal, bY-Igws ý pàssed val as Bilan as clans.. 55 te 65 ta lilliregistered dealinge by Esquosing and with registered fana. obi.ng'mcOuseY declaring such rond the Clauses 66 ta 105 ëmbody sien Sunty lino have _ plementai been registered ; provisicusio the forceoing portJaf the Bill. vornIty Of PeOI PaYing 01:19-half of the Clanse 106 provides tha4an assurance fond S T IL L F U R T H Pb ]RIE dosé of said bridgo.-c&rie& Bhall lie formed for thé indemnity of Mr. Wheelihan DiO'eèâ; BeConded by. sous who suffer leu by J' tbemuerý.ers- iu ,mi Mr. McLeod, that th -En 1 e Treaismer be ana of the jprovisions of tlie 1.1 - lly mi.. eliverlui is hereby ructilla ta collect interest description, omieiiôü, oý*otherlemr in a 1- . . fr«lný.h cipaJity which wa. fil certificate of titis, or in j Roy entry in the ar-Mars for te -oistit'ite-tl.isfnnll catit th register. In od.i, ýM é K A6 e vers, rates on e there shall lie paitl on thé flrst ceýtiâ=te 0' le, thut thirtY-first of bel, Iffl. B R ,0 1 hin the Mr. Baaxer rioved in titl. gratifiai lieder the! Act4n respect o' Y ', butOý secouded by M,. Me any laral, fil addition tojall Other feu, a ,lu f., Cierkdollotify flic t 30011010, that the au. lequel ta Ons-fourth or elle per unt. Of O P G O O D S Merles and Treas. the velue of the land, whic urers of the municip à shall be païd RFTýT-TCEID IN IE--\, for Co xes alities in erreurs into Cotirt, ivith flic privitý of thé Accourt. Jý.ve'All-wool'Undershiris, ma.rtedaim, reduced 5 ýt et if the saine are ant of the $t1preme Court, and ail e Ladiei'Fur Auctal 20 percent. 1-0 rts reduced ta lion a' inside of ton deys intemst ý 1 BOýs'AlI-wcùl Top Shi Ladi., Qui îr, te flic emilit, of an se u e Méli's All-wSl If- mdu-1,tc, j6c, CrL8kritu Ouly 81 j"'f- be argua 011 ella front the 31st = ëd 'eAssurance Fond, un et n Men'a Cardigan jackets reduced. Large stock Of WSl Hoode, Mitts, Cliffs, etc. chn.1 of ece r lasL Tildes Act, 1885.", i Full stock Maille & J-i les, Un G-Od Linon Te- Illing reduced te 4a ýF thi. On a division the arnemdraent was Clause 107 provides thai where diý'Li..d Lisle Cloes miducud te jo oeil, Gond Crash Towlli,, ,dý,,d.t. lo'n acclama carrieil a the original motion son wronglully depriveil or, 1 n or s. o Mým'Id Lined Ki-1 Glovet reduced te $1. GOOd Lot- T-bling r-duced te l8c. 'Pl,". test. The yens and na rest therein, b la, Oni)f the E.t,. G.Od Valait in Tablin were then estate or inte AU wool c'erre 'de 9 et 30e., 40. ..,l bc 1, called for and were recoryâ . 11.1lows : land beinx broitght und«i,-tbis_ et or b -d te 70,. Uni. Ce, 1, ... z Yea-ilobinsm, Buck, Dalton, Hus. ressort of saine other penofi befug te iste ' MeRay, BrOS', Dr . ý p te redlicéd 1. 45c, ýýhall band, Baxtet, Mcoonoùl--O, e envier or by, ressort of, y mis: y Goods and Carpet House, cor. 1 or of . Nay-Butts, Warren, Grahm, Lind. d4eâc"n*ption Oruther effor fil any ce 'Bute àt- 01 tiffe, or in any entry Un the register, indreidâ Bay, MoLcodl Wheelihan-.C. shall lie entitletité, receýar what je just by Mr. Lindsay moved, seconded by Mr. w.y of compensation or , McLSdl flint the by-law furnished by persan dain.,,"ifrom th .on whose application t erroneau file township of Esquesing in referen he ALMoe D.&I le ta 1 re ac the deviatient hl th. taw. fi.. t t,ýf:11tI1n was made. or who quired thé the thrugh the fraud or eileur. -Bat this V illage of Norval be approved of by le net te bc coustrued tO resnIer liable on, m.r. TWO Casse of beautifili :-- this leurchaser or mortizi2ee boue flae f-é ..i.-