Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1884, p. 3

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'à' Local Intelligence. Md -9aha. rtrsteeS n St E Rae lntcbap t .W. Fr..,,.. mint sdas sighi havehy etsii an NEW CASHM ERES! P cnnî. I.Dan Zianmaa h..allaip.Thea dubi net 'Golden Irtefd fssa. trp a t:Facfie aant. C àO'-teihe elastuvigobaeee .i-n-- A lot i 55flaouentueaive vd ni Mr.. jCada. W. Francs, s. --- We bave openeel ont a choice stock of gre 1 la lols t s in agraseta :t crsy Titrse, of niarcr.n a ýom.hae beu 1j rop drhap. ai T,hle, eua. Kgansi Ydrsnavdadnshpasaniaralesimwsoji. .r -M«. H~Iamin.arque ofesirliis nni. 1-z :LK AN ) coL.OIR1 D ý.je ...I .,ei-g ut he ib ltonifa, ,Idns b-ca -hec nfortiae an elBarls, elics.tsitte llchbeliina (Thic.0,w0. orr nnyayaA l-wool Frenchi Cashmeres. oinoccroooetai7.30 p. m ný . n ta lseo icn snad h e o Sto E oftibossahtii fatiref, Corr& Parse.,. hsiC nAio Ml'.. itis.,. Mlin, tanWacae ttay, May ceo iiont.. J. .H. M clsia Drag»ta, bus* -i. A. i'ner, Aactotser. has thc graiar. M. F.. mieliv. c,rri etî~s 3tae ansgjedrinkn os- it wil pay you to sec u 'f OloOs!ot, buonss i s- rd a.san ntaer- t.in.a R cA po a ndt he oo.olat eamilatonomoaelawssaitaet. ity rsca.îth e= =drslitense..ar Uo.aret oTl iOc . Jaunr i ais. ni-non. trt., m M.daaIfr EdraidSTOCK AND PR JUbIOE8 LA-tý . TeMapîr Lsetlsroner club Nerno. Onaslimote Toonhache CnresUylg ,f lai -tî jolayti * s t i seoroacoo happa...les i C scods o &reel eo aunilly noSa bsthe Etna, and roue litse c ao l on. .sid hy J. H. Mi oloine »tlt tr ahinos - -.. Ur ct . C isa-r... -ilang é.ciut a rFer,-,loeir, arvip fiiseai edrifgi 1 oo.celitollahr ,resait auThsrs. 1111î;tah.caa.Of the Cýatie Piolu, iy 22yl.h. scoatenesofsay ier>- MaItohat. A var,> mo larger areia1. suol, od lit-ilar.s cîbr arncia". :ton, aian Lutiyvnc hal eera wn î.ossieir. J . .sas-î,i.Milton. %va,lisen i ÀtMr. T. Stationne of ttis i>,apcAis & Jvêr(enplaint HMT R E . cheoi cfor $1Csrtl sah. for I -T RE e:-osolt t ssisianaArnty. MrStar. laitfnul, trhtfil, slil prceof75 1oaigris $4 pa o ntal iong m.lbe cent-lt fre stoorso.Ifoof otery vynptoso 0f-nt- tno-i 160 acr. siofiscý.me. ar ita. tlc4c.iotreen ct,,as le -si. iilt A X Uo.sgrea'oH-vad. co aîli oc tort auni gota hotle of 'io Fur Caps ýFuc Cape FooICpe . eftIiýl.h Vitoliaso, store hotle liasaa -o- A,'le l., Prtn lleot, bt oaprioitooil .c o n lost; t. oseordinRlo S. fl O>«,t er. ns d ifracer Ci<s. Tioteaoi if t -lcs voisone),tsi i i ciait u ]m 'g,%f3 70lac.l le l. ", el aslthe oy ha oy Fuc Celui , tîi . Ssi l'y J. il. MCOIIOM. :,t Jl- or,. Kngsd Jarret St..Ha- TI.vi.'rnltstcirn ntn c ord i nt1s a in Sn'Li.oeCArcAXIReney. AsiW in, 1 ton.ha.. icoccco hie ialrty ftsathe liai lin jasa iran ermnsittatSt. 3Manys. I s cue sfor CaraI, Diphthocon, Ceai 1,colo, ti t.at. Lat ecli a ioaffotrol poplo at Khartoum hy osihr I-. j Theeanie tuait parefanti on osinoali. t rn a. Wul iti ooolîtloacaformttd a d n c r eosobtto riteabsportionoa f the tan dittcscofsie delivery. Ther veadv sm-e- irelam Inges Ia ctanInjecter furth ,,sa<, 1 tof lokry itotosci rooto alaob Ibeoceu-oand et he palacer. csrdsrio etias gsaa ther cotate tabsffro s nn ,a neafl isasenra i ele hcos ..lt t.IlOto seail Ics,1 a bi g b a Wt OsoO h c ) btls m ha aevinl erhnc n ta h e pla it, ia n t etasc c arg e. rcSle I. oosulay. Wltte mthr sn.tcloîurnoofel nsa, lhall trey ta ubt il J. 1. Mcoslloun. le. co t, -lss l.eoahasMic. F. -S.Rosîh- Is itf-acccstlt,îotl ia -Il of gp..ddi,1. Sait sse ohrsiarcc -o i. ttot ice rso tiy fot, lo tta .sje..) -01,o!l'ami, tras colàtahaa lbe,%sal cfithe cotr anad jatgateni tet- - A crngregniotn nifvsrchipss ni aNor osc ir f-:ýlîela eualgia tîtas t ltinanls ft--ooic drrcd foc ose-arlsf thee haut. ase niehoi yZen o o ;ot f,,,,.r it attfsaoi otlolo .tato l ih-t u,] - Isolat Ohy boss 't yuu 1 the dite ie.tnand ilire psers klui a - -,, oleta., siy la un. so 1.i -i Il c11 ,,1 . Itoy..Sti c stige,5TIIEOlitAT FRIENCH RiE.%IrtY.--Dr. libe saioarist hiag @pareil. At iit wu,1lellut "l e tta cclile. J-etîot sb o r !aesnosa. ia1-y. kcl.i a ____ ril hentvstrtrndad a med h N .-ttiol5,sie r 000 .l.aooos ot ci FI.ctt 2,-... Atsta.batel lteli .iltas Fhi abse,, 1 o ryîy aei sot ~ ~ ~ lul itl.o csst Ntot t-~I l, J luto - sfaiulI-y thc grand tltcetslctrsptctitaJclra, a iimai onyley Ca itn. ». 11- grnd CCiotttas t es ts. t _,N , uryaitî %@,izeoot s etgat,,tther prel. p. rodiocclheyCold. Nceot à so t ea. Cur sdfstn ln ital attua oe.Ni .1 0, W îstîî *, Ci,*, oo",l itI . l.o ndi l tt g.,it il. Gtttttt J. il scttc.,tliet.hluotYork.tPhilaelprîhie, Lcaennor amn na-ttc. l. ItitlstO .st,,n Ki ot, trl e l adl aain re.isn . W l11,l. OtJ OtO. I Otc.y Ntsot. I-c, tioho .tttcleont.oîîîcetiscc c soloagisut, teatptcllt c0 ttcsccaî 1to - ccay ef Pecnms ighi lrbas ses rvs il il-'lr -be l M tngo fsdte - lrite. I ot a boule, nid fit helpiv sM o- 55 tcitc oplotaoo bot ~ î.i-:L SSI i) îtAiL M hNKIND - ci o5anay. 1Iattni he al euh Billens . ft sfilebue oaclytsg olaîi~î0,t e s . Vaeainc Baer, BakerFPcha, es crrndiardiaeeition nmlthinli nayasn coosc ri h.tuco l-as pro soetIiàlttantd toSrsistLonaonNlsottay fran,a Egypi. coolt ibe, 1 havetrion tese otli andam lait,.,,$41.ontsniir ld let a o l i frlo no fttt fi fil l, oftttaoootin r ne ptt stHi " r Îii e hepese t .n nlsé erywl ndcs si sl do i 0005 .t toh itltfeh o uftstihafa cooI" , Nt t t..tolco t ltî ienr.sto.o)Iltlstc L ittb iercrd iopportunes, ason in east tab . niahoatinhtsclisg sme. 1lian t ali -lute, tio Inharjilace oifoc -c l u i, t 0 oo. I teg-l of t u hlO hsoto, r he 5cm Pc of ciWaica, tat .je f n ambetertieaalevr xec s eociliec. Fc c-o. tcJtt100t5 te tuttttll -ottl cote s asicsi champion. trial boul. etJ.H, MoCllorai SI ""W-ef Nt taeco to- t gcandl tttto.l loter in IotiIilszotlit lt tt.,ld cesbntinirerefftct litatof thenmotidctestbndaof lie Jsssey atliinNew Iogttz o a..a tstockhtsotfbcrvtlttct.t w I'Ael l, ol"o-110.000.0 tootolltts Eî.--tic msiaiuoiltaîc icoTetiàm Etc Ysr- hlaelCsk, eSfo te bdnsa SI î.î.~. a cc i~- i 'or i, - 1. î-otl oi .tl-i a soco. T. mnh Campion Cap,. ,atc tiahsd IIIt-.Jot utl t. i l «rîtt.b fo.Ig ýtt .ot I Ocg e tîson -T I ncm osd hisaurc heiainingilis higlrsi average on riacri- 1L1 ..1os S., lsuilon.k toi t I I . . lot1 .-r eu]% foifty ent% pcondanotnlppcssessesnraea dil ig tn. ftsti- otootin tlt er a to le, o sltole ottt. 610l, Itl .tl too t Iloo o io.ss si i.notncnlianribhy eapraiontalin>. 0.le e, I llto.l..1 ,. ilocbcs-gc ,f ii nt aeith a Rientg elian tnitio tlo-sthe.toi. ap..il cc tog tel .il N i-m- -119 if uŽ. l -l,- 1iT C n d. tar e l cie, a i s a spans, cern R U I bt u.t lot t e l..oiiolotc s all costo-c .-atCloe a d .11. t t -etited T O NI JIY S".yont i"",y sit bil yourloargos(tsotrfoc. ri edie loahrciiiaaa nns e nthics duachier I E lit reltto.cs Etra nlessiofth o inm t ai i a ti csctcs efy is. n Oo ol to o. 000 t.,oto oc51 Kîo-it, E II SC ..S O T O E forie ci aot arrr ady nti sine nd tOt-tOloto J lots. T ic.o cinte b410e tI gid-tt s oh loI33eDto % t oit cnetimintily il ta eqomally-efcaoal. B F R U IThCD BOEO 'l«,, l- '- siIt lioule, o -o - toCit. Oceo lsîlo o . loog,, 1. e ligo th D ck un r na iT 8 cos in ler sigtotgaineibock rheuc minmeootoccsooandlotht 'u totoa. , J- tttl.loaoie .f!ilt-l i o,, iJI i i ng lier llo t . otD c ttte s agranit praompcttdlactt tolai tate J' t-i't t .....in %til to-to.c Sifo te ht gi igtt-t,ail llc. o v lt taitofoaatttaotaebireandctiyeui l i toto. 0-J-otoo, Agtoo ttti,0.t te bnl, ___Dr ueo. A llin adtottie nLallea tlitan. H-H 3 E L & C ý H LS i o-Joe Oli.- ,ooat -Pouttcd linalot 00 to0tO ftt oa.e pr o rpasotl l loy re mnOR th e o in- tl J o-..oct toi es toe , ooac ottt ttel , iltt o ,e5Ot prc lvotts l ainTs hc ora c tti. ForI itCorilReiicrctl -tt oitt 0-.a- a".50 Ito ehooayo. o,,, -pa oostoiilt f. atoota 02crP TOW S I OFT A LG R 10 lto. eloo yt i00.~tot~c shotg o -.I-,FH teao,lpcotttceti o iSs tep i s m noatocatio y oploient r oci t ttetps oaeceinl blt 00eapt-ot stlle -t, of i.adgt i.laoeI aaîr ,Ccotol y moccet mtîtat -,eie a seItit. Ca te OU Éttt oefsc t osyacl sfla neaa tio toe ii h o- t.tooeitlt o'tt is i tisaCc ittcic tetohfi.9tr>be 'nltto t n on eypces soDt roit, finit Pti0gils fo i J.e K. A PPELBE.Moda -'r Me0 , i o in c Ot ltT e ttay's azttse otto retat o. it asse rtsre hctag a nti l May lOtît, 1884. i tonr.ip Clati tIl', yeartsisirat, toiporalt(et hostttni sits extraditiongtOsetaswiy. bc- amoitl___&0 au, tu the 2nd day ofâ l 1878,sgjalottl-t totaa5ewrsissus fe sathaan six ed xruli eao tas c n s tla adt 1 nt fHeaigcmlit gi h sm Ot0too0N5&.N0 W.000s0ttttl.tltcgo et-ctlotiotty in. S t ,n Ko - Fe - e,asp itihft e il"ccattet iee r, u etRol e 84 t o-v ocsa.nt.-pl., c.st patape sh halvc cr eDis nte o r m-s at D ly pr i e c ae t seitMy ibos tb4.j H D IlsCerk 1'tJlt .11.sy i ati ibV ot. s cl c- Sblasbsnbttiais tsnti aechtatgt SU co.N a a.. a fijn-osiflc t atlr.f ahfc bata lt, i 50 i<t.otsri ic e O000 h loliato iccoto a .le Toot,-rie ys:n-Myiewatt i ,m hTE a cl ee 1 W.et yOl t o. ocht lotI, ol e ttefeltv long lime-.ailhoeriaitîehciIm olta p H i gofa. , le,asg y,tNloc - Oh Wha, ut i isi,: . ta rl e tctcset s n s s c.ls tssttttealthe TtcolOtton c, Iitraicoc 1;>o cnur ne ritetiiisishe satil Nortrop, L fs s glof e l e c, totickestatit eatale, picca. oleaailagcolr buWehp ha eea iii oso ieti oan setoitCr. T l- fi aa>Ita ste mafot. aielF ea,ri enh l le 1t etooste tlfsco and GeIro-.ocn butbrustorotrelst itt. ne h hl na. tnr Ba i îa o sd& D i h tsssrcolstctfottoteott cIaoocol C tier.c-euorg n taiesai oaiv t h . cze om st D RE S OO tl- le %Iltt)iift. wising by1o e Oh , h t astlîcc i ss ocsraille isi.cand ntrriasîse i tooltsogSe t. Wr bote aosafcao c gy ati. cutspri.c. Bulto i, he nso Fin Te tOed fi,>3 ti rt2ed ta f r ar 1 lcolfocltîtaf.....tlaaritersiacIlCo th s Asm Is:ieo allrsti es t.p ine a l ei sprin ea u.Ilcoi i tti l as Co e cod ttc nt,. tgf t h e -c C.iig. T e, li.ctfhi lfl. at meSrlatapo Fe a'îiltcti iiji.pr ri louacr tasa olie ielio, sieriiag oSariteauacad ofni seaialne ditla cg al f se re ac. Esl-sCi ns trmet-.c et acual iihcpNewe rseiya - th Wlfni, tel ccpt o o ssa-I tio. tachlis riD. i. re la n othoot f voishe tattitoti ircca. viceo isl ae, aalprsss D.RESS GOODS. 50 -i. Ftu ooche bikandoos cego resiatormian tiw ielesp ntie inth.c. fSali le-H. e olkowfo in lr. Batty ntea iss.Re u cIt e rcr in0he 60 hiar. ooai.nta. e ardg>. rltc.tice tadea mi nititacas'ttics pcooCureg vaterem oastiltered incthei ttaiiltc si Dy b~ ~eaiis iA l l ts Gprad. t l p r ad ITheSs eeo) aioct illoaah s ethe saonoiOie mas Bact e at tenartio t e eet [liscc t- a cqu sas.iticee ac crnaigmaiey 0e'c ciie t . o.,,. sAIt,e ea.ititiabanstrn.Fo aine c. nasmd obr. Hraoer togaun t apn he re DRESS GOODS. u__ _ _ _ _ _ nieoeccsprine eisad i$4hm foc sbn àÀa PistoliseTU in ME LOtietBruile t ~ ~ ~ s Black. Bid.0e PeASn hT TO eE STE P i hat escitle id e50.nt sa i rrl.RIaY bcOSote C-B. n 00 101. 0 TO.1 11.Page. odyJ H i ti.M. otmi t aiprftm tOfe ec Pne"*is 0 MY TL OSUM COT --l tBit o.waste ni . arls .itlie Pda, nyiLeu i STUMriE. C lotH JeCttaitmiw uhae "Dny eame 1,roa sere aige as r e ls startepmu ch as.GEYitTIPEn 1nlt irl lin o, mea t s Cai tii n mhesa aaicecsl - tCisim. h as ti end.ma ein oc .o »sir- ol. os Anicr Aie NItb î ,e 44 pc aîî tliai o u fa tl o fina &ly aia a0ca n . raiti ati . af en, aa 1.-ll- -IlAl e adi'tsd ieres eaalce p Mr.emchsinle. He ehroncaealte xptose tse 'l ,c A a.jcijpr eseei~ , ~ y aiti dia y ni a in arais- ta O S f«,'u lcBpep settf L imoq e ant.dae ~ phuaeii eented crena St b o aaý iie l e t.i l4soase for h90,ad atiaesa, GREYCOSTni E CLGTeaHKs-enl Il Il, fNactcrJ.ctcstaalt îi .h fr-e il. ProfPinse.$n00d rs..seian hai he YTL OTUECL e) ots, lIers. E1.,ai e C~~0ein- oientmfor.yiscien te t beiCgne. He BLC ADWIATE CHEC' Casli- taatlen anes griss s , ai ln- l. rcm .ag l ireNhilse e iOtt5t.ttat5natScohnsetitutiosavliai, ishtfois Ces e h e m Depahefoarit GREYSeee, IPS.lsceIi efieditismobf-ftcls cultin akngCodgi anti l a.,laeproitewei da gera.a . oatnelsyshl. olant er ewSe hox A rb ieo. ilW. Fam, aI.,heris tien doa ct i.ntassui, e ai , l ot s c7.a .pined t a at s i s. naea .4 wofiM estviia of a aMnny, r ni usse , m ia N rt p seîsn i. nam etrssamca edmrsandcentarrocceea n s. aesj sa, r eieiSl ci alt liteiltataanti aititril, e-__ L_ __e __ __ amni la lars circulamienti b.. Bieia Salme. sn Blel Sila, Nm 5,,arc .mpnei' cablalsmacsi caruvie nrae ajounalise anad cte.i ARNii 1 N. Il at sg .le n o th b e r 1 E r îh. mcmiofthaima0' le Ils"47 '95 t , Illa e the uai n s f. so iee n d - . i e I p vrit f esG o s,6K-o w MrtbtisaasinaUs sriglisad dosi t e.p t a ii Le sM aor.amBe ihatt m e ie. A eelai a- Sirti ieiyc . r.ca e Tc ,'b it 1Oi.Ai Ibm BmEa. in. s enataaai sacr . o s ru s csdi tir Us:l taaSmm o a neseCr5e snaflia.IeGnlm.le hl C.Vit.o Emisea, nsil.., itdcgit tgai sg sIa aar Msi.eflismt. ps a ist~na c n e . ems e ~ ~ te rimoPais n S a ndsisa. no tia..ent ______atofCapbell-________ ;anti pn«ianfoilmelnal isthle munoevss nague ne sais Tb. D M M KN fele eî a t h incisimma idnêiec For er skisnd je e, 5 Onitheimn f SeptLU. D resm ei hsai M Bausans. eCcD ~ ~ ~ E. aaalismc.siie e i sI il fIbni ý h !g bruaeC iea.ad Ca.5an tlssd cSsdevietsa.ias uiosi, nd III un or '-on MIS P5i4E . .siemm,.s.W r a. istitssi rue ae' hsoiià's"ileaie-.N.. B181 Bâtiea. wBessâ, ilk , N Stt nlahalc.. l obnii- isnstionA HESETl sit unomol. Sl ean Ieles.sd aetY. '-t-'ma Nwlaege ains e Clrit.l iha'ait~l.t atileaii tsis ls Thsee ei î. -aerai for Sa. î lasi se he.sadshtaiaNednriamei.sB. s>ste f snsteali' sstae, tis e nd va. ata enta4,it. AuT h é, aitasimj.l ssi v5das las ma=nel de.mute ya> napu. 1ýYih.d.t m ! Hillthe Rev J E. tte, eigratin doisa aot ki pamiith th wlai Siasi si N il ay marer.. f 4-s Dr.Ioliihy New '~ eetc4*~ac bd hit ,Men's & Boys-' Suits, Pants Shirts, Etc., HAS ARRUVED THIS MORN .d -So You Can-.- Lok u Frreg AS THE STOCK liAS BEEN BOIJGIT AT A DJSCOJN' Also Arriving To-day, 100 Barrels of Extra Bright Sugar, of which we wi E 1884 m PR NG 1884 *Oui- Stock loi- the Iea-soiiîlis moivCompicte, and ie arc prepared to plete range of ENGLISII, SCOTCH, AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTED, DIAGONALS, BI Andi offer thiem at Saleable Figures, H1altonians, Corne and See FINIGAI THE LION CTJSTOII lcLo'rHING. HOTJSEP HAMIJ ARRIVED and Opened Up To-day at HOLLI New Colored and Black Taffota AT Jersey 3,Glovon HOllilr2,k1'0 New Mualîras. vou will sec Every LM Parasols. Lace Curtaino, 3 yds long, for $1 ronnding col Bibhono. a pair. n npc LasCran. Ho.aery. The heaviest 10c. Cottesain Milton.sock ofpeet Lace Certaine. Sfllendid Browno Linen, 12*J .;stckoeri ttplendid bMantle SUIt, at $1. &ar bl.25 a yard. Gond Featlier Ticking l5c. per .,;0 koul Large aaeortanso f Bensirdand yard. Chenille Orniamens. 9 Strier Hats 25C. New Ottoman Drese Gondo, But- Wall Paper ansd Bordera an imn- Ea'ery ePsà oa 'itaeiatali, mense variety to choose from. tomers in Il Je iransueber, 16 Ibo rewn Suger o $, etHOLLIIRAKEO,. Butter sud EW watid To elt C TOWN 0F MILTON. N w SIRN OR FOR SALE., or 0 eisosSUMMER A ~~ - ~';;~: NTu~r..n.renroî icrna e *RAVI Asim YD T C %rllatE. OV T - A-asT aulra 04 nTe,.rUc2 C. F i NTonsof il is ha,, nC]fiesdkO dRt April th, 144. t tnge f-th niya h.19" on csi 1 ChaBssa or ah.parp..of h"mw scanpiaintsinuat laéunI3.fl t. he A .s f or 18". Cisrh's Offices. 1.' JCTNE. CLOTH ING J MciW.T. cyras rearil . e Milton, > May. 8". Tne l..r )Ches etas iler csssdseo a Cneseescsi hargs modirnts. Au tho Iafst îNe, aMv@beFu >5 15 Ù4. I 35 .8. FIR8T8$EMI-ANANUAL Hilou. M, Sel 1ai GRLE&T SIilo.ayli.W FUR FU £VERYUOY. Ai BY PUBLIC AUCTIOZC. tAss-oar c r TWe.rOamm55u 0 ALEXANDER.- mas ~in1d r- va TP a F O R O T O A' m m.b u = 1 a U . . .4 goMOMMetamu, - . 13 A - i. i 44 p amounting to 82 le Grand j$1,OOO) One Thousand Dollarstobo Giv n A We wif commence on SATtJRDAY MORNING, MAY 10 to give away wîth every pacel o0 (two dollar) or ove> a ticket that wilentitle theholder tosauopportunity at the hieý Distribution of obtai Ing-ou. df the followimg pames: 1 Grand Borvoci Piano, vaine $400. 1 Grils> Cabinet Organ. 'q 1 LadiesGold Wean ud Chain, $75. 1iutrl Plaid Bilver T« 1 1 Ladies' Himting Cmee 0,11Wa"a, $50. - tiSii aPigéemas 1 Elegasat Berng Maahine, $30.1MDe46yrsPi Beantifel 8Sver PlatetI Caetor, iWitli aBottins, sisi. 1 i le B D i P 1 Ladies Open Fsei Bilver Watch, $10. 1i Suer Batte, Diab.Be 1 Hland4oimely Embroitirreti Piano Cover, $6.25. 1 BtaisPlateecastor, e Bd 16 Yards Coloreti Dreu.Goodi.. $4. ILadies'Buating cssei 1 Timmed Hat or Bonnet, $5. 1 Ai-I-o Black 01nh 1 Pair Lsdies' Coitti Frenchi Kid Gloe, $1. 1 Pair 14ae Cartaies., $a.L 1 Pair Dr. Bai'. Beaiub Corseta, $1150. 1 Ladies'-Bilk Lace Seut 1 Peint Dcc.., 8 yard., $1. I Lades' Enlser circular. 1 Beaitifal Parler ClocI, $5. 1 Pair Ladies' 4-clap Kid Wreill begin on SÂTURDÂT MORNING, THE lOtIa MAY, te give away tickets. The rsi ticket wilI trav the.P andi racl ticket a. it is dracea cn$1 ral for the Hliglaest Priced Pr ia.rnmainisg onth li. *'AIl the tickets yl ho atrawsi; and in fulien of tien public, as a baket containing alilthse tickets wtil bie planeti in nues of onr lauge show windowsd tickets ose by oneeuntal th. 26 prises are dr.wn. Tlie publiecmcanne froauitee ntaide tisai eveything is faie anti bona eale ticket te ths public an tInt they h ei prise number anti taise iden. Il the gooti.Wn lb. en exibuitionî taure iapublic cm men andijndgeeloirssir es oS theien suinenen of tleis Grand Preseatation snheme. PRATT & WATIKI!N Livre Dry Goods Men, 16 & 18 Jas. St. NortIL Hamlt, pi10184 lihenreont tise ergi", Id about 4 yeaie acisec, hlt ill tase sent' tue The claild ilidi ie bidons in a Son dlays, rests, 16 bs for $1. CO i very coin- AND DOES 9, ONT. liton antiaur- mquctet i t mli la's magnifieesh gootis. th. tople as- e onit sbapes. oods wble LUSE. l!a Bewg. ns iss falS je ma 51.. ta m "S a Al.ni A"*Mie4 et ss Isedsl de B tissé Bilk. $84. 'e.il. $9. o. id. $15. Ne., $0. -1 - m Mbo%,Pm

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